Seated deadlift. Row of the upper block behind the head in a sitting position

Cravings top block can be done to the chest and behind the head, but which version is better? Research has shown that one exercise option is much more effective and safer!

The deadlift is a fundamental exercise for the latissimus dorsi, especially for those who lack the strength to pull up. Over the years, authors of articles on fitness and personal trainers urge athletes not to pull the bar by the head, but to perform a pull to the chest. They argue that the first option is not as effective and increases the risk of injury.

So why, in almost every gym, do we see people doing the upper block deadlift? Some people prefer this option because it creates conditions for a specific load on the trapezium, which, in their opinion, leads to better results... Others generally use the deadlift as a trapeze exercise, which is fundamentally wrong, since there is a mass special exercises for the trapezius muscles, which are much more effective.

Instead of blindly following the lead of your fellow gymnasts, do your own research and make sure your upper block deadlifts are effective and safe.

The right choice in terms of muscle activity

Several studies have been devoted to the subject of our discussion. In 2002, the Journal of Strength and Functional Training published a paper in which the effect of different hand positions on muscle activity was studied using electromyography (EMG) during the deadlift. The following equipment options were used: narrow grip, supinated (lower) grip,.

Scientists have concluded that the wide grip pull to the chest provides better latissimus dorsi activation than any other exercise. This finding confirmed that the upper pulley pull to the chest helps maximize latissimus.

Row of the upper block for the head

Another study published in the Journal of Strength and Functional Fitness in 2009 examined the involvement of major muscle groups ( big muscles chest, lats, rear deltoid, biceps) in three options for traction of the upper block. The options were: chest pull, head pull and (tight grip).

The activity of the broadest muscles in all three variants was almost the same, but the participation of the pectoralis major muscle was maximal with the pull to the abdomen. Accordingly, the posterior deltas and biceps of the shoulder showed maximum activity during the head pull. Considering the main objectives of the exercise, the authors concluded that the chest pull is the optimal choice.

Load on the shoulder joints and rotator cuff

Muscle activity is not the only criterion for evaluating the upper pulley deadlift; stress on shoulder joints and the rotator cuff is also a critical factor. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Functional Fitness, when the shoulder joints are in a horizontal abduction position in combination with external rotation (as we see when pulling the upper pulley over the head), the load on the rotator cuff increases. To stabilize the head humerus, the muscles of the rotator cuff have to exert more force, which makes them vulnerable and increases the risk of injuries, in particular tendonitis and pain.

Row of the upper block to the chest

Another study, published in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, showed that holding the elbows approximately 30 ° in front of the plane shoulder girdle reduces the load on the anterior capsule of the shoulder joint. This is only possible while pulling the upper block to the chest.

Pulling the upper block behind the head can lead to pain for other reasons. One report reported that the combination of external rotation, horizontal shoulder abduction, and pronounced flexion in cervical spine spine during traction of the block behind the head can lead to temporary paralysis upper limbs due to damage to the brachial plexus.

Worse, if you are too zealous to perform the pull for the head in the lower phase of the movement, you can hit the neck with the bar on the cervical vertebrae, which is fraught with bruising and even fracture. Good little.

And the winner is ...

Given the overwhelming evidence, the upper pulley pull is the clear winner. By doing chest pulls, you not only gain similar or better muscle activity, but also reduce the risk of injury to your shoulder, neck, or nerves.

Moreover, there is very little practical benefit from the overhead pull; this movement is unlikely to be useful for any sports or everyday tasks. Consequently, the critics are right: there is no good reason to pull the top block by the head, but there are many arguments in favor of not doing it!

The pull of the upper block behind the head allows you to improve your posture, open your shoulders, learn to "collect" your back in such strength exercises like the squat and bench press. The movement belongs to the classic legacy of bodybuilding. But in recent times fitness trainers began to criticize the exercise en masse, claiming that it was too traumatic for the shoulder joints. There is some truth in this, if a person does not have the opportunity to put straight arms behind his head due to hypertonicity of the pectoral and trapezium, perhaps he should first learn to pull to the chest, while simultaneously developing the mobility of the shoulder joints, and stretching pectoral muscles... One way or another, movement will help people with significant weight get all the benefits of regular pull-ups without disrupting the work of the shoulder joint.

The main mover and purpose of the exercise is latissimus back. In movement, they are assisted by the biceps, brachialis and brachiaradialis. The lats should take over the bulk of the work. The trapezius and circular muscles also aid in movement. The core, pectoral, and thigh muscles act as stabilizers.

