Exercises for fine motor skills of hands. Fine motor skills of hands in adults exercises

In modern pedagogy, much attention is paid to the development fine motor skills. Systematic fine motor skills lessons have a positive effect on the overall development of the child. In addition, today children especially need such games, as they are less and less faced with the opportunity to train the dexterity of their fingers in everyday life. For the same reason, experts advise parents to give children the opportunity to dress themselves and fasten various fasteners, help their mothers with cleaning, start holding a spoon on their own as early as possible and develop self-care skills.

A few tips for parents to make fine motor skills more effective:

  • to interest the baby, turn classes into a fun game, involve fairy-tale characters in your game, come up with stories, a plot for games;
  • start with simple, gradually moving to more complex tasks;
  • but remember: if the child easily copes with the exercise, do not dwell on it, move on to the next games;
  • it is also worth paying attention to those tasks that the child does not succeed in, and then move on to new games;
  • everything that a child can do about housework and self-care - best exercises for the development of fine motor skills;
  • the exercises themselves do not develop the speech and thinking of the child if the parent is not involved in the process and does not communicate with the child. Try to select for the child new and interesting tasks for him, something new and unusual for him, which he has not yet encountered;
  • games should be short, but regular.

Ideas for activities and games to develop fine motor skills

Stringing rings on a rod. It can be a classic pyramid, or maybe just such an impromptu game. You can use a box with old discs.

Such exercises train well the tweezer grip and the grip of an object with three fingers.

Sorting of any small items. First, it is better with fingers, then with tweezers.

You can take an ordinary medical pear or a plastic bottle. A jet of air can blow off cotton pads, leaves, paper snowflakes, etc.

Oversleeping and transfusions perfectly train manual dexterity and coordination of movements.

Paper games: tear into small pieces, stripes, just crumple. You can lay out various shapes or letters and numbers.

Frames with various fasteners.


Work with plasticine or dough: knead with hands, sculpt figures, press objects into plasticine. You can see more details here “?”

Cutting lines, shapes and embroidery.

Reading 14 min.

Researchers have confirmed the close connection between the development of the muscles of the child's hand and the development of his speech and thinking. High level The formation of fine motor skills of children's fingers provides a sufficient level of memory, attention and prepares the hand for writing.

Fine motor skills of the hands are associated with the development of the left temporal and left frontal areas of the brain, which are responsible for the formation of many mental functions.

V. Sukhomlinsky rightly stated: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." The hand gives rise to the development of thinking. In the process of activity, the muscles of the hands perform three main functions: organs of movement, organs of cognition, energy accumulators (both for the muscles themselves and for other organs).

If a child touches a certain object, then the muscles and skin of the hands at that time “teach” the eyes and brain to see, touch, distinguish, remember.

The hand cognizes, and the brain captures sensation and perception, combining them with visual, auditory and olfactory into complex integrated images and representations.

The process of mental development occurs under the condition of high physical activity of children. With regular cross movements, a large number of nerve fibers are formed that connect the hemispheres of the brain and contribute to the development of higher mental functions.

For the development of interhemispheric interaction, you can perform exercises involving the muscles of the hands.

What is necessary for the development of motor skills and speech

The level of speech development depends on the degree of formation of small movements of the fingers. Based on the examination of children, a pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within the normal range, if the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be normal and even higher than normal.

Training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating the speech development of the child, contributing to the improvement of articulation movements, preparing the hand for writing, which is no less important, is a powerful tool that stimulates the performance of the cerebral cortex, and therefore the development of the child's thinking.

Age features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands

There are certain age features development of fine motor skills of the hands:

1-2 years. The child holds two objects in one hand; draws with a pencil, turns the pages of a book. Places 2 to 6 dice on top of each other.

2-3 years. Opens the drawer and topples its contents. Plays with sand and clay. Opens lids, uses scissors, paints with a finger. Strings beads.

3-4 years. Holds pencil with fingers, copies shapes with a few strokes. Collects and builds buildings from 9 cubes.

4-5 years. Draws with pencils or crayons. Builds buildings with more than 9 cubes. Folds paper more than 1 time. Identifies objects in a bag by touch, molds from plasticine (from 2 to 3 parts), laces up shoes.

finger games

Finger games will help children:

  • make a breakthrough in the development of speech - improve pronunciation and enrich vocabulary;
  • prepare your hand for writing;
  • develop attention, patience, the so-called internal brake - the ability to restrain yourself exactly when it is needed;
  • stimulate imagination, show creativity;
  • learn to control your body, feel confident in the system of "body coordinates", which will eliminate the possibility of neurosis.

Period from 2 to 3 years

The period from 2 to 3 years is an extremely important stage in the life of a child, in particular, in intellectual and cognitive development.

As you know, the organ of thinking, the organ of all human mental activity is the brain. In the process of child development, when brain cells grow, their formation, when nerve fibers grow rapidly - the pathways that connect the brain with the sense organs and muscles, during the contraction of which various movements occur, the increase in brain mass is of great importance.

The most intensive increase in the brain in the early and younger to school age indicates that it is at this time that children develop especially quickly. Indeed, how much knowledge and skills a child acquires during the first three years of his life!

He learns to look and listen, talk, grasp objects and act with them, stand, walk, run, jump, go down and up stairs. And the child masters numerous skills - to use a spoon, brush, pencil and many other items.

The memory of the child is enriched with a huge amount of knowledge about colors and sounds, about the phenomena and objects of nature, the properties of various objects and products of people's labor. The kid learns space and time, masters speech, learns to communicate with adults and peers, learns the basic rules of behavior.

Conditions and organization of children's activities

For the full development of the baby and for the development of the child's motor skills, the conditions and organization of the child's activities are essential. In this regard, children's toys play a significant role. They should be varied, bright, interesting.

Children improve motor coordination and vision, learn to concentrate their attention largely thanks to toys: kids choose toys for themselves to play on their own, perform various actions with them, including at the request of an adult.

