Fire horse and rabbit. Rabbit man and Horse woman: compatibility in family life and love

At first glance, there are many similarities between the Horse and the Rabbit. This is a great combination for creating short-term romantic relationships. Everything is clear to each partner, since they do not look deep. The compatibility of the Horse and the Rabbit in marriage is difficult, since with more serious communication of signs, many problems and surprises arise.

The horse is very obstinate, like some representatives of cattle (bull).

She needs to keep moving and moving forward. The rabbit is a pet, he needs peace and affection. But he is not ready to part with his freedom. A lot of conflicts arise in a couple if Rabbit Leo.

Horse man and Rabbit woman

This couple can be considered harmonious. Everything is divided here. The horse takes care of providing for the family, and the Rabbit quietly waits for her at home and cooks goodies. Such an alliance suits the free Horse quite well; she can sometimes hide behind her busyness in order to relax with friends or even have an affair with another woman. These are the features of the temperament of a man born this year, and the Cat woman should be calm about this.

The union will develop if the partner can provide for his beloved.

The Rabbit woman can also work hard, but she is made for household chores. For her, the role of a housewife is ideal. The Cat wants to feel protected, she, like the Pig, loves stability.

Horse Woman and Rabbit Man

Everything about this couple is complicated. For a quiet cat, this woman is always a lot. She completely occupies everything free time, especially if born under the constellation Virgo or Gemini. That is why a man often wants to run away somewhere to spend time in silence. Such women usually rarely sit at home, they need noise and attention from a man. They are often infatuated with men on the side, especially if their family life seems boring. This may well happen with the Cat, especially if he is Scorpio or Aquarius by zodiac sign.

In such a family, a woman will rule.

Most likely, she will cover most of the family expenses, since the meekness of the Rabbit does not allow him to quickly climb the career ladder. If Kota is satisfied with a secondary role, then everything will work out. If the partner does not want to be the second, then the woman will have to fight with her temperament. She probably won't want to do it.

Horse and Rabbit compatibility is better when lovers meet in adulthood. If the union is created in youth, it is practically doomed to failure. People with life experience treat differently family life. That is why mature Cat and Horse will perfectly understand and complement each other.

Reasons for separation:

  • sharpness and obstinacy of the Horse;
  • sensuality of the Cat;
  • unwillingness of partners to compromise.

Horses should pay more attention to their health, as active image life and constant communication with people can cause stress. Very often, those born this year suffer from intestinal ailments. Horse and Rabbit should trust each other more and allow time for rest.

If the Horse and the Rabbit meet each other already in adulthood, when each has an unsuccessful relationship behind them, then their union promises to be long and happy. They will no longer quarrel over trifles, and will begin to appreciate their partner.

If the Rabbit and the Horse are young, and this is their first marriage, then the misunderstanding between them will be simply huge. The horse is accustomed to act directly and energetically. All those who disagree with her opinion, she simply or tries to convince. Everything in her life must be subject to her will. The soft and supple Rabbit will be under the influence of the imperious Horse for a long time, but one day, he may rebel.

The rabbit will become obstinate and intractable. Now a reasonable compromise will need to be sought by Horses. She will have to try to change to please her partner, and this will be a big test for her. Perhaps the Horse herself will no longer want to stay close to the Rabbit.

Rabbit Woman and Horse Man

An active Horse will rarely be at home, she is used to leading an active lifestyle. Work for the Horse man is a testing ground for self-realization. A successful career for the Horse is simply necessary. This sign should always feel needed and needed. The rabbit will faithfully wait for his man at home. True, the Rabbit is ready to give the Horse freedom in exchange for material well-being. If you want freedom, bring more money home.

Rabbit loves comfort and expensive things. For the sake of financial well-being, he is able to turn a blind eye to a lot.

Horse Woman and Rabbit Man

The compatibility of this union is quite difficult. Here the Horse will be the head of the family. It will be difficult for a Rabbit man to come to terms with the idea that he will have to be on the sidelines all the time.

If the Rabbit manages to take responsibility for the financial well-being of their family, then the Horse will begin to respect and even obey him. The Rabbit will have to learn to adapt to the stormy temperament of the Horse. They need to learn to understand each other. Their temperaments are very different, but together they are capable of much.

Business cooperation and friendship

They will make good team. Both of these signs are very fond of money. For both of them, financial well-being plays a huge role in life.

The Rabbit and the Horse will work together towards success. The rabbit is a born diplomat, and the energy of the horse is able to sweep away all existing obstacles in its path. When it is necessary to act straightforwardly, then the Horse enters the stage, and in business negotiations the Rabbit simply has no equal.

