Pull-ups by age. Increasing the number of pull-ups - two effective techniques

Is an amateur sport that has appeared relatively recently, so it is logical that there is no generally accepted classification of standards, ranks and ranks for workout. If we take into account the actively increasing in recent times popularity of the workout, you should still have a scale for assessing the achievements and overall success of the athlete. This is a pretty serious job that includes basic exercises for all muscle groups and individual special elements necessary for successful development in the workout area. Based on the current situation in the workout world, we will single out 9 categories, which can be found in more detail below. In subsequent articles and videos, the sequence and training plan will be based on this classification. To motivate and maintain the trend of growth in popularity, the workout has been created, which anyone can watch. Also, everyone can appear on the list of yard athletes themselves: we send video or a link to a video with the completion of all the points for submission to the discharge by e-mail: [email protected] ... It is not necessary to pass all the ranks in a row, if you can immediately pass on the 2nd or 4th, then you do so. When the discharge increases, a note about this will be indicated next. So, the digits themselves:

1st rank (beginner)

  1. Pull-ups - 8 times (we straighten our arms completely, when pulling up the chin above the horizontal bar)
  2. Dips on the uneven bars - 15 times (the angle at the elbow when lowering should be no more than 45 degrees)
  3. Pushups - 30 times (when lowering, try to touch the floor with your chest, straighten your arms completely)
  4. Squats - 15 times (the knee angle in the lower phase of the squat should be no more than 45 degrees)
  5. Feet to the horizontal bar - 1 times (without swinging the tray of socks to the bar, legs straight)

2nd category (sportsman)

  1. Pull-ups - 14 once
  2. Dips on the uneven bars - 25 once
  3. Pushups - 45 once
  4. Squats - 25 once
  5. Squats on one leg - 2 times (on each) (until the buttocks are completely lowered, stand on the whole foot)
  6. Feet to the horizontal bar - 5 once
  7. Corner on the uneven bars - 5 seconds (legs above the bars and straight)
  8. Exit by force on one hand - 3 times (for each) (you can jump between changing hands)
  9. Upside down - 3 times
  10. Captain's exit, officer's exit, rivet on the horizontal bar, coffin

3rd category (turnstile)

  1. Pull-ups - 20 once
  2. Dips on the uneven bars - 35 once
  3. Pushups - 55 once
  4. 3 times (we do it against the wall, touch the floor with our head)
  5. Squats - 35 once
  6. Squats on one leg - 5 times (on each)
  7. Feet to the horizontal bar - 10 once
  8. Corner on the uneven bars - 15 seconds
  9. Corner under the horizontal bar - 3 seconds (grip shoulder width apart)
  10. Exit by force on one hand - 8 times (for each)
  11. Going out on two hands - 2 times
  12. Upside down - 8 once
  13. Rivet on uneven bars, lock, feather

4th category (athlete)

  1. Pull-ups - 25 once
  2. One-arm chin-ups - 1 times (on each)
  3. Dips on the uneven bars - 41 once
  4. Pushups - 65 once
  5. Handstand push-ups - 8 once
  6. Squats - 45 once
  7. Squats on one leg - 8 (on each)
  8. Feet to the horizontal bar - 15 once
  9. Corner on the uneven bars - 25 seconds
  10. Corner under the horizontal bar - 6 seconds (narrow grip)
  11. Exit by force on two hands - 5 once
  12. Typewriter - 4 times
  13. Martin - 5 seconds

5th grade (athlete)

  1. Pull-ups - 30 once
  2. One-arm chin-ups - 3 times (on each)
  3. Dips on the uneven bars - 47 once
  4. Pushups - 75 once
  5. Handstand push-ups - 13 once
  6. Squats - 55 once
  7. Squats on one leg - 12 (on each)
  8. Feet to the horizontal bar - 20 once
  9. Corner on the uneven bars - 35 seconds
  10. Corner under the horizontal bar - 10 seconds (grip shoulder width apart)
  11. Exit by force on two hands - 9 once
  12. Typewriter - 8 once
  13. Martin - 10 seconds
  14. Checkbox - 5 seconds (legs together, straight)
  15. 5 seconds (legs and arms are even, the body does not bend)