This contributes to the development and improvement of speech and thinking of children.

In games - classes, an adult introduces the child to objects, their features and characteristics, teaches them to act with them and name them.

The game is an amazing activity that many scientists have worked on studying. Despite the fact that the game does seem to be quite a free pastime, it is an extremely valuable activity for children.

In the life of a baby, play is of extreme importance, which cannot be compared with anything. A child who does not play cannot develop well and quickly.

Games in kindergarten and at home

In a preschool, children usually have a place and time to play. These necessary for the mental development of the baby in speech should be taken care of by the parents of the child at home. It is useful when a father or mother encourages the child to play, tell and show him exactly how to play with a particular toy.

The game is a kind of school of life and a path to the development of children's creativity, independence, the acquisition of communication skills, and the like.

Listening to poems and fairy tales, the child learns a lot of new and interesting things about the world around him, trees and flowers, people and animals, fantastic heroes, their amazing adventures, and so on.

Naturally, 2-3-year-old kids cannot immediately understand what an adult told them about. Therefore, children often require repeated repetition of the same fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes, songs, poems.

This repetition plays important role: it gives the child the opportunity to think about the plot of what he heard. If a child is offered more and more new books, from childhood he gets used to a superficial acquaintance with them.

The main thing is that the child learns to understand what he has heard. To do this, it is important to ask questions: what (or whom) is the rhyme or fairy tale about?

Sometimes, after reading, it is useful for an adult to ask a child: who did we read about today?”, “What did he do?”, “What happened to him?”, “How did the fairy tale end?” questions like these make the child think about what they have read.

Similar work can be carried out on pictures, when children look at illustrations in books or individual pictures with a certain plot. Junior child preschool age it is advisable to ask: “What is this?”, “What is drawn here?”.

An important means of not only understanding the world around us, but also the communication of children with each other is the assimilation of speech. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in the child not only his understanding of adult speech (passive speech), but also his own, active conversational speech.

There are many opportunities for adults to do this. It is imperative to monitor the purity of children's speech, the correct use of words by the child and the construction of sentences.

Means for the development of motor skills

It is equally important to worry about the development of fine motor skills, which are improved in a variety of activities - drawing, coloring, modeling, and the like.

The hand for a child is an organ not only of labor, but also of knowledge. Parents often stop the baby, forbidding him to touch unnecessary, in their opinion, things. And absolutely in vain!

After all, in this way they retard his mental development, since a child cannot yet understand much only on the basis of his own judgment. This role of physical action persists for many years and is manifested in work with new and unfamiliar objects for the child. It has been established that intellectual action is gradually formed only on the basis of practical action.

The mental development of a preschool child occurs and improves in a variety of games and activities, creative and educational. The kid, with the necessary help from adults, learns to observe and gets a lot of vivid impressions about the world around him, gradually acquiring the ability to practically act and comprehend what he sees and hears thanks to the mastery of speech.

If at the same time the child also learns the basic rules of behavior, communication skills, the ability to handle things, we can say that she is usefully going through this period of her life.

How is motor skills related to speech?

One of the indicators of a child’s readiness for schooling is the level of development of fine motor skills, because the level of speech development directly depends on how well the fine movements of the fingers are formed.

As domestic scientists have revealed, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then speech development is within the age norm. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then the development of the motor side of speech is also delayed, although general motor skills may correspond to the norm.

Unfortunately, not all parents are aware of this interdependence, and therefore often lose the opportunity to help the child avoid problems in speech development in time.

Motility problems

Many parents understand the need for the development of the baby from birth and are very interested in working with children. But in order for the classes to be effective, and the baby to enjoy them, they should always be interesting, fun and must be appropriate for the age of the baby.

Each of us had to meet children of four or five years old who hold a spoon in their fist, do not know how to properly hold a brush or pencil, use scissors, sometimes they cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes, tie a scarf and the like.

It's no secret that some parents find it easier to put their child in front of a TV or at a computer by turning on a full-length cartoon or putting the game on for an hour so that the child does not distract from talking on the phone with a friend or other adult activities.

Only a few parents admit the fact that it is difficult for them to calmly wait until their child laces up his shoes on his own, fastens all the small buttons on his shirt, finishes his porridge and the like.

Therefore, instead of shoes with laces, they buy Velcro shoes, instead of a shirt - a sweater with a zipper, they feed the child themselves in order to free up time for other things. Few parents think about the fact that such time saving deprives their child of the opportunity to develop finger movements, and, consequently, improve the quality of broadcasting.

The effect of fine motor skills on a child's ability to learn

The results of research by scientists, the practical experience of defectologists, speech therapists indicate that in recent times in children, the level of development of fine movements of the fingers has noticeably decreased and, unfortunately, the number of children with delayed speech and mental development has increased.

Experts have found that in most children with general underdevelopment of speech, the fingers are inactive, their movements are inaccurate, inconsistent, uncoordinated. It is difficult for such children to switch from performing one movement to another.

Unfortunately, parents learn about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child only during the period of preparing the child for school or already at school age, when the child begins to lag behind his peers during his studies and does not keep up with the program.

At the same time, the load on the child increases significantly, because, in addition to assimilating new information, one also has to learn to hold the pen in naughty fingers. But such problems can be prevented if a lag in the development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child is detected in time. With properly planned corrective work, you can correct the situation even at preschool age.

Fine motor skills as a factor in the elimination of speech disorders

It is worth remembering that the speech areas in the cerebral cortex are formed under the influence of an increase in impulses that intensely come from the fingers.

Fine motor skills are directly related to speech and affect not only its development, but also help to prevent and eliminate possible speech disorders.

In addition, it directly affects the child's ability to learn - the "smarter" the hands, the smarter the baby. It's all in the brain. Or rather, in the centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and speech.

These centers are located very close to each other. Thus, by developing fine motor skills, we thereby stimulate the corresponding parts of the brain, and activate neighboring parts responsible for speech.

