Exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles for girls. How to build a lateral press at home: effective exercises for girls

Beautiful figure implies slim stomach and a thin waist. This statement is true for everyone, so doing abdominal exercises is beneficial and important for both men and women.

However, in the pursuit of a harmonious body, visitors to gyms often forget to do lateral press exercises, which help to form the perfect silhouette.

Striving for a thorough study of the press is commendable and leads to noticeable results, so it is important to pay full attention to the entire abdominal area.

Why are lateral press exercises important?

The oblique muscles of the press perform 2 important functions:

  1. Aesthetic. The lateral muscles form a beautiful silhouette, create a strong, toned torso (sagging folds on the sides of the body negate the entire effect of the abs cubes), visually stretch the figure, and for women they also become a guarantee thin waist.
  2. Supportive. This function is important for the body as a whole, because strong oblique muscles support the spine like a natural corset and directly affect human health.

V Everyday life the lateral press is almost not loaded, and the depth of its location does not allow working on it together with other muscle groups. Therefore, you will have to specifically work on this area.

Exercises for the oblique muscles of the press give their results!

When training the oblique abdominal muscles:

  • The figure becomes strong, fit and slender,
  • Provided proper nutrition and due to the load on the entire body, the "sides" disappear, folds are eliminated, the lumbar region is losing weight.
  • As a pleasant bonus, good posture appears, the whole body becomes more enduring and stronger.

Separately for girls: when working with oblique muscles of the press, remember the principle of "necessity and sufficiency." Without proper attention, this zone will not get rid of folds on the sides, however, excessive loads will lead to the formation of an H-silhouette without a pronounced waist.

Effective lateral press exercises

You can work out the oblique abdominal muscles in three different provisions- standing, sitting and lying.

This variety allows you to train in any conditions: you no longer need to wait until the desired simulator is free, because this time will be well spent, even if literally a square meter of space in the gym remains free.

And by combining several positions in one workout, you can effectively develop even very lazy muscles that are difficult to tame.

Starting position - standing

EXERCISE 1. Side bends.

  1. We get up: legs slightly apart, back straight, hands on the back of the head.
  2. We tilt the body to the right until a feeling of tension in the left side. We go back.
  3. Likewise, tilt the trunk to the left until the muscles in the right side feel tense.
  • Number of approaches: 3.

EXERCISE 2. Sliding slopes along the body.

  1. We get up: calm stance, back straight, hands free.
  2. We put our right hand on the belt, with the left we slide along the body to the foot. Feeling the muscles on the right side, we take the starting stance.
  3. A similar slope in right side- the left hand is on the belt, the right hand slides along the body to the heel.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 8 slopes in each direction.

Advice: You can enhance the effect of this exercise by taking a dumbbell in your working hand (the one that slides along the body), the second hand remains on the belt. For girls, the weight of the dumbbell should not exceed 1.5 kg.

EXERCISE 3.Bends towards the opposite leg.

  1. Initial position: wide stand, the back is straight.
  2. We bend forward, trying to touch the right foot with the left palm. We go back.
  3. We make the next tilt to the opposite leg.
  • Number of approaches: 3-4.
  • Number of times: 8-12 in each direction.

Advice: while doing the exercise, try to work exclusively with your lower back and abs, without helping yourself with your hips.

EXERCISE 4.Side kicks.

To perform this exercise on the oblique abdominal muscles, you will need support: the back of a chair, a wall bar, or any other object that you can hold on to tightly.

  1. Starting stance: stand with your left side to the support, keep your legs together.
  2. We make a swing to the side with the right leg with maximum amplitude, insuring ourselves with the left hand (we hold on to the support).
  3. Turning around with the right side, we repeat the swings with the other leg.

Number of approaches: 3.
Number of times: 10-15 swings in each direction.

Specificity: not only the oblique abdominal muscles work here, but the hips and buttocks.

Starting position - lying

This complex is performed on a yoga mat or tourist mat.

EXERCISE 1. Side plank.

This oblique workout exercise is challenging for beginners, but very effective for the whole body. Due to the special tension, the side press is considered very effective.


  1. We lean on the palm and the side of the foot.
  2. The palm is strictly under the shoulder, the whole body is tense and stretched into a string.
  3. Make sure that the waist with the hips does not sag down or bend up.
  4. We linger in this position for as long as possible, at first from 20 seconds, gradually bringing the time to 2 minutes.
  5. Repeat on the other side.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Time: start at 20 seconds and gradually build up.

EXERCISE 2.Curls of bent legs.

  1. We lie on our backs, bend our legs at the knees. The head lies flat, palms rest on the floor, we look at the ceiling.
  2. Pressing the head and arms, we tear off the pelvis and legs from the floor, and do twists to the right and left.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 8 twists in each direction.

EXERCISE 3. Side crunches.

They can be performed in three different ways or combined with each other.

