Squat sitting on your knees. Barbell Kneeling Squats: How to Do Smith and Free Weights

The Smith squat is a good exercise for training your hips and glutes. It is quite common in both experienced and novice bodybuilding circles. Like any other exercise, the squat has its merits and demerits. With them, we will begin our acquaintance with the exercise.


The first advantage is the special attachment of the simulator, which allows you to work on it alone without any problems. Second, there is not as much stress on the spine and knees as in free weight squats. The third is the concentration of the load on the target muscle group. This is especially good for those recovering from injury.


Minus y of this exercise only one - rest of the stabilizing muscles. If you engage in a lot of such simulators, the stabilizers will lag behind in growth from the main muscle group. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the squat in "Smith" with others and buttocks.

Execution technique

Features of the exercise

It is important to make sure that the knees do not go over the toes during the squat. V otherwise the knee joint will be heavily stressed. Do not slouch or, conversely, strongly arch your lower back. The position of the torso should be level and natural. Everything needs to be done in a controlled and accurate manner. This not only protects you from injury, but also enhances the effect of your workout.

The choice of setting the legs depends on which muscle will be loaded to the greatest extent. If the legs are narrow, the stronger will be worked out outer part quadriceps ( lateral head). With a wide setting, the inner thighs are more loaded. Well, in order to maximally focus on the buttocks, you need to put your legs half a step forward, as if resting your back on the bar.

This exercise works well for the fairer sex. The squat in "Smith" for girls is no different from the male version of the exercise. The only differences are in weight and preferences regarding the target muscle group. Girls prefer to "pump" the buttocks on it, and men, as a rule, legs.

The depth of the squat depends on the fitness of the muscle. The muscular lumbar corset allows you to maintain an even, slightly arched back position throughout the entire movement. The lower the athlete crouches, the more difficult it is for him to keep the correct deflection. If your back begins to round before your hips are in a parallel position, do not continue to lower yourself, as this could result in injury.

You can get up both smoothly and impulsively, but you should descend smoothly and with maximum concentration. The abs should not be too tense, but it is also not worth relaxing it completely.

The number of repetitions depends on your task. If you are working for relief, then you need to do up to 20 repetitions with minimum to medium weight. If your goal is mass, go for maximum and medium weight and try to do 8-10 reps.

The heels should be pressed to the floor throughout the movement. Otherwise, the desired result will not be achieved. If your heels come off, try pushing your feet forward.

You can only linger at the top point, a pause in the bottom position will lead to a loss of training efficiency.

Front squat

The Smith simulator has features. The bar is located not behind the head, but under the chin - on the shoulders. Thanks to this, the load is focused on the quads and partially on the buttocks. Front squats with free weights present some inconveniences - the bar constantly strives to move off the shoulders, especially at the end of the set, when there is practically no strength left. In the Smith machine, this problem does not arise, since the rails constantly keep the bar in a vertical plane.

Another advantage of the Smith machine is the ability to use explosive repetitions. It allows you to work out the so-called fast fibers leg muscles. If you do front squats with free weights, it is almost impossible to apply this technique, since the bar constantly needs to be stabilized. Therefore, explosive reps are best done in the Smith machine.

The front squat technique in "Smith" does not differ from the usual one. It is only worth noting that for convenience, the arms can be crossed over the chest, and the legs should be under the bar. That is, the option for pumping the buttocks, in which the legs are put forward, is impossible here.

Squat with a barbell in "Smith" on one leg

If your legs are so sturdy that all of the above techniques do not work, try squatting for each leg separately. When squatting on one leg, you need to maintain balance, which negatively affects the technique of movement. And if you add a barbell, then you can completely forget about the correct technique. Therefore, for those who want to squat on one leg with a decent weight, irreplaceable assistant will become a Smith simulator.

This workout allows you to focus on the quadriceps. To maintain the correct technique, do not seek to take too much heavy weight... The depth of the squats should be no more than in the classic version. If you squat too deeply, the knee joint will receive the load, and this is undesirable.

Squat on the knees in "Smith"

This modification of squats is the least common, but nevertheless it has a right to exist. Typically, these squats are used by weightlifters and powerlifters to further develop the lower phase of the barbell squat. Squatting on your knees allows, firstly, to load big muscles at an unusual angle, and secondly - to affect small muscle groups, which are usually deprived of attention. The exercise works the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, as well as the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. This is a very specific exercise that will not work for those who only think about typing. muscle mass.

The technique for performing this exercise is quite simple, but it requires caution. Starting position: the knees are slightly wider than the shoulders, the legs are parallel to each other, the socks are firmly on the floor, the back is slightly bent, the bar lies just below the neck on. It is worth lowering until the buttocks reach the top of the calves. You should feel a stretch in the down position. gluteal muscles... Then comes the rise. In the upper position, you can make a short pause.


The squat in "Smith", the technique of which is not particularly difficult, is a universal exercise. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes as basic training... This exercise is very good for those who are recovering from injuries.

The only point is that the exercises must be done correctly. If you don’t figure out how to squat in order to pump the buttocks, you can harm your body. This is especially true for women aged "slightly over 20" who have never devoted time to sports. If this is about you, then most likely your joints and muscles will not be happy with the sudden load. In this case, it is worth clarifying how to pump up the buttocks in gym, work out under the supervision of a trainer for a week, and then continue classes at home, understanding your level of permissible load.