According to the doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education M. Koltsova, there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech.

The importance of early age for the development of motor skills of the future personality

Hands are a thin instrument, and they are “tuned” for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to start work on the development of baby hand movements from birth. After all, a child at the age of an infant, and especially at an early age, has a huge potential for the formation of a future personality, in particular its intellectual development.

It is at an early age that a baby can gain a lot, but also lose a lot. It should be noted that the losses of this period are more difficult to compensate with age, and the gains remain for life.

Do not forget that it is in the first three years of life that the brain develops most intensively: by seven months, the child's brain doubles, at one and a half years - three, and up to three years it is already 3/4 of the mass of the brain of an adult.

Effective conditions for the development of motor skills in preschool children

It is necessary to use all fingers on both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation movements must be combined. Exercises should be based on the use of isolated movements of each finger.

For the development of motor skills of the child's hands, it is important to train both hands. It is also important in games to develop subtle movements of the fingers of both hands, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The value of games for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Games and exercises for the development of motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of its interaction with lower structures.

At the same time, attention, memory, auditory and visual perception improve in children, perseverance, playing and educational and practical activities are formed.

Systematic exercises also help to develop the skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements not only under visual control, but also with the participation of touch, tactile-motor sensations.

Games from improvised materials

To strengthen and develop the child's hand, coordination of movements are recommended various exercises and actions with objects:

Lacing game

You can buy a ready-made “lacing”, or you can make it yourself. I am sure that the child will play with even greater pleasure if the father or mother makes the basis on their own, especially for him. You will need a piece of linoleum, plywood, plastic, etc. with holes made and lace.

Fasteners game

Fastening of buttons, buttons, flypapers, snakes. You need fabric, buttons and thread.

Laying out, sorting out the bones

You need: a plate, bones, preferably different (for example, from apricots, peaches, cherries). But if the child is still small, it is better to take large bones.

Creating a necklace from buttons, straw particles, large beads

To develop motor skills by creating a necklace, you will need: lace, buttons with large holes, several multi-colored straws for a cocktail (cut into pieces 1-3 cm long), beads, scissors.

Clothespin games

You will need clothespins and cardboard.

Unscrewing and screwing caps

You will need necks and caps from plastic bottles, a shoe box, glue.

Twisting tapes

Magic bag game

Guessing objects by touch. You will need a bag with a variety of small toys and objects.

Pencil rolling

Rolling a pencil or pen in the palms helps to stimulate biologically active points, tones the body as a whole.

Stroke stencils

To develop motor skills in this game, you will need a plastic bottle with a flat wall (a shampoo bottle will do), scissors.

Applications from cereals

For the development of motor skills through the application, you will need: cardboard, plasticine, glue, cereals, seeds, pasta and the like.

Transferring seeds, chestnuts, cereals, beans, shells, coins, etc. from one container to another.

Need: two or more bowls (you can use one plastic and the other metal, then we also develop hearing), “loose”. To complicate it, you can combine all the "loose" and ask the child to decompose them into different containers.

Drawing on sand or semolina

What you need: a flat plate or tray, semolina or sand.

Finger painting

Needed: paper, you can blank for coloring, finger paints, water, wet wipes.

Salt dough molding

Needed: salt dough (can be multi-colored), rolling pin, various molds for squeezing.

Each of these techniques for the development of motor skills is also aimed at the comprehensive development of the child: his musculoskeletal system, sensory sensitivity, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention, psychoregulation skills.

Enjoy your games and communication!

Training and development of fine motor skills of hands in children of 6-7 years old is one of the most important areas of pedagogical work, which must be systematically carried out by adults. The period of preparation for school imposes special requirements on future students, one of which is accuracy, dexterity of micro-finger movements. This skill is necessary for the successful development of writing, and it also contributes to the overall development of the child's cognitive processes.

How to conduct classes

Teachers and parents should follow a few rules that will help to conduct developmental activities with children as efficiently as possible.

  • Any exercises for the development of fine motor skills must necessarily correspond to the age of preschoolers. Many tasks for them resemble those that can be offered, but their content should be completely different, much more complex. At 6-7 years old it is useful (as at a younger age):

- to paint, but the drawings should already be with very small details;

- to put together a mosaic, but from a large number of small elements;

- outline dotted images, but without "sliding" from the contour, without errors.

  • Choose materials, exercises, games for the development of motor skills that will be of interest to the child. It may be worth finding copybooks with his favorite fairy tale characters, dinosaurs or pirates. It is important to carry out any task not only as diligently as possible, but also without fail with a desire, a positive attitude.
  • The pace of performing exercises of the same type should increase gradually. First, the child must learn to confidently use a pencil or pen to complete tasks on paper, and then, with the improvement of the skill, they can be done even for a while.
  • Do not teach your child to write capital letters before school. First, he must get used to holding the pencil correctly, repeating the outlines of simple lines and objects. The preschool period is preparatory, do not rush, starting to master the 1st grade program ahead of time.
  • Classes should be regular, but not too tiring. Before the start of each, it is useful to conduct special gymnastics for the fingers.
  • It is important that the baby performs all tasks only with the leading hand. You also need to monitor his posture, as well as good lighting during work.


Most tasks for the development of fine motor skills in older preschool children involve special exercises on the paper. This not only trains manual dexterity, but also improves the child's eye, his voluntary attention, and the ability to navigate the sheet. Here are some of the most popular assignment options for future first graders:


Invite the child to circle one of the two representatives of the same natural group (birds, animals, fish, insects) about which the riddle is composed. It is necessary to carefully draw all the contour lines, without "confusing" them, without going beyond the boundaries of the images.

Additional tasks for each page will help to captivate the child with the process, form motivation for work, and they are also another stage in training dexterity, attention, and quick wits.

Tasks by points

Ask the preschooler to draw one of the presented simple shapes (animal, bird, flower) using the reference points, following the pattern. Tasks of this type train not only fine motor skills of the hands, but also counting skills, the ability to navigate on a sheet, and coordination of movements.

