Exercises for the cervical spine in osteochondrosis. Exercises for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Spinal problems can cause headaches, chest pain, poor vision, and dizziness.

The importance of competent diagnosis, timely treatment and prevention of vertebral diseases is due to their wide prevalence, severely tolerated pain syndrome and the occurrence of many complications.

The best means included in the complex of prevention and treatment of diseases cervical of the spine - this is also therapeutic gymnastics.

Special exercises are aimed at relaxing and bringing the muscles into tone, increasing their functionality.

What is important to consider when starting to perform a set of exercises:

  • Your main task is to tone the muscles. It is necessary to make them sufficiently elastic, so the exercises should be done slowly and rhythmically. Too fast, abrupt movements can do harm: they injure tense muscles, only worsening their condition.
  • Gymnastics is performed on a flat surface.
  • Required inventory: mat, chair, bolsters or pillows.
  • Frequency: Perform each exercise three times, then move on to the next.
  • If discomfort is felt, the load should be reduced.

Effective sets of exercises

Improving the mobility of the vertebrae, restoring the plasticity of the neck muscles

Exercise #1

Sitting on a chair or standing, lower your arms along the body and turn your head first to the extreme right position, then to the left.

The purpose of the exercise: to ensure such a state of mobility of the cervical vertebrae, in which the nose and chin are located above the shoulder with maximum rotation.

A lighter version of the exercise: do a series of movements in each direction with a small amplitude.

Exercise #2

Sitting on a chair or standing, lower your arms along the body and lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest as much as possible. Try to feel the chest notch with your chin.

The purpose of the exercise: improving the flexibility of the neck, stretching the stiff muscles in the back.

Exercise #3

Sitting on a chair or standing, lower your arms along your body and move your head back, pulling in your chin.

The purpose of the exercise: correcting the posture, in which the neck with the head is “stretched” forward, stretching tense muscles.

Complex No. 2

Purpose: strengthening of weakened muscles, their maximum relaxation, reduction of painful sensations.

Exercise #1

Sitting, place the palm of one hand on your forehead. Tilt your head forward, pressing your palm on your forehead, as if preventing movement.

The purpose of the exercise: strengthening weakened muscles, developing the mobility of the vertebrae, achieving the correct position of the head.

Exercise #2

Sitting, place your palm on the temporal region. Alternately tilt your head to the left and right, pressing your palm on your temple.

The purpose of the exercise: strengthening the lateral neck muscles, improved mobility of the vertebrae, reduced pain.

Exercise #3

Sitting or standing, lower your arms along the torso. Raise your shoulders to the maximum possible position and lower them.

Exercise number 4

Sitting or lying down, massage the area between the occipital bone and the part of the nape where the muscles are located.

Exercise number 5

Sitting or lying down, massage the shoulder blades at the point of attachment to the neck muscle.

Gymnastics for the treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine

From a sitting upright position, take a deep breath and tilt your head back, looking up at the ceiling.

Hold this position for a few seconds, return to the starting position.

Hernia of the cervical spine is the second most common after the lumbar. Read more about symptoms, diagnosis, as well as conservative and surgical treatment in the article.

Gymnastics for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Exercise #1

Lie down and straighten your body as much as possible. The left hand is on the chest, the right hand is on the stomach. Balanced breath. Hold your breath for 10 seconds, exhale and relax.

Exercise number 2 (continuation of the first)

Roll over on your stomach, legs straight, avoid bending. Perform an upper thoracic lift along with the head and lower into initial position.

Exercise #3

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. Alternately perform body turns left and right. The interval between each turn is 20 seconds.

This disease occurs in every second person aged 25 - 40 years. In our article, you will learn about the causes of osteochondrosis, its symptoms, as well as the classic options for dealing with it.

Gymnastics for the treatment of protrusion of the cervical spine

Exercise #1

You will need a wide board with a smooth surface. Its size should allow you to lie on the board at full height. Attach 50 cm straps to one end of the board.

Set the board so that the top end is 130 centimeters from the floor.

Lie on the board with your stomach, put your hands into the straps, under your knees - a pillow.

Carefully change the angle of the board, adjusting the load on the spinal column.

Exercise #2

Take the board used in the first exercise as a support. You can also use a wooden stool.

To stretch your back muscles, lie down on a support, touching it with your stomach.

Stretch the muscles by performing alternating forward and backward bends.

Watch for the correct distribution of body weight: the main load should be felt between the lower abdomen and the upper shoulder girdle.

Exercise number 3 (lateral stretch)

If the pain syndrome manifests itself in the right side, lie on the left. If pain is observed on both sides of the spine, perform the exercise alternately on each side.

The upper part of the body moves forward, while the lower part leans back.

Exercise number 4. Walking on all fours

Get on all fours, straighten your back, and start walking around the room.

Exercise number 5

Lie on your back with your legs as straight as possible. Pull the socks towards you, touch the sternum with your chin. Thus, the neck muscles will stretch, and stretching will occur. spinal column.

Gymnastics for the treatment of spondylosis of the cervical spine

It is important to perform gymnastics as carefully and smoothly as possible, to avoid unnecessary excessive loads.

With regular performance, the blood circulation of the cervical region will improve, the muscles will tone up, and the physiological mobility of the spinal column will be restored.

Gymnastics for the treatment of chondrosis of the cervical spine

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis is necessary to reduce pain, strengthen the neck muscles and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

  • A series of neck turns. Each turn must be performed very slowly, with a fading at the extreme point for a couple of seconds. The gaze should be directed strictly straight, the head is raised.
  • Head tilts. Tilt the head to each side until the ear touches the shoulder. The shoulders are as relaxed and lowered as possible.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the vertebrae and intervertebral structures of an inflammatory nature.

Such diseases of the musculoskeletal system require immediate medical care: with chronicity, the process is practically incurable.

Most often resort to drug treatment which involves taking certain medications. However, do not forget about this effective method treatments like exercise therapy ( physiotherapy).

Although physical therapy itself cannot replace physical therapy and drug therapy, it will be a good help in treatment.

General information about cervical osteochondrosis

As it was said, osteochondrosis is inflammatory disease that affects the intervertebral structures and the vertebrae themselves. Most often, the disease manifests itself for the following reasons:

Hypodynamia (lack of movement).

Long-term static loads on the spine in the cervical region with the physical nature of the work, with improper sleep, etc.

Unfavorable environmental conditions.

The presence of concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Taking steroid medicines.


