Maximum recovery time for muscle glycogen stores. Recovery of muscle glycogen

Recovery of the body after training

Recovery of the body after physical activity is a rather complicated and no less important process than the training itself, which will sum up all your efforts in the gym. As we know, muscles do not grow during training, but after it. And how you rest will play a key role in the growth process muscle mass.

During any physical activity, our body spends energy. And the more your load, the more and better the recovery of the body after physical exertion should be.

« Muscle recovery"Consists of 2 main points: restoration of energy reserves and muscle recovery(of their cells).

1. Restoration of energy potential

48-96 hours is the time it takes to replenish glycogen stores. Glycogen is a component found in muscles and liver, made from glucose. He is the very energy of the muscles. In anaerobic exercise, the first movements occur due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate, and then glycogen, and in fact it is the basis, since the reserves of creatine phosphate are very limited, and there is too little time before energy is obtained from oxidation, in anaerobic exercise. Thus, after intense training, almost all glycogen stores are depleted, after which it is restored and reaches its maximum (supercompensation) within 48-96 hours.

Therefore, we should train no more than 48-96 hours. But is there any growth in these 48 hours? Of course not. In order for the muscles to begin to grow, they must first fully restore their energy potential, and only then make a "repair" of damaged tissues.

2. Muscle recovery

The recovery of muscles (the cells themselves) occurs within 7-14 days ((full recovery). Naturally, the lower the intensity (in particular, working weights), the less time it takes to recover. The recovery abilities of each organism are different, but nevertheless, this happens around this range, so we give glycogen stores to replenish every 48 hours and one muscle group every 7 days.

Basic principles of body recovery

The recovery process, like all other processes taking place in our body, is individual for everyone. It depends on age (the younger the athlete, the faster he recovers), on genetics, on nutrition, etc. But there are fundamental points, taking into account which you can achieve maximum results, they include: nutrition, sleep, total energy expenditure during non-workout time and the break between workouts.

1. Nutrition

It too important point so that we can afford to neglect it. Nutrition for muscle growth and full muscle recovery should be balanced, rich in protein and carbohydrates. Protein is a building block for your muscles, which are micro-injured and destroyed during exercise. If the body does not have enough protein, it will begin to break down your own muscles. And carbohydrates are a source of energy for recovery after exercise or workout.

For example, here are some numbers that show how much an athlete weighing 59-73 kg can lose during a strenuous training or competition:

Water - from 1 to 3.5 liters, depending on the load

Salt - 5 g

Muscle glycogen - 150 to 250 g

Liver glycogen - 50 g

Intramuscular triglycerides (fats) - 50 to 100 g

Triglycerides of adipose tissue - 50 g.

As you can see, post-workout nutrition plays key moment for the growth of muscle mass and high-quality muscle recovery after exercise, and also significantly affects the level of subsequent sports performances and training.You can read more about nutrition before, during and after training in a separate section. But still, I will briefly discuss post-workout nutrition below.

a) Post-workout nutrition. It is after training that our body is most active (within about 3 hours) in terms of recovery. This is the key point! After quality training, the body with incredible speed tries to compensate for the spent energy, restore damaged muscles and stock up on a large amount of protein and glycogen (2-3 hours after training, the level of glycogen drops dramatically). So, at this moment, in no case should the body be left without food. The synthesis of glycogen in muscles occurs 2 times faster if the body receives carbohydrates immediately after training. The high rate of glycogen synthesis will be maintained if immediately after training, and later during the day, the body receives a balanced diet based on the required amount of proteins and carbohydrates. The combination of carbohydrates and proteins in food optimizes the synthesis of glycogen and protein, improves the supply of amino acids to the muscles and accelerates the recovery of muscle fibers.

Therefore, in the first 15 minutes after training, you must definitely drink, which also contains carbohydrates, macro- and microelements. This will instantly give the body a batch of "building materials". Further, a maximum of an hour and a half ( better minutes after 30-40) - a full meal, rich in proteins and carbohydrates. After an hour and a half, another full meal is desirable. If it doesn't fit, at least a little protein and carbohydrates, and in extreme cases - protein.

b) Eating before bed(for an hour and a half). You don't need to gorge yourself before bed. Small enough protein and complex carbohydrates, the best option is protein cocktail... You can read more about nutrition before bedtime in the special.

2. Sleep

It is in a dream that the body is restored. In a dream, protein synthesis in the body increases (that is why we eat protein food before bed, otherwise there will be nothing to increase). Normal, healthy sleep should be at least 7 to 8 hours a day. This is very important condition for muscle growth.

3. Total energy costs

If you work out in the gym 3 times a week and unload the wagons for 7 days, your body will not recover. He will need energy for your work. And recovery involves rest.

4. Breaks between workouts

Exercising every day for 3 hours - you are unlikely to achieve results. Here I am not talking about professional builders, whose training programs involve a more "dense" schedule. And if you have questions like "why does Vasya train 6 days a week and he has a mass like a dinosaur," then I will answer that Vasya most likely trains in chemistry. And on chemistry, muscles are restored in a completely different and faster way.

