How to pump triceps at home for a girl. The best triceps exercises for women at home

Want to tone your hands? Then pump your triceps muscles in just 15 minutes with these simple exercises for triceps for women at home. For training, you will need a dumbbell or weight, such as a water bottle and a fitball, if available.

Once you're comfortable with sweater season, it's time for holiday parties and evening gowns. But you can't decide on sleeveless clothes because your arm muscles have lost their tone and elasticity? Triceps exercises for women are specially selected to strengthen these areas and help you look great in sleeveless clothing and can also give you a little boost. better exchange substances, says David Goldman, personal coach who created this training program. Doing all the exercises three times a week will help girls to strengthen their triceps and even get rid of excess weight, however, you need to reconsider the diet.

Exercise 1: One-handed push-up

(A) Lie on your left side with your legs folded, knees slightly bent. Place your left hand on your right shoulder.

(B) Press the right palm on the floor to raise the torso, straighten right hand until it is flat. Do 12 reps and then move to the other side.

Exercise 2: Push-ups from the floor with the support of the legs on the fitball

(A) Get into a push-up position with only your feet on the fitness ball. Place your hands a little closer than shoulder-width apart.

(B) Bend your arms slowly until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle, then lift back up to straighten. Do 12 reps.

Exercise 3: Dumbbell Triceps Extension Lying on a Fitness Ball

Lie on a fitness ball or bench, extending both arms overhead with dumbbells in each hand. (A) Bend your elbows so that your forearms are parallel to the floor. (B) Slowly straighten your arms, then lower them into starting position... Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 4: Overhead Triceps Dumbbell Extension

Stand straight with soft knees, arms raised straight up so that your elbows are next to your ears, holding the dumbbells in your hands. (A) Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle. (B) Tighten your triceps by straightening your arms and pushing the dumbbells up. Slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Do 12 reps.

Exercise 5: Bent-over Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Place your left palm and knee on the bench. Hold the dumbbells in your right hand and lift it parallel to your torso. (A) Bend your right elbow to a 90 degree angle. (B) Slowly straighten your arm, pause, and return to the starting position. Do it 12 times and then go to the other side.

Exercise 6: Triceps Floor Dips

(A) Lie on the floor in a push-up position with your arms directly under your shoulders. (B) Keeping your elbows parallel to your sides, lower your body. Make sure to press and gluteal muscles were tense. Return to starting position. Do 12 reps.

Based on materials:

Triceps is an antagonist muscle that is located on the back of the arm, parallel to the biceps. This triceps muscle of the shoulder is responsible for the extension of the arm at the elbow joint and plays a direct role in basic exercises aimed at working out the muscles of the chest.

Quite often, many forget about training the triceps muscle and direct all efforts to training the biceps, in the hope that the arm will increase in volume and will be quite visually beautiful. However, the triceps are more voluminous. muscle group, which occupies 2/3 of the muscles of the shoulder, therefore, to increase the arms, it is advisable to swing exactly the triceps.

Triceps exercises for women with weight are basically the same as triceps exercises for men. The only difference is that for girls you need to select a lower working weight than for men. Let's take a closer look at these exercises that will help you.

The first exercise I would like to show is called the sideways triceps push-up. Lie on your left side with your legs folded together and slightly bent at the knees, as shown in the picture. The supporting arm lies on the floor along the body or hugs it, forearms at right angles to the hand. Extending the arm, we raise the body without lifting the pelvis and legs from the floor.

In this exercise, the triceps receive the main load, plus lateral muscles press. After completing 12-15 repetitions, lie on your right side and repeat the exercise with your left arm.

Tips: It is very important not to lift your legs and pelvis off the floor. Try not to lift your torso yourself. It is necessary to concentrate the load on the triceps and raise the upper body solely by extending the arm. There is a static load on the press.

The second exercise is called "leg push-ups on a fitball." This is a complicated version of simple push-ups for triceps using fitball. In principle, as additional equipment, you can use not only a fitness ball, but also a simple bench, chair, etc.

To begin with, you should take an emphasis lying down, put your feet on the fitball. The body should be straight from head to toe. You can't bend, lift your ass up, and so on. In the starting position, the elbows are pressed to the body. Go down until your chest is 4-5 centimeters from the floor, then hold for a short while in this position for 2 seconds and return to the starting position, straightening your arms completely.

Tips: Again, your elbows should be close to your torso and your palms should be about shoulder-width apart to allow triceps to work and minimize stress on the elbow joints. Keep your body tense throughout the exercise, just like in a plank exercise.

The third exercise, which we will now consider with you, is called " French press with dumbbells lying on fitball ". Here average level difficulty, and the emphasis falls on increasing the strength of the triceps muscle of the arms.

