Gymnastic exercise ball for seniors. Effective Fitness Ball Exercises

Anton Simonov

Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on the art of medicine.

Fitball gymnastics - relatively the new kind sports in Russia, however, he has already managed to earn the love of many women, men and even children. The ball is used in different ways: for strength exercises, in dance classes, during yoga. When developing fitball, Swiss physiotherapists sought to create a special device for the rapid rehabilitation of patients. However, its scope began to expand and balloons began to be used in gyms. Fitball exercises for weight loss are effective. Ball gymnastics also corrects posture and improves metabolic processes.

Why are fitball exercises useful?

Here are some of the benefits of exercising:

  1. Ball exercises help to align posture and cope with spinal problems. There are specially designed complexes for strengthening the back muscles. Thanks to regular training with a fitball, the muscle corset becomes strong and the spine is naturally aligned.
  2. Physical activity during the exercise on the fitball is distributed throughout the body, increasing the strength of different muscle groups.
  3. This type of fitness trains the vestibular apparatus well. Even if you use sport equipment solely to strengthen the abs, you still have to keep your balance. It is impossible to practice on fitball without concentration and tension of many muscles of the body. With experience, during exercise, you will stop noticing that the muscles are in constant tone and you will be able to easily perform several exercises without losing balance.
  4. A fitness ball will help with stretching and warming up your joints.
  5. Exercises with a fitness ball for weight loss, thanks to the cushioning of the projectile, relieve the spine, stimulate metabolism and blood flow, and contribute to the normal functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  6. Bouncing on an inflatable ball is one of the few sports that is suitable for pregnant women or new mothers immediately after childbirth. At this time, the female body is subject to some changes (the load on the legs, back increases, blood flow is disturbed), and the fitball helps to relieve tension from the spinal column, joints, muscles. Fitness with a ball serves as an effective prevention of diseases of the female genitourinary system.

How to choose a ball by size and shape

Good training results are directly related to the correct fitball. In addition, it will be convenient to train only on a suitable equipment. For example, a ball that is too large does not allow you to perform the exercises to the fullest, since you will slide off it without reaching the floor with your feet / hands. The ball less than necessary will put an increased load on the legs and will constantly slip out from under you. To avoid this, it is better to purchase a projectile with spikes (massage) or ears. How to correctly identify required size fitball:

  1. Method one. Sit on the projectile with your legs straight in front of you, straighten your back. The knee angle should be 90 degrees. In addition, the degree of elasticity of the weight loss fitball should not be excessive, and vice versa, the ball should not bend too much under your weight.
  2. Method two. The size of the ball is easy to determine by the height of a person, and different fitballs differ in diameter among themselves. Below is a table on how to choose a fitball for a specific height of an adult or child:

An effective set of exercises with fitball for weight loss

Below is a set of exercises:

  1. Raising the pelvis. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower back, legs, buttocks. Lie on the floor with your back with your feet on the ball (feet do not touch the ball). Start lifting your hips up, rolling the ball towards you with your legs, then return to the starting position. Repeat lifts twice 10 times.
  2. Side bends. The lesson is suitable for the elimination of fat from the sides, abdomen, upper thighs. Lying on your back, the fitball is between your legs, your hands rest on the floor. Raise the ball with your feet and begin to tilt it left and right, not reaching the floor by 20 cm and without lifting your shoulders. Repeat the weight loss exercise 10 times in each direction.
  3. Twisting. Ideal for strengthening the muscles of the peritoneum. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, with the arms under the head. Begin to twist the body, lifting your legs with the ball and your pelvis up. During the exercise, concentrate on breathing (inhale - the stomach is tense, exhale - relaxed). Repeat as much as you can.
  4. Push ups reverse grip... This fitball exercise is designed to help you lose weight. Lean on the ball, placing your hands not on the edge, but slightly closer to the center of the projectile to avoid slipping. Push up slowly, repeating 10-15 times.
  5. Classic push-ups. Place your feet on the ball while lying down. Start slowly pushing up from the floor, repeating 10-15 times. Step by step instructions and video tutorials will help you learn,

So what can you do with this bulky bouncy ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (as this ball is called) is a great tool for keeping your body fit. You do the exercises in a wobbly position, which forces you to also maintain balance. And this additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises with the use of balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is because the ball helps to reduce stress on the muscles and spine compared to normal exercise.

