Job responsibilities of a fitness instructor. Senior instructor-methodologist of the training complex (hall) Job description

Duty instructor workflow gym
Fitness as Business, © Dmitry Kononov

Gym instructor workflow

The gym instructor comes on shift in 10 minutes. before the opening of the shift. With the beginning
shift, the instructor on duty must be in the hall in the established job
uniform instructions (branded T-shirt / badge on the left side of the chest or on a drawstring on
Open / close windows, check equipment in the gym and fitness rooms
(make a detour)
In the event of a malfunction, make an entry in the log of technical malfunctions.
Keep order (dumbbells, pancakes, barbells should lie in their place).
The instructor is obliged to make the remark in the most correct and polite manner.
customers who do not comply with the conditions for visiting the club (obscene language,
excessively loud speech that interferes with others, non-observance of safety precautions,
classes with a naked torso, in flip flops, etc.)
During work, the instructor must put the phone on silent mode,
the duration of the conversation on a personal mobile phone, if necessary, is not
more than 2 min.
If the exercises are performed incorrectly, the instructor must come up with a smile,
establish contact, get to know each other (if he does not remember the client), while being polite,
pay attention. Show how to do the exercise correctly, ask
about the purpose of training, talk, perhaps answer the client's questions. V
ideally, offer a free express consultation (not during business hours)
Example: Yes, Ivan, I understand you, the problem is quite solvable, I will gladly tell you that
and how to do it, but I have a duty shift now, if only you and I could
meet another time at a convenient time for you, I would spend a full
consultation on your question! Let me write it down when it is convenient for you?
At the end of the conversation. (MANDATORY call the client by name to wish good
training and good mood.)
When newcomers appear in the hall, approach, politely and with a smile say hello, introduce yourself
and find out how to contact the client and provide instruction.
At the end of the client's first training session, if possible, approach and ask how
well-being, give recommendations on the time of the next workout, say goodbye
The instructor on duty keeps hourly records of the attendance of the tr. The hall
Transfer of a shift to a partner: in the hall - order, number of visits - marked, oh
equipment malfunction an entry was made in the technical malfunction log
In the absence of actions from clause 12, the replaced partner has the right NOT
accept a shift until all of the above is completed.
The instructor on duty does NOT conduct personal training from 18.00 to 21.00
15 minutes before the end of the club, the instructor on duty makes the final rounds
the hall, removes the equipment to the place allotted to it, closes the windows if they are open,
checks if the shower taps are closed, politely reminds late clients
that the club is closing.
Takes out trash in packages: shoe covers, cups, brings pillars inside the club, helps
administrator if you need any help with closing.
The workflow can, if necessary, be adjusted and supplemented by the management.

Do you go to the gym? As the majority of colleagues in simulators, are you sure that your health allows you to reach any sports heights and you do not need the help of an instructor? Our consultant Alexander Dokarev, a fitness instructor, has his own opinion on this matter.

Why do I need a medical examination before starting a workout in the gym?

This examination is usually carried out in all major sports clubs. It must be passed in order to assess the state of health and sports training... Usually the examination includes a lot of procedures: general anthropometric measurements (height, weight); flexibility tests, for strength endurance, on body composition (determination of the percentage of adipose and muscle tissues), on the provision of tissues with oxygen; ECG; comparison of heart rate in a resting position and during exercise physical exercise; check blood pressure; spine diagnostics; identification of chronic diseases or a predisposition to them (for example, with diabetes, a special training program is needed, taking into account the specifics of the disease).

The data obtained during such a survey will help the trainer to create a nutrition and training program that will be not only effective, but also (importantly) safe.

What are the responsibilities of a personal trainer?

Personal trainer prepares an individual training and nutrition program for the client, teaches correct technique exercise. This is to ensure that your gym activities are safe and effective. The fact is that during independent training, the likelihood of injury increases, and an exercise designed, say, to work out the muscles of the chest, if performed incorrectly, loads completely different muscles. Even if you read a bodybuilding textbook, where all the exercises are described, it is very difficult to perform them correctly, since a person does not see himself from the outside.

In addition, an individual approach is required to compile training plans to achieve various goals. And this can only be done by a qualified specialist.

Rates for personal training and for the preparation of individual nutrition programs vary depending on the class of the instructor and the prestige of the fitness club itself. Lesson with personal trainer will cost 300-1500 rubles, and drawing up a nutrition and training program - 500-1500 rubles.

I have been pumping my abs for a long time, but the relief does not appear. What's the matter?

In the fight for the relief press is very important A complex approach: exercise, diet and aerobic exercise. Abdominal Press should be trained two to three times a week with two upper and lower abdominal exercises in three to four sets of 15-30 reps.

In food, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty, flour and sweet foods to a minimum. You need to take food in small portions every two and a half to three hours. Dinner should be light (apple or low-fat cottage cheese) and no later than two hours before bedtime.

Aerobic exercise, for example on a treadmill, is performed either in the morning, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach, or after resistance training. The fact is that after a night's sleep, the body's energy reserves in the form of glycogen are depleted. Accordingly, when exercising before breakfast, the mechanisms of fat burning are directly activated. As for resistance training, then after them the content of glycogen in the muscles decreases and subsequent aerobic exercise aimed at getting rid of fat. You should start with 20 minutes three times a week, gradually bringing to daily workouts of 45 minutes.

