Standing chin pull. Wide and narrow grip barbells for shoulders and traps

This type of traction develops not only the muscles of the upper back, but also the muscles of the shoulder girdle - deltoid. When doing the exercise, do not expect it to make your shoulders wider - this is a delusion. But, it can help a lot if you are working on giving the shoulders shape, definition, and clear boundaries. Thanks to this type of traction, the gap between the deltoid and trapezius muscles becomes clearly visible.

Working muscles

Trapezius, deltoid (middle and anterior bundles), scapular muscles.
Auxiliary: biceps shoulders, large chest (upper bundles)

Execution technique

  • For the exercise, you will need a regular barbell with a straight bar. Take it tightly, "in the lock" with the grip of the brushes from above, although, if desired, an open grip is also possible (when thumbs hands do not cover the bar).
  • Distance between internal parties brushes equal to 15-20 cm. Now straighten, holding the bar in the lowered hands. Take a deep breath, and with the effort of the deltas and, in addition, the trapezius muscles, begin to pull the bar towards the chin. Pull smoothly, without jerking, without connecting the muscles of the arms. Although you won't be able to completely eliminate the biceps from work, try to keep their proportion of the load as small as possible. To do this, concentrate on the part of the body that you are working on.
  • Pulling the barbell to the chin and lightly touching it with the bar, pause, exhale, and just as slowly, observing the technique, lower it down. During this phase, the bar is like “ slides»Along the surface of the body.
  • To maximize the concentration of the load on the main working muscles, do the exercise with correct technique, do not let your elbows "walk" to the sides, in the upper phase, make sure that the elbows are raised above shoulder level, and then gradually unbend as it descends. Do not use an overly wide grip, this will take some of the load off the target muscles.
  • Support correct position torso, do not bend forward, relaxing the back muscles, otherwise the load from the muscles being worked out will again shift towards the auxiliary ones. It is probably unnecessary to remind that the weight of the bar must be acceptable in order to allow the exercise to be done correctly in 10-12 repetitions. Excessive boom overload " pancakes"Will lead to the fact that you simply cannot complete the approach, and lower it earlier than necessary. Of course, the effect in this case will be minimal.

If you want to gain mass with this exercise deltoid muscles, to make them more, then do not deceive yourself - for this there are more effective ways, for example, .

Video "Barbell Row to the Chin (Narrow Grip)"

It is a basic exercise for training the shoulder girdle, the uniqueness of this exercise lies in the fact that it intensively loads not only the front bundle of deltas, but also middle delta, as well as the trapezoid, but the features of this exercise do not end there. If everyone else basic exercises for training the shoulders are presses, then in this case you will pull the bar up. Actually, it is the last feature of the barbell pull to the chin that allows you to "hook" the middle bundle of deltoid muscles.

This exercise is recommended for athletes who want pump up your shoulders because, unlike dumbbell swings, pulling the bar to the chin allows you to effectively progress the load. The fact is that the main obstacle to the progression of loads during shoulder training is excessive mobility of the shoulder joint, which forces you to perform all the exercises, either by fixing the joint in one position, or training with small working weights. Build up muscle mass is possible only with the help of a progressive load, therefore, the basic exercises that allow you to increase the working weight on the barbell are the best way to achieve hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Muscle and joint work

The pull of the bar to the chin allows you to load the shoulder joint and trapezium, while if the technique suffers, then part of the load is stolen broadest muscle back, but this should be avoided. As for the distribution of the load between the deltas and the trapezoid, its distribution coefficient depends on the width of the grip. The narrower you grip the bar, the greater the range of motion, and the greater the load will be received by the trapezoid. Accordingly, the wider you take the barbell, the more purposefully you will be able to “bomb” the deltas. The optimal grip is when the elbows form an angle of 90 ° during peak muscle contraction.

The barbell pull to the chin, despite the fact that it fixes the shoulders, can injure the elbows. The fact is that the elbows during this exercise should all the time be farther from the body than the hands, that is, they should be deliberately protruded forward. When this does not happen, then the load is shifted to the latissimus dorsi muscle, which we must avoid. But, in addition to the fact that the load is shifted from the target muscle group, at the top point, almost all the load falls on the elbow, since in this position neither the shoulders nor the broadest muscle of the back can take on this load. Therefore, in order not to be injured, it is necessary to observe correct technique performing the exercise.

