Application of balls, the second junior group. GCD summary for the application "Big and small balls

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Lesson notes


Lesson 1. Drawing "Acquaintance with pencil and paper"

Software content. Teach children to draw with pencils. Learn how to hold a pencil correctly, guide it along the paper, without pressing too hard on the paper and not squeezing it hard in your fingers. Draw the attention of children to the traces left by a pencil on paper; offer to run your fingers along the drawn lines and configurations. Learn to see the similarity of strokes with objects. Develop a desire to paint.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show children paper (album sheet) and pencils; explain that you can draw on paper with pencils.

Show how to properly hold the pencil in right hand and hold the paper with the left. If the kid takes a pencil in left hand, you should not blame him; it is better to invite him to draw with one hand or the other, without insisting that he take the pencil in his right hand.

Draw several different lines on a piece of paper pinned to the board.

Then invite each child to take a pencil correctly and draw with it on a piece of paper lying on the table in front of him.

In the process of drawing, watch how the children hold the pencil; if necessary, adjust the pencil in the baby's hand.

Approach the children during the lesson, ask what they are drawing, what they have done.

At the end of the work, praise all the children for their diligence.

Together with the guys, see how many drawings came out. Praise the children.

Materials. Colored pencils, sketchbooks (for each child).

Children's games; examining objects and toys, highlighting their shapes, naming colors; reading poems about objects familiar to children.

Lesson 2. Modeling "Acquaintance with clay, plasticine"

Software content. To give children the idea that clay is soft, you can sculpt from it, you can pinch off small lumps from a large lump. Learn to put clay and sculpted items only on a board (oilcloth), work carefully. Develop a desire to sculpt.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show the children clay, say that it is soft, it can be squeezed; you can pinch off small lumps of clay, flatten them with your palms.

Invite all the guys to wrap their sleeves so as not to get them dirty, then take a lump of clay, crush it in your hands, pinch off a small lump, crush it in your palms, then crush it with your fingers.

Explain that the clay must be used carefully, put the lumps on the board (oilcloth).

In the process of work, draw the attention of children to what happened; ask: "What is it like?"; offer to tell what they blinded.

Materials. Clay, boards or oilcloths (for each child).

Lesson 3. Drawing "It is raining"

Software content. To teach children to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, to see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw short strokes and lines, hold the pencil correctly. Develop a desire to paint.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Remember with the children how they watched the rain; as drops fell, forming threads of water. Ask the guys: "Is the rain always the same?" If anyone answers that the rain is different, praise. If the children find it difficult to answer, help with leading questions that will intensify their experience.

Remind the children how to hold the pencil correctly. Show several techniques for drawing rain (short, long lines, dots). Invite the children to draw rain. In the process, observe the use of the correct drawing techniques.

At the end of the lesson, review all the drawings with the children. Suggest to choose those works, which depict heavy rain and drawings, which depict quiet, light rain.

Praise the guys for drawing different rain.

Materials. Blue pencils, 1/2 landscape sheet paper (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. Observations while walking, viewing illustrations. Singing a song about rain.

Lesson 4. Modeling "Sticks" ("Sweets")

Software content. Teach children to pinch off small lumps of clay, roll them between palms in straight movements. Learn to work carefully, put finished products on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Invite children to mold beautiful sticks (like candy, like counting sticks). Consider sweets (counting sticks) with children, arouse the desire to mold them for classes, games.

Show how to pinch off a lump of clay and roll it out with straight movements.

Invite all children to repeat the movement of rolling clay with their hands in the air. Show the guys who can't move by taking their hands in theirs.

Place all objects sculpted by children on a common stand. To draw the children’s attention to how many chocolates (sticks) they blinded; propose in free time wrap the "candy" in candy wrappers.

Materials. Beautiful sweets, counting sticks, candy wrappers for wrapping sweets. Clay, boards (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. On a walk, collect twigs that have fallen from the trees (if possible), divide them into short sticks and invite the children to run their fingers over them, then with two fingers.

