The largest perch. Record sizes of fishing trophies

For professional anglers, perch is the best trophy during the winter fishing season. During a competition or rest with friends, the caught kilogram fish becomes the pride of the team, the reason for common photographs, weighing and measuring. In moments of triumph, the professional and amateur alike hope to travel to Africa, home to the largest perch in the world, to battle a giant rival at Lake Nasser.

The largest perch in the world

If you hear about the Nile perch, know that it is he who is considered the largest perch in the world. The weight of the fish often exceeds 150 kilograms, and the length reaches 2 meters! A representative of the perch family, which the Guinness Book of Records mentions, is met in backwaters in the north and east of the African continent.

For the first time, giant fish are mentioned in Egyptian manuscripts, when the perch was the main aquatic predator of the Nile, frightening local fishermen. It is not surprising that fishing for the "sea monster" was actively pursued on the Niger and Congo rivers, as well as Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika until the 50s. last century.

The perches include a large number of bony fish, including 150 subspecies and 6,000 representatives of the breed. Common features:

  • spiny fins;
  • gill covers on the body;
  • the pelvic fins are located under the pectorals.

The perch family includes a subspecies of mackerel fish, common in the Black Sea and the Baltic, as well as labyrinth representatives, which differ from their counterparts in bag-shaped growths in the gills, with the help of which the fish breathes atmospheric air. At the same time, some specimens living in fresh water bodies of the African continent and Asian countries are even able to crawl out onto land and climb trees!

External signs

On the web or on Youtube you can find a lot of photos and videos of Nile perches - giant freshwater fish silver color with a flattened head protruding forward lower jaw and rounded fins. Fishermen note the taste of carnivore meat, which is characterized by a low-fat consistency, white soft fibers, low odor, suitable for frying or baking.

Interestingly, the giant perch keeps the fry in the mouth, increasing the chances of survival of the growing offspring. Perch feed on small fish, aquatic insects, crustaceans. Growing up predators hunt in small flocks of 5-20 individuals, luring prey into the "cauldron" and aggressively attacking. Rumor has it that giant representatives of the breed will not refuse to feast on human flesh - the bodies of people drowned in local waters. However, this information has not been officially confirmed.

Artificial breeding

Nile perch are popular with freshwater lake owners and tenants - fry quickly adapt, grow and reproduce. These features make fish farming a lucrative business, and the number of fish farms specialized in breeding the giant fast-growing breed is increasing around the world.

Also popular is sport fishing for large Nile perch, which will become a notable trophy for every angler. This type of recreation is so popular among foreigners that it has become a significant source of income for local budgets.

Predator behavior

In their natural environment, the largest perch behaves aggressively, eating small species of fish, crustaceans and insects. In the absence of regulation of the number, perches become a threat to the lake fauna, disrupting its natural balance.

The fish is so gluttonous and reacts so quickly to artificial baits that fishing for it gives a lot of pleasure to vacationers. Giant specimens are caught using the trolling technique, since the perch, when swallowing the hook, desperately resists and fights for life. A fair amount of skill is required from a fisherman to fish for prey weighing over 100 kilograms without breaking expensive tackle.

If you are serious about fishing in Africa, plan your trip between May and October, or better yet, in July. IN winter period perch leads a passive lifestyle and bites badly, and in April catching giant fish is prohibited due to spawning. However, during the spawning period, animal activists and filmmakers come to the habitats of the Nile perch to admire and also film the famous jumps of the largest perch.

The oldest perch in the world

The oldest perch, the age of which experts estimated at 200 years, was caught off the coast of Alaska by a tourist from Washington state Henry Liebman. The weight of the fish was 17 kilograms, and the length was 104 centimeters. The record for the oldest fish in the northeast pacific coast is set with the use of sports fishing equipment.

Such an ancient age - 200 years - was determined by experts by the number of growth rings and the auditory bone of the perch. The previous copy, included in the famous list of records, lived 175 years. It is noteworthy that representatives of the perch family live at a depth of 25 meters to a kilometer for 100 years or more.

