Horizontal pulling up which muscles. Horizontal pull-ups: more effective than any traction

Efficiency australian pull-ups, gives its results. However, for the greatest effect, you need to know how to correctly implement them, and this will be our article.

Australian pull-ups are great as a base for moving to or working out a large muscle group, mainly the back.

Horizontal pull-ups are exercises that are mainly aimed at working out the broadest muscles, due to the fact that they are performed on a low bar.

However, in addition to this type of muscle, which certainly creates a general background for a sporty appearance, Australian pull-ups are also aimed at training a large number of accessory muscles:

  • Abdominal muscles.
  • Biceps muscles.
  • Lumbar extensor muscles.
  • Diamond-shaped.
  • Rear deltoids.
  • Trapezoidal.
  • Large round muscles.

That is why the exercise is multifunctional.

Correct execution technique

For proper exercise, it is best to use the Smith machine. However, in the absence of one at hand, you can do this on any crossbar. The main condition for correct execution is the height of the crossbar from the floor. It should not exceed 0.9 m.

The step-by-step execution model is as follows:

  1. The bar should be set at waist level.
  2. Sitting a little under the crossbar, you need to grab it with a grip slightly more than shoulder width apart.
  3. Next, the legs are brought forward, the heels rest on the floor, starting position- crossbar approximately in the middle of the chest.
  4. Spread your arms completely, the position of the body should be as linear as possible.


  1. The exhalation is done with effort. At this time, it is necessary to pull the body to the bar, and lower the elbows down, bringing the chest to the crossbar, bringing the shoulder blades together.
  2. It is necessary to fix the position for a couple of seconds.
  3. During exhalation, you need to gradually return to the starting position.
  4. The exercise is done smoothly, without jerking, at the same pace.

After the base has been mastered, it is necessary to proceed to the exercise for 5 accounts. After some time, it is imperative to change the fulcrum along with the height of the crossbar and adjust the angle of your body to these parameters until it becomes almost completely parallel to the floor in order to work with 100% of your own body weight.

The exercise is a must for anyone who needs to work a strong upper back. As for the initial level of pull-ups, their number should be formed based on sports level athlete. For beginners, 6 sets of 12 reps will work. For professional athletes, these exercises are suitable for the end of the workout in the form of a "pump".

Among the main benefits of exercise, 3 main ones can be noted:

  1. The possibility of training at home.
  2. This exercise will be optimal as preparation for the classic pull-up variations.
  3. A simple technique allows you to perform them without a coach.

The exercise can be performed alone, without safety net.

Exercise variations

Australian exercises can be performed in a variety of styles, which involve focusing on a particular area of ​​the muscles.

With bent knees

By reducing the length of the body, exercise is facilitated. Bending the knees will help your upper body do the exercise by placing your feet on the floor.

Wide grip

To remove the load from the biceps and increase it on the back muscles, you need to grab the bar wide grip... Among other things, this grip is able to load the triceps, lats and rhomboid muscles.

Reverse wide grip

As for the distribution of the muscle load, it is practically no different from the previous one, but the advantage of this method is that due to the position of the hands with such a grip, the elbows are automatically guided along the line of the body, which further creates a load on latissimus.

Narrow grip

Using this grip also shifts the emphasis in the muscles, but this time the main load goes to the biceps and forearms. It is necessary to understand that to perform the exercise with such a grip, maximum mobility of the wrists is required.

Neutral grip

For some athletes, doing horizontal pull-ups neutral grip will be preferable due to the involvement of the elbow and shoulder joints. For this exercise, you need 2 bars in parallel. You can also use ordinary bars. You can work on different angles to select the optimal muscle load.

With legs resting on an elevated surface

Pull-ups with support under the feet

To make it easier to perform the exercise, you can raise the bar higher, and to complicate it, lower it as low as possible, but in any case there is a certain limit when the body will be practically on the floor, therefore, to avoid this, you can put your feet on a raised surface. The higher it is, the more difficult the exercise will be.

Variation "archer"

In fact, the exercise implies an analogy with the archer push-up. To do this, you need to take a starting position with a wide grip. Next, you need to move from one hand to the other, taking turns straightening your arms. Due to the fact that the exercise is quite difficult, you may have to do it with your legs wide apart for the first few times to keep the body in a straight position. After some time, it will turn out to perform the exercise with the legs together.

On one hand

Starting position with narrow grip but the legs should be spread wide apart. One hand must be removed from the bar and pressed to the side. The arm to which the load will be applied should be shifted on the bar closer to the center of the torso. To perform the exercise, it is necessary to strain all the muscles in the body, and then pull the chest up to the bar. It is very important during the exercise to avoid turning the body as much as possible, however small turns are inevitable.