Option number 1. We lie on our left side, body is straight, legs are pressed to the floor, upper arm behind the head, lower - straight ahead. Raise your head and shoulders up, performing side twists (the amplitude is small, there is a pause at the top point). Then we go back.

Option number 2... Raise up the legs tightly pressed to each other. We hold our legs at the top point for a few seconds, then we lower them.

Option number 3, for an advanced level. Raise the legs and head with the chest at the same time. On inhalation, we lower them down. In this version, you can lean on your forearm so as not to overextend your neck muscles.

  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 10-15 on each side.

Advice: These exercises greatly increase the oblique abdominal muscles, so girls who are striving for a thin waist need to stretch this area after the complex.

+ Options

EXERCISE 4. Diagonal twists.

  1. Starting position: the right hand lies on the back of the head, the left hand is directly on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the legs are slightly bent at the knees.
  2. We pull the right elbow to the right knee, linger at the top point for a couple of seconds.
  3. We return to initial position.
  4. We do the required number of approaches, change the position and repeat all over again.
  • It is best to use a gymnastics mat when doing the exercise.
  • The arm resting on the abdominal muscles remains there permanently until the end of the exercise.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 8 in each direction.

EXERCISE 4. Counterflow.

  1. We lie on our back, bend our knees at right angles and raise them. We put our palms on the back of the head.
  2. We rise (the lower back remains pressed to the floor), with the left elbow we stretch to the right knee.
  • After completing 10 pairs of elbow-to-knee, rest for 10 seconds. This is one approach.

Starting position - sitting

Body turns

Despite its apparent simplicity, this method is very effective and gives good results.

  1. We sit on the edge of a chair or bench, resting our feet firmly on the floor. The back is straight, hands in the lock at the back of the head.
  2. Exhale: moving only with the muscles of the lower back, turn the body to the left. Inhale: turn straight.
  3. Repeat the other way.

Advice: even more effective if you use a bodybar or bar from a bar. It fits on the trapezoid of the shoulders, the hands hold the bar in this position. Make turns slowly and smoothly.

  • The number of repetitions in each exercise starts at 10 and increases as the load increases.
  • Approaches - 3 to 5.

The oblique abdominal muscles are located on the sides of the abdominals. The question of how to pump them correctly is of most interest to female representatives. Overdeveloped oblique muscles can make the figure courageous, because the growth of the lateral press will inevitably lead to an expansion of the waist. But strong obliques create a strong muscular system that supports the spine and helps prevent injury when exercising with heavy weights.

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Oblique muscle anatomy

The abs are made up of many muscles. Most athletes pay attention only to working out the straight line, which is responsible for the presence of cubes. The oblique muscles, on the other hand, often do not receive the proper load. They sit on the sides of the belly and help create a well-defined silhouette.

Lateral muscles are divided into:

  • external (external) oblique - the largest and most noticeable;
  • internal oblique - smaller and located deeper, under the external.

The main purpose of the oblique muscles is to turn the body to the right and left. In addition, they perform the following functions:

  • support the spine, creating a strong muscle corset that protects against injury;
  • allow you to make the silhouette on the sides more toned.

Therefore, strengthening the oblique muscles is an important task for any athlete who cares about their figure and athletic performance. Indeed, without a strong side press, it will not be possible to seriously increase the weight in basic exercises.

Lesson rules

There are several important nuances when doing oblique exercises. If you do not follow them, training can only harm outward appearance and health.

First, it is worth understanding that the development of the lateral press will not help flatten the tummy and remove the sides. Fat burning occurs only when you are in a calorie deficit. To create it, you need to follow a diet and exercise (strength or cardio). During exercise, not enough calories are expended on the press. Therefore, if the sides have body fat, the oblique muscles will be simply invisible.

Secondly, it must be borne in mind that the growth of the lateral press leads to an expansion of the waist. After all, this is where the oblique muscles are located. This is not so scary for men who want to have a bumpy belly. But women should swing obliquely very carefully.

It is quite easy for girls to "kill" the waist and lose the feminine lines, especially if you use weights when doing exercises. This mistake is often made by women, as they believe that weighting will allow you to quickly reach the goal and remove the sides.

You also need to follow these rules:

  • eat 1.5-2 hours before training, so as not to exercise on an empty or full stomach;
  • after gymnastics, meals should be followed in 1-1.5 hours.

If significant oblique muscle growth is required, you can drink protein or a gainer immediately after training.

How to quickly pump up caviar at home and in gym - effective exercise

Effective exercise

To pump up your side press, you will need to regularly perform special complex exercise.

It can be done on a separate day 1-2 times a week or perform a couple of exercises on the oblique muscles at the end of the workout on others muscle groups.

Side crunches

The simplest exercise for beginners to do at home is the side crunches while lying on your back.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Lie on the mat. Stretch your arms along the body. Bend your legs at the knees.
  2. 2. Slightly lift the upper back off the floor without lifting the shoulder blades.
  3. 3. Try to reach with the fingertips of your right hand to your right foot. Then - with the left hand to the left foot.