For a beginner or a non-professional, 3-4 times a week will be quite enough, while there should be a clear breakdown of muscle groups by training days, so that you do not strain the same muscles from day to day and allow them to recover normally. Remember, if a trained muscle group is fully restored within 7-14 days, then its glycogen reserve is restored within 48-96 hours after training. And again, the rate of muscle recovery depends on the specific organism.

Accelerating recovery

As you understood, proper nutrition is an the best remedy for post-workout recovery. You can also supplement your diet with specialized dietary supplements to improve the recovery process. There are several more simple folk ways to speed up this process.

Use a conventional contrast shower to accelerate muscle recovery. As practice shows, the recovery rate increases by 1.5 times (not for all). The shower should be just a shower, not a faucet screwed under the ceiling.

You can also do at the end of each workout various exercises for flexibility - to stretch on Swedish wall, hang on the horizontal bar, sit on the twine. All flexibility exercises have excellent relaxing effects. It is because of this feature of theirs that some athletes refuse to perform them. They say that it interferes with "clogging" the muscles. But to relax in the bath after hard training in no case is it possible. The load on the heart is too great. This will not lead to good, tk. there is a high probability that you will become a regular client of a cardiologist and in gym will not appear already.

Recovery completely depleted glycogen- it's not easy. This often takes days, rather than seconds, minutes, or hours, to restore the metabolic phosphagenic system and lactic acid. The figure shows the recovery process under three conditions: (1) people on a high carbohydrate diet; (2) people who have a diet high in fat and protein; (3) people without food.

It can be seen that people in food which are high in carbohydrates, full recovery occurs in about 2 days. Conversely, people who consume a lot of fat and protein or do not eat at all have very little recovery after 5 days. This comparison suggests that it is important for the athlete to: (1) eat a high-carbohydrate diet prior to exhausting athletic activity; (2) not undergo debilitating physical activity for 48 hours before the upcoming event.

In addition to a large number carbohydrates used by muscles during physical work, especially in the early stages of exercise, muscles use a large amount of fat in the form of fatty acids and acetoacetic acid as a source of energy as a source of energy, and to a much lesser extent - proteins in the form of amino acids. In fact, even in best conditions for long sports loads lasting more than 4-5 hours, muscle glycogen stores are almost completely depleted and subsequently little involved in providing energy muscle contractions... In these cases, the muscle depends on other sources of energy, mainly fat.

The figure shows data on the relative use of carbohydrates and fat as an energy source during prolonged, wasting physical activity on three types of diet: high-carb, mixed, and high-fat. It can be seen that in the first seconds or minutes of exercise, carbohydrates are the main source of energy, but by the time of depletion, up to 60-85% of the energy is recovered from fats and not from carbohydrates.

Not all of the energy in carbohydrates is derived from muscle stores. glycogen... In fact, almost the same amount of glycogen is stored in the liver, from where it can be released into the blood in the form of glucose and captured by muscles for use as an energy source. In addition, glucose solutions that athletes give to drink during sporting event, can provide up to 30-40% of the energy required during prolonged loads, for example, when running a marathon.

Therefore, for the presence of muscle glycogen and glucose blood, they are the main nutrients used as a source of energy for intense muscle activity. Even so, to provide energy for a long-term heavy load, usually about 3-4 hours after starting work, more than 50% of the energy required is from fat.

The importance of training with maximum load... One of the cardinal principles of muscle development during sports training next. The strength of muscles that function without load, even if they contract for an infinitely long time, practically does not increase. On the other hand, if the muscles are contracted in excess of 50% of the maximum force of contraction, their strength will increase rapidly, even if the contractions are performed only a few times a day.

Based on this principle Experiments on muscle development have shown that a set of exercises consisting of approximately 6 muscle contractions with maximum load, performed 3 times a day, 3 days a week, provides an optimal increase in muscle strength without the development of chronic muscle fatigue.

The upper curve in the figure shows percentage the increase in strength that can be achieved with this maximal workout program in the previously untrained young man... It can be seen that muscle strength increases by about 30% during the first 6-8 weeks, but after that it practically does not change (plateau on the curve). Along with this increase in strength, muscle mass increases by about the same percentage, which is called muscle hypertrophy.

In old age, many people are so few move that their muscles atrophy to an extreme degree. In these cases muscle training often increases muscle strength more than 100%.

/ Recovery


The article covers the issues of recovery from physical activity

Kots Ya.M.
After the termination of the exercise, reverse changes occur in the activity of those functional systems that ensured the fulfillment this exercise... The entire set of changes during this period is united by the concept of restoration. During the recovery period, the products of working metabolism are removed and energy reserves, plastic (structural) substances (proteins, etc.) and enzymes consumed during muscle activity are replenished.

In essence, homeostasis disturbed by the work is restored. However, recovery is not only the process of returning the body to its pre-working state. ”During this period, changes also occur that provide an increase in the body's functional capabilities, that is, a positive training effect.

Restoring functions after termination of work

Immediately after the termination of work, various changes occur in the activity of "various functional systems. During the recovery period, 4 phases can be distinguished:

1) fast recovery,
2) slowed down recovery,
3) supercompensation (or "re-restoration"),
4) long (late) recovery.

