Growing herbs in five-liter bottles. How to save space - grow onions in a plastic bottle

Kira Stoletova

Greens - important element nutrition of each person, and we try to use it in large quantities, because it contains many useful substances and vitamins that are so necessary for our body. But it is during the period when our body most of all needs vitamins that it is snowing in the yard. V modern world it is easy to solve the problem by a simple trip to the supermarket, where all year round the shelves are teeming with fresh vegetables and herbs. But there is another way available to everyone: grow onions at home in a simple bottle. Onions in a plastic bottle are a great way out.

Preparatory stage

With the arrival of the first cold days, it makes sense to plant onions. The first green harvest on the windowsill will delight the eye and decorate the gray, dull landscape outside the window. Often in the spring, the vegetable starts up its own greens, so why not plant it? That's when the idea of ​​growing onions in a bottle comes to mind.

The method is simple. The main thing is to prepare a container (it must be plastic) for planting, and an island of summer will appear at home. You can plant onions in a 5 liter bottle or a 2 liter bottle. It all depends on how many seeds there are. The places where the seedling will be located are marked on the bottle. It is advisable to do this in a checkerboard pattern. Each hole on a plastic bottle is tried on and cut out smaller than the size of the head itself. If you make a cut at the top, then you can plant there too.

It is possible to grow onions in a plastic bottle only in prepared soil. It is easy to buy ready-made in a specialty store, but it is also easy to make the mixture yourself at home. To do this, mix soil, peat and humus. Filling the container, carefully tamp it, otherwise the earth will spill out into the holes. There is a second way - growing on toilet paper. Previously, the paper needs to be well wetted, squeezed out and laid out in a container so as to fill the entire void with it. Do not forget about regular watering.


We continue to figure out how to plant onions in a 5 liter bottle. Planting requires care and attention. If the plant already has a feather, then you should try not to break it off. It is important to ensure that top part the heads sticking out, then the greens can grow easily and quickly. In the first days, water will be washed out from watering, so it is advisable to put something under the container with the vegetable. It is important to water the onions in a bottle on the windowsill often, but not to pour them.

The basic rules for growing are as follows.

  1. The planting material should be selected in medium size: a large one is inconvenient to plant and will not fit even in a five-liter bottle, and small heads will not be able to stop the soil from pouring out of the holes.
  2. It is important to remember that this is a sun- and heat-loving plant, therefore it will be possible to grow onions in a bottle on the southern or eastern windowsill, otherwise cultivation will not bring desired results... As a last resort, greens will grow slowly and sparsely.
  3. Green onions in a plastic bottle will grow faster if the sprouts are planted slightly out of the holes.
  4. The planting of each next layer should be carried out at a distance of at least 3 cm from the previous one.
  5. Before planting, it is important to soak the heads in water, where they will sprout. Better yet, germinate them. So the green crop will appear on the table faster.

Care features

Onions in a plastic bottle on your windowsill can delight you with a generous and juicy harvest, but for this you need to take into account the specifics of home care. First of all, regular watering is required. It is better to do this not along the edges, but in the center of the container, otherwise the ground will become covered with mold, and the roots may rot. Watering is carried out by sutra, this is reflected in the taste and smell of feathers. Drying out of the earth must not be allowed.

Before a green crop appears, you constantly need to loosen and fertilize the soil. Top dressing is suitable both dry and in the form of a solution. Growing will be accelerated if nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, saltpeter or nitrogen fertilizer are added to the soil.

The plant does not require any special care. It is unpretentious, but in this way it is really possible to provide constant greens in the family's diet. It is interesting to observe the very moment of forcing green onions in a bottle. Already on the third day, you can see the first green sprout on some heads, but by the seventh day most of the plants will begin to actively grow and release feathers, only rare of them will not "hatch". By the 11th day, it is already possible to remove the first test crop from some. Grown for 2 weeks and already get enough harvest to prepare an appetizing salad. There is a possibility that some will not germinate, but new and new feathers will appear on the rest for a long time.

Growing onions in a plastic bottle using forcing is quite simple to observe: if there is no way to place a large container, then the alternative is a smaller plant, for example, in a liter container, where the set is planted. The planting and grooming procedure is no different, but the compact design will suit everyone.


People have long sought to have greens on the windowsill, but if earlier they were grown in jars and bulky boxes, now they are growing onions in a plastic bottle. Such a bed captivates with its compactness and simplicity of design. A similar method is suitable for any housewife, because a minimum of effort and financial investment is required, especially since it looks more attractive in such a container than in a bank.

Growing feathers of green onions on the windowsill is an occupation familiar to many from childhood: it was suggested to conduct such an "experiment" in natural history lessons. Someone "completed the task and forgot", but zealous housewives continue to delight their households with fresh herbs "from the windowsill." Moreover, green onions are the fastest growing greens in the apartment.