Before we move on to training, let's decide on the size of the ball that will be comfortable for you to work with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170-200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or there is another validation test that can help you determine the ideal ball size for you. All that is required of you is to sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then the size of this ball is right for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss next, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of fitness. We recommend doing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start small and then build up the load.

Ready? Go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work out the main muscles of the legs.

1. Overhead Squats

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Squats against the wall

In this exercise, the ball is used to support the back. During the exercise, he should move from the waist to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with the hips

It may look funny, but the exercise works great for the muscles of the hips and lumbar... Squeeze the ball to keep your balance. Hold this position for 30-45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular one.

Lie on the floor with your arms extended perpendicular to your body. Place the lower leg and heel on the ball. Using your abs and glutes, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a wobbly position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees to your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, and then inhale and stretch your legs back. Always keep your hips on weight to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats holding the ball in front of you

This exercise works simultaneously the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with the ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of your on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold onto a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just push-ups that you might be used to. This is a complicated version of them, because you have to keep balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this version of it puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Back crunches on the ball

Yes, and this is an effective exercise that can be done on a ball.

12. Triceps flexion

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of ball exercises aims to work the muscles of the trunk.

14. Exercise on the press

In the top position, linger until you count to five, and then slowly lower yourself. The number of repetitions is 6-10 depending on your training. Pulling your knees to your stomach

Starting position as in push-ups. Only instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising the knees while lying on the ball

During this exercise, you need to strongly press your knees together so that your legs do not diverge. To avoid pain, pinch a towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then, at the same time, take your legs to the right, and turn the body to the left. Do 12-15 reps for each side.

20. Bends to the side with the ball

It is helpful to end your abs with a stretch. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball over your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to outside left leg. Keep your back straight when you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

What are these large inflatable balls that occupy all the space around in gym? Gym balls (also called exercise balls, balance balls, Swiss balls, fitness balls, or fitness balls) involve more than just enjoying sitting or jumping on them - exercise ball exercises are great way increase strength, endurance of cardio-vascular system and learn to keep balance. By doing basic exercise ball weight loss exercises (eg, push-ups, squats, planks) on an unstable surface, your muscles get more out of reverse resistance. Fitballs are also great for getting in shape after an injury because they can reduce muscle tension and tension in the spine while performing certain movements. Weight loss fitness ball exercises are simple and effective enough for a home workout.

In order to get the most out of this inflatable wonder, it's important to choose the right size.

Note: For some of the exercises below, larger or smaller balls have been used. For most exercises, it is best to have fitballs of the appropriate size.

Balls come in three diameters, which in turn depend on the height of a person: 55 cm for children from 149-164 cm, 65 cm for people of average height from 164-171 cm and 75 cm for tall people height between 180-202 cm. good rule to help you choose the right fitball for you: Sit on the ball and make sure your hips and knees are at right angles to the floor - the ball is perfect for you.

The number of repetitions and approaches will depend on the level physical fitness, but we recommend doing almost all exercises on fitball from 3 to 5 sets of 10-20 repetitions. After a few workouts, try increasing your reps to really test your strength. Ready? Then, below are exercises with a gymnastic ball that go beyond the usual basic exercises.

Lower body fitball exercises

1. Squats with fitball overhead

Ready to use your arms and legs? For this hand fitball exercise, sit down with the ball over your head with your arms outstretched. Add weight (the fitball is not as light as air) while keeping your torso upright, connect your shoulders and deltoid muscles... Do 10 to 15 reps.

