Interesting facts about the football field. Interesting facts and information about football and footballers

How much soccer balls can one player score in one match? The record in this nomination was set by Stefan Santis. This event took place on December 13, 1942 at the French Cup match between the teams "Lens" and "Aubry-Asturie". The result of the meeting is 32: 0, Santis scored 16 goals. According to eyewitnesses, the enemy's defense was very weak and Stefan spent almost all of his shots from the penalty area.

Interestingly, during the war years, football players did not receive money, they played for food or even on enthusiasm. Albert Yus, the coach of the Lance team, promised the team one smoked fish for every year they scored. So the players tried to provide themselves with a magnificent dinner for those times.

The toughest and roughest football game ever

In the memory of every football lover and ardent fan there is such a match in which yellow and red cards “poured” the whole game, like “rain from a bucket”. And most importantly, this “rain”, consisting of punishments for violations, poured on two teams at once. Have you ever thought about what Soccer game was the roughest in the history of football?

So, in 1969, on the 3rd of November, a football match was held in Great Britain, which is simply difficult to call a sport. The game was played between the Tongham Youth Club Surrey and the Hawley team. These two clubs have become the undisputed champions for offenses on the pitch. The teams received 22 red cards for the game. Do you understand what this means? Each player was sent off the field for violations. In addition, the side referee was punished, who tried to intervene in the “showdown” between the players. It is not known whether the referee was in a bad mood, or the guys went too far, but the fact remains - everyone was removed, and there was no one to play.

How much does the highest paid football coach get?

It's no secret that the success of each team depends on the experience of its coach. Football is no exception to this rule. Would you like to know who is from football coaches receives the highest salary. This person is a coach from Brazil named Luis Felipe Scolari. Good coach must earn a lot. The salary of this person is about 16.6 million euros. Can you imagine what kind of money it is? The last whom Scolari coached was the Brazilian national team (from 2001 to 2002), then he coached the Portuguese national team (from 2003 to 2008), then the Chelsea team (from 2008-2009), and after the Uzbek club Bunyodkor (from 2009 to 2011).

Fastest goalkeeper

Goalkeeper Joe Hart was named the fastest goalkeeper. This event took place at the match "Manchester City" - "Manchester United". Manchester City were losing 0-1. Went last minutes match and the players, including the goalkeeper, decided to go on the attack so as not to lose dry. But fate decreed that the opponents took possession of the ball, and now they are already going to counterattack. Goalkeeper Hart overtook the attackers and knocked the ball out of his goal, saving the team from another goal.

And now let's calculate: the length of the field is 106 meters. The goalkeeper started from the second part of the opponent's field, which means that the distance from him to the goal was 86 meters. Joe Hart ran this length in 11 seconds. If we calculate, then the goalkeeper would have overcome 100 meters in 12.8 seconds. The result, of course, is not the best, but compared to the speed of the enemy, this feat looks very impressive.

Tallest footballer

Do you like soccer? Do you know which footballer is the tallest in the world? Goalkeeper Christoph Van Hout earned the title of the highest football player. Undoubtedly, tall athletes are often found in the world of football, but Christoph is above all. The Belgian goalkeeper is 208 centimeters tall and weighs 110 kilograms. Such a build is not something that does not help the player, it even hinders him more. During his football career, the 23-year-old athlete has not achieved anything supernatural. His nine games in the Belgian Championship is not an indicator. Probably, if the build of a football player was a little different, he would have a productive present and a great future awaited him.

Which footballer is the most expensive?

Football has attracted a lot of attention for a long time. They want to be equal to footballers, they want to be footballers. There are many statistics regarding football matches and the players themselves, but this article will simply tell us the most precious footballer to date. Do you know who this is? Of course, this is a superstar of the entire world football community, a great and unique, simply phenomenal striker who plays in the Barcelona club - Lionel Messi. For his high skill and incredible technical solutions during the games, the football player was estimated at 100 million euros!

The smartest footballer of our time

Burnley football team defender Clark Carlisle was installed new record, however, it is not at all connected with the professional activities of the celebrity. Carlisle became the 1st footballer in history to win the popular game show in the UK called Countdown. The thirty-year-old footballer, who once played in the ranks of the England youth team, beat reigning champion Countdown with a score of 89:55 is very good result.

