Sedentary work what exercises to do. A set of exercises for the back, which can be done right at the workplace

Scientists and doctors have been warning about the dangers of sedentary work for more than 30 years, but today this problem is more acute than ever. Modern activity gives rise to new professions that do not involve any physical exertion. Most often, such work is associated with a computer, due to which new risk factors are formed. To maintain your health, you need to exercise while sitting.

A set of exercises for office workers

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Severe consequences of sedentary work

According to researchers, the body of people leading a sedentary lifestyle ages 5-10 years earlier. Sedentary work leads to a violation of posture, weight gain, visual impairment and a number of other diseases.

The spine is the first to suffer. Indeed, more than 80% of office workers experience unpleasant back pain. Doctors recognized that it was the lack of physical activity and sedentary work that was the main cause of osteochondrosis. Our spine is a massive and large bone. While working at a computer or documents, it is usually in an uncomfortable compressed and twisted position. This leads to the formation of small cracks and destruction in the cartilage, which leads to a decrease in the cartilage itself. Osteochondrosis can give many complications: sciatica, kyphosis, disc protrusion, etc.

Most office workers suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. The same type of posture throughout the day leads to disruption of the blood supply to the brain. This contributes to the occurrence of headaches, increased fatigue, memory impairment, and impaired blood pressure. Heart rhythm disturbance and pain in the heart may also develop.

Israeli scientists have found that office workers are prone to rapid weight gain. It turns out that sitting in a chair increases the pressure on the lower body, which leads to excessive accumulation of fat. In people leading an active lifestyle, the pressure, which leads to obesity of the “fifth point”, is 50% lower.

Sedentary work is the main cause of severe weakness, muscle pain, diabetes, constipation and hemorrhoids. Working with a computer has a negative effect on vision. There is an "office syndrome", the signs of which are redness of the eyes, a feeling of sand in the eyes, dryness. Despite the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle, office workers, cashiers, operators and freelancers continue to work.

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Simple Strengthening Exercises

How to avoid the diseases that sedentary work hides? Exercise and physical exercise will help restore the necessary activity to the spine and muscles. You can conditionally divide these exercises into two groups: the first is a set of exercises that must be performed directly in the office, the second is exercises that should be done at home at a convenient time for you. It is best, of course, to start the morning with a charge. Morning exercises do not have to be long, 5 minutes is enough for the spine and muscles to wake up too.

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Exercise One: Learning to Sit Correctly

The main mistake of people leading a sedentary lifestyle is poor posture. First you need to learn how to control yourself while working. The back should be straight, not stooped. Neither the body nor the head can be tilted forward. It is necessary to ensure that the stomach is slightly tense, and the chin is parallel to the floor. The lower back should rest on the back of the chair, and the upper back should be supported by its own muscles. You can not fall on one side, because. this leads to the formation of an s-shaped scoliosis. Relying on one hand (for example, on the one that is free from a computer mouse) also leads to a violation of posture, which leads to the occurrence of diseases. The “foot to foot” position breaks posture, developing problems in the lumbar spine. The correct position is when the legs are together. It is advisable to use a stand so that the level of the knees is higher than the level of the hips.

But even if you learn to sit properly throughout the day, you will most likely still experience back discomfort. Exercise will help get rid of it. So, what exercises can you do at your workplace? For office exercises, you need several minutes, it is enough to repeat all exercises 5-10 times, depending on the time you have and the level of discomfort. Exercises during sedentary work must be done for all parts of the spine and muscle groups. It is best to start with the cervical region.