The movement is multi-joint, basic. It is aimed at developing the back, and the lats are quite strong muscles, and in order to load them qualitatively, you need to take significant weights. But the joints work in the anatomically extreme position. Therefore, heavy weights in this movement are not recommended. Choose moderate weights and use this movement as an additional movement.

The deadlift can be used as a rehabilitation exercise for spinal injuries, but several conditions must be met:

  • The weights should be comfortable, the increase should be gradual;
  • The mobility of the shoulder joints is good;
  • If pain and discomfort occur, the exercise should be replaced with a more comfortable one until the discomfort disappears completely.

The test for admission to this type of block pull is placing your hands behind your head. Usually a person is asked to stand up, take with his hands gymnastic stick with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders, and by flexing in the elbow joints, lower it to the top of the trapezius muscle, and then smoothly return it up.

Approaches, repetitions, weights - individual parameters. The principle is that the number of repetitions should be less, in the range of 8-12, if a person seeks to gain mass, and slightly more, up to 15, if work is practiced for rehabilitation purposes.

Warm-up is usually practiced if this exercise comes first in the plan to improve posture, and allows you to work out correct position body. For those who do the deadlift after completing the wide-grip pull on the chest, and the pull to the belt, a warm-up is not necessary.

It is imperative to accept the correct starting position. To do this, you need to adjust the height of the simulator cushions. The thighs should pass freely under them in a position in which the thighs are perpendicular to the shins. This allows you to maintain a stable position of the body, remove inertia, and thereby reduce the load on the ligamentous apparatus.

Having adjusted the height of the clamps, you need to stand straight facing the simulator, and grab the handle with a comfortable wide grip. This will allow you to fix the body while sitting, and comfortably lower the handle behind your head. The width is selected individually, so that there is no pain in the shoulders, and the maximum lowering of the handle behind the head is possible. For most people, this is a grip width 5-10 cm wider than the shoulders, but there may be options for a wider fixation of the palms. The hands should rest on the surface of the handle of the machine at the same distance from the imaginary center, ensuring symmetry.

Then you need to sit on the simulator bench, at the same time bringing your hands behind your head and lowering your shoulder blades to the spine. The back will take on a slightly arched position. You need to go down straight, symmetrically fixing your legs. Then gently pull the handle to the top of the trapezoid, leading the elbows along the body along an arcuate trajectory, and carefully collecting the "halves" of the back to each other, controlling the latissimus muscles. At the lowest point, you can statically contract the muscles, and gently bring the shoulder blades so that you feel the lats even stronger. Then you need to take your hands back to the starting position.

This exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the back, not the biceps, so you need to be careful with the technique. If only the biceps get tired of the movement, and not the back, a technical mistake is made. It is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the back consciously, and not start by bending the elbows. The first movement should be to tighten the shoulder blades to the spine and lower them, as it were, downward, then the vulture will turn on earlier than the biceps and take on most of the load.

Typical errors are associated with overloading the trapezium, improper posture, or traction due to bending of the arms at the elbow joints.

When doing the deadlift, you should avoid:

  • Rounding the shoulders forward. If this posture is associated with an overload of the chest muscles, you must first stretch them slightly and gently roll them with a foam roller;
  • Start by flexing the elbows, straining the biceps. This allows you to redistribute the load on the arms, and not on the back;
  • Unsymmetrical grip, which does not allow equally load on both halves of the back;
  • Wrong position of the legs, causing the buttocks to come off the bench with each movement;
  • Lack of fixation of the legs;
  • The movement is jerky, due to the push of the body forward, and the force of inertia

Some technical subtleties will help you better feel the back muscles and work it out in this exercise as efficiently as possible:

  • The back must be kept straight, the muscles kept in good shape so as not to overload the shoulder girdle with unnecessary shoulder abductions during movement;
  • When lowering the handle, the body can be slightly moved forward, removing the head from the trajectory;
  • The body should be tense, but not pinched, it is better to remove the shoulders from the ears immediately;
  • To fix the hands on the handle, you can use the straps for both deadlift and block traction, so that discomfort in the forearms does not interfere with the exercise

Technically correct execution of the deadlift is safe, so at first you do not need to chase the weights, but you should ensure yourself a stable position, learn how to stably and correctly perform the movement, and regularly include it in the training process.

A wide back has always been a symbol of beauty and strength in men. Many athletes pay a lot of attention to working on these muscle groups. There are many exercises that can effectively work your back muscles and increase their volume.