The largest perch in Russia

The standard of the Russian representative of perch does not exceed 1.2 kilograms, rarely 2.8 kilograms for individuals in freshwater lakes. The largest perch in Russia was caught back in 1996 in the Uvat District of the Tyumen Region on Lake Tishkin Sor. The weight of the miracle fish was 5.965 kilograms. A good bite happens in Siberia and the lower reaches of the Volga, where there is real expanse for perches: quiet backwaters, an abundance of growing fish, a lack of the benefits of civilization. Specimens weighing up to 2 kilograms are also found in the Kuban.

Large perch from Russia

This is how the river monsters look like - predatory perches, who gradually live for decades on the territory of fresh and slightly salted lakes, rivers and ocean bays. Comfort temperature for fish life - 10-22 degrees. In winter, the perch also feeds, but is less active, so it is more difficult to catch it. For an unforgettable trophy and the largest perch, head to Lake Nasser in Africa. It is home to the Nile giant, which will be the highlight of any fishing collection.

I must say that most of the fishing records do not have any documentary evidence (video and photographic materials). We have to take the sources at their word. So we do not undertake to answer for the reliability. But there is common sense, which helped to drop absolutely fantastic records.

Crucian carp weighing 7.5 kg was caught in Lake Osyno (Sebezh) by a resident of the village of Osyno I.D. Ivanov.

Tench grows rather slowly, but in large feeding ponds it reaches an impressive size. The largest specimen caught weighed 8.5 kg.

The largest bream found in the lakes of Scotland, where specimens of 12.3 kg and even 16.4 kg of weight were caught.

Standard ide weight 1-2 kg... In our time, record ides grow up to 8 kg on the Lena River in Yakutia. A hundred years ago, record ides weighing 8 kg were caught in the Tver region and in Belarus.

Austrian Christian Baldmeier caught mirror carp weighing 37.3 kg and a length of 1.15 m.This happened at a reservoir in Romania in 1997.

Roach has a small size, and its standard weight is 100 g. But under favorable conditions, good food supply and sufficient habitat, roach can grow to a serious size - 2.8 kg.

Gudgeon in quite rare cases it reaches 15-20 cm and a weight of 100 g. The largest recorded specimen of a gudgeon weighed 192 g.

In 1967 V. Kopylov caught the largest burbot- it weighed 29 kg 970 g. The burbot turned out to be a thief. Considering that males, as a rule, are much smaller than females, it can be assumed that 30 kg of weight for burbot is not the limit.

The largest pike was caught in Lake Broadoud, Ireland. This "grandmother" weighed 43.54 kg. In Russia, the largest specimen of pike was caught in Lake Ilmen and weighed 34 kg.

Usually zander it weighs up to 8-10 kg, but in large rivers, especially in the lower reaches, as well as in large lakes, it grows to a solid size. In several European countries, the facts of catching pike perch weighing up to 20 kg are officially registered. But the largest pike perch, according to unverified data, was caught in Russia on the Volga and weighed 40 kg.

Standard perch weight 100-300 g... Specimens of 1-2 kg are much less often caught. But in the rivers and lakes of Western Siberia, such giants do not constitute a very big curiosity: at present, huge perches weighing 4-5 kg ​​are caught. The largest perch weighed 6.5 kg and was caught in 1985. In 1996, a perch (female roe) weighing 5.965 kg was caught on Lake Tishkin Sor in the Uvat District of the Tyumen Region.

Catfish is the largest river predator... Catfish live in almost all large rivers, lakes and reservoirs. It seems incredible, but catfish grow up to half a ton in weight. A record 432 kg catfish was caught in Uzbekistan.

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River perch is the most frequent trophy in the catches of winter fishing enthusiasts. A large perch is always a welcome prey and often, having caught a perch, we estimate by eye (some specially carry electronic scales with them) its size and weight. "How longer than an arm at the fisherman's larger fish he catches "- this joke is always in use when someone starts talking about what humpbacks he caught last time ...

But jokes aside, and here we will talk about how the size and weight of a perch is related to its age.

