Crossover execution technique. Crossover - Isolate Chest Exercise

Ideally, the pectoral muscles of a bodybuilder should be like two massive plates, clearly separated from each other, with clearly defined edges.

With the help of basic exercises, this cannot be achieved; in order to give the chest a beautiful relief, you need to include it in your training program also insulating.

This can be the convergence of hands in a crossover. This is an isolating chest workout that is almost useless for gaining muscle mass, but can improve the shape of your pectoral muscles.

Thanks to him, they will become clearly expressed, they will take outlined forms, and their aesthetics will improve. It is first of all for advanced athletes to include hand information in a crossover in their program. Beginners should first build up chest volume with basic exercises such as the bench press and incline bench.

What muscles work

When performing the exercise, the main work is performed by the pectoralis major and minor muscles. Also, while working in a crossover additional load receive the serratus anterior muscle and the anterior delta bundle. At correct technique triceps are turned off from work.

Exercise options

The exercise can be performed with blocks located at different heights. They can be at chest level, above or below it.

In the first case, the pectoral muscles are fully loaded with work, with the emphasis on their middle part. With the lower arrangement of the blocks, the main part of the load is taken by the upper chest, and with the upper - the lower.

It is the last option that is the main one when performing this exercise. Together with such a convergence of hands in a crossover, it is worthwhile to include a reduction in hands in the training program to work out the chest in a seated simulator.

When working, the entire chest is involved in it, but the main emphasis is on the inside of it, which allows you to clearly separate the left and right halves. These two exercises complement each other well.

Execution technique

  • Take a starting position: grab the handles and pull them towards you, lean forward slightly, your gaze should be directed forward.
  • As you exhale, gently bring your hands together, bringing them close to each other.
  • While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

Find the optimal position of your legs and core: your pecs should feel a little load in the starting position, while keeping your elbows slightly behind your body. Move back and forth to find the optimal position.

There are different opinions as to how the legs should be positioned. Most of the practitioners believe that they should be carried away, putting one in front and the other back. In this position, it is easier to maintain balance.

However, the load is slightly asymmetrical: either the right or left half of the body does most of the work. In order to avoid this, the legs can be placed on the same level.

If you, like most athletes, choose a non-parallel stance, periodically change their places, bringing either the right or the left foot forward.

When performing the information of the arms in the crossover, the pectoral muscles are under load throughout the entire range of motion. In this, this exercise compares favorably with the information of hands with free weights, which are performed lying on a bench: in this case, when the weights are at the top point, a significant part of the load is transferred to the hands.

In order to achieve best results from working out the pectoral muscles in the crossover, make a peak contraction, lingering for one or two counts in a position in which the arms are almost close to each other.

Frequent mistakes

You do not need to bend and unbend your arms at the elbows, they must be fixed. Make sure that the flexion occurs exclusively in the shoulder joints. The body must also be kept stationary. In this case, the arms should be practically straight - many bend them at the elbows at an angle of almost 90 degrees, but this is wrong.

Also, make sure that your hands move in the same plane parallel to each other; your hands should not walk from side to side while performing the information. Another common mistake is bringing the hands together due to inertia, when at the very beginning of the positive phase of the movement, the athlete makes a jerk. This way it is easier to handle a lot of weight, but this is wrong.

If you are unable to mix in the correct technique, reduce the load.

The details of the hands in the crossover are described in the book by Dmitry Murzin “Arnold Schwarzenegger. Signature exercises ”, which can be an interesting and useful reading for every bodybuilder.

Iron Arnie devoted a lot of time to the implementation of such information, noting that they not only contribute to the creation of outlined contours of the pectoral muscles: thanks to the inclusion of this exercise in his training program, the chest begins to "split", that is, there is a pronounced division of the pectoral muscles into bundles, and it looks very spectacularly.

] Exercise Description
Reduction of hands on blocks

Execution technique and muscles involved in the exercise
Exercise type:
What muscles work
Target muscles:

block simulator



Similar exercises:

effective for the development of pectoral muscles

Crossovers- a specialized exercise for pumping the pectoral muscles, especially the inner and lower parts of them. The exercise is not considered highly effective for increasing the volume of the pectoral muscles, as it is not able to create maximum overload. Crossovers well suited for increasing strength, they are also recommended if bench presses, push-ups and dumbbell raises are ineffective.

