How to choose a sport (sports section) for a child: we take into account all the important points. Paid or free section? Choosing a sport, taking into account the physique of the child

Age: "For children about sports"

Children about sports

What is sport:

Sport is the main component of physical education. Also in sports, competitions are organized in various sports disciplines (sports) - from banal football to windsurfing. Sports can be amateur and sometimes professional.

As it was before… :

The first attempts at the emergence of sport arose among the cavemen; it was a struggle. V Ancient Greece there was already a wide variety of sports. The most developed were various types of wrestling, running, throwing discs and chariot competitions.

Who is an athlete?

An athlete is a person who practices any kind of sport professionally or amateur

Professional sports

These are sports in which athletes compete for awards and participate in competitions.

Amateur sport is a sport where a person does whatever sports he wants.

Kinds of sports

There are a lot of sports: swimming, jumping, running, wrestling, tennis, hockey, football, basketball, golf, volleyball, throwing, gymnastics.

Sports are divided into group and individual.

More than one person involved:


1 person involved:


Every athlete receives awards!

Awards are prizes received by an athlete in competition.

These are medals, cups, wreaths, bowls, figurines, certificates.

Awards and diplomas

Athletes train for 4 hours a day in order to compete

Types of competitions:



World (World Championship)

European (European Championship)

Any competition is judged by judges. Their number depends on the sport and the type of competition. This is from 2 to 8 judges!

The most important competitions are Olympic Games... They are held every 4 years.

There are summer and winter


They exist so that the athlete can train his muscles and simply keep fit.

Nutrition for athletes

Athletes spend a lot of energy, therefore, in their food it is necessary to consume protein, as well as carbohydrates and fats, but in smaller quantities. Proper nutrition the athlete provides him with good health, to win the competition


A sports team game, the goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, using individual dribbling and passing the ball to partners with the legs, head and other parts of the body - except for the arms. The team with the most goals wins the match.

A sports team game on an ice or grass field, in which a ball or puck is hammered into the opponent's goal with special clubs.


There are two teams playing basketball. The object of the game is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the other team from gaining possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The ball is played only with hands.


A team sports game in which two teams compete on a special area separated by a net, trying to direct the ball (only with hands) to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court.

A sports game with a ball and rackets on a special area (a court divided by a net. The goal of the game is to hit the ball with the racket to send the ball to the opponent's half so that he could not hit it or hit it off with a violation of the rules.


A sports game with a shuttlecock and rackets on a court divided in half by a net. The goal of the game is to land the shuttle on the side of the opponent and prevent him from falling on his side.


A sport that involves overcoming certain distances by swimming in a minimum amount of time.

Sports team game with an oval-shaped ball on a special site. The goal of the game is to pass the ball to each other with your hands (only back) or with your feet (in any direction, to land it in the in-goal or kick into the goal (in the form of the letter H) of the opponent).

Team sports game with a ball and a bat. There are two teams involved. The essence of the game: the players of the attacking team, stand in turn at the base and hit the ball sent to them with a bat. While the ball is flying, the players run from one base to another. The defenders try to catch the ball and hit the "defector" with it.

Sports acrobatics.

Kind of sport, competition in execution acrobatic exercises associated with maintaining balance (balancing) and rotation of the body with and without support.

Riddles about sports

1. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?

What is this net in the yard?

Would you mind the game

You'd better walk away.

We play ... ___

2. There is a game in the yard in the morning,

The kids played out.

Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" -

So there is a game -…. ___

3. In this sport, players

All are agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball beats loudly on the floor, So it is.

4. Everyone kicks the ball, kicks,

As a nail is driven into the gate,

Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal! ".

The ball game is called ... ___

5. One hit with a racket -

The shuttlecock flies over the net.

Seryozha, although he hit hard,

The shuttlecock hit the net.

Anton won today.

What did you play? V ___

6. The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.

Andrey and I play together.

We go out to the court together.

We hit the ball with rackets.

And against us - Andre and Denis.

What are we playing with them? V … __

7. Boxers have a projectile - a punching bag.

And in this sport "fruit" is better.

An athlete is hammering the ball there

At the gate in the form of the letter H,

The ball is very similar to a melon.

What kind of sport can you name?

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Designing the process of forming initial ideas about some sports in older preschool children


Relevance of the topic

Every year, the percentage of children with deviations in health increases, there is a tendency for a continuous increase in the general level of the disease among preschoolers. This is due to the mass of negative phenomena. modern life: severe social upheavals, environmental distress, low level of development of the institution of marriage and family; massive spread of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction; weak healthcare system, insufficient material base educational organizations and the educational potential of the family.

One of the priority directions for the implementation of the strategy of preschool education in modern conditions is the preservation and strengthening of children's health by means of development in the system of organizations of preschool education. physical culture and sports, the active introduction of health-saving technologies, the development of a health-saving environment.

One of the tasks of the physical development of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 17.10.2013 N 1155) is the development motor activity, the formation of initial ideas about some sports.

Physical activity contributes to the improvement of the activity of the main physiological systems of the body - nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, improvement of the physical development of children, education of moral and volitional qualities. It is very valuable that organized physical activity contributes to the upbringing of positive character traits in preschoolers, creates favorable conditions for the upbringing of friendly relations in the team. It can be organized outdoors in summer and winter, which is an effective means of hardening the child. At preschool age, the need for physical activity is natural, initial ideas about some sports will allow preschoolers to independently organize physical activity, contribute to the development of interest in sports.

This year our country took part in the Olympic winter games, which required a lot of preparation for this event. Were built sport complexes, stadiums, the younger generation has increased interest in classes different kinds sports.

The analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature, as well as the revealed shortcomings of pedagogical practice, show that there are a number of contradictions:

1.between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education to the conditions for the implementation of preschool education and the real state of conditions in domestic municipal kindergartens for the physical development of preschoolers;

2. the real volume of physical activity of children during the day is not fulfilled (sports games, sports events);

3. Insufficient level of theoretical and practical training of educators in matters of health preservation of preschoolers.

Professional problem: how to organize the educational process in the older group, aimed at the formation of primary ideas about some sports in older preschool children.

Tasks, the solution of which will provide a new educational result aimed at solving the problem.

1. To outline the ways of formation of initial ideas about some kinds of sports among children of senior preschool age.

2. Determine the content of ideas about sports that are available for understanding and mastering by older preschool children.

3. To develop a mechanism, identifying the methods, means, techniques and forms of work for the formation of primary ideas about some sports in older preschool children.

4. Determine the possible achievements of children as a result of the implementation of the developed mechanism.


The mechanism of the formation of initial ideas about some sports in older preschool children

Components of models Models of the organization of the upbringing and educational process in the logic of FSES DO

Joint activity of a teacher and children Conditions for independent activity of children Cooperation

with parents

OD Regime moments

Target Component 1. Cognitive Experience Tasks for Children

1.1 To form in children initial ideas about sports included in athletics(running, jumping, throwing)

1.2 To give an idea of ​​safety when performing basic movements

1.3 To acquaint children with the history of the Olympic Games.

2. Tasks focused on emotional experience for children

2.1 To form in children a stable interest in athletics.

2.2 To foster the need for physical activity in the family.

2.3 Ensure interaction of the preschool institution with the family through physical culture leisure and holidays with elements of athletics.

3. Tasks aimed at children gaining experience of action

3.1 To form elementary skills to organize the environment for performing basic movements (running, throwing, jumping).

3.2 Develop physical qualities such as endurance, agility, reaction speed

3.4 Exercise in the technique of performing basic movements: running, throwing, jumping.

Topic: "Kinds of sports

The topic "In a healthy body, a healthy mind"

Topic: "History of the Olympic Games"

Final event

Topic: "Sportsman's ABC"

1. "Summer sports"

2. Songs: "A coward does not play hockey" (music by A. Pakhmutov, lyrics by N. Dobronravov, O. Grebennikov performed by E. Khil, "Olympics-Sochi"

(music and lyrics by S. Yarushin. Fidgets)

3. Finger gymnastics"Aty-bats were soldiers"

4. The teacher reading the poem by S. Olegov "I love sports very much since childhood"


1. "Autumn Marathon"

2. "We are athletes"

1. Creative activity "My talisman"

2. Reading G. P. Shalaev "Big Book about Sports", children's encyclopedia "Section about Sports"

3. Watching cartoons: "Wait a minute", a collection of cartoons about the Olympics.

5. D / games: "Cut pictures", loto, dominoes "Summer sports"

6. Conversation: "My family's favorite sport"

7.C / R play

"We will build a stadium."