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Exercises for the neck during sedentary work

  1. In a sitting position, bend your neck, bringing your chin as close to your chest as possible, then slowly tilt your head back, trying to look behind your back. Extension of the neck must be done on inspiration, and flexion on inspiration. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Turn your head to the left, fix it in this position, and then turn to the right. Repeat 5-10 times.
  3. In a sitting position, “draw” the numbers from 0 to 9 with your nose in the air, drawing all the elements. The range of motion of the neck must be complete.
  4. Gently rotate your head 2-3 times, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. This exercise not only strengthens the muscles of the neck and makes the vertebrae work, but also trains the vestibular apparatus.
  5. Grasp the back of your head with your hands and fold them into a castle. Press them on the back of your head, and at the same time lower your head back, offering resistance. This exercise develops the muscles of the neck well.
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Charging and "discharging" for the hands

  1. Grab your left hand with your right wrist, scroll the brush 5 times clockwise, and the same number of times in the opposite direction. Repeat this exercise for the right hand.
  2. Quickly clench the fingers of both hands into fists 10 times. On the 10th count, clench your fists as hard as you can, hold them clenched for 3-5 seconds, then relax your fingers and shake them as if shaking water drops off them.
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Warm-up of the thoracic and lumbar spine

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Training for the abdominal muscles

  1. Pull in the stomach, count to 5, return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Over time, it is desirable to increase the counting time to 10, and the number of repetitions of exercises to 20. By the way, this exercise can be done not only at home or in the office, but also on the way to work: on the bus, on the subway, etc., because outwardly practically no physical tension of the muscles is visible.
  2. It is necessary to strain the abdominal muscles, while counting up to 5. Over time, as in the first exercise, you can increase the load.
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What is Venus Syndrome?

Often, sedentary work causes Venus syndrome. This is a decrease in muscle elasticity in the waist and hips, the formation of fat pads. A specially designed set of physical exercises will help to cope with this shortcoming. You need to repeat it 3-4 times a week.

  1. Sit on the floor, straighten your left leg, while wrapping your right. Grab your left foot with your hands, lift it up and down. Try not to bend your leg at the knee. Repeat 10 times for each leg. At first, this exercise is difficult to perform, but after a while the muscles become elastic, stretching appears.
  2. Starting position: standing straight with legs crossed. It is necessary to stretch the arms forward, slowly tilting the torso forward. Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.
  3. Starting position: kneel down with your arms crossed over your head. You need to sit on the right thigh, straighten up and sit on the left. The exercise is repeated 10 times on each leg.
  4. It is necessary to take a pose in which the feet are parallel, and the distance between them will be approximately 2 shoulder widths. The back is straight, in no case should it be bent. The thighs are at an angle (ideally parallel to the floor), and the shins are perpendicular to the floor. In Japan, this stance is called the "rider's stance". To strengthen the hips, you need to stand in this stance as long as possible, in addition, squats in the “rider stance” show good results. The main detail to remember is the correct position of the feet. Feet should be parallel to each other at a great distance, legs bent at the knees.
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Amazing leg workout

It is known that during sedentary work, the blood flow to the brain is disturbed, so a head and neck massage will be useful. Massage your fingers along the neck along the vertebra, rising up to the back of the head. To relieve the general tension, you need to sharply tighten all the muscles, and then completely relax, lowering your head and closing your eyes. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise if necessary.

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How often should you exercise

You need to train yourself to do exercises during sedentary work at least 3 times a week. If you feel constant back pain, you need to see a doctor, because some exercises aimed at twisting the spine can adversely affect your health. Train yourself to walk at least 30 minutes a day every day. The main rule for sedentary work is to move more. Even if you just go to the buffet or to the store, the body will receive the necessary relaxation. Try to walk at least a couple of stops on foot, instead of traveling from work or to work in a stuffy minibus.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Many office workers suffer from back pain, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, overweight problems and many others associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Gymnastics in the workplace can help us prevent and get rid of these ailments. Therefore, today we will discuss the most effective and effective exercises when working at a computer.