Every year I certainly plant onions "on the green" on the windowsill on the eve of the New Year and in the spring - "for vitamins." Of course you will say that "greens can be found in stores almost all year round", but not always and not everywhere, and often not of the quality that we would like, and how much it can be stored - you can never guess. That is why growing onions on the window remains the right decision.

In the same year, not only the approaching New Year's holidays prompted me to plant onions: the bulbs harvested for the winter began to germinate. It turned out that other housewives also noted that the onion harvest this year "failed" - the onion partly rots, and partly sprouts. Of course, just throwing the bow didn’t go up. As a result, all found containers suitable for planting were filled with soil and planted with sprouting onions. A lot - a lot of sprouting onions ... I also had to buy land for planting, but the fact that almost all the window sills were forced, I think, there is no need to add.

It is very pleasant to see fresh greens, cut them as needed immediately before preparing a dish, enjoy its aroma and freshness.

And yet one "BUT" remains. Or even more than one:
- all window sills are filled with all kinds (not always beautiful and appropriate) pots / boxes / everything that was found under the ground;
- what to do with flowers from the windowsill?
- it happens that midges appear;
- you have to buy additional land in the middle of winter;
- and then where to put it all away? store where? use for something else? and next winter - again: search for "seats" and land?

That is why a photograph that accidentally caught my eye on the Internet caused great joy, surprise and relief in me. In the photo I saw a vertically planted onion: a simple and correct solution is to plant "onions on a feather" in ordinary plastic bottles, plant "up".

In a large 5-liter plastic bottle, a lot of onions fit, and this "vegetable garden" took up very little space on the windowsill.

Searches on the topic of interest continued and it turned out that most of them use 1.5 and 2-liter plastic bottles for these purposes, which can easily be found in any home.

But my discoveries did not end there: it turned out that it was not at all necessary to tinker with the earth, both when planting an onion and in the subsequent care of it (it must be watered regularly) - you can use toilet paper instead of earth ... !!! or sawdust! Thus, to all the advantages of planting onions in bottles is added - the absence of mud flowing out during watering and midges starting in the ground.

It remains only to describe landing method such a "vitamin garden":

1. We find a 1.5 or 2 liter plastic bottle.
2. Cut out with scissors (or burn with a heated metal pipe) in a checkerboard pattern, the holes-circles are not big size(suitable for your bulbs)

3. We fill the bottle "layer by layer" with earth, inserting bulbs into the holes (more precisely, exposing them "out" through them)
4. Abundantly and regularly water the planted onions with water (a container must be placed under the bottle (or do it over the sink), otherwise - the dirt flowing through the holes will pretty dirty everything around you)
5. Soon we get a wonderful harvest of green onions grown in very compact conditions.

If you prefer not to tinker with the earth, but use the HAK of home craftswomen, and lay out toilet paper or sawdust in layers, then it will look a little "dumb" (especially toilet paper in a transparent bottle) until abundant greenery appears, but it will be much neater and cleaner during operation:

Wet toilet paper, squeeze lightly, fill the voids without tamping. Pass the green tail of the bow through the hole. Shift, filling the space between the bulbs with paper, to the very top, where you can also "plant" the onion. Drizzle. Wait for greenery, regularly watering our comfortable vegetable garden on the windowsill.

I would like to add from personal experience:

1. Do not cut the first "holes in the jar" too low so that water does not flow out.
2. Do not rush to cut all the holes in one go - try on the bulbs so that they can fit, if they are large, and there is not too much free space (a lot of paper will go away)
3. The holes should not be large - just to stick out the tip (tail) of the bulb, otherwise - water will ooze during watering (especially the first)
4. From an aesthetic point of view, planting in toilet paper is not very pretty in the end it looks.

But the onion grows great!

Without greens, any dish seems dull, unappetizing, but in winter it is difficult to find high-quality fresh parsley or dill. Twigs and leaves turn yellow quickly, and the aroma, even with good appearance not any. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to grow green onions in a plastic bottle. You will understand everything from the photo, but if you have any questions, you can watch the video.

A little preparation, following simple rules, and after 3-5 days beautiful greens will grow on your windowsill, which will delight you with its yield and juiciness for a long time.

The method of growing green onions in a plastic bottle or jar, described below, is also interesting in that it will help save space, which means that much more planting material can be placed on one windowsill.

So, we need:

  • empty five liter plastic bottle,
  • scissors,
  • seedling soil mixture,
  • onion heads.


1. From a five-liter plastic bottle, we need to make a container for growing onions, but it will not be quite ordinary. Starting from the bottom of the bottle, cut round holes on the bottle.

2. The holes do not have to be the same, later the bulbs will be inserted into them, and they, just the same, are also of different sizes.

3. Holes should be cut to the point where the bottle begins to taper. At this point, we begin to cut off the top of the bottle in a circle to make an open container.