8. Reading proverbs and sayings.

9. Making medals for the winners of the relay

Actual developing subject-spatial environment

Photo album "Famous athletes";

Subject pictures about sports

Sports Posters

Placement of works of art on the topic in the book corner;

Attributes for the role-playing game "We will build a stadium";

Children's songs about sports;

Paints, colored pencils; felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper, plasticine

Physical culture, sport equipment(balls, baskets, skittles, hoops, ribbons, sandbags, skipping ropes, masks - hats)

1. "National Games with Sports Elements".

2. "Organization of motor activity of children outside the kindergarten."

3. “What makes up our health”.

4. "Sports family".

Technological (procedural) component of OD 1

1. Conversation "Healthy lifestyle"

2. D / game "Take away unnecessary".

3. Guessing riddles about sports

1. Conversation "Sports and Safety"

2. Physical education "We got up to exercise together."

3. D / and "Magic Cube"

1. Creative storytelling "I am an athlete"

2. Viewing the photo album "Visiting the Olympians"

3. Finger gymnastics "My family".

Final event

1. Sports entertainment "I remember"

2. Photo collage "Do Physical Education"

3. Olympic quiz Forms of organization

Methods and techniques

1. Conversation.

2. Didactic game.

3. Role-playing game.

4. Reading works of art.


1. Outdoor games.

2. Relay

3. The path of health.

1. Discussion of proverbs and sayings about sports.

2. Productive activities (drawing, modeling).

3. Watching cartoons.

4. Reading.

5. Role-playing game 6. Didactic game.

How to interact with materials and attributes

Methods and techniques

Encouragement to joint consideration, discussion, storytelling;

Encouragement to make attributes and materials for a role-playing game;

Encouragement to portray the impressions received (what they saw, what they remembered, what they liked the most);

Encouraging the initiative and activity of children. Forms and methods of interaction

Round table

Photo exhibition


Participation in the design of a thematic album (providing photos of parents and children).

Composing stories with children

Effective component

(possible achievements of the child) Has basic knowledge of sports ( Athletics) .

He mastered the safety rules when performing basic movements.

Strives to engage in physical education and sports.

Knows the qualities that allowed the athletes to become the winners of the Olympiad.

Has an idea of ​​the history of the Olympic Games.


1. Personnel conditions: educators senior group, musical director, teacher of fine arts.

2. Scientific and methodological conditions:

"Physical culture in kindergarten" L. I. Penzulaeva. Library of the program "From birth to school" 2012

3. Material and technical conditions:

Record player



Outdoor sports ground

Movement center in the group

Physical culture, sports equipment (balls, baskets, skittles, hoops, ribbons, sandbags, skipping ropes, masks - hats)

Organizational conditions

Development of OD abstracts, a scenario of the final event;

Development of plans-summaries of forms of work with parents;

Selection of cartoons about sports

Selection of musical accompaniment for sports entertainment

Project for children of primary preschool age "Sports in the life of kids"

Project theme:

"Sports in the life of kids"

Type: Cognitive and informational, group.

Duration: short term

Terms of implementation: November 2013 account. year

Project participants: children of the 2nd nursery group, teachers.

Educational areas: "Physical culture," Cognition "," Health "," Communication "," Music "

Purpose: To develop children's interest in physical education and sports. And also the formation of the need for new knowledge about ways to maintain and improve health.

Tasks: Acquaintance of children with different kinds of sports; development

positive motivation for going in for sports and introduction to a healthy lifestyle; expansion of the child's motor capabilities, due to the development of new movements; enrichment with knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports; the formation of interest in sports; arouse parents' interest in cultural leisure activities with children

Stages of project implementation

1 preparatory

creation of filing cabinets

Outdoor games

Morning gymnastics complex

viewing sports illustrations to introduce children to sports

reading poetry about sports

participation in the opening of the mini-olympiad

Stage 2. Working with parents

Consultations "how to teach a child to do morning exercises", "How to get a child interested in physical education", "Exercising is fun", "Prevention of flat feet", "Hardening the child's body"

Exhibition of photographs "we are athletes"

3 stage final

presentation of the project "Sports in the life of kids"

forms of project implementation

Carrying out morning exercises

Physical education classes

Working with illustrative material

Walk in physical activity

Participation in the "Cheerful warm-up" competition

Making riddles

Reading poetry about sports

The intended result

Development physical qualities children

Form the need for physical activity.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of physical and psychological health. It is during this period that the intensive formation of the functional systems of the body takes place, the main personality traits are formed, the character is formed, the attitude towards oneself and others It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions under which the full physical development of children is realized, the need for movement is realized.

We begin the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle and playing sports with the education of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills

Held daily morning exercises with musical accompaniment, which allows you to tune children in a positive way

We introduce sports in the classroom and in everyday life

The group has created conditions for sports

Skiing contributes to the development of spatial orientation and coordination of movements, as children ski in conditions of constant changes in the terrain

Ski lessons have a beneficial effect on the formation of posture

Walking on a limited plane promotes coordination of movements

And walking on the massage path has a double effect.

Ball games hone vision and movement in concert

Outdoor games with attributes teach orientation in space

Children attended the opening ceremony of the mini-olympiad

Children are happy to work out in the gym

Children of our group took part in the "Cheerful warm-up" competition

performed the "Carousel" dance

The project was compiled by the educator Minenkova S.A.

Physical culture and child health

The role of physical culture is invaluable. Moderate loads contribute to the full formation of the muscular skeleton and joints, make breathing deeper, help remove harmful substances from the body, have a positive effect on the digestion process and form the correct posture.

And what can we say about the emotional component: a sports person feels strong, vigorous, happy, confident, beautiful and agile!

Sports for preschool children

Swimming... Strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, the nervous system, normalizes blood circulation and respiration. In addition, it hardens and, accordingly, increases resistance to various diseases.

All crumbs can be offered the most elementary, simple exercises or games on the water in the pool. It is recommended to practice effectively from 6–8 years old, when the children can already listen with concentration and attentiveness, distinguish “right” from “left” and are completely familiar with parts of their body.

Football, volleyball and basketball... Popular team games develop the ability to win and yield, prevent scoliosis and flat feet, build muscle.

Little players learn to interact, help a teammate and quickly navigate a difficult situation.

Rhythmic gymnastics... For "princesses" over 4 years old. Plasticity and flexibility, graceful posture are acquired, self-esteem increases, flat feet are excluded.

Coordination and clarity of movements are honed, girls become more musical and artistic, free and liberated.

Horseback riding... Its popularity is gaining momentum. Communication with kind, calm animals decides psychological problems, improves the general condition, the ability to maintain balance, heals and prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

You can do it closer to 5 years.

Tennis... Suitable for older preschoolers. Leaping ability, concentration, assertiveness, endurance, excellent coordination and reaction - these characteristics develop on the court.

In addition, the work of blood vessels and the heart improves.

Skis. Great option for hardening, gaining independence, endurance, organization. Better to start from 4 to 6 years old.

Dancing... Ballroom, folk and modern, any - increase efficiency, give plasticity and artistry, improve the cardiovascular system.

How to choose a sport?

Before you enroll your baby in any section, consult with him. If you dreamed of playing hockey, but did not become the second Ovechkin, then you should not "mold" your son into a hockey player. He is a different person.

Consult a doctor who will assess your health status and give the necessary recommendations. Meet the future coach, find out his qualifications, listen to feedback.

Notes for parents... Clothes and footwear for training should be liked by a young "athlete", then he will visit them with great pleasure.

If your child is disappointed in his choice, find out what is the matter: even a small bruise or an absurd fall from a projectile can be very upsetting. Support him, convince him of the need to overcome difficulties. But, if he is beyond his strength, then the training should be stopped.

Sport in children's lives is a reliable platform for successful development. Therefore, always encourage them. A tiny victory today is a huge success tomorrow!

Material from the site

Consultation for parents

"Introduction of preschool children to physical culture and sports."

"At what age and what kinds of sports can preschool children be taught?" - this is a question that parents often ask coaches. And, often, they are surprised when they hear in response: "It's high time!"

Of course, it is too early to talk about real sports at preschool age, but various types of games and entertainment with elements of sports are quite accessible to children 5-6 years old.