Barbell pull to the chin - scheme

1) Walk up to the bar, grab it, arch your back and lean forward slightly, keeping your head straight so your eyes are looking at the wall, not the floor.
2) Turn the elbows so that they are farther from the body than the hands, with the elbow pointing up.
3) Exhaling, pull the bar up until the elbows form a 90 ° angle, at this point you should stop to feel the shoulders well.
4) Without changing the position of the elbows, inhaling, slowly lower the barbell into starting position.
5) Repeat this movement 10-15 times so that the total time of one approach is 30-40 seconds.

Barbell Rows - Notes

1) The legs should be spread wider than the shoulders so that you are not distracted by the coordination of movements.
2) In recent failure sets, it is better to do partial reps in incomplete amplitude than to perform reps incorrectly.
3) You can use the help of a partner who can use his fingers to help you lift the bar up if you are not stretching the weight.
4) It is best to perform a barbell pull to the chin in front of the rack so that you do not have to lose strength in raising and lowering the bar to the floor at the end and beginning of each set.
5) Do not shift the center of gravity to the toes, otherwise you may lose your balance, keep your knees slightly bent, and pass the center of gravity through the heel.


The barbell pull to the chin isolates the shoulder joint, and since the weight on the bar is large enough, one front delta, which is in an uncomfortable position for it, cannot cope with the load, which is why the middle beam of deltas also receives part of the load. The shoulder girdle, in general, consists of three deltoid muscles, differing in strength, therefore, in order to load more weak muscles, it is necessary to create such a tension in the shoulder girdle when more strong muscle either one cannot cope with the load, or is in such a position that he cannot take it upon himself.

The barbell pull to the chin creates all the conditions for pumping the middle beam of deltas, while. The shoulder girdle is fixed, which allows the use of large working weights. Nevertheless, the priority of technique over the progression of the load should be observed, since otherwise the latissimus dorsi will steal the entire load, moreover, you can injure the elbows, which every athlete should avoid. We recommend that you incorporate this exercise into your shoulder workout routine, but do it wisely. After all, this is bodybuilding, not chess, you have to think about it!

And dumbbells have long taken their place in training programs both novice athletes and experienced bodybuilders. The most common and popular of these is the chin pull. This is not surprising, because such an exercise helps to keep in good shape. upper part body and improves overall physical fitness.

Types of grips and features

There are two main options for gripping the bar, which are used for any traction. Each of them acts on a specific muscle group. By changing the grip, you can do the same exercise after working through the entire shoulder girdle, back and chest muscles.

  • Narrow grip. The distance between the arms on the bar is equal to half the width of the shoulders. To put it simply, try to hold the bar so that your hands are in line with the protruding clavicle bone.
  • Wide grip. The distance is equal to the width of the shoulders. In other words, your arms should be parallel to your body.

A professional trainer will tell you which option to choose, which can be found in any gym... If you decide to practice at home, watch the video tutorials with the barbell deadlift technique.

What muscles are working?

The pull to the chin allows you to fully pump the shoulder girdle and back. The main muscles working during this exercise: lateral deltoids, anterior delta, trapezium, small round, biceps, triceps, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, upper back.

It also strengthens the muscles that support the spine, as well as the abs and wrists. At the same time, the joints also develop, and their condition improves if the weight is chosen correctly. As you can see, the barbell row is a complex exercise. We will talk about each type of grip and the load on certain muscle groups separately.

Narrow grip pull to the chin

The main advantage of this exercise is the pumping of the middle of the back and traps. A pull to the chin is performed using a narrow grip with a regular or curved bar. In this case, the body should be straight, it is not allowed to make sharp jerks and swing the body. This can lead to stretching and also reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

Chin pull narrow grip allows you to raise your elbows as high as possible and achieve maximum relief of the middle part of the back and strengthen the upper part of the lower back and delta. Do not take this exercise unattended if you have spinal problems.