As stated by Carlisle himself, all his life he dreamed of participating in this game show and, naturally, winning. Clark Carlisle does not compare winning the Countdown to winning on the playing field, but there are some similarities, probably in the feeling.

I would like to note that Clark Carlisle, being an excellent football player, has two higher education, enjoys studying mathematics, religion and politics. In 2002, this man was recognized as the most the smartest football player modernity.

The most devastating football score

In 2002, an amazing record was set at the Madagascar Football Championship. Football club “Adema” visiting “Olympic” outplayed their rivals, ending the match with a score of 149: 0 in favor of the guests. You don't need to be a great mathematician to count how many goals were scored per minute - about 2. This devastating score is considered to be the largest gap in the history of football, of course, if you take into account only official matches... How did it happen? The fact is that the opponents of the club “Adema” themselves helped to make such an account. What for? They were unhappy with one of the judge's decisions and decided to go for principle. But the most interesting thing is that this very “Olympic” already came out the winner from the championship two years ago from the “ill-fated” match.

36 hour soccer match, longest match

There are people who think that 90 minutes is not enough for a football match. The most avid players can roll a soccer ball for days. To date, for the entire football history the longest game is considered the match in 2009, which started on 11 April and ended on 12 April. The game was played in the UK between Leeds Badgers and the Bristol Academy football team. Of course, it's hard to believe in it, but the duration of the match was 36 hours, and the game ended with the victory of Leeds. The total score of the match is 285-255.

Each team consisted of 18 players, and each of them played an average of 18 hours. Experts estimate that the players have wound 70 kilometers in one game.

The tricky and most ridiculous move of the captain of the football team

Once there was a case - the Cameroon student football championship was held. In this championship, one of the playing teams was counted as a defeat, as a result the match ended with a score of 0: 3. Why technical defeat, and not in fact? The fact is that the captain of the losing team, instead of shaking hands with the captain of the opposing team, took off his underpants and ... Do you know what he did? Yes, he showed his opponents his bare ass. Naturally, this was done not just like that, but deliberately. What prompted the captain of the losing team to take such desperate measures? It's simple - if the match took place, they would have lost anyway, but the lead would have been much greater. This match could serve as the relegation of the team to the first league, and so the score turned out to be more or less worthy - 0: 3 and the team remained in major league.

Fastest goal in football history

How to score the fastest goal? It's simple: after the referee's whistle, hit the opponent's goal. However, the most quick goals in football. The Guinness Book of World Records says that the fastest goal in football was scored 2.8 seconds after the referee whistled to start the match.

However, there are other faster goals as well. For example, let's take a football player amateur league England Mark Burrows, who then (in 2004) played for the reserve team “Coase”. The Essex County Championship soccer game has begun. Well, so, in order to somehow stand out, the forward decided to try his luck and after the referee's whistle with all his might hit in the direction of the opponent's goal. It took the ball only two seconds to get into the net. They say that the wind helped Mark, maybe, but the fact remains - the goal was scored 2 seconds into the game.

But if anyone is confused by the fact that it was amateur football, then the two second goal was confirmed in professional match... Al Hilal vs. Al Shoalah - 21-year-old Nawaf Al Abed repeated the story of Mark Burrows and forced the ball into line with the opponent's goal exactly 2 seconds into the game. Naturally, the goal that was scored can be attributed to the goalkeeper's carelessness, but the fact is still a fact.

At the stadium of Buenos Aires, an experiment was once set up, the purpose of which was to prove the superiority of single footballers over married ones. Everything went quietly until the penalty kicks at the gates of the married couple. When the penalty kick was realized,… wives jumped out onto the field. They beat the judge and awarded the victory to their husbands. To avoid trouble, the bachelors did not protest. The experiment failed. If you are interested given fact about football, then I ask in full news in which you will learn what you have not previously learned about this sport.

2. During a friendly football match in the Italian town of Asti, the center forward of the local team Maskio, missing the ball, picked the ground. So much so that he seriously injured his leg. When they examined the ground, they found a skeleton, which turned out to be a valuable historical find. Maskio received a cash prize and a badge "for the drive for archaeological research."