Alternatives to Australian pull-ups

If, for some reason, Australian pull-ups are not given to a novice athlete or there are some contraindications for use, then these exercises can be replaced with traction top block to the chest. To perform these exercises, the same muscles are used, they have a similar amplitude and trajectory.

Also, Australian pull-ups can be replaced with other exercises:

  • vertical thrust in a hummer;
  • dumbbell or barbell row;
  • horizontal pull in the simulator.

If there are no contraindications for health and injuries, and the Australian pull-ups are hard to simple, then you should not completely abandon them, you just need to facilitate their implementation with the help of widely spaced legs and a decrease in the angle of the body in relation to the floor.

Contraindications and restrictions on implementation

There are only two main contraindications for performing the exercise, which must be observed:

  • You can not perform exercises with existing injuries of the shoulder and elbow joints.
  • If there are problems or there have been injuries associated with the lumbar spine, then it is imperative to follow the pull-up technique while keeping the back in a linear position.

For trained athletes, horizontal pull-ups, even with weights and high leg support, will be too easy for pumping back muscles, but ideal for finishing a workout as a pump. However, as far as newbies go, it will be the best option for the transition to the classic pull-ups on the horizontal bar, allowing you to prepare the muscles.

Be sure to read about it

Some people have seen an athlete doing one-arm chin-ups. From the outside it looks very impressive. But it is very, very difficult to perform such a movement, and therefore auxiliary and simpler exercises have been developed that make it possible to prepare your body for stress. Horizontal pull-ups standing - efficient technique for muscle development.

What muscle groups does the exercise involve?

As with regular pull-ups, in the horizontal version of this exercise, a large number of muscle groups... The working muscles include the following: triceps, biceps, traps, forearms, back muscles, which are called lats, as well as the back of the shoulder, that is, the posterior deltoid bundle.

Performance this exercise it becomes possible and correct only if retraction is carried out in the process. Horizontal pull-ups include extension of the deltoid regions, as well as flexion of the forearms.

Correct execution of the movement

In order to perform horizontal pull-ups, the athlete will have to attend to the presence of some kind of crossbar to hold on to. The technique for performing the movement is as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is adjust the height or barbells in the Smith at a specific angle. The correct setting of the crossbar is considered if, with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders, the athlete does not reach a few centimeters to the floor.
  2. from bottom to top is carried out due to the convergence of the blades. However, when the highest point is reached and the latissimus dorsi is already maximized, you need to help yourself a little with your hands in order to rise even higher. In this case, you need to spread your arms at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to your body.
  3. Horizontal pull-ups to the bar should last until the athlete's chest touches the apparatus itself. At this point, the repetition can be considered complete.
  4. It so happens that it becomes difficult to perform the exercise and people begin to help themselves with their feet. This is strictly prohibited. In such situations, it is best to raise the bar a little higher and continue the execution correctly (from a technical point of view).
  5. It is necessary to monitor the movements of the pelvis and head throughout the entire duration of the exercise. These body parts should move with the rest of the body, and not overtake or lag behind.
  6. Horizontal pull-ups must be performed at full amplitude, since this exercise is initially easier than regular pull-ups. Movements in which the athlete does not touch the bar with his chest do not count at all.
  7. After the body begins to descend, that is, it is in the negative phase of repetition, it is necessary to carefully monitor it. You can not abruptly "throw" your body down, you need to go down slowly, controlling the whole process.

The breathing process during the exercise

There are no special requirements for breathing during this exercise. The process of inhaling and exhaling is the same as for others. power movements... That is, on inhalation, the body should descend, and on exhalation, it should rise.

How can you improve your results?

Horizontal pull-ups are a fairly simple exercise, and therefore the athlete must start progressing quickly. However, there are still some frameworks and conditions that are very important and must be observed.

Since the bar must be adjustable, you can start your workout at a 90-degree angle to the floor. With an increase in the number of repetitions, the angle must be reduced, lowering the support lower. The measure for increasing the load, that is, for changing the angle, will be the number of repetitions equal to 15, s correct technique... Whenever possible, the load can be increased.

Exercise replacement options

Of course, this is unlikely, but it also happens that there is no opportunity to perform this exercise. If this happens, then this movement can be replaced with a pull-up on a horizontal bench.

As you can see, the execution technique practically does not change. The muscle groups involved are the same as when performing the horizontal pull-up. However, a pair of dumbbells and an ordinary horizontal bench can be found for everyone, if you make a mobile horizontal bar there is no possibility.