Take two dumbbells with the correct weight and lie with your back on the fitness ball. It is very important to fix your position and rest your feet firmly on the floor. Straighten your arms, holding the dumbbells in front of you. This will be your starting position.

When everything is ready, begin to slowly lower the dumbbells to your forehead, while bending your elbows. Part of the arms from shoulder to elbow should be kept motionless. After your forearms touch your biceps, take a short pause for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.

Tips: If you don't have a fitball available, you can use a bench or chair. The elbows should be kept in the same position throughout the exercise and not spread out to the sides. To avoid injury to your elbow, you need to tilt your elbows slightly down and then return them up. To avoid losing control and swaying the body, tighten the abdominal muscles and buttocks, and also firmly fix the legs and rest them on the floor.

The fourth exercise that is perfect for training triceps is called the "French press. standing overhead dumbbells. This is a fairly easy and at the same time effective exercise that is suitable for beginner athletes. You will need dumbbells to complete it.

Stand up straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. The picture shows a variant of the exercise with one dumbbell, but I recommend doing it with two dumbbells. Take dumbbells in each hand, then straighten your arms above your head so that your palms are facing each other.

After the starting position is ready, slowly lower the dumbbells behind your head so that they are almost level with your head, you can slightly lower to achieve maximum stretch in the triceps. At the bottom point, pause for a while, hold for about 2 seconds and return your hands to their starting position. Repeat this movement 10-12 times.

Tips: Lower the dumbbells slowly. In order not to injure yourself, take a working weight, but not the maximum. At the top, try to fully concentrate the tension in the triceps, thereby reducing it as much as possible for greater effect.

The next exercise is called "straightening the arms back while standing, in an incline with a dumbbell." Suitable for beginner athletes who want to increase their triceps strength.

Prepare a bench, stand with your right knee on it. Then rest your right hand on a power bench. The leg you are leaning on should be slightly behind and to the side. The left foot should be firmly pressed to the floor. Keep your torso parallel to the floor. Take a dumbbell with your left hand and bend your elbow at a right angle, the elbow itself is pressed to the body. Fixing shoulder arms, extend your arm back, while contracting the triceps.

Tips: Lift the weight slowly in an up and down motion, and do not swing your arm. At the top, the elbow should be fully extended. To perform the movement strictly according to the technique, you should take such a weight that will correspond to the level of your physical fitness... Remember that even minor weights can be very effective. Do 10-15 reps.

And finally, the last triceps exercise for girls that we will look at is called push-ups with narrow setting hands ". This is a rather difficult exercise and is not suitable for every girl who wants to tighten her physical fitness... The main emphasis is on the development of the triceps muscle, however, the movement also involves the pectorals and deltoid muscles... The entire body takes on a static load.

In order to proceed with the execution of this exercise, take the usual lying position, put your palms on narrow grip... If you find it difficult to do push-ups with a narrow setting of the arms, you can slightly expand the position of the palms, slightly narrower than shoulder width. Remember, in order for the triceps to work, you need to press your elbows against the body and not spread them when you extend your arms.

Every person wants to look fit, to attract attention - both man and woman. Hands are the main thing that people pay attention to in the first place when evaluating a figure. An athletic and fit person always has beautiful hands. It is not only about the prominent biceps, but also about its antagonist - triceps. You can pump it up in gym but home workouts can be very effective. Next, we will talk about how to pump triceps at home.

For some reason, having decided to pump up their arms, the bulk of people pay more attention to biceps than triceps, believing that this will make their arms more voluminous. This is a gross mistake. Triceps occupies 2/3 of the volume of the arms, and the biceps is only 1/3. If you want pumped up arms, don't forget to train your triceps.

The pumped up triceps will allow you to add in, you will increase the number of push-ups from the floor, because the triceps are auxiliary muscles during the work of the pectorals. In addition, triceps play a major role in the punch, which will greatly help boxers and other fighters. It is also important for girls to pay attention to him, especially if they wish,.

How is the triceps brachii muscle arranged?

From the name it is clear that the triceps consists of three muscle bundles: lateral, medial and long head. It is important to know their structure, because in different provisions these bundles work and train in different ways. Triceps is designed to extend the arm and antagonize the biceps. The ends of the muscles are attached to the elbow joint.

Doing only one exercise, only one beam will be loaded, the rest will lag behind. In this case, the hand will look inharmonious and ugly.

Features of workouts at home

There is no such variety of simulators at home as in the gym, however, here you can also pump triceps muscle shoulder. For this there are simple classic exercises for triceps, which can be done at home or outdoors. The following inventory is required: a kettlebell, bench or chair, block trainer or, two pairs of dumbbells of different weights, ideally parallel bars. With the right amount of patience and the will to exercise, you will quickly and easily figure out how to tighten this muscle group.