4. Now proceed to fill the container with the seedling potting soil. For this, you can also use the universal soil for plants and flowers, which can be found in any store. We spread the soil to the first holes, slightly pressing it down.

5. Then select the appropriate sized bulbs and insert them into the holes. If the bulbs do not fit a little, for example, they are too large, then you can adjust the holes to the desired size using scissors.

6. When the bulbs of the lower tier are inserted, pour in the next part of the potting mix, press down, and then water it a little.

7. Continue the steps described in points 6 and 7 until we reach the very top of the container.

8. The top of the container, filled with soil, will also serve as a place for planting onions. We put a few onions there and water them well.

9. We put our unusual container on the windowsill and be patient. Although you won't have to wait long. After 1-2 days, the bulbs will take root and the first sprouts will hatch on them.

10. And already on day 4-5, juicy greens will appear at all, not yet so large, but already suitable for consumption. On the 7th day, the pyramid of onions will turn green profusely, the main thing is now not to let the soil dry out, so we will water it in about a day.

11. You will be surprised how quickly green onions grow on a windowsill in a plastic bottle, so think about how you will use them in advance. For example, I not only use fresh herbs, but also freeze them for future use. Remember that the natural taste and aroma of green onions grown with your own hands on the windowsill cannot be compared with what is offered in the store. Happy planting and excellent harvest!

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In winter, the body lacks vitamins, its immunity becomes weaker, and, as a result, a person suffers from illness. This problem can be dealt with by planting onions in a plastic bottle. Growing vegetables, especially greens, is really not difficult and many housewives are happy to do it. Forcing green onions in a bottle are good, you can make a whole plantation on the windowsill and balcony.

Before deciding how to grow healthy onions in a bottle, you need to purchase several items, without which it is impossible to grow greens.

If the bulbs cannot germinate, the problem may be in poor quality material and soil. To grow your produce successfully, you will have to invest a little in the beginning.

Planting instructions

The question of how to plant onions in a 5 liter bottle would be more correctly rephrased into the question of how to prepare a container for planting, how to properly cut holes in a plastic bottle.

Planting onions at home

  1. In a plastic bottle, holes are first cut on the sides and the neck is cut off. The neck is cut in such a way that the green onions can pass freely through it. Soldering tools can be used instead of sharp scissors or a small knife. the main task- do not make the holes large so that the bow heads and soil do not fall out of them, but not too small. You can look at the photo and navigate through it how to cut holes. Some housewives use a trick: they pour water into the container, cool it to ice, and then take up curly cutting. Holes are cut in the same way in a 3-liter plastic bottle.
  2. After preparing the plastic container, fertile soil is placed inside it: it is poured up to the lower holes. Planting occurs as follows: the planting material is carefully inserted through the holes, while the bulbs cover the holes, not allowing the soil to spill out, then the heads are covered with earth to the next level with holes. The ground is watered, the bulbs are reinserted and continue to the top. When the planting of the bulbs is over, the neck is returned to its place: it will be easier to water the greens through it.
  3. Onions in a plastic bottle are grown on a windowsill. For green onions in a plastic bottle to grow, they need sun and water. During watering, the liquid flows out of the container, spreads and stains everything around, so the container is placed on a pallet. Depending on the onion container, a pot or even a small bucket can serve as a tray. Since the water remaining after irrigation tends to stagnate over time, it must not be forgotten to remove it.

The advantages of a home plantation

Growing onions in a plastic bottle has not lost its popularity for many years due to its advantages:

  1. Distillation from the plant is good: it is not difficult to grow onions in a plastic bottle. The main problem associated with it in the past was the lack of space. Some housewives, engaged in growing vegetables at home, plant green onions in cans and boxes, trying in vain to fit them all on the windowsill. Because of this, the amount of output is crushingly low. If you carry out the cultivation of vegetables in the way presented in the article, you can not only feast on the resulting product yourself, but also sell its surplus to the side. Bottles can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also on the balcony, which greatly increases the yield.
  2. Bottles are common things, they are almost certainly found in any home. It is not necessary to use only 5 or 3 liter containers, both smaller and bigger size... Growing onions in a bottle is a very economical solution in terms of costs of money.
  3. In winter, you can pamper yourself with fresh bulbs instead of buying them at the store.

Problems to face

It takes hard work to grow onions in a plastic bottle on the window. You will have to carefully cut the holes in the containers: the slightest wrong movement can ruin the whole work. It is easy to make holes in the container larger or smaller than necessary, which will require you to start all over again. It is easy to cut yourself with a sharp knife or scissors, and burn yourself with hot metal for burning holes.

Growing vegetables in large containers means both a good harvest and more work, since it will take longer to fill such a container layer by layer than a small one. It is also important not to forget about dirty water after watering, which, if there are no pallets, will flow to the floor. All of the above are the main disadvantages of this method, but their advantages clearly outweigh them. As the proverb says: you can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

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