Owls youth club. Club lifecategory of archives

Every Sunday (with the exception of Great Lent and Twelve Great Feasts) from 17.00 to 19.00 in the church, prayers are served with the Akathist to Peter and Fevronia in front of the miraculous icon with a particle of relics. Fr. Alexy reads a sermon on the issues of love, the search for a soul mate, the subsequent family life... We record sermons, then post them on our forum here. We are planning to publish a book of sermons.

After the Prayer service, tea drinking follows, which also takes place in the temple, in the warm season - on the parish territory. On average, 300-350 people come to the tea party!

We invite famous Orthodox performers to perform:

  • Andrey Selivanov, poet
  • singer of the Bolshoi Theater Fedor Tarasov
  • singer
  • singer
  • violin virtuoso

Sometimes the wonderful choir of the Club or the club members themselves give small concerts.

Tea drinking usually ends at 20.30. After that, in the summertime - master classes in historical ballroom dancing. Since December 2011, the Club has established a school of historical ballroom dance"Chamomile waltz", classes are held in the premises on the Chekhovskaya metro station. In summer we also play volleyball, badminton, chess; in winter - snowballs, gatherings in the Grabli cafe on the Tverskaya metro station or a walk around Moscow.

Every Saturday the Liturgy is served in the courtyard of the church near Zvenigorod (the village of Alyauhovo, a temple in the name of the Royal Passion-bearers). This is followed by a friendly tea party. The site of the temple in Alyauhovo

A feasible work was organized, the restoration of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Kostroma region, Kadyi district, the village of Rubtsovo. Abbot -.

Whenever possible, we work hard in the Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery (Petrovka St., 28). They really need help there, we will be glad to join us!

Summer 2012 was organized summer camp in the Tver region at the Nikolo-Terebensky monastery.

Social work is actively carried out:

Helping orphanages, veterans' homes, organizing excursions for children.

In 2011-2015, together with the Center for the Orthodox Family of Peter and Fevronia on Varvarka, the children attended correctional boarding schools, gave performances, concerts, and will hold master classes on making holiday cards. For children, excursions are organized to the Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery, the Bell Ringing Museum, an amusement park at VDNKh. Provides targeted assistance to the disabled and the elderly. Some members of the Club participate in the “Big Brothers. Big Sisters "(Big Brothers Big Sisters international volunteer program).

Also, in 2011 - 2016, every 2 weeks we went to the children's correctional boarding school at m.Semenovskaya.

Since 2015, on weekends, the Club members have been traveling to the Children's Home for the Deaf-Blind in Sergiev Posad, regularly taking part in the packaging of folk lunches for the Food Fund.

As much as we can, we help lonely elderly and disabled people in Moscow. We actively collaborated with the Russian Birch Foundation and the Rus Food Foundation.

We regularly participate in promotions for the elderly and veterans of the Tverskoy district of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

The Club has a pilgrimage service - trips to the shrines of Russia and abroad, historical excursions around Moscow.

Assistance is provided to the Borodino rural hospital with a nursing department (140 km) and a boarding house for the elderly and disabled (Drovnino, 150 km). Gerontological Center in Ryazan We help lonely elderly and disabled people. We cooperate with the Russian Birch Foundation.

The Club has 11 groups of prayer by agreement. (Every day at 22.00 Moscow time, members of the Club read a prayer by agreement of St. Peter and Fevronia. Participants are divided into groups, now there are, as already mentioned, 10 groups. On average, each group has 30-40 people). The recruitment to the 11th group continues. To enroll in a group, you should write a letter to the address [email protected], (Alla), indicating your name, surname and phone number.

The Club has a creative workshop for the production of holiday cards. In the workshop, new people are always welcome, they will teach you how to make real masterpieces with your own hands!

The club takes an active part in the St. George Games, organized by the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs and the Moscow Sports Committee.

The Club organizes joint excursions to monasteries, trips to performances and concerts of the "Living Water" Orthodox theater, field trips, barbecue. The guys take part in sporting events organized by the Moscow Patriarchate (paintball, all-around, charity historical balls).

Since the inception of the Club of the Year, more than 150 married couples have formed from the members of the Club.

The club is the owner of the following awards:

Diploma of awarding the prize of the Central Administrative District of Moscow "Public vocation" in the nomination "Carriers of Light" December 3, 2012

2. Diploma issued by the Department of Family and Youth Policy of Moscow during the Moscow Festival of Choreography “Dancing City”. Awarded to the school of historical ballroom dance "Chamomile Waltz" (supervisor Gromova E.V.) for the popularization of ballroom choreographic art. 23 September 2012

3. Letter of gratitude to the Club in the name of Saints Peter and Fevronia for participation in the implementation of the International youth program “FAITH and BUSINESS” signed by Bishop Bronnitsky, vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch.

4. Letter of thanks addressed to the President of the Club, Gromova E. V. for participation in the implementation of the International youth program “FAITH and BUSINESS” signed by Bishop Bronnitsky, vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch.

5. Certificate of gratitude addressed to Gromova E.V. for organizing a holiday on the "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity" on July 8, 2012

6. Letter of thanks addressed to Gromova E.V. for organizing a holiday on the "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity" on July 8, 2011

Groups of our Club Vkontakte:

1. Revival of the Passionate Monastery http://vkontakte.ru/id120701042#/club26666015

3. Making greeting cards http://vkontakte.ru/id120701042#/club26764144

4. School of Historical Ballroom Dance "Chamomile Waltz" http://vk.com/club43412314

6. Labor in the Church of the Assumption in the Kostroma region http://vkontakte.ru/id120701042#/club29217930


“First, I probably made a frame. ... The eyes are glued wide, but it will do. Hey, who are you with us? Here are the wings for you. The wings turned out to be good, like those of a bird. ... Listen, turn your head to the side. And what, and that's all? The radius is too small. Let me twist it. Is that okay? Is that so? Well, I’ll come up to you from the back, and you look at me, just don’t twist your body. Wow!" - so, according to Laura Beloivan, the Lord could create an owl. This text has now been removed due to threats.