Age over 40 years.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis are also specific. Pathology is characterized by:

Intense pain in the neck (manifested due to infringement of the nerve roots and inflammation).

Discomfort in the shoulder area (caused by muscle hypertonicity).

Numbness of hands.

Feeling of goosebumps.

Muscle weakness.

Osteochondrosis is an unpleasant disease that leads to a decrease in the functional activity of the neck and leads to the development of intervertebral hernias.

The mechanism of action of exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise is indicated for any patient suffering from problems with the cervical spine. LFC solves several problems at once:

Relieves muscle hypertonicity. This is one of mandatory conditions prevent pain and complications.

Helps strengthen neck muscles.

Allows you to normalize nutrition intervertebral discs.

It makes it possible to stop the destruction of spinal tissues.

It normalizes the motor activity of the spine at the level of the neck.

To understand these issues and eliminate pathological processes, it is necessary to regularly perform complexes simple exercises. There are dozens of sources describing exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but not all methods of gymnastics are equally effective and safe.

Gentle exercises for osteochondrosis

To keep the neck in good shape, it is recommended to perform “soft” sets of exercises. It is important to keep in mind: do not be zealous during the period of exacerbation. You can do these exercises only in the period between exacerbations (in remission or subacute condition).

Complex №1

1) Stand in a comfortable position. Lower your hands “at the seams”, keep an even posture, straighten as much as possible. Carefully and without haste, turn your head almost 90 degrees. To begin with, a small amplitude is enough, as you improve, you need to turn your head more and more. Haste is dangerous: dislocation of the vertebrae or pinching of the nerves may occur. During the period of exacerbation, you can make slight turning movements with your head, but nothing more. Similar exercise perform 7-10 times in each direction.

2) Starting position, as in the first exercise. Standing with an extended back. Relax your neck as much as possible. Slowly lower your head to touch your chest with your chin. With a slight springy movement, raise your head to its original position. If the level of mobility of the neck does not allow you to bend so much, the exercise is performed as much as possible. Quantity - 7-10 times.

3) Maintain the position, as in the first two exercises. Relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Bend your head back with a slow movement. It is important to do this slowly and smoothly to avoid injury. Extend the chin as far as the anatomy of the patient's cervical region allows.

A similar set of three exercises helps to restore the nutrition of the cervical vertebrae, restores elasticity to the muscles, and flexibility to the spinal column.

Complex number 2.

Can be performed during an exacerbation.

1) Position - preferably standing. Let's sit down too. Straighten the neck, relax all the muscles of the collar zone, including the shoulders. Place one palm on your forehead. Make a movement, as if there is a desire to push the hand away with the head. Such resistance leads to a sharp tension in the muscles of the neck, and then to their relaxation.

2) Perform an identical exercise, pressing your hand to the temporal region. The movement should be smooth and unsharp. The "confrontation" of the hand and head should last for 3 seconds. It does not make sense to continue for more time: lactic acid will begin to accumulate and the muscles will get tired, it will be more difficult to do physical exercise. Run 5-10 times.

3) Accept sitting position. Straighten your back and neck, relax. Pull your shoulders up to your ears, hold each time for 3-5 seconds. Then lower your shoulders and relax again. It is also not worth keeping the position longer.

4) Stand up straight, stretch your arms across the body, forming the letter "T". Make 10 circular movements in one direction, and then in the other direction.

5) At the end of the exercises, rub the neck (light massage). Massage the neck with rubbing and circular movements for 3 minutes.

6) Starting position - standing or sitting with a straight back. Shake your head for three minutes. The amplitude must be minimal. By nature, this exercise is similar to the non-verbal “yes” gesture.

Complex number 3.

1) Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your body, stretch your arms. Perform the exercise, known to everyone since school, as a “mill”.

2) Sit down or stand up. Straighten the spinal column. Touch your shoulder with your ear, then repeat the same on the other side.

3) Make head movements imitating “yes” and “no” gestures.

All described are the most simple exercises with cervical osteochondrosis.

Who is suitable for such complexes?

These complexes are ideal for people with the initial stage of neck problems, as well as patients with severe restrictions on the mobility of the spinal column. They can be performed, including in the acute course of the disease (except for the first).

The most effective exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Physical activity from complex No. 1 is strictly contraindicated during an exacerbation. They are appointed only during remission.

Complex №1

1) Lying position (it is impossible to lie down on the bare floor, osteochondrosis "does not like" hypothermia). Place the right hand on the stomach, put the left hand on the chest (for left-handers, respectively, the opposite is true). Begin rhythmically and slowly breathe deeply. Take in as much air as possible.

2) The starting position is identical. You don't need to put your hands on it, you need to lean on them. Carefully rise on your hands, stretch your neck, then also carefully return to the original position. Repeat 7-10 times.

3) Lie on your stomach. Straighten your arms along the body "at the seams". Turn your head 90 degrees and touch the floor with your ear. Repeat the same with the other ear.

4) Take a sitting position. Straighten the neck. As you exhale, lower your head to your chest and press your chin as hard as possible, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

5) Posture - sitting or standing. Relax your neck and shoulders. Lower your head to your chest, start to make light rotational circular motions head along the axis of the spine. Attention! Such a gymnast must be performed extremely carefully, the risk of dislocations is high.

Complex №2

The complex consists of three parts: warm-up, main part, end. You can perform such gymnastics, including during the period of exacerbation. She is universal. Standing position.

1) Put your hands on your shoulders. Make circular movements. 10 times in one direction, 10 in the other direction.

2) upper limbs with clenched fists to spread apart. Bend your arms (as if wanting to show off your inflated biceps), then straighten them, forming the letter “T” with your body. At the end of the exercise, shake your hands to relieve tension.

3) Perform exercise No. 1 from the sparing complex No. 2. In this case, the hands should be brought into the lock and pressed to the forehead. This exercise is considered more difficult because the tension is higher.

4) Standing position. Bring your hands into the castle, place on the back of the head. Overcoming the resistance of the hands, try to throw back the head. This exercise is very similar to the previous one.

5) Bring your shoulders forward, as if shivering, return them to their normal position.

6) Pull your shoulders back.

7) Lie down on the floor. Raise your neck as high as possible, stay in this state for 5 seconds, then return to a normal position.

8) Grab your head with your hand. Pull in the opposite direction

All the described exercises, both sparing and more complex, are performed 7-20 times 3-4 times a day.

This kind of gymnastics is useful for people during exacerbations (not counting the first complex), it also helps to normalize the nutrition of the spine and is ideal for those who want remission to last as long as possible.