The friendship between the Horse and the Rabbit is developing quite well. They are interested in spending free time together, they have something to talk about. In friendship, they will be able to avoid disagreements.

Horses enjoy the company of the Rabbit. They trust each other with secret secrets and maintain friendly relations for a very long time.

Compatibility of the signs of a man Horse and a woman Cat (Rabbit) is not easy, because their worldview and temperaments are very different, and therefore do not combine well.


The most probable is nevertheless a short-term romance precisely on the basis of dissimilarity. The Horse man is very passionate, and the Cat woman can get carried away and gladly support him. fast paced relationship development. Both partners will like the dynamism, but only until the moment when the first interest passes and it turns out that they have so little in common.

The brightness and wildness of the Horse man has a depressing effect on the Cat girl. After all, he is always looking for where and how else to prove himself, while he is completely uncontrollable and there is usually too much of him. He has a strong restless and unusual energy, which can be compared to a hurricane, and for a calmer partner who cannot withstand such a stormy flow of passions and emotions, this may seem too much.

But the union has another side. If the Horse man really loves the Cat girl and tries to accept her, he will definitely discuss the “rules of the game”. Thus, being more active, a man will teach his partner to perceive freedom differently, give a sense of stability and confidence, and help develop.

For the Kota girl, such a positive influence is extremely important, thanks to this, she will have the ability to do something. Feeling the fertile ground under her feet, she is able to get carried away with new goals so much that she will leave her partner behind. Then she will decide whether she wants to stay in a relationship or is it better to leave anyway.


Everything will turn out well if the Horse man takes up his direct responsibility - making money, meeting friends, organizing trips and picnics. Perhaps at first this man will give the impression of being unreliable, but in reality he is self-sufficient and knows how to understand relationships well, and therefore he will easily find the levers to control his partner. He will justify her expectations, but at the same time not indulge her whims.

Of course, the Cat woman will want a more attentive attitude from the Horse man and will try to negotiate with him. Although this man is not always fully understood, he is still set to dialogue, but the right to decide what and when will always remain with him.

By understanding the characteristics of her man, the Cat woman will be able to build far-reaching relationships and turn life together into a pleasant interaction.

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Vika Dee

These signs are all different: temperament, character, and approach to life. The horse is impulsive, straightforward to harshness, assertive, prone to frequent changes in activities and hobbies. The Rabbit is calm, thoughtful, friendly and sociable, but often indecisive; prefers comfort and tranquility.

Already by listing the main character traits, we can conclude that these signs are opposite, but this is what often becomes the reason for their mutual attraction. Relations between them are unlikely to develop smoothly - conflicts are inevitable due to different worldviews and temperaments.

If they do not learn to adapt to the nature of the partner, then their relationship will not be strong.

If they succeed, then they will complement each other well: the Rabbit, with his calm and balanced approach, will restrain the ardor and impulsiveness of the Horse, and she will be able to help if he is confused in a difficult situation; narcissistic, and they are drawn to the friendly, sociable Rabbit themselves; The horse can hurt the interlocutor with his statements, and the diplomatic Rabbit will never allow this.

Thus, both the Horse and the Rabbit have their pros and cons, and in many ways they cancel each other out. If they can accept each other as they are, then there is a chance for a successful union. But still, something will need to change from both: the Horse - to become more delicate and attentive to details, so as not to annoy the Perfectionist Rabbit, and the Rabbit - to become more decisive, defending his opinion, and try not to be so vulnerable.

Horoscope of compatibility of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Horse in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between the Rabbit and the Horse will be difficult, including in the intimate sphere, since they have a different understanding of love and. The Rabbit needs, first of all, tenderness and affection, and the Horse has a too pronounced temperament.

Their romance may begin when The rabbit will want strong, vivid feelings., but in general, love means calmness and security for him - something that the Horse cannot give him. The horse, on the contrary, shows ingenuity and imagination in bed and requires the same from the partner. With such differences, it is difficult to count on a long-term romance.

Marriage compatibility of a couple born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Horse

The compatibility of the Rabbit - Horse pair in marriage is quite average. Rabbit is not used to being a leader Yes, the Horse will not allow him to do this, but they will have to take on certain responsibilities. If the husband is a Horse, then he will be engaged in a purely masculine business, that is, financially provide for his family and spend a lot of time with friends. Rabbit's wife will do what is a priority for her, that is, equip the house and create maximum comfort in it. She will have to put up with her husband's infidelities.