  • Head tilts to restore cerebral circulation
    What is useful: This simple exercise will help you relax your neck muscles and restore cerebral circulation.
    How to perform: First tilt your head to the left, sit in this position until you feel the muscles of your neck stretch and then return to the starting position. Do the same by tilting your head to the right side. Repeat this exercise 10-12 times.
  • Relaxing gymnastics for the shoulders
    What is useful: this gymnastics will relax the shoulder girdle, which is the main load during sedentary work
    How to perform: Raise your shoulders first up and stay in this position for 15 seconds. Drop down. Do this exercise three times. Next, rotate your shoulders five times forward and five times back. In conclusion, clasp your hands in the castle in front of you, lift them up and stretch your whole body with all your might.
  • Exercise for firm and beautiful breasts
    What is useful: This exercise, which can be done at the computer, will strengthen the muscles of the chest and help maintain the elasticity of the chest.
    How to perform: Bring your hands together in front of you at chest level so that your palms rest tightly against each other, and your elbows are apart. With all your strength, begin to press with your right palm on your left. Do the same in reverse. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.
  • Gymnastics at the computer for a flat tummy
    What is useful: You can perform this simple exercise in front of the monitor, without looking up from your work activity. It will perfectly strengthen the muscles and make your tummy flat and elastic.
    How to perform: Sitting in a chair, straighten your back. Pull your stomach in as much as possible and sit in this position for 5-7 seconds. Then relax. You need to repeat this exercise 20 times.
  • Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back
    What is useful: stretches the muscles of the back, is the prevention of osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine
    How to perform: Stretch your arms up, turning them palms to each other as if you are holding something in your hands. Stretch in this way to the right side and linger for 10 seconds until you feel the muscles of the left side of the back stretch. Do the same by stretching to the left side. Also stretch your arms in front of you and stretch, according to the same principle, first to the right, and then to the left. The exercise can be repeated 3-4 times from each starting position.
  • Exercise that develops the muscles of the legs and abs
    What is useful: with the help of this gymnastics while working at the computer, you can strengthen the muscles of the legs and pump up the press at the same time
    How to perform: Sit on the edge of a chair and grab it with your hands. Raise your straight legs off the floor and cross them. Next, start as hard as you can press one foot on the other. Swap your legs. Try to repeat the exercise at least 10 times.
  • Gymnastics for slender legs and inner thighs
    What is useful: Strengthens the muscles of the legs and helps to bring the inner thighs into perfect shape.
    How to perform: Sitting on a chair, squeeze an object with your knees - for example, it can be a book, a folder of papers, or a small briefcase. Rhythmically squeeze and unclench your legs, but so that the object does not fall to the floor. Repeat compressions 25 times.
  • Exercise for the lumbar and correct posture
    What is useful: Strengthens the spine, preventing its curvature.
    How to perform: Sitting in a chair with your back straight, join your legs together so that your feet are snug against each other. Lean alternately from the right and left sides so that the palm completely touches the floor. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.
  • Gymnastics for training the back of the thigh and elastic buttocks
    What is useful: These exercises will tone the leg muscles and tighten the buttocks.
    How to perform: Sit upright on the edge of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. As hard as you can, tighten your abdominal muscles and, leaving your legs bent, pull your toes up and your heels down. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Relaxing gymnastics for the legs
    What is useful: This pleasant exercise will improve blood circulation and will be an excellent prevention of varicose veins, as well as relax and relieve stress.
    How to perform: Find a pencil, a fax paper roll, or any cylindrical object in the office. Lay it on the floor, take off your shoes and roll it with your feet under the table. You can do this exercise for an unlimited amount of time, since it will require almost no physical effort from you.

Performing this gymnastics daily while working at a computer, you keep a perfect figure and avoid health problems that lie in wait for everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle. Also try go out into the fresh air more often, or at least do not forget to ventilate the room .

Be beautiful and healthy!

Modern youth has an idea about the dangers of work that does not require physical exertion. Usually such labor activity is the lot of people who spend their working day at the computer, which creates certain health problems. Judging by the observations of doctors, office workers are more likely than others to suffer from back pain. To maintain health in proper shape, it is necessary to use exercises specially designed for sedentary work.

Problems that may appear during sedentary work

Research by medical scientists suggests that people who move little and mostly spend their working day sitting on a chair age much earlier than those who work physically by 5, and sometimes 10 years. This applies to professions such as cashiers, office workers, freelancers, operators.

According to researchers, the body of people leading a sedentary lifestyle ages 5-10 years earlier

Diseases that can develop against the background of sedentary professions:

  • violation of posture;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • kyphosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • disc protrusion;
  • problems of the sexual sphere;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • excess weight;
  • apathy;
  • diabetes.

Sedentary work can provoke pain attacks in the muscles, general weakness, and constant contact with the monitor weakens vision. Redness of the eyes, dryness and a feeling of sand indicate the occurrence of the so-called office syndrome.