Why is it necessary to do exercises?

They need to be done for several reasons:

With all the effectiveness of medications, they are not able to restore neck mobility. This is precisely the task of physiotherapy exercises.

After exercise, the nutrition of the spine improves.

Remissions become longer.

The spine restores motor activity.

Muscle relaxation and pain relief

No matter how effective exercises are for cervical osteochondrosis, they must be done correctly. IN otherwise chances are high that things will only get worse.

Most exercises can be done in an acute period, but you should carefully listen to your own well-being.

If there is pain in the neck during execution, gymnastics should be stopped immediately.

It is better to do gymnastics in a group, but no one forbids doing it at home.

It is worth doing exercises for the neck several times a day, otherwise the effect will be minimal.

All exercises must be performed slowly so that there are no injuries.

Exercise therapy works great in combination with other methods of treatment. It is important to perform the exercises correctly, observing all safety rules. Then the cervical spine will thank you.

Therapeutic exercise (exercise therapy) for cervical osteochondrosis - important aspect therapy for this disease. Systematic exercises eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as spasms, dizziness, migraines, numbness of the limbs. Blood circulation improves, muscles acquire tone and strength, vertebrae straighten. You just need to choose the right complex and start exercising regularly.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is carried out in the absence of acute pain symptoms. With the help of gymnastics, muscles are worked out, increasing their flexibility and plasticity. Blood circulation increases in hard and soft tissues, the spine and muscles around it receive more intensive nutrition. Active blood circulation delivers more oxygen to the problem area and nutrients while removing waste products and toxic substances. It helps to cleanse the body and the lymphatic system, helping to remove waste elements or harmful microorganisms from the intercellular space.

Exercise therapy can be done at home using a rubber band (expander)

Cervical osteochondrosis is a common disease of our time. Owners of "sedentary" professions are especially susceptible to this problem: programmers, accountants, office workers. They spend most of the day in a forced posture at the table. Of course, about correct posture and preventive five-minutes, few of them remember. Asymmetric postures, neck drawn into the shoulders, lack of rest - have an extremely negative effect on the spine. But not only professional costs are to blame for cervical dysfunction. Poor service can serve:

  • excess weight;
  • disturbed metabolism (deposition of salts);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • sleep in awkward posture, on an uncomfortable mattress and pillow;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking.
  • Dystrophic changes in the spine provoke neuralgia, which means pain. As a result, the head may feel dizzy, the hands go numb, the person will periodically feel like “shooting” between the ribs. Symptoms are not fatal, but unpleasant, because they worsen general well-being, reduce the quality of life. How to help yourself without resorting to medication? There is a way! It is simple, does not require material investments, which means it is publicly available. This is a complex of physiotherapy exercises (LFK), specially designed for the cervical spine. More specifically, he is not alone. There are many opinions and approaches on how to protect yourself from problems with cervical discs.

    LFK is a set special exercises for rehabilitation and prevention. They must be performed smoothly and in a gentle mode. The main goal is deep muscle relaxation. You need to accompany the implementation of the complex with proper breathing. The cervical region is the most mobile, and a sharp, careless movement can provoke pinching of blood vessels and impaired blood circulation.

    Exercises are static - fading in a certain position - and dynamic.

    Therapeutic gymnastics causes such positive changes in the cervical region:

  • increased blood circulation;
  • muscle training;
  • normalization of vertebral mobility;
  • increase in range of motion;
  • restoration of nerve endings.
  • With the help of exercise therapy, it is possible to comprehensively improve the body. With a small caveat: the patient must be prepared for moderate physical activity. Muscular-articular gymnastics also implies the absence of concomitant diseases, which are contraindications.

    Contraindications and side effects

    You need to know that, alas, physiotherapy exercises are not useful for everyone, and in some cases it is prohibited. If such diseases have been previously detected, one should refrain from physical activity:

  • severe degree of myopia;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pathologies of blood clotting (predisposition to bleeding);
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • recovery after spinal surgery (early period);
  • vestibular disorders;
  • diseases of the central nervous system with impaired coordination of movements (ataxia);
  • acute stage of the disease (any);
  • infectious diseases.
  • Elderly people should be especially attentive to contraindications for exercise therapy.

    If, while performing the next exercise, you feel dizzy, pain, nausea, or other unpleasant sensations, you need to stop it and move on to the next one. In the case when the whole set of exercises causes discomfort - hurry to consult a doctor to choose another system that will take into account individual characteristics.

    Indications for therapeutic exercises

    Exist special complexes preventive exercises to prevent the development cervical osteochondrosis. This is especially true for people after 40 years, when the cartilage begins to thin, and the joints lose their former ease of movement.

    Some doctors consider osteochondrosis a purely commercial diagnosis. After all, dystrophic changes in the spine are not a disease, but a sign of aging.

    The doctor will prescribe therapeutic gymnastics if osteochondrosis of the cervical region has already found itself in a number of manifestations:

  • Pain of a vertebrogenic nature, myelopathy (originating from the spine);
  • The danger of fusion of the vertebrae, due to damage to the intervertebral discs;
  • Clinical symptoms of the disease:
    • crunching and soreness when moving the head;
    • pain in the neck, radiating (radiating) to the back of the head, arm, shoulder;
    • numbness and tingling of the extremities, discomfort and burning in the interscapular region;
    • headache that goes from the back of the head to the temples;
    • dizziness with sudden movements;
    • weakness, weakness, loss of tone.
  • If other symptoms are present: tinnitus, visual disturbances, it is advisable to check for concomitant diseases (hypertension, cardiovascular diseases). And only then proceed to physical therapy.

    Preparing to do the exercises

    The correct organization of exercise therapy begins with the determination of a suitable complex and familiarization with the instructions for performing gymnastics. Rules to follow:

  • Before physical education, it is necessary to ventilate the room, wear comfortable clothes.
  • 1-2 hours before physical activity, it is advisable to eat, not too dense, but nutritious enough.
  • Movements should be smooth, unhurried. It is worth complicating them gradually: moving from basic to more complex.
  • You need to monitor your well-being during each exercise, breathe correctly. If you are worried about pain or discomfort, then it is better to stop, or move on to relaxation or stretching exercises. At the same time, a little discomfort is acceptable.
  • Give Special attention correct technique. Posture should be slender, shoulders and head should be even.
  • It is important to be regular. Ideally, practice every day, if this does not work out, then at least once every two days.
  • A specialist physiotherapist will help you choose a set of exercises that is useful for a particular stage of the disease. His advice will depend on physical training patient, comorbidities, and duration of last exacerbation. It is possible to join exercise therapy both in special rooms at the clinic and at home. Optional.