The presence of these phases, their duration and character vary greatly for different functions. The first two phases correspond to the period of restoration of working capacity, reduced as a result of tedious work, the third phase - increased working capacity, the fourth - a return to the normal (pre-working) level of working capacity.
The general patterns of restoration of functions after work are as follows.

At first, the speed and duration of recovery of most functional indicators are directly dependent on the power of work: the higher the power of work, the greater the changes occur during the work and (accordingly) the higher the speed of recovery. This means that the shorter the exercise limit, the shorter the recovery period.

Thus, the duration of recovery of most functions after maximum anaerobic work is several minutes, and after prolonged work, for example, after a marathon run, it is several days. The course of the initial recovery of many functional indicators, by their nature, is a mirror image of their changes during the period of operation.

Secondly, the restoration of various functions proceeds at different rates, and in some phases of the recovery process and with different directions, so that they reach a level of rest at a time (heterochronous). Therefore, the completion of the recovery process as a whole should be judged not by any one or even several limited indicators, but only by the return to the initial (pre-working) level of the most slowly recovering indicator (M. Ya. Gorkin).

Thirdly, working capacity and many of the body's functions that determine it during the recovery period after intensive work not only reach the pre-working level, but can also exceed it, passing through the "re-restoration" phase. When it comes about energy substrates, then such a temporary excess of the pre-working level is called supercompensation (N.N. Yakovlev).

Oxygen debt and the restoration of the body's energy reserves
In the process of muscle work, the body's oxygen supply, phosphagens (ATP and KrF), carbohydrates (muscle and liver glycogen, blood glucose) and fats are consumed. After work, they are restored. The exception is fats, which may not be restored.
The recovery processes that take place in the body after work find their energetic reflection in the increased (in comparison with the pre-working state) oxygen consumption - oxygen debt. According to the original theory by A. Hyll (1922), oxygen debt is an excess consumption of O2 above the pre-working rest level, which provides the body with energy to recover to the pre-working state, including the restoration of energy reserves expended during work and the elimination of lactic acid. The rate of O2 consumption after work decreases exponentially: during the first 2-3 minutes, very quickly (fast, or alactate, component oxygen debt), and then more slowly (slow, or lactate, component of oxygen debt), until it reaches (after 30-60 minutes) a constant value close to the pre-working value.
After working with a capacity of up to 60% of the MPC, the oxygen debt does not greatly exceed the oxygen deficit. After more intense exercise, the oxygen debt significantly exceeds the oxygen deficit, and the more, the higher the power of work.
The fast (alactate) component of O2-debt is mainly associated with the use of O2 for the rapid recovery of high-energy phosphagens consumed during work in the working muscles, as well as with the restoration of the normal O2 content in the venous blood and with the saturation of myoglobin with oxygen.
The slow (lactate) component of O2 debt is associated with many factors. To a large extent, it is associated with the post-work elimination of lactate from blood and tissue fluids. Oxygen in this case is used in oxidative reactions that ensure the resynthesis of glycogen from blood lactate (mainly in the liver and partly in the kidneys) and the oxidation of lactate in the heart and skeletal muscle... In addition, a long-term increase in O2 consumption is associated with the need to maintain increased activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems during the recovery period, increased metabolism and other processes that are due to the long-term increased activity of the sympathetic nervous and hormonal systems, increased body temperature, which also slowly decrease by throughout the recovery period.

Restoring oxygen reserves.
Oxygen is found in muscles in the form of a chemical bond with myoglobin. These reserves are very small: each kilogram of muscle mass contains about 11 ml of O2. Consequently, the total reserves of "muscle" oxygen (based on 40 kg of muscle mass in athletes) do not exceed 0.5 liters. In the process of muscle work, it can be quickly consumed, and after work it can quickly recover. The rate of oxygen recovery depends only on its delivery to the muscles.
Immediately after the cessation of work, the arterial blood passing through the muscles has a high partial tension (content) of O2, so that the restoration of O2-myoglobin occurs, probably in a few seconds. The oxygen consumed in this case is a certain part of the fast fraction of the oxygen debt, which also includes a small volume of O2 (up to 0.2 l), which goes to replenish its normal content in the venous blood.
Thus, already in a few seconds after the cessation of work, the oxygen "reserves" in the muscles and blood are restored. The partial tension of O2 in the alveolar air and in the arterial blood not only reaches the pre-working level, but also exceeds it. The content of O2 in the venous blood flowing from the working muscles and other active organs and tissues of the body is also quickly restored, which indicates that they are sufficiently supplied with oxygen in the post-work period. Therefore, there is no physiological reason to use pure oxygen breathing or a mixture with an increased oxygen content after work to accelerate the recovery processes.