3. Brazilian football defender Pinheiro was called the record holder for goals ... in his own net. In just one season, he scored 10 goals against his team. Pineiro was transferred to the attack. In the first match, the “record holder” again managed to hit his own goal. When the footballer turned 25, his teammates presented him with a compass that was engraved: "Remember, the enemy is on the other side."

4. In the final of the cup English league In 2005, a record was recorded for noise in the stadium. After Liverpool player Riise scored against Chelsea London, the Merseyside fans screamed with 130.7 decibels. The achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book. The previous record was 128.74 decibels and was set in 2000 at a match of the American club Denver Broncos.

5. A kind of record holder is the one who played in the mid-60s for italian club"Brescia" defender Mazzia. At the 38th second of the meeting with the Mantova team, he scored the ball into his own goal, creating the fastest own goal.

6. There are two known cases when the referees showed a red card to themselves: Andy Wayne, referee of the match "Peterborough North End" - "Royal Mail", and Melvin Sylvester at the match "Southampton Arms" - "Hirstborn Tarrant British Legion". The first removed himself from the field during the game to avoid conflict with the goalkeeper, and the second - for a fight with the player.

7. In 1959 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, the stadium administration mistakenly scheduled handball and football matches at the same time. None of the athletes wanted to give up the right to host the game. As a result, the matches were played simultaneously and were brought to an end, and there were four teams and two goals on the field.

8. Bill on the authorization of football games on Saturday was appealed in the Israeli parliament record number times - 36! Consideration of this bill has been going on for the seventh year.

9. Botswana National Team won none international match over twenty-eight years of existence. The team has replaced more than fifty head coaches, four of whom were former Soviet athletes.

10. Italian goalkeeper Grosso advised the referee to wear glasses during the game, for which he was sent off. During the investigation of this incident, it turned out that Grosso is the owner of an optical store, and the referee has really poor eyesight. In this regard, the words of the goalkeeper addressed to the referee, the disciplinary commission regarded not as an insult, but as useful and very rational advice. In the end, the goalkeeper was forgiven, and the judge bought glasses in his shop.

11. In the late 50s in the Italian city of Siena, the football referees decided to play themselves. We made up two teams, entered the field, and the match began. Everything went well until a held ball was scored into the goal of one of the teams. It was then that all 22 players, each of whom, on duty, knew very well and knew how to interpret the rules, began to prove their case. Word for word, and it came to such a scuffle that the police had to intervene.

12. The rarest case occurred in Spain in the game between the teams of the second league "San Isidro" and "Olimpico Carrante". 3 minutes before the end, the players of both teams, dissatisfied with the refereeing, surrounded the referee, trying to reason with him. And not only with words and gestures ... In this critical situation, the referee, keeping complete calm, took out a red card and presented it to all twenty-two participants in the match!

13. In the 1978 Greek championship game, Ethnikos hosted PAOK. Having opened the score, the guests, running up to the bench, violently shared the joy with its inhabitants, not paying attention to the judge's proposal to continue the meeting. Without thinking twice, the Ethnikos players, in the absence of rivals, started from the center, freely walked to their goal and evened the score.

14. In 1891, Irish football rules expert John Penalty proposed a penalty kick for foul play or handball deliberately committed by a player of the defending team within its penalty area. For the first time such a blow was performed in the Irish football league... Now all over the world it is called a penalty kick.

Did you know that football is currently officially banned in Afghanistan, Greenland and Kampuchea? An interesting fact - in America, in the state of Utah - European football is allowed, provided that the field is located no closer than 1.5 miles from the church

An interesting, exciting game, loved by millions of fans, is football. Here are some rare, curious and interesting facts about football.

Did you know that football is currently officially banned in Afghanistan, Greenland and Kampuchea? An interesting fact - in America, in the state of Utah - European football is allowed, provided that the field is located no closer than 1.5 miles from the church. However, for American football, golf, and baseball, this distance is only 0.5 miles.

It is a well-known fact that the British are ardent football fans who are anxious about their football clubs, and are ready to go to great lengths for them. However, the annual damage to public and private property caused by football fans, is equal to forty million pounds sterling.