You should try to do 15-20 reps in 3 sets.

During the execution, the neck should not strain. Otherwise, the load will pass from the target muscles to the cervical spine.

Another option for performing the exercise in a prone position, when you need to reach with your right elbow to your left knee, and then with your left elbow to your right knee.

You can also do side crunches while lying on your side.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Lie on your right side and slightly bend your knees. Place the left arm bent at the elbow behind the head.
  2. 2. Then try to reach the hip with your elbow.
  3. 3. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. 4. After completing the specified number of repetitions, roll over onto the left side.

If you have a fitball at home or in the gym, you can use it to work out the oblique muscles. In this case, you will need:

  1. 1. Lie on it sideways so that the waist is on the fitball.
  2. 2. With one hand you need to hold on to the ball, and the other to bring it behind the head.
  3. 3. Legs should rest firmly on the floor.
  4. 4. From this position, it is necessary to begin to perform lateral twisting, trying to reach the legs with your elbow.

When performing exercise on a fitball, you have to maintain balance. Therefore, stabilizing muscles are additionally included in the work.

Standing side bends

An effective exercise for the development of the lateral abdominal muscles is side bends. Most often it is done from a standing position with dumbbells.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Stand up straight. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. 2. Bend first to the right and then to the left.
  3. 3. The dumbbells should slide close to the hips.

You don't need a lot of weight in this exercise. This is especially true for girls. After all, the use of weights when bending down will inevitably lead to an expansion of the waist.

You can also perform the exercise on a bench. A hyperextension machine works best. You will need to stand in it sideways and fix your legs between the rollers. With one hand behind your head, you need to start bending to the sides.

This option will provide a large range of motion, and, consequently, a more effective study of the muscles.

Raises the torso and legs on the side

Complicated variation of side crunches - doing the exercise with straight legs. Would need:

  1. 1. Lie on your right side and put your right hand behind your head. Legs should be straight
  2. 2. On exhalation, try to connect the elbow to the legs, while lifting them.
  3. 3. Having stopped at the top point for 1-2 seconds, you need to return to the starting position.

This exercise is more difficult and not suitable for beginners. Before proceeding to its implementation, you should master the lateral twists without lifting your legs.

Body turns

An exercise such as torso turns is aimed at developing oblique muscles. It can be done in a seated position with a small bar.

Correct technique:

  1. 1. Sit on a bench, curbstone or chair and rest your feet firmly on the floor.
  2. 2. Put the bar from the bar on your shoulders.
  3. 3. Turn the housing to the right as far as possible. In this case, the pelvis must remain motionless.
  4. 4. Then turn to the left as much as possible.

Movements should be smooth so that you can feel the work of the target muscles.

You can perform the exercise while standing. In this case, when turning to the right, you can slightly twist left leg... Then the range of motion will be greatest.

A bike

Many people know an exercise called a bicycle. In the standard version, it is an alternating knee lift and loads the rectus abdominis muscle. But if you change the movement a little, you can shift the emphasis to the side press.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Lie on your back and raise your straight legs above the floor.
  2. 2. Then tear off the upper back from the surface so that the shoulder blades remain on the floor.
  3. 3. On exhalation, bend right leg in the knee and try to reach it with your left elbow.
  4. 4. After that, straighten your right leg and bend your left, trying to reach it with your right elbow.

It is worth doing this exercise continuously for 20-40 seconds in sufficient fast pace.

Side bar

To work out the side press, you can transform an exercise such as a plank. You will need to do it while standing on one leg and leaning on one hand.

Correct technique:

  1. 1. Take a starting position, leaning on your right arm and right leg.
  2. 2. The left hand can be placed on the belt.
  3. 3. The body should be straight. Do not allow the hips to "sag" down.

Beginners can stand in such a bar for only 20-30 seconds. Gradually, the time must be increased.

Hanging leg raises

If a horizontal bar is installed at home or in the gym, you can use it to swing oblique muscles. To do this, you need to do side raises in the hang.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Hang on the bar with a firm grip on it.
  2. 2. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, first to the right and then to the left. They should be at chest level.
  3. 3. In this case, the body must be twisted slightly in the right direction.

This exercise has an increased difficulty level. It's usually easier for guys to do. Girls often do not have enough grip strength to hold weight. own body.


The pendulum is another good exercise to work out oblique muscles. To complete it you need:

  1. 1. Lie on your back. Raise your legs so that the thighs are perpendicular to the floor, and the lower legs are parallel to it.
  2. 2. Turn them to the right, twisting the pelvis. You don't have to touch the floor. The main thing is to feel the maximum stretch of the side press.
  3. 3. Having paused for a while, return the legs to their original position with a powerful movement.
  4. 4. Then turn them to the left.

You can complicate this exercise by turning your straight legs.