Recovery of phosphagens (ATP and CrF).
Phosphagens, especially ATP, recover very quickly. Already within 30 s after the termination of work, up to 70% of consumed phosphagens are restored, and their complete replenishment ends in a few minutes, and almost exclusively due to the energy of aerobic metabolism, i.e., due to oxygen consumed in the fast phase of O2-debt. Indeed, if immediately after work, the working limb is burned and thus deprived of the oxygen delivered with the blood to the muscles, then the restoration of the CRF will not occur.
The greater the consumption of phosphagens for. operating time, the more O2 is required to restore them (to restore 1 mole of ATP, 3.45 liters of O2 are needed). The value of the fast (alactate) fraction of O2-debt is directly related to the degree of decrease in phosphagens in the muscles by the end of the work. Therefore, this value indicates the amount of phosphagens consumed in the process of work.
In untrained men, the maximum value of the rapid fraction of O2-debt reaches 2-3 liters. Especially high values ​​of this indicator were registered among representatives of speed-strength sports (up to 7 liters among highly qualified athletes). In these sports, the content of phosphagens and the rate of their expenditure in the muscles directly determine the maximum and sustained (distance) exercise power.

Recovery of glycogen.
According to the initial ideas of R. Margaria et al. (1933), glycogen consumed during work is resynthesized from lactic acid within 1-2 hours after work. The oxygen consumed during this period of reduction determines the second, slow, or lactate, fraction of O2-debt. However, it has now been found that muscle glycogen recovery can last up to 2–3 days.
The rate of glycogen recovery and the amount of its recoverable reserves in muscles and liver depends on two main factors: the degree of glycogen consumption during work and the nature of the diet during the recovery period. After a very significant (more than 3/4 of the initial content), up to complete depletion of glycogen in the working muscles, its recovery in the first hours with a normal diet is very slow, and it takes up to 2 days to reach the pre-working level.

With a diet with a high carbohydrate content (more than 70% of the daily calorie intake), this process accelerates - already in the first 10 hours, more than half of the glycogen is restored in the working muscles, by the end of the day it is completely restored, and in the liver the glycogen content is significantly higher than usual. Subsequently, the amount of glycogen in the working muscles and in the liver continues to increase and 2-3 days after the "exhausting" load it can exceed the pre-work load by 1.5-3 times - the phenomenon of supercompensation.
With daily intensive and long training sessions the content of glycogen in working muscles and liver significantly decreases from day to day, since with a normal diet, even a daily break between workouts is not enough to completely restore glycogen. An increase in the content of carbohydrates in an athlete's diet can ensure a complete restoration of the body's carbohydrate resources by the next training session.

Elimination of lactic acid.
During the recovery period, the elimination of lactic acid from the working muscles, blood and tissue fluid occurs, and the faster, the less lactic acid is formed during work. Important role also plays after-work mode. So, after the maximum load, it takes 60-90 minutes to completely eliminate the accumulated lactic acid in conditions of complete rest - sitting or lying down (passive recovery). However, if, after such a load, light work is performed (active recovery), then the elimination of lactic acid occurs much faster. In untrained people, the optimal intensity of the "restorative" load is approximately 30-45% of the VO2 max (for example, jogging), as well. for well-trained athletes - 50-60% of the VO2 max, with a total duration of about 20 minutes.
There are four main ways to eliminate lactic acid:

1) oxidation to CO2 and IIIO (approximately 70% of all accumulated lactic acid is eliminated in this way);
2) conversion to glycogen (in the muscles and liver) and to glucose (in the liver) - about 20%;
3) conversion to proteins (less than 10%);
4) removal with urine and sweat (1-2%).

With active reduction, the proportion of lactic acid eliminated aerobically, increases. Although lactic acid oxidation can occur in a wide variety of organs and tissues (skeletal muscles, heart muscle, liver, kidneys, etc.), most of it is oxidized in skeletal muscles (especially slow fibers). This makes it clear why light work (mainly slow muscle fibers) promotes faster elimination of lactate after heavy exertion.
A significant part of the slow (lactate) fraction of O2-debt is associated with the elimination of lactic acid. The more intense the load, the greater this fraction. In untrained people, it reaches a maximum of 5-10 liters, in athletes, especially among representatives of speed-strength sports, it reaches 15-20 liters. Its duration is about an hour. The magnitude and duration of the lactate fraction of O2-debt decrease with active recovery.

The nature and duration of recovery processes may vary depending on the mode of activity of athletes in the post-work, recovery, period. In the experiments of I.M.Sechenov it was shown that under certain conditions a faster and more significant recovery of working capacity is provided not by passive rest, but by switching to another type of activity, i.e., active rest. In particular, he found that a hand fatigued with a manual ergograph recovered faster and more fully when the rest period was filled with the work of the other hand. Analyzing this phenomenon, I.M.Sechenov suggested that afferent impulses received during rest from other working muscles contribute to a better restoration of the efficiency of the nerve centers, as if charging them with energy. In addition, work with one hand causes an increase in blood flow in the vessels of the other hand, which can also contribute to a faster recovery of the performance of tired muscles.
The positive effect of outdoor activities is not only manifested when switching to the work of others muscle groups, but also when doing the same work, but with less intensity. For example, switching from running at high speed to jogging is also effective for faster recovery. Lactic acid is eliminated from the blood faster during active rest, that is, under conditions of reduced power than during passive rest. From a physiological point of view, the positive effect of low power final work at the end of a workout or after a competition is a manifestation of the phenomenon of active rest.