    What can not be done by patients with osteochondrosis:

  • not shown to engage in exacerbations;
  • it is forbidden to lift weights - this can provoke a deterioration in well-being;
  • unnecessary concussions are not recommended: running, jumping, throwing something;
  • people with osteochondrosis should not hang on the crossbar, take poses with an emphasis on hands.
  • A person who played sports before the diagnosis can continue their usual workouts, having previously corrected them. The doctor will help to exclude risky exercises leading to the complication of the disease. Otherwise, you can not stop the usual activities.

    Method of execution and stages of exercises

    Exist different approaches to solve the problems of cervical osteochondrosis. The most popular of them are heard: these are the author's methods of domestic scientific medicine (Bubnovsky, Shishonin), and complexes of traditional teachings of the East (qigong, yoga), this also includes the development of alternative areas of treatment (Norbekov, Popov). Exercises can be dynamic, static, isometric. The methodology for their implementation is determined by how the authors see the problem and its causes.

    The main rule of any medical complex: gradual gradual transition from simple to more complex exercises. Don't expect too much quick results. The disease does not come at once, its development takes years. Also, healing is a slow process, but the main thing is to start it. Regularity and constancy are important postulates of classes. Success can be achieved by persistent training with the indispensable observance of safety precautions, and with an eye to contraindications.

    A set of exercises Shishonin-Bubnovsky

    Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences S.M. Bubnovsky - the founder of kinesitherapy (kinesis - movement + therapy - treatment), at one time he independently recovered from severe injuries received as a result of the accident. Bubnovsky says that neck pain occurs in spasmodic muscles. And you need to act on them. How? Movement! His method consists in the therapeutic application of a certain set of correct movements (from simple to complex). Thus, the processes of cell nutrition, including metabolism in bones and muscles, are gradually restored by neuroreflex. In the treatment, special rehabilitation simulators (suspended sling systems) are used, but not necessarily. There are exercises for practicing at home, without auxiliary shells. Portable sports equipment can also be used, such as an expander, fitball, back roll, etc. Therapeutic effect closely related to technology correct breathing during a workout. According to Bubnovsky, it should be diaphragmatic, in other words, you need to breathe with your stomach, and not with your chest.

    Kinesitherapy consists of active exercises (physiotherapy exercises, games in a mobile form) and passive procedures (massage, mechanotherapy, stretching).

    In gymnastics according to Bubnovsky, the emphasis is on strengthening skeletal muscle. Their work affects all body systems. After all, it is the muscles that a person is able to control at will, unlike other large systems in the body.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, Academician A. Yu. Shishonin proposed a set of simple, but effective exercises, which do not require additional devices and are performed in a sitting position. A medical and preventive complex was developed in the clinic of Shishonin's colleague - Dr. Bubnovsky. Hence its double name.

    It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vegetovascular dystonia (VVD);
  • migraines and dizziness;
  • hypertensive syndrome;
  • violations of the daily rhythm (sleep and wakefulness);
  • memory and concentration disorders.
  • Shishonin sees the main problem of impaired health - circulatory failure. The reason is the spasmodic muscles of the neck, which swell and compress the nerve endings, blood vessels. Hence the pain, dizziness, mental retardation.

    The Shishonin-Bubnovsky home complex consists of 7 exercises and is aimed at stretching and relaxing the cervical region. Recommended for people different ages, subject to compliance correct technique and no contraindications. Perform each exercise 5-10 times:

  • Sitting and keeping your back straight, gently lower your head to one shoulder and hold in this position for 30 seconds. Slowly return to the original position. Do the same on the other side.
  • Gently lower your head to your chest (the chin touches your chest), fixing it in this position for half a minute, then slowly stretch your neck forward and lift it up.
  • Leaning your head, slowly turn it to the right, then to the left, stopping in each position for 30 seconds.
  • Right hand placed on the left shoulder, elbow raised. Then you need to slowly turn your head towards the raised hand (in this case to the right). Hold this position, pay attention to muscle tension.
  • It is performed as an exercise from paragraph 3, only the position of the hands changes: they are connected and raised above the head.
  • Sitting straight, put your hands on your knees. Next, fasten your hands and slowly wind them behind your back, stretching your neck up.
  • Stretching and relaxing the neck muscles, it completes the complex. Stand up straight, arms along the body. Stretch your neck forward and turn your head left and right, trying to reach your shoulder with your chin.
  • Such gymnastics is shown to people with sedentary work subject to stress and psycho-emotional overload. It will not harm those who abuse irrational nutrition, which affects the deposition of salts in the joints.

    Gymnastics against neck pain (Bubnovsky) - video:

    Healing system Norbekov

    According to alternative medicine specialist M. S. Norbekov, the cervical spine should be trained in isolation. This means that the upper and lower thoracic regions, as well as the lumbar, remain motionless.

    The main movements in his gymnastics: flexion - extension, twisting - untwisting, straightening - compression. Breathe only through the nose. In the nose, oxygen is ionized, and so the blood absorbs it better.

    Norbekov's exercises for the neck (perform each 10-15 times):

  • In a sitting or standing position, with a straight back, the shoulders are fixed motionless, clasp the palms and place them in front of the eyes. You need to stretch the top of your head in the direction of the ceiling, trying to look out from behind the "fence" that the palms form. Stretching the neck with the help of only the cervical vertebrae, turn the head to the right and left.
  • Straighten up, raise your chin, looking into the distance. Begin to smoothly slide your chin down your chest until it stops. The neck is moderately tense. After completing the reverse slide, return to the starting position.
  • Keeping an even posture, gently move your head back, touching the back with the back of your head, while pressing your head into your shoulders. Then slowly tilt your head forward, continuing to pull it into the spine, begin to slide your chin along your chest in the direction of the navel. You need to perform the exercise without tension, gradually adding reinforcement.
  • The spine is straightened, the shoulders are immobilized. Gently tilt your head to one side, alternately to each shoulder. Try to achieve maximum range of motion. It won't work right away, but it will get easier after a while.
  • The head is exactly in line with the back. Smoothly move your eyes to the right, then to the left, while turning your head in the direction of your gaze, bringing it to the stop, trying to look behind your back. Do it without stress.
  • Mentally draw an imaginary axis, one end of which passes through the nose, the other through the back of the head. Turn your head around such an axis, moving up and to the side. This exercise is done in three options: the even position of the head, tilting it forward, or the head thrown back.
  • Keep your back and shoulders straight. Stretch your neck forward, parallel to the floor, pointing your chin up and to the sides: left and right.
  • Perform rotational movements of the head, smoothly rolling it over the shoulders. Do it in a relaxed, stress-free manner.
  • Cervical exercises additionally train the vestibular apparatus, relieve dizziness. A person ceases to be motion sick in transport, and even seasickness disappears. I must say that Norbekov pays special attention to mood, offering to mentally draw images of youth and health in the problem areas of your body, which are aimed at exercises.