Today we will analyze one of such exercises, namely, the pull of the upper block behind the head, we will tell you how to correctly perform this exercise, what mistakes beginners often make when doing it, and give recommendations that will help you perfectly master the technique and increase efficiency of this exercise.

Anatomy and benefits

This exercise is one of the basic ones and allows build more than one muscle group, namely:

This exercise is distinguished by its effectiveness, as well as has some other advantages:

As said, this is not the only one effective exercise that will help you pump wide back... for one more exercise, read the article "Bent-over Row".

Before proceeding to the study of the execution technique, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help you perform the exercise correctly and protect you from injury.

For targeted study different muscles backs exist different variants performing the exercise depending on the position of the hands and the direction of the grip.

Depending on the position of the hands, they distinguish thrust for the head / chest with an average, wide or narrow grip.
Depending on the direction of the hands, the pull of the upper block is distinguished with a direct or reverse grip.

Now is the time to figure out how to do it correctly. this exercise.

Wide Grip Row of the Upper Block Behind the Head - Technique

Sit on an exercise machine bench, press your feet to the floor and lock your hips under the rollers. This moment is very important. If your legs are not locked, the weight of the weight will pull you along when lifting. Keep your back straight and your shoulders straight. In the lower back, fix the deflection by pulling the pelvis back a little. Grab the handle with a wide, straight grip.

As you exhale, lower the handle behind your head to the base of your neck, while bringing your shoulder blades together. You should feel how the target muscles are working. As you inhale, lift the handle to its original position.

This exercise has one distinctive feature... At the top point, it is recommended to straighten your arms in elbow joint fully. This will stretch your back muscles as much as possible.

In order for your workouts to bring maximum benefit and speedy results, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with common mistakes in order to avoid them in the future.

Runtime errors

  • Abrupt drop of hands. This can lead to sprains and injury to the elbow joint.
  • Wrong weight... In this case, you will not be able to perform the exercise technically correctly.
  • Rounding the back and working with the biceps. Many beginners make this mistake. To avoid this, pull your shoulder blades together while pulling to work the target muscles.

So that you can clearly see how the exercise is performed, we recommend watching the following video.

How to do the exercise correctly - video

This video will help you figure out how to do this exercise in order to avoid injury and achieve maximum effect.

At the end, it should be noted that only A complex approach to training will ensure an early achievement desired result, and the correct exercise technique will protect you from injury and make your workouts as effective as possible.

Do you use this exercise to work on your back muscles? In which version do you perform it? Share your results and plans in the comments.

Thrust vertical block Per head

Video: thrust of the upper block for the head

Row of a vertical block for the head for girls

Exercise Description

The pull of the upper block behind the head is performed on a specially designed simulator and to a large extent simulates a pull-up on the bar.

As with the pull-up, this exercise focuses primarily on developing the back muscles. Despite the fact that this is a "simulator" exercise, it is often included in the so-called "base" precisely for the reason that its effectiveness is comparable to conventional pull-ups with weights.

Top block machine work is very popular with both beginners and experienced athletes.

To a large extent, all kinds of films contributed to this. Indeed, the upper block deadlift is a fairly effective and effective exercise. At the same time, options for its execution are possible - both to the chest in front of you, and straightening the arms - for the development of triceps - as well as traction behind the back. It is this exercise that will be described below.

Row of the vertical block behind the head - working muscles

The exercise primarily engages the latissimus dorsi muscle. As auxiliary - the large round muscle and biceps work. The brachioradialis muscles, the rhomboid backs and the lower trapezius muscle are also involved to some extent.

How to do the right block for the head

The athlete sits down on the bench facing the simulator. At the same time, the legs should be apart and firmly supported to ensure the necessary stability. If the simulator is equipped with rollers, the knees must be brought behind them.

The back is kept straight, the head is down. The exercise is performed with a wide bar grip. However, too wide grip will inhibit the maximum range of motion. Therefore, the grip width must be selected in such a way that the blades are connected as much as possible at the lowest point.

Weight stretches down smoothly, but fast enough. At the lowest point of the trajectory, the shoulder blades should be brought together as much as possible, and the elbows should be led in a direction perpendicular to the floor. In this case, let us assume a slight inclination of the body forward: in this way it will be possible to bring the blades even more.

In this case, you need to try to keep your hands as little as possible in the traction. The weight should be taken mainly by the back muscles. This requires correct selection weight. Too large will inevitably lead to the fact that hands will be included in the work, and this should not be allowed in any case. It is even better to work out the technique and feel each muscle with a weight that is half that of a worker.