    Glycogen is a glucose-based polysaccharide that acts as an energy reserve in the body. The compound belongs to complex carbohydrates, is found only in living organisms and is intended to replenish energy costs during physical exertion.

    From the article you will learn about the functions of glycogen, the features of its synthesis, the role that this substance plays in sports and dietary nutrition.

    What it is

    In simple terms, glycogen (especially for the athlete) is an alternative to fatty acids that is used as a storage substance. The bottom line is that muscle cells have special energy structures - "glycogen stores". They store glycogen, which, if necessary, quickly breaks down into the simplest glucose and feeds the body with additional energy.

    In fact, glycogen is the main battery used exclusively for movement under stressful conditions.

    Synthesis and transformation

    Before considering the benefits of glycogen as a complex carbohydrate, let's figure out why such an alternative arises in the body at all - muscle glycogen or adipose tissue. To do this, consider the structure of matter. Glycogen is a compound of hundreds of glucose molecules. In fact, this is pure sugar, which is neutralized and does not enter the bloodstream until the body itself asks for it (- Wikipedia).

    Glycogen is synthesized in the liver, which processes incoming sugar and fatty acid at your own discretion.

    Fatty acid

    What is fatty acid derived from carbohydrates? In fact, it is a more complex structure, in which not only carbohydrates are involved, but also transporting proteins. The latter bind and compact glucose to a more difficult-to-digest state.

    This, in turn, allows you to increase the energy value of fats (from 300 to 700 kcal) and reduce the likelihood of accidental breakdown.

    All this is done solely to create a reserve of energy in the event of a serious one. Glycogen accumulates in cells and breaks down into glucose at the slightest stress. But its synthesis is much simpler.

    The content of glycogen in the human body

    How much glycogen can the body contain? It all depends on training your own energy systems... Initially, the size of the glycogen depot of an untrained person is minimal, which is due to his motor needs.

    In the future, after 3-4 months of intense high-volume training, the glycogen depot under the influence of blood saturation and the principle of super recovery gradually increases.

    With intensive and prolonged training, glycogen stores increase in the body several times.

    This, in turn, leads to the following results:

    • endurance increases;
    • muscle tissue volume;
    • there are significant fluctuations in weight during the training process

    Glycogen does not directly affect an athlete's strength performance. In addition, special training is required to increase the size of the glycogen depot. So, for example, powerlifters are deprived of serious glycogen stores due to the peculiarities of the training process.

    Functions of glycogen in the human body

    The exchange of glycogen occurs in the liver. Its main function is not to convert sugar into useful ones, but to filter and protect the body. In fact, the liver reacts negatively to high blood sugar, saturated fatty acids, and exercise.

    All this physically destroys liver cells, which, fortunately, regenerate.

    Excessive consumption of sweet (and fatty) foods, combined with intense physical activity, is fraught not only with pancreatic dysfunction and liver problems, but also with serious liver problems.

    The body is always trying to adapt to changing conditions with minimal energy loss.

    If you create a situation in which the liver (capable of processing no more than 100 grams of glucose at a time) will chronically experience an excess of sugar, then the newly restored cells will convert sugar directly into fatty acids, bypassing the glycogen stage.

    This process is called "fatty liver degeneration". With complete fatty degeneration, hepatitis occurs. But partial rebirth is considered the norm for many weightlifters: such a change in the role of the liver in the synthesis of glycogen leads to a slowdown in metabolism and the appearance of excess body fat.

    In addition, regardless of the nature of physical activity and their presence in general, fatty degeneration of the liver is the basis for the formation of:

    • metabolic syndrome;
    • atherosclerosis and its complications in the form of heart attack, stroke, embolism;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • coronary heart disease.

    In addition to changes in the liver and of cardio-vascular system, excess glycogen causes:

    • thickening of the blood and possible subsequent thrombosis;
    • dysfunction at any level of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • obesity.

    On the other hand, glycogen deficiency is no less dangerous. Since this carbohydrate is the main source of energy, a lack of it can cause:

    • impairment of memory, perception of information;
    • constantly bad mood, apathy, which leads to the formation of various depressive syndromes;
    • general weakness, lethargy, decreased ability to work, which affects the results of any daily human activity;
    • loss of body weight due to loss of muscle mass;
    • weakening muscle tone up to the development of atrophy.

    The lack of glycogen in athletes is often manifested by a decrease in the frequency and duration of training, a decrease in motivation.

    Glycogen in the body performs the task of the main energy carrier. It accumulates in the liver and muscles, from where it goes directly to the circulatory system, providing us with the necessary energy (- NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information).

    Consider how glycogen directly affects the work of an athlete:

  1. Glycogen is quickly depleted by exercise. In fact, in one intense workout you can waste up to 80% of all glycogen.
  2. This in turn triggers when the body requires fast carbohydrates to recover.
  3. Under the influence of filling the muscles with blood, the glycogen depot is stretched, and the size of the cells that can store it increases.
  4. Glycogen enters the bloodstream only until the heart rate crosses 80% of the maximum heart rate. If this threshold is exceeded, a lack of oxygen leads to rapid oxidation of fatty acids. Drying of the body is based on this principle.
  5. Glycogen does not affect strength, only endurance.