But the football chant "Ole-Ole-Ole", known to everyone, is from Spain. The word "Ole" was transformed from the word "Allah". The Arabs, who conquered Spain in the 8th century, pronounced this word during prayers. Since then, the word "Ole" has been shouted out in bullfights and during flamenco dances.

The famous musician Julio Iglesias in his youth was football goalkeeper, and even played for Real Madrid. But his football career stopped at the age of 20 - he got into a car accident, and was forced to lie in the hospital for almost three years. Julio Iglesias was paralyzed with only his hands working. In the hospital, he learned to play the guitar, later becoming a famous musician!

The most undisciplined match in the history of football was recorded in the UK on 3 November 1969. Team Players - Hunts (How-Lee) and Surrey (Tongham youth club) fought so roughly for one of the local cups that the referee was forced to punish all players without exception - 22 players (including the one sent to the hospital and even one line judge).

In Brazil, during a football match, unexpectedly the wind blew several paratroopers onto the football field. One parachutist landed on the goalkeeper just as the goalkeeper wanted to get possession of the ball. The ball ended up in the goal, and the referee counted the goal, despite numerous protests from the injured team, explaining this fact as the intervention of higher forces.

The longest football match has been set in the history of football. The two Irish teams from the Callinafersey Club in Kerry played 65 hours and 1 minute. This match took place on August 1-3 in 1981.

During a football meeting in the town of Asti (Italy), the center forward of the local team of Maschio kicked the ground badly, missing the ball, and injured his leg. After exploring the ground, a skeleton was discovered, which turned out to be a very valuable historical find. The player received a substantial cash prize, and was awarded the badge "For a craving for archaeological discoveries."

A Brazilian football defender named Pinheiro holds the record for own goals. In just one season, they scored 10 goals in their own goal. After he was transferred to the attack, in the first match, Pinheiro managed to score a goal into his own goal. On the 25th anniversary, the comrades presented him with a gift - a compass with an engraved inscription - "Remember which side the enemy is on."

Loud football. The record noise level recorded at the stadium is 130.7 decibels. The record was set in 2005 during final match English League after Liverpool player Riise scored against Chelsea. This achievement is listed in the Guinness Book of Records! The previous existing record was noted at the match of the American club "Denver Bronx" in 2000.

A very peculiar record was set in the mid-60s by the defender Mazzia, who played for the Brescia club (Italy). During the match with the Mantova team, at 38 seconds, he scored the fastest own goal in the history of football - an own goal.

In the history of football, there are cases when referees showed themselves red cards. Andy Wayne handed himself a red card to avoid a conflict with the goalkeeper. This happened in a match between the Royal Mail and the Peteborough North End. And referee Melvin Sylvester - during the match between the Hearstbourne Tarrant British Legion and the Southampton Arms - for a scuffle with one of the players.

And in 1959 in the city of Gelsenkirchen (Germany), the administration of the stadium assigned football and handball matches by mistake at the same time. The athletes did not want to give up the right to host the game in any way. For this reason, the matches were played simultaneously, and 4 teams and 2 balls played simultaneously on the field! The matches were successfully finished.

The issue of the possibility of holding football matches on Saturday has been considered 36 times in the Israeli parliament. This bill has been under consideration for the seventh year already.

The national team of Botswana for 28 years has not been able to win a single international match. Over the years, the team has replaced more than fifty head coaches. By the way, four coaches were former athletes From Russia!

The penalty kick, proposed in 1891 by John Penalty, a football rules expert from Ireland, has gone down in football history under his name. This was the first time a penalty kick was taken in the Irish Football League.

The defeat of the Honduras national football team against the El Salvador team in 1969 led to a six-day war between these states.

A very rare and surprising fact - Chris Nicholl, a player of the Aston Villa team on March 20, 1976, in a match against Leicester City, managed to score 2 goals in his own goal and in the opponent's goal. The result of the match is 2: 2!