Lesson 5. Application "Big and small balls"

Software content. Teach children to choose large and small round objects. To consolidate ideas about objects of a round shape, their differences in size. Learn to carefully stick images.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show children how big and small balls roll on the floor. Offer to circle with one hand, then with the other hand, large and small balls.

Tell the children that they themselves can picture how large and small balls rolled on the floor.

Remind the children to carefully spread glue on large and small circles and stick on a plate - a circle of paper (white or light shade of any color).

In the process of gluing, pay attention to how children glue the mugs with glue and stick them on. Help the guys in need of help.

At the end of the work, place all the pictures pasted by the children on the board (on the table) and examine.

Materials. Paper circles-balls large and small, a circle made of paper (white or light shade of any color) - a plate (diameter 15 cm), glue brushes, napkins, glue (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. Children play with balls in a group, for a walk, in the hall for physical education.

Lesson 6. Drawing "Tie colored strings to the balls"

Software content. Teach children to hold a pencil correctly; draw straight lines from top to bottom; lead the lines inseparably, together. Develop aesthetic perception. Learn to see the image of an object in the lines.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show the children a sheet of paper with glued strings. Draw their attention to the fact that the strings are straight; run your finger along the strings.

Invite each child to take a colored pencil. Check if the children are holding the pencil correctly; if necessary, adjust the pencil in the child's hand.

Then invite the children to start drawing. Encourage changing pencils while drawing.

At the end of the lesson, draw the attention of the children to how many beautiful multi-colored threads they have drawn.

Materials. Balloons with bright strings attached to them, 1/2 of an album sheet with glued strings (bright, thick). Sketchbooks, colored pencils (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. Consider with children Balloons decorating kindergarten to the top school year; in the process of considering, offer to circle the balls with your finger or with the whole palm: with one hand, then with the other hand. To draw the attention of the children to the strings with which the balls are tied; ask: "What color are the balls?" If children find it difficult to answer, name the colors; ask them to repeat the names of the colors so that the guys remember them.

Lesson 7. Modeling "Different colored crayons" ("Bread straw")

Software content. Exercise in sculpting sticks by rolling clay with straight palms. Learn to work carefully with clay, plasticine; put sculpted items and excess clay on the board. To develop a desire to sculpt, to rejoice at what has been created.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show the children a bread straw (colored crayons), examine it.

Invite the children to remember how they used to sculpt sticks (sweets), and show with their hands in the air how to roll the clay. If necessary, use an individual display.

Consider all sticks sculpted by children, offer to name their shape, note that the sticks are long and even.


Lesson 8. Drawing "Beautiful ladders"

Software content. Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; carry them straight without stopping. Learn to draw paint on a brush, dip it with all the nap in the paint; remove the excess drop by touching the edge of the jar with a pile; rinse the brush in water, dry it with a light touch on a cloth to pick up paint of a different color. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Remind the children that they saw the ladders on the site during a walk, in the hall during physical education... If possible, consider the ladders for climbing with the guys, pay attention to how bright and beautiful they are.

Tell the children that they will draw beautiful ladders today. Invite them to show the direction of the ladder lines with their hands in the air. Show on a sheet of paper, pinned to the board, how to draw lines together with the entire nap of the brush. Call one of the guys to the board and ask them to draw a ladder. Then show the children how to rinse the brush, dry it on a cloth and only then draw another paint.

Put the finished drawings on the board (on the table), examine them with the children. When viewing works, emphasize beautiful color combinations.

Materials. 1/2 landscape paper (or A4 size); gouache paints of four colors (on different tables, paints of two colors in different combinations, beautifully combined), cans of water, brushes, paints (for each child).


Vlad K., 2nd junior group

Connection with other occupations and activities. Examine ladders with children on the site, in the gym. Pay attention to the flat bases of the ladder, steps. Include hand movements along parts of the ladder in the viewing process, while emphasizing that they are straight, even.