Triceps exercises for men

Triceps exercises for men themselves are no different from those that are suitable for girls. The only difference is that in male workouts high load and low repetitions prevail. And for girls, it is enough to work out with light to medium weight and a lot of repetitions. Triceps exercises are best combined with exercises for the back muscles. It is recommended to train this group 2 times a week, with a rest period of 5 days.

Similar to regular push-ups, only the arms are placed at shoulder level, not wide. When performing the exercise, the elbows need to be pulled back, and not to the sides. This is considered basic, and its inclusion in home workouts is a must.

Reverse push-ups from a bench or chair

Here you need some kind of elevation, such as a chair or a small stool. The main thing is that it is solid and stable. Lean on your hands, the body is suspended, your gaze is directed forward. Lower and lower slowly. Make sure that the body is straight, the back should not be bent or protruded. You need to do this exercise to failure. To facilitate exercise, the knees can be bent. To complicate things, put your feet on an additional height.

Place one hand and knee on a chair or bench. Press the hand with the dumbbell to the body. Begin to extend and bend your arm at the elbow. You can also do this exercise while standing with your torso slightly tilted downward, with your back straight.

Dumbbell / kettlebell bench press

Stand up, grab a dumbbell under your hat and lift it above your head. Start slowly lowering it behind your head and lifting it back. Be careful, it's very easy to get yourself a bump.
How to skillfully do this exercise is described in this video.

French bench press with barbell / dumbbells

You can do it both standing and sitting. The main option is lying down. The barbell (in the absence of it, you can take dumbbells) is taken with a narrow grip. The barbell is raised in front of you and lowered to the forehead, bending your arms at the elbows. In order to complicate the exercise, take your arms back, so the chest will turn off from the work and the triceps will be more loaded. For all its injury hazard, this exercise, with a competent approach, can seriously strengthen the ligaments.

How to do such an exercise is described in this video.

Dips on the uneven bars

The main triceps exercise for those involved. However, it has one drawback - there should be bars at home, and they may not be. When performing the exercise, it is better to take your elbows back so that the load from pectoral muscles switched to triceps. At first, you may have an unpleasant sensation in your chest, as if something was torn there. This is normal because the muscles are not stretched yet, and this is how they stretch. After 3 weeks of training, such sensations will disappear.
Video with detailed instructions and all the nuances.

Exercises for girls

Usually, a woman does not need large volumes of hands and strong muscles... It is enough to make them look tight and not hang like a sausage. Therefore, the exercises for girls are different from those for men. Their main task is to tone the muscles by working with dumbbells or a barbell. Women have less intense pumping.

The same push-ups as for men, but with some nuances. Girls are usually weaker than men, and therefore it is difficult for them to perform push-ups from the floor. In order to make the exercise easier, you can do push-ups from a chair, bed, windowsill, table, etc. Remember that the higher, the lighter the load. The load should be selected so that it can be done 30-40 times. Most importantly, do not forget to put your arms narrowly and take your elbows back.

Girls will also find this exercise very useful. However, take a smaller weight and do more times to keep the muscles leaner and more prominent.

For girls, this exercise is best performed with one hand with a small weight. In this case, the hand together with the dumbbells must be lowered to the opposite shoulder. The second is for support. After the working arm is tired, switch hands. Try to do the same number of reps for even development. muscle fibers.

  • Exercise regularly. Only by constant training can you achieve anything;
  • Eat right. Your body must have enough protein to ensure the growth of muscle fibers, and carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves;
  • Give up alcohol. Scientists have long proven that alcohol negates all workout efforts. A high-quality and beautiful body can be achieved only by completely abandoning it;
  • Sleep well. The body takes time to rebuild its muscles. They recover best during sleep. For best result exercising, you should have a healthy, eight-hour sleep;
  • Don't give up halfway. Many without receiving desired result, quit training after a month of classes. Had they trained for another six months, they would have got the desired body;
  • Warm up thoroughly before exercising. The body that is not stretched before exercising is worse, and you can also get sprains and dislocations. Do not neglect the warm-up;
  • Choose a reasonable weight. If you take too heavy weight, the likelihood of injury will increase;
  • Do cardio exercises. So you can lose weight faster, your body will be drier and more prominent. The triceps will also become more prominent. Suitable for girls;
  • Cool down. After training, the warmed-up muscles need to be calmed, so they will recover faster after training. To do this, do stretching or cardio exercises.