At the lowest point of the amplitude, the bar of the simulator should touch the back of the head. After that, a stop is made for 1-2 seconds - and then the weight drops smoothly and under control. When the arms are straightened, it is not recommended to relax them completely. The shoulder girdle must be kept tense. Here you can rest a little, take 3-4 deep breaths before starting a new repetition.

A big mistake when doing this exercise can be considered the following:

  • the weight is taken by the whole body or with the participation of the hands;
  • when lowering the weight, its free fall occurs, while the athlete's buttocks are torn off the bench;
  • slouching the athlete during the traction movement;
  • too heavy weight, due to which it is impossible to perform the exercise correctly. The optimal weights can be considered those at which it is possible to perform from 8 to 10 repetitions in one set.

Some athletes use straps or simply tie their arms to the bar to shut off forearm work and put additional strain on the lats.

Who among us does not dream of a beautiful, proudly straightened back and posture, like a ballerina? Bone Broad answers: the one who does the thrust of the upper block does not dream! In addition to the obvious benefits and ease of implementation, this exercise has another indisputable advantage: there is a block trainer in any gym. A sports club may not have a leg press, ellipse, or knee-breeding machine, but the upper block, like Lenin for the revolution, is the backbone!

If you want strong beautiful back, if you are wondering which is better: craving for the chest or for the head, as well as how to learn how to pull up, then read the article soon!

Upper block thrust

Actually, what is good about the thrust of the upper block is that it is "creative", ie. variable exercise. The most common are the following linkage options:

  • Per head;
  • in front of the chest;

The purpose of the thrust of the upper block - working out the back muscles... In fact, these are the same pull-ups on the bar, just the opposite: in this exercise, you are not pulling up, but the bar (the handle of the simulator) "tends" to you. The pull of the upper block to the chest will be a great addition to deadlift.

What muscles are involved?

The thrust of the upper block has as its main purpose the study latissimus dorsi which are also called wings. Secondary muscles are the biceps, shoulders, and forearms. The long head of the triceps acts as a dynamic stabilizer.

Full list muscles involved in movement and engaged by this exercise:

  • brachialis / brachioradialis;
  • biceps;
  • large / small round;
  • back delta;
  • cavity;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • lifting the scapula;
  • trapezoidal (lower / middle part);
  • small chest.

The deadlift refers to basic exercises, since it involves the work of several muscle groups and joints. Despite this, it is recommended to use it as additional load after execution hard exercise, usually, as mentioned, after the deadlift.

IMPORTANT: When done regularly and properly combined with other exercises, both the head and chest pulls can help strengthen muscles and relieve chronic shoulder and lower back pain. However, if you know you have back problems, without the permission of a (preferably sports) doctor, you should not study.

What is the difference between the head and the chest?

Despite the common misconception, the pulldown does not include the lats better than the classic deadlift to the chest, but with the first option, there is an increased risk for shoulder injury. Muscle activity in these two variants is practically the same, which cannot be said about the load on the shoulder joints and the rotator cuff.

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Functional Fitness, when the shoulder joints are in a horizontal abduction position in combination with external rotation (as we see when pulling the upper pulley behind the head), the load on the rotator cuff increases.

To stabilize the head of the humerus, the muscles of the rotator cuff have to exert more force, which makes them vulnerable and increases the risk of injuries such as tendonitis and pain. In short, you can injure your shoulder.

Particularly zealous individuals, when zealously performing the pull for the head in the lower phase of the movement, can hit themselves with a bar on the cervical vertebrae, which is fraught with injury and even a fracture.

Output: By doing chest pulls, you not only get similar or better muscle activity, but you also reduce the risk of injury to your shoulder, neck, or nerves, so it's best not to risk it. Although again with correct technique and quality, thoughtful execution, you are unlikely to be able to harm yourself.

Top pulldown or pull-ups?

Which exercise is best for the back: pull-ups or overhead pulls? So, of course, pull-ups are better for the width of the back, this is as obvious as the superiority of working with free weights over simulators, but not every beginner will master at least 5 pull-ups. You yourself understand that the amount of work that needs to be done to see the result is clearly greater.

So an excellent way out in such a situation is to do upper block rods, and then a gradual transition to pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Thus, we develop the strength that is needed to pull up our little body on the cherished horizontal bar. As an intermediate option (especially for girls), you can use pull-ups in the gravitron, and as the strength develops - transition to a facelift.

Pull-ups on the bar with rubber shock absorbers

General advice when working with a traction simulator from above, the training program work with free weight.