2. Squats with fitball emphasis on the wall

Let your quadriceps work as you do this. strength exercise... Stand a meter away from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, with your back to the wall. Place the ball between your lower back and the wall, squat slowly until your knees are bent at right angles. Use the ball to support your back as it moves from your lower back to your shoulder blades. Slowly return to the starting position, repeat 10-15 times.

If you find yourself easily embarrassed, try these fitball leg exercises at home. They may look ridiculous, but they work seriously on the hips, lower back and inner thighs. Stand up straight and place the ball between your legs so that the center of the ball is at knee level (it should not touch the floor). Squat down until your knees form a 90-degree angle, squeezing the ball, and keep it balanced. Stay in this position for as long as possible, up to 30 to 45 seconds in one set.

Note: For this exercise, use a fitball that is not so perfectly sized for you. Bigger ball will complicate the exercise, while a smaller ball will not put too much stress on the hips. Beginners can also use a chair or wall to maintain balance.

4. Exercise with a fitball for thighs

Looking for abdominal, glute and thigh fitball exercises? Then try this movement. Lie on the floor with your arms extended perpendicular to your torso, and place your calves and heels on the ball. With the help of the gluteus muscle and abdominal lift your hips up, coming off the floor. Use your outstretched arms to maintain balance - you will be wiggled a little! Exhale and slowly bring your knees towards your hips, so that your feet are on top of the ball at this time. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then inhale, straightening your legs again. Keep your hips at the top all the time so that the gluteus muscle works to the maximum. Aim for 10 to 12 reps.

5. Squat with outstretched arms and fitball

Warm up your blood with slow, deep squats that work your arms and abs, as well as your legs. Hold the ball with outstretched arms somewhere at face level. Squat, during this move the ball to the left side, just above the left leg. Hold this position for three slow breaths, and then return the ball to a position straight in front of you and return to a standing position. Do the same only with right side... For achievement best results while squatting, keep your arms straight in front of your torso and try to squat lower. Try 10 to 15 reps to keep your arms, core, and legs in top shape.

6. Lunges with a gymnastic ball

Ready to keep your balance on the highest level? In a standing position, place the ball behind you and place one foot with the soles up on upper part ball. Step forward 15 cm with the other leg and bend both knees into a deep lunge position. Make sure that your front leg, bent at the knee, is not resting only on your toes. (You can use a chair or railing to maintain your balance, which will give you extra support.) This difficult exercise will test your balance as well as strength, so do 8 to 10 reps (or as many as you can depending on your physical form) on each leg.

7. Reverse hyperextension

Last but certainly not least important exercise to work on gluteal muscles... Starting position, lying on the ball with your chest, fingers and toes rest on the floor. Roll forward so that your hands are in line with your shoulders and your hips are directly in contact with the ball. Connect closed legs and abdominal muscles to work, lift straight legs up until they are level with the body. Hold this position and then repeat. Try 12 to 15 reps before getting down on the floor.

Upper Torso Fitball Exercises

8. Push-ups on fitball

These are not simple push-ups for you! Lie facedown on the ball, arms and legs touching the ground, core muscles on top of the ball. Walk forward on your hands until your shins are on the ball, your torso should be in a straight position. Lower your torso towards the ground until your forearms are parallel to the ground. Return to the top position and continue for 8 to 10 reps (or more if you can handle it).

9. Stand, lying on the fitball

Add the intensity of a standard stance to this exercise. If you learn to use the instability of the fitball to your advantage, your shoulders and arms will get extra-hard workouts. Rest your elbows and forearms on the fitball (to complicate this exercise, try it on straight arms), one leg extended behind. Step back with your other foot to bring your legs together. Hold the position as long as possible, up to 30 seconds per set.

10. Rolling out the fitball

This multitasking exercise puts your arms and core muscles to work. Kneel behind the ball with your palms on top of the ball. Slowly push the ball forward with your hands until the triceps are on the top of the fitball, your legs are almost completely apart at the knees on the ground.