Think you have a strong back? Let's check. Do 10 horizontal pull-ups on the Smith machine. If you fail to do this, then your back muscles and back deltas are too weak. These muscles are very important for correct posture... It is through weak muscles the upper back develops a stoop. Horizontal pull-ups are one of the best exercise to strengthen not only the back, but also the flexors of the arms.

In addition, regular performance of this exercise effectively improves results in martial arts, golf, tennis and other sports.

Exercise technique

Set the bar in the Smith machine at buttock level. Grab the bar reverse grip shoulder-width apart and sit under it. Stretch your legs forward and place on your heels. Do not bend, keep your body straight. With an accentuated effort of the muscles of the back and back deltas, pull up to the bar, while exhaling. Having reached the top point of the amplitude, hold for 1-2 seconds, then slowly lower to the starting position, while inhaling. Fully straighten your elbows and pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Do 10 clean reps. If it is very difficult and you cannot complete the specified number of pull-ups in one approach, then divide it into two approaches. Do horizontal pull-ups until you can easily do more than 10 reps in one set. Then it will be possible to say that your back muscles and back deltas are sufficiently developed and strong.

Types of horizontal pull-ups

Horizontal pull-ups

The CrossFit pull-up is a very popular exercise because it can be done wherever there is a bar. It works great on many muscle groups. In CrossFit, the functionality of the whole body is important, which is why this type of exercise has gained popularity among athletes.

Horizontal pull-ups - an exercise performed on rings, uneven bars, a bar, or any stable object that can support the weight of the body in a horizontal position.

When performing pull-ups, the broadest, large, round, rhomboid, biceps, trapezius muscles are involved. Correct execution horizontal pull-ups will help to evenly load all areas of the back.

Technique: horizontal pull-ups

  1. Select an item above your hips.
  2. Get down to the floor.
  3. Grab the object with your fists towards you. Put your feet on the floor.
  4. Pull yourself up by lifting your back off the floor and slightly bending your elbows.
  5. Keep your body straight.
  6. Pull your body up until your chest touches the edge of the object.
  7. Stay in this position.
  8. Straighten your arms and return to the starting position.
  9. Repeat several times.

Horizontal pull-ups require more strength than vertical ones. This is a transitional exercise before full pull-ups. It strengthens the shoulder and elbow joints.

If you perform horizontal pull-ups in a gym, then the execution technology remains. The main requirement is an even body and pulling the body up until the chest touches the crossbar.

  1. To make your first attempts at a horizontal pull-up easier, find an item higher.
  2. If you get 30 or more repetitions, you can move on to the subject at the level of the hips.
  3. In the first week of training, do horizontal pull-ups 5 times, in the second - 6, in the third - 10, etc.

If you have passed the level of basic training and the muscles are used to stress, you can proceed to performing more complex complexes - pull-ups with swinging.

Having a clear idea of ​​the result, and having familiarized yourself with the methodology, you can independently develop a training system with maximum efficiency and minimum use of equipment. Perform horizontal pull-ups at the very beginning of your workout, as they will help warm up all joints and are not traumatic for the athlete.

Almost all athletes pay great attention shoulder area, therefore, for any workouts, exercises with loads on it are only welcome. One of the most effective and commonly used options is the Australian, or horizontal, pull-ups, and they can be performed both in the gym and at home, the main thing is to find a suitable, low-set crossbar. Let's learn more about this exercise and learn the technique for performing it.

What muscles work

Before moving on to doing Australian low bar pull-ups, make sure they help you achieve your goal.

First of all, you should pay attention to the list of muscles that will definitely be involved in the training process:

  • latissimus dorsi (by by and large, they are responsible for the attractive appearance shoulder area and back);
  • abdominal (press);
  • two-headed;
  • muscle lumbar(extensor muscles);
  • diamond-shaped;
  • posterior deltoid;
  • chest;
  • trapezoidal;
  • large round;
  • biceps.

By doing Australian pull-ups, you will not only increase your spinal muscles, but also tidy up other parts of your core, making them fit and attractive.

Did you know? The last known record for the number of pull-ups, which was noted in the Guinness Book of Records, belongs to Nikolai Kaklimov. In 2016, he pulled himself up 844 times (it took him 1 hour). According to some reports, his record was broken by the previous record holder Stephen Highland, but this is rarely mentioned.