6th rank (Olympian)

  1. Pull-ups - 35 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 10 kg - 10 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 6 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 53
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 20 kg - 15 once
  6. Pushups - 85 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 18 once
  8. Squats with add. weighing 20 kg - 20 times (weight on the neck or in a backpack)
  9. Squats on one leg - 16 (on each)
  10. Feet to the horizontal bar - 25 once
  11. Corner on the uneven bars - 45 seconds
  12. Corner under the horizontal bar - 13 seconds (narrow grip)
  13. Exit by force on two hands - 13 once
  14. Typewriter - 12 once
  15. Martin - 15 seconds
  16. Checkbox - 10 seconds
  17. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 10 seconds
  18. 3 seconds (arms and legs are straight)

Candidate Master of Sports (CCM)

  1. Pull-ups - 40 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 15 kg - 15 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 9 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 60 once
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 25 kg - 20 once
  6. Pushups - 95 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 22 once
  8. Push-ups in the horizon 2 fold (legs together and straight)
  9. Squats with add. weighing 30 kg - 25 once
  10. Squats on one leg - 20 (on each)
  11. Feet to the horizontal bar - 30 once
  12. Corner on the uneven bars - 55 seconds
  13. Corner under the horizontal bar - 16 seconds (grip - hands shoulder width apart)
  14. Exit by force on two hands - 17 once
  15. Typewriter - 16 once
  16. Martin - 20 seconds
  17. Checkbox - 15 seconds
  18. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 15 seconds
  19. Horizontal support on the floor - 7 seconds

Master of Sports (MS)

  1. Pull-ups - 45 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 20 kg - 15 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 12 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 68 once
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 30 kg - 25 once
  6. Pushups - 100 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 26 once
  8. Push-ups in the horizon 6 once
  9. Squats with add. weighing 40 kg - 30 once
  10. Squats on one leg with add. weighing 16 kg - 10 once (hold the weight in front of you on straight arms)
  11. Feet to the horizontal bar - 35 once
  12. Corner on the uneven bars - 65 seconds
  13. Corner under the horizontal bar - 20 seconds (narrow grip)
  14. Exit by force on two hands - 20 once
  15. Typewriter - 20 once
  16. Martin - 25 seconds
  17. Checkbox - 20 seconds
  18. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 20 seconds
  19. Horizontal support on the floor - 11 seconds

Workout god

  1. Pull-ups - 50 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 25 kg - 20 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 15 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 75 once
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 35 kg - 30 once
  6. Pushups - 110 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 30 once
  8. Push-ups in the horizon 10 once
  9. Squats with add. weighing 50 kg - 35 once
  10. Squats on one leg with add. weighing 24 kg - 12 once
  11. Feet to the horizontal bar - 40 once
  12. Corner on the uneven bars - 80 seconds
  13. Corner under the horizontal bar - 25 seconds (any grip)
  14. Exit by force on two hands - 25 once
  15. Typewriter - 25 once
  16. Martin - 30 seconds
  17. Checkbox - 25 seconds
  18. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 25 seconds
  19. Horizontal support on the floor - 15 seconds

IN mature age in human body irreversible aging processes begin to take place more actively, but many people are wondering how to perform exercises on the horizontal bar after 45 years or older?

A respectable age according to the passport is not a reason to give up sports

Features of training on the horizontal bar after 45 years

IN last years exercise on the horizontal bar after 40 is becoming more and more popular, especially among people who previously did not have time to keep fit. Not everyone knows how to use a horizontal bar after 40 years or after 50.