The kindergarten upbringing program, starting from the age of 3, provides for sports entertainment: sledges, sliding on ice paths, cycling, playing on the water. In middle, senior and preparatory groups added skiing, swimming, badminton, skating, towns, table tennis.

Games, sports entertainment and physical exercises can not be carried out on an empty stomach and in a poorly ventilated area. They should not be started immediately after a meal: at least 30 minutes should elapse after a meal. Stop sports activities it is necessary 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

When starting classes, it should be borne in mind that children are not the same in their own way. physical development, character, health. The load in games is dosed taking into account individual and age characteristics, mood and well-being of the child.

Preschool children tend to overestimate their strengths and often flirt (to the detriment of their health). Therefore, both learning and the game itself cannot be long: they must be alternated with rest. Games of great activity are replaced by calm ones.

It is better not to finish the game a little, so that the game for the child is always tempting, attractive and does not harm health.

The load during the game should be distributed evenly to all muscle groups, and should increase gradually from year to year.

Parents can and should help the child to choose the mode of movement, beautiful posture, teach

breathe correctly, without holding your breath, in accordance with physical exercise, deeply, evenly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Each game and sports activity has clearly defined boundaries, lasts a certain time, but the parents do not outward signs can determine if the load exceeds the physical capabilities of the child. Under normal exertion, breathing quickens, the face turns pink, the child is slightly sweating, but vigorous and cheerful.

Excessive stress affects nervous system child, appetite is lost, sleep is disturbed. In this case, you need to reduce the load or even stop training altogether.

Clothing should be appropriate for the weather, the type of game, the stage of training (at the beginning of training - ordinary clothes, then - sportswear), individual characteristics, age, gender, degree of hardening and the state of health of the child. Sportswear should be light, comfortable, warm, do not restrict movement, do not interfere with free breathing, blood circulation, do not irritate the skin of children.

Winter clothing: a jacket that protects well from the wind, a ski suit (woolen or brushed) or a coat (preferably woolen), a warm scarf and mittens. Shoes - woolen boots with thick soles or leather boots (ski, skating, curly), dressed in plain or woolen socks, boots.

On the head is a hat with earflaps or a lined woolen hat. Summer clothes - tracksuit, underpants, T-shirt. On the head in sunny weather - light caps with a visor. Shoes - light sneakers, in warm weather - barefoot.

Clothes are chosen correctly if hands and feet are dry and warm after a walk.

Children must have their own sports equipment: sledges, skis, skates, rubber circle, bicycle, badminton rackets, table tennis, tennis, balls, chess, checkers, etc. It must be appropriate for the child's age, stored in a certain place. Children themselves monitor the safety of equipment, especially in older preschool age: they clean it from snow, wipe it from dust.

During games and entertainment, the child's mood should be even and cheerful. Try to keep your babies in good shape. Keep in mind that his psyche is unstable, easily vulnerable.

Sometimes the most trifling word, remark may seem offensive to the child, he may burst into tears, lose faith in himself, and this will alienate him from this or that type of game for a long time. Be tactful when pointing out your child's mistake.

Nothing strengthens self-confidence more than reasonably expressed approval. Using this powerful stimulant of success, you should know when to stop - the child can become conceited. But the kid who did not succeed in some exercise for a long time, and then finally succeeded, must certainly be praised.

During classes, the parent's place depends on the specific type of game and sports entertainment: he should always be there to show something, help, insure on time, presenting him, as he learns and assimilates the movement, more independence.

Parents should also be able to provide first aid in case of accidents.

We hope that these consultations will help parents to introduce preschool children to physical exercise, make them healthy and cheerful.

Educational resources:

M. D. Makhaniva Raising a healthy child M. 1998

G. I. Kershk, N. N. Sergienko School healthy person Moscow, 2008

G. V. Bezzbutseva, A. M. Ermoshina In friendship with sports M. 2007

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Material from the site

to physical culture and sports ”.

(consultation for parents).

"At what age and what kinds of sports can preschool children be taught?" - this is a question that parents often ask coaches. And, often, they are surprised when they hear in response: "It's high time!"

Of course, it's too early to talk about real sports at preschool age, but various types of games and entertainment with elements of sports are quite accessible to children 5-6 years old.

The kindergarten upbringing program, starting from the age of 3, provides for sports entertainment: sledges, sliding on ice paths, cycling, playing on the water. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, skiing, swimming, badminton, skating, towns, hockey, scooter, etc. are added.

The availability and usefulness of games and sports entertainment for preschool children has been scientifically proven by a number of studies, the practice of many kindergartens.

Parents should know that correctly, reasonably selected games and entertainment have a beneficial effect on the main indicators of physical development: height, weight, circumference chest; for development of cardio-vascular system, respiratory organs. Children who have had colds and infectious diseases do not resume classes immediately, but depending on the illness they have suffered, after a certain period of time indicated by the doctor.

In recent years, more and more families have appeared in our country, where physical education becomes a vital need for every family member.

Unfortunately, some parents underestimate the importance of games and sports entertainment for the normal physical development of a child, thereby causing irreparable damage to his health. After all, properly organized games and sports entertainment strengthen the health of children, temper the body, help the development of the locomotor apparatus, educate strong-willed character traits, valuable moral qualities, and are a wonderful means of active and reasonable rest.

For those parents who are seriously thinking about taking up the physical education of their child, it is interesting to know what a working muscle consumes nutrients 3 times, and oxygen 7 times more than inactive.

Games, exercise and sports activities should not be performed on an empty stomach or in a poorly ventilated area. They should not be started immediately after a meal: at least 30 minutes should elapse after a meal. It is necessary to stop sports activities 1.5 - 2 hours before night sleep.

After games and sports activities, rub-downs, a warm shower, and bathing are useful. These water treatments in addition to the excellent hardening effect on the child's body, they give a considerable hygienic effect.

When starting classes, it should be borne in mind that children are not the same in their physical development, character, health. The load in the games is dosed taking into account the individual and age characteristics, mood and well-being of the child.

Appearance, behavior, appetite, sleep - these are the visually controlled barometer of correct physical activity. When choosing games and sports activities, you need to take into account the health of your child.

Preschool children tend to overestimate their strengths and often flirt (to the detriment of their health). Therefore, both learning and the game itself cannot be long: they must be alternated with rest. Games of great activity are replaced by calm ones. It is better not to finish the game a little, so that the game for the child is always tempting, attractive and does not harm health.

The load during the game should be distributed evenly to all muscle groups, and should increase gradually from year to year. Under normal exertion, breathing quickens, the face turns pink, the child is slightly sweating, but vigorous and cheerful.

Excessive stress affects the child's nervous system, appetite is lost, sleep is disturbed. In this case, you need to reduce the load or even stop training altogether.

Clothing should be appropriate for the weather, the type of game, the stage of training (at the beginning of training - ordinary clothes, then - sportswear), individual characteristics, age, gender, degree of hardening and state of health. Sportswear should be light, comfortable, warm, do not restrict movement, do not interfere with free breathing, blood circulation, do not irritate the skin of children.

Winter clothing: a jacket that protects well from the wind, a ski suit (woolen or brushed) or a coat (preferably woolen), a warm scarf and mittens. Shoes - woolen boots with thick soles or leather boots, dressed in plain or woolen socks, boots.

On the head is a lined woolen hat. Summer clothes: tracksuit, underpants, T-shirt; light cap with a visor; light sneakers, and in warm weather - barefoot. Clothes are chosen correctly if hands and feet are dry and warm after a walk.

Children must have their own sports equipment: sledges, skis, skates, rubber circle, bicycle, badminton, table tennis, small tennis rackets, balls, chess, checkers, etc. It must be appropriate for the child's age, stored in a specific place.

During games and entertainment, the child's mood should be even, cheerful. Try to keep your babies in good shape. Keep in mind that his psyche is unstable, easily vulnerable.

Sometimes the most trifling word, remark may seem offensive to the child, he may burst into tears, lose faith in himself, and this will alienate him from this or that type of game for a long time. Be tactful when pointing out a mistake to your child. When expressing approval, you need to know when to stop, otherwise the child may become arrogant.

During classes, the parent should always be with the child in order to show something, help, insure in time, presenting him, as he learns and assimilates the movement, more independence.


We hope that this and other consultations will help parents to introduce preschool children to physical exercise, make them healthy and cheerful.

Used literature: O. M. Litvinova "The system of physical education in preschool educational institutions"; Volgograd, 2007.