Remember: The tight core muscles will push the body to move straight ahead.

Feel the pressure on your knees? Place a towel or yoga mat underneath. Concentrate on maintaining the correct straight posture for 10 reps.

This is a very effective fitball back exercise. Start with your belly and hips on the ball with your legs extended straight behind (toes pointing down). Hold the ball with your hands for balance. If this position is difficult to maintain due to slippery shoes, try leaning your feet against a wall. Raise your chest high (as in yoga "cobra"), hands on the back of the head. Hold for a little while in this position and return to a relaxed position. Repeat these steps 12 to 15 times.

12. Triceps push-ups

Get stronger triceps by doing a fitball exercise - push-ups for triceps. Sit on the ball with your feet at right angles to the floor, shoulder-width apart. Then place your hands on either side of your hips on the ball and slowly move them forward so that they are a few inches in front of the ball. At this stage, the heels are on the ground, the hands on the fitball support the rest of the body. Use your triceps to lower your arms down a few centimeters, then return to starting position... Keep your back straight and engage your abs for 10 to 15 reps.

13. Wedge

This super advanced abdominal ball exercise will have the beneficial effects of intense sweating. Start in a push-up position (as in Exercise 8), but your toes, not your shins, are on the top of the fitball. Legs straight, use abdominal muscles to pull your toes up to your chest. If done correctly, the torso should be in a push-up position, the back should be straight (no arching or sagging), and the toes should be arched towards the ball. This exercise is not for the faint of heart, but give it a 5 to 8 reps chance.

Core muscles: fitball exercises for the back and abs

14. Corner with fitball

An effective exercise ball for the press. Lie face up on the ground with your ankles on the ball. Stretch your arms towards your legs, lift your torso up so that the body forms a "tick" (V), hips on the ground. Count to 5 in this position (long enough for your abs) and slowly lower yourself down to the ground. Repeat these steps 6-10 times.

Get energized and release your inner child! For this energetic exercise, sit on a fitball, include your abs in the process, and put your feet on the floor. Bring your knees up and down to bounce as high as possible on a gymnastic ball. Try jumping for 2 to 5 minutes to keep your heart rate up until the middle of your workout (or try this exercise for a fun warm-up!).

16. Exercise with a fitball for the press

Make your abs work while doing of this exercise! Lie face up on the floor with your arms and legs extended. Take the ball with both hands and hold it over your head. Raise your arms and legs in the air in one smooth motion, passing the ball from hand to foot (between the ankles to be precise). For now, only the hips and buttocks should be touching the ground. Lower your arms and legs with the ball between them to the ground. Stay strong with 6-10 reps ahead.

17. Knee bending

Start in a push-up position with your toes resting on the ball, arms extended, palms on the ground under your shoulders. Bring your knees up to your chest until your knees are level with your hips. Then bring your knees back, repeat 10 to 15 times.

18. Raising the knees

Use this exercise to get into hard-to-reach abdominal muscles. Place the ball in front strength training machine or other sturdy object. Lie on the fitball with your shoulders and back touching its surface. Grasp the strength machine with your hands, press your legs together (for a more advanced level, try free weight). Flex your abs and bring your knees to your chest, using your arms for balance. Get those ill-fated abs out of cover with 10-15 reps.

19. Step into the sky

Want to know where the obliques are? Try this exercise to make it work lateral muscles press. Sit straight on the fitball with your feet together. In a smooth motion, turn your legs to the right and your arms to the left. Do not be afraid to do something wrong: the higher the enthusiasm, the more better workout! Bring your arms and legs back to the center position, and repeat 12 to 15 times, alternating sides.

20. Side bends

Finish your abs with a stretching exercise. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold the fitball over your head with both hands. Keep your back straight, engage your abs, bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Pick up the ball again and repeat on the right side. Stay strong (and stretch!) For 10-15 reps.

