Compatibility of a fiery cat and a metal horse. How compatible are Horse and Rabbit according to the eastern horoscope

Rabbit and Horse are very different from each other. They live at different poles, and this can significantly depress the Rabbit, since the Horse’s temperament, which is too bright for him, requires a lot of strength. They may be together, but if the Rabbit suddenly wanted bright and strong feelings. In this case, they may have a short-term romance. Long-term relationships are also possible, but with the balanced nature of the Horse.

Male Rabbit (Cat) and female Horse compatibility = 48%!

In love = 55%: The Horse woman is immediately attracted to the Rabbit man. This is an esthete and a philosopher who is able to give her answers to all her questions. They will talk a lot, she will get answers, and he will finally get a grateful listener for long evenings. And in the meantime, a relationship will begin between them. It should be noted that their love will resemble something like a friendly union, since the goal was not love initially.

Married = 45%: If the Horse woman and the Rabbit man decide to start a family, then it will be quite difficult for them when they have to move from conversations to business. In particular, no one will assume responsibility. And if the Horse woman can live in ascetic conditions, then the Rabbit man will suffer greatly from this. She will be the leader, but not always the male Rabbit will obey, as he often needs solitude. The outcome of the relationship is not optimistic.

In bed = 45%: It is difficult for a Rabbit man to keep up with the fantasies of his chosen one. She will constantly demand the impossible from him. At first, he will like such ardor, but then he will become a burden to endure such vivid emotions. It is difficult to say about getting pleasure, because just experience is important for her, and he cannot receive satisfaction at an increased speed. The bed for the Horse woman and the Rabbit man has a different meaning and meaning.

Male Horse and female Rabbit (Cat) compatibility = 51.5%!

In love = 40%: The Rabbit woman is quite practical, so she will wait for reassurance from love, the opportunity to feel protected. With the Horse man, she will not feel this, but all the feelings in her will stir up. She will feel young and vibrant. The Horse man is not looking for a relationship and can completely do without them, but the Rabbit woman acts magically on him, and he can stop, as it seems to him, for a moment to love her.

Married = 70%: The family of this couple will turn out to be very original, although the Horse man will deal exclusively with his male role - earn money, meet friends. He is quite balanced, so he knows how to build a relationship with a difficult Rabbit woman. For her, in this marriage, the inconstancy of her husband will be a test, but over time she will be able to come to terms with this. Moreover, she will appreciate the qualities of her spouse.

In bed = 45%: The Rabbit woman would love to get more attention from the Horse man. And it is in moments of intimacy that she will feel it. As a result, she will try to surprise him, strive to fulfill various fantasies. He likes it, and therefore at such moments their mutual understanding will reach the maximum level for them. However, the bed will not become a place for them to solve problems, no matter how much she hopes for it.

Relationship Forecast!

The union between the Rabbit and the Horse is controversial, since both are too different. However, astrologers note that they can be together if the couple wants to change. The Horse will especially have to change, since it is more dynamic, faster than the Rabbit. The rabbit is unlikely to be able to change his habits, despite the outward softness. If a couple has the strength and patience to change themselves, they can stay together and be quite happy.

Compatibility of the signs of a man Horse and a woman Cat (Rabbit) is not easy, because their worldview and temperaments are very different, and therefore do not combine well.


The most probable is nevertheless a short-term romance precisely on the basis of dissimilarity. The Horse man is very passionate, and the Cat woman can get carried away and gladly support him. fast pace relationship development. Both partners will like the dynamism, but only until the moment when the first interest passes and it turns out that they have so little in common.

The brightness and wildness of the Horse man has a depressing effect on the Cat girl. After all, he is always looking for where and how else to prove himself, while he is completely uncontrollable and there is usually too much of him. He has a strong restless and unusual energy, which can be compared to a hurricane, and for a calmer partner who cannot withstand such a stormy flow of passions and emotions, this may seem too much.