L.P. Sabaneev, regarding the size of the perch, in his famous book "Life and Catching Freshwater Fish" noted:

“The typical size of a perch does not exceed 2-3 pounds.(1 lb = 409 g, hence approximately 800-1200 g). In very rare cases, it reaches 5-7 pounds (2-2.8 kg.) And only in large lakes, such as Onega, do you come across 8-pounds (3.2 kg), and in Peipsi even 10-pounds (4 kg.) ) perch. But in the rivers and lakes of Western Siberia, such giants are no longer a very big curiosity, and in the lakes of the Yekaterinburg district, huge perches weighing 10-12 pounds (4 - about 5 kg) are currently found.

However, large perches are not at all so large, as one would expect, which depends on the fact that they grow more in thickness and height than in length. They are almost never more than ¾ arshin (arshin = 71.12 cm, that is, approximately 54 cm), but on the other hand, their thickness in the back sometimes extends up to four, and their height is up to six vershoks ”(vershok = 4.4 cm, means about 18 and 27 cm, respectively).

Interesting information for the size of perch and their growth rate, see Wikipedia.

In particular, it is noted there that, as a rule, the length of river perch does not exceed 50 cm, and the mass is 2 kg, although some individuals can reach larger sizes.

The largest perch ever caught in Russia is a female caviar weighing 5.965 kg. She was caught in 1996 at Lake Tishkin Sor in the Uvat District of the Tyumen Region.

In general, the largest perches in our country live in the Volga and Kuban deltas and water bodies of Siberia. The age of the perch is determined by the growth rings on the upper jaw and the operculum. The maximum lifespan of river perch is 23 years. This age was recorded for a perch caught in Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia), 44.7 cm long and weighing more than 2 kg. The lifespan of perches, like their size, also depends on the specific reservoir.

With a body length of 15-20 mm, the larva becomes a fry, the characteristic dark stripes begin to appear only when the fry reaches a length of 20-25 mm. Perch, as a rule, begins to feed on fry in the second year of life, in some reservoirs - in the first, upon reaching 4 cm in length.

The growth rate of perch is primarily influenced by the climatic features of the reservoir and the availability of affordable fish food, which allows you to switch to a predatory lifestyle earlier.

In general, the growth rate of perch is low. In small reservoirs, as well as in conditions of a meager forage base, perch in the first year grows up to 5 cm, and by 6 years - up to 20 cm.In large lakes, reservoirs, deltas of large rivers, perch by the first year can reach 12 cm in length, and five-year-old may be 35 cm long.

The increase in perch per 1 kg requires 4.9 kg of other fish. The growth rate of perch depends on environmental conditions and can vary significantly in one reservoir in different years.

For comparison, a few numbers, also based on data from Wikipedia:

If a perch from Lake Kamennoe, which in Karelia grows up to 11 cm in length by the age of two and “feeds” only 18 grams. weight, then his "peer" from the Volga delta already has a "height" of 17 centimeters and weighs as much as 115 grams. And after a couple of years, the first, with dimensions of 15 cm, weighs only 52 grams. (“Sailor”), while the Volzhan perch already reaches 24 cm and weighs about 300 grams.

Searched the Internet for perch size data of different ages in our Kubenskoye lake, but I did not find anything, so I decided to focus on the indicators of Lake Ilmen, located in the neighboring Novgorod region.

So these are the sizes and weights (of course, on average) the perch reaches there:

  • 2 years - 11 cm, 23 g;
  • 3 years - 14 cm, 56 g,
  • 4 years - 17 cm, 104 g,
  • 5 years - 20 cm, 166 g,
  • 6 years old - 23 cm, 252 g,
  • 7 years old - 25 cm, 344 g,
  • 8 years old - 28 cm, 451 g,
  • 9 years old - 29 cm, 581 g.
Further, unfortunately, there is no data in the table. I think that the growth dynamics of perch looks about the same in our lake. Maybe only a little to the smaller side, since our lake is located to the north, and much smaller than Ilmen.

Therefore, if a striped humpback of 800 grams falls on the hook, which happens, although not very often, then this is already an "old man" who is clearly more than a dozen years old.

The bulk of perch in the lake, caught by an amateur fisherman in winter, is most likely fish from 3 to 7 years old, since its size and weight correspond to this age.

At a young age, male perch have long length body and weight compared to females, in older age groups on the contrary, females grow faster and are larger than males.