Based on materials:

So what can you do with this bulky bouncy ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (as this ball is called) is a great tool for keeping your body fit. You do the exercises in a wobbly position, which forces you to also maintain balance. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises with the use of balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is because the ball helps to reduce stress on the muscles and spine compared to normal exercise.

Before we move on to training, let's decide on the size of the ball that will be comfortable for you to work with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170-200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or there is another validation test that can help you determine the ideal ball size for you. All that is required of you is to sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then the size of this ball is right for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss next, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of fitness. We recommend doing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start small and then build up the load.

Ready? Go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work out the main muscles of the legs.

1. Overhead Squats

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Squats against the wall

In this exercise, the ball is used to support the back. During the exercise, he should move from the waist to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with the hips

It may look funny, but the exercise works great for the muscles of the hips and lumbar region. Squeeze the ball to keep your balance. Hold this position for 30-45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular one.

Lie on the floor with your arms extended perpendicular to your body. Place the lower leg and heel on the ball. Using your abs and glutes, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a wobbly position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees to your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, and then inhale and stretch your legs back. Always keep your hips on weight to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats holding the ball in front of you

This exercise works simultaneously the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with the ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of your on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold onto a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just push-ups that you might be used to. This is a complicated version of them, because you have to keep balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this version of it puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Back crunches on the ball

Yes, and this is an effective exercise that can be done on a ball.

12. Triceps flexion

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of ball exercises aims to work the muscles of the trunk.

14. Exercise on the press

In the top position, linger until you count to five, and then slowly lower yourself. The number of repetitions is 6-10 depending on your training. Pulling your knees to your stomach

Starting position as in push-ups. Only instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising the knees while lying on the ball

During this exercise, you need to strongly press your knees together so that your legs do not diverge. To avoid pain, pinch a towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then, at the same time, take your legs to the right, and turn the body to the left. Do 12-15 reps for each side.

20. Bends to the side with the ball

It is helpful to end your abs with a stretch. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball over your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Keep your back straight when bending over. Pick up the ball again and lower it to the right side.

For most people, fitball is associated with children's games or gymnastics for babies. In fact, fitball (a large elastic ball from 55 to 85 cm in diameter) has been used since the 50s of the last century to treat diseases of the human musculoskeletal system. It was first used by physiotherapists in Switzerland, which is why it is sometimes called the Swiss ball.

The main function of this miracle ball is to relieve the joints. Gymnastics on a fitball, which springs gently, is primarily recommended for people with overweight, varicose veins, osteochondrosis, arthritis or the elderly.

At the same time, the Swiss ball can be used not only for rehabilitation and wellness activities, but also to carry out full-fledged physical training.

The results of training with fitball for your body will be:
correct posture,
embossed abdomen,
general muscle strength and endurance,
body flexibility,
strengthening of the vestibular apparatus,
development of coordination of movements,
elasticity of joints, improved blood circulation
and the best part is the reduction of body fat, that is, weight loss.

So, the below set of exercises on fitball strengthens almost all muscles of the body, forms beautiful figure, but requires at least minimal physical training. If you are bored with the classic classes in the gym or fitness center, then this set with a fitball will diversify your workouts. By doing these exercises, you are using more than just the basic muscle groups, but also those in Everyday life or regular training are not involved.

To work out, you will need a mat, a wall, and a fitness ball. For ease of perception, the complex is illustrated with animated pictures - gifs.

Fitball squats.

Place the ball between the wall and back (just below the shoulder blades and above the buttocks). Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Place your body weight on your heels. As you inhale, do a squat until your legs are parallel to the floor. Do not sit deeper as this could damage your knees. At the same time, make sure that at the lowest point, the knees do not come out in front of the socks.

Focus on maintaining tension in your glutes and thighs, and slowly rise to the starting position. Do the exercise in 2 - 3 sets of 15-20 squats.

Squat on one leg.