Interesting fact: in carbohydrate window you can painlessly consume any amount of sweet and harmful, since the body first of all restores the glycogen depot.

The relationship of glycogen and athletic performance extremely simple. The more reps - more depletion, more glycogen in the future, which means more reps in the end.

Glycogen and weight loss

Alas, the accumulation of glycogen does not contribute to weight loss. However, you shouldn't give up your workouts and switch to diets.

Let's consider the situation in more detail. Regular exercise leads to an increase in the glycogen depot.

In total for the year it can increase by 300-600%, which is expressed in a 7-12% increase total weight... Yes, these are the very kilograms from which many women strive to run.

But on the other hand, these kilograms do not settle on the sides, but remain in the muscle tissues, which leads to an increase in the muscles themselves. For example, gluteal.

In turn, the presence and emptying of the glycogen depot allows the athlete to adjust his weight in a short time.

For example, if you need to lose an additional 5-7 kilograms in a few days, depleting the glycogen depot with serious aerobic exercise will help you quickly enter the weight category.

Another important feature of the breakdown and accumulation of glycogen is the redistribution of liver functions. In particular, with an increased size of the depot, excess calories are bound into carbohydrate chains without converting them into fatty acids. What does it mean? It's simple - a trained athlete is less prone to gaining adipose tissue. So, even among venerable bodybuilders, whose weight in the offseason touches the marks of 140-150 kg, the percentage of body fat rarely reaches 25-27% (- NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information).

Factors affecting glycogen levels

It's important to understand that exercise isn't the only thing that affects the amount of glycogen in the liver. This is facilitated by the basic regulation of the hormones insulin and glucagon, which occurs due to the consumption of a certain type of food.

So, with a general saturation of the body, they will most likely turn into adipose tissue, and completely turn into energy, bypassing glycogen chains.

So how do you correctly determine how the eaten food will be distributed?

For this, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. ... High rates contribute to the growth of blood sugar, which urgently needs to be preserved in fats. Low rates stimulate a gradual increase in blood glucose, which contributes to its complete breakdown. And only average values ​​(from 30 to 60) contribute to the conversion of sugar into glycogen.
  2. ... The dependence is inversely proportional. The lower the load, the greater the chance of converting carbohydrates to glycogen.
  3. The type of carbohydrate itself. It all depends on how easily the carbohydrate compound is broken down into simple monosaccharides. So, for example, maltodextrin is more likely to turn into glycogen, although it has a high glycemic index. This polysaccharide goes directly to the liver, bypassing the digestive process, and in this case it is easier to break it down into glycogen than to turn it into glucose and reassemble the molecule.
  4. The amount of carbohydrates. If you correctly dose the amount of carbohydrates in one meal, then even eating chocolates and muffins, you will be able to avoid body fat.

Probability table for converting carbohydrates to glycogen

So, carbohydrates are unequal in their ability to convert into glycogen or polyunsaturated fatty acids. What the incoming glucose will turn into depends only on how much it will be released during the breakdown of the product. So, for example, it is very likely that they will not turn into either fatty acids or glycogen at all. At the same time, pure sugar will go into body fat almost entirely.

Editors Note: The list of products below should not be regarded as the ultimate truth. Metabolic processes depend on the individual characteristics of a particular person. We only indicate the percentage of the likelihood that this product will be more useful or more harmful to you.