Organizing a seating area

Those who spend their working day without movement every day should not look for a new position to maintain their health. It will be enough to listen to the advice of experts and follow a few simple rules.

Most office workers suffer from cardiovascular disease

What do we have to do:

  • properly organize the workplace;
  • choose a comfortable chair of the desired rigidity and height;
  • install the monitor in front of you, and not on the side;
  • take care of good lighting;
  • ventilate the room more often.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when sitting at work for a long time is poor posture. The first thing you need to learn is to monitor the position of the body and control your landing during the working day:

  • straighten your back, do not slouch;
  • keep head and torso straight;
  • direct the chin parallel to the floor;
  • strain your stomach;
  • place the feet on the floor;
  • the level of the knees should be above the level of the hips (you can use a stand);
  • the lower back rests on the back of the chair.

Even strictly following the implementation of all the rules, by the end of the working day, a person will experience fatigue and aches in the spinal region. To prevent this from happening, it is required, if necessary, to perform sedentary work, take regular breaks and perform simple exercises for the back. It is recommended to combine rest with gymnastics, specially designed for employees engaged in sedentary work, which will help strengthen the body. Walking and, if possible, a long stay in the fresh air are very beneficial for health. The ideal option would be regular visits to the gym or swimming pool.

Sedentary work is the main cause of severe weakness, muscle pain, diabetes, constipation and hemorrhoids

Conventionally, all gymnastic exercises are divided into groups:

  • homework;
  • a set of exercises for the office.

Prolonged stay of the body in a sedentary state leads to discomfort in the muscles and has a negative impact on overall well-being. All exercises that will help a person overcome the negative impact of a lack of movement are extremely simple, do not require special sports equipment, except for a chair, and take a minimum of time. The body at the beginning of the day should be energized, and morning exercises are the best way to do this. Five minutes of active exercise will help wake up and activate the condition of the spine and muscles.


All exercises take no more than a few minutes and are repeated 5 to 10 times. They should cover all vertebral sections, including the cervical:


To improve blood circulation in the muscles of the back, special exercises are recommended, for example, join your hands with a lock and, stretching forward, exhale, while pulling in your stomach and lowering your head down.

Sit on a chair and spread your legs wide, resting your hands on your hips. Turn the body alternately in both directions. This exercise has a positive effect on the muscles of the lower back and middle back.

All exercises can be performed until a pleasant tingling sensation appears and a feeling of complete relaxation of the muscles appears.

Gymnastics for the press

Any set of classes must necessarily involve training the press. Especially such exercises are necessary for women during sedentary work. It is in them that the weakening of the muscles in the waist area negatively affects the figure.

It is necessary to strain the abdominal muscles, while counting up to 5

  • retract the stomach and fix this position for 5 seconds, then return to its original position. You can start with 10 times, gradually increasing the number of exercises. Such charging is ideal for carrying out both in the office and while walking or relaxing at home;
  • tilt the body alternately in each direction with lowered arms and a straight back;
  • good help to the press will be provided by the usual tension of the muscles in the abdomen for 5-6 seconds. Over time, it is desirable to increase the load.


You can not ignore the legs. Sedentary work provokes the following inconveniences:

Violation of blood circulation, stagnation of venous blood.

Lack of necessary physical activity.

A few absolutely simple exercises will make it possible to restore health to the legs and ease the work of the heart:

Alternate tension and relaxation of the thigh muscles should be carried out in such a way that the kneecaps move. Repeat at least 10-15 times.

Bend and unbend your toes. During the exercise, breathing is arbitrary.

Exercises during sedentary work you need to accustom yourself to do at least 3 times a week

One of the simplest yet most effective exercises is to dangle your legs, as children like to do while sitting on a chair. Time in this option is not limited.

Tighten the gluteal muscles and, counting to five, relax. Each subsequent voltage should increase in time.


Sitting at a computer for a long time can contribute to the development of a disease known as "carpal tunnel syndrome", the main cause of which is monotonous work with hands.