For experienced fitness enthusiasts, it is recommended to perform the one-legged fitness ball squat in a similar manner.

Reverse lunges with fitball.

Stand up straight, stand left foot on the ball. Right leg bend slightly. Now roll the fitball back and start squatting on one leg. Do 15 to 20 squats, then repeat for the other leg. Take 2-3 sets in total.

With this exercise with a fitball for the buttocks, you can make your butt more firm and toned.

Push ups.

For strengthening the muscles of the upper body: arms, shoulders, chest, as well as the back and back of the legs.

Squatting, resting your hands on the ball, put your body on it and roll forward so as to get to the starting position: legs straight, heels together, rest on hands exactly under the shoulders, back without deflections in the lower back. Straighten your legs and body in one line, squeeze your hips.

Keeping your body straight, do a few push-ups. The number of repetitions and sets depends on your fitness level. Women can relieve the load by resting on the ball with their knees rather than their feet. Don't put your head down.

Twists for the oblique muscles of the press on a fitball.

Position the ball against a wall or other support so that when you lie sideways on it, your feet rest on the base of the wall. Lie on the fitball sideways, on the oblique abdominal muscle or thigh. Your body should be in one straight line from the back of your head to your feet. Hands behind the head, elbows apart. For stability, you can grasp lower hand fitball.

Lift your upper body upward in a twist, fully contracting the obliques at the top of the movement. Hold for 1-2 seconds. Smoothly lower yourself down. Repeat. After completing the set, switch sides. You can make the exercise harder by picking up dumbbells or not leaning against the base of the wall. Do as many repetitions as possible for you in 2 - 3 sets.

Exercise for the press and back.

Functional exercise, works out all the muscles of the back and abs, makes you concentrate your attention as much as possible. The body works as a whole.

We put our legs below the knee on the fitball, the closer to the socks, the more difficult it will be to keep balance, and we stand in a stand (as for push-ups, on outstretched arms).

If you are unable to lift yourself up with straight legs, bend your knees and do the exercise with a small amplitude. Do as many sets and reps as possible for you.

Passing the Swiss ball .

Lying on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, grab the ball with your feet, holding it tightly.

Raise the ball with your feet up, while raising your arms towards it. Taking the fitball in your hands, lower it behind your head while lowering your legs. Continue passing the ball from hand to foot and back. (You can bend your knees to make the exercise easier.) 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Ball Bridge (Leg Curl) .

Lying on your back, arms extended to the sides, palms facing down and pressed to the floor. Legs are straight and located on the fitball, the feet are pulled on themselves (you should rest on the ball with your heels and calves).

Straining the muscles of the abdominal and buttocks, raise the pelvis, bending the knees, and roll the ball towards us. Then, without lowering the buttocks to the surface, we roll the ball back. Roll up the ball using only your heels.

Back Strengthening Exercise.

Lie on the fitball with your chest, stomach and hips. We carry out raising and lowering the body.

To load the lower back, you need to cross your arms behind your head. If you want to load the upper back, we spread our arms to the sides.

How to choose a fitball in a store?

Fitball prices are quite affordable.

Each fitball has its maximum diameter indicated. This means that it should not be inflated more than this value, this can provoke its rupture.

If your height does not exceed 152 cm, then choose a fitball with a diameter of 45 cm.If your height is in the range of 152-164 cm, then choose a 55 cm ball.If your height varies between 164-180 cm, then the diameter of your ball should be 65 cm.If your height is from 180 cm to 200 cm, then choose a fitball with a diameter of 75 cm.If you are more than two meters tall, you need a ball with a diameter of 85 cm.

Thus, a fitness ball is a fairly simple, effective, but affordable trainer that can use twice as much more muscle than conventional exercise equipment.

During exercise on fitball, you, among other things, are forced to maintain body balance, so calories are burned more actively. This is especially important if the goal of your workout is to lose weight and gain a slim figure.

Good luck, health and patience!

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