After thirty years, a gradual decline in physical activity begins, in which:

  • the flexibility of the body decreases;
  • muscle mass decreases;
  • the activity of the kidneys slows down;
  • bone mass decreases;
  • the amount of body fat increases.

All this inevitably affects material metabolism and the development of various diseases, so the risk of injury during training on the horizontal bar increases at 50 and this must be remembered.

To maintain good physical form or improving it by training on a horizontal bar after 45 years, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. It is necessary to engage in a special program designed taking into account age, physical abilities and health. Always start with light exercise and gradually increase the load. Immediately you need to identify the goals for which you began to engage (strengthening muscles, fighting fat mass, improving posture), and follow them.
  2. Training on the horizontal bar after 50 should take place in a medium intensity mode so that the body does not overwork and has time to regenerate.
  3. Warm up and stretch well to avoid injury when doing horizontal bar exercises after age 60.
  4. Work with your own weight and take your time to apply weights.

The best exercises on the horizontal bar after 50 years

Optimal physical exercise on the horizontal bar after 40 are pull-ups that involve many muscle groups and stabilizing the spine. The movement works out the upper back, arms, forearms, abs and chest. Regular training on the horizontal bar at the age of 40-45 will relieve back problems.In addition, it is successfully practiced as physiotherapy exercises(however, it is necessary to first agree on the complex with the attending physician).

If you do not know how to pull up, you need to learn: help yourself with your feet, leaning on the stand, and lower yourself and as slowly as possible. Gradually, the strength indicators will increase, and you will be able to climb to the crossbar yourself without additional help.

In addition to pull-ups in training on a horizontal bar at the age of 50, you can perform leg raises with the hips to the chest or toes to the bar, as well as simply alternate the grips, starting with a straight wide one and ending with a narrow back one.

But at the age of 50 it is worth learning only if you have previously been actively involved in sports and the joints have retained their former flexibility. However, nothing is impossible! We offer you to watch a video of a master class on a horizontal bar at the age of 50 and make sure.

»Record in pull-ups

Some fitness club clients want to build muscle, but can't even pull up 12 times. The main principle of pedagogy is from simple to complex. First you need to learn how to pull up 12 times, and then start doing "bodybuilding". My opinion is shared by Dr. Luber, the Department of Education and the Department of Defense. I hope you will agree with me.


When I was in school, only one boy in our class did not know how to pull up. Today in my son's class, only 3 people can pull up. In 30 years, the number of children in school who can pull up has decreased from 97% to 10%! It's better not to talk about adults: there is no time for physical education - there is no ability to pull up. Of those who have a card in a fitness club, only one in ten can pull up!

In 2007 all-round competitions were held in the network of fitness clubs "Planet Fitness". One of the types of this all-around was pull-ups. 25 people competed: 5 women and 20 men. The best female record is 21 pull-ups. The male winner only pulled up 25 times. The twentieth place among men was taken by an athlete who pulled himself up 5 times!

More than 100 thousand people are engaged in "Planet Fitness". Of this huge number, only 25 athletes and athletes were able to pull up more than five times.


Professional horizontal bars pull up for a while. There are records in pull-ups: in one minute, 3 minutes, 30 minutes, in 1 hour, in 6 hours, in 12 hours and in a day. But how much can a professional pull up in one set?

In November 2006, in Texas, Jason Armstrong set a record in pull-ups. In 12 hours, he pulled himself up 2409 times! However, here's what he says about his accomplishments in one set: "Before I decided to tackle the result for quantity, I was able to do 40 pull-ups without leaving the bar without a pause, and 6 months after the start of the" marathon training " I only managed to do it 25 times. "

Even for a professional turnstile, 25 times in one set is a very high result.

12 pull-ups

Dr. Luber in his book "Bodybuilding according to ours or the secrets of" rocking "" writes that muscles grow better in those who have a base. According to Luber, the base has the one who can pull up on the horizontal bar 12 times. People from the USSR Ministry of Education had the same opinion, who believed that a physically developed tenth grader should be able to pull up 12 times in order to have an A in physical education.