Compiled by: physical culture instructor - E.V. Shcheglova.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 27 "Lesovichok"

urban district of Togliatti

Material from the site

The obligatory components of walks of various types are:

  • Joint activity of an adult with children (The joint activity of an adult with children during a walk is especially pronounced, since there is close communication between them in all types of activities.)
  • Collaboration with peers
  • Independent activity of the child

For a child, the educational process makes sense if it is built in the form of an activity. Therefore, the educational component of a walk is associated with any of the types of children's activity (play, communication, labor, motor, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, productive) without its strict regulation.

The teacher plans a walk taking into account many factors: weather conditions, the age of the children, their cognitive interests, the available material, the topic of previous educational activities, etc.

So how do you plan your outing?

For example, in the morning, the child attended intellectually intensive classes. He worked actively, but his head worked more, the child's thinking abilities were aimed at performing a certain cognitive task.

How to build a walk in this case? (What do you think…?) . Give a load to the legs, to the body! More intense movement, with good amplitude, covering a large area, with running, with noise to complement what was lacking during the day. Moreover, it is good to offer children as many free movements as possible, to fill their activities with images, imagination, fairy tales, heroics, and various roles that will involve children in the game.

After musical and physical training sessions, let's call them intensively motor activities, you need to try to harmonize the child's condition and involve him in observation, examination, and concentration tasks so that he can concentrate on an interesting subject or activity.

It is also necessary to provide for the possibility health-improving effect physically and mentally. Right organized walk- This is the most affordable means of hardening the child's body.

What form of walking should you choose?

One should not abandon the traditional form of walking, moreover, they should take up most of the time in the practice of organizing work with children. But along with this, specialists and teachers offer five more types of thematic walks: walks, hikes, recreational walks with a character, walks-events, walks - labor actions, sports walks.

Walking - walking is an organized type of activity, during which health problems are solved, motor skills and physical qualities of children are improved, their cognitive needs are satisfied, love and an aesthetic attitude to nature are brought up. They should be conducted with older preschool children. Optimal amount there are two or three such walks a year. If they are carried out more often, then these walks may lose their attractiveness, the children will be less interested in them.

Entertaining walks with the character are aimed at creating a positive emotional background, emotional and psychological unloading of children, meeting their need for physical activity.

The character helps to interest all the children of the group, to involve them in joint play activities, observations, work.

An event walk is dedicated to a specific topic (Cosmonautics Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, City Day, Knowledge Day, etc.) or an event in a kindergarten (a new play complex, sports equipment was installed, the sand in the sandboxes was updated, etc.). An event walk (thematic walk) helps the educator to emphasize the importance of the event, to clarify their knowledge, to find out the nature of the perception of a certain topic.

In walks - labor promotions, labor assignments prevail, pupils are introduced to various forms of work in accordance with the season and weather conditions. Children develop an understanding that working in nature is not a game or entertainment, but a serious occupation. On such walks, children learn to work collectively, together.

Sports walks

A sports walk is a special kind of walk that uses a variety of sports-themed elements of children's activities.

The goals and objectives of the sports walk include health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development, optimization of children's physical activity.

With the correct organization of the walk, there is a hardening effect on the child's body in natural conditions, the level of physical fitness preschool children.

The emphasis in such walks is placed on the formation of physical qualities, fostering interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Walks can be carried out at least once or twice a month on those days when educational activities that require a lot of mental stress are organized directly, or educational activities in artistic creation are directly organized.

In the course of a sports walk, tasks with high physical activity and games of low mobility, team games and subgroup, individual exercises should be alternated.

The organization of a sports walk involves acquaintance of pupils with various sports, athletes. An excursion or a targeted walk to the stadium (city, school, yard) is possible. Observing how athletes or schoolchildren are doing will help arouse interest in preschoolers, a desire to play sports.

A sports walk cannot be saturated only with motor activities. It is recommended to select tasks of a cognitive nature and sports orientation. For example, didactic games ("Summer and winter sports", "What kind of sport is superfluous here", "Find out by the silhouette", "Who will name more sports with the ball"), attention games ("Is the starting position correct when throwing, running "), imagination (" Imagine a sport "). You can also include literary tasks (riddles, rhymes, poetry).

With children of younger preschool age, on a sports walk, you can organize a variety of outdoor games of a story nature, including basic movements. You can build conditional sports grounds where the older pupils will play with the younger ones, give them motor tasks, teach them certain motor skills.

With children of senior preschool age, you can talk about the history of the development of sports, introduce them to ancient sports games and modern sports games, and talk about the Olympics. You can enter the role-playing games "Olympics", "Sports clubs", " Soccer game", In which pupils will be able to try on the roles of commentator, judge, spectators, athletes, ticket sellers, etc.

Starting with the older group, team sports games adapted to preschool age should be introduced: pioneerball, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, etc. You can tell the pupils about folk games popular in childhood by their parents and grandparents.

For sports games it is advisable to devote at least half of the time of the entire sports walk.

The scenario of a sports walk is compiled by the physical education teacher together with the group teacher.

It is important to distinguish such walks from sports events - carefully prepared activities for children that require them to have certain motor skills and skills.

Sports walks provide pupils with some freedom of choice (for this, several options for tasks, games, exercises should be selected), while their interests and desires are taken into account. Walks are not as strictly structured as sports events and entertainment.

A walk is a discovery every time, it is free children's time, communication with the world, with each other. In the closed space of the group, the child is still a little constrained, the walls act on him with their stability, they dictate order.

When a child gets out on the street, he becomes more like himself. In the game on the street, you can see what kind of child really is.

And therefore, the main task of the pedagogical work of an educator during a walk is to provide: active, meaningful, varied, interesting activities for children.

Sports walk scenario " Fun starts»For senior preschool children.

Olga Shkrebko

I am a correspondence student at the College of Education. This semester we are taking a new subject "Theoretical and methodological foundations physical education and development of children of early and preschool age ”. On homework on this subject, the teacher gave the task to come up with didactic game... Suggested several topics on choice: "Olympics 2014", « Kinds of sports» , "Healthy lifestyle"... I chose a topic « Kinds of sports» .

Didactic game- an active type of educational activity, the game aimed at teaching and developing children.

The purpose of my game is to introduce children to some species sports, sports equipment , top up vocabulary child with new words. The game includes methodological support, pictures with views sports, pictures with objects. The game intended for older preschool age

All game materials are best laminated. Hope mine the game will be pleasant and useful for working with children

Didactic game

« Kinds of sports»

Age from 5 years

Target: to introduce children to the species sports; sports equipment; replenish the child's vocabulary with new words; creating motivation for children to engage in physical education and sports;


Introducing children to different species sports;

Developing positive motivation to exercise sports and introduction to a healthy lifestyle;

Expansion of the child's motor capabilities, through the development of new movements;

Enrichment of knowledge in the field of physical education and sports;

Formation of interest in a particular species sports.

Enrich and systematize children's knowledge of species sports;

Develop logical thinking;

Develop the speech of preschoolers;

Form the need for healthy way life.

The intended result:

Teach to navigate different types sports;

Development of positive motivation to exercise sports;

Expansion of children's motor capabilities through the development of new available movements;

Formation of interest in certain species sports;

Development of self-confidence.

The course of the game.

Choose the right pictures for each type sports... Name what is painted on it. Explain why this particular picture.

Football - Team View sports in which the goal is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with the feet or other parts of the body (except for hands) more times than the opposing team.

History of football

Games similar to modern football have existed for a long time among different nations. The date of birth of football is considered to be 1863, when the first Football Association was organized and rules similar to modern ones were drawn up.

Rules of the game

Separate football the game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change the goal.

Into football are playing on a field with grass or synthetic turf. The game involves two commands: in each from 7 to 11 people. One person per team (goalkeeper) maybe play with his hands in the penalty area at his goal, his main task is to defend the goal. The rest of the players also have their own tasks and positions on the field. The defenders are mainly located in their own half of the field, their task is to oppose the attacking players of the opposite team. Midfielders act in the middle of the field, their role is to help defenders or attackers, depending on the playing situation. Forwards are located mainly in the opponent's half of the field, the main task is to score goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do it as many times as possible and try to prevent an own goal. The team with the most goals wins the match.

If during two halves the teams have scored the same number of goals, then either a draw is fixed, or the winner is revealed according to the established match rules. In this case, additional time can be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each.

Hockey is a very exciting, spectacular sight sports... Hockey belongs to game types sports.