Option. Drawing "Beautiful striped rug"

Software content. Teach children to draw lines from left to right, brush continuously along the pile; draw paint on a brush, rinse the brush thoroughly; draw with another paint carefully, without going to the places where it has already been painted. Develop color perception, consolidate knowledge of colors.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Attach 3-4 striped (two-color) rugs to the board or large sheet of paper. Draw the attention of children to the direction of the stripes. Remove sample rugs.

Show the children the techniques for drawing a striped rug: first, draw strips of the same color from left to right, at a short distance from each other (emphasize the fusion of movement, timely dipping the brush in paint), then rinse the brush well, dry it on a cloth, dip it in another paint and draw stripes a different color between the stripes already drawn.

At the end of the lesson, consider all the drawings, note the variety of color combinations, say that the rugs turned out to be very beautiful.

Admire the works together with the guys. You can arrange pictures nicely by color.

Materials. 3-4 striped two-tone rugs. Square-shaped sheets of paper; gouache paints (two different, well-combined paints for each table); jars of water, brushes, rags (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. Clarify children's knowledge of colors in didactic games. Consider beautiful striped fabrics, paths, handkerchiefs.

Lesson 9. Modeling "Bagels" ("Bagels")

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with clay, teach how to roll a clay stick into a ring (connect the ends, pressing them tightly together). Strengthen the ability to roll clay with straight movements, sculpt neatly. Develop imaginative perception. Create a sense of joy from the images you create.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Consider a bagel with the children. Asking: "What shape is the donut?"

Invite all the guys to show in the air with their hand (one, then the other) the shape of a donut. Offer them to make the same bagels.

Call one of the children to the board and offer to show how to first mold a large thick sausage, then roll it into a ring and fasten the two ends, pressing them tightly to each other. Invite children to get to work. During the lesson, pay attention to the modeling techniques that children use.

For those guys who quickly cope with the task, give additional lumps of clay so that they can mold one more bagel each.

At the end of the lesson, put all the fashioned products on a common board, examine; draw the attention of children to bagels of different sizes.

Materials. Small lumps of clay, boards (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. Collect sticks on the site, examine them, draw the attention of children to the fact that the sticks are long, even. Consider rings, steering wheels with the guys.

Lesson 10. Application "Balls are rolling on the track"

(Option "Vegetables (fruits) are on a round tray")

Software content. To acquaint children with round objects. Encourage you to trace the shape along the contour with the fingers of one and the other hand, calling it (round ball (apple, tangerine, etc.)). Learn the techniques of gluing (spread glue on the back of the part, take a little glue on the brush, work on an oilcloth, press the image to the paper with a napkin and the whole palm).

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show the children the "track" (paper strip), roll the balls along it. Then consider the finished strip with glued circles with the guys.


(2nd junior group)


Nastya Sh. (2nd junior group)

Nikita T.

(2nd junior group)


Karina R. (2nd junior group)

OUR LEGS WALKING ON A Smooth Path Vlad D. (2nd junior group)

Natasha M. (2nd junior group)

Lena K. (2nd junior group)


Misha S. (2nd junior group)


Olya Sh. (2nd junior group)


Ksenia L. (2nd junior group)

Fancy Christmas tree

Misha A. (2nd junior group)

Dandelions in herb

Veronica P. (2nd junior group)


Polina K. (2nd junior group)


Natasha K. (2nd junior group)


Tanya N. (2nd junior group)

Show the children the gluing techniques: put the circles with the colored side down on the oilcloth, dip the brush in a jar of glue. Remove the extra drop of glue on the edge of the jar and, holding the circle with the finger of your free hand, spread it with glue. Then put the brush on the stand, gently take the circle with the fingers of both hands and put it with glue down on a strip of paper, cover with a napkin and press on top with your palm so that it sticks well. Glue other circles in the same way. This is not very easy for children: there is insufficient coordination of finger movements, therefore, during the lesson, it is important to monitor whether the kids are acting correctly.