Several newcomers contact me every day. People who come to me in gym say they want to build muscle. For muscle seekers, my first question is simple: how many times can you pull yourself up. Answers differ diametrically: from "I never knew how to pull myself up" to "I think twenty times." Honestly, I already forgot when a man came to me, who pulled himself up 12 times at our first meeting. Usually, these are 2-3 pull-ups.

50 pull-ups

Recently I bought a book for 250 rubles, which had 100 pages, 200 photographs and a promise to teach you how to pull up 50 times in one approach, after only seven weeks of training. The book was written by a fitness trainer from the USA. I hope this trainer has more clients, and Russian publishers were able to sell the entire circulation. The author claims that he is now 40 years old and he pulls up 50-100 times per workout. I'm 37 and I do 130-320 pull-ups a day, but I can't pull up 50 times in one set!

Despite the fact that usually people pull up 2-3 times, less often 10-12, the tendency to fantasies makes them tell stories about those who pull up 50 or more times in one set. On YouTube, you can watch how yard fitness lovers pull up 50 times, but the performance of such pull-ups is not ideal: either the arms are not extended, or the legs are jerked, as in breaststroke swimming.

I heard that the standard for the third category in gymnastics is 20 pull-ups per set. I myself have not seen, but those who pull up 10 times said that they saw how masters of sports in gymnastics at the Institute of Physical Education can pull up 50 times.

1000 dollars

There was a time when a master of sports in gymnastics worked for me as a coach. Talking about pull-up records from one of the clients aroused such interest that he promised the gymnast to pay $ 1,000 if he did 50 pull-ups with him. The gymnast wanted money, but he didn't have the strength to take it. It was enough for 20 times. The client gave 3 months to prepare and the preparation began. The poor guy really thought that in three months he would be able to raise the result from 20 to 50 pull-ups.

30 pull-ups

After two months of preparation, a group came to our club for a promotional campaign of cosmetics for men. The promotional campaign was carried out by the magazine "Men" s Health. The benefit of the promo action for the fitness club was simple: whoever pulled up more times, they would write in the magazine. After two months of preparation, my friend, the master of sports in gymnastics, pulled up not 20, but 24 ( !) times. The rules of pull-ups were quite tough: to unbend your arms to the end, not to bend your knees. When I found out that best result belongs to a boxing coach from World class, I said: "This will never happen, so that the Swedish braggart on earth boasted of Russian strength." Under the enthusiastic glances of the girls-promoters, I pulled myself up 30 times with all my strength.

500 dollars

After defeating the World Class, I entered into a "criminal" conspiracy with the gymnastics master and taught him the tricks of the leg work when pulling up, on condition that he shares the prize money with me. Now he pulled himself up, observing the rule of "not bending his legs," but working with them, like swimmers in the butterfly style.

On the appointed day, the gymnast twitched on the horizontal bar 50 times and we divided 1000 dollars equally. Obviously it becomes that if you do pull-ups with the "correct" technique, you can earn five hundred bucks. That's how much I got by putting focus, changing the pull-up technique.

As life shows, you cannot kill two birds with one stone, but you have to choose either a record or muscles. If you are not going to argue about money, but want to build muscle, then you need to pull yourself up not only by the amount, but also by conscience.

Excess weight

In addition to muscle growth and strength, body weight affects the result in pull-ups. As observations have shown, an extra pound of fat takes away from the result in pull-ups about half a rep. To be more precise, 8 kilograms of fat is taken away about 6 times from the record. For example, if a beginner athlete has a record of only 6 pull-ups, but he has 8 extra pounds fat, then dropping them, he will be able to improve his record to the normal 12 repetitions. If desired, 8 kg of fat can be lost in 2-3 months. And this is without loss of strength! That is why I convince my clients not only to work well with the muscles on the horizontal bar, but to move the spoon correctly at the table.