Functional responsibilities of the gym instructor

The gym instructor has the following job responsibilities:

1. Follows the rules of the internal labor regulations of the company, properly executes the orders of the management.
2. Goes to work only in clothes of the established pattern, has a neat appearance.
3. Quickly and correctly responds to customer complaints, resolves conflict situations.
4. Keeps the gym tidy and tidy throughout the day by encouraging clients to store sports equipment and equipment in the designated areas, or self-cleaning equipment after use by the client.
5. Timely fills in the relevant internal documentation necessary for the current control of the results of work.
6. Provides at the end of the month a full report on the instructions and personal trainings carried out.
7. Prior to training, assesses the overall physical condition and development of the client, reveals what physical correction of the body with the help of exercises he needs, ascertain from the client the presence of diseases, injuries and contraindications to certain types of activities and power loads.
8. Determines the client's physical abilities according to various criteria (strength, flexibility, agility, endurance), conducts anthropometric measurements (weight, height, pressure, pulse, etc.) and selects the optimal forms and types of activities for him.
9. Teaches clients the correct and safe exercise technique, conducts safety briefings and creates an environment that prevents injury.
10. Draws up lesson plans using the most effective techniques warm-ups and trainings.
11. Introduces clients to sports equipment and inventory, teaches them how to use them.
12. Demonstrates warm-up exercises, basic elements and exercise sequence during training.
13. Monitors the performance of exercises and their individual elements, analyzes the mistakes made during the lessons.
14. Conducts individual consultations in case of difficulty in performing certain exercises, as well as consultations on the diet, its balance, calculation of energy consumption.
15. Conducts systematic control, accounting and analysis of results, individual assessment of the effectiveness of training for each client engaged in him.
16. Promotes quick adaptation of new clients.
17. Complies with the requirements of labor protection, safety, hygiene and sanitation of labor, fire safety, imposed on the organization of the work of the gym, equipment and equipment used when exercising in it.
18. Promptly takes measures to eliminate violations of safety, fire and sanitary rules. Informs the management of the fitness club about the identified violations.
19. Studying new directions, technologies, techniques, methods of training behavior, new sports equipment, modes of balanced and rational nutrition, increases his professional and sports level.

Gym instructor rights

The gym instructor has the right to:

1. Receive information, get acquainted with documents, regulatory legal and local acts of the organization, which determine his rights and obligations in the position held, criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.
2. Require the management of the organization to ensure the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties, replace the obsolete and worn-out sports equipment and inventory, elimination of its malfunctions and breakdowns.
3. Require the management of the organization to assist in the implementation of official rights..4. 4. Submit proposals for improving their work for consideration by the immediate management, report on all the shortcomings identified in the process of work and make proposals for their elimination.
5. In accordance with the established procedure, undergo retraining and advanced training, take part in seminars and conventions on fitness, dietetics, where issues related to professional competence are considered.
6. Participate in professional sports associations, unions, unions.

Gym instructor responsibility

The gym instructor is responsible for:

1. Maintaining one's own physical sports professional form at the level corresponding to the position held.
2. Lack of preparation for the behavior of the annual recertification.
3. Poor quality and untimely performance of the duties assigned to him by the job description.
4. Violations of the rules of the internal labor regulations and the working regime of the organization.
5. Disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret.
6. Causing material damage to the property of the organization.

After graduation fitness trainer courses You get your first customer experience. In group training, one training program is drawn up for everyone, it changes from time to time. But on initial stage coaching career become a personal fitness trainer very difficult. It is necessary to build on the needs and state of health of the student. Thus, an individual approach is formed.

What tasks do the trainer face when conducting a personal lesson? What you need to know and be able to to become a personal fitness trainer? Educators fitness school "Olympia" share tips for beginners.

Tasks and responsibilities of a personal trainer

  • Conduct testing of health status, client preparation, contraindications and complaints. A personal trainer is, like a doctor, he is also responsible for a person's health.
  • Make a training program from the most effective exercise focused on the goals and capabilities of the student.
  • Explain the appropriateness of the exercises performed, which muscles work. In order for the student to understand why he needs the exercises and how to perform them correctly, he needs an idea of ​​what processes occur in the human body during training.
  • Determine a logical sequence of exercises, talk about the correct execution technique, correct mistakes and argue why you should do it this way and not otherwise.
  • Inspire the trainee for high-quality performance of the workout, help to believe in their own strengths and in the reality of achieving their goals.
  • Maintain a variety of fitness workouts so that the client does not get bored. It is recommended to modify the maximally adapted program for the client periodically, without missing the main tasks in the training.
  • Tell the client about proper nutrition and about healthy way life in general, help to change from bad habits to good ones. Argument why this is necessary.
  • Change the program depending on the result of training.

It takes about five years of experience to become a professional personal trainer on your own, during which very gross mistakes are usually made in relation to the client. If the trainer does not know how to build correctly personal training how to make classes absolutely safe for health, then the practitioner runs the risk of at least disproportionately developing his body. In the worst case, which is by no means an exception, the state of health may deteriorate.

We invite you to undergo professional training for a personal trainer in Kiev or online. In one course, all the necessary knowledge is set out in order for you to learn to confidently provide a personal approach and fulfill all the duties of a coach, which are indicated above in the article.

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