The second question is how to pump up a girl's buttocks in a week. It is often asked on forums, hoping to find a magical way to round up the ass in a minimum of days. So, no squats and other exercises will perform a miracle and will not become an amazing way to quickly pump up your buttocks. Exercise is a constant process, muscle building is slow. Usually, when asked how much it takes to pump up the buttocks, trainers answer: from two months. During this period, your "fifth point" will acquire the desired shape and elasticity.

5 important rules for pumping

  1. Tighten your abs: the abdominal muscles should form a tight corset around the waist and thus fix the spine.
  2. Keep your back straight: don't arch or slouch.
  3. Keep your knees above your feet: this is the correct bottom position.
  4. Fix the heels on the floor.
  5. Breathe evenly to the beat of the movements.

Working in this mode allows you to understand how to pump up the buttocks and prevent unnecessary stress on the joints, muscle stretching.

The benefits of squats

    Squats transform the whole body
    Squatting not only works your quads, calves, and hamstrings, but also strengthens your spine muscles. Squats stimulate testosterone production, stimulating the growth and strengthening of muscles throughout the body.

    Squats develop the muscles in your central body.
    The abdominal muscles are just in awe of squats. It turns out that squats can transform the abdominal muscles much better than the usual crunches.

    Squats Prevent Injuries
    The well-coordinated work of the accessory muscles of the lower body, buttocks and lower back minimizes the risk of injury. The main thing - correct technique performing the exercise.

    Squats are extremely practical
    The love of squats will certainly have a positive effect on Everyday life... Outdoor games with children, football, work on fresh air- all this will be given much easier and bring only pleasure thanks to squats.

    Squats improve joint health
    The hip joint, knees, and ankle work in harmony while lifting the body. The tension is evenly distributed throughout the body, helping to reduce stress on individual joints. The main condition is compliance with the correct technique for performing the exercise. For example, straightening the legs entails a substantial load on knee joints, increasing the risk of injury at times.

    Do Squats Anywhere
    You don't need a gym membership or fabulously expensive equipment, because you can squat wherever you like: at home, in the park while jogging, or even away!

    Squats - universal exercise
    The only exercise that can use the same amount of muscle as the squat is deadlift. Squatting is so familiar to human body an activity that can easily build muscle mass, increase the strength and endurance of the whole body.

    Squats help burn fat.
    If you want to get rid of those extra centimeters, do not neglect squats. By stimulating muscle growth, this exercise helps you burn more fat. Strong toned hips and firm buttocks - here it is, the cherished result!

    Squats increase flexibility
    This exercise requires a high degree of flexibility and plasticity. The higher the range of motion of the hips, knees and ankles, the more effective the result will be.

    Squats allow you to assess your form.
    Do you swing your arms, do bench presses or crunches successfully? What about squats? Do not forget that only a harmonious load of the whole body can transform you.

To be healthy and fit, squat, squat and squat again!

Basic exercise scheme

Let's start with the fact that each option is done according to a single scheme. They differ in the depth of the squat, the position of the legs and trunk. First, let's take a look at the general scheme in order to have an idea of ​​how to squat correctly.

Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, pointing forward or slightly apart, depending on how you are used to squatting in everyday life. The back should be slightly bent, bringing the shoulders back. If you squat with a barbell, then its grip should be 15-20 centimeters wider than your shoulders. The elbows should not be directed backwards, but downward. The lower ones should support the angle of natural inclination of the trunk. Is it correct starting position, which must be taken if you want to master in practice the knowledge of how to properly sit or sit down.

To begin, you need to exhale, holding your breath slightly, and letting your hips drop as if you were sitting in a chair. At the same time, the body should be slightly tilted forward. Calves and thighs should remain vertical, knees parallel to the feet.

Squatting, look only forward, lowering to a position in which the thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold for a split second, and then smoothly, without any jerks and jumps, rise, as if you are pushing off the floor, exhaling after passing the most difficult point. This is a general diagram of how to squat correctly, suitable for everyone, even the most unprepared people.

If you are bodybuilding, you should place your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. This will provide additional balance and the ability to lift a larger weight. In addition, the knee and hip joints do not require much flexibility in this case, but they will have to hold the torso at the right angle. Most of all, muscles will be involved in this process. inside hips.

Putting your legs closer to each other is possible only if you have well-developed back muscles. Otherwise, when squatting, the muscles will undergo powerful compression, push the hips forward and unbalance the back.

Smith Machine Squats Variants

With a device like Smith, squats can be done in many different ways. So, they may differ depending on how you place your legs. This will affect the pumping of certain muscles.

  • Legs together. In this case, the front of the quadriceps of the thighs receives the maximum load. Also, the load goes to the knees, so this option is allowed only for those who are definitely healthy.
  • Feet shoulder width apart. The classic version that allows you to pump the lateral parts of the thighs and their inner surface. Often in this position, squats are performed in the Smith machine for girls.
  • Squats in Smith with a wide stance. This is a classic feminine version that helps to work out the inner thighs.

For the purpose of pumping up the buttocks, you can put your legs a little further forward, while resting on the bar with your back. As we said before, there is no need to be afraid of falling.