Funny characters hurry home! Let your baby help insects, fish, spaceships, spinning tops move smoothly and beautifully.

Each sheet of this series is designed in such a way that the first two lines need to draw a line inside a given “track”, and the next two lines without relying on external borders. Additional obstacles (pebbles, stars, clouds) should be avoided as carefully as possible!


This complex is composed according to the principle: from simple to complex. His tasks will help the preschooler learn to repeat various graphic elements on paper, which will be useful to him later when mastering writing.

An important nuance is that you need to draw lines from the selected point, in the direction indicated by the arrow.

Circle and color (with words)

A large plot drawing and several lines of small miniature elements allow the child to train not only motor skills, but also attention, patience, and the ability to independently find their mistakes.

Pay attention to the baby on the size of the images included in the recipe, the distance between them, the slope. It is important to try to keep these characteristics while completing the task when drawing and coloring the figures.

Tasks by cells

This complex will help the kid not only draw animals that live in hot countries, but will be an excellent hand dexterity simulator. Each task created on checkered paper contains a large image, a small object, patterns or an ornament. Sometimes meet short words made up of block letters. Such coloring pages for the development of fine motor skills perfectly train not only motor skills, but also the eye.

Graphic dictation

Here is a selection of exciting exercises that improve the graphic skills of a preschooler, as well as his attention, perseverance, and quick wit. Each sheet is a thematic selection, which includes:

  • a poem about a depicted character or object (animals, technology);
  • color illustration to the text;
  • verbal instructions for the process of drawing on checkered paper, which must be performed by the child, accurately and consistently;
  • final graphic image.

These buildings can be used in a dictation format or as a sample for the child's independent work on the model. The riddle and pattern make the exercises more attractive for kids.


Of course, for children of 6-7 years old, the game remains the most favorite activity, which is very good for future students! After all, finger dexterity and fine motor skills are perfectly trained not only with the help of special graphic tasks, but also in the course of useful entertainment. Here are some of their options:

You will need some ordinary laces, as well as a set of medium-sized beads. Collect colored balls (15-20 pieces) in a certain sequence, and then invite the child to repeat the pattern. You can ask to complete the task for a while or by competing with other children.

Button games

Invite the children to lay out a pattern or an image of some object from different buttons, it is more interesting to do this for a while. It is best to take small buttons, and make the basis for the picture from thick cardboard covered with a layer of plasticine on top (it will help to securely fix all the details of the “mosaic”).

Tweezers and beads

Take a few small plastic tweezers, a lot of small beads, dishes with a narrow neck (small jars or bottles, according to the number of players). One player or several are given the task to collect a certain number of beads with tweezers into a vessel. The winner is the one who completes the task faster. If the participant is alone, then he can fix his results in time, and then try to beat his own previous record.

Split pictures

Collecting a whole image from pieces of the same size is not only very exciting, but also useful. Children of older preschool age should be offered pictures cut into 10-12 parts. It is even better to give the child parts of paired non-identical cards with pictures (for example, two similar snowmen, planes, dogs) in a set and ask them to collect both.

Use a variety of baby.

Work to improve the fine motor skills of older preschoolers should be carried out before the start of schooling. This is one of the most important goals of pedagogy of this period, which is relevant for any child.

Especially it is necessary to try to devote enough time to special exercises for training graphic skills for those children who have difficulties in speech development.

Stimulation tactile sensations contributes to the activation of certain centers in the cerebral cortex, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the formation of children's speech.

Fedorova Ekaterina

speech pathologist

The development of fine motor skills in children: myths and truth about finger games, how to do finger gymnastics and finger games with preschoolers, exercises for the development of fine motor skills, massage of hands and fingers for the little ones.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills especially needed by today's children. After all, now kids, unfortunately, do not train the movements of their fingers a little: on clothes and shoes - Velcro instead of buttons or laces (this way it is more convenient and faster for us adults), buttons at games, few of the children embroider, sew or knit, cut or burns, helps mom sort out cereals, wipe dust, wash toys or wash doll accessories. This change in the life situation of the development of preschool children was also reflected in the development of fine motor skills of the hand, which had previously developed in everyday life, imperceptibly, without special training. Now the development of fine motor skills has begun to require special exercises and activities with kids.

It is believed that any exercise that develops fine motor skills develops speech and thinking. Does the child not speak or speak poorly? Assemble the puzzles, lace up, and the speech will appear! Do you want your baby to develop well? Develop your fingers, and the brain will develop much more efficiently. But this is not so, or not quite so. Let's try to understand and separate the truth from the myths. And also learn how to use fine motor skills exercises to really develop our little ones.

The development of fine motor skills in children: video

The development of fine motor skills, speech and thinking of the child.

It has become a classic statement that The development of the hand helps the development of the speech of the preschool child and develops thinking. And all educators and speech therapists know the words of M.M. Koltsov “There is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the projection of the hand is another speech area of ​​the brain. This provision entered pedagogy in the 70s of the 20th century and was justified both by the results of the experiment with children and by the anatomy of the brain (Brock's motor speech center and the center that controls finger motor skills are located nearby).

But families have always met and still meet in which they do a lot of development of fine motor skills with children, buy special toys and aids (laces, sorters, beads), but the result is not encouraging, and for some reason there is no shift in the development of speech and thinking.

And there are other families where they didn’t seem to be specifically involved in the development of fine motor skills and are not doing it, the child simply sculpts, draws, plays, helps his mother around the house, and everything is in order with fine motor skills, and the baby is clearly very quick-witted and with well-developed thinking and speech.

So special games are not a panacea? Or - here a seditious thought appears - we do not conduct them this way? Is there something we don't know? Yes this is true!

After all, finger games and exercises are just a tool. And you still need to know how to use it! After all, we also learn to use other tools - we learn to play the violin, sew on a sewing machine or crochet. If we try to play the Paganini violin without training and without special knowledge, we will not get the desired result from this.