A common trophy in the catches of fishing enthusiasts, especially in winter, is the river perch. And a large perch is the most desirable prey, and having caught this fish, one wants to immediately weigh it, measure it and photograph it.

This article will focus on this wonderful fish and how the weight and size of the perch correlate with its age. You can also find out where the largest perch in the world was caught.

Perch: habitat

River perch is one of the most well-studied and widespread fish species in Eurasia. And yet, in reality, there are many more questions in terms of perch biology than answers. It turns out that other fish species have been studied even worse.

River perch is found in almost all of Eurasia. In Asia, it is found even in the north (Kolyma), and once stood out as a separate subspecies. In the south, this species is adjacent to the Balkhash perch.

On the territory of Europe, its habitat first extended to the northern part of the British Isles, the northern parts and the north of the Kola Peninsula. The southern area covered the territory of almost all of Europe. But now the places where this fish is found are expanding, since the river perch, being a competitive species, often displaces local endemic representatives when entering new water bodies.

Today, perch is found in the north of Ireland and Britain, sometimes in Iran, Turkey, China and even Africa. He was able to acclimatize both in Australia and in New Zealand. Only in the USA this fish did not take root due to its displacement by the local species of yellow perch, which is very similar to river perch.

The largest river perch lived on the Nile River. You can learn more about this below.


Perch has excellent environmental plasticity, and therefore, adapting to different living conditions, it can look completely different. For example, almost black representatives of the species can be found in Karelian lakes. This color allows them to camouflage well. And in many rivers, where the sandy bottom prevails, this fish, on the contrary, is very light. Even the stripes on her body are sometimes not visible.

The size, proportions, number and color of fins may also vary. It is important to note that all of these existing forms are not subspecies. Their external features are not inherited, and over time, for example, a dark-colored Karelian perch placed in a reservoir with a lighter bottom, gradually lightens.

The largest perch in Russia is considered to weigh just under 6 kilograms, but this is quite a rare occurrence. Even weighing about 1.5 kg, this fish is considered large, and more than two kilograms - very large. In small reservoirs, the average weight of perch rarely reaches 700-1200 grams.

Large perches are not that big. For the most part, they grow in height and thickness. Their length is about 54 cm, and their thickness and height are about 18 and 27 centimeters, respectively.


River perch (the largest or the smallest), regardless of size, inhabits areas of the reservoir with vegetation or other natural shelters. Usually, in such areas, there is either no current at all, or it is weak.

As a rule, places with strong current this fish is avoiding. Therefore, this population is very rare in mountain rivers (due to the very fast flow and too cold water).

Russian perch

The usual size of a perch does not exceed 1200 grams. In rare cases, it reaches 2.8 kg, and only in large lakes, for example, in Onega, there are 3 kg and more, and on Lake Peipsi - 4 kg. It should be noted that such giants are no longer a wonder for Western Siberia. Yekaterinburg lakes and reservoirs of its surroundings are the abode of huge perches (about 5 kg).

The largest perch caught in Russia is the female caviar, whose weight has reached 5.965 kilograms. She was caught on Lake Tishkin Sor in 1996, in the Tyumen region (Uvat district).

Especially large perches are caught in Siberia and the Lower Volga. This is due to the presence of large forage lands and a slight pressure on civilization.

The age of the fish is determined by the growth rings on the upper jaw and on the operculum bone. River perch can live up to about 23 years. This age was recorded for the perch that lived and caught in Mongolia, in Lake Khubsugul. Its length was 44.7 cm, and its body weight was more than 2 kg.

Both the size and life expectancy of this species of fish also depend on the characteristics of the reservoir. Where does large perch live in Russia? The largest specimen can be found in the deltas of the Kuban and Volga rivers and in the reservoirs of Siberia.

Perch species

In many large bodies of water, the perch population is represented by two races, each of which has its own characteristic habitats, diet and behavior. In the bays, in the coastal thickets, the so-called herbal perch lives, and there are quite a few of them, but it grows slowly. Such a specimen feeds mostly on invertebrates, but often it is itself a victim of predators. Usually he comes across during fishing with a float rod.

The peculiarities of deep-sea bass can be described as follows: it grows quickly, has a thick and wide body, and feeds mainly on small fish.