An exercise with the unusual name "Lumberjack" can be done in the gym. It also targets oblique muscles. To complete it, you need a simulator with top block.

Step by step technique:

  1. 1. Stand with your right side to the block top link and grab the handle with both hands.
  2. 2. Pull it towards the left leg.
  3. 3. Then return the handle to the right shoulder and perform the required number of repetitions.
  4. 4. Then stand to the upper block with your left side.

The movement should be powerful and chopping, as if you were a woodcutter.

It is necessary to perform 3-4 exercises from the presented ones 1-2 times a week. The next workout should not be planned before the muscles stop sore.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come off after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29, divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

This surprisingly simple question - how to build oblique abdominal muscles - baffles many beginners in fitness. Why, experienced ones too!

But the oblique muscles are very aesthetic when correct development and are very important in most active sports - martial arts, wrestling, games, running, etc. The fighter will not be able to inflict strong blows and avoid the attack if he does not have developed oblique muscles. It is difficult to imagine a strong fighter with undeveloped abs and obliques. What is there! It's hard to imagine just healthy person with weak muscles belly. The health of the spine, overall strength, general health person.

Let's try to figure out how to build oblique muscles. But first, a little anatomical excursion.

How are the oblique muscles of the abdomen

The oblique muscles are two pairs of flat muscles that lie on the sides of the abdominal cavity. On each side of the body there is an internal oblique muscle and an external oblique muscle. And they are located very interestingly, as if crosswise. And this has a great anatomical meaning. See picture.

External oblique muscle - m. obliquus externus abdominis

The external oblique muscle is attached with its upper part to the so-called aponeurosis (white line of the abdomen). This is a connective tissue seal that runs through the middle of the abdomen and performs a mechanical function. Aponeurosis creates a vertical groove in the middle of the abdomen, visible in good relief. With its lower end, the external oblique muscle is attached to various fasciae of other muscles and ilium pelvis. Yes, yes, this is the same bone that sticks out strongly on the sides of the pelvis in people with poorly developed oblique muscles and suffering from excessive thinness. The direction of the muscle fibers is forward-up and back-down.

The external oblique muscle, with unilateral tension, rotates the torso in the opposite direction from itself. For example, if the left external oblique muscle is straining, the torso rotates to the right.

With a bilateral contraction of the external oblique muscle (i.e., both external oblique muscles contract), the torso is tilted forward.

Internal oblique muscle - m. obliquus internus abdominis

Lies under the external oblique muscle and serves to turn the torso in its direction. The direction of the muscle fibers is forward-down, back-up. With its anterior end, the external oblique muscle is attached to the thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and inguinal ligament. The back end of the muscle is attached to the lower ribs, the connective tissue sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle. The lower posterior bundles enter the muscle that lifts the testicle (lat. - m. Cremaster). Now do you understand how important it is to build oblique muscles?

Obliques and body movements

Now let's figure out what body movements are performed when the oblique muscles work. Thus, we will figure out what exercises need to be done to develop oblique muscles.

Turns the torso to the right and left

If your body turns to the right, the right internal oblique muscle and the external left oblique muscle contract. Conversely, if the body is rotated to the left, the left internal oblique muscle and the right external oblique muscle contract. Got it?

Side bends of the torso

Leaning to the left stretches the right oblique muscles (both internal and external). In this case, both left oblique muscles contract.

Similarly, when bending to the right, the left oblique muscles are stretched and the right ones contract.

Holding and lifting weights with one hand

If you take a dumbbell in left hand and stand up straight, the right oblique muscles will tighten.

When you press the dumbbell with your left hand up, the right oblique muscles are tense.

And when you contract the rectus abdominis muscle, pumping the press, you also tighten both external oblique muscles.

Of course, the work of the oblique muscles is not limited to bending and twisting the torso. They can participate in complex complex body movements, working in conjunction with other muscles, or acting as stabilizers of body position. But to understand their functions, I believe the described movements are quite enough.

How to pump oblique muscles?

Of course, oblique muscles should be trained from the very beginning of training so that they are noticeably manifested. They will not grow up on their own, as in ordinary life and in ordinary training programs, as a rule, they do not receive enough attention. Crunch alone is not enough. In addition, these muscles are of great practical importance when lifting weights, in the formation correct posture, sexual health, etc.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen easily develop in people with a wide pelvis and other predisposition factors. This is a general rule of fitness - the more powerful the bones, the larger the muscles in that area. If you have a narrow pelvis, this is the main cause of poor oblique muscle growth. But this has an advantage - the waist is much thinner. Plus, the obliques are still pretty easy to build.

If the obliques grow poorly, I admit that you are using the wrong exercises. Or you are doing them wrong. Or not enough. Or you don't. When specializing in oblique muscles, you need to train them with two to three exercises for 3 sets each three times a week. You should also pay attention to weight exercises. Multiple repetitions (more than 15) do not necessarily lead to oblique muscle growth.