And the basis of my story is Scientific research child development. I strongly advise experts to get acquainted with them in the book "15 myths about children's speech." The authors of the book are Oleg Igorevich Efimov, a pediatric neurologist, and Viktoria Leonidovna Efimova, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, a speech therapist. The book was published by the Dilya publishing house this year.

And for non-specialists - interested parents and educators - I will give the most important recommendations in this article. And I will share what I know and use in my work with children.

First fact. So, where did it all start. In the 1970s, research into the development of infants was carried out. Children from the Orphanage were divided into three subgroups. One subgroup of children sat in the arena, the second could easily crawl around the group room. And the third subgroup collected pyramids, stringed beads and did other exercises to develop fine motor skills with the experimenter. And the children of the third subgroup significantly surpassed their peers in development, they had a sharp jump in the development of speech. It turns out that "engage in the development of fine motor skills - and everything will be fine"? But it's not.

Second fact. The author of the book V.L. Efimova conducted another experiment in an orphanage in 2001. And he gave a completely different result. It turned out that children in the orphanage already at the age of one and a half eat soup with a spoon, fasten the buttons on their clothes themselves, do a lot of work with them - they endlessly collect pyramids, liners, sort them. But at the same time… they don’t speak!!! What is the reason? Maybe that's not how we communicate with kids? Or do finger games really not affect the development of speech and thinking so much? Did the fact that they just started talking to these kids affected the result of the previous experiment? And all the other subgroups of children did not have such communication with an adult experimenter, and therefore lagged behind in development?

Third fact. It turns out that the answer to the question can be given not by pedagogy, but by physiology! Scientists prove that at an early age, the primary center of speech in children is by no means Broca's center, but the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus, which means ... the development of the fingers does not directly affect the development of the child!?

What then influences? The limbic system is the center of a person's emotional life! So, does communication with an adult affect first of all? After all, we know how quickly kids grasp information in a state of joy and interest.

Modern biological studies make it possible to assume that Wernicke's and Broca's zones mature no earlier than the third or fourth year of a child's life (as we remember, it was the proximity of this very Broca's center to the motor control center that made it possible for scientists to assume a great influence of finger games on the development of children's speech).

Scientific work in this direction is still underway, but what should we do at this time???

Fourth fact. The answer to all questions! And a key for educators and parents!

It turns out that it is not the fact of finger games and exercises that is important, but WHAT exercises and HOW are carried out with the baby. And therefore, either there will be a result of such games and exercises, or it will not be! And it depends on whether it is involved in finger exercises and in games for the development of fine motor skills, motor planning. What it is?

motor scheduling stands between an idea and action. There are automatic movements that do not require motor planning and are performed in a familiar way. And motor planning appears when a new task appears, when you need to use a new tool, when you need to do something unmastered, unusual in life.

Dear readers who attended our April "Educational Games Workshop" - remember the first webinar about the mechanisms of development of babies. And the concept of "zone of proximal development"? This is what we are talking about now. For those who were not at the webinar, by popular demand, I made a mailing list in which you can get a recording of it for free. To do this, you need to subscribe in the subscription form after the article.

It is known that in all children with developmental problems it is motor planning that is poorly developed. And this is precisely the root of all the troubles in many cases of developmental delay. But how can it be poorly developed if the baby has a lot of educational toys at home for the development of fine motor skills, there are pyramids, and laces, and beads for stringing? What is the answer?

As we already know motor planning appears in the case of new tasks, new unusual situations, new materials, new actions. The key word here is new, unusual! When a child already knows his only pyramid by heart, but collects it many times, even quickly collects it to the delight of all adults - this is not a new action! There is no motor planning here! When he plays the same lacing, this is also not motor planning, but almost a skill. After all, such a toy is no longer new to him, but is familiar! When he sees the same cards for many days, with which the adult performs the same actions, there is no motor planning here either! Namely, motor planning provides the developing effect of exercises!

So what is the conclusion. Where can we find our Key to Success?

  1. It doesn't matter if it's done exercises for the development of fine motor skills, important what exercises we do with the child and as.
  2. The main principle of conducting exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills is- if the baby has this movement quickly and easily, then we quickly do it, skip it and move on. But what if the exercise fails? Then we stop at it and work out this movement until the movements become easy, simple, fast, beautiful, clear. And we move on to the development of new movements.
  3. It is necessary to do such complexes of exercises and games that are difficult for the child regularly until they are fully mastered, that is, every day (for 4-5 minutes).

Previously, in kindergartens there were special five-minute finger exercises before breakfast - every day! It was when I started working, and I remember it very well. The kids did the same complex of finger gymnastics for at least one week, until they fully mastered it. Every day they got better and better. Now, for many years, there have been no such regular minutes in ordinary kindergartens, alas, or almost none. And finger gymnastics exists as a fragment of classes with children, and almost always exercises are given to children on different days of the week! And it happens that the exercises are too easy for children, which they already do so easily! But it is precisely in the regular gradual development of complex movements that the essence of such gymnastics lies.

The secret of successful fine motor skills training is already known. Now let's figure it out what is included in the development of fine motor skills and what exercises the child needs.

Why do you need to develop fine motor skills? What is the problem of modern society and why was it not specially developed before, and children had no problems? Why are long cartoons harmful? What is thread painting and how to do it with children? You will learn about this in the video of the first educational channel.

What includes the development of fine motor skills in children under three years of age:

1. Grasping movements:

  • Capturing an object of various shapes with the whole palm with one hand or two hands (rattles, cubes, balls, etc.), for which it is necessary to take into account its shape, size, location, details.
  • Grasping an object or substance with a pinch (three fingers)
  • Capturing an object with two fingers - index and thumb (tweezer grip).

2. Development of correlative actions

The ability to combine two objects or two parts of one object (liners, sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls and other similar toys).