Exercise technique

Stabilizing muscles

  • Shoulders: Serratus anterior, pectoralis minor, rhomboid muscles, lower trapezius muscles
  • Shoulder joint: Rotator cuff muscles, biceps brachii.
  • Elbow joint: Triceps shoulder, brachial muscle.
  • Wrist joint: Wrist flexors.
  • Moderate trunk stabilization: Abdominal and gluteal muscle groups, latissimus dorsi.
  • The main muscles of the legs provide stability to the posture.

Crossover technique

Stand between the blocks with one foot slightly forward. Take the blocks into the handles. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows, palms are facing each other. Bring your hands together until they touch, elbows slightly bent throughout the exercise. Return to starting position.

Tips for Correct Exercise Technique:

  • Learn the correct technique for performing movements before increasing the weight of the weights.
  • Avoid using the force of inertia; use slow, controlled movement.
  • Avoid excessive extension of the arms at the elbow joints and overloading of the shoulder joints. The arms should remain bent at the elbows at an angle of approximately 10 °.
  • Keep your chest and shoulders straight and don't slouch. Be sure to bring your shoulder blades together and down and press them against your back, activating the front muscles.
  • Concentrate on the tension of the pectoral muscles when bringing the hands together, rather than on the efforts of the muscles of the arms.
  • Exhale while performing the adduction of the arms through the sides down.

Crossover technique (video)

Motion analysis

Joint 1

Joint 2


Scapular-thoracic articulation

Directions of movement in the joints

Forward - horizontal adduction, inward rotation

Back - abduction in the horizontal plane, outward rotation

Forward - abduction

Back - mixing

Mobilizing muscles

The pectoralis major muscle, emphasis on the sternocostal and clavicular parts.

Small pectoral muscles; front part deltoid muscle... Coracohumeral muscle; Biceps shoulder (short head); Latissimus muscle back

Serratus anterior muscle

Notes: If you do this exercise with your elbows bent strongly, then the crossover on the blocks turns into a bench press. To do the entire movement to the very end, you will have to unbend your elbows. Thus, you connect the triceps to the movement, turning isolated exercise into polyarticular.

Additionally: To intensify the training in this exercise, you can use

Glad to see everyone in good health, my dear swing and fitnyashechki! On the calendar is the last month of summer, Wednesday, 13 August. And this means that today another technical note awaits us, and we will disassemble the crossover exercise. After reading, you will learn everything about the technique of performing hand information on a double block, the main mistakes made, and also about ... well, we will not reveal all the secrets in order to sow some intrigue.

So, if everyone is present, then I give the third call and we begin.

Crossover exercise. What, why and why?

As you remember, I said that I recently had to change the gym due to renovations in the previous one. For the most part, I relocated to a makeshift hall - a garage, and I go there 2 once a week, in the new public I visit only 1 once. However, the latter is quite enough for me to search for topics and form notes for the project. So it happened this time, when I saw people doing a crossover exercise to work out the pectoral muscles on a block simulator. Why haven't I seen enough ... you know the saying: how many people, so many opinions? So, in relation to the performance of flattening the hands in a crossover, we can say: how many people, so many techniques. In fact, there is only one correct technique, and we will talk about it, and about this simulator in general, in our today's article.

Many are probably surprised why I decided to pay attention to such a non-main chest exercise? Let me explain.

For most people attending the gym, lying down is the foundation for building massive breasts. There is nothing reprehensible in this, because they are the best mass-gaining exercises. However, gaining mass is only half the battle, you still need to be able to serve it beautifully on a silver platter. And this is exactly what isolating movements and block trainers are called to help us. If relative to the main female weapon, the breast, everything is clear - it should be of a good “grasping” size :), then the male breast is a whole creation of architecture, on which it is necessary to work for a long time, seriously and painstakingly.

Perfectly rib cage bodybuilder should be two massive plates in the manner of armor. Moreover, it is plates, and not some formless blotches of muscles. The separation of the upper and lower sections should be clearly visible and the border of separation of the right and left halves should be deeply visible (median line)... Basic exercises cannot give all this, therefore, to "shape" the breast need more isolating work. The latter works well in butterfly and crossover simulators.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscles at work

Reduction of hands on the block trainer resembles the flapping of the wings of birds. During execution, the entire load goes to the chest, only the shoulder joint moves, the triceps is turned off from work. In the classic version of the exercise, the target crossover muscle group the sternal (lower) head is large pectoral muscle... The clavicular head (upper) and pectoralis minor muscles also participate and assist in movement, as do the anterior deltas and some back muscles. Upper shoulder girdle and the muscles of the forearm act as stabilizers, along with muscles such as the rectus / oblique abdomen and the extensors of the spine.