    Complex of longevity and rejuvenation from Popov

    Folk healer P.A. Popov advises, before starting exercises on the cervical spine, lubricate the sore spot with a previously prepared ointment: mix camphor oil, finely grated ginger and horseradish in equal amounts. So the effect will be better. Additionally, if the temperature in the room allows, wear a sweater with a high neck. There are a few more recommendations before starting physical activity:

  • gymnastic complex performed on a hard surface;
  • doing each exercise, you need to try to strain all the muscles of the body;
  • breathe evenly, in time with the movements. Make sure not to hold your breath;
  • pay all attention to the part of the body that you are currently working on;
  • you need to start with a small number of repetitions and a small intensity of movements;
  • the appearance of discomfort in the first 1-2 days after physical education is acceptable. If you feel worse immediately after doing the exercises, consult a doctor. He will advise on the advisability of continuing them;
  • the optimal time for Popov's gymnastics is in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. At the same time, the doctor believes that each person has the right to individually determine the time for charging and its frequency;
  • the first results can be felt in 3-5 days, but you should not expect an immediate miracle. Improvements come gradually, but subject to the regular implementation of the complex.
  • Examples of exercises (repeat 8-10 times each):

  • Lying flat on your back, smoothly, but with effort, rotational movements (around the axis - the spine) turn your head right and left until it stops. This exercise is especially effective for dizziness, tinnitus, headaches.
  • In a horizontal position on the back, the arms are extended behind the head and clasped together, the knees are bent, and the pelvis is lifted and kept in weight. Vigorously and smoothly tilt your head forward with your hands, while the pelvis simultaneously goes down, but without touching the floor. Return to the reverse position. Exercise normalizes the processes in the cervicothoracic region.
  • Lying on a bench, or on two closely standing chairs, hang your head and neck over the edge of the bench, clasp your hands and stretch them behind your head. In the lower back, try not to bend too much, lowering your head as low as possible, turn it left and right until it stops.
  • In the same position as exercise No. 3, tighten the muscles of the arms and shoulders, and vigorously (but not abruptly) raise the arms together with the head in the direction forward and upward, so that a semblance of oscillation is obtained.
  • All exercises should be performed with caution by older people. Ideally, you need to get the approval of your doctor.

    Qigong gymnastics

    Alternative oriental medicine brings to our attention its own way of prevention and treatment of the cervical spine. This is qigong gymnastics - a traditional Chinese system of breathing and exercise, presumably an offshoot of Chinese martial arts training.

    Exercise examples:

  • In a standing or sitting position, the body is relaxed, warm up your hands by rubbing them against each other. Next, alternately rub the back of the neck with both palms using moderate force. Movement to make 8 times. After that, alternately rub the side surfaces of the neck - 8 times. Then outside palms to make 8 similar movements from mandible to the place above the jugular fossa (tiantu point).
  • Being in the same position, bring your hands back, clasping them together. While inhaling, stand on your toes, raise your head, and press your hands on the lower part of the neck (dazhui point) in the upward and forward direction, gradually increasing the strength moderately. Run 8-10 times.
  • Standing straight, the chin is lowered to the chest, smoothly make circular movements with the head to the right, then to the left. During the exercise, you can mentally imagine the circles described by the head during rotation. Repeat 10 times.
  • Starting position of exercise No. 3. We turn our heads, rolling our chin over our chest, drawing a semicircle from right to left as far as it will go, and back. Only the head moves. Repeat 10 times.
  • These exercises for beginners are easy for anyone to do. But we must remember that qigong is also a spiritually oriented practice. It also includes meditative preparation: visualization and concentration of attention on specific images, sounds, and special breathing techniques.

    Qigong: cervical warm-up - video

    Isometric exercises

    Exercises based on the principle of statics and counteracting the resistance of various objects for 5-10 seconds. Aimed at the study of skeletal muscles. Such gymnastics is suitable for recovery after injuries. She is careful with soft tissues without harming the musculoskeletal system.

    Exercise examples:

  • In a standing position, the shoulders are slightly laid back, the posture is even. Raise the right arm bent at the elbow to the side, the palm is parallel to the head. Rest it on the side of the head just above the ear. With the hand we try to tilt the head in the opposite direction, at the same time resisting with the head, with the help of the neck muscles. Run 3 sets of 5 seconds. Do the same with the left side.
  • Place your hands in the castle under the chin and moderately press on it from the bottom up. At the same time resist with the head, without changing its position. Run 3 sets of 5 seconds.
  • Place your hands in the castle on your forehead, trying to tilt your head back. Resist with your head for 5 seconds. Do 3 sets.
  • We put our hands in the lock on the convex part of the back of the head, putting pressure on the head, trying to tilt it forward. Resist with your head for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  • An important point of the complex is that it is the head that should provide resistance to the hand, and not vice versa.

    Isometric exercises for cervical osteochondrosis and cervical instability - video

    Possible consequences or how not to overdo it?

    It is ideal to engage in exercise therapy under the supervision of the attending physician. A professionally selected load, immediate adjustment of the execution technique are advantages that will help you get the benefit, avoiding possible negative consequences.

    The most common cause of complications after exercise therapy is the unjustified zeal of the patient. Not particularly paying attention to the technical correctness and contraindications, people begin to actively engage in. According to the principle: the more (faster, stronger) - the better. However, in the case of therapeutic exercises this is, to put it mildly, not true.

    Therapeutic physical education and sports are different concepts. The goal of therapy is not Olympic records or winning a competition. The task of exercise therapy is to restore the health and physical potential of the body. If the rules say to do the exercise 15 times, and you feel unwell, you should not try to finish the repetitions through force, blindly following the instructions. In the process, you need to listen to the body and notice its slightest clues. It is better to do less, but technically with high quality.

    Inaccurate or abrupt movements during spinal stretching can cause microdamages: tears and cracks. Which over time will turn into a hernia.

    Exercises to stretch the vertebrae are useful in recovering from injuries, but their relevance in degenerative processes causes heated debate among doctors.