There are also the following exercise variations:

  • A difficult and rare exercise is knee squats in Smith. It is used in powerlifting and weightlifting to further refine the lower phase of the barbell squat. This squat gives unusual load on large muscles, and also affects a number of small muscles, which are mainly not loaded with other variations of the exercise. The kneeling squat is not used to build muscle mass, but to work out the muscles in a comprehensive manner. Please note that the load on the knees in this case is very high, so beginners should not do these squats. It is also best to use soft knee pads to protect your joints.
  • Another option is the Smith Front Squat. Their differences are that the bar is not located on the muscles of the back, but on the chest and deltoid muscles... In view of this, the back will be almost in an upright position, and this will radically change the load and the muscles that are involved in the exercise. Although this exercise is quite rare, it is effective, since, in addition to the legs, it also affects upper part body, including contributes to the formation of strong abs.
  • Plie or sumo squats. Assumes a wide spread of the feet. At the same time, the load on the quads is lightened, but the inner thighs are pumped very well. The legs should be spread as wide as possible, the socks should be directed to the sides at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. The knees should not be bent inward. Tighten the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks during exercise.
  • Lunge squats. These Smith Machine Squats also offer the same placement as the Classic Squats, but with one leg extended forward and the other flexed until the thigh and lower leg form a right angle. Then go back up. With this exercise, the front leg receives the entire load, and the second only maintains balance, so the legs must be changed.

Classic Barbell Squat Technique

It is very important to know how to do the barbell squat correctly. This exercise has a number of variations, but we will now look at the classic technique.

It assumes such nuances:

  • Legs positioning. It should match the width of your shoulders. The socks should be directed forward, you can part them a little. This is the starting position, which can be called classic. As you master the barbell squat, this will be the basic option before you can try other options. To keep your heels on the floor, you can use pancakes, although this does not bring benefits, and it does not bring much convenience - it is important to adjust the technique here.
  • Grip. A closed grip on the bar is usually used. The distance between the hands does not play a special role, but it is important that they are located symmetrically from the center. This is necessary so that you do not lose your balance while squatting.
  • Neck and eyes. In the question of how to squat with a barbell correctly, this is also important. Look a little above the horizon - this will save correct position neck, keeping it straight. When lowering the eyes, the neck will tilt automatically. And this can provoke spinal injury and increase the risk of osteochondrosis. Therefore, remember that you cannot look at the floor while squatting.
  • Neck position. The bar can be held on the shoulder blades, shoulders, front delta. The squatting technique with a barbell on the shoulders is considered classic, this is the so-called golden mean. With this arrangement of the bar, the load will be distributed between the legs and back.
  • Starting position and downward movement. Legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, the socks should be turned outward, the barbell should be removed from the rack with a closed grip, placed on the neck in the area of ​​the back delta, then one step back from the rack. While squatting, keep your back straight, leaning slightly forward - this will help reduce stress on the spine. Look straight ahead. When squatting, the buttocks will move back. The knees should not protrude beyond the border of the feet. In this case, the main load should be placed on the legs, and the movements should be smooth. If the technique for performing the squat with a barbell on the shoulders is correct, then the back and front surfaces of the thighs, buttocks and lower back will be worked out.
  • Depth of squats. You can squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or you can go lower. With deep squats, you will be able to work out your hips and buttocks better, respectively, the effectiveness of the exercise may increase.
  • Upward movement. Rise with your heels off the floor. Straighten your legs, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.

When squatting with a barbell, it is very important to control your breathing. As you move down, inhale, and as you rise, exhale. Sit down and rise smoothly, do not spring or jerk. In the upper position, bend your legs a little and fix this moment.

Why squats are useful

The shape of our priests depends on 3 factors: the shape of the pelvic bone, the development of the muscular corset and the volume of adipose tissue. It is impossible to do something with the first one, but fortunately, the size of the bones does not affect the elasticity of the "fifth point". The main role here is played by the condition of the muscles.

A feature of working with this part of the body is its responsiveness to training. Even if fat builds up on the butt, exercise will help you gradually get rid of it. Squats will also be a great answer to the question of whether it is possible to pump up the buttocks if they are flat and there is not a hint of femininity in them.

  • During squats, the work of a large muscle group is activated. The gluteus maximus muscle, the "corset" of the hips and spine are involved.
  • Provides an effect on the joints, including the hip, knee, ankle.
  • The load on the tendons increases, and their condition improves.
  • Additionally, the load on the heart is ensured, a healthy heart rate is formed.

Therefore, squats allow you not only to pump up your legs and buttocks at home, but also how to improve your health without visiting a fitness club.

How to squat for men

So that the benefits of squats for male health was significant, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • During exercise, the feet should be slightly wider than the shoulders, with the toes facing out. It is necessary to stand with the entire surface of the sole, without lifting the foot from the floor.
  • To work out the PC muscle, you should perform the exercise from start to finish with tense buttocks, you need to relax them only by fully straightening up after squatting.
  • When you reach the final low point of the squat, you should linger for a few seconds, and only then start lifting. This delay also trains the potency PC muscle. Over time, the delay should be increased from 2 to 15 seconds.
  • The breathing regime should be as follows: squatting is performed on exhalation, lifting is performed on inhalation.

The position of the hands during the exercise is of great importance: they can either maintain balance or create additional load on the muscles. For example, if the arms are extended forward and the hands are closed in a lock, balance is created, and if the arms are on the belt, muscles that stabilize the load are included in the work. During squats, you can cross your arms on your shoulders, lay behind your head, pull up - in each of these exercises, other muscle groups will be occupied.

Correct squat with own weight runs like this:

  1. stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your head;
  2. start the movement, bending the legs at the knees, hips, without changing the position of the hands, without bending forward;
  3. at the full depth of the squat, linger for 5 seconds, then quickly, at the expense of the thigh muscles, begin to move upward, returning to the starting position.