In a visual version, the muscle atlas for the reduction of hands on a block trainer looks like this:


Many people forget this exercise, but doing it, your pectorals get the following benefits:

# 1. Lack of bench

The biggest advantage of the isolation block is the lack of back support. When performing the details in the crossover, the shoulder blades can move freely in a natural way without being pressed against the bench. It relieves the back perfectly.

№2. Constant tension in the chest

Thanks to the specific design of the trainer, the crossover provides the chest with smooth and continuous resistance throughout the entire trajectory of movement. In other words, the load in the muscle is kept throughout the entire range, while free weights these are more impulsive exercises. In addition, the constant resistance in the crossover connects small stabilizing muscles to work, which cannot be “hooked” in classical exercises.

№3. Good stretch

Stretching the muscle and pushing more blood / oxygen into it and nutrients- an important factor in the development and progress of the pectoral muscles. The cable structure allows the pectorals to be stretched properly.

№4. Better aesthetics

Isolating work on the simulator has a great effect on the aesthetic component of the breast - it becomes more pronounced and takes on outlined forms.


Many coaches and practicing athletes are confident that cable crossovers will give their chest stripes - characteristic grooves. However, exercise does not solve this problem, it is solved by reducing the percentage of fat in the neckline :).

The bench press is awesome, and the heavy bench press is mega awesome! However, the shoulders have a different point of view on this matter, they are not comfortable working with such a tonnage. threatens to get injured. The crossover gives a completely different (not so disastrous) type of load on the shoulders and allows you to save them.

№6. Variability

Different body positions and angles of exposure allow you to diversify your chest workouts. As a result, it is possible to more accentuate the impact on various areas of the chest. This helps to develop the pectoral on all fronts.

Now let's move on to ...

Execution technique

It would seem that the simulator is uncomplicated, pull yourself a rope and pull. In fact, only 3 person from 10 perform the exercise correctly, the rest - who in what way. So that you do not have the second option, we will take a closer look at the technique of performing hand information in a crossover. It consists of the following steps:

Step # 1.

Walk up to the machine and set the optimal weight on each side of the double block. Take both handles in your hands and take stable position in the center of the structure. Keeping your back straight, take a step (feet in the split position) and tilt the body forward slightly. Spread the handles with a cable on the sides until a slight feeling of stretching of the pectoral muscles. The elbows are slightly bent and are behind you. Take a deep breath. This will be the starting position.

Step # 2.

As you exhale, begin to bring the crossover handles to the center of the body in a wide arc. As soon as the hands reach the target area, bring them together slightly and hold in this locked position for 1-2 accounts. Slowly return along the same arc to the starting position until a slight stretch in the pectorals. Repeat the specified number of times. Make sure that the movement occurs only in the shoulder joint, the arms and trunk should remain motionless.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In dynamics exercise crossover (with emphasis on the bottom of the chest) represents...

Most often, when performing a convergence of hands in a crossover, the following errors can be observed:

  • round back;
  • elbows pressed to the body;
  • strong bending of the elbows;

What do you need to know when doing double block curls?

Remember the following technical tricks and nuances of execution:

  • in this exercise, weight plays a role, but more important is the proper form of execution, which involves a wide range of motion, as well as chorea stretching and compression of the pectorals;
  • at the end point of the trajectory, when the arms have already crossed each other, additionally squeeze your chest and hold it in this state 1-2 accounts;
  • movement should be like hugging your girlfriend or boyfriend (in case you are a young lady);
  • do not use any impulsive movements, do everything slowly and under control;
  • watch the contraction of the pectorals, the weight should be squeezed out by them, for this, take your shoulders back and your chest forward;
  • arms throughout the entire trajectory should move simultaneously, in the same plane and at an angle to the body;

Hand information variations on double block

One of the benefits of this exercise is flexibility in terms of impact on the pectoral muscles. On one crossover, you can "hook" all sections of the pectoral. Depending on the position of the convergence of the hands, you can load the top, middle or bottom of the chest. Variations in this case will look like this.

How to pump the pectoral muscles as efficiently as possible using the crossover exercise?

Because a double block is an insulating work on the pectorals, many think that, in principle, it cannot give any significant increase in muscle mass. In fact, this is not the case, it all depends on the degree of impact of the load on the pectorals.