It is difficult to trace the exact history of the origin of football, because at different times and in different countries there were quite similar ball games. However, the modern version of football dates back to the 19th century, when a game became popular among students in English colleges in which it was necessary to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with their feet or other parts of the body. Each college had its own rules, which made friendly matches very difficult. The first attempt to create uniform rules was made in 1846. A little later, in 1855, the first Sheffield football club was founded. In 1863, after long negotiations, a set of rules of the Football Association of England was adopted, which can be considered the date of birth modern football.

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In many English-speaking countries, soccer is called soccer. This name comes from the modified phrase association football ("football according to the rules of the Association"). The very same Football Association of England, which we talked about in the previous paragraph. As a rule, the name "soccer" is popular in those countries where other types of football are also popular, such as rugby league, American football and Canadian football.

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The symbol of football is the ball. But not all fans of this sport know that 80% of professional soccer balls are produced in Pakistan. In this far from the most football country on the border with India, there is the city of Sialkot, in whose factories the best leather balls in the world are made by hand.

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The largest score in history was recorded at the Madagascar Football Championship. AS Adema Club won in decisive match team Stade Olympique l'Emyrne with a score of 149: 0. Moreover, all the goals were scored by the players in their own gates. The fact is that the players of one of the teams were offended by the referee's unfair, in their opinion, decision and in protest began to score the ball into their own net. Until the end of the match, they managed to score almost one and a half hundred, which made history.

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One of the strongest football teams is the Brazilian national team. It seems that she has won all possible awards and defeated all her opponents. And only the Norwegian national team was able to resist the Brazilians. Incredibly, this is the only team that has played with the Brazilian national team, which has never lost to her. In total, four meetings took place between these teams, of which the Norwegians won twice and twice brought the match to a draw.

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The popularity of football in Latin America has no limits. Once the football passions in this region were so heated that they sparked a real war between El Salvador and Honduras. Due to a series of matches for entering the final part Of the 1970 FIFA World Cup in El Salvador, Honduran football players and fans were beaten, Honduran flags were burned. Then a counter-wave of attacks on the Salvadorans, including two vice-consuls, swept across Honduras. Many people were forced to flee the country. This served as a pretext for the unfolding of a hot conflict between these countries, which lasted six days and claimed the lives of several thousand people. The peace treaty between the countries was signed only 10 years after the end of the war.

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Typically, during a football match, players play the ball onto the field and the audience watches from the stands. However, there are some reckless characters who do not like this order, and they also run out onto the field, often in the nude. Such people are called streakers, and the most famous of them is Mark Roberts. On account of his more than 300 appearances in various sports in the nude. It remains only to wonder how this man, whose very name terrifies the security services of all the stadiums, over and over again manages to deceive them and still make his way onto the football field.

You can find out other interesting facts about the world around us.

On all continents of the globe, in the cultures of different nations, one can find prototypes of football - a popular game of our time.

Mayan pottery (AD 600-1000) depicts players with a ball. The game was called tluttley. The Maya knew how to handle rubber. Balls were made of it. At first, the balls were cast, so hitting the ball with your head or bare feet was not recommended. The game used the shoulders, hips and legs. The site consisted of two halves. The goal of the opposing teams' players was to keep the ball in the air for a long time and hit the rings vertically located on the field.

In 1529, the artist Christoph Weiditz, who was traveling as part of a Spanish conquest expedition to Mexico, described the game of tluttley:

"They play the game using only their feet, and the object for the game is a leather ball inflated with air."
  • To this day, approximately 1,500 playing fields of various sizes and shapes have survived in Mexico. Ancient balls have come down to us from Egypt (2000 BC). Wood, leather and even papyrus were used in the manufacture.
  • In ancient Chinese and Japanese manuscripts in the 3rd century BC. describes games similar to football. The teams played in the presence of emperors and dignitaries.
  • IN Ancient Greece and Rome ball games were part of education and physical culture men and women.
  • Playing in modern form created by the British in the 19th century.

Exact rules and general provisions football game were installed in England back in the 1860s. At that moment, the players decided what size of the field is optimal for the game, and which goal is best suited for professional matches.

The very first championship in the whole world was exactly the English Cup. At that time, at the peak of popularity, dozens of new clubs were formed, their total number in the championship could reach 100 units.