The barbell squat should be guided by the following guidelines:

  • You can squat by removing the barbell from the racks or in power frame with adjustable footrests. In this case, the installation height of the bar should be such that you do not have to reach for the bar and stand on your toes.
  • Correctly place your hands on the barbell - the grip should be slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.
  • Place the bar below the neck or on the bottom of the trapezoid.
  • You need to start squatting with a straight back, bending your knees and hips, slowly, while inhaling.
  • Hold for 2 seconds at the lowest point.
  • Start lifting on the exhale, pushing off the floor with your heels, straightening your legs until the starting position is reached.

Correct barbell squat technique

People who are far from sports often think that squats are extremely simple. In fact, they are considered one of the most hard exercise, and the question of how to do a barbell squat involves a lot of nuances. If you ignore safety precautions, you can injure your knee or spine. Safety, confidence and preparedness are important. For those who have never squatted, it is better to first hone the technique without weights, and only then start using the barbell.

Preparation for the exercise should be as follows:

  • First in mandatory do a warm-up workout for all muscle groups.
  • The bar should be mounted on racks 8-10 cm below shoulder level. Please note that setting the bar too high is dangerous.
  • When taking off, you can "dive" a little behind the bar and prop it up with the tense muscles of the trapezium (not with your shoulders and not with your neck!). Take the bar with a grip that is comfortable for you, but do it symmetrically to the center so that the weight is evenly distributed over two legs. Narrow grip makes it easier to control the bar. If you feel pain in your shoulders, you can place your arms a little wider.
  • Now you can straighten up with the barbell on your shoulders and take a step back. Tune in to your weight and control your whole body.

In the question of how to properly do a squat with a barbell, be sure to consider the following points:

  • The back should be straight, you can slightly bend it at the lower back. Strong forward bends are not allowed. The shoulder blades must be deliberately brought together. The chest should protrude slightly forward.
  • The load you get will depend on the width of your feet. Spreading them wider will work better on the inner thighs, and if you set them narrowly, the outer thighs. In the standard version, the feet should be placed slightly wider than the shoulders, and the socks should be turned 30-45 degrees. The knees should point in the same direction as the toes.
  • Do not slouch or lean forward. It is important that the load is distributed over the entire spine.
  • When performing the exercise, the gaze should be directed straight or slightly up, do not lower it.
  • The movement begins with a smooth backward feed of the pelvis, as if you are trying to sit on an invisible stool.
  • The depth of the squat can be up to the point where the hamstrings are parallel to the floor or lower. Keep in mind that the lower the squat, the more actively the buttocks are worked out. Therefore, the correct squat with a barbell for girls is most often recommended deep.
  • It is recommended to sit down slowly, to get up quickly. Don't relax and pause at the bottom. The ascent should be fast, but at the same time smooth.
  • Rising from the lowest point, try not to straighten your legs to the end. Otherwise, the knee joints will receive a lot of unnecessary stress.
  • The weight should go through your heels, not your toes. That is, when squatting, the maximum tension should be felt in the heels, and not in other areas of the foot.
  • Weighted squats are done at a slow or medium pace. A deep breath is taken with holding the breath, you need to smoothly go down. The exhalation should begin after you have overcome the most difficult part of the climb.

Remove the barbell carefully, because after the squat the strength is running out. To ensure stability, you can not keep your feet in line, but put them in a scissor position

Equipment handling and hand position

If you are using any squat sports equipment, it will be useful for you to know how to squat with a barbell - the most common attribute that is used to perform exercises. In this case, you need to remember the correct position of the barbell. The ideal place for its location is at about the seventh vertebra. If the bar is located higher, this, in addition to discomfort, can harm the spine. In some cases, you should wrap a towel around the bar. However, you should not make its layer very thick (this is fraught with a change in the center of mass and complication of maintaining balance during training). If you feel uncomfortable, you should bring your arms together slightly, the result of this will be a larger area of ​​support and relief of pressure on the shoulders. If the athlete holds the bar too wide, then in this case he rests not on his hands, but on his shoulders, and the weight is concentrated on two points.

Anyone who wants to know how to squat with a barbell will find it useful to know what position the arms should be in. First, in the grip thumbs should be placed on top of all others, and the grip itself should be symmetrical relative to the spine. The most common mistakes beginners make is spreading the arms towards the discs, and also throwing them on the bar. Experts of the extreme do not recommend doing either one or the other - the bar with a high probability can turn, and the result will be a fall and possible injury. The most optimal solution is to stay close to the center and point your elbows down in order to maximize your shoulders.

It is very common for beginners to put something under their heels in order to lift them under the floor. This simplifies the process of maintaining balance, compensates for the lack of flexibility in the joints and will be the solution to the problem for those who cannot exercise normally, but want to learn how to squat correctly. At home, it won't be so difficult to do this if you can't go to the gym. However, experienced athletes recommend not to get carried away with the heel pads, since in this case the knees bend more at the same depth of the squat, and as a result, they go far forward, which still creates the risk of losing balance.

Selection of working weight

The selection of the working weight is a very important process. Of course, it may seem boring and uninteresting to you, but without it there is no point in moving on. So what is working weight? This is such a weight that you can perform no more than 15 repetitions in one set.

For muscle progress and growth, it must be constantly increased. Increase the number of repetitions each workout. When you feel that you can do more than 12 times, feel free to increase the weight.

Before working with this weight, you need to do several warm-up sets. For example, your working weight is 50 kilograms. After completing the warm-up exercises, you must do the first warm-up approach - with an empty bar. You should end up with about 20 reps. After that, add 10 kilograms each until you reach working weight.

If your working weight is very heavy, the steps between warm-up sets should be more than ten kilograms. The ideal number of warm-up sets is three to five.