At the end of the lesson, put all the work on the board in a long strip. To draw the attention of the children to how many beautiful balls are rolling along a long path.

Materials. Strips of white paper 15x6 cm, paper mugs of different colors on different tables (diameter 4 cm), glue, glue brushes, oilcloths (for each child). (Or apples, oranges, plums and other fruits (vegetables) cut out of paper by the teacher; paper plates (15-18 cm in diameter) or a dish (30-40 cm in diameter) to create a collective composition.)

Connection with other occupations and activities. Games with didactic toys. Acquaintance with round objects of different colors. Modeling of objects of a round shape.

Lesson 11. Drawing "Colorful carpet of leaves"

Software content. Develop aesthetic perception, form figurative representations. Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip it into the paint with all the nap, remove the extra drop on the edge of the jar. Learn to draw leaves by applying a brush nap to paper.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Remind children that autumn has come. Ask what changes in nature the children noticed on walks, on the way home and to kindergarten; what the trees have become. To say: “The multicolored leaves are cut off by the autumn wind. They whirl and fall to the ground, a beautiful multi-colored carpet forms on the ground. "

Invite the children to look at beautiful autumn leaves of a simple shape, trace them along the contour with one hand, then with the other hand, name their color. Then invite them to take brushes; check if the children are holding their brushes correctly and, if necessary, correct.

Ask: "Who wants to show how you can draw many leaves flying and falling to the ground?" Call one child to the board and, taking his hand with a brush in your hand, dip the brush in paint and, applying it with all the nap to the paper, depict flying leaves.

Put the finished drawings on the board, admire them. Tell the children: “How many leaves spun, flew! Let's sing an autumn song! "

Materials. Autumn leaves of trees. 1/2 landscape sheet paper, gouache paints (yellow, red), cans of water, brushes (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. To acquaint children with autumn phenomena (the leaves turn yellow, turn red and fall to the ground; the weather changes, it becomes cloudy and rainy; people pick vegetables and fruits). Consider the colorful carpet of leaves while walking. Read poems about autumn to children.

Lesson 12. Drawing "Colored balls"

Software content. Teach children to draw solid lines in a circular motion without lifting the pencil (felt-tip pen) from the paper; hold the pencil correctly; use pencils of different colors in the drawing process. To draw the attention of children to the beauty of colorful images.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show the children how the threads are wound into a ball. Then invite them to show the movement of the hands in the air, performed when winding the thread, and then draw a ball.

Call 2-3 children to the board and invite them to show them how to draw, starting with a small circle and gradually increasing the circles, without lifting the pencil (felt-tip pen) from the paper. Invite the children, first with one hand and then with the other hand with a pencil, to show the corresponding movement in the air, starting with a small circle and gradually expanding the circular movement.

Invite the children to start drawing. Encourage drawing of multiple glomeruli of different colors.

Consider the finished drawings, draw the attention of the children to how many balls of different colors they drew.

Materials. A ball of thread. Colored pencils or crayons, felt-tip pens, album sheets (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. To acquaint children with round objects of different colors in the process of playing. By-

talk with the guys about how the hats and scarves they wear can be knitted from threads; show balls of thread. Asking: "Which of you grandmother or mom knows how to knit?" Show how the threads are wound into a ball to make it easier to knit. Let the children wind the threads on the ball themselves (in turn) in their free time; to draw their attention to the movements of the hands, performed at the same time; then offer to show in the air how the threads are wound on a ball.

"Colored balls"

Vika K., 2nd junior group

Lesson 13. Application "Large and small apples on a plate"

Software content. Teach children to stick round objects. To consolidate ideas about the difference in size of objects. Reinforce the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on a brush and apply it to the entire surface of the mold).

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show children large and small round apples, clarify ideas about their size. To draw the attention of the children to the circles cut out of white paper - the plates on which the apples will lie.