Use the following two secrets to maximize your crossover sagging breasts and give them new stimulus to grow.

Secret number 1. Push-up superset

Do your chest workout as follows. Combine the two exercises, doing them without stopping. First do 25-30 classic push-ups, and then about 10-15 hand information in the crossover. Then 45 seconds of rest and a new cycle (all such 3 ) ... Upon completion, your breasts will be pleasantly surprised and will definitely receive a new impetus for enlargement.

Secret number 2. Horizontal crossovers (or reclining on a bench) and seated crossovers

Unlike the powerful, in comparison with the classical options, exercise for the development of the pectoral muscles. It is rare to see athletes who change the plane of convergence of the handles to horizontal. And in vain, because it is precisely such a variation that is designed to work on the mass of the chest. All that needs to be done is to center the machine horizontally. (or angled up) bench and lie down on it. The exercise will become similar to a dumbbell reduction, but it will be more effective because the load does not go away from the chest for a second.

Also, a "strong version" of crossovers is to perform them from a sitting position. This position allows you to disconnect large muscle groups - the back and legs - from the stabilization work of the body. Thanks to the placement of the fifth point on the bench, the crossovers acquire jewelery precision of the effect on the pectorals. The load is not spread all over the body, but clearly lies on the chest (the latter is somehow erotic, sorry :)).


A little cheat code when performing horizontal information - change the position of the brushes from repeat to repeat (place the right one under the left hand, or vice versa).

Actually, this is all I would like to talk about about the crossover exercise. Now let's summarize and let each other go home.


Another tech note has come to an end, which means that we are one more step closer to the body of our dreams. So that the theoretical knowledge gained does not remain an empty sound, we blow into the hall and apply it in practice.

Good luck and worthy nursing!

PS. Every comment makes your breasts better and better, so unsubscribe!

PPS. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

One of the most famous isolation exercises for pumping the pectoral muscles, but it does not pump the entire chest, as many think. It is possible to perform mixing, in general, at different angles, from this angle it will depend on which part of the pectoral muscles the load will fall. Accordingly, the load can be accentuated on different parts of the pectoral muscles, and since the exercise is performed with light weight, then, in fact, what part of the pectoral muscles is trained depends on the angle at which the athlete performs the reduction of the arms in the crossover.

Exercise is not a way to build up muscle mass, but experienced athletes, with at least one year of training experience, can include it in their training program. The fact is that the less trained an athlete, the less work his muscles can perform. That is why the first year should only be performed basic exercises... Of course, you can do more work, but this will lead to overwork, you will drive yourself into overtraining and reduce the effectiveness of your visits. gym to zero.

Muscle and joint work

Reduction of hands in a crossover load external or inner part pectoral muscles, which depends on how the athlete will perform the exercise. If the exercise is performed while standing, then the load receives outer part chest, and if lying down, then the inner one. It should also be noted that with the correct technique, the biceps will also receive the load, which should remove the load from elbow joint... But the shoulders must be fixed and try to exclude from work.

With the wrong technique, when the athlete is chasing weight, converging the arms in a crossover can even lead to injury to the elbow joint. But, if the athlete does everything right, then this can be avoided. Moreover, even when the exercise is performed while standing, bending forward completely removes the load from the spine. And, in general, the exercise does not involve the use of large training weights and is performed in a simulator, so it is very difficult to get injured.

Reduction of hands in a crossover - scheme

1) If you are doing the exercise while standing, then you should take the crossover handles and stand in the starting position, bending forward slightly and raising your elbows above the hands.
2) Without moving your elbows, bring your hands together so that your palms cross, then return to the starting point.
3) If you are doing the exercise lying down, then you will need a bench, which you should place in the middle of the machine.
4) Lie on the bench, first taking the handles of the simulator in your hands, and then start bringing them together and spreading them out as if you were laying out dumbbells.

Crossover - Notes

1) When performing the exercise lying down, it is best to use the help of a partner who will give you the handles of the simulator.
2) The elbows should always be fixed during the convergence of the arms in the crossover, which will help isolate the triceps and relieve the load from the elbows.
3) Again, when performing the flattening while lying down, it is best to keep your feet on the floor, resting tightly with your heels, which will provide better stability.
4) The head in both cases should be in the same position and look forward, do not tear it off the bench, or do not lower it down.
5) Try to increase the range of motion, which will help to better engage those areas of the pectoral muscles that are usually not loaded.