Hockey sports team game with hockey sticks and a puck on a special ice platform. The goal of the game is to score the puck into the opponent's goal. The team with the most goals wins the match.


It is a rectangle with a flat ice surface.


Much attention is paid to hockey equipment. Athletes care about to protect yourself as much as possible from painful blows from the puck and club, from impacts in a collision with another player, from falling on board. The player's equipment consists of from: hockey stick, skates, helmet and visor, shields (knee pads and elbow pads, bib (shell, shoulder pad, gloves (gaiters, mouth guard) (device for preventing tooth injury, throat protection (collar).


Usually 20-25 players from one team come to the match. Minimum and maximum amount players are determined by the rules of the tournament. At the same time on the field from the side of one team there must be six players: five field and one goalkeeper.

The duration of the game.

An ice hockey match consists of three periods of 20 minutes of net time. The breaks between periods are 15 minutes.

Judges. Hockey match served by a panel of judges, consisting of three or four judges. One or two of the judges are called head judges, the other two are assistant head judges, or linesmen.

Skis are a device for moving a person through the snow. They are two long wooden or plastic planks with pointed and curved toes. The skis are attached to the legs with bindings; nowadays, in order to use skis, in most cases, special ones are needed. ski boots... On skis, they move using their ability to slide on the snow.

Ski sport, includes ski race at different distances, ski jumping, biathlon, ski sport, freestyle.

Skiing technique.

1. Simultaneous non-step motion.

Movement by this move is carried out only due to the simultaneous repulsion by hands. The course is used on gentle slopes, as well as on plains with good sliding conditions.

2. Variable two-step stroke.

The cycle of movements in an alternating two-step course consists of two sliding steps and alternating take-offs with sticks for each step.

3. Simultaneous two-step stroke.

This move is used on flat terrain with good and excellent sliding conditions. The cycle of simultaneous two-step stroke consists of two sliding steps, simultaneous push-off by hands and free sliding on two skis. Currently, this move is rarely used by qualified skiers.

Ski benefits sports:

Correct breathing formation;


Development of the vestibular apparatus;

Strengthening the cardiovascular system;

Increasing the endurance, efficiency and tone of the body;

Developing the muscles of the legs and strengthening the abs.


Volleyball is one of the most popular types sports... It is particularly spectacular and dynamic.

The history of the game.

The priority in the creation of volleyball belongs to William Morgan, a physical education teacher at one of the colleges in the United States. He once suggested to his pets to throw a rubber bladder through fishing net... Morgan noticed that they were exchanging passes with great passion. This forced him to take a seat on the site. After the lesson, Morgan developed the first rules of the game. He called her "Mintonet"... This is how the history of volleyball began. Godfather of a new species sports became a professor at Springfeld College Alfred Halstead. He called this game volleyball.

Volleyball - collective game... It is held between two teams on a 9x18 m area, divided in half by a grid. There are six people on the site in each team, substitutions are allowed.

The aim of the game.

With punches of hands, direct the ball to the side of the opponents and land there.

Rules of the game.

A maximum of five games can be played in a match; the team that wins three games wins. Each game consists of episodes, in each of which one point is played. The point is won by the team whose opponents either allowed the ball to go down on their own court, or sent the ball out of the opponent's court during the attack, or made more than three touches or committed another violation of the rules, such as tackling the ball or touching the net. The team that won a point in an episode, serves in the next episode. The team with 25 points wins the game.


Gymnastics (exercise, train)- one of the most popular types sports and physical education.

TO sports types of gymnastics relate: sports, artistic, acrobatic, aesthetic, team.

Wellness types of gymnastics.

Hygienic gymnastics - is used to maintain and strengthen health, maintain a high level of physical and mental performance, social activity.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a kind of health-improving gymnastics. An important element rhythmic gymnastics is a musical accompaniment.


Sports gymnastics is one of oldest species sports, which includes competitions on various gymnastic apparatus, as well as in floor exercises and vaults. Gymnastics is the technical foundation of many types sports, the corresponding exercises are included in the training program for representatives of various sports disciplines... Gymnastics not only provides certain technical skills, but also develops strength, flexibility, endurance, a sense of balance, and coordination of movements.

Rhythmic gymnastics.

Rhythmic gymnastics - kind sports, performing various gymnastic and dance exercises to the music without an apparatus, as well as with an apparatus (rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).

Sports acrobatics.

Sports acrobatics includes three groups exercise: acrobatic jumps, pair and group exercises.

Gymnastic equipment: rings, bars, gymnastic horse, crossbar (horizontal bar, gymnastic ball, hopper (ball).

Boxing - contact view sports, a single combat in which athletes strike each other with fists in special gloves. The referee supervises the fight, which lasts from 3 to 12 rounds. Victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot get up within ten seconds (knockout) or if he is injured, which does not allow him to continue the fight (TKO)... If, after the set number of rounds, the fight has not been terminated, the winner is determined by the judges' marks.

Rules of the game.

As a rule, rounds are 3 minutes long. Each boxer enters the ring from the corner allotted to him, and after each round he goes here in order to rest, get the advice of a coach and the necessary help from a doctor. The referee controls the battle: being in the ring, he monitors the behavior of the fighters, counts knockdowns and penalizes for breaking the rules.

A participant in a fight can become a winner by knocking out his opponent. If a Boxer is knocked to the ground by a blow and touches the floor with any part of his body other than the leg, the Referee will start counting. If within 10 seconds he rises - the fight continues, if not - then he is considered knocked out, and his opponent becomes the winner.


Since the main part of boxing is strong blows, measures are taken to avoid injury to the hands. Most coaches do not allow their mentees to participate in sparring without bandages and boxing gloves. Before the start of the fight, boxers agree on the weight of the gloves, since the lighter version allows for more damage. To protect their teeth, gums and jaw, fighters wear a mouth guard.

Boxers improve their skill with two main types of pears. To practice the speed of the blow, a pneumatic bag is used, and in order to increase the force of the blow, a heavy bag is used. The punching bag can be suspended or floor-standing. A boxer's training includes a large number of common exercise: rope work, running, strength exercises... The helmet is used in amateur boxing, as well as by professionals during sparring in order to avoid cuts and bruises.


Swimming - kind sports or sports discipline, which consists in overcoming various distances by swimming in the shortest time. Swimming is one of the most popular activities sports... This is a rare occasion when classes sports at the same time bring both pleasure and a wonderful healing effect.

Drawings on archaeological finds indicate that people in Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Phenicia and in many other countries knew how to swim several millennia BC, and the methods of swimming known to them resembled modern crab and breaststroke. At that time, swimming was of a purely applied nature - with fishing, hunting for waterfowl, underwater fishing, in military affairs. In ancient Greece, swimming began to be used as an important means of physical education.

Swimming types:

Freestyle is a swimming discipline in which a swimmer is allowed to swim by any means, arbitrarily changing them along the course.

Backstroke starts from water: athlete, facing the bedside table, holds the starting handrails with both hands, resting his feet on the side of the pool. Excluding the moment of turning, athlete should swim on your back.

Complex swimming is a discipline in which a swimmer overcomes equal parts of the distance by butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.

Swimming styles:

Breaststroke - swimming on the chest, during which symmetrical movements of the limbs are performed in the horizontal plane. In this case, the shoulders should be parallel to the water, the arms should be brought to the body under water, the movements of the limbs should be coordinated.

Butterfly - swimming on the chest, a distinctive feature of which is the simultaneous stroke with the hands and their subsequent removal from the water, while the legs move in the same way as during the breaststroke. Butterfly requires some preliminary preparation, hand strength.

Backstroke - Lying on his back, the swimmer performs hand strokes and kicks.

The crawl is the fastest way sports swimming ; alternating strokes with bent arms, accompanied by continuous movements (up down) outstretched legs.

Tennis allows for both individual and team competition. In the first case, there are two players on the field, in the second - four (two by two or "Steam room the game» ).

The player's task is to use the racket to hit the ball to the area of ​​the field, which is protected by the opponent. (or rivals)... The ball must not leave the field of play.

Tennis men and women are playing.

The playing field is called a court. In the middle is a net that crosses the width of the court and divides it into two equal zones.

Various coatings are used for the courts. This can be grass, soil, or synthetic material. Different coatings have different ball bounce properties and athletes adjust their play on different courts.