Interesting facts about the World Cup

  • The world football championship is sometimes called the common word "Mundial". This is a Spanish word that in this language means "world, embracing the whole world." Fans and commentators called it such an additional word back in 1982. After the name stuck, and today the term "Mundial" is called any FIFA World Cup.

  • The gold cup with the image of the Greek goddess of victory Nika became the first trophy of the World Championship. The cup was created by the best jeweler in Paris Abel Lefleur. The statuette was 30 cm high and consisted of a cast of pure precious metal - gold.
  • After winning the Championship in 1970 brazilian team became a three-time world champion and Cup " Golden goddess"passed to her forever.
  • The World Cup was made by the Italian sculptor Silvio Gannizaga. The trophy is made from a solid piece of gold and weighs 4,970 kilograms. Its height is 36 centimeters. At the base there are layers of malachite, on which the names of the champions and the inscriptions of the winning teams are located.

  • A transitional cup, it is not awarded to the winner forever. There is always a copy on the team's stand, though not made of pure gold.
  • Previously international championships were carried out without replacements - this is exactly what it was indicated in official regulations matches. In one of the first competitions, there was a serious fight, and one of the Peruvian footballers broke an opponent's leg. The teams continued to play without their players. Only then did the managers allow for official substitutions of players if necessary.

2018 FIFA World Cup interesting facts

  • The 2018 International Championship in Russia is already the twenty-first from the moment of its foundation.
  • Russia will host the world championship for the first time.

  • The games will be held in the largest cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.
  • The mascot of the championship was the Wolf of Zabivaka.
  • For the first time in history, all 209 national associations belonging to FIFA will take part in the World Cup.

Fascinating facts about Russian football

  • In 1992, the national team of the country was created, which became the successor to the USSR national team.
  • In 1996, the national team of the country took a prize for the first time in international tournament... The prestige of this result was added by the fact that this is the first major achievement of the already independent national team of the country.

  • In 2008, the Russian team managed to win the third place in the European Cup.

Fascinating facts about football and soccer players

What's hidden in the fog?

Once upon a meeting of two Scottish teams, a heavy fog thickened. The players searched for each other for a long time and could not even see the ball under their feet. When he ran to the substitutes' benches, he saw no one. The referee immediately interrupted the game. It turned out that there were thirty players on the field at the same time.

Three day match

In August 1981 between two Irish teams football club Callinafersey have played their longest football match in Kerry. The game lasted 65 hours and 1 minute.


The famous football chant "Ole-Ole-Ole" comes from Spain, where the word "Ole" was shouted at bullfighting or flamenco dances. And it comes from the word "Allah", which was repeated in prayers by the Arab conquerors of Spain in the 8th century.

Penalty that was not there

The penalty kick for infringement in the goal area is considered to have been suggested by the Irish football expert John Penalty in 1891. And they named him a penalty kick.

William McCrum invented the penalty

In fact, such a person did not exist, and the penalty was offered by William McCrum. The idea was called death penalty. This actually happened in 1891.

Why is the football field striped?

It turns out that the football field does not look striped because two types of grass are being sown. It's just that the grass is cut in different directions by lawn mowers, which not only cut it, but also crush it. Because of this, when the light is reflected, a streaky effect is created.

Most expensive match for one fan

One of the fans of "Real Madrid" named Gael once could not get a ticket for the desired match of his team. But just two minutes before the referee's initial whistle, another fan gave him a ticket by accident. Feeling happy, he handed over his lottery ticket as a token of gratitude. The randomly presented lottery ticket was a winning one and brought the new owner more than 300 thousand pesetas.

The worst goalkeeper

A goalkeeper named Jimmy Taylor is considered the most unfortunate and unprofessional in the world of modern football.

On average, in one match, he could concede more than 17 goals with regular consistency. In one of the short seasons, almost half a thousand balls flew into his goal.

On the field barefoot

In the middle of the last century, the FIFA World Cup was held, in which the Football Federation banned three teams from participating for a simple reason: they only wanted to play barefoot. They were Scots, Turks and Indians. Perhaps this was due to religious principles or the inability to purchase real boots.

Two matches at the same time

In 1959, at one of the German stadiums, two games were played simultaneously - four teams were running on the same field. The reason was the mistake of the stadium managers, who appointed two games at once in one hour.

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