If the husband is a Rabbit, striving for peace and comfort, then he will suffer from the fact that his wife is quite satisfied with her ascetic conditions. The wife will still have leadership, but the Rabbit, who often needs to be alone, may come into conflict with her. The prospects for such a marriage are not very good.

Friendship between the Rabbit and the Horse according to the Chinese calendar

If the guy is Rabbit (Hare ) , and the girl is a Horse, and vice versa, if the guy is a Horse, and the girl is a Rabbit (Hare), then they have quite a strong friendship can develop Opposites are known to attract. But it’s better for them to stay at this level, that is, to be friends without moving on to a romantic relationship. Then the friendship will be long, and they will not have to adapt to each other's character and temperament.

Compatibility in the work of the Rabbit and the Horse is not too high, due to their personal qualities

To be the center of attention and listen to praise; she is even ready to become the object of envy and take risks.

The Rabbit's approach to work is completely different - he is very circumspect and will not indulge in risky ventures. But he does his daily routine work perfectly and is a very valuable employee, but not a leader. In work, the Rabbit has the same priorities as in family life - stability and his own comfort.

Compatibility of male Rabbit (Cat) and female Horse

If he is a Cat, she is a Horse, then it is she, the energetic and assertive Horse, who embodies the active masculine principle - yang, who embodies the feminine principle - yin, will occupy the leadership position in this pair. The Rabbit man attracts the Horse woman with his intellect and broad education, she is interested in talking with him, and he is pleased to have a grateful listener. Usually their relationship is tied up on this basis, but develop into a passionate romance, but in something like a friendly family union.

An ambitious and hardworking Horse may have a more prestigious and highly paid job, but its harsh manner of communication (up to screaming) has a depressing effect on the Rabbit, and he has to make concessions. In addition, she is annoyed that he tries to evade the conflict by simply remaining silent, and generally shows indecision. , and if she earns more than the Rabbit, it will be extremely unpleasant for her. However, for the Rabbit too, and he would prefer to leave.

Compatibility of Rabbit (Cat) Woman and Horse Man

If she is a Cat, he is a Horse, then the prospects for such a union are more favorable, since the energies of yin and yang are distributed according to gender. Charming, and the house is cozy and hospitable.

With her husband, the Horse, she will be affectionate and supple, will take care of him, and the Horse, preoccupied with her Ego, will accept this affection and care with gratitude. The head of the family and the main breadwinner, of course, will be the husband, but this suits the Cat quite well. If the financial situation allows, she will gladly quit her job and will only deal with the house, her husband and children.

February 13, 2018, 17:50
The Horse woman and her Rabbit man form a union that cannot be called 100% successful. They have a hard time, because the hobbies and tasks of these two are so different. But, if they met and fell in love, then the Stars planned it that way.

Be sure to take into account the advice of an astrologer, he will help you improve relationships in a couple, will enable your love to develop into true sensual love.

The Rabbit and the Horse are ready to change if they see a direct need for this. Your union may be quite harmonious, but you will have to make every effort to do so. Compatibility does not always appear immediately, sometimes you have to adapt to your partner for a long time. This is the same case.

Japanese love horoscope

The Japanese (eastern) horoscope reveals to us many secrets about the nature, interests and capabilities of people. It is divided into cycles of 12 years. Each year, one of 12 patrons rules the world. These are mystical animals and fabulous creatures that personify the 12 virtues and 12 human vices.

Born in a certain year, a person perceives the good and bad qualities of his sign. Do not think that these are just fairy tales or nonsense. The horoscope shows amazing possibilities. With it, you can, for example, create a personal calendar of successful and dangerous days. In this case, it will be much easier for you to live, because you know exactly when you should not leave the house, when is a great day for important things.

Among other things, with the help of a horoscope, you can determine the compatibility of any couple. 12 characters, many interesting combinations for couples. Are they all successful? Of course not. Some have very high compatibility in love and family life, while others will literally have to suffer in each other's company.

Why is this happening? Miscellaneous signs have different energies. It comes from the six elements of Feng Shui:

  • Earth;
  • water;
  • air;
  • the fire;
  • wood;
  • iron.

This does not mean that a person has only iron, or only water. Each of us carries the energy of all six elements, but they manifest themselves in different degrees. Not always the same signs will live peacefully together, enjoying their love. Most often this does not happen. Only very wise signs can withstand a partner with the same sign in eastern horoscope.

Rabbit Man

The Rabbit man is a submissive person. He observes life, not always daring to set foot on the path. As a child, he was very dependent on his parents, and as time passed, someone would definitely take patronage over him. Rabbit is a romantic, affectionate man. He wants to find harmonious relationships in all areas of life.