Tennis racket - is a handle with a round rim at the end. Inside the rim are strings of nylon or bovine veins. Using a racket, the tennis player hits the ball to the side of the opponent's court.

The tennis ball is made of rubber. Outside, a layer of felt is applied to the rubber of the ball.

According to the rules of the game, the serving player directs the ball towards the opponent's court. The opponent's task is to hit the served ball.

Tennis points are scored by game. One game equals four balls and counts as a 15-30-40 game. The difference must be at least two goals. After winning six games, provided that the opponent wins in less than four games, the player wins the set.

The condition for winning a match is to win in 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 sets.

Compliance with the rules in tennis is monitored by the judge, who is located at a certain elevation above the field ( "Tower judge"). They help him "Line judges".

Competitions in tennis are called tournaments. Tournaments are usually divided according to gender, female and male.

Modern parents are beginning to think about physical education his baby since he takes the first uncertain steps. If exercise or massage is suitable for babies, then already for three-year-old children, moms and dads are trying to pick up sports section... However, for kids under five years old, it is quite difficult to find such an activity.

What kinds of sports are available for 5-year-olds? How to choose the best sports section for your child?

Let's say right away that when choosing a sports club or entertainment, it is necessary to be guided primarily by the abilities of the baby, and not by your own preferences.

If you pick up something that the child does not like or does not suit him for physical parameters, he will simply give up classes soon.

Of course, at an early age, children are not yet able to make an informed choice, but children's opinions should still be taken into account.

Rules for choosing a sports school for children

Sport plays an important role in a child's life, so it is very important that the baby likes it in the sports section.

Parents need to accurately assess children's abilities, find best coach and correctly draw up a schedule.

What else do adults need to remember?

  1. Perhaps, main parameter when choosing sports activities - the age of the baby. The younger the crumb, the greater the effect of physical activity on it. Preschoolers have difficulties with coordination, so, for example, fencing or volleyball is not suitable for them.
  2. In young years the main task loving mothers and fathers - to instill a child's love for physical activity and develop mobility. Sports clubs at development centers, where they play with the kids rather than do it, will do just fine.
  3. Before classes, you should definitely find out about the contraindications and indications of this or that sports leisure for your child. It is also necessary to consult a pediatrician (surgeon, cardiologist, ophthalmologist) to find out if excessive loads are dangerous for the baby.
  4. Another important factor is territorial location sports school... It is no secret that a long journey tires not only children, but also parents. Therefore, try to choose a section so that the road to it takes no more than 40-50 minutes.
  5. Sport, unfortunately, is a costly business, so try to take into account the possibilities of the family budget. Outfits for a pretty penny will cost rhythmic gymnastics, sport dancing as well as equipment young hockey player... Tennis is also quite expensive entertainment.
  6. Another important aspect is the coach. In a short time, a sports teacher can both instill in a baby a love of physical education for life, and forever turn him away from sports. Pay attention to how the coach behaves with the pupils, what atmosphere prevails in the children's team.

10 best sports for kids under 5

We have already said that the choice of the sports section should be approached with all responsibility. Now let's take a closer look at what sports are suitable for children from birth to five years old.

1. Swimming

Perhaps this is the most rewarding sport for little kids. You can teach your baby to stay on the water from the second week of life.

The only contraindication is allergic manifestations to chlorinated water in the pool.

There are much more advantages, since swimming:

  • positively affects the general condition of the body;
  • helps hardening;
  • strengthens the muscular system;
  • improves the state of the nervous system;
  • suitable for children with obesity, scoliosis, visual impairment.

So, if your child loves to splash in the bathtub, this sport is perfect for him. In addition, certain physical exercises are contraindicated for some babies, which means that swimming can be a worthy alternative.

2. Gymnastics

Gymnastics is traditionally divided into sports and artistic.

The first type will appeal to boys, since it involves strength exercises on a rope, uneven bars, horizontal bar, etc. The artistic one is designed for girls - young princesses will be delighted with ribbons, hoops and balls.

They usually start doing gymnastics at the age of four. At this age, the child's body is still very flexible, and the baby already knows how to follow the simplest instructions. Boys should be sent to the section a little later - from five to six years old.

Gymnastic exercises remarkably develop grace and flexibility, develop all muscle groups, which, in the end, has a positive effect on further sports results... Thus, gymnastics is the ideal foundation for other sports.

However, be careful, as such activities are fraught with injury. Sprains and bruises are especially common in artistic gymnastics. Another problem is finding a competent teacher.

3. Team sports

Perhaps football and hockey are the most popular and spectacular sporting events... Most often, these sections are attended by boys of 4-5 years old, who are familiar with the game rules from an early age. Such training is suitable for sociable sanguine people and mobile choleric people who know how to play in a team.

These sports are useful because:

  • develop endurance, good reaction;
  • strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • allow you to express aggressiveness in a socially acceptable way;
  • improve the functioning of the pulmonary and cardiac systems;
  • teach to resolve conflicts.

Among the disadvantages is an increased risk of injury. In any case, consult your doctors before enrolling your toddler in the football or hockey section.

4. Dance sport

Dancing, unlike gymnastics, is not so traumatic, however, it is just as effective in forming a beautiful posture, flexibility and gracefulness of movements, developing a sense of rhythm and strengthening the respiratory system.

Perfect for babies with overweight or scoliosis.

Children from 3-4 years old can be sent to dance clubs. Of course, at first, general developmental classes are held, which will not bring overwork to the child.

Closer to school age, children will be able to choose one of the many dance styles: ballroom, Latin American, modern dance, ballet, etc.

Before you send your baby to the world of professional dancers, try to take into account all the financial costs. Experienced mothers warn that you will need to periodically buy expensive costumes for performances and special (expensive) shoes.

5. Figure skating

A highly traumatic, albeit very beautiful, sport. Therefore, it is suitable for those children who are not afraid of falls.

Of course, you can reduce the risk of injury by working with an experienced coach who will take into account the particularities of your child.

Ice classes can be started as early as three or four years old. At this young age, kids get used to the ice surface, learn to stand on skates, and understand the instructor's instructions.

Figure skating helps to strengthen children's immunity, serves as a good prevention of colds and acute respiratory infections, develops flexibility, artistry and endurance in children. Alternatively, rollerblading.

Rollesport is similar to figure skating, it trains the same muscles. Just remember to get the protection you need.

6. Cycling

Children begin to engage in professional cycling at school age, but it is possible to prepare a physical base much earlier.

Already at two years old, the child is planted on tricycle, they switch to a two-wheeled model closer to five years.

There are many advantages to this pastime.

Firstly, riding an "iron friend" develops the vestibular apparatus, quickness of reactions, increases endurance, strengthens calf muscles, promotes weight loss.

With a properly selected two-wheeled vehicle and the necessary protective equipment, there are practically no downsides to cycling.

7. Oriental martial arts

We are talking about such sports martial arts as wushu, karate, judo, etc.

Most often, children are enrolled in the section, starting at the age of five. There are groups for younger preschoolers - 3-4 year olds. However, at this age, they are taught the basics of technology, with an emphasis on stretching and general recovery.

With the help of martial art, children learn mobility, endurance, and responsiveness. Also, such sports allow you to openly express your negative emotions and aggressiveness.

Among the disadvantages of martial arts is the likelihood of injury.

8. Horse riding

This is the most useful sport in terms of psychology.

Classes with horses do not involve serious physical activity, however, they allow the muscles of the back and legs to work actively. Horse riding is recommended for all children, especially toddlers who are restless, unsure of themselves, as well as those with cerebral palsy.

You can seriously engage in this sport from the age of ten, but it is possible and necessary to introduce a child to animals and put him on a saddle much earlier. In many schools, children from the age of four are allowed to see calm ponies.

9. Skiing

Useful and suitable for our climate sports leisure, which brings pleasure not only to children, but also to the rest of the household.

Even if your offspring does not become Olympic champion, he will acquire a wonderful habit of life.

At 3-4 years old, you can introduce children to cross-country skiing, leave skiing for older children. Cross-country skiing perfectly trains the muscular apparatus, develops coordination and dexterity. In addition, staying in the fresh frosty air has a beneficial effect on the child's body.

Do not forget to consult a pediatrician if your baby has orthopedic diseases, respiratory problems, or diseases of the nervous system.

10. Jumping on a trampoline

It would seem that jumping on trampolines is a common pastime, but the benefits of such activities can hardly be overestimated.

