Children's football club locomotive. How can a simple boy get into the best football clubs in the country? Features of the football section of Lokomotiv

What is a football section? We are often approached by parents whose children want to play football and dream of becoming football players. This is already enough to sign up for our section!

We distribute children according to different age groups and offer a real sports mode for those who want to feel like a footballer!

Trainings are held several times a week - they are led by the coaches of the club Academy, who know everything about football tactics and physical activity and also teach children discipline and teamwork.

For kids preschool age it unique opportunity become part of the red-green family at a very young age and the shortest path to the Academy. It is on the basis of the guys involved in the section that the teams of the Academy will be formed in the future.

All children will be provided with constant play practice, regular festivals and open training sessions with invited experts.

Come play football with us and be a part of big team! We are waiting for you at our stadium!

Features of the football section of Lokomotiv:

  • First trial workout is free!
  • Classes are held on the fields of the RZD Arena under the guidance of the coaches of the club Academy.
  • Interesting workouts and a real sports mode.
  • Children can feel like part of a large team, become more disciplined and organized.
  • Choice of time for training: classes are held several times a week.
  • Convenient location: the training fields are located at the RZD Arena stadium, five minutes from the Cherkizovskaya metro station.
  • The most talented guys can get into the Lokomotiv Football Club Academy.

What you need to sign up for the section:

  • Get a certificate from a pediatrician that the child can play football. Health certificate submitted twice a year
  • View in the schedule when your age group is participating
  • Come according to the schedule at any time convenient for you. The first training is free!
  • You don't have to call to book a trial session.
  • Payment is made for a calendar month - before the 5th day of each month. At the first training session of the month, you should have an already paid receipt. Receipts with details are in a small arena.
  • If you paid for the lessons for a month and attended only one training session, all other training sessions will be forfeited. References do not work. Workouts are not rescheduled or frozen.