Important! Don't make the grip too tight, as this shifts the load distribution from the traps to the biceps and wings.

Wide grip pull to the chin

A wide grip will help you to concentrate on pumping your upper back. In this exercise, your elbows are spread to the sides to shoulder level, which allows you to further work out the "wings". In addition, this grip reduces the risk of injury and gaining mass and shoulder width.

Beginners can often be seen holding the bar wider than their shoulders. This is an improper hand position that can lead to injury and the exercise will not work.

Barbell Row in Smith

Another option for performing a barbell row exercise is a Smith machine. This unit is in any, even the simplest gym. Its peculiarity is that the bar is located between two guides and always slides in the same plane. Thus, you will not be able to arch your back during training.

This type of simulator is also good for the variety of exercises that can be performed with it. Here is the classic squat, and the pull to the chin, and the pull behind the back, etc. The main thing is to ask experienced athletes or a trainer to follow the technique and find an adequate weight.

  1. Try to do the exercise using the strength of the muscles in your back, not your arms.
  2. Keep the bar as close to your body as possible and let it slide easily over it.
  3. Watch the position of your elbows. With a narrow grip, they should rise up, with a wide grip, not higher than shoulder level.
  4. Try to exercise in front of a mirror to keep an eye on the position of your body. He should not lean back or forward.
  5. The barbell pull should be performed without jerking, as smoothly and deliberately as possible, both when lifting and when returning to the starting position.
  6. Do 3-4 approaches as many times as possible. The last thrust should be at the breaking point.
  7. Get adequate weight to avoid muscle tearing, but still get a good workout effect.
  8. Be sure to warm up before barbell exercises. Cold muscles are not able to work at full strength.
  9. Watch your back. It should be flat and straight. Any deflection is fraught with unpleasant consequences such as stretching and a long pause in training with a rollback of results.
  10. Even if you don't plan on becoming a pro bodybuilder, incorporate the deadlift exercise into your program. It will help to work out muscles evenly, improve overall body relief and endurance, as well as strengthen the spine and give good posture.

Raising the bar to the chin with a narrow grip - good exercise for the development of the trapezius muscles and the middle part of the deltas, in addition to this, the biceps are actively working.

Starting position:

  1. Grab a barbell with a narrow grip on top.
  2. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Hold the bar at the base of your thighs with your elbows slightly bent.


  1. As you exhale, lift the barbell, and spread your elbows to the sides.
  2. Pull the barbell towards your chin.
  3. Hold at the top point for a few seconds.
  4. As you inhale, lower the barbell.

Video Narrow Grip Barbell Row

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy of Exercise: Which Muscles Are Working?

Narrow grip barbell pull to the chin is a variation of the exercise that, in addition to deltoids, allows you to increase your participation in the trapezium and biceps pulling movement. Use in training "narrow" vertical thrust allows you to distinguish between traps and deltas, to draw the shape and relief of the target muscles.

Basically, work in the context of muscle groups looks similar to "broad" deadlift with only a slight change in training accents:

Exercise preparation

Perform warm-up exercises for the target muscles - traps, for example, a few sets of shrugs with small dumbbells will be enough to get them ready for work. Additionally, it is recommended to carry out active stretch deltas using following exercises: pull your elbow to the opposite shoulder or leaning with an outstretched hand against the wall, turn the body in the opposite direction from the support.

After the "prep" block, move on to a specialized warm-up - do a few preliminary sets of vertical rows with minimal weights.

Correct execution

Inclusion in the program

The narrow grip barbell row works best when combined with exercises that stimulate the trapezius muscles more specifically, such as scars. Do 2-5 sets of deadlifts for 10-12 reps after the base block.

The weight of the projectile in this variation of the exercise is significantly limited by the biomechanics of movement (it is determined by the close interposition of the hands). Accordingly, the higher the weight, the greater the requirement for the "cleanliness" of the technique and the higher the risk of injury shoulder joints... As a conclusion: do not overload the barbell with pancakes - adhere to the measure and use weights that allow you to complete the approach in compliance correct shape movement.