Invite the children to stick large and small apples on the plates. To say that first you need to arrange all the apples (circles) in order (large - small) on a plate and see if they are beautifully laid out.

Invite children to start gluing. Ask how to apply correctly and accurately.

Materials. The apples are big and small. Circles-plates cut out of white paper (diameter 15-18 cm), paper circles of the same color (green, yellow or red) (diameter 3 cm and 2 cm) glue brushes, napkins (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. In games, on walks, draw the attention of children to different sizes of objects of the same shape. Games with large and small balls and balls, disassembling and collecting pyramids from rings, balls of different sizes. In the process of games, invite children to circle the balls and balls along the contour with one hand, then with the other hand.


  1. Strengthen the skills of handling plasticine, roughly divide the plasticine into equal pieces, select a color scheme for the craft
  2. To consolidate the ability to roll round objects, roll thin flagella, decorate plasticine molding with a stack.
  3. Sculpt small parts of the product and make a single whole from them (make balls from separate fragments - balls or flagella).
  4. Develop speech, be able to retell the literary text and your impressions of the work you heard.
  5. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end, to evoke an emotional response to your work and the work of other children.
  6. Train in a dodge run.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak "My cheerful ringing ball»;
  • talk about team sports "Basketball", "Volleyball", "Football";
  • examining balls for these sports and comparing them;
  • mini-museum "Ball".


  • cardboard with a pasted picture "child";
  • boards for modeling;
  • stacks;
  • a set of plasticine (preferably 10-12 colors) so that children have a freer choice of colors;
  • hand wipes;
  • massage balls, football, basketball;
  • fitball - for playing the game at the end of the lesson.

Modeling lesson in the middle group, children 4-5 years old "My cheerful ringing ball"

Course of the lesson:

Educator: I swing the ball, swing, I want to call you to play. The teacher rolls the ball from child to child, concentrates attention at the beginning of the lesson. Do you guys like to play ball?
Children: Yes.

Educator: Do we use the same ball for all games?
Children: No. You need different balls for different games.

Educator: What kind of balls are there (specify by name and size)
Children: volleyball, basketball, massage ...

Educator: My friend Vitya wrote me a letter and sent me his photograph. I also know that the boy's favorite toy is balls. Vitya came to visit his grandmother, but he forgot his balls at home and he has absolutely nothing to play with. Let's help Vitya? Let's blind plasticine balls for Viti.
Children sit down at the tables.

Educator: In front of you on the table are cards with a photo of Viti, next to his image we will sculpt balls.

Educator: First, we need to prepare the fingers for sculpting. We will do finger gymnastics with you.


Antoshka has toys:
Here is a funny frog.
Here is an iron car.
It's a ball. It's made of rubber.
Multi-colored matryoshka
And with a fluffy cat tail.

Educator: Today we will sculpt balls in different ways: we will make the first ball look like a massage ball using a stack, the second ball - from multi-colored plasticine flagella, and the third - from plasticine balls.

Lesson summary

What were we doing today? What sculpting methods did we use? Discussion of works

Now that our balls are ready, we can play with the ball. What ball game did we play?

Children: My cheerful ringing ball ...

The game is played 2-3 times

Synopsis of direct educational activities
Nefteyugansk District Municipal Educational Budgetary
institutions "Singaporean secondary school"
Olga V. Glushkova
Topic: "Big and small balls" (application) open.
Group: 34 years old
Duration: 15 minutes
Venue: group room
Date: 01.12.2017
Purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of gluing.
learn to lay out ready-made figures on the background and glue them, applying glue on
paper not from colored, but from the back side, press the part tightly against the paper;
develop practical skills and abilities, fine motor skills hands, eye;
mental processes;
educate accuracy in work; desire to help a friend.
Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication,
safety, knowledge, physical education.
Preliminary work: ball games while walking; reading the poem "My
cheerful ringing ball "; drawing "Big and small balls" (free from
Gcd time).
demo sample, equipment for display, image of a gnome;
handout sheet with background; preparation of balls for work; equipment for
applications; balls by the number of children.
Introduction to the game situation.
The foxes with the background lie on the tables in front of the children, colored side down.
Do you guys like to play? (Yes)
Do you want to play now? (Yes)
Before we start the game, let's agree on how we will play: everyone must
participate in the game, play together, let each other tell.
Do you guys like fairy tales? (Yes)
Then listen to my tale.