The technique of pulling the upper block behind the head

Technique to the chest

  1. Walk up to the machine and set up a straight stick. Sit on the bench and bring your knees under the rollers after adjusting their height. This is to ensure that the working weight does not pull you up. Set the optimal height of the foot bolsters block trainer v vertical thrust: they must firmly fix the hips, preventing them from coming off the bench during the exercise, otherwise you just won't be able to do the exercise normally.

  2. Before pulling the block to the chest, lean back slightly so that the angle is 70-80 degrees, bending the chest forward and bending at the lower back. Grasp the handle with a straight grip. Stretch your arms up, keeping the bar at your chosen width.
    Remember what already grip, the more work biceps(which we don't need) and more range of motion... How wider grip, the more it works back(which we are trying to achieve), but less amplitude.

    So you yourself will have to look for "your" optimal grip, in which you will have greater range of motion, a biceps will not take on the entire load... Choose a grip "for yourself", ie. according to my feelings, I follow the rules set out above.

  3. With all this, the pelvis must be placed on the seat so that the upper block and the neck are not in front of chest(as many recommend) and RIGHT ABOVE YOU(over your head). This is done specifically so that the back muscles contract. Elbows should be pulled back.
  4. Inhale, as you exhale, begin to pull the bar down until it touches your upper chest. You need to pull strictly vertical(without leaning towards yourself), i.e. the handle should go up down... To do this, and in order not to bang your head on the handle, you need to do lower back deflection(push your chest forward). Due to the deflection in the lower back, you kind of leaned back, and it is due to this that the handle will pass by your head (your face, chin and neck, by the way, face looking up) descending to the upper chest.

    It turns out that in this position and only in it, we pull the handle VERTICALLY DOWN. In a different position we pull her ANGLE(to yourself), which absolutely negates all efforts.

    Improper exercise performance. The cable does not run vertically, but at an angle!

    Make sure that top part the torso remained motionless, only the arms should move. At the lowest point (compressed position), additionally squeeze the blades. Do not pull the bar with your hands, they are just needed to hold the projectile.

  5. The movement should be calm, smooth, without jerks... At the bottom point, linger for 1-2 counts and statically squeeze the back muscles, then slowly return to the starting position (at the top point, THE HANDS IN THE ELBOWS DO NOT BEND TO THE END, so that the load does not go away from the back muscles).
  6. Slowly and in a controlled manner, return the bar up, but the arms should not be fully extended, and the latissimus dorsi muscles are stretched. Breathe in at this part of the movement.

Advice: Never straighten your arms when doing chest pulls and pull-ups fully... When you straighten your arms, the muscles stretch a lot, which can lead to tears in your biceps and shoulder muscles. Better to keep constant muscle tension, in order to avoid injuries, God protects those who are taken care of. Some people straighten their arms to rest between reps. If you choose this option, keep in mind that when you hang from the bar, the ligaments of the shoulder become in a vulnerable position... Try to do the deadlift and pull-up in one smooth motion, without jerking.

Mistakes and how to take off to fight

MAIN ERROR # 1: the movement is at the expense of the hands, and not at the expense of the back.

WHY ARISES: every chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

This is a great analogy for many back exercises as they involve the biceps. The problem is that our biceps are smaller and weaker than our backs, and they tire out earlier. You will have to figure out how to pull the weight with your back, and not with your biceps, otherwise your back workout will end much earlier than necessary.

The rule for these (and many others) exercises is that if you feel that the exercise is not at all the muscle that was supposed to work, then something is wrong, you need to reconsider your views on the technique of execution.

SOLUTION: Part of the solution to the problem is the right allocation of effort. It is necessary that the back muscles begin the movement, moving the shoulders. In this case, the arms are bent at the elbows only in order to enable the shoulder to move with maximum amplitude. Imagine hands are simple ropes with which you cling to the handle, and your motor, locomotive, driving force is your back. Do it smoothly. There is no need to split the work of the back into separate phases.

ERROR # 2: we lower the handle of the block too low.

WHY ARISES: it does not matter why you torture yourself so, trying to reach the handle of the block to your feet. After all, this is none of our business. The important thing is that you are trying to work with a weight that you cannot control, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the exercise. Below the level of the upper chest, the triceps enters the work, which no longer pulls, but pushes (without the help of the back!) The handle further, towards the hips.