A regular set of special exercises is designed to cope with the problem:

  1. Make circular movements with the brushes alternately in each direction, bend and unbend, moving up and down. This exercise is done with arms extended forward.
  2. With fists with clenched fingers, make rotational movements in each direction.
  3. Raising your arms up and to the sides, shake your relaxed hands.
  4. Use a small soft ball to squeeze with fingers and palms.
  5. Make a massage of each finger, starting from the pad and moving to the base. In this case, the skin must be rotated in one direction and the other.

Despite its simplicity, such a complex gives positive results.

Sedentary work requires increased attention to your health. Here you need to remember the main rule necessary for good health - the maximum number of movements. It is imperative to engage in special gymnastics, which will help activate the working processes of the body and improve blood circulation, which will positively affect the work of the muscles. Walking cannot be neglected either. The best option for doing strengthening exercises would be a cycle of classes three times a week. Such regular exercise will make it possible to minimize the negative impact of sedentary work on the state of the body. Particular attention should be paid to the observance of the temporary alternation of work and rest. The break between them should not exceed three hours.

To train the muscles of the press and buttocks in the office without attracting the curious glances of colleagues? Easily! Our expert will tell you how to do it.

"Charging in the office? Is it really impossible to do this at home?!", - skeptics will say after reading the title of the article. However, remember yourself: after two hours spent at the computer, you just want to get up and stretch yourself. Yes, and the time in the office is not always productive, it happens that we spend several hours on telephone conversations, endless correspondence and discussion with colleagues of the latest news. So why not really dilute the office routine with exercise?

Faushtino Joao,

coach of the gym of the club "X-Fit Victory Park".


When it comes to the muscles of the press, many people sigh heavily: working on them always takes quite a lot of time. So why lose it when you're at work? A few exercises will help you tone and maintain your abs.

1. Abdominal retraction

Do the exercise while sitting at your workplace. As you exhale, draw in your stomach as much as possible, fix it for 3-4 seconds. Relax your muscles as you inhale. Exercise comprehensively trains all the muscles of the abdomen. Start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 50.

2. "Stone press"

As you exhale, tighten your abs with all your might for 3-4 seconds. Relax on the inhale. The number of repetitions is 10-50. This is another exercise for all the abdominal muscles.

3. Pulling the knees to the stomach

Sit up straight, hands on the table. As you exhale, raise your knees to your stomach and lightly press the table top with them. Lower your legs as you inhale. The exercise will be more difficult if you do not put your feet on the floor. The number of repetitions is 10-50. You can replace pulling up your knees with static: while exhaling, press your knees on the table top for 5 seconds. As you inhale, lower your legs, relax. The exercise works mainly on the lower press.

4. Tilts

This exercise can be done if all your colleagues have left the office, and you know that for some time you will be left alone. Starting position - sitting on a chair, back straight, arms lowered. Perform left and right bends. As you exhale, lower yourself to one side until your hand touches the floor. On an inhale, return to the starting position. Then tilt to the other side. The number of slopes in each direction is 10-50. This exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

5. Rotations

Sitting on a chair, lift your legs slightly off the floor, rest your hands on the table. As you exhale, rotate on the chair to the left until it stops (try to keep the chest and upper body motionless, rotate only the pelvis). On an inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side. The number of rotations in each direction is 10-50.

6. Top Spins

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, leaving your pelvis motionless, turn your chest and head to the right in a chair (as if you want to see someone behind your right shoulder). On an inhale, return to the starting position. As you exhale, repeat the rotation to the other side. Perform 10-50 times in each direction. Together with the study of the oblique abdominal muscles, the exercise relieves heaviness in the back.


Another "problem area", in addition to the press, is the buttocks. Many girls are unhappy with this part of the body. Do not be sad: there are a number of special fitness programs, the purpose of which is to give the girl what she wants, that is, involving work on the buttocks. Just do not forget that the result directly depends on your desire and perseverance.

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of a chair (previously move it slightly away from the table). Feet together, knees pressed together, back straight. Straighten your right leg and at the same time pull the sock towards you. Do the same with the left leg. Do this exercise 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Feet together, knees pressed together, back straight. Straighten both legs at the same time and pull your socks towards you. Complete 20 times.