    The consequences of a negligent approach to exercise therapy can be:

  • sudden pain from a sprain
  • muscle spasms;
  • disc microcracks.
  • With sharp pains and sprains, it is urgent to stop active actions. It is recommended to make a cold compress, take a painkiller, and lie down for a while. If the pain does not go away for several days, you should see a surgeon or traumatologist. He will prescribe an X-ray or other examination - at his discretion. For a while, refuse the procedures that caused complications. This does not mean that exercise therapy is contraindicated for you in the future. But it will be necessary to adjust and change the approach without fail. To begin with, to cure the complications that have arisen.

    Article publication date: 01/12/2016

    Date of article update: 02.12.2018

    Spinal osteochondrosis can cause a lot of trouble. Independently improve physical and emotional well-being, protect the body from the occurrence of exacerbations of the disease in the future will help exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

    Regular exercise reduces the risk of recurrent exacerbations, reduces chronic pain in the neck and shoulders, restores sensitivity and strength in the hands, trains the vestibular apparatus (which reduces dizziness and headache).

    Start off exercise therapy classes it is better under the supervision of an instructor so that he teaches you how to perform all the exercises correctly. In general, the gymnastic complex, which includes blocks of isometric (without moving parts of the body in space) and dynamic activity, is simple to perform, and everyone can do gymnastics at home.

    Every patient with cervical osteochondrosis who is engaged in exercise therapy should know this.

    Therapeutic exercise for cervical osteochondrosis should not be carried out during an exacerbation of the disease. No need to try to "stretch" the neck, "disperse" the pain, somehow affect your condition. If you feel worse, contact a neurologist immediately!

    If during X-ray or palpation of the spine, the doctor (neurologist) has determined that you have instability of the cervical vertebrae, be sure to visit an orthopedic salon or pharmacy and purchase a special soft neck collar. It will save you from dangerous complications when exercising.

    Shants collar

    Osteophytes - styloid bone growths visible on the x-ray of the spine - another reason to be more scrupulous about the choice of exercises for exercise therapy. With osteophytes, active movements in the cervical spine during dynamic training should not be performed, otherwise you risk damaging the nerve trunks that run in the neck area with osteophytes.

    Six exercises of the isometric complex

    At isometric gymnastics the trained area of ​​the body does not shift in space: that is, there will be no tilts, turns, swings here.

    You or your partner put pressure on a part of the body, and the forces of the muscles counteract this pressure. Number of repetitions of the exercise this complex Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis depends on the degree of your preparedness: it can be 3-4 repetitions on each side, and 6-8. The duration of the counteraction to the applied force during the execution of each repetition is 5-6 seconds.

    The starting position in all exercises below is sitting exactly on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart.


    With the palm of your hand, press on the temple and cheekbones on one side (left palm - left cheek, right palm - right cheek).

    Tighten the muscles of the neck, resisting the arm.

    Repeat on the other side.


    Lock your fingers. In this position, press on the forehead with palms facing it.

    Straining your neck, resist the pressure.


    Place your hands under your chin, closed into fists, and press your chin from the bottom up.

    Without moving your head in space, resist.


    Interlock your fingers behind your head in a lock. In this position, press on the occipital-parietal region with your hands, as if trying to lower your head to your chest, and create resistance with your head.


    Place your right hand with an open palm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left cheek and cheekbone. Press your hand on your face, as if trying to turn it to the right. Create resistance with the muscles of the neck.

    Repeat the exercise for the opposite side.


    Lower your head to your chest and cross your arms at the back of your head. Press your hands on the back of the head, and with the forces of the neck muscles, counteract in such a way as to slowly return the head to a vertical position.

    Ten exercises of the dynamic complex

    Important Rules

    When performing this type of exercise therapy, it is important not to overdo it:

    • You can not make full turns of the head around / counterclockwise.
    • The maximum tipping of the head back is fraught with deterioration of the condition, therefore it is contraindicated.
    • Movements should not be abrupt, impetuous: do everything slowly, leisurely.
    • Since osteochondrosis of the spine is often accompanied by posture instability, dizziness, physiotherapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis should be carried out in a sitting position on a chair.
    • The number of repetitions is 5-8.


    (if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

    Initial position The exercise

    1. Sit with your back straight on a chair, legs slightly apart. Stretch your arms in front of you with your hands forward.

    Clench your hands into fists - unclench them. Do the exercise several times, then shake your hands.

    2. Sit on a chair, feet in front of you shoulder width apart, hands on your knees.

    Raise your straightened arm out to the side, parallel to the floor. Without sudden movements, turn the torso together with the arm in one direction, with the other hand - in the other direction (left hand - turn the body to the left, right - to the right).

    3. Sit on a chair, legs slightly bent at the knees, place your hands on your waist.

    Tilt your head to the left and right, as if trying to reach the corresponding shoulder with your ear.

    4. Sitting position on a chair. Bend your arms as much as possible at the elbows (hands on the shoulders).

    Raise through the sides bent arms to a position parallel to the floor and lower back.

    5. Sitting, rest your hands on the seat of the chair on the sides of the body.

    In this position, perform circles with the shoulder girdle, first clockwise, and then counterclockwise.

    6. Sitting position.

    With a small amplitude, turn your head left and right (as if looking left, then right).

    7. In a sitting position, clasp your hands in front of you in the lock.

    Raise your arms in this position up to the level of your head, then lower them down.

    8. Sitting position, hands on the chair seat.

    Tilt your head on your chest - return to a vertical position.

    9. Continue to sit in your chair. The arms are extended down along the body.

    Bend your elbows, sliding your torso with your palms up towards your armpits. In the same sliding motion, return your hands to their original position.

    10. Sit on a chair. Hands at the seams.

    Raise your outstretched left arm in front of you no higher than shoulder level. Palm down.

    At the same time, take the straightened right hand back (palm up). Repeat for the other hand.


    Of course, physical therapy is not a panacea, and in order for help with osteochondrosis of the spine to be as effective as possible, a whole range of measures is needed, including medicines, manual therapy, and physiotherapy.

    But exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine does not require special equipment and even significant space in the room; many exercises can be performed even at the workplace. And this is a great opportunity for every patient to help themselves. Regular physical therapy exercises have a beneficial effect not only on the course of the disease and the symptoms of the disease, but also on the mood, relieving patients of feelings of depression, blues, fatigue, and even depressive disorders.

    Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

    LG sets the following tasks: to strengthen the muscular corset of the neck, muscles of posture, arms and upper shoulder girdle; take off muscle tension; prevention of humeroscapular periarthrosis, individual treatment of defects in the feet, pelvis and spine. We strive to eliminate the instability of the cervical spine.

    Changes in the spine in osteochondrosis.

    Osteochondrosis cervical spine

    requires a special approach from physiotherapy exercises,

    since this disease can affect cerebral circulation and the condition of the upper limbs.

    We will consider the most common diseases of the cervical spine:

    NSOP (instability of the cervical spine),

    SSPA (syndrome of compression of the vertebral artery)

    atlas subluxation.

    Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

    This is the same aging and wear of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs of the cervical region, as well as the lumbar and thoracic. The causes of occurrence are heredity, neck injuries (including birth injuries), manual “needlework” of traditional healers, metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis, hypodynamia, foot defects, scoliosis, different sizes lower extremities, curvature of the pelvis (when one side of the pelvis is higher than the other).

    Great importance in the development osteochondrosis SHOP chronic stress also plays, since under stress, a subconscious protective tension of the muscles of the neck and collar zone occurs. At this time, the movements become sharp, inaccurate, the spine is “compressed” by tense muscles, the intervertebral discs are also compressed, and there is a load on the ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Gradually appears instability of the vertebrae of the neck.

    Back view. Atlas and the second (axial) cervical vertebra.

    Instability of the cervical spine.

    The cervical vertebrae experience less stress than the vertebrae of other departments. Therefore, their bodies are relatively small. The first two cervical vertebrae differ in shape from the rest due to the fact that they are connected to the skull and are involved in head movements. The cervical spine is more mobile than the thoracic and lumbar spine. So that the vertebrae do not move relative to each other, there is a ligamentous apparatus of the spine, and the state of the muscular corset of the neck plays an important role.

    With instability of the vertebrae, the body seeks to protect the vertebrae from displacement, and on the bodies of the vertebrae grow osteophytes - bone processes, which, clinging to each other, gradually grow together, ensuring the immobility of the vertebrae.

    The spine loses its flexibility. Osteophytes “scratch” the surrounding tissues, blood vessels and nerve roots when moving, which can cause pain and muscle tension, spasm of the arteries. When tilting the head to the side, a crunch is heard.

    When the nerve cells of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine are irritated by unstable vertebrae, a pathological change in physiological curves occurs. In the cervical spine - smoothness of lordosis, which leads to a decrease in depreciation of the brain when walking, running and jumping.

    Displacement (instability) of the cervical vertebrae contributes to the occurrence VBN (vertebrobasilar insufficiency): circulatory failure in the occipital part of the brain.

    Two bones are involved in the connection of the spine with the skull: the occipital and atlas (the first cervical vertebra). But the second cervical vertebra (axial) is also involved in head movements.

    The joints between the occipital bone, the atlas, and the axial vertebra are characterized by great mobility, strength, and structural complexity. They provide head movements: nodding, lateral tilts and rotational movements of the head.

    ("Yes-yes", "No-no", "Ay-yai-yai").

    The second cervical vertebra (axial) has a tooth that is located in the osteofibrous ring and is held during rotation by the ligament of the apex of the tooth, the pterygoid ligaments and the cruciate ligament of the atlas. It is important to know here that the ligaments can be stretched (for example, when lifting a person (child) by the head). This can lead to instability of the cervical spine and subluxation of the atlas..

    Displacement of the atlas relative to the second cervical vertebra.

    dangerous for torticollis

    osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.


    some adults

    raise children by the head

    by the ears

    to "show Moscow".

    This is dangerous not only by the appearance of instability in the cervical vertebrae, but also by stretching of the vertebral artery and even the appearance of microcracks on its inner wall, which leads to scarring.

    The surface of the vessel becomes uneven. This means that in uneven places there is a swirl of blood, which is why there is a predisposition in the future to the deposition of calcium and cholesterol in the places of swirls, as well as the formation of blood clots.

    Torticollis with subluxation of the upper cervical vertebrae.

    Subluxation of the upper cervical vertebrae.

    In addition, children may
    be a developmental pathology
    ligament apparatus,
    structures of the vertebrae
    joint dysplasia and
    spinal discs,
    therefore there is a large
    danger of dislocation
    and subluxation of the upper cervical vertebrae.
    Atlas subluxation can occur during childbirth with improper management of labor and pathology of labor.

    to restore range of motion shoulder joints, improve blood circulation and strengthen the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle ,

    exercises for stretching the muscles of the shoulder girdle and relaxation.

    It is necessary to pay attention to strengthening posture (isotonic exercises)

    and individually.

    Collar - bandage is assigned

    to relieve head pressure on the cervical vertebrae

    and to protect the cervical region from displacement of the vertebrae.

    The collar prevents sharp

    inaccurate movements in the neck.

    With prolonged wearing of the bandage, the neck muscles atrophy.

    Therefore, it is necessary to wear a medical collar in a dosed manner.

    Inflatable collar for stretching the cervical spine.

    Needs to be done isometric exercises

    to strengthen the muscles of the neck.

    fingers; on balance and coordination of movements.

    Isometric exercises help

    increase muscle strength without active muscle movements.

    Conditions are created when the muscles resist

    pressing on a limb or pulling.

    Isometricexerciseswith osteochondrosiscervical spine it is advisable to perform in front of a mirror to control the position of the head. At first, you can practice in a collar - a bandage.

    Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

    Isometric exercises.

    We start the load from 3 seconds, gradually bring it up to 7 seconds over several days. We do 3 sets of each exercise. Between sets, rest with muscle relaxation is 2 times longer than the load. So, for example, with a resistance load of 5 seconds, the rest between sets will be 10 seconds, and with a maximum load of 7 seconds, the rest will be 14 seconds. Relaxation occurs better on exhalation.

    Do not perform resistance loading for more than 7 seconds. We count the seconds like this: "Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three ..." - and so on (for "honesty").

    Concentrate on your feelings. Think about your recovery.

    Perform the beginning and end of the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements.

    one). "Hands like ropes." First, relax the tense muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. Standing, hands down. Swing the body with small turns to the right - to the left, the arms "dangle like ropes", the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle relax.

    Sit on the edge of the seat of the chair so that the weight of the body is distributed on the feet, control your posture.

    2). Put your hands on your forehead, elbows to the sides, do not throw your head back. Gently press your hands on your forehead, the head resists pressure, remaining in its original position.

    Hold resistance for 3 seconds.