Another factor that interferes with oblique pumping may be lack of flexibility in the waist, which makes it difficult to do exercises with sufficient amplitude. The problem is solved by developing flexibility.

In general, oblique muscles are easy to build. The main thing is to know what and how to do.

Now let's move on to the exercises. Of course the best and most effective.

Exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen

Here, I'll just briefly cover the most beneficial oblique exercises. And you, after reading my explanations above, already understand why these exercises. So?

Bends to the side with a dumbbell in hand

These are the usual standard side bends with a dumbbell in hand. They took a dumbbell in their hand, put the other behind their head. We bent clearly to the side while inhaling. Returned to the starting position on exhalation. You need to perform 10-15 tilts in each direction, respectively, shifting the dumbbell to the other hand.

Do not use a dumbbell weighing more than 20 kg. The oblique muscles from this exercise already grow beautifully. Especially if you perform the exercise clearly, with maximum amplitude.

Axial torso rotation

This is an inertial exercise. That is, when it is performed, the muscles of the waist receive a load due to the resistance of the inertia of the body rotation. It increases noticeably if you spread your arms to the sides.

The exercise is simple. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides, start rotating left and right with full amplitude (to be guided by the comfort of sensations). Be sure to make sure that when the torso rotates, the pelvis does not make too noticeable turns, otherwise there will be no benefit from such rotations. You can breathe arbitrarily. Typically, 50-100 of these rotations are performed per set.

Great exercise, but not everyone succeeds. It requires noticeable flexibility at the waist. However, the more often you try to do it, the better it will turn out.

Lie on your back, pull your legs to your stomach. Feet on the floor. The knees are closed. Drop your knees to the left to the floor. In this twisted position, try to raise the body, tearing off the shoulder blades from the floor. Exhale while lifting. After completing 10-20 lifts, change the position of the legs to symmetrical, and perform the same number of repetitions.

Exercise side plank

This static exercise... You must take the position shown in the first photo. Then you need to raise the pelvis so that the body and legs are in one line. And then you just need to hold the body in this position for 20-60 seconds. You can breathe arbitrarily. Do not forget to do the exercise for the other half of the body, turning the other side.

Conical rotations

One of the most useful exercises for the whole waist. The tension rolls over all the muscles of the abdomen and lower back without exception. Slanting works great. The exercise is performed neatly in a slow motion. Hands can be held at the waist, on the chest, behind the head or above the head, depending on the level of fitness. You should perform at least 10 rotations in each direction per approach. The amplitude should be wide. It is especially important to lean forward strongly. In the last photo, I did not fulfill this requirement, but I recommend doing it.

Modern standards for a beautiful figure presuppose, first of all, a flat stomach and a well-defined waist. This applies to both male and female standards of beauty, which means that exercises on the oblique abdominal muscles are useful to everyone. Sometimes in pursuit perfect figure we forget about the loads on the lateral press, which help to form the correct proportions of the body. The desire to thoroughly work out the press always gives a tangible result, which is why it is so important to pay full attention to the abdominal zone.

Oblique muscle anatomy

There are many muscles on the abdomen, but most of those who follow their figure care only about the rectus muscle, since it is she who is responsible for the spectacular cubes of the press. At the same time, the contours of the silhouette are created by the lateral muscles, which are divided into large external muscles (visible with trained muscles) and small internal oblique muscles, which are located under the external one. Big muscle starts at the base chest... The fibers are located both from top to bottom and medially, to the middle of the front of the body.

The main purpose of this muscle group is aesthetic and supportive. A strong torso helps to form a harmonious silhouette, because with folds hanging on the sides, the impression of a pumped up abs is reduced to zero. Without adequate study of the oblique muscles, a thin waist can only be dreamed of. But beauty is, first of all, health.

The layout of the abdominal muscles

The trained muscles serve as a kind of corset for the spine: it supports it, protects it from overload. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved in lateral twisting of the vertebrae, turns, and in part - in the rear of the pelvis. The abdominal group is a key muscular apparatus that helps stabilize the position and balance of the entire body. It also maintains integrity internal organs responsible for digestion and respiration.

In ordinary life, we rarely use the lateral muscles, and the depth of their placement does not make it possible to work them out when training according to the standard program. Paying regular attention to your oblique muscles will help your figure look firmer and slimmer. If you combine training with rational nutrition, folds from the sides will go away, a well-defined waist will appear in the area of ​​the lumbar back, and in general the posture will change.

It is important! In training, do not forget about the principle of "necessary and sufficient". Without serious efforts, it will not work to change the proportions of the body in this area, but you need to do it without fanaticism, since overloads have the opposite effect. Girls have an H-silhouette without the desired waist.

Exercises for oblique muscles

You can work out the side press in any position. This choice of exercises allows you to do abs anywhere, even if not at hand. special simulators... If you use several starting positions in one workout, you can strengthen even the laziest muscles.