Simple conclusion

If you follow my yard athleticism method, you will have good muscles and a minimum of fat, pulling up 30 times in one set.

There is a misconception that the more often and more you train, the faster you will achieve results, be it bodybuilding, or. That is why there are so many fans in the halls and on the venues who train for hours every day. To avoid major mistakes in building a training plan, you need to understand how the body works.

Can you pull up every day?

Muscles in the human body are divided into three categories - large, medium and small. Each group needs a different time to complete, that is, rest and readiness for new load... Large back muscles that are involved in pull-ups need 4-5 days to recover, medium (deltoid) ones 3-4 days, and small ones, such as arm muscles, need 1-2 days.

Consequently, the large muscles involved in pull-ups are unable to rest in one day and fully perform the exercise with renewed vigor.

If you pull up every day, such training will only lead the muscles to, neither increase nor increase in strength. Tired muscles are unable to carry out full loads, despite the athlete's goals. This means that you will not be able to increase the number of pull-ups or form relief muscles. If you pull up even 10 times every day, even if the load is not extreme, the muscles will still experience fatigue, they will not be able to recover efficiently, which means that training will not give any benefit. In addition, muscles that are enslaved and inflamed from daily stress will be most susceptible to injury - sprains, ruptures.

What is the best way to pull up?

For pull-ups, it's best not to exceed three workouts per week if the goal is, or else. With a break of at least one day, the muscles of the arms have time to fully recover, and this will facilitate training during pull-ups, for example, a reverse narrow grip, in which the biceps and forearms directly work.

Important! In one training week, you need to do two full days of rest in a row to restore strength, otherwise the muscles will not have enough time to recover.

Because recovery plays a huge role in all athletic goals, including those, rest days should not be neglected. If the goal of including pull-ups in your workout is to grow muscle mass, then the exercise should not be performed more than twice a week. In this case, two back workouts will provide 3-4 days of rest for the large muscles. How better muscles rest, the more efficiently they will work. Especially when gaining weight, pulling up every day is strictly prohibited.

Also, do not do more than 5 sets of pull-ups on maximum amount repetitions, or working with additional weights. Alternate grips with each workout. focusing on different muscles, further accelerating the process of restoring damaged muscle fibers... For example:

  • at wide grip work latissimus backs, especially top part, the width of the muscle develops;
  • and at narrow grip- the middle of the back develops in thickness, and the muscles of the arms take on a large load.

Such training methods will allow you to quickly return to the next lesson with renewed vigor.


Be patient and remove prejudices, daily training will only move you away from your goals, and even harm. For athletes, rest is just as important as the load itself, so you should not train every day, especially if you are developing muscle strength, increasing the number of repetitions. Everything needs a measure, build your own training and rest regimen, feel the needs own body, only then will the load be beneficial.

Pull-up videos every day

Reading time: 28 minutes

Pulling up is one of the key bodyweight exercises that you need to do for developing your upper body muscles. Chin-ups are a good measure of your fitness and strength.

In this article we will look at important question: how to learn to pull up from scratch on the horizontal bar for men and women, as well as analyze the issues of the technique of performing pull-ups and useful tips how to learn to pull up.

Why do you need to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar?

Everyone can learn to pull up on a horizontal bar, regardless of whether there was a successful experience of pull-ups in the past. This exercise helps to simultaneously work on all the muscles of the arms and trunk: pectoral muscles, back and shoulder muscles, biceps and triceps. At the same time, to perform pull-ups, you only need a horizontal bar, which is easy to install at home or find on sports ground... Pulling up counts the most effective exercise with your own body weight to develop the muscles of the arms and back.