Without exception, all parents want their children to be healthy and comprehensively developed, therefore, with early years give them to different sections. But which sports to choose? For kids of different ages there are certain directions that are recommended to be followed.

How to choose a sport?

V modern world many children are hypermobility and restlessness. However, the planet is now enveloped information Technology that occupy all free time The child has. That is why today the question of how to lure children to sports sections is so acute.

In young organisms, energy gushes like a fountain. Parents often fail to cope with her, hence quarrels and prohibitions arise. Therefore, the child so needs active entertainment (sports). There are dozens of species today. However, before choosing a section, it is important to understand whether the child will be able to withstand the load, whether he will be interested in whether there is enough free time for this.

It is no secret that any kind of sports for children is very important from the point of view of medicine. Active exercise helps to strengthen the immune system and make the body healthy. Scientists have shown that sports reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 50%. The plus is that a child can train at school, in special sections, and simply on the street or at home.

Sports by age

Many parents yearn for their children to fulfill the dream of their youth: to become famous gymnasts, runners, hockey players or football players. However, when choosing a section, one should rely only on the desires of the child himself, as well as on his state of health. If a child has problems with the respiratory system, then he should not be given to athletics or winter sports. Swimming or horse riding is better suited for these children.

Also, it will not be superfluous to know what age criteria exist. From the age of 3, children are shown only swimming or gymnastics. After a year, you can send the child to the section on ballroom dancing, figure skating, tennis or ice hockey. At the age of 5, martial arts such as wushu and karate are allowed.

First graders are recommended to be sent to the acrobatics or football sections. Many experts are sure that it is at this age that children are best taught skiing. At the age of 9, basketball, volleyball, cycling and even biathlon are allowed. Closer to grade 4, children may begin to show nice results in athletics, boxing, fencing, horse riding.

Team views

This category of sports is best suited for children from 5 years old. Team sports not only help to develop speed, endurance and reaction, but also improve the communicative properties of character. Working in a group makes boys and girls communicate more, be more united, more friendly. In addition, these kinds of sports are important for children in terms of emotions. In a team, it is easier to experience defeat and it is more pleasant to rejoice in success.

Whether it's football, hockey or some other team sport, it helps to strengthen the visual system, the musculoskeletal system, and helps to improve the functioning of the heart and lungs. Also one of the advantages is the relatively inexpensive equipment, the only exception will be hockey. Many orthopedists and pediatricians believe that football and basketball are the best sports for children from 5 to 7 years old. The downside is the relatively high risk of injury.

Team sports for children are contraindicated for those who have flat feet, asthma, fragility cervical spine, peptic ulcer.

Martial arts

Boxing, karate, judo, aikido, sambo - these sports (see photo below) are contraindicated for children under 5 years old. The main advantages of martial arts are the development of flexibility, endurance, quick response and accuracy of movements. Thanks to these sports, a strong spirit is formed in a young body, which can subsequently manifest itself in life in the form of self-defense.

Martial arts help to throw out excess energy, aggression, emotions, teach self-control, strengthen immunity. As in team sports, the risk of injury is extremely high in these sports. Both boys and girls can engage in martial arts in equal measure, since every child finds something of his own especially interesting and useful in training.

The main contraindications to martial arts are diseases of the spine and heart.

Swimming (pool)

Allowed for children from 3 years old. In this, the child's muscular systems are finally formed. As you know, water contributes to the development and strengthening of the body, as well as to improve blood circulation. Among other things, these sports normalize the work of the central nervous system, temper the body. For children with diseases such as scoliosis, diabetes mellitus, myopia and obesity, the attending physicians must prescribe regular visits to the pool.

It should be noted that swimming captivates parents with its budgetary component. For this type of sport, you practically do not need to purchase any equipment, except for swimming trunks (swimsuit) and a special protective cap. The only possible drawback to swimming is the quality of the water. If it is not filtered regularly and is abundantly "cleaned" with a chlorine solution, then children may develop allergic reactions or bacterial diseases.

Contraindications: chronic otitis media, skin rash.


Such Olympic sports sports (see pictures for children below), like running, javelin throwing and many others, are allowed from the age of 10, although many experts are sure that they will be useful even for first graders.

Track and field athletics allows you to strengthen the muscular and skeletal systems, to form strength, agility, will to win, speed. These sports do not require special skills or expensive ammunition. In addition, it is not necessary to train in specific sections or in the gym. A courtyard or park is ideal for running and the same goes for jumping views.

Sorry, statistics recent years shows that athletics is of less interest to school-age children. Its only species that is still popular today is shuttle run... Among other things, it is in demand among adults, as it allows you to lose overweight and achieve optimal shape.

These for children have the following contraindications: heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes.

Gymnastics and dancing

These types are wildly popular with girls. Gymnastics is shown for children from 3 years old, dancing - from 4. All these sports (see photo below) help the child develop not only flexibility and gracefulness of movements, but also endurance, correct posture.

Gymnastics allows children to unleash their true creativity. However, you should immediately warn parents that it is considered one of the most traumatic sports. That is why many parents choose to send their children to dance.

Ballet is separate and danceable. He teaches the child to control his body. This is a very graceful and elegant dance, which is indicated for children with increased nervous excitability. It should be noted that ballet is allowed for permanent training only from the age of 10.

There are few contraindications for gymnastics: scoliosis, heart disease and myopia.

Skis and skates

Winter views sports for children are allowed from 5 years old, but there are exceptions. Figure skating you can start teaching a child who is attending a preparatory preschool group. As for skiing types, they are shown only from 9-10 years old.

Winter sports for children are good for the cardiovascular system, locomotor system and immunity. Figure skating allows you to develop grace, endurance, and artistry in a young body. Ski views useful for osteochondrosis and metabolic failure.

The downsides are the rather expensive equipment and the need for specific weather conditions. Winter species are contraindicated in children with lung diseases and myopia.


Many experts are sure that a child can engage in this sport already at the moment when he is able to firmly hold the racket in his hand. Approximate age - from 4 years.

Tennis develops in children agility, reaction, hardens the spirit, forms the will and the desire to win, normalizes the respiratory system and improves coordination. Many parents strive to give their child to the sport that can bring material benefits in the future. In the modern world, tennis is just that. Today, professional tournaments have very large prize money.

Tennis is suitable for ambitious and very mobile children with good coordination skills. Contraindications apply only to diseases such as asthma, fragility of the spine, flat feet.

Horseback riding

This specific sport has recently become more and more popular among young people, however, children also have a lot of interest in it, primarily related to horses. The legal age to start riding is from 10 years.

This sport does not require any physical activity, however, makes all the muscles work hard, especially the legs and back. Horse riding is used in the prevention of mental disorders, with cerebral palsy, as it gives children unforgettable emotions from communicating with horses. In addition, such classes are often prescribed to their patients by neuropathologists. It has been proven that while riding horseback, children calm down and gain self-confidence.

Sports tourism

This type does not require lengthy training, although it is a little expensive in terms of equipment. Clean air always has an amazing miraculous effect on the human body, and for a child it is absolutely necessary, especially for his respiratory system.

Walking along forest paths, mountainous areas and river mouths will not only broaden the horizons of children, but also give them a charge of emotions and vigor for the entire next month. Sports tourism develops endurance, hardening, strengthens muscle and respiratory system, improves blood flow to the brain.

Sports in your life

Everyday sports


Playing badminton is an excellent exercise for the heart and lungs, it promotes the development of flexibility in the body and endurance of the body in general. This game strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders and also improves posture. Although this is a very dynamic game, you can not overexert yourself, but play for your own pleasure with a friend or girlfriends, or you can also play in mixed pairs. In addition, minus 175 calories in half an hour is provided to you.

First, you must learn to use the racket and shuttlecock: you need to hit with the wrist, not with the whole hand. The idea is to hit the shuttle while it is over the net; you win if your partner on the other side of the net does not have time to hit the shuttle before it hits the ground.

Badminton is played in the hall, on a court with a wooden floor, but you can also play outside, on the grass, if it is not very windy.


Jogging is an excellent sport that improves heart, lungs and blood circulation. The more you run, the more calories you burn and the stronger your muscles become. Running, you can burn! 300 calories in half an hour.

The deep and rapid breathing of the runner is an excellent breathing exercise, during which the lungs, liver, spleen, stomach are massaged. This massage prevents bile stagnation, eliminates constipation, reduces body fat in the omentum and abdominal cavity.