(Work with
didactic manual "Shall we play?"). In this fairy forest there were different
trees, flowers, little bunnies, bears, squirrels, birds and others lived
fabulous forest dwellers. But the most important inhabitants of this magical
the woods were little gnomes who never hurt anyone, with
they worked with pleasure, played and had fun. But there was one gnome in this forest -
his name was Ay, who differed from others in that his work did not work
In one fairy land, there was a small, magical forest.

as good as his friends. Because of this, the dwarf Ai was upset and sick. AND
then friends decided to help him. Upon learning that our group is called
"Bees" and that all the kids are very friendly, cheerful, they decided to send
gnome Ay to study with us. Dwarf Ay gladly agreed and now he is at
visiting us.
Say hello to the dwarf Ai. (Display the image of a gnome. A little
consider a gnome with children).
Are you ready to help our new friend?
Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and as in a fairy tale the gnome Ai will come to
to each of you. (Remove the image of the gnome)
Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you, you see our new friend there,
gnome Ay? (Yes)
Hand gymnastics "Magic glasses":
In order to see our new friend the gnome as best as possible. Ay, I suggest you
make such magic glasses out of the fingers and examine the gnome through them.
(Children make rings from their fingers, lean them against their eyes, and examine
image through "magic glasses")
Gnome Ai loves to have fun, walk and roll different balls along the path.
Guys, it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. What do you think,
why? (The gnome has no balls, he has nothing to play)
What to do then? How can we cheer him up? (Give him balls)
Motivational game with the creation of a problem situation:
You have balls on your plates. What size are they?
Take them and put them on the path: first the largest, then the smallest.
But suddenly the wind blew, and the balls rolled off the track. What to do, because in
It is not convenient for the gnome to play with grass.
Finding a way out of a problem situation:
We'll have to stop playing.
What can you do to keep the balls from rolling off the track into the grass? (Necessary
glue the balls on the track)
Step-by-step work of children together with a teacher:
Let's help the gnome Ai together with me and stick the balls on the track.
Take the largest ball and place it white side up. Take
brush, dip it into a jar of glue, remove excess glue on the edge of the jar and
Spread glue on the white side of the ball like this - from the middle to the edges. Then
place the brush on the stand. Take the ball with both hands and stick it

on the track, blot excess glue with a napkin. This is how you and I glued
the biggest ball on the track.
During work, do not wave the brush to the sides, otherwise you can do
hurt your friend; if you get your fingers stained with glue, do not put them in your mouth, but
wipe with a napkin. After work, you will need to wash your hands.
Now glue the remaining balls onto the track yourself.
Independent work of children.
In the process of independent work of children, the educator makes sure that
children used the applique equipment correctly; of necessity
helps those children who have difficulties in work.
Physical education:
I'll take
The ball is big
I will raise
Over your head,
Arch my back
I'll throw the ball.
Summing up:
Who did you meet today? (With the gnome Ay)
What does the dwarf Ai like to play? (Into balls)
What balls did you give the gnome? (Big and small)
Did you like the game? What did you like the most?
You all did your best, the gnome Ai says thank you and will be very glad to meet with
you again.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the development of speech and application for the second junior group

"Balls for a kitty"

Software content: continue to introduce children to pets. Clarify children's ideas about appearance animal, its habits, enrich and activate the dictionary at the expense of the words fluffy, soft, paws, laps. To develop the ability to distinguish and name the shape (round), size (large, small) quantity (one is many). Basic colors (red, yellow, blue, green). Encourage you to trace the shape around the contour with your fingers, calling it a round ball. Learn the techniques of gluing (glue the back of the part with glue, take a little glue on the brush, work on an oilcloth, press the image with a napkin).