Exercise 3

Starting position - sitting on the edge of the chair, the body is slightly tilted forward. Put your hands on the table in front of you (do not transfer the weight to your hands). Now strongly tighten the muscles of the buttocks and rise above the chair a couple of millimeters. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 4

If you came to work in trousers, you can do the following exercise. Sitting on a chair, knees pressed to each other. Place your hands between your thighs and hold onto the chair with them. Now, with all your strength, press your hips on your hands, tensing your muscles for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

Exercise 5

And finally - the simplest, but such an effective exercise that will help to use the muscles of the legs, buttocks and even the press. It's walking up the stairs! Forget about the elevator, just a couple of flights and you will get a great workout for the body!

In order to maintain and strengthen your health, you need to have tremendous willpower, force yourself to work, train endurance. Only in this case a person achieves results. We have offered you an option on how you can improve your own body by exercising even during a working day in the office. If you do not have the conditions for this, transfer the "office workout" home, do the exercises between times, but the main thing is to do them regularly, and the result will not be long in coming. Good luck and sports achievements!

Reading time: 19 min

A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of many serious diseases and disorders in the body. But the modern reality, in which working at a computer is almost inevitable, leaves us no choice.

What to do if you feel discomfort during long sedentary work or just want to warm up without leaving your workplace? We offer you a selection of exercises for office gymnastics that will help you stay healthy and increase energy.

Sedentary lifestyle: why do we need office gymnastics?

According to the World Health Organization, more than 3 million deaths per year can be prevented by increasing physical activity during the day. The average office worker spends 80% of the day with low physical activity: sedentary work, meals, travel in transport - all this does not imply any movement. The paradox is that rest from sedentary work also very often does not involve being active: people choose the Internet and TV as leisure time, sitting in an armchair or lying on the couch.

Studies show that a sedentary lifestyle causes metabolic disorders, hypertension, increased blood sugar levels, and increased cholesterol. It causes risk of developing serious cardiovascular disease, cancer and early death. And even an hour of training will not help much to improve the situation if you spend the whole working day in a motionless sitting position.

However, you can prevent the ruin of your health from a sedentary lifestyle if you make it a habit to take short breaks from work for light exercise. Regular office gymnastics for a few minutes during the day can be more beneficial than hourly workouts 2-3 times a week. And if you manage to combine both, then you are guaranteed to help your body stay healthy.

Why do you need office gymnastics?

  1. Regular exercise increases metabolism and helps the body regulate blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.
  2. Office gymnastics helps to calm the nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety, which will certainly have a positive effect on your work efficiency.
  3. This is useful as a rest for the eyes, which is especially true when working at a computer or with papers.
  4. Office gymnastics reduces the risk of developing diseases of the spine and is the prevention of acute pain in the neck, back and lower back.
  5. Office gymnastics will improve blood circulation and activate the work of internal organs.
  6. Regular physical activity helps to avoid the loss of muscle and bone tissue that occurs with age if you do not exercise.
  7. Switching to another activity (from mental to physical) helps to increase energy and efficiency, get rid of drowsiness and lethargy.
  8. Even simple exercises from office gymnastics, if performed regularly, help tone the muscles and keep in good shape.

Our body is designed for regular movement, but technological progress has led to the fact that a sedentary lifestyle has become almost the norm. At the same time, people think that an hour of training before or after work can compensate for 9-10 hours spent in a sitting position. But this is a delusion.

Long periods of being in a sitting position without physical activity negatively affect the body and shorten our lives. If you want to stay healthy, then a little exercise during the day is a must, even if you regularly train at the gym or at home. And if you do not do physical activity at all, then you simply cannot do without such gymnastics.

Why is a sedentary lifestyle dangerous?

Office gymnastics was created not only to distract you from your work routine and increase your efficiency. It is a vital element for everyone who thinks about their health! A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity for 8-9 hours are the cause of many diseases and dysfunctions.

Speaking specifically, increased risk of developing:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • diseases of the spine and joints
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • metabolic disorders
  • digestive disorders
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • headaches and migraines
  • depression

A sedentary lifestyle is unnatural for the human body, which is why doctors emphasize the need to exercise during the day in an office environment.