Since when pulling the main movement occurs precisely in the shoulder joint, any injury to it can become a limitation to the performance of this exercise. In the "narrow" traction option, this recommendation is especially relevant due to the extended (and, therefore, potentially traumatic) range of motion.

Raising the bar to the chin with a narrow grip also exerts a serious load on the wrist joint at the top of the movement, therefore, it is not recommended to perform the exercise with the "basic" apparatus for athletes with injuries in this area. Alternatively, dumbbell rows can be practiced to reduce the strain on the wrists.

In any version of the barbell pull to the level of the chin, "trapeziums", lateral heads of the deltas and, to a lesser extent, the front deltoids and biceps are included in the work.

The lateral deltoids work the most in all three variants - barbell pulls to the chin with a narrow grip (slightly narrower than the shoulders), wide (slightly wider than the shoulders) and pulling the block with one hand. The last exercise can be performed on the Smith machine or on the block.

It is impossible to achieve maximum pumping of the middle beams of deltas with the spreading of the arms while standing. You can, of course, do supersets, that is, seated dumbbell presses, then "wiring" while standing, or vice versa. But you can maximize the development of medium deltoids with one exercise.

Rather, two - pulling the bar to the level of the chin, or pulling the block to the level of the chin, since in these exercises the lateral heads of the shoulders can develop strength by 1/3 more than in the "wiring" in the standing position.

Correct execution technique

Stand up straight. Take the barbell with an overhand grip. After inhaling, pull the bar up, contracting as much as possible lateral muscles shoulders and "trapeze". The bar should move strictly vertically, and the elbows should "look" to the sides. The torso position should also be strictly vertical. At the slightest tilt forward, the load from the lateral deltoids will be transferred to the front ones.

At the top, the bar should easily touch the chin, the elbows should be higher than the shoulders, and the muscles to be trained ("trapeziums" and the middle heads of the shoulders) should be as tense as possible. Throughout the approach, look straight without tilting your head back or tilting it down. Slightest bend cervical the spine will "unload" the trained muscles, which will reduce the benefits of the exercise to a minimum.

It is advisable to use relatively not heavy weight, with which you can perform at least 8 repetitions. There are two reasons for this:

  1. High reps work better small muscles such as side delta heads.
  2. With a lot of weight, the deadlift technique will suffer - it will shift either to the arms or to the back muscles.

Frequent mistakes

The main mistake that beginners make when performing deadlifts to the level of the chin is performing the exercise with a very narrow grip. A narrow grip allows you to more accentuate the trapezius muscles (especially their lower region). But the narrow grip in this case is slightly less than shoulder width.

A very tight grip will force the athlete to push the elbows forward, which is dangerous for the shoulder joints. In such cases, the risk of injury depends on the weight of the projectile. The heavier the barbell, the greater the risk.

The second mistake is the use of very large weights... Too much weight of the bar reduces the load on the lateral deltoids, since all the muscles that work in synergy with the deltoids and trapeziums are used more.

Wanting to work out the trapezius muscles well, athletes make pulls to the chin with a narrow grip with weights that exceed the prescribed ones by 15-20%. For such a case, it is better to perform this exercise after the "direct" exercise on the "trapezium" - shrugs.

Athletes also make technical mistakes such as bringing the elbows forward, slight back bends and too fast a pace of the exercise.

When the elbows are pulled out, the trapezius muscles and lateral deltoids do not receive the desired stimulation. With a slight tilt of the torso, the lateral heads of the shoulders are "unloaded". If too fast pace all the muscles being trained are not fully stimulated.

The ideal pace when performing a barbell pull to the chin is 2010, that is, for 2 seconds we raise the barbell, straining the middle deltoids and trapeziums as much as possible at the top point, without delay at the top, we lower it to count 1, and without delay start the next repetition.

Wide grip

In general, the barbell pull to the chin is an exercise specifically designed to maximize the stimulation of the lateral regions of the shoulders. With a narrow grip, the trapezius muscles also work a lot, but even here the middle deltoids "outweigh".

To work out the middle delta heads as much as possible, you need to grip the barbell with a grip slightly wider (about the width of the palm) of the shoulders, and work non-stop in a high number of repetitions.