Materials: Live object cat. Toy ball. Sheets of white paper. Squares of colored paper (primary colors), scissors for parents.

Glue, glue brushes, napkins for children.

The course of the lesson.

Children enter the hall. They get up near the benches.

Our mothers' children came today to see us how great we have become, how we can answer.

Let's say hello to them, wave a pen.

Children sit on benches

A knock on the door brings in a basket with a cat.

Oh guys who came to visit us want to see? But first, guess the riddle:

Soft paws, and there are scratches in the paws.

That's right guys this is a cat.

I will take the cat in my arms and stroke it so that it is not scared. See how I stroke her: I start from the head and stroke towards the ponytail. Why am I stroking her that way? Animals like to be stroked over the coat, not against the coat. The cat's name is Snowball.

Now, guys, let’s pet the cat. Look what her fur is soft, fluffy (children repeat choral and individual answers).

Guys, let's look at a cat. What body parts does she have?

The teacher points to the torso (what is this?) - the torso is correct.

And what's that? (correct head) And what is on the head (children's answers, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, mustache).

And what's that? (children's paws are chorus and individual answers).

And what's that? (right tail).

Guys, and what is the body of the cat covered with (wool).

What color is the cat's coat? (correct white)

Guys, is a cat a pet or a wild one? (correctly homemade).

And what benefits does a cat bring to people, how does it help? (catches mice correctly).

Guys, what is the name of the baby cat? (right kitten).

Let's scream like a big cat, and now like a small one. Well done guys.

Oh guys, Snow is telling me something. It turns out that she needs to go, the kittens are waiting for her, and she also asks to make toys balls for her kittens.

Children, shall we make gifts for the kittens? (Yes).

Let's let the cat go and say goodbye.

Phys. minute outdoor game "Cats and Mice".

Pussy-pussy-pussy-scatter (with movements).

Part 2.
Guys, now let's sit on the chairs near the mothers.

Look what I have? (the ball is correct).

What shape is it? (round choral and individual responses).

What colour? (correct yellow).

Now mothers will cut off by rounding the corners and make multi-colored balls.

And the guys will glue them on a sheet of paper.

Smear the reverse side with glue, glue, smooth, remove excess glue with a napkin (show by the teacher).

These are the balls we got!

Pick up the leaves from which red balls, etc. (children show their work).

Now let's put the balls on the tray.

The teacher shows a toy ball. Asks how many balls I have (one is correct).

And how many on the tray (right a lot).

Well done guys all tried to make beautiful balls the kittens will love them very much.

Guys and the cat Snowball also brought you a treat. Distribution of refreshments.


Form stable ideas about size (large-small), quantity (one-many), location in space (top-bottom), colors (red, blue).
To continue teaching to listen and emotionally perceive the content of the poems (A. Barto "Ball").
Develop memory, a sense of rhythm, fine and general motor skills, an eye, coordination of movements.


Balls different sizes and flowers, including tennis, massage, fitballs.
A wonderful bag filled with small balls.
Building material, doll, handkerchiefs.
Basket (basketball or trash).
Magnets in the form of multi-colored circles.
Musical hammers.
Corrective track, "pipe" for climbing.
Sorter ball.
Salted dough, leaf with red and blue circles painted on it.
Drawing with a clown and whites with circles for balls, red and blue balls made of soft cardboard, glue stick.
Semolina on trays, wine corks.
Audio recordings of songs Cheerful ball"," My funny ball ".

Course of the lesson:

This is me greeting

These are the eyes. Here. Here.
These are ears. Here. Here.
This is the nose. This is the mouth.
There is a back.
There is a stomach.
These are pens. Clap. Clap.
These are the legs. Top. Top.
Oh, tired. Wipe your forehead.