A characteristic feature for representatives of both races is that at a certain stage they occupy approximately the same habitat and lead a similar lifestyle. Changes and the emergence of differences occur in the process of growing up. It should be noted that the proportion of females in the deep race is much higher. This is due to the fact that fast-growing females spawn every year.

Regarding the herbal form, some researchers believe that the not entirely sufficient food base for them definitely inhibits both their growth and the development of eggs, and therefore representatives of this species spawn only after a year.

Nile perch

The Nile perch is the largest perch in the world. This individual reaches a length of up to two meters, and its weight can exceed 150 kilograms.

Due to its gigantic size, this perch is the most important predator in any of its habitats. It is found mainly in rivers such as the Nile, Niger and Congo.

It was in the 50s of the 19th century that the Nile perch was an important commercial species. It was introduced to the lakes of East Africa - Victoria and Tanganyika.

In addition, this species was launched in Nasser, where they began to breed it as a commercial fish. Such a perch is a favorite prey for sports anglers. Due to its unusual large size and with a fierce disposition for any fisherman, he is a welcome trophy. A photo of the largest perch is presented below.

Nile perch usually feeds on fish of other species, crayfish, insects. There are cases of eating small representatives of their own species. The gluttonous perch bites with pleasure on artificial feeding and bait.

Fishermen from all over the world come to the rivers and lakes of Africa with one and only goal - to catch this magnificent giant. And the meat of this fish is very tasty.

It should also be noted that in 2002 a British fisherman was able to catch the world's largest Nile perch, weighing about 85 kilograms. In addition, a naturally deceased perch (the largest) was once caught on Lake Victoria, weighing 140 kilograms. And ichthyologists argue that this is not the limit.

A little about spawning

An increase in temperature up to 10 degrees and ice melting is a good incentive for perch spawning. Such conditions are necessary for the full ripening of eggs, since it depends on the presence of nutrition and oxygen in the water.

Spawning migrations are typical, but not required. For example, a perch that lives in fresh water is usually just looking for well-heated and shallow areas. But individuals living in slightly salted reservoirs go to spawn in fresh river water, because their eggs are sensitive to salt (in a saline solution they die as a result of dehydration).

Perch spawning lasts about a week. The number of eggs in large females can reach up to 300,000, although on average their number is about 20-30 thousand.

About the habits of fish

Basically, the perch is a schooling fish. Only the largest individuals keep alone. Juveniles usually flock into large, numbering up to 100 individuals and more. Young fish feed on caviar of other fish and invertebrates. Therefore, it is not the number of them in the flock that is important, but a good place.

Teenage perches keep in flocks of about 5-20 pieces, since in such a composition it is easier to hunt fry, knocking them into a heap and creating a kind of cauldron in which predators quickly lose their self-control from the sight of a large number of prey and begin to attack aggressively. A "pot" for spinning fishing is the most convenient option, but the chances of catching a large specimen are small here.

In conclusion about environmental requirements

Here is such interesting fish lives in numerous reservoirs and rivers of endless territories of many countries. The optimum water temperature for it is 10-22 degrees Celsius. With a slight decrease in temperature, its activity decreases, but not much. Even in the dead of winter, she continues to feed.

I must say that most of the fishing records do not have any documentary evidence (video and photographic materials). We have to believe the sources "at their word". So I don’t undertake to answer for the reliability. But there is common sense, which helped to drop absolutely fantastic records.

Crucian carp. Crucian carp weighing 5.5 kg was caught in Lake Osyno (Sebezh) by a resident of the village of Osyno I.D. Ivanov.

Tench. The tench grows rather slowly, but in large feeding ponds it reaches an impressive size. The largest specimen caught weighed 8.5 kg.

Bream. The largest bream are found in the lakes of Scotland, where specimens weighing 12.3 kg and even 16.4 kg were caught.

Ide. The standard weight of the ide is 1-2 kg. In our time, record ides grow up to 8 kg on the Lena River in Yakutia. A hundred years ago, record ides weighing 8 kg were caught in the Tver region and in Belarus.

Carp. A new world record was recently set. Austrian Christian Baldmeier caught a mirror carp weighing 37.3 kg and a length of 1.15 m. This happened in 1997 at the Sarulesti reservoir in Romania.