Benefits and contraindications

Given the multifunctionality of Australian pull-ups, it's not hard to see their benefits for the human body. It is expressed in:

  • good study of the rear back muscles and anterior chest;
  • tightening the muscles of the upper and middle parts of the trunk, which contributes to effective preparation for more serious sports loads(for example, to the classic hanging on the bar);
  • sequential load on different groups muscles (in a set of exercises), which allows individual muscles to rest in turn, making the training even more effective;
  • ease of implementation (allows you to use the exercise even for novice athletes), without serious sports training.

Doing Australian pull-ups regularly will not only help keep your body in good shape, but will also contribute to greater efficiency other exercises, of course, if the person has no direct contraindications to their implementation. Harm from horizontal pull-ups is possible only if you have the following problems:
  • injuries to the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • the presence in the past of injuries of the lumbar spine (with minor injuries, the Australian pull-ups should be performed only in a linear position);
  • diseases internal organs, with a pronounced pain syndrome.

Important! Even if the present pain is not associated with joints or muscles, you should not overload your body, because even light pull-ups or push-ups can worsen the general condition.

How to do

To achieve the maximum effective result from training, it is important to correctly perform all the exercises provided for in the program. In the case of Australian pull-ups, a lot in this matter depends on the specific version and arrangement of the crossbar itself, so we suggest that you look into this issue more carefully.

Grip options and bar height

Australian pull-ups can be performed in a wide variety of styles, with an emphasis on different muscle areas, and the following are generally considered the most popular options:

Important!In most cases, it is best to avoid sharp turns of the trunk, which will ensure the "cleanliness" of the pull-ups.

Execution technique

The classic performance of Australian pull-ups requires the athlete to perform several sequential actions:

  1. Having chosen a crossbar with a height of no more than 90 cm, we install it on the supports so that it is not higher or lower than the belt line.
  2. Sitting a little under it, grab the bar, while placing our arms slightly wider than the shoulder line, bring our legs forward and rest on the floor (the crossbar is obtained approximately at the level of the middle of the chest) - this is the starting position.
  3. We fully align our arms so that the position of the body becomes as linear as possible.
  4. While inhaling, we pull the torso to the bar, while lowering the elbows and bringing the chest to the bar (the shoulder blades are brought together).
  5. We linger in this position for a few seconds.
  6. On exhalation, we gradually return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.

Video: Australian pull-ups: execution technique Once you have mastered the basic execution, you can move on to more complex techniques Australian pull-ups, with a change in the fulcrum, body position and height of the bar, each time adjusting the angle of your body to them (if possible, you should get work with almost 100% of your own body weight).

Important! All movements should be smooth and performed at the same pace, without jerking.

How to complicate

Over time, such pull-ups can seem like a very easy task, so already experienced athletes try to complicate them in every way in order to pump up their muscles even more. This can be done in different ways:

  • choose a low crossbar for training (it is advisable to lower its height gradually so as not to end up horizontally on the floor in the lowest phase of the exercise);
  • put a high support under your feet: the higher the surface for an emphasis, the harder it is to pull your chest to the bar;
  • pull up on only one hand, taking the other behind the back or placing it on its side;
  • lean on only one leg, putting the other on the supporting one.

In addition, in the process of performing exercises, even a beginner athlete can notice the "heaviest" angle of inclination of the body, and if on initial stages they try to avoid using Australian pull-ups, then in the future just such an "uncomfortable" position will help to pump up even more.

Secrets and subtleties

Australian pull-ups only at first glance seem very simple exercise, and without knowing the intricacies of their implementation, it will be very difficult to achieve the set goals. Among the main secrets of success in this case, the following are distinguished:

  • the trunk and legs should be placed at right angles (no deflection of the body and additional load not allowed on the back);
  • all actions are performed smoothly and gently, without sudden jerks (an uncomfortable position of the body or its sudden changes can lead to pinching of the nerves or sprains);
  • for a more complete effect on the latissimus dorsi muscles, it is necessary to monitor the position of the shoulder blades: they should not change it in the process of pulling up;
  • maximizing the back can only be achieved by touching the bar with the thoracic region (touching with the stomach or neck will not allow you to get the desired result).

Did you know? Not only people can pull themselves up on the bar, but also some animals. At home, in this regard, hamsters will be very interesting, and in order to stimulate rodents to such an activity, it is enough to hang some delicacy at a certain height from the "horizontal bar".

Correct performance of Australian pull-ups guarantees more than just an increase muscle mass, but also health promotion, increasing the overall tone of the body. For this reason alone, it is worthwhile to carefully understand the exercise technique and regularly perform it, including in general program workouts.

Video: Australian pull-ups

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