Surprise moment "Wonderful bag"

Here is our wonderful bag prepared interesting toys for you. Put your hand in the bag, take it out and find out what it is.

Children take out balls. Examine them: lungs, ball shape, roll.

Didactic game "Where the ball is hidden"

The teacher lays out a ball and a cube in front of the child, then covers them with handkerchiefs. Where is the ball hidden? Find him, take off his handkerchief.

Construction-constructive game "Build a gate"

In front of the children, two bars are laid out parallel to each other, and the child must put a third bar across from above, so that a gate is obtained.

Didactic exercise "Roll the ball into the goal"

Push the ball so that it rolls through the gate. The child pushes the ball on one side and the parent catches on the other. Then the parent rolls the ball, and the child tries to catch it.

Didactic exercise "Find a place for the ball"

Children place round multi-colored ball magnets at the request of the teacher on the magnetic board.
Place the ball in the middle, edge, top, bottom.

Dynamic pause "My fun ball"

To the song of the same name, children walk along the corrective paths, climb into the "pipe", rolling the ball in front of them.

Application "Clown with balls"

The clown lost his balls. Collect them and put them back in place. Now you can spread the balls with glue and stick to the picture.

Finished work.

Preparation for the lesson.

Didactic game "Big and small balls"

We have balls. The balls are different. Here is a big ball, and here is a small ball.
Place the large balls in the large basket and the small balls in the small basket.

Outdoor game "Hit the ring"

Children try to hit the low basketball basket with the ball.

Dynamic pause "Girls and boys"

Girls and boys,
Clap, clap, clap.
They jump like balls
Jump, jump, jump.
They stomp with their feet:
Top, top, top!
They laugh merrily:
Ha, ha, ha!
The ball bounces up.
Who will jump the highest?
Hush, hush, the ball is tired
The ball stopped jumping.
The ball rolled into place,
Well, we sit down at the table.

Reading and dramatization of A. Barto's poem "The Ball"

Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanya, don't cry:
The ball will not sink in the river.

Children are invited to feel sorry for Tanya (pat on the head, give her your ball with the words "on", "take")

Ball Sorter Game

Children insert figures into the corresponding holes on the sorter ball.

Palms massage "I roll circles with a ball"

I roll the ball in circles
(between palms in a circle)

I chase him back and forth,
(movement up and down)

I will stroke my palm with it,
And then I'll squeeze it a little.
I will press the ball with each finger
And I'll start with the other hand.
Now for the last trick -
The ball flies between the hands
(throwing the ball from hand to hand).

Modeling "Balls red and blue"

Children sculpt balls from salted red and blue dough, press them with their palm to make cakes. Circles are cut out of them with a mold and applied to cardboard with a blue and red circle drawn. Press with a palm on top and decorate (leave impressions with the end of a pencil).

The game "We hit the ball with our palm"

We hit the ball with our palm
Friendly, fun, together.
Ball - ball, my friend
Voiced, voiced, voiced side.
We hit the ball with our palm
Friendly, fun, together.

A child stands in front of an adult (or sits on his lap). Singing a song, we help to rhythmically "beat with a palm" on the ball.

I throw the ball and catch
I like to play with the ball
Ball, mommy, don't hide
Throw the ball back to me
I throw the ball and catch
I like to play with the ball.
We play ball.
(throw to friend-friend)

Drawing "Many balls"

On a tray with semolina, the teacher draws a circle-ball with a wine cork. How many balls have I drawn? One ball. Draw a lot of balls.

Breathing exercise "Blow on the ball"

Balls are different. This ball is small and light. Blow on it - it will roll. Because it is very lightweight.

Musical and rhythmic exercise "Cheerful ball"

Children listen to music and beat the rhythm with musical hammers.

Exercises on a large ball

To relieve excitement, parents swing their children on fitball balls.

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