    Gently remove your hands from your forehead, lower them down, shake, relax.

    Rest 6 seconds.

    3). Put the brushes on top of each other (you don’t need to link them into the “lock”), put them on the back of your head. The elbows are spread apart.

    Gently press the back of the head with your hands, the head does not move, hold the resistance of the head for 3 seconds and gently remove the hands, lowering them down, relax.

    Rest 6 seconds. Run 3 times.

    4). Sitting on a chair, place your right hand on the right side of your head so that thumb was under the ear, and the rest of the fingers were directed upwards. The right hand is laid aside.

    Gently press your hand on your head, hold the resistance for 3 seconds.

    Just gently remove your hand down, rest and relaxation for 6 seconds. Perform 3 times.

    five). Repeat the same on the left side.

    6). Sitting on a chair, squeeze the brushes into “cams” ​​and put them on top of each other. Place your chin on top of your fists.

    Now, with your fists, gently press on the chin from the bottom up, the head does not move and resists pressure.

    Hold the tension for 3 seconds and gently remove your hands.

    Lower your arms down, relaxing. Rest is 2 times the pressure time. Listen to your feelings. Run 3 times.

    7). "Wagons". Straightened arms to the sides, fingers pointing up. Simulate an attempt to push and hold the cars with your hands.

    Rest is 2 times longer than the load. 3 times.

    We push the wagons aside.

    8). "Break away from the walls." Straightened arms to the sides, brushes unbent, fingers up. Imagine that the palms are glued to the walls. Tighten your muscles as if you are trying to break away from the walls. Hold tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.

    We take our hands off the walls.

    nine). "Giri". Hands down, muscle tension, simulating lifting heavy weights. Hold tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.


    10). "Get out of the hole." Arms along the body, hands extended. Imitate an attempt to push off with your hands from the stove or get out of the pit (hands stretch down, shoulders up.

    There are no visible movements.

    Hold tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles.

    Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.

    We get out of the hole.

    eleven). "Pushing the wall." The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the palms “rest” against an imaginary wall. Simulate pushing or attempting to move a wall.

    Hold tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles.

    Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.

    We push the wall.

    12). "Take your palms off the wall." The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the palms “rest” against an imaginary wall. Mentally imagine that the palms are glued to the wall. Simulate an attempt to tear your hands off the wall. Feel how the muscles between the shoulder blades tense up. Hold the tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.

    Take your hands off the wall.

    13). "Let's hit the ceiling." Raise your hands up. Mentally "rest" your hands on the ceiling. Imitate raising the ceiling: arms reach up.

    Hold tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles.

    Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.

    We hit the ceiling.

    fourteen). "Delta - 1". The right hand is raised from below forward at an angle of 45 0, the left hand exerts pressure on the forearm of the right hand, counteracting its lifting.

    Hold tension for 3 seconds.

    We press on the right hand, the right hand resists.

    We relax the muscles of the hands.

    15). "Delta - 2". Hands down. Grab the right hand with the left hand behind the forearm closer to the wrist joint.

    The right hand tends to move back, and the left prevents this movement. Hold tension for 3 seconds.

    “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds.

    Do the same on the other side. 3 times.

    Do not let the right hand move back.

    Relax your arms and upper shoulder girdle. Hands like ropes.

    16). "Buddha". The arms are bent at the elbow joints at an angle of 90 0 and pressed to the body.

    Take the forearms to the sides around the axis of the shoulder, mentally stretching the tight elastic band.

    Hold tension for 3 seconds.

    “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds.

    3 times.

    "Buddha". Initial position.

    "Buddha". We simulate stretching a tight elastic band.

    17). "Chain". With half-bent fingers, hook on each other (One hand is turned up back side, the other - palmar).

    Simulate an attempt to break the chain. Hold tension for 3 seconds.

    “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds.

    Do the same on the other side. 3 times.

    Trying to break the chain.

    "Chain". Let's change the position of the hands.

    eighteen). "Breast". Hands below behind are clasped in a "lock". Take straightened arms back to 30 0. chest bend forward.

    Hold tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles.

    Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.

    19). "Dome". Look straight ahead, do not throw your head back. The arms are straightened and raised above the head, the palms are joined.

    Press palms on each other. Hold tension for 3 seconds.

    “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles.

    Rest 6 seconds. 3 times.

    twenty). "Trapeze". Right arm bent in elbow joint, the elbow is raised at the level of the neck. The left palm lies on the elbow joint of the right hand.

    The right hand tends to move to the side - back, the left - counteracts the abduction of the right shoulder to the side. Hold tension for 3 seconds.

    “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds.

    Do the same with the left hand. 3 times.

    Do not let the elbow move to the side - back.

    21). Press palms on each other. Hold tension for 3 seconds. “Drop” your hands down, shake, relaxing your muscles. Rest 6 seconds.

    We press our palms against each other.

    22). "Rubber". (Qigong). Standing, legs together, arms along the body.

    1- Slowly raise your arms through the sides up, close your hands in a “lock”, (hands pressed to your ears).

    2- Turn your palms out and stretch your arms up, heels down, mentally stretching the spine like an elastic band. Hold tension for 3 seconds.

    Don't stand on your toes.

    3 - 4- Unhook the "lock" and lower your hands through the sides down, relaxing them.

    3 times.

    "Rubber". Ref. position.

    "Rubber". Raise your arms up to the sides.

    "Rubber". Brushes in the "castle".

    "Rubber". Turn your palms out and reach up with your hands, down with your heels.

    "Rubber". Lower your arms down to the sides.

    We relax the muscles of the hands.

    At correct execution you will feel a surge of energy: it will become hot, the skin of the face will turn pink.

    24). "We draw figures with the nose." Exercise for the joints of the upper cervical vertebrae with subluxation of the atlas. Take a cocktail tube with your lips and draw figures (circles, squares, triangles, spirals) with this tube for 3 minutes. Avoid sudden movements. Joints love smooth movements. Only the head moves, the neck is motionless. Maintain your posture.

    Swimming is useful for osteochondrosis. Check with your doctor about this.

    Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine it is better to perform before any work in order to prepare the muscles for the load. If the time to complete all exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is not enough, I recommend performing isometric exercises with pressure on the head and resistance of the head: on the forehead, back of the head, chin, sides of the head to strengthen the muscular corset of the neck (five points). And the exercises "Tear off the palms from the wall" and "Dome" - for posture.

    Get started and physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will play its magic role for your health. Remember that the state of the SHOP affects cerebral circulation.

    Nina Petrova.