To achieve beautiful hands and pumping up triceps is not difficult. Everything takes practice. It is enough to train regularly and pay attention to both biceps and triceps. For some reason, the latter is often forgotten, but in vain. A beautiful and voluminous triceps is the guarantee of a pumped-up arm. Follow these guidelines and you will see how quickly your hands gain beautiful shape... Good luck with your training.

You don't have to go to the gym to tone your arm muscles. There are several effective and fairly simple exercises that require only 15 minutes and no need to visit the gym. For classes, you will need a weighting agent. This can be dumbbells or a bottle filled with water. Some of the exercises are performed using a fitball.

Tight and elastic triceps for every girl is an opportunity to wear open sleeveless dresses, showing others her good sports uniform and beautiful body... Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the arms not only allow you to restore tone, but also contribute to the normalization of metabolism.

You need to do the exercises three times a week. If, along with the classes, you also revise your own, then the training will allow you to get rid of excess weight.

Take the starting position as shown in picture A. Lying on your side, fold your legs together and bend your knees slightly. Left hand is on the right shoulder, right palm on the floor.

Do the exercise in accordance with figure B. Transferring the support to your right arm, straighten it while lifting your torso. Do 12 reps on each side.

The starting position is the same as in Figure A and similar to the usual ones, only the hands are not located at the same level with the shoulders, but closer to each other, the legs lie on the fitball.

Bend your arms slowly in elbow joints so that a right angle is formed, as illustrated in picture B. Take the starting position. Do at least 12 reps.

Take the starting position as in Figure A. You can lie on the fitball or use a bench. Hold dumbbells or other weights in your arms bent at the elbows.

Slowly straighten your arms as shown in image B. Then return to the original position by lowering your arms. Do 12 repetitions in a row.

Stand up straight and relax your knees, but do not bend them. Raise your arms up and bend at the elbows so that they are flush with your ears. Hold dumbbells in your hands. The position should be similar to Figure A.

Straighten your arms while pushing the dumbbells up. In this case, the triceps should be tense, and the arms in the final position should be straight (image B). Return to starting position. Do the exercise 12 times.

To take the starting position, put the left palm and left knee on the bench. The right hand, in which the dumbbell is located, is held parallel to the body, bent at a right angle (Figure A).

The arm is slowly extended, held in an extreme position (image B), and then returned to its original position. The exercise is repeated for each side at least 12 times.

It is performed without the use of any sports equipment. To take the starting position (image A), lie down on the floor, arms spread so that they are at shoulder level.

Lower your body so that your elbows are at your sides and parallel to your torso (Figure B). Both the buttocks and abs should be as tense as possible. After lowering, take the starting position. You need to do at least 12 repetitions.

Crossfit at home

One of the most weak points in women, triceps. With age, this muscle gradually begins to sag. We will show you how to strengthen it and build triceps!


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Raise your hand - and a weak flabby triceps immediately betrays itself. V Everyday life this muscle is practically not used. Therefore, it is so important to train her. There are several exercises that help you build your triceps (triceps brachii). Some of the most effective are reverse push-ups.

Reverse Triceps Dips

Sit on a bench, chair, or any other stable surface with your hands on the edge. Move the pelvis off the bench and, resting your heels on the floor, try to keep your body in weight. As you inhale, slowly lower your pelvis to the floor, continuing to move until your elbows form a right angle. As you exhale, lift the body, unbending your arms at the elbows.

Attention: to avoid overstraining the joints, do not straighten your arms completely. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Start with two sets of 10-12 reps. Then gradually increase to three sets of 15 reps.

Triceps Dumbbell Exercise


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Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell in your right hand (you can support your right with your left hand) and slowly start to wrap your right hand behind your head. Repeat 20 times. Change your hand.

Triceps Fitball Exercise


Take dumbbells and lie with your back on the fitball (feet rest on the floor). Straighten your arms, holding the dumbbells in front of you. Then creep them behind the head 10-15 times.

Triceps workouts

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Do not get carried away with the so-called isolated exercises, that is, involving only one muscle in the work. In order for the arms to be fit and beautiful and all the muscles to work harmoniously, the workouts should be as varied as possible. Include push-ups from the floor (with a narrow setting of the palms), different kinds planks, extension of arms with a dumbbell, exercises on fitball. Or French press- the institution of dumbbells behind the head from a sitting or lying position. These exercises will help build your triceps and tighten your overall figure.

What to do after exercise

Stretching your arm muscles will help prevent overstraining. Place your arms bent at the elbows behind your back. Pull your right elbow up, left elbow down, intertwining your fingers.

It is enough to devote to these relatively uncomplicated, but effective exercise at least 10–20 minutes 2-3 times a week, and in a few months you will appreciate the result - you will be able to pump up your triceps and your arms will be beautiful and fit.

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