Name Glycemic index Percentage of probability of complete combustion Percentage likelihood of converting to fat Percentage likelihood of conversion to glycogen
Dried dates204 3.7% 62.4% <10%
202 2.5% 58.5% <10%
Dry sunflower seeds8 85% 28.8% 7%
Peanut20 65% 8.8% 7%
Broccoli20 65% 2.2% 7%
Mushrooms20 65% 2.2% 7%
Leaf salad20 65% 2.4% 7%
Lettuce20 65% 0.8% 7%
Tomatoes20 65% 4.8% 7%
Eggplant20 65% 5.2% 7%
Green pepper20 65% 5.4% 7%
White cabbage20 65% 4.6% 7%
20 65% 5.2% 7%
Onion20 65% 8.2% 7%
Fresh apricots20 65% 8.0% 7%
Fructose20 65% 88.8% 7%
Plums22 65% 8.5% 7%
22 65% 24% 7%
22 65% 5.5% 7%
Cherry22 65% 22.4% 7%
Black chocolate (60% cocoa)22 65% 52.5% 7%
Walnuts25 37% 28.4% 27%
Skimmed milk26 37% 4.6% 27%
Sausages28 37% 0.8% 27%
Grape40 37% 25.0% 27%
Fresh green peas40 37% 22.8% 27%
Freshly squeezed orange juice without sugar40 37% 28% 27%
Milk 2.5%40 37% 4.64% 27%
Apples40 37% 8.0% 27%
Apple juice without sugar40 37% 8.2% 27%
Mamalyga (cornmeal porridge)40 37% 22.2% 27%
White beans40 37% 22.5% 27%
Wheat grain bread, rye bread40 37% 44.8% 27%
Peaches40 37% 8.5% 27%
Sugar-free berry marmalade, sugar-free jam40 37% 65% 27%
Soy milk40 37% 2.6% 27%
Whole milk42 37% 4.6% 27%
Strawberry42 37% 5.4% 27%
Boiled colored beans42 37% 22.5% 27%
Canned pears44 37% 28.2% 27%
44 37% 8.5% 27%
Rye grains. germinated44 37% 56.2% 27%
Natural yogurt 4.2% fat45 37% 4.5% 27%
Fat-free yoghurt45 37% 4.5% 27%
Bran bread45 37% 22.4% 27%
Pineapple juice. sugarless45 37% 25.6% 27%
Dried apricots45 37% 55% 27%
Raw carrots45 37% 6.2% 27%
Oranges45 37% 8.2% 27%
Fig45 37% 22.2% 27%
Milk oatmeal48 37% 24.2% 27%
Green peas. canned48 31% 5.5% 42%
Grape juice without sugar48 31% 24.8% 42%
Wholemeal spaghetti48 31% 58.4% 42%
Grapefruit juice without sugar48 31% 8.0% 42%
Sherbet50 31% 84% 42%
50 31% 4.0% 42%
, buckwheat pancakes50 31% 44.2% 42%
Sweet potatoes (sweet potato)50 31% 24.5% 42%
Tortellini with cheese50 31% 24.8% 42%
50 31% 40.5% 42%
Spaghetti. pasta50 31% 58.4% 42%
White crumbly rice50 31% 24.8% 42%
Pizza with tomatoes and cheese50 31% 28.4% 42%
Hamburger buns52 31% 54.6% 42%
Twix52 31% 54% 42%
Sweet yoghurt52 31% 8.5% 42%
Ice cream sundae52 31% 20.8% 42%
Wheat flour pancakes52 31% 40% 42%
Bran52 31% 24.5% 42%
Biscuit54 31% 54.2% 42%
Raisin54 31% 55% 42%
Shortbread cookies54 31% 65.8% 42%
54 31% 8.8% 42%
Pasta with cheese54 31% 24.8% 42%
Wheat grains. germinated54 31% 28.2% 42%
Beer 2.8% alcohol220 20% 4.4% <10%
Semolina55 12% 56.6% <10%
Oatmeal, instant55 12% 55% <10%
Butter cookies55 12% 65. 8% <10%
Orange juice (ready-made)55 12% 22.8% <10%
Fruit salad with whipped sugar55 12% 55.2% <10%
Couscous55 12% 64% <10%
Oatmeal cookies55 12% 62% <10%
Mango55 12% 22.5% <10%
A pineapple55 12% 22.5% <10%
Black bread55 12% 40.6% <10%
bananas55 12% 22% <10%
Melon55 12% 8.2% <10%
Potato. boiled "in uniform"55 12% 40.4% <10%
Boiled wild rice56 12% 22.44% <10%
Croissant56 12% 40.6% <10%
Wheat flour58 12% 58.8% <10%
Papaya58 12% 8.2% <10%
Canned corn58 12% 22.2% <10%
Marmalade, jam with sugar60 12% 60% <10%
Milk chocolate60 12% 52.5% <10%
Potato, corn starch60 12% 68.2% <10%
Steamed white rice60 12% 68.4% <10%
Sugar (sucrose)60 12% 88.8% <10%
Dumplings, ravioli60 12% 22% <10%
Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite60 12% 42% <10%
Mars, snickers (bars)60 12% 28% <10%
Boiled potatoes60 12% 25.6% <10%
Boiled corn60 12% 22.2% <10%
Wheat bagel62 12% 58.5% <10%
Millet62 12% 55.5% <10%
Ground crackers for breading64 12% 62.5% <10%
Unsweetened waffles65 12% 80.2% <10%
65 12% 4.4% <10%
Watermelon65 12% 8.8% <10%
Donuts65 12% 48.8% <10%
Zucchini65 12% 4.8% <10%
Muesli with nuts and raisins80 12% 55.4% <10%
Potato chips80 12% 48.5% <10%
Crackers80 12% 55.2% <10%
Instant rice porridge80 12% 65.2% <10%
Honey80 12% 80.4% <10%
Mashed potatoes80 12% 24.4% <10%
Jam82 12% 58% <10%
Canned apricots82 12% 22% <10%
Instant Mashed Potatoes84 12% 45% <10%
Baked potatoes85 12% 22.5% <10%
White bread85 12% 48.5% <10%
Popcorn85 12% 62% <10%
85 12% 68.5% <10%
French buns85 12% 54% <10%
Rice flour85 12% 82.5% <10%
Boiled carrots85 12% 28% <10%
white bread toast200 7% 55% <10%


Glycogen in muscle and liver is especially important for athletes who practice. The mechanisms of glycogen storage suggest a steady increase in base weight. Training your energy systems will not only help you achieve high athletic performance, but will also increase your total daily energy reserve. You will feel less tired and feel better.

For an athlete, building up glycogen stores is not only a necessity, but also the prevention of obesity. Complex carbohydrates can be stored in the muscles for as long as desired without being oxidized or degraded. Moreover, any load leads to their waste and regulation of the general state of the body.