Sliding side bends

At home, all athletes do lateral bends. A simple exercise makes it possible to pump the oblique abdominal muscles. Additional load get muscle groups of the lumbar spine and hips. Execution technique:

  1. The starting position is standing. The body is relaxed, the back is in control.
  2. One hand must be placed on the belt.
  3. The other hand moves slowly down the torso.
  4. As soon as you feel muscle tension on the opposite side, return to the starting position.
  5. Similarly, we make bends to the other side, changing hands.

Sliding side bends

It is important! When leaning, only the lower back should be active, not the hips. To enhance the effect, you can use dumbbells (one is enough). The weight of the weighting load for women is up to 1.5 kg.

Lower block slopes

For exercise, you will need a simulator equipped with a lower block. Movements are performed at a slow pace. The exercise resembles a twisting on a crossover (with an upper block):

  1. Stand up straight, take a stable posture.
  2. With one hand, grip the handle attached to the lower unit.
  3. The simulator is at the side.
  4. Tilt to the opposite side of the block.
  5. At the lowest point, you need to pause for a few seconds.
  6. Return to original position.
  7. Perform several bends to one side.
  8. Turn in the opposite direction and continue to perform the exercise in the same way.

Lower block slopes

It is important to perform the exercise accurately, without sudden movements. The pace is slow, allowing you to feel the load on the abdominal muscles. Up to 10 repetitions are recommended in one approach.

For this lesson, you need to prepare a rug. Quite difficult for beginners, but noteworthy exercise that allows you to pump all the muscles at once abdominal and not only. It is important to keep the abs in a static position throughout the exercise - this will allow spinal column take a stable position. Execution technique:

  1. Support - on the palm and foot (lateral surface).
  2. The hand should be at the level of the shoulder joint.
  3. The body is in tension, does not sag or bend.
  4. We repeat 3 times. Time - individually: from 20 seconds to 120.

Exercise technique

Side plank is a sophisticated version of the classic plank. For beginners, it would be nice to master it for a start.

Twisting with body rotation

The side crunch can be done in different ways, depending on the level of training. Or combine options arbitrarily.

First way:

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, hands are free to lie on the floor.
  2. Lifting upper part back, we twist to the side, trying to touch right hand right heel.
  3. After a pause, lower to the original position.
  4. Repeat symmetrically for the other side.

The second option (complicated):

  1. As you exhale, raise your legs together with your body.
  2. While inhaling, slowly lower it.
  3. In order not to overload cervical muscles, the support should be on the forearm.
  4. Do 3 sets of 10-15 times.

Complicated version of twisting with body rotation

It is important! The group of oblique muscles is actively growing, so girls need to stretch this zone for the waist after completing the complex. It enhances the stretching of the fascia, the structures that surround the muscles. Stretching will remove the soreness and help restore them.

Turns of the pelvis in the hang on the horizontal bar

If the gym is equipped with a horizontal bar, you can perform hanging twisting on the bar. Raising the legs on the horizontal bar is an effective exercise for pumping the abdominal muscles of the abdominal press to form a strong muscular corset. When lifting the legs, the key role is assigned to the rectus abdominis muscle, while turning - the oblique muscles. Execution technique:

  1. First you need to grab the crossbar, holding tight.
  2. Raise higher bent in knee joints legs.
  3. Turning bent legs alternately to the sides.
  4. The torso can also be twisted, helping yourself.


This exercise requires an upper block machine. Together with the oblique muscle group, the transverse and straight sections are involved in its implementation. Experienced bodybuilders always include this type of training in their program:

  1. Take a stable posture, control a straight back.
  2. To work out the lateral muscles, you need to turn your right side to him.
  3. Take the handle with both hands, without bending them at the elbow joint.
  4. Pull it towards the left leg, turning the body to the side.
  5. Release the handle to its original position.
  6. Repeat the movement 8-10 times.
  7. Turn left side and repeat all movements in a mirror image.

Exercise "Lumberjack" on the simulator with the upper block

During the entire time allotted for the exercise, the arms should be straight, and the legs should be stable position... Usually 3-4 approaches are performed 8-10 times.

Turning the body on the fitball

To perform the exercise, you need a special sports equipment in the form of a large (65 cm in diameter) elastic ball. Turning the body on a fitball allows you to thoroughly work out the lateral muscle groups, as well as the rectus abdominis muscle. Fitball requires balance control, and stabilizing muscles are also involved in the work. Execution technique:

  1. Lie on the projectile with your back at waist level (buttocks also touch the ball).
  2. Place your feet firmly on the floor.
  3. Straightening your arms up, close them in a lock above your head.
  4. While contracting your abdominal muscles, slowly turn to the side.
  5. Return to the original position.
  6. Also smoothly turn to the other side.
  7. To enhance the effect, you can work with weighting shells (disc, dumbbells). Hold them firmly with both hands.