At work, he chooses the easier way. He will gladly follow the instructions of a senior colleague, so we are not talking about some particularly creative work here. He is a good performer. The Rabbit man would choose to work from home, just to be in his comfort zone for as long as possible. He will not be a breadwinner for the family.

You need to be ready for life with the Rabbit

He loves his friends and family very much. It often happens that a male rabbit lives with his parents for many years. He is ashamed to bring a girl to his mother's house, because in front of the fair sex he wants to stand out, to show strength. But, after a while, he calms down, especially if women find a common language.

The rabbit does not know how to resolve conflict situations. He chooses to avoid. If you quarreled with the Rabbit man, then be prepared - he will hide for a while until your anger passes. Then look for contacts with him, convince him that everything is in order.

Any woman who shows interest in him will be accepted by the Rabbit with joy. He is open to relationships, in search of his love. Its compatibility with strong female signs is surprisingly high. He is especially liked by those who have a highly developed maternal instinct. This does not mean that as a man, the Rabbit is useless. In case of danger, he will sacrifice everything for the sake of his family, beloved, children and friends. He is a very open and honest person, although a bit shy.

Woman Horse

The Horse woman does not lose her sense of humor and optimism in any situation. She is a good worker, bosses appreciate her for her ability to do everything on time, efficiently, without mistakes. She can find herself in almost any field. Sometimes, Horses are creative, but there are surprisingly few such examples.

She chooses her path considering different variants. This sensible and intelligent woman Horse wants to calculate everything in advance. He does not like sudden changes, although he quickly adapts to the situation. He likes predictability, then he feels comfortable.

The only thing that can confuse in the image of the Horse is her passion for adventure. She chooses the most unpopular routes for her travels. She is attracted by distant countries, their wonderful customs and mores. For the sake of such a journey, she is ready to work hard for a whole year, limiting herself in everything. But there, on the distant shores, she already allows herself anything.

The horse appreciates his family, loves the house. Although, she will not hesitate to exchange it for a house in another country, at least for a while. Her family also loves her very much. The horse brings with it its optimism, confidence in the future. She cooks well, so that friends visit her house every time with delight.

The horse is the mainstay of the whole family

Its compatibility with male signs is decently large. Thanks to this, she easily builds relationships. Not always successful, but she treats such an experience philosophically. Failure today. so tomorrow you will definitely be lucky in love. This is how it happens. After some time, the Horse woman finds her only one, another life and another story already begins with him.

couple in love

When a Horse woman and a Rabbit man meet, both cannot appreciate their feelings for some time. On the one hand, the Horse immediately notices that in these respects she will have to become a leader. On the other hand, it's not so bad, given her character. She will take care of the Rabbit if he is always by her side. This is a strong union if both are young. Then the sea seems to be knee-deep, and all the problems fit in the palm of your hand. Over the years, the situation may change.

The Rabbit man will see his ideal in the horse. She is an excellent specialist, a caring hostess, a skilled cook, a beautiful woman. But most importantly, the Horse accepts him with all his weaknesses, shortcomings. She sees in him a worthy person who needs to be pushed.

Under the influence of the close attention of the Horse, the Rabbit blossoms, becomes her self-confident. Of course, in these relationships, the Horse Woman will take on the role of a breadwinner. She not only takes care of the house, but also earns money for the family budget. Colic will help in any way he can.

Some older Rabbits want to break this pattern. It doesn’t work, because in such a pair the roles are already placed. You have to accept that the main part of the income falls on the spouse.

Family life

Over the years comes a very high compatibility. They completely adjust their lives to each other. This is convenient, good, but the Horse can be sad. In such a situation, when she takes responsibility for everything, it is difficult to have children. She really wants kids, but you can’t always afford it. She puts this idea off for a year, then another year, and another. The horse waits until her man can find a more or less decent job.

The Rabbit man also loves children. He sincerely tries to help his wife, but this does not always work out. They need to have children, without this, the couple loses harmony, compatibility and the desire to live together. Without this, the couple will simply fall apart, and the memories will remain painful.

If everything is fine, they decided and had children, then their confidence in each other grows stronger. Both will be good parents, exemplary spouses. Nice couple beautiful and faithful.

It is worth remembering your love. It flares up quickly, so the period of falling in love will be very pleasant for both. Come back to this period often in your memories. The feeling between you will help overcome any difficulties, confusion.

This couple has good compatibility, but they themselves can ruin it with quarrels, scandals and nit-picking. The Horse needs to be restrained in criticism, otherwise she will forever lose the love of her Rabbit.