Reduction of arms in a crossover allows you to stretch the chest, replacing the spread of the dumbbells, but, unlike the spread, performing this exercise while lying down, the athlete gets the opportunity to better work out the inner part of the pectoral muscles. The chest is a large muscle group, so it is difficult to steal the load from it, but if you have this part of the body that is lagging behind, then converging your arms in a crossover can be very useful.

On the other hand, the exercise is formative, moreover, it is also performed in the simulator, which does not allow the load to progress effectively. But on the other hand, the exercise is almost completely safe for the joints. It is these characteristics of hand convergence in a crossover that make this exercise indispensable during an injury, and also well suited to those athletes. Those who have not yet learned to feel their pectoral muscles, which is why they receive less load during more complex exercises.

Crossover Reduction is an isolating exercise on the lower chest that focuses on the lower chest. Those who want to have a nice "separation" of the pectoral muscle from the press should do it at the end of the workout. Crossover kneading can be done with either the top attachment of the block system or the bottom to engage the muscles at different angles. The movement is sometimes replaced by work in loops or with rubber, but for the classic "builder" undercut of the pectoral muscle, this movement is considered indispensable. The exercise is available to both beginners and professionals and can be performed by both men and women.

It is important to determine where the handles are attached. Tall athletes can fix the block system on the uppermost fixator; with an average height, it makes sense to lower it so that at the upper point of arm extension, the shoulders are not locked in an uncomfortable position, and the athlete does not lose control of the core and chest muscles. If the athlete "throws up" while moving, he has chosen the wrong height of the retainer.

The handles are curved or D-shaped. If there are no such handles in the gym, you can put on two round clips, and perform a movement with a slight resistance by gripping the round clips.

Taking the starting position, it is important not to injure yourself. First, they grab one handle and bring it to the belt, then the second, after which you need to position the body in the center of the crossover so that the cables are stretched equally. A stable stand "in scissors", or on two legs in a slope is allowed, it does not matter.

The exercise is bringing your hands together in front of you, at waist level. During work, you should deliberately strain the chest muscles, and do not relax them for as long as possible, spreading your arms to the sides towards the block mechanisms.

All repetitions must be performed in the same manner so that the athlete does not change the trajectory of movement. Deepening of the back slope is not allowed. It is often written that it should be strictly at 45 degrees, but this is not the case, the depth of the slope is determined anatomical features athlete, and cannot be deeper than 45 degrees. A straight upright stand is also not allowed. Otherwise, options are possible that will allow the athlete to work out the muscles more efficiently.

There are technical issues that are best avoided:

  • Cheating by corps... You are not in the Teddy Beard video, avoid swings as they can injure shoulder joints, even if the athlete does not feel pain and discomfort during the swing;
  • Active pushing with hands... Bodybuilding differs from weightlifting in that it loves controlled exercise. By pushing weights, we can lift more, but the purpose of the movement is not to set the gym record for block machines.
  • "Running" around the perimeter with your feet... It is worth standing up once so that the position of the body is firm and not changing it, as "jogging" can cause loss of shoulder stability and cause injury;
  • Head nods... It is unpleasant when the neck gets stuck during exercise. And it is even more frustrating when this "wonderful" feeling is accompanied by a shoulder injury. Therefore, excessive tension of the trapezoid and nods must be excluded. If you need to nod your head at all costs, the weight is wrong, it's too big. Again, the weight must be selected so that there is no need to make additional and unnecessary movements of the body and head.
  • "Breakdown" at the start... A jerk with your arms can injure both the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • Rigidly "inserted" elbows at the start of the movement... This can cause overstretching of the ligaments of the elbow joint and cause injury;
  • Constantly sticking out the same leg forward can lead to imbalances in the hip joint.

Execution options

The exercise reminds everyone of the well-known "wiring" with dumbbells, only instead of dumbbells, the handles of the crossover are taken in hand. The ropes are attached to the lower part of the anchorage sector so that the athlete's arms do not "twist" when accepting the starting position. The bench can be horizontal or inclined, this is devoid of fundamental importance. It is believed that the pectorals work more on the incline bench, but this is subjective and depends on the physique.

The bench is located strictly in the center, the athlete lies down on it, the assistant gives the handles to the level of the center of the chest. Further, the movement resembles the usual "wiring" with dumbbells, the arms are directed to the sides, and are reduced to the center at the level of the middle of the chest. It is not necessary to allow an unnaturally large amplitude so as not to dislocate the shoulder joint.