How many kilograms should you take in squats with a barbell? For girls, the weight should not be too heavy. First of all, it shouldn't cause discomfort. You should be comfortable with the approach.

So, you first came to the hall. Now you need to warm up your joints and ligaments well. To do this, you can perform 20-30 bodyweight squats and jog on a treadmill for 5-7 minutes. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Perform 12 empty bar squats.
  2. If you are practically not tired, and it was easy for you, add 5 kilograms.
  3. Do 12 more reps. Feel harder, but can you do more? Relax for 2 minutes.
  4. Add another 5 pounds and follow the approach.
  5. Your task is to rest 2-3 minutes between sets and add weight until you do it 8-10 times with great difficulty.

You need to remember this weight. That's all for squats for today. If you want more work on your thighs, head to the cable machines.

After a week, try the weight set you recorded in the previous workout. Chances are, you will do 12 reps with difficulty. Great - you've picked the weight you will be working with.

Now your goal is to grow in every workout. Increase in weight and number of repetitions. Just don't overdo it! Weight gain should not be an end in itself, but side effect your correct workouts.

How to progress weight with exercise

Take your time, start squatting with your own weight (without weights) or with small weights and constantly increase the weights, but without deteriorating the execution technique. Your task is the correct technique (weights go (i.e. increase) only for ideal correct technique, and not vice versa).

Now more about how they should and why they should increase at all (weight).

The fact is that most people in the gym have no idea what a load progression is, they train from there for months, or even years, with the same working weights. Well, for example, a girl, as she did squats with a barbell on her shoulders with a weight of 20 kg a month ago, does so after the same month or even more those same 20 kg. See? There is NO progression! Therefore, if there is no progression, how will her ass (butt) grow? How hey the hell grow up? WHY DO YOU GROW? Not a damn thing doesn’t change, LOAD DOESN'T CHANGE (doesn’t increase), and if the load doesn’t change, then why the hell does the buttocks (buttocks, and not only) change? ...

CONCLUSION: If the load is the same from one workout to the next, then MUSCLES DO NOT GROW. BUTTONS DO NOT GROW! Therefore, your training is meaningless.

  • 1st way to increase the weights;
  • 2nd way to increase reps;

In order to carry out this load progression, you will need: A TRAINING DIARY.

In short, a diary is an ordinary notebook or notebook or mobile phone where you will write down the muscle group you will work out (for example, butt), exercises, number of approaches / repetitions, working weights and training duration. That's all. See example below:

For in order to increase the weights on the equipment from training to training, YOU NEED AT LEAST TO KNOW THESE WEIGHTS. It's logical, isn't it?)) In addition to weights, we also need to know the number of repetitions, but how will you know them without a training diary? I don't know even if you have a super duper good memory, are you going to remember everything for weeks ahead? .. or is it so difficult to keep a diary? Do not be ashamed, it is necessary, otherwise nothing will come of it (there will be no result).

Okay, sorted it out. Now let me show you the progression of the load in some exercise, for example, in squats (how this load progression occurs), so that you can navigate (understand the essence):

1st METHOD. Let's say on Monday you work in 50 kg squats for 6 times, this means that the next workout (next Monday), you must do 50 kg for 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 reps (depending on your strength). In any case, if you did one or two or three more repetitions than the previous one, then your task is completed. You have progressed the load, and you are all good !!!

CONCLUSION: That week it was 50 kg 6 times, this one already 7 times or 8 or 10 (depending on how much you did it) = load progression = (butt growth).

2nd METHOD. Well, when you get to 12 reps in the barbell squat, that is, 50 kg for 12 times, you start using the 2nd method of progression, the essence of which is to increase working weight, not reps. That is: 52 kg for 6-12 repetitions, you see no longer 50, already 52 = progression of weights (so, let's say, it turned out 52 kg for 8 repetitions, we again use the 1st method of progression - repetitions), we do 52 kg not for 8, and already by 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 (depending on the strength), then when we made 12, we start using the 2nd method again, increase the weight = 54 kg by 6-12 (etc.). I think you get the ESSENCE.

We did less than 12 repetitions (let's say 10), use the 1st method, increase the repetitions), as soon as we reach 12 repetitions, we increase the weight (2nd method).

This is just an example on one of the exercises (example on squats, you will need to progress the load in all exercises in your training program, i.e., for example, in the leg press, etc.). Basically, I have nothing more to say, everyone, good luck to you.

Best regards, administrator.

Squat program

Nothing comes from the first try, so you don't have to wait for a beginner to do squats in a couple of weeks. And at the same time, you should not give up on yourself if after the first five repetitions you feel trembling in your knees and the desire to sit down. Professionals advise to devote at least a month to the training program - during this time it is really possible to bring the results, if not to the maximum, then to very good indicators.

A sample 30-day squat program for a man looks like this:

  • start with a small number of approaches, no more than 5 for 5-6 repetitions each;
  • increase the load gradually;
  • Exercise regularly, but remember to give your feet a day of rest from time to time.

Significant results can be achieved even in a month

The benefits of squats are great, they do not require financial investments, and they do not need a gym. This is an almost universal exercise that must be included in your workout for every person who is trying to seriously make friends with sports. Fortunately, this is not difficult to do. It's true?

are a very rare and effective exercise. This exercise is intended to work out the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. Exercise creates unusual stress and helps preserve your joints. But the main advantage of kneeling squats is their ability to “break through” the lower phase of the range of motion in classic barbell squats. Of course, this is more interesting for powerlifters, but even if you are not at all interested in strength indicators by themselves, then progression of loads is necessary for muscle hypertrophy. Nevertheless, in this particular exercise, you should not chase weight, giving preference to the correct technique for performing the exercise, so no cheating, take the exercise as formative.