Running is an excellent means of strengthening the psyche. Nervous people, starting to run, become less irascible and irritable. People who run are always cheerful, active, confident in themselves.

How to start running correctly? For the first week, set a goal for yourself: 10-15 minutes of continuous running or 1.5 kilometers daily. You should rest when you lose your breath, having run 100-400 meters or after 2-3 minutes of movement. Walk until you regain your breath, then continue jogging again. Repeat this alternation until the time allotted for practice has expired or you have overcome the intended distance. Over time, you will see that running is easier and, finally, you will be able to run for 15 minutes without stopping.

Jog at your own pace. Choose a pace that allows you to breathe and speak freely. You can run with a friend and chat about something while driving. If you're running alone, try to mumble something under your breath. If you are unable to talk while running, then do not overexert yourself.

When jogging, you do not need to raise your knee high to put your foot forward. The knee should be bent only to put the leg forward in a straight line, without wasting additional energy in lateral movements.

Try to put your foot either on the entire foot or from the heel so that each step is, as it were, cushioned. Only sprinters put their feet off their toes. Their speed is much higher, as is the tension that falls on the muscles of the legs.

The position of the hands is relaxed, they should be placed quite low. Shake your shoulders and hands to make sure they are relaxed.

Strive for naturalness, you will gradually automatically develop the best option running technique that will allow you to cover long distances.

In order not to get tired of running, you just need to avoid monotony, fixing the speed and not running alone. Change routes more often, even the same route, if you run it in the opposite direction, may seem unusual.

At the beginning of classes, it is better to go to the park for training, where there are many other joggers, and you will not feel awkward. If you train in the stadium, it is undesirable to run on the track, because it is quite tiring. But if there is no other suitable place, train on it. Cover a certain distance, for example, 3 kilometers. The greater distance covered on a stadium track usually discourages beginners from practicing. They usually say that this is a very boring and monotonous activity.

Training will give the greatest effect of tension if the next day there is an opportunity to recuperate. Therefore, the load the next day should be light - at the initial stage of training it can be either just rest, or walking, and later 5 kilometers at an easy pace.


Cycling - good remedy to strengthen the legs, heart and lungs, as well as the ability to get rid of 330 calories in half an hour.

A bicycle with a regular high handlebar allows you to maintain a beautiful posture and makes riding it beneficial for your back muscles.

The choice of a bike should depend on the purpose for which you need it, that is, for serious cycling or just for walking around the city and out of town.

You can choose any clothes for cycling: shirt, T-shirt and comfortable shoes, but you should avoid wide trousers that can get caught in the wheels.


The idea of ​​the game is as follows: two teams of six players each send a leather or rubber ball through the net, about 2.5 meters high above the ground. It is allowed to use any part of the body above the belt for striking, but usually players hit with their hands clenched into a fist.

It is the opposing team's job to prevent the ball from touching the floor within the court. A team will lose a point if the ball hits the net or lands outside the court.

Volleyball promotes the development of joint strength and mobility, while stretching and jumping exercises have a beneficial effect on posture. Until you have gained sufficient experience in this game, hitting with your hand, head or other part of the body can cause pain and bruising.

Dress code - shorts and T-shirt, sport shoes rubber soled or barefoot if playing on the beach. Playing volleyball, you can lose 175 calories in half an hour.


Ice skating develops general mobility, improves circulation, posture and helps you control your weight - 200 calories in half an hour - a very good result. It also promotes coordination, while playing music on the rink will help you learn to feel the rhythm.

The only thing you need to practice this sport are boots with skates, which you can rent at any ice rink, but keep in mind that the skates must be well sharpened. Shoes should be chosen at least half a size smaller than the shoes. They should be worn over thin socks. A sweater and trousers will complement your wardrobe. If you are a beginner, then gloves and a helmet will do the trick.

Roller skating

Roller skating is easy to learn. It is very enjoyable and beneficial for the development of general mobility, strengthens the legs, and also allows you to burn 175 calories in half an hour. You need to have knee pads and elbow pads for roller skating.

Roller skating is possible wherever it does not create inconvenience and danger for passers-by. In addition to roller skating rinks, parks have designated areas for this. Many skating rinks have clubs and coaches to help you learn to skate faster.


Skiing is one of best views sports to maintain an excellent state of the body. When you go skiing, turning, bending and pushing off with poles, you develop flexibility. knee joints and ankles. For half an hour of skiing, you can lose 300 calories.

When buying or renting skis, make sure that the bindings are correctly positioned and that they hold the boots well. The shoes should completely hug the leg, especially at the ankle. Best for skiing is a nylon waterproof ski suit worn over a sweater. You will also need a cap that covers your ears, thick gloves.


Swimming is a loss of 175 calories in half an hour. Swimming superbly develops the heart and lungs, general mobility and strength of the body, and regular and vigorous swimming increases endurance. There are several types of swimming: the most intense is the crawl; breaststroke - the least difficult type of swimming, there is also backstroke, butterfly.

A big danger to avoid when swimming is immersion in cold water, which raises blood pressure, and too much stress. However, not knowing how to swim poses an even greater danger.

In any pool there are groups for beginners, where you can sign up to learn how to swim.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope can be part of a set of exercises to develop muscles or improve your figure. They help to strengthen the body and muscles, and improve posture. It is a good warm-up to increase endurance and coordination, good for your heart and lungs. By jumping rope, you can easily lose 400 calories in half an hour.

Muscle pain and breathing problems are normal side effects in this sport. Try to jump at a good pace, keeping your back straight, raising your feet just enough to jump over the rope, and then landing softly on your toes. It is recommended to breathe through the nose.

Alternate back and forth jumps, land on different feet, skip the rope twice in one jump. Try to keep your session up to 15 minutes a day.

Getting a good rope is very important. It is made from leather or heavy synthetic fibers and has balls at the ends for a soft spin. Loose clothing and sports shoes with rubber soles are suitable for jumping. It is advisable to jump on a soft surface.


Dancing, you lose calories: modern dancing - 300 calories in half an hour; ballroom - 200; folk - 225; ballet - 200; tap dance - 200.

All kinds of dancing are wonderful physical exercises. They improve coordination, flexibility and mobility, are good for the heart and lungs, and if you dance vigorously enough you can lose weight.

Ballet. This type of dance requires a lot of discipline and control. You need to start doing it at an early age.

Ballroom dancing. A very beautiful kind of dancing, especially when it comes to

about competitions. You can practice in special ballroom shoes, and they should have a lightweight and flexible sole. No new dancing shoes should be worn.

Folk dances. These dances are less formal and very crowded. Their members just want to have a good time and not follow the fashion.

Jazz, modern dance, disco. All these dances depend on how much you can improvise. Mainly gymnastic exercises helping to keep a person in shape. The sooner you start dancing, the better - you will be more relaxed, very flexible, relaxed, you will have a creative imagination.

Tap dance. It can be danced solo or in a group; in both cases, the task is the same - to work out a chain of steps. If you dance slowly, you can learn tap dance very quickly, without having to raise your legs high, you only need flexible knees and feet.


Paired tennis at a relaxed pace is fun, intense solo play burns 220 calories in half an hour, trains the heart and lungs, increases flexibility, helps strengthen abdominal muscles, and is fun too.

While tennis can be played with equal pleasure at different levels, it still takes a certain amount of skill to serve and kicks, and you need a coach here. The object of the game is not only to throw the ball over the net within the white lines that define the court, but also to win the serve.

Common tennis clothes include white shorts, a T-shirt, socks, and white rubber-soled athletic shoes. When buying a racket, you or your parents should seek the advice of a professional to select one according to your height and weight. A racket in a wooden case is stored only under a press. If you are not going to play tennis regularly and professionally, but play only for your own pleasure, then you can rent a racket on any court.

Traditionally, tennis is played in the summer, but the indoor courts give you the opportunity to play all year round.


Skateboard - skateboarding. Now this sport is very popular among young people. It is better to start on a quiet and empty paved area with a girlfriend or friend who is already familiar with this sport. Don't forget about knee pads, elbow pads, gloves [helmet. Use a factory skateboard, as a homemade one is not safe.

Never ride on the road or on crowded sidewalks. Do not start on a very gentle slope. Don't try to stay on the skateboard until you fall. Better to jump off and try to do it all over again.

Skateboard - pretty dangerous species sports, and, in order to prevent accidents, you need to ride very carefully. It is very important to adhere to the main rule - never exceed the speed at which you are able to jump off the board and not fall.

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