And finally, one interesting fact: it is the breakdown of glycogen that leads to the fact that most of the glucose enters through the blood directly into the central nervous system, stimulating and improving brain activity.

The stores of glycogen - a polysaccharide formed by residual glucose - are our body's "fuel reserve", which allows us to generate energy throughout the day. We get glucose by eating carbohydrate food, but it happens that the reserves of this substance are depleted for one reason or another. In this case, the body uses glycogen from muscles and liver, converting it into glucose. Exercise, illness, and certain eating habits contribute to a faster decrease in the amount of glycogen in the body ..

How to replenish glycogen stores after exercise?

Carbohydrates that enter the body with food are converted into glucose as a result of metabolism. It is carbohydrates that are needed to maintain normal blood glucose levels and sufficient energy for daily activities. When the body determines that glucose is in excess, it converts it to glycogen during glycogenesis. Glycogen stores are stored in muscle tissue and liver. When blood glucose levels decrease, glycogen is converted back to glucose during glycolysis.

During intense exercise, glucose is consumed more quickly, as a result of which the body begins to obtain it from glycogen stores.

When performing anaerobic exercise (such as strength), which involves a short period of high activity, glycogen from muscle tissue is used primarily for energy. When performing aerobic exercise, which requires staying active over longer periods of time, glycogen stored in the liver is consumed mainly. Therefore, for example, marathon runners often face the problem of depleting glucose stores. In this case, symptoms of hypoglycemia appear:

  • fatigue;
  • lack of coordination;
  • dizziness;
  • concentration problems.

For about two hours after an intense workout, the body is able to more efficiently restore glycogen levels - the so-called carbohydrate window. Therefore, immediately after playing sports, it is recommended to refuel with carbohydrates (to restore glycogen stores) and proteins (to restore muscle tissue), for example:

  • fruit;
  • milk, including chocolate;
  • vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • honey.

Foods made with processed sugars are also a source of simple carbohydrates (candy, cakes), but the nutritional value of these foods is low.

Sports drinks are another way to replenish glycogen stores before or after physical activity. For example, during long workouts, it is recommended to choose drinks containing 4-8% carbohydrates, 20-30 meq / l sodium and 2-5 meq / l potassium.

How to restore glycogen stores in diabetes?

Insulin and glucagon are two hormones produced by the pancreas. These hormones are antagonists, that is, they perform opposite functions to each other.

  1. Insulin is responsible for moving glucose into the cells of the body, where it is used for energy, removing excess glucose from the bloodstream and converting it into glycogen, which is stored in muscle and liver tissue for later use.
  2. When blood glucose levels drop, the production of glucagon is triggered in the pancreas. Under the influence of this hormone, glycogen stores are used to obtain the glucose necessary for energy production.

In diabetics, the pancreas does not function properly because insulin and glucagon are not produced in sufficient quantities. This leads to:

  1. Glucose cannot properly enter tissue cells for energy production.
  2. Excess glucose in the blood is not efficiently stored in the form of glycogen.
  3. When there is a lack of energy, the body cannot get enough glucose from glycogen stores.

Such disorders lead to the fact that diabetics are at high risk of hypoglycemia. Although this condition can occur in everyone, people with diabetes are more likely to have low blood glucose levels. With hypoglycemia, the following symptoms may occur:

  • hunger;
  • nausea;
  • shiver;
  • nervousness;
  • dizziness;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • disorientation and lack of coordination.

Convulsions, coma, and even death are dangerous consequences of hypoglycemia.

Therefore, diabetics must necessarily take the medications prescribed by the attending physician, as well as follow the diet and exercise regimen established with the help of the doctor.

What to do in case of an attack of hypoglycemia:

  1. Recognize in a timely manner (symptoms are indicated above).
  2. If the person is conscious, ensure the intake of fast carbohydrates (a couple of glucose tablets, a spoonful of sugar or honey, natural fruit juice, raisins, etc.).
  3. If the person is unconscious, call an ambulance.
  4. Use a pre-prepared first aid kit, which must include glucose tablets, everything you need to inject glucagon, an accessible step-by-step description of the necessary steps. It is better for a diabetic to collect such a first-aid kit together with a doctor and carry it with him just in case.

How to Replenish Glycogen Stores on a Low Carb Diet?

First, make sure that a low-carb diet is necessary for you, or at least harmless to your body, after consulting your doctor. Secondly, remember that if you are consuming less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, you should not resort to vigorous physical activity.

If you do decide to try a low-carb diet to maintain glycogen stores, you need to:

  1. Work with an expert to select a safe range of carbohydrate restriction in the diet, taking into account your age, health status and level of physical activity.
  2. Remember that, first of all, the body uses glucose from the blood to generate energy, then glycogen stores from muscle tissue and liver, therefore, with frequent and intense training, these reserves are depleted, and carbohydrates are needed to replenish them. If they do not enter the body, the risk of hypoglycemia increases.
  3. Monitor the intensity of your workouts. If you are trying to lose weight, exercise is a great way to keep your body in shape. However, it is equally important to moderate the load and not too long training.
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