3. Development of finger movements - performing a variety of figures and finger movements(bunny, wolf, house, chair and others).

At first, these movements are clumsy, with errors, and over time they become more and more subtle and clear. It is also important to be able to imitate the movements that an adult shows.

These skills are developed not only in the process of special finger gymnastics, but also:

  • while putting on your clothes with buttons, buttons, zippers,
  • during labor assignments (from 3 years old - water, wipe dust, wipe the leaves of plants with a sponge, brush clothes and others),
  • in visual activity - drawing, modeling, application, design,
  • in games - dressing and undressing dolls in the game, using substitute items, making toys, attributes for your games, etc.

How to develop fine motor skills in children?

Development of fine motor skills: massage of hands and fingers for the smallest (up to a year).

Hand massage is done for the smallest children. He is uncomplicated. Here is the technique of such a massage, given by O. Prikhodko

  • pat baby's arms to the elbow towards the center six to eight times, separately for each arm. You need to iron both the inner and outer surface of the handle.
  • The fingers are dancing. Bend and unbend all the fingers of the handle at the same time except for the thumb (2-4 times on each handle).
  • Exercise "Klub". Draw spiral movements with your finger along the baby’s open palm from its center to the base of the fingers (recall the well-known nursery rhyme about the “magpie-crow”). After that, without interruption, the movement switches to inside thumb. Draw such balls two to four times on each palm.
  • Exercise "We walk top-top" - point pressing with the thumb and forefinger of an adult. We press on the middle of the phalanx of each finger from the tip to the base. We say: "top-top, that's how we walk." You need to press in two planes: between the fingers and from the back of the palm. So massage all fingers 1-2 times. At the same time, we say nursery rhymes, rhymes, we talk with the baby.
  • Thumb exercise. Move your thumb to the side, and then return it to its place. You need to move your finger in three directions in turn: forward and backward, sideways - returned to starting position, round.
  • pat light movements each hand of the baby towards the center five to six times.

Development of fine motor skills: games and exercises for young children (from one to three years old)


  • Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are difficult for babies and therefore should not be long.
  • They should be carried out in the game so that the baby is interested (to go through the cereal for Cinderella, help the hedgehog hide under his needles from the fox and other game situations).
  • If the movement fails, the fingers do not obey, then the game must be played repeatedly until the movement is easy, correct, and clear. In this case, every time you need to change the plot of the game, objects, bring in something new so that the child is passionate about the game and not tired of the monotony (first lay out a bridge for the dog out of small pebbles on plasticine. Next time lay out a path for the doll. In the third lay out a river for fish and so on).
  • All games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills should always take place in the presence of an adult in order to ensure the safety of such games.
  • Don't play games with buttons. They do not develop fine motor skills (no matter what their manufacturers say), but only distract the child.

List of exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills in children

1.Rubber pear(sold in a pharmacy). Choose a small pear. By pressing it, a stream of air is obtained, with which you can blow off a cotton wool or leaflet from the table. You can even play football, trying to drive the cotton wool into the goal with a jet of air. For children of the first year of life, a pear is not needed, this role is played by rubber toys - squeakers, playing with which the baby develops hand strength.
2.Kneading plasticine. Before sculpting a child of any age, be sure to let the plasticine knead. This is very useful exercise for the development of fine motor skills. In this regard, ordinary domestic plasticine is much more useful than soft imported one.
3. The game with raisins is always very joyful for both mother and child and useful for the whole family. Make dough, roll it out. Invite your child to decorate the dough with raisins. Show how to take the raisin correctly (“tweezer grip” with two fingers - thumb and forefinger). Show that the raisins should be laid out throughout the dough at a distance from each other. Then bake the resulting pie and eat it with the whole family! Joy is guaranteed!
4. Stringing rings on the pyramid rod (development of correlative hand movements). First, the baby learns to disassemble the pyramid toy (it's easier), and only then assemble it. Please note that even the smallest children easily remember the color sequence in the pyramid and collect it simply from memory, and not by comparing values. Therefore, if you want to teach them to compare the size of the rings and arrange them from largest to smallest in sequence, then you need a pyramid with rings of the same color!
5. Exercises with paper:

1) kneading - the development of hand strength (after that you get a “ball” that can be thrown into the basket from a distance),

2) tear (development of correlative movements) - we grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands and pull it in different directions. You get stripes. We put these strips in a box and make a “rain” by pouring our strips out of the box.

Important Tips:

- Offering the baby paper for this exercise, you should always show him where you can get the paper from. And they themselves should always take paper for this game only from this box. Otherwise, the baby will understand that you can tear everything that is around and tear books or something else you need. There is always a place for this exercise.

Don't let's tear up old books and magazines. Any game we bring up attitude to life. And this is an example of unacceptable handling of the book. In addition, printing ink is not at all useful for young children.

- You can give old rolls of wallpaper for this exercise.

3) make applications from paper balls (crumple the paper, tear it into strips, then tear the strips into squares, roll each square on the palm into a ball, a silhouette is laid out with balls - for example, a cat, a lamb, a cloud)

4) make applications from pieces of paper that the baby has picked. Draw a picture on a piece of paper. And stick pieces of paper on it according to the plot. White glued pieces can depict snow or clouds, blue ones - a river, yellow ones - autumn foliage of trees.

6. Pressing small objects into plasticine (beads, seeds, shells, small pebbles). So we can make pictures - mosaics on plasticine. And you can also help the hero of the game - for example, make a “blue river” (smear plasticine on a strip of cardboard) and build a bridge across the river (press pebbles into plasticine). And then toys will pass along this bridge and thank the baby for their help.

7. Sorting small items- it is very important that the baby does this either with a pinch (with three fingers), or with the “tweezer grip”, that is, he grabs it with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. In this case, the remaining fingers should be bent and not interfere. Show the kid The right way doing this exercise.