HOW TO FIX: don't pull low, that's all 🙂 Control your movements! To begin pulling the upper pulley, grab the pulley handle with any grip, sit up straight and arch your back slightly. Pull the handle of the block forcefully towards the upper chest, not below, (or behind the head), trying to bring your elbows behind your back. Hold for a second at the end point and then slowly, fully controlling the weight, return to the starting position - until your arms are fully extended upwards.

ERROR # 3: very often - the back is too rounded.

WHY ARISES: the answer is simple, because it's hard.
Research shows that it's all about which muscle groups you have the most developed. When your back is arched, you rely primarily on the back extensors. However, if your back is not as strong, or if your hips are significantly stronger back and can "pull" the load onto themselves, it is quite possible that when working with serious weights, you will have a tendency to round your back.

Most people can really lift more weight when round the back. This movement is to some extent "natural", since in this position it is easier for the body to take a complex weight. Doing this, of course, is not worth it, because it threatens with all sorts of injuries and pains.

Robert Panariello, director of a physical therapy center in Bayside, New York, explains: “By rounding your back, you are depriving yourself of the necessary reserve of stability and it is very dangerous. From the point of view of biomechanics, when performing any exercise, it is necessary to occupy the most stable position. " If you do not provide yourself with the necessary margin of stability, then you can easily injure yourself.

HOW TO FIX: In all pulling movements, you need to try to maintain a natural position of the back, without rounding it either in the upper or in lumbar... You need to keep your head straight and not relax for a second! Take less weight and be sure to ask someone to control your technique!

Basic nuances

  1. the weight should stretch back, and not with your hands, for this, watch the position of your hands / forearms and bring your shoulder blades together;
  2. elbows should "walk" along the body way down;
  3. do not tilt the body too much back, this is permissible only when working with large weights in a cheating manner;
  4. use webbing when working with large weights to hold the bar and not “drag” you up;
  5. pull the bar up top pectoral muscles;
  6. don't tilt your head way down and don't look down;
  7. avoid sharp jerky deadlift movements;
  8. do not hunch over or drop your shoulders;
  9. at the bottom delay 1-2 counts and statically contract your back muscles.

How to learn to pull up?

First, let's figure out why pull-ups are so difficult for women?

The female body is biologically more resistant to external influences. Nevertheless, some of the loads that are easily tolerated by men turn out to be unbearable for women. Simply put, a woman is better able to tolerate long-term exposure to low intensity, and a man is better at coping with short-term tasks. high intensity.
How does this relate to exercise?

Unlike men, it is more difficult for women to do pull-ups, moreover, even with intense and properly organized workouts, not all women will be able to pull up well. In push-ups, presses and deadlifts for superficial muscles back results will also be lower on average. In addition, a relatively weak upper body often limits deadlift performance and even squats. BUT this is not a reason to conclude that women should exercise differently. Means (exercises) and methods (load value, number of approaches and repetitions) do not differ between women and men.

According to the results of a few studies, the strength of the upper body of women is 43 - 63% less, the strength of the lower body is 25 - 30% less than that of men.


Let's save each other from the same type of advice such as "swing your back / arms", "Go in for sports", etc. I think this is already obvious. Here are the nuances that you are most likely missing.

  1. Correct grip

    The fingers should be pointing towards you, and the thumb wraps around the bottom of the bar. There are several types of grips that can be used when performing a movement, but this is the place to start.
    Why? Yes, because the load at reverse grip will go to more biceps, and it is larger in structure and withstands a more serious load than triceps.

  2. Strong wrists

    Strengthen your wrists by hanging for a minute. For pulling ups, it's important to have a fairly strong wrist, which most of us don't have.
    Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and straighten your arms. Hang at first as much as you can. Ideally, bring this exercise up to 60 seconds. To complicate the task, hang small weights of 1-2 kg on your legs or shoulders.

  3. Another great way to develop weak wrists
  4. Negative repetitions. (see picture)

    Beginners should use negative repetitions. To do this, you need to raise it above the horizontal bar, using, say, a chair. Swedish wall then it's just perfect. Place your feet on it and grab the top of the bar.
    When you have reached the starting position, begin to slowly descend downward. After that, rise again to the starting position and perform the next repetition. Perform in this mode from 3 to 5 repetitions, 5-7 repetitions each.

    By the way, the repetition counts when the chin rises. above the level of the crossbar.

  5. Insurance

    Ask for insurance while pulling up. As soon as you already feel the strength to completely do this exercise, you will need an assistant in the person of a coach, the most handsome man in the gym or a friend.

    Grab the top of the bar, hang and try to pull yourself up to chin level. If at some level you do not have the strength, let the assistant will push slightly up. In the process of training, you can already do without it.

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