Actually, they resemble the option with a split, only you need to stand up straight, and do not put your feet in a split. The body leans forward, the arms are lowered, the pectoral muscles are strained, the work is done by contracting the chest.

This movement requires a little more work from the anterior deltoid side. You need to perform the exercise by attaching the handles to the bottom of the crossover. Then the athlete takes a step forward and brings the arms to chest level. This is followed by mechanical reduction of the handles at the mid-chest level. The pectoral muscles are contracted at the point of maximum tension.

Parsing the exercise

Anatomy of Exercise - Which Muscles Are Working

The main target group is the lower pectoralis bundle. The muscles of the back and core work as stabilizers, helping the movement of the anterior deltas, serratus, and pectoralis minor.


This is a completely isolating exercise. It does not allow you to engage the triceps, which means it is suitable for those who bench press a lot and considers the bench press their priority. The movement allows you to work out the pectorals without much stress on the stabilizers and biceps, allows you to take a more significant amplitude, stretch the muscles so as to reduce them as much as possible. The exercise is variable enough to avoid increased stress on the elbows, shoulders, biceps. It helps to work out the muscle along its entire length and allows you not to exclude the lower pectoral bundle from work.


  • Not all halls are equipped with a crossover, and there is not always access to it. This is a popular car and can be busy all the time during rush hour;
  • Movement cannot help build muscle if it is done alone. Basic exercise is needed in addition to crossover work

Usually, the crossover is not the first movement in a workout, nor is it used as a pre-fatigue exercise for the chest muscles. The training starts from the base, and only at the end the athlete comes to block trainer to work out the bottom of the chest.

This means that articular warm-up is not needed, it is enough to perform a couple of approaches with low weight.

  • Single-joint exercise - work is done only in the shoulder joint;
  • Cheating and body swings are excluded;
  • The elbows in the upper phase should not be raised to the ears, they are in the plane of the shoulder;
  • The muscles must be consciously tense, as if "bringing" the weight to the desired position;
  • You can't throw your head back, look at the ceiling, you should relax your neck and look forward;
  • It is necessary to use a stable position of the body, best of all - a rack in scissors;
  • The work takes place along an elliptical or arcuate trajectory. You should not "throw your arms", bending them at the elbows;
  • The reduction is performed approximately at the level of the waist;
  • It can be assumed that the athlete uses a small weight, but not - jerks and jerks along the trajectory, and relaxed arms when lowering the weight;
  • You need to try to deliberately exclude the work of the muscles of the trapezium.

Muscle contraction is performed on exhalation, exhalation on effort is the main rule when performing strength exercises.


  • "Different" movements, when the athlete bends his elbows in the first repetition, in the second he changes the position of the body, and carries the weight in different ways;
  • Body swings to help with weight work;
  • Throwing weight;
  • Relaxed and rounded back;
  • "Inserted" straight elbows

Most often, bodybuilders advise deliberately reducing the pectorals at the lowest point. This can be achieved due to a small isometry, and that, in turn, by slightly turning the palms towards each other at the bottom point of the exercise.

You can achieve maximum isolation and completely eliminate cheating by kneeling down. This option starting position will allow the athlete to completely eliminate body swings.

If you need to shift the emphasis to the top of the chest, you need to bring your arms higher. This can be achieved both by changing the angle of inclination of the case, and by changing the mount.

If you work "crosswise", leading one hand behind the other in the lower part of the amplitude, you can achieve a strong muscle contraction without changing the amplitude.

Inclusion in the program

This exercise can be the only one on the chest, only if it comes about training women with breast implants. All other athletes should perform the movement at the end of the workout, after basic, and other isolation exercises.

Usually it is performed in the mode of 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets, and the warm-up is not considered work. The exercise is not performed with a lot of weight, so the rest can be quite short, on the order of a minute between sets.


The only contraindication to this exercise is an unhealed tear or tear of the pectoral muscle. In all other cases, you can carefully follow the information. If there is a rotator cuff injury, it may be necessary for some time to completely eliminate the load on the chest, including work in the crossover.

How to replace the convergence of hands in a crossover

From the point of view of biomechanics, a complete replacement is bringing the hands together with rubber bands... But from the point of view of muscle work, this is an incomplete replacement, since resistance bands give resistance differently than blocks. They allow you to contract the muscles harder at the peak point, but allow you to relax while lowering the weight.

Crossover mixing - classic exercise bodybuilding, and every athlete should do it right.

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