Turning the body on the fitball

Enough 3-4 approaches with the maximum number of repetitions for your training.

How to swing a side press

The abdominal muscle group consists of several subgroups that attach to the ribs and pelvis. Structural features human body make the anatomy of this group unique, so there are no universal recommendations for inflating the lateral press. General rule Is the inclusion of twists and lateral bends in the program. It is recommended to do 2-3 approaches, each of which has 12 to 20 repetitions.

To achieve the result, training must be regular and intense.

The complex does not have to be performed all at once. If it is part of training, then 3-4 exercises can be included in one lesson. If you change the program, the muscles are constantly in good shape, without the effect of addiction.

It is important! It is convenient to work out the press both at home and in the gym. The main thing is not even the number of repetitions, but the time that the muscle will be under load: 12 repetitions at a slow pace are more effective than 20 at a fast one.

A mistake when pumping up oblique muscles is an unrealistic amount of twists. This group does not differ from other muscles in its regenerative abilities, which means that they need to be developed in the same way. Excessive loads with dumbbells make the figure not athletic enough. Oblique muscles are visible only with a small layer of fat, control your diet.

Workouts in the gym

You can swing lateral muscles in the gym either separately or on general training... Define main task classes: work today for relief or for mass. Before starting a workout, you need to make a competent training program... To minimise body fat, you can increase the pace of the exercise. If you need to increase muscle mass, exercise with weights is helpful. There is always an experienced trainer in the gym to help you create your program. He also controls the execution technique and results.

It is important! For a high-quality study of the oblique muscles, the maximum load is given to the straight and transverse zones. To avoid overwork, 3-5 types of exercises are enough for one workout. Over time, they need to be changed to remove the addictive effect.

Approximate lesson plan

The exercise What muscles work Number of repetitions Additional inventory
Lower block slopesCentral and oblique3 sets of 10 repsLower block trainer
Turns of the pelvis in the hang on the horizontal barAbdominal group8-10 reps, 3 setsHorizontal bar, crossbar
Turning the body on the fitballLateral muscle groups, stabilizing muscles3-4 approaches, the number of turns - individuallyFitball

Sports at home

Home exercises do not require any additional equipment. If there are no dumbbells in the house, they will be successfully replaced by any object of the corresponding mass. Stretching is helpful after home workouts.

Approximate lesson plan

The exercise Muscle groups involved Number of repetitions Notes (edit)
Sliding side bendsSide press, lumbar and hipsIndividually, up to the feeling of tensionWeights can be used
All muscle groups of the back, hips and arms20 seconds to 2 minutesNeed a rug
Twisting with body rotationOblique muscles3 sets of 10 repsPerform on the rug
  1. Before performing the complex, it is useful to warm up with an active warm-up. You can additionally perform gymnastics for the joints.
  2. Strengthens the effect of training, reduces fatigue and muscle tension after exercise. It also helps to shape the correct body contours.
  3. Before training, it is important to exclude any snacks an hour and a half before training and an hour after them. Even a glass of water can be drunk only 15 minutes after all exertion. For those who need to accelerate the growth of oblique muscles, you can also add protein or gainer. The stomach should not be overloaded, but the feeling of hunger during training is not an assistant. This can provoke nausea, dizziness - you will not be able to give 100% of your workout.
  4. To strength exercises actively burned fat, the diet should have more protein foods, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. From fast carbohydrates it is better to refuse completely.
  5. Proper breathing is an important factor in exercise. If you hold it during twisting, the oblique muscles do not contract completely, since there is oxygen in the lungs. This reduces the effectiveness of training. Correct breathing- this is inhalation while stretching and exhalation with muscle contraction.
  6. Daily exercise will not speed up the formation of the desired abs: the muscles need rest. For a complete recovery after two full workouts it takes a day to recuperate.
  7. It is not recommended to actively swing the lateral pressure in childhood. Only a fully formed organism is able to withstand such loads.

The oblique muscles located in the lateral torso are the largest group requiring special attention... If you work them out regularly, not only the press will be formed, but also a powerful corset that supports the spine and allows you to work with more weight in the future. Trained oblique muscles protect against disc displacement during barbell lifting and torsion-related injuries (in boxing, for example, or in hockey).

Video: how to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles

Here are just girls who are concerned about maintaining the contours of the waist, it is necessary to load this zone moderately, since too developed oblique muscles do female figure more masculine and certainly does not contribute to a decrease in the waist in perspective.

The human body was created by nature for physical activity, therefore, our body needs loads all the time. A beautiful figure and a healthy body are quite real, it is only important to believe in yourself and not postpone the dream until later.

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A beautiful, proportional figure in girls or an inflated torso in a man is possible only with prolonged systematic physical education and sports. If you ask the question: “What first catches your eye when assessing the state of a person's muscles?”, Many will say that well-trained abdominal muscles will be the central element. Moreover, "press" will mean that not only straight lines are well developed, but also oblique abdominal muscles.