Roach. As a rule, roach is small in size, and its standard weight is 100 g. But under favorable conditions, good food supply and sufficient habitat, roach can grow to a serious size - 2.8 kg.

Dace. The record weight of the dace is 500 g. The last big dace was caught and officially registered in 1986 and weighed 401 g.

Minnow. Almost no one measures the weight of this miniature fish. There is only size data. In the European part of Russia, minnows 9-10 cm long are caught. In the basin of the Amur, northern China and Mongolia, the largest minnow, the Lagovsky minnow, lives. Some individuals of this species reach a length of 24 cm.

Gudgeon. Gudgeon in rather rare cases reaches 15-20 cm and weighs 100 g. The largest recorded specimen of gudgeon weighed 192 g.

Pike. The largest pike was caught in Ireland at Lake Broadoud. This "grandmother" weighed 43.54 kg. In Russia, the largest specimen of pike was caught in Lake Ilmen and weighed 34 kg.

Burbot. In 1967 V. Kopylov caught the largest burbot in the Norilka River (on Taimyr) - it weighed 29 kg 970 g. The burbot turned out to be a thresher. Considering that males, as a rule, are much smaller than females, it can be assumed that 30 kg of weight for burbot is not the limit. According to other sources, a burbot weighing 34 kg and 180 cm long was caught in Siberia.

Zander. Usually pike perch weighs up to 8-10 kg, but in large rivers, especially in the lower reaches, as well as in large lakes, it grows to a solid size. Individuals larger than 10 kg are caught regularly these days. In several European countries, the capture of pike perch weighing up to 20 kg is officially registered. But the largest pike perch, according to unverified data, was caught in Russia on the Volga and weighed 40 kg.

Perch. The standard size of perch is 100-300 g. Specimens of 1-2 kg are much less often caught. But in the rivers and lakes of Western Siberia, such giants do not constitute a very big curiosity: at present, huge perches weighing 4-5 kg ​​are caught. The largest perch weighed 6.5 kg and was caught in 1985. In 1996, a perch (female roe) weighing 5.965 kg was caught on Lake Tishkin Sor in the Uvat District of the Tyumen Region. The author of the trophy is Nikolai Badymer.

Ruff. With an abundance of food, the ruff reaches a significant size. Large ruffs are also found in some Siberian water bodies. The largest ruff caught was almost 50 cm long and weighed about 750 grams.

Grayling. The largest grayling caught is European, weighing 6.7 kg. The largest Siberian - lives in the tributaries of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and in the northern Taimyr and reaches a weight of 3 kg. A huge Mongolian grayling was caught on Lake Khoton-Nur (Northwestern Mongolia) and was 64 cm long and 2.5 kg in weight.

Taimen. Krasulia, laziness, talmen. It is a large predator, reaching more than 1.5 m in length and 60 kg in weight. The age of the taimen caught in 1944 in the Yenisei, near Krasnoyarsk, was determined at 55 years old. His weight was 56 kg. The largest recorded specimen was caught in 1943 in a net on the Kotui River. Taimen weighed 105 kg and was 210 cm long.

Sterlet. In 1849, in the Volga, near the village of Zolote, below Saratov, a sterlet was caught 1 m long and weighing 20 kg.

Stellate sturgeon. In the Kura River on October 22, 1910, a 70 kg female roe was caught, which gave more than 12 kg of caviar.

Kaluga. The place where the largest specimen was caught is the Amur River. The length of the fish is 4 m, weight is 1140 kg.

Beluga. Beluga weighing 1.5 tons was caught in 1827 in the Volga delta.

Baltic (Atlantic, German) sturgeon. In March 1904, a Baltic sturgeon 345 cm long and 320 kg in weight was caught in the North Sea.

Siberian sturgeon. In Zaisan in 1891, a sturgeon weighing 192 kg was caught, which yielded more than 50 kg of caviar.

If you or your friends catch a record or impressive fish in size - send a photo to our email address... And do not forget to put some well-known object next to the trophy for reliability: a ruler, a matchbox, a pack of cigarettes, etc. History will not forget you.

Vyacheslav Komzolov

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