The benefits of pull-ups:

  • Pull-ups develop the muscles of the upper body and form a beautiful relief of the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest and back.
  • Regular pull-ups help strengthen joints and ligaments.
  • Pull-ups can be done at home or outdoors, all you need is a horizontal bar or bar.
  • Pull-ups strengthen the muscular system and help keep the spine healthy and functional.
  • The ability to pull up on the horizontal bar is a good demonstration of your physical strength and endurance.
  • If you learn to pull up on a horizontal bar, then it will be easier for you to master exercises such as handstand, as well as exercises on the uneven bars and rings.

Many people wonder how quickly you can learn to pull up from scratch? It depends entirely on your physical fitness and training experience. If you previously knew how to pull up, then it will be much easier for your body to "remember" the load than to learn a fresh skill from scratch. Usually 3-5 weeks are enough to start pulling up on the horizontal bar at least several times. If you have never pulled up before, then you can learn how to perform this exercise well in 6-9 weeks.

What can interfere with doing pull-ups:

  • Being overweight and overweight
  • Weakly developed upper body muscles
  • Lack of pull-up practice in the past
  • Unused technique
  • Trying to do pull-ups without prep work
  • Poor functional training
  • Not knowing about pull-up exercises

In order to learn to pull up from scratch, you must prepare not only your major muscle groups, but also your stabilizing muscles, joints and ligaments. Even if you have enough strength to do a back row or a heavy dumbbell lift, you may not be able to pull up. That is why it is not enough just to pump up the main muscle groups that are involved in pull-ups. (arms and latissimus dorsi)... You will need fully prepare your body to pull-ups with the help of leading exercises - they will be discussed below.

Contraindications for doing pull-ups:

  • Scoliosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spinal protrusions
  • Arthrosis

In some cases, regular pull-ups or even just hanging on a horizontal bar can help get rid of spinal diseases. But if you have already If you have back problems, then before you start pulling up, be sure to consult your doctor. Exercising on the horizontal bar can aggravate pre-existing diseases of the spine.

4. Leg-supported pull-ups

Another approach exercise is a pull-up on a low bar with your feet resting on the floor. You do not need to have to practice this exercise. low crossbar, you can put a box or a chair under a regular horizontal bar and fully lean on it with your feet. It's much easier than regular pull-ups, but ideal for muscle training.

5. Pull-ups with a chair

A slightly more difficult version of the previous exercise is a pull-up with one leg resting on a chair. At first, you can fully lean one foot on the chair, but gradually try to maintain your weight with the muscles of your arms and back, leaning less and less on the chair.

Another simple but very effective exercise that will help you learn how to pull up from scratch is hanging on a horizontal bar. If you cannot hang on the horizontal bar for at least 2-3 minutes, then it will be difficult for you to pull yourself up. Hanging on a bar is useful for strengthening the wrists, developing back muscles, and straightening the spine. Also, this exercise will help the ligaments get used to your body weight.

Please note that when hanging on a horizontal bar, the shoulders should be lowered down, the neck stretched out and not squeezed into the shoulders. The body should remain free, the spine elongated, the abdomen tucked up. You can do the exercise in several sets of 1-2 minutes.

If you calmly hang on the horizontal bar for a few minutes, then you can move on to the next stage - pulling up with (expander). One end of a rubber band is attached to the bar and the other end to secure the leg. The expander will take on some of your weight and lift your body up. Rubber loops can be purchased on Aliexpress, details with product links in the second part of the article. By the way, this type of expander is suitable not only for pull-ups, but also for many strength exercises.

8. Pull-ups with a jump

Another approach exercise that will help you learn to pull up from scratch is the jump pull-up. If you've never pulled up before, you may not be able to do it, so it's best to practice the above exercises first. If your muscle strength allows you to do a jumping chin, then this exercise will perfectly prepare you for a regular pull-up.

Its essence is as follows: you jump up to the horizontal bar as much as possible, hold yourself for a few seconds and slowly go down. This can be said to be one of the options negative pull-up.