Laura Beloivan is a famous blogger, artist, author of books and has been saving seals in the Far East for many years. Her post on her personal Facebook page contained several unprintable expressions. It is difficult to surprise users of social networks with them, but it was they who became the stumbling block that brought down a whole rockfall on the author.

Laura received threats with an ultimatum demanding to immediately remove the post. “Either you edit - delete your post, or I will make you a scandal. The term of execution is 2 days. "

Beloivan deleted her post andwrote : “I deleted it because strange things are happening in our country: people who consider and call themselves Orthodox Christians increasingly feel offended in their religious feelings, including literary texts, and declare war on their authors. I'm not the first. A priest wrote to me who strongly recommended that I remove the text.

Today I learned from my Orthodox friends who are close to the Moscow Patriarchate that a whole campaign has been organized against me: complaints and statements (there are many of them) are in Roskomnadzor, the prosecutor's office, the police and who knows where else. In the text that you read, there is not even a hint of offending anyone's feelings, except, perhaps, the feelings of the owl - but she just has no claims to me.

... I am very tired of saying that the Orthodox are not the ones who destroy exhibitions, disrupt performances and write to prosecutors about the authors of texts on the Internet. I'm tired, but I will, because it's true: censorship, squabbles, vanity and anger have nothing to do with Orthodoxy. It is completely different in general. And about something else. "

Chairman of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate for Church Relations with Society and the MediaVladimir Legoyda tried to reconcile all sides on your page :

“I don’t know Laura Beloivan and until yesterday I didn’t know anything about her. Today I heard from people respected by me that she helps animals a lot. And this is definitely great and respectful.

As for the text about the owl, I didn't like it. I understand that this is a metaphor, that this is not about God, but about an owl. That God was needed here as an image, but ... There are things that "smell bad" in banter. It seems to me that it is the same here. Say, could I, not being a Muslim, write such a test where “Allah” would be mentioned? Or Jehovah, if I weren't a Jew? I wouldn't. Why, albeit involuntarily and without desire, cause unpleasant feelings in people? Moreover, I would not have written such a text if I were a Muslim or a Jew. (I’ll tell you more, I would not put such words into my dad’s mouth. Just because I’ve never heard swearing from him, although I know what happened, of course ...)

Now the main thing: my Christian feelings are not offended by this text. They say the author is a Christian. So this is how she sees. Alas.

We are all different (which is good in itself). And here is one more important thing: someone will consider himself offended. And, possibly, he will send (or has already sent) this text to law enforcement agencies. As far as I understand, the father tried to warn the author about this, who wrote a personal letter, which later became common property.

I really hope that this (transfer of the text to the authorities) will not happen.

… After all, when the Lord created a person with the Word, He used a completely different vocabulary. Truth".

Under the post, Vladimir Berkhin, a publicist, President of the Tradition Foundation, asked:

“Do I understand correctly that you consider the complaint against this text to the authorities as a non-Christian act?”

Vladimir Legoyda answered unequivocally: “I - yes”.

Writer , President of "MediaSoyuz"

How to study Orthodoxy, where to start? Why are services held in an incomprehensible language? Why do you need a post? How to Combine Faith with Career? And many more questions arise today in the minds of the young generation, Orthodox or just on the threshold of the Church.

The Zhukovsky Orthodox youth club VSTRECHA, which exists at the Panteleimon Church, is a society of young people, very different, but united by a keen interest in Orthodoxy ...

The main events in the life of our Club are weekly meetings, which can have a very diverse form of conduct: from theological disputes to festive good fun. Sometimes, in fine weather, meetings turn into a walk, a picnic or a bike ride. But regardless of the venue, we strive for the meeting to be informative and at the same time relaxed.

A traditional part of our meetings is an intimate conversation over tea. The main content of the meeting most often becomes thematic conversation with the participation of experts (a Sunday school teacher and a priest - the club's confessor). Each participant in the conversation can share his thoughts, ask questions of concern to him, participate in a dispute.

Topics for discussion are selected based on the interests and wishes of the audience. The range of topics is very wide, but all of them are viewed through the prism of the Orthodox worldview and are designed to clarify the truths of faith and ways to apply these truths to their own life in modern conditions. In addition to conversations, at the meetings one can hear small reports and lectures, the purpose of which is a deeper penetration into the subjects of faith.

Our club loves travel: to make pilgrimages to holy places and just relax in nature. The geography of trips extends from the mountains of Crimea, where we spent the night under the starry sky on the ledge of a cave near the mountain monastery, to the distant lakes of the north, where far from civilization we were introduced to the village life at a friend's house. We do not bypass our native Moscow region, rich in shrines.

Our immediate plans for the summer are participation in the regular International Orthodox Festival "Brothers", which has become a source of new ideas and breathed fresh strength into us.

The club not only implies education and communication, but also gives the opportunity to participate in internal church activities... Among us there are singers, readers, there are those who publish the parish newspaper, make the parish website; someone supports the activities of the Club itself. Those who wish can find application for their talents here.

It is impossible to tell about everything that we do and what we only plan to accomplish in one article. The main thing is that we strive to become true Christians.

Are our goals the same? Come to the MEETING!

Club meetings are held weekly on Sundays at 17:00, usually in the building of school number 15 on the 3rd floor in the office. 27. Have a passport with you (for a pass on watch).

We are ready to answer your questions in our group in social network In contact with

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