Since kneeling squats are not a bodybuilding exercise, but a weightlifting exercise, even experienced athletes are better off working on neuromuscular connection ... Since the deflection in the lumbar spine is extremely important in this case, the exercise cannot be performed after the deadlift. It is best to pre-knead lumbar with the help of hyperextension, but, of course, performing it without "refusal". In any case, the first approach should be performed with an empty bar, and weights should be added gradually, reaching the "working weight" in 2-3 warm-up approaches. At the same time, warm-up approaches should be performed at a slow pace, and "workers" in an explosive one, which will also develop speed qualities.

Muscle and joint work

The main load during kneeling squats falls on the gluteus maximus and hamstrings, since they, in fact, are trained. Receives the load and longus muscle backs along with the press. Both muscles function as stabilizers and relieve stress from the spine. In addition to these main muscles, the small muscles of the legs also receive part of the load, which usually remain without work. For example, the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles of the thigh are involved. But, since the exercise is unusual, in order to load the target muscle groups, it is necessary to work out the muscle feeling, otherwise the load may go to the joints.

In general, when doing kneeling squats, you should be careful, since the entire load falls on the spine, and the lower part of it, and the lumbar region. The loin, of course, is large joint, which is quite difficult to injure, but if you do injure her, then it will be even more difficult to cure her! That is why, at first, it is necessary to use small working weights, until you learn how to properly distribute the load between the muscles, and then warm up thoroughly, performing 2-3 approaches with low weight. And, in any case, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is best to perform the exercise in a power frame, as this will help to level the likelihood of injury, since you can always simply throw the barbell onto the racks.

Kneeling squats - scheme

1) You need to sit on your knees with your legs wider than your shoulders, socks can be resting on the floor, or extended if stretching and working weights allow.
2) The back should be bent at the lower back, and the barbell should be placed on the lower part of the trapezoid, as powerlifters do, while the shoulder blades should be brought together.
3) The head looks forward, which ensures the correct position of the vertebrae cervical.
4) Sit down slowly, about 1 2 3, until the buttocks are at the level of the upper part calf muscles, you can sit even a little deeper in order to better stretch the muscles.
5) Without lingering at the bottom point, due to the contraction of the gluteal muscles, return to the top point, maintaining the deflection in the lumbar region.

- notes

1) Very important role plays the breath, since the correct contraction of the diaphragm allows you to better hold correct posture, and this levels the load on the spine.
2) The legs do not need to be spread apart, the knees should look forward and be parallel to each other.
3) Doing the exercise is best in the 10-15 repetition range, but on the last rep you should reach a state close to failure.
4) Between sets, while resting, it is best to hang on a horizontal bar, stretching the lumbar back.
5) After completing this exercise, reverse hyperextension will be the best continuation, so if the kneeling squat is not a closing exercise, then you know what is best to include after it.


The muscles of the legs are represented by a wide range of muscles and are the largest muscle group in the human body. As a rule, athletes train only the largest muscle groups, which provide the bulk. But, if you are also interested in strength indicators, as well as the maximum realization of muscle hypertrophy, then you need to train everything. One way to get the most out of yourself and get past squats is kneeling squats. This exercise came to bodybuilding from weightlifting, with the help of it weightlifters "break through" the lower phase of the snatch, with its help you can increase the weight in squats with a barbell.

So, you can and should do squats from your knees, but you should be extremely careful so that the exercise gives a positive result, and does not cause injury. Exercise should be considered as a specific way to additionally load the weak areas of the legs, and not as a way to build muscle mass and strength. Use the exercise as directed! Remember two muscles are always bigger and stronger than one!

One of the most effective exercise squatting from your knees is considered. It is the best way to work out the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. This exercise can create unusual stress on the muscles. It is also effective for training joint flexibility.

Powerlifters often use the knee squat exercise to break through the lower range of motion in the classic barbell squat. However, those who are not very interested in increasing strength indicators should remember that such an exercise perfectly helps to solve the problem of muscle hypertrophy. Especially if the load is gradually increasing.

The most the right approach the perception of the exercise as a formative one will become, because the most important thing when performing it is the correct technique, and not the weight of additional weights.

The maximum load during the exercise falls mainly on the lumbar spine. And to avoid the possibility of injury and overexertion, you must learn to feel your muscles. After all, improper distribution of the load can injure even such a large joint as the lower back. By developing a muscular sense, you can evenly load the gluteal muscles along with the hamstrings. Also, the press and small muscles of the legs receive a load, which are often left unattended. These are the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles of the thigh.

Preparing for the exercise

The knee squat is a weightlifting exercise, not bodybuilding as some say. It allows you to pay attention to a fairly wide group of muscles and increase their strength, and not just form a relief. That is why it is worth giving Special attention the study of neuromuscular communication.

Even if you are an experienced lifter, never do the exercise after the deadlift. After all, the most important thing in the technique of performing the exercise is to bend correctly in the lumbar region. This means that by alternating these exercises, it is easy to get a stretching of the lower back. After all, both there and there the main load falls on the spine.

Therefore, do not forget how to warm up the lumbar region in preparation for the exercise. And special attention should be paid to exactly hyperextension, which contributes to the development of the rectus muscles of the back and gluteal muscles. It is important to remember that as a warm-up, hyperextension should be done without giving up. Indeed, in this case, her task is only to warm up psoas muscle and an increase in joint flexibility.