Mix two types of beads in one box (or peas and beans; or shells and pebbles, or buttons of different shapes and sizes) and ask you to help. You can sort by color (if you mixed beads of two colors), by shape, by size. First, the baby sorts two kinds of objects enough big size. Then the task becomes more complicated - smaller objects are taken and sorted already into 3-5 groups (for example, beans in one box, peas in another, beads in a third, pebbles in a fourth, shells in a fifth).

Sorting happens all the time in the game. For example, our chicken loves peas, and our cockerel loves beans. They need to divide their food into bowls.

Or one doll likes pasta and another likes beans. Give everyone what they love.

Sorting small items is very important in the third year of a child's life.

8. Oversleeping. Pour with a funnel, scoop, spoon various bulk substances from one dish to another. You can pour sand, cereals, peas, lentils). Use different dishes - you can pour into a glass, a vessel with a narrow neck using a funnel. You can pour sand into the box with your hands, hide and look for various small toys in the sand.

9. Use of cutlery- spoons forks. The ability to independently eat with a spoon, fork, drink from a cup is also a very important component of the development of the baby and the development of fine motor skills.

10. Unfolding a paper-wrapped object - a surprise - “What is there?” When the baby unfolds the paper and finds a gift, plays with it, wrap it again - hide it in another paper. And try to find again. Teach your baby to wrap - to hide an item from an older sister or brother, dad, grandmother. Let them rejoice when his surprise is unwrapped.

11. Filling the bottle with small items. AT plastic bottle you can omit beans, pebbles, balls.

To make this exercise effective, show your baby how to do it correctly:

- Grab small objects with either a pinch or two fingers (thumb and forefinger) - just show how you grab the object.

- Hold the bottle with one hand, and take one part at a time with the other hand. It is very important to ensure that the baby takes it correctly and one by one!

- At the end, close the bottle with a cap and rattle the resulting rattle.

12. Constructors. Different designers develop fine motor skills very well. It is important to have several designers at home (but always with a DIFFERENT principle of connecting parts). It is also very useful to make handicrafts, work with clay.

13. Winding. Winding a thick thread on a stick, on a spool, on a ball and unwinding. Winding a thick lace around your hand - your own or your mother's

14. Stringing beads with large holes on a string. Highly good idea for stringing, I saw in the kindergarten "Solnyshko" in Moscow. The teachers of this kindergarten collect old unnecessary felt-tip pens with a plastic case. This body is cut into pieces. It turns out multi-colored "tubes" that are strung on a cord.

You can also string spools of thread, rings for curtains, designer parts, beads made of clay or salt dough, rings from small pyramids.

15. Turn the pages of a book one at a time. This exercise is available to a child from a year old. For this, the pages of the first book must be thick, made of cardboard.

Show your child a book. And put a picture on the next page - a surprise. To find it, you need to turn the page. If it is difficult for the baby, then help him by slightly lifting the page.

16. Games - lacing(lace up an apple to the back of a hedgehog, clothing details and other plot laces). But these games quickly bore the baby. Therefore, it is better if you have a doll whose shoes or clothes are tied with a lace. Putting on and undressing this doll in play will make it easy and fun for your little one to practice lacing.

17. Untie and tie knots, bows, weave pigtails, unbutton and fasten Velcro, buttons, buttons, hooks, zippers, take off and put on a hat, pull off socks, take off shoes.

Although most often in modern families the task of mastering the kids different types fasteners are solved with the help of a developing book or rug, but this is just the first stage. Then the kid trains to do it in life in everyday life.

The baby's clothes should have different fasteners - buttons of different shapes and sizes, buttons. It should be borne in mind that it is much easier to fasten the clasp on a rug or another person than on yourself.

The situation when a child has only Velcro on clothes and shoes throughout the entire preschool age leads to the fact that even second-graders at the age of 8-9 are not able to dress themselves if the clothes have a different type of fastener, and they cannot even lace up the laces, changing into clothes. physical education! But the lack of independence of the child and dependence on an adult directly affects his further behavior and success in life.

Already at an early age, the baby can take off and put on a hat, stretch out the handles when putting on a sweater, put on and take off mittens and gloves, pull off socks, take off shoes, put hands in sleeves and legs in trousers, take off unbuttoned pants, coat, jacket - and this is also a contribution to the development of fine motor skills baby, and a very big contribution.

18. Tops. First, the baby learns to launch the spinning top, and then the tops of large sizes. And after that, give the baby tops of a small size. Instead of a top, use any other items: pyramid rings, balls, plastic bowls, etc. It is also useful to wind clockwork toys with a key.

19. Open and close jars (unscrew and twist the lids) To make it more interesting, hide a surprise inside by wrapping it in paper. And at the same time, the baby will practice unfolding and folding paper. What is hidden in the jar?

20. Lay out figures from sticks, from different types of mosaics.

21. Rolling balls. Children roll small balls table (on the playing field, on which you can draw different paths - straight, curved, in a spiral). During the game, the ball should not slip out from under the palm of your hand. Tell your baby: “Naughty balls! So they try to run away. Don't let them go!" Balls can be rolled both with palms (in the first games) and with one finger (in subsequent games).

22. Rolling a pencil between the palms. First, try rolling the pencil across the table with your palm. Then show your child how to roll the pencil between the straightened palms in the hands (the pencil is in an upright position). At the end of the pencil, you can stick a picture that will “dance” - spin.

More about the development of fine motor skills of children on the website "Native Path":

We will talk about how to develop fine motor skills in children from 3 to 7 years old in the next article (for children from 3 to 7 years old). In it you will find finger games, Maria Montessori exercises for the development of fine motor skills for preschoolers, finger theater, games with clothespins, tests to determine the level of fine motor development and many other interesting ideas.

You will find the list of "20 most interesting and unusual objects for the development of fine motor skills of children"


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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Fine motor skills are called the ability to reproduce precise movements with the hand and fingers. This is important not only for working out, it must also be remembered that the phalanges of the fingers are the main tools in work for representatives of many professions. The development of fine motor skills of hands in children 6-7 years old is facilitated by drawing, playing musical instruments, working with plasticine and a small designer. But the greatest effect is obtained as a result of special classes.