  1. If you have a sedentary job, then train yourself to replace long periods of sitting with short minutes of activity. Get out of your chair at least once an hour and move around for at least 2-3 minutes. Ideally, once every half an hour.
  2. Watch while working to avoid curvature of the spine and pain in the back and neck. Make sure your back is straight, your shoulders are relaxed and down, your head is straight, and your computer screen is at eye level.
  3. If work does not allow you to be distracted even for a minute, then if possible, just move without getting up from your chair. (move with shoulders, arms, neck, torso). If you, for example, read any papers, then you can do this while walking around the office.
  4. If you have vision problems, then do not forget to do eye exercises as well.
  5. If you forget to pay attention to office gymnastics, then Set yourself a reminder on your phone or an alarm clock. This will become a habit later on.
  6. Cooperate with colleagues and do short physical exercises together. This will serve as an additional motivation to keep active throughout the day.
  7. Your goal should be to increase activity not only in the office, but also in everyday life. Try to wean yourself from passive rest after working on TV or the Internet. To track your activity, you can purchase.
  8. If possible, reduce the use of vehicles, giving preference to walking. Walking to work or after work helps to relax, clear your mind and get rid of stress.
  9. Just because you haven't experienced any negative symptoms yet, it doesn't mean that a sedentary lifestyle has no effect on you. Many disorders in the body can be asymptomatic. Prevention is always the best medicine, so do not neglect office gymnastics.
  10. remember, that Regular fitness classes do not replace normal household activity! If you train 1-1.5 hours a day, and the rest of the time you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the risks of ill health remain high.

Office gymnastics: 20 best exercises

Performing regular exercises from office gymnastics, you will get rid of the feeling of fatigue and gain a surge of fresh strength and vigor. Choose a few of the suggested exercises, distributing them throughout the day. Perform office gymnastics should be 5-10 minutes every 2-3 hours. If there are any problem areas of the body (e.g. neck or back) then put special emphasis on them.

If the posture is static, then linger in each position 20-30 seconds. If the posture is dynamic (in this case, our pictures show numbers with a change in position) then repeat each exercise 10-15 times. Remember to repeat the exercises on the right and left side.

1. Head tilts to the side for the neck

2. Head rotation for neck

3. Stretching the shoulders and back while sitting

4. Back lock for back, chest and shoulders

5. Sitting pleat for the back

6. Stretching the back and chest with a chair

10. Twisting "Cat" for the back

11. Pull up for the back

12. Bend with lock for back, chest and shoulders

13. Reclining with a chair for the back, lower back, buttocks and legs

14. Stretching the back and lower back in an incline

15. Tilt to the side for the oblique muscles of the abdomen and back

16. Reverse plank for the back, chest and press

17. Push-ups to strengthen the upper body

18. Reverse push-ups for arms and shoulders

19. Bicycle to strengthen the press

20. Turn to the side for a muscular corset

21. Lunge on a chair for the muscles of the legs and hip joints

22. Lunge with a chair for the muscles of the legs and buttocks

23. Squats for the buttocks and legs

24. Leg raise for thighs, calves and knee joints

29. Raise on toes for calves and ankles

Thanks to youtube channels for the pictures: Yoga by Candace, TOP TRUTHS, FitnessReloaded, ClubOneFitnessTV, Katharine TWhealth, Five Parks Yoga.

Office Gymnastics Video Compilation

If you want to do office gymnastics for ready-made workouts, then we offer you a few short sets of exercises on a chair. These videos will be great prevention diseases from a sedentary lifestyle.

1. Olga Sagay - Office gymnastics (10 minutes)

2. Exercise in the office (4 minutes)

3. FitnessBlender: Easy Office Stretch (5 minutes)

4. Denise Austin: Office Fitness (15 minutes)

5. HASfit: Office Workout (15 minutes)

Remember that your body needs constant movement. If you have a sedentary job and low activity during the day, then it's time to start changing your lifestyle. Do office gymnastics, go to the gym or work out at home, take daily walks, warm up, use stairs instead of elevators, walk more often.