For a more complete stimulation of the middle regions of the shoulders, athletes use a simple technique - holding their breath in the upper phase of the movement. This technique is very effective. When holding your breath at the top of the movement, the synergy of the whole body helps to engage the shoulders as much as possible.

It is important to hold your breath at the top point; if you do this earlier, then the load from the working muscles will shift to the spine - insofar as the abs and muscles of the lower back relax.

During the "drying" period, it is best to do this exercise separately, in a high number of repetitions and approaches. And in the "strength" period, it is better to do it in supersets with a bench press. The bench press loads the front deltas as much as possible, and the side ones a little less.

Doing rows to the chin after pressing the soldier stance will fill this gap. During the period of work "on the mass", you can do supersets with preliminary fatigue - also from rods and presses, but this time the order of execution will be different. Below is a system for training shoulders in different phases of training.

During the development of strength and mass

  1. Bench press in a soldier's stance - 5 sets of 3-6 reps.
  2. Row to the chin with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders 5 sets with a weight for 12 reps; the first 4 sets - 8 reps each, the last - with maximum number repetitions.

With an emphasis on muscle growth:


  1. Rows to the chin 10-12 reps.
  2. Seated dumbbell press 7-9 reps.
  3. There are 3 supersets in total.

During the "drying" period

  1. Barbell Rows to the Chin - 6 sets of weights for 15 reps in each the maximum number of repetitions.
  2. Dumbbell Straightened Arm Raise - 5-6 sets of 10-12 reps per arm.
  3. "Layouts" in a standing position, in an incline - the same order as in the training of the front deltoids.

Narrow grip

For a good "pumping" of the trapezius muscles, it is imperative to include in the training program a barbell row with a narrow grip.

There is an exercise for developing the middle region of the back - barbell rows with a curved bar, narrow grip. It works well in the rhomboid muscles and uses the lower "trapezium". But this exercise is ideal when you need to get the most out of your mid-back.

For "pumping" the trapezoid, traction is better suited to the level of the chin. To maximize the stimulation of the traps, it is best to perform this exercise after shrugs, in a high number of repetitions, with relatively light weights.

The grip should be slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. With a very narrow grip, the load from the traps and shoulders is shifted to other muscles - the wings, front deltoids and biceps. Below is a weekly back training program that includes chin pulls.

1 day

2nd day

Day 3

  • Bent-over Dumbbell Row (mid-back training).

The pull to the chin is performed after the scars, because the upper region of the trapezius muscles is practically inactive in the pull, and in the scars, the lower part of the "trapezius" is very little stimulated. If you perform shrugs and pulls to the chin after deadlift, the effect of training the deltoids and "trapeziums" is significantly increased.

With one hand in Smith's car

This exercise is especially for those who wish to "pump" the lateral deltoids in isolation with maximum stimulation. In one-handed barbell pull, the lateral heads of the shoulders work practically without the help of the trapezius muscles. There are options for this exercise: one-handed dumbbell row, row curved neck, thrust of the lower block. The barbell row in the Smith machine is no worse alternative exercises... The main thing is to work with suitable weights and observe strict technique.

Bodybuilder Ken Jimmson is a little-known figure in the bodybuilding world. Until the early 80s of the last century, this athlete was even less famous - insofar as he was not among the leaders in the competition. He had a great herringbone (well-engraved lumbar muscles), massive shoulders and well-defined muscles of the arms and legs. The Kena deltas were not sufficiently relief.

In 1982, he unpleasantly surprised his rivals by bringing well-defined deltas to the attention of the audience. The shoulders were as developed as possible and with very good relief. He finished second. In an interview with a journalist, Jimmson admitted with a laugh that he was also helped to achieve such a stunning relief of the deltas by the exercise, through which he once "expanded" them - the deadlift in a standing position.

Personal trainer, sports doctor, exercise therapy doctor

Draws up and conducts personal training programs for body correction. Specializes in sports traumatology, physiotherapy. Engaged in classical medical and sports massage sessions. Conducts biomedical monitoring.

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