Warm up should not be neglected. It should be carried out especially carefully in order to avoid serious injury. And even after learning to feel the work of certain muscle groups and distribute the load on a particular area, never start with a lot of weights. And in order to be completely sure only in positive result, do an exercise in a power rack. Indeed, with its help, you can throw the barbell onto the rack and avoid serious complications if problems arise.

We follow the exercise technique

The first approach of the exercise must be done without weights, that is, the bar must remain empty. Weight will be added gradually. And you need to bring it to the worker in no less than two or three approaches. To develop speed qualities, you can try to perform warm-up approaches at a slow pace, and with a working weight as much as possible.

We squat on our knees as follows:

Legs are wider than shoulders (when stretching and working weight allow, socks can be stretched out or rest on the floor).
The bar is placed on the bottom of the trapezoid, as in powerlifting.
The shoulder blades are reduced as much as possible, and the back sags in the lower back.
The head looks forward (this allows the cervical vertebrae to be in the correct position).
A knee squat is performed at a slow pace for three counts until the buttocks are at the level of the calf muscles (a deeper squat allows you to more effectively stretch the muscles).
An ascent to the upper point is performed (without delay at the lower point using the contraction of the gluteal muscles).

Pay attention to important points

To reduce stress on the spine, monitor your breathing. The diaphragm should contract correctly. This makes it easier to maintain posture.

Do not spread your knees to the sides. They need to be kept parallel to each other. To relieve excessive tension from the lower back, after the end of the exercise, it is worthwhile again to devote some time to hyperextension. And during rest, between approaches, you can hang on the horizontal bar. This stretches the lumbar back perfectly.

The most optimal exercise will be performing the exercise in the range of ten to fifteen repetitions. And at the same time, the last approach can be performed almost to the stop, while the muscles are able to withstand the load.

Smith machine - strength training machine for pumping a large number of muscles throughout the body. It is available in almost every gym, whether it is an elite fitness club or a provincial rocking chair in the basement. Someone considers it too primitive due to a fixed plane and non-functional due to the fact that it does not allow pumping the press. But others make the buttocks and legs really embossed. Girls most often fall into the latter category.

The simulator is suitable for performing the most different exercises, but the most popular are squats in Smith, which both correct the figure and allow you to lose weight, and build muscle mass.


It's important to understand that Smith Machine Squats are about power load on the muscles. Accordingly, the result will be their growth and increase in volume. In particular, the focus is on the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. The forearms also work at the expense of the bar. Therefore, one should not be surprised at an impressive increase in muscle mass in these parts of the body in a week.

This exercise is chosen primarily by male bodybuilders for pumping quads, and women for the buttocks. The latter especially benefit, since after a month the figure begins to change, beautiful reliefs appear.

For the purpose of losing weight, they are used only as an additional part of the program. To perform them, considerable efforts are required, which are always accompanied by the burning of calories, performance can be improved by performing them in conjunction with others, etc.

From the history of creation. In fact, the Smith car was created by Jack LaLane, an American actor who was fond of bodybuilding. However, the manager of the gym where the new machine was installed was quicker. He supplemented the model with improvements and put it into mass production. The result - she got his name, because the name of this mechanic was Rudy Smith.

Execution technique

Smith machine squats can be different. But if we take their classic version, then the execution technique is a sequence of the following movements.

Always start with stretching to warm up your leg and back muscles.

  1. Set the bar on the simulator to the desired level so that you do not have to stand on your toes or sink under the bar.
  2. You can approach from different directions. Try both options and choose the one that suits you best. Athletes most often stand to the outside, with their backs to the bar.
  3. Stand under the bar so that it falls on the trapezoid (the area of ​​the back between the neck and shoulder blades).
  4. Grip the barbell with a comfortable grip.
  5. Raise your elbows up, bring your shoulder blades as much as possible. Feel that the weight is held by the muscles between the shoulder blades. It should not fall on the neck or vertebrae.
  6. Put your feet behind the neck line.
  7. Bend the lower back, pull the pelvis back slightly.
  8. Rotate the bar, remove it from the safety mounts.
  9. Descend. In the squat, the knees should not go beyond the toes. The pelvis is pulled back, the body tilts slightly forward.
  10. Sit down so that the hips are parallel with the floor.
  11. Linger in this position for a second.
  12. On exhalation, return to the starting position.
  13. Perform squats the required number of times.

If the squatting technique in Smith is mastered in full and is performed flawlessly, fast muscle pumping and reducing the risk of injury to zero will be a pleasant bonus.


Depending on what exactly you want to pump more, one or another option for performing this exercise is chosen.

On the knees

Squats on the knees in Smith are rarely used. Most often - by powerlifters and weightlifters. They give a load at an unusual angle and affect areas of the body that are usually forgotten by everyone. The buttocks and hips, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles are perfectly worked out.

  1. Get on your knees so that they are slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. The shins run parallel to each other.
  3. Place your toes firmly on the floor.
  4. Bend your back slightly.
  5. Place the bar on your trapezius muscles.
  6. Lower until the buttocks touch the calves. In this position, you need to feel what an excellent stretch of the buttocks gives squats from the knees.
  7. Rise.
  8. In the top position, a pause of 3-5 seconds is allowed.


One of the varieties classic exercises in the Smith simulator - front squats, when the barbell needs to be held not on the shoulders, but on the chest. They work the abs, lower back and hips; reduce stress on the spine and knees; develop balance and accelerate fat burning.