9. Negative pull-ups

Any exercise has two phases: positive (when muscle tension occurs) and negative (when muscle relaxation occurs). If you can't handle both phases of the pull-up yet (that is, pull yourself up on the horizontal bar and go down), then do only the second phase of the exercise or the so-called negative pull-up.

For a negative pull-up, you need to linger in a position with bent arms over the bar (as if you are already pulling up), using a chair or the help of a partner. Your task is to stay at the top for as long as possible and then very slowly go down, straining the muscles of the arms and back as much as possible. Negative pull-up is another great exercise to help you learn how to pull up from scratch.

The number of repetitions in last three exercises depends on your capabilities. At first, you will probably only be doing 3-5 reps in 2 sets. But with each lesson, you need to increase the results. Aim for numbers like this: 10-15 reps, 3-4 sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Pull-up classes for beginners

We offer you a ready-made scheme on how to learn how to pull up from scratch for men and women. The scheme is universal and suitable for all beginners, but you can adapt it to suit your capabilities by lengthening or shortening the plan a little. Train 2-3 times a week. Before doing pull-ups, be sure to warm up and at the end stretch the muscles of your back, arms, chest:

Ideally, start your workout with back exercises. (rod rod, vertical and horizontal thrust) , but if this is not possible, you can only train on the horizontal bar. If you are faced with the task of learning how to pull up on a horizontal bar from scratch for short term, then you can practice 5 times a week. But not more often, otherwise the muscles will not have time to recover and there will be no progress.

The plan below is designed for beginners. If you are already an experienced practitioner, then feel free to start with 3-4 weeks. The diagram shows only an approximate number of repetitions, it is always better to focus on your physical capabilities. Be sure to keep track of how many reps and sets you've done to keep track of your progress. Rest between sets can be done for 2-3 minutes, or you can dilute pull-ups with other exercises.

First week:

  • 5-8 reps 3-4 sets

Second week:

  • Leg-supported pull-ups: 10-15 reps 3-4 sets
  • 30-60 seconds in 2 sets

Third week:

    5-8 reps 3-4 sets45-90 seconds in 3 sets

Fourth week:

    10-15 reps 3-4 sets90-120 seconds in 3 sets

Fifth week:

  • 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • 10-15 reps 3-4 sets90-120 seconds in 3 sets

Sixth week:

  • 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pulling up with a chair (leaning with one leg): 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets

Seventh week:

  • Pull-up with rubber loops: 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pulling up with a chair (leaning with one leg): 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets

Eighth week:

  • Negative pull-ups: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-up with rubber loops:

Ninth week

  • Pull-up with a jump: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-up with rubber loops: 7-10 reps in 2-3 sets

Tenth week

  • Classic pull-up: 2-3 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-up with a jump: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets

You can speed up your training plan if you are experiencing more progressive results than indicated in the chart. Alternatively, slow down the pace of building up the number of repetitions if you are not yet able to achieve the desired result. Don't worry, sooner or later you will be able to reach your goal!

  1. Do not jerk or jerk your pull-ups. Exercises should be performed only using muscle strength, do not simplify your task with swaying and inertia.
  2. Do not force up the horizontal bar, especially if you are trying to learn how to pull up from scratch. Hurried, quick movements and excessive exertion can damage joints and ligaments. Always strive to improve the quality of your exercise, not increase the amount.
  3. The lower your initial weight, the easier it is for you to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch. Therefore, the work on pull-ups should go in parallel with the process of getting rid of excess fat.
  4. Do not hold your breath during exercise, otherwise it will lead to rapid fatigue.
  5. Whichever pull-down exercise you do on a horizontal bar or crossbar, try to gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches. For example, if at first you can only do 3-4 australian pull-ups, then gradually increase their number to 15-20 repetitions and complicate the angle of inclination.
  6. In order to progress in the number and quality of pull-ups, you should perform not only the summing exercises, but also train the whole body. Work with barbells, machines and push-ups for best results.
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