We offer you the most the best complexes, with which you can make your body as beautiful as possible. More information can be found in the section.

A model worth striving for

And if for pumping the rectus abdominis muscle, such as lifting the body or legs in a prone position, on a horizontal bar, uneven bars, Swedish wall, using abdominal machines, etc. even more or less known and intuitive for most people, the lateral press is much more difficult to train.

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for the oblique muscles of the abdomen often have more sophisticated technique performances are not always suitable for untrained people or require additional equipment that not everyone has at home. It is also worth noting that for the lateral muscles they give a visual effect much later than, for example, for the legs or back. Nevertheless, the result obtained so the hard way, will give you incomparable pleasure from the work done.

The structure of the oblique muscles of the abdomen

The lateral muscle group includes two external and internal muscles that are symmetrical about the vertical axis of the body. Outdoor visible oblique muscles that start from the bottom of the chest and slope downward belly, partially intertwined with the rectus abdominis muscles on one side, and pectoral muscles with another. They are responsible for turning the body, moreover, the contraction of the left half of the muscle turns the body to the right and vice versa. Internal muscle, which is not visible, is perpendicular to the outside under it, and its contraction together with the outside makes your body tilt forward.

Knowing the structure, you can train better.

Exercises for the external abdominal muscles

In everyday life, a person rarely subjects this muscle group to serious stress, which gives the slightest growth effect. Therefore, their most rapid and correct development is carried out during training, often with the help of additional equipment: dumbbells, gymnastic balls and other simulators.

The list of exercises for the press when performing tenses external oblique muscle as well as other muscles belly will train in an optimal way looks like this:

  1. Dumbbell bends in the opposite hand. (It should be noted that excessive enthusiasm for this exercise and the use of large weights can pump your oblique abdominal muscles, causing "waist loss", as in the photo. Therefore, this exercise is not recommended for women and those men for whom aesthetic appearance is more important than increasing muscle volume or strength. Therefore, you can perform this exercise without weights or with minimal weight.

Dumbbell bends - video

To comply with the execution technique, first of all, you need to take the correct stance:

  • Stand up straight and take the dumbbell in your left hand, grip with your fingers towards you.
  • The opposite hand is best left on the belt.
  • Feet should be placed approximately shoulder-width apart.

The exercise is performed as follows:

- After exhaling, slowly tilt your body to the right side as low as possible. After pausing at the bottom point, you can return to the starting position.

- Repeat the above while tilting in the opposite direction.

- After completing the planned number of repetitions, shift the dumbbell to the other hand and do the same number of repetitions. Do not forget that movement should only take place in the lower back.

  1. Twisting or reverse twisting the body. These exercises are performed on the floor with limited range of motion. Beginners should focus their attention on them, because they do not require the purchase of any shells.

Pledge quick results- only technology!

An example is the side leg raises, which consists of the following stages:

  • The starting position is lying on your back, arms are spread out to the sides at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body.
  • Raise your legs straight up, then lower your legs until they touch the floor. Now you can raise them to their original position, and start lowering them in the opposite direction. Thus, observing the technique, it is worth progressing the increase in the number of repetitions to 20.

After that, you should think about the use of weights. What they will be - it's up to you to decide. An alternative to the use of weights can be what to do similar exercises for the oblique muscles, it is necessary immediately after the approaches for training the rectus abdominis muscles or between them. So, by combining partial lateral abdominals with traditional crunches, doing the abdominal exercise described above will put a lot of stress on your obliques.

  1. Twisting and other exercises gymnastic ball... Due to the increased amplitude, such exercises are perfect for everyone except perhaps complete beginners.
  2. Adaptation of exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. For those who like to swing the press on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to slightly modify the traditional leg raises and get excellent results.
  3. Exercises "woodcutter" on the block. This option gives a good result, although its use by beginners is very controversial. However, in 90% of cases, the equipment for its implementation can only be found in the gym.
Exercises, not only dynamic but also static

Many trainees do not include oblique abdominal exercises in their programs, and they lose quite a lot.

  • Among all the variety, it is worth choosing one or two that are most suitable for your current physical condition.

The correct oblique abdominal exercises that are ideal for home workouts can be viewed in numerous videos from experienced athletes. The easiest way to find such tutorials is on the Youtube website.

All the above exercises should be performed after a thorough warm-up, using 2-3 sets of 15-25 repetitions, depending on the characteristics of the body and its condition. The training frequency can be up to a maximum of three times a week. Most a common mistake in technique for beginners, when performing exercises for both the straight and oblique abdominal muscles, is "cheating" - that is, the work of the main muscles is supplemented by the "help" of other groups. In our case, this is the participation of the muscles that are responsible for flexion of the pelvis. Therefore, it is worth considering this problem carefully when developing the correct technique.

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