  1. Cross your arms, place a barbell on them. The elbows should be parallel to the ground.
  2. Legs - at shoulder level, turn the socks 45 °.
  3. Strain your abs.
  4. Keeping your back straight, begin to lower yourself slowly until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  5. Push with your heels to return to the starting position.

It is believed that frontal exercises are more effective than classical exercises with a barbell on the shoulders. They reduce the risk of injury and work out the hips and glutes better.

With different stance of the legs

It is very important how the legs are positioned, as this distributes the load between the muscles.

  • The standard setting pumps the buttocks and hips;
  • wide squats (sumo), when the feet are far from each other - interior hips;
  • exercise with narrow setting legs - the outer part of the thighs;
  • high setting of the feet - buttocks and rear part hips.

It is especially difficult when you need to put your feet together - this increases the load not only on outer surface hips, but also on the knee joints.


In Smith, you can perform the famous Bulgarian squats on one leg (the other at this time is fixed on a hill), on which all the load is concentrated.

  1. Remove the barbell from the simulator, place it on the trapezius muscles.
  2. Place one leg behind on a hill (only the toe or the whole foot - it does not matter).
  3. Move the second one step forward.
  4. Slowly lunge, directing all the load to the front leg.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. Do the same with the other leg.

No need to combine in one program different variants squats in the Smith machine, planning to pump all muscles at once. This will result in overuse and complete loss of strength. Set a goal - choose your foot position - train according to the chosen scheme - achieve the desired result.

It is interesting. Smith Machine Creator Jack LaLane was a bodybuilder, nutritionist, naturopath, led healthy image life, eat right and advocate the harm of dietary supplements. He died in 2011 at the age of 96.

For girls

For girls, squats in Smith are good for pumping the buttocks. Here's what the trainers recommend:

  • do not perform classic squats with a standard stance of feet, because there is always a risk of pumping the hips, but at the same time not increasing the buttocks in volume at all;
  • give preference to the high position of the feet, which will work more on pumping the priests;
  • do not load the bar with weight: work out with an empty barbell for about a month in order to master the technique of the exercise - this is a recommendation for beginners;
  • weight gain should occur gradually: add 2-3 kg per week, the maximum limit is 10 kg;
  • lesson scheme: three times a week, 10 repetitions, 3 sets.

Undoubtedly, Smith squats are very attractive for women, as they give out some of the better results for pumping the buttocks. But at the same time, one should not forget that there is always a risk of pumping the hips. It takes the right technique to bring it down. And preferably under the supervision of a coach.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why are Smith squats not used by all athletes, despite their versatility and versatility? Along with the clear advantages over, this machine has disadvantages due to which it is bypassed.


  • Security;
  • working out various muscle groups;
  • variety of exercises;
  • you can shift the load on different parts of the legs by changing just the position of the feet;
  • the ability to work without safety net;
  • easy execution technique.


  • The stabilizing muscles remain inactive;
  • fixed trajectory of movement in which the athlete is constrained;
  • the presence of contraindications: problems with the musculoskeletal system, knee injuries, varicose veins, pregnancy, lactation.

Especially athletes are not satisfied with the fact of single-joint training. That is, the knees are working at full power, and hip joints and the ankles remain dormant.

To carry out correct squat in Smith, it is not enough to study his technique - you also need to take into account a lot of nuances that experienced athletes and coaches usually talk about. If you listen to them, you can get the result much faster.

  1. To prevent the barbell from bruising your back or pressing too hard, use the circular bar pads found in all gyms.
  2. You can't start a workout with a Smith machine squat. They need to be performed with already well-warmed muscles.
  3. Your imagination will help you to do the exercise correctly! Just imagine that you are sitting in an invisible chair behind you.
  4. The knees should look straight ahead: do not spread them to the sides, but also do not bring them inward.
  5. From the bottom point, go up, pushing off the heels, not the middle of the foot.
  6. The entire foot during training should be as if glued to the floor.
  7. The gaze should be directed forward, not under the feet.
  8. If you are working with weights, weightlifting belt by the way, it will protect you from injury and overstretching.
  9. Stick to technique correct breathing: we go down on inhalation, rise on exhalation.
  10. Recommended training scheme: three times a week, up to 5 sets, up to 15 reps.

Do not hesitate to ask how to do them correctly if you do not understand something or have doubts. Remember: not only successful muscle pumping depends on the accuracy of the execution, but also your safety. Understand that you yourself can protect yourself from injury.

Question answer

What to replace?

If for some reason you cannot work in the Smith machine, this exercise has several alternative, no less effective replacements with other squats:

  • Jefferson;
  • standard - with a barbell on the shoulders;
  • on one leg;

Deadlifts and leg presses are also great, especially for men for building quads.

Why does the lower back hurt when squatting in Smith?

If the technique is correct, the lower back will never hurt. If this happens, most likely you are making mistakes:

  • compensate for the excessive weight of the barbell with a load on the lower back;
  • tilt the body forward more than necessary;
  • go out from the bottom point at the expense of the back muscles, and not the legs;
  • lifting your feet off the floor while lifting from a squat;
  • constantly look under your feet;
  • round your back in the lower squat.

If you correctly and regularly perform squats in the Smith machine, after 2 weeks you can feel how the muscles of the buttocks, calves, arms, quads are filled with pleasant strength and increase in volume. Do you want to pump up your ass and make it as appetizing as possible? Then this exercise is exactly what you need. And since it requires incredible strength expenditures, during the workout you will lose enough calories, which will entail weight loss.

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