Exercises that are offered to children contribute to the development of accuracy and speed of movement. As a result of their implementation, the hands and fingers will become stronger, flexible and mobile. There are three types of such tasks:

  • exercises with small objects;
  • graphic tasks;
  • finger games.

In the light of preparation for school most attention should be given to the execution of graphic tasks. Children must learn to hatch, draw lines of different thicknesses and shapes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that they draw lines without taking the pen off the paper, do not go beyond the marked contours, do not leave spaces, perform the movements correctly (from top to bottom, left to right), do not turn the notebook, sit correctly at the table.

Classes for the development of fine motor skills of the hands should be carried out regularly, doing 10 to 20 minutes a day. Monotony and monotony should not be allowed; during the lesson, children should be offered several different exercises with exciting game content. For this, the educator and parents are invited to use a file of exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands in children 6-7 years old.

Graphic tasks

Most of these tasks are performed on prepared cards. You can buy special notebooks, copybooks, coloring books.


The card contains the contours of objects and a pattern of hatching (vertical, horizontal, oblique). The direction of the lines is indicated.

Children need to shade the drawings, trying not to go beyond their contours and make even indents between the lines.


Clouds are drawn in the picture, and flowers below. Children are asked to water the flowers so that they do not wither. To do this, they need to draw lines. Such a task can be performed several times, each time offering a picture with different types of lines.


You need to circle the boat and draw waves on the water. It should be noted that the lines are of different types (straight and curved).


It is necessary to finish the lines of the fins, bring the scales.

pattern hatching

The card contains examples of curly lines. Children should put the pencil on the dot and draw a line to complete the patterns. The main thing is to try not to tear the pen from the paper until the line is completed to the end.

Finish the drawing

Children will love doing tasks to complete the pictures:

  • draw a cage for a tiger cub;
  • draw a pyramid, shade every second ring;
  • draw a butterfly, etc.

connect the dots

It is necessary not only to draw lines in the right direction, but to draw grass near the house by connecting the dots in pairs. In a more complex version, it is proposed to connect all the points with one line.

Develop an eye

In such tasks, you need to try to independently draw lines between objects. At first, children are given easier tasks when it is necessary to draw arcuate curved lines. It is much more difficult for children to draw straight lines in such a way that they hit the target as accurately as possible.

  • help the bunny jump over the bumps;
  • hit the ball into the basket;
  • help restore the volleyball net;
  • hit the target in the dash.

  • Draw with pressure
  • In this task, you need to hatch, making the right pressure:
  • shade the clouds so that one is darker and the other lighter;
  • shade the glasses - one with water (it is almost transparent), the other with juice (much darker);
  • shade the leaves, making them different in color intensity.

Repetition of the pattern in the cells

For such a task, cards lined in a cage are prepared. At the beginning of the line, the “rhythm” of the pattern is set, which must be repeated independently until the end of the line.

Graphic dictations

Games with objects

Usually young children are protected from playing with small objects. After all, they can take them in their mouths or put them in their ears. However, after 5 years, such classes are simply necessary.

Games with sand and loose materials

Children can be offered the following tasks:

  • pour sand from one container to another;
  • pour sand measuring spoon;
  • sift sand through a sieve;
  • drawing with fingers on the sand;
  • wet sand molding;
  • search for buried small objects in the sand.

The most exciting activity in this series is the creation of colored salt crafts.

Games with cereals and seeds

Grains have a larger texture than sand. Therefore, they can be used for sorting. To do this, take a handful of cereals or seeds of three different types and pour them into one pile. The child is given three small containers where he must spread the grains. You can do this with your fingers or use tweezers.

In another game, children are invited to determine where which cereal is by touch. To do this, they are scattered in small fabric bags, which are tightly tied. You need to take a bag and, having crushed it in your hands, name the cereal.

From cereals and seeds, you can lay out pictures, create applications on plasticine.

Button games

Buttons are larger. They are also suitable for sorting (by size, shape, color). In addition, you can lay out an ornament, paths, lines according to a given pattern, pictures from buttons.

take on vector

A very interesting task is to fill in the circles in the picture with buttons, selecting them by color.

Rope games

Great for developing fine motor skills in children, games with ropes and shoelaces. They can be used for tying and untying knots, braiding or macrame.

A very useful task related to stringing beads. It is better to make such “beads” yourself by cutting cocktail tubes. You can indicate the exact number of beads that need to be strung or ask them to create a beautiful pattern from them, alternating them in color.

Many games are connected with lacing. Such tasks can often be found on the pages of developing felt books.

Paper games

When working with paper, offer children the following tasks:

  • creasing and smoothing a sheet of paper;
  • folding origami.

A very addicting game of creating a planned mess. First, children are invited to tear colored paper into small pieces, and then make colorful rain out of them, throwing them into the air. After the active phase of the game, you need to ask the kids to help collect all the scraps, which is also very useful for the development of fine motor skills. These pieces can be used for torn appliqué. During this game, invite children to tear paper of different thicknesses (from newspapers to cardboard).

Clothespin games

The set should contain clothespins of different colors. Also for such games it is necessary to prepare different templates. You can offer the following tasks:

  • attach needles to a hedgehog;
  • add rays of the sun;
  • do the boy's hair.

Clothespin games are very popular in math and reading classes, so you can combine these types of activities and ask children to use clothespins to:

  • count examples;
  • attach the corresponding number of clothespins to the number template;
  • enter the correct letter.

Match games

Although matches are not a toy for children, they can be used to develop fine motor skills by giving such tasks:

  • shifting from stack to stack;
  • laying out the figures from the matches, which is drawn in the picture;
  • folding into a box.

Children like to collect matches in a cube with a small hole made in the center of one of the faces. You can use cotton swabs instead of matches.