But the union has another side. If the Horse man really loves the Cat girl and tries to accept her, he will definitely discuss the “rules of the game”. Thus, being more active, a man will teach his partner to perceive freedom differently, give a sense of stability and confidence, and help develop.

For the Kota girl, such a positive influence is extremely important, thanks to this, she will have the ability to do something. Feeling the fertile ground under her feet, she is able to get carried away with new goals so much that she will leave her partner behind. Then she will decide whether she wants to stay in a relationship or is it better to leave anyway.


Everything will turn out well if the Horse man takes up his direct responsibility - making money, meeting friends, organizing trips and picnics. Perhaps at first this man will give the impression of being unreliable, but in reality he is self-sufficient and knows how to understand relationships well, and therefore he will easily find the levers to control his partner. He will justify her expectations, but at the same time not indulge her whims.

Of course, the Cat woman will want a more attentive attitude from the Horse man and will try to negotiate with him. Although this man is not always fully understood, he is still set to dialogue, but the right to decide what and when will always remain with him.

By understanding the characteristics of her man, the Cat woman will be able to build far-reaching relationships and turn life together into a pleasant interaction.

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In this thread:

The nature of those born in the Year of the Horse

Each Horse dreams of a free wind that ruffles its mane, of space and a noisy herd of friends. People born this year are characterized by love of freedom, love for big companies, a penchant for travel.

They very often lead a secular lifestyle. The horse differs from others in activity, great emotionality, and creative talent. Self-control meets with hostility, because independence is valued above all else.

Main qualities:
  • mobility;
  • a strong character;
  • sociability.

The nature of those born in the Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

These people are endowed with increased sensitivity, developed intuition. But Rabbit perceives logic with difficulty. Outwardly, he can feel great in any environment. Since he is secretive, it is difficult to understand his true state.

But internal discontent can accumulate, and patience will someday “burst”. In order to build a relationship with him, you must try to create a calm atmosphere around and a friendly attitude. In general, being in the company of a person like Rabbit is very pleasant. They are non-aggressive, friendly, strive for well-being and harmony.

Main qualities:

  • refinement;
  • a penchant for pacifism;
  • indecision.

Compatibility Male Horse - Female Cat

In this scenario, the compatibility of the Rabbit and the Horse is quite high level. A man will spend a lot of time outside the home, giving himself to life to the fullest, as he wants. And his beloved will faithfully wait at home, doing housework and children.

But this does not mean that he will leave her alone with the kitchen. He is not indifferent to the domestic side of life, and he will often help his wife with the housework.

The Horse woman and her husband Rabbit will live harmoniously if he earns enough to make her feel calm and confident.

Compatibility Female Horse - Male Cat

In this union, a woman is stronger in every way. She, most likely, will earn more, she will solve many problems herself. And her husband will be dissatisfied. Therefore, in a pair where the Horse and the Rabbit converge, the compatibility of the zodiac signs is more complex.

After all, if the spouse cannot adapt, she will have to change. And this is unbelievable.

In a pair, an active Horse and a subtly feeling Cat will not be easy for both partners. She will have to adapt to a calm and gentle partner. But this happens very rarely. After all, the strong beauty of the Horse does not even imagine herself in a different role.

It is very difficult for her to work on herself, to change something in herself. It is unlikely that she will make such sacrifices for the sake of the Cat. She will most likely leave him. But if she has the wisdom to adjust to her partner's worldview, over time she will begin to value above all the peaceful calm that her soulmate gives her.

Prospects for the development of relations

The compatibility of the Cat and the Horse cannot be called bad, but it cannot be attributed to ideal either. From these relationships, a beautiful romantic connection easily develops. But with the establishment of family life there are more problems. Although they are comfortable together, family life can destroy their bond.

These people have different temperaments, different outlooks on life. But if they can give in to each other, discuss all the nuances of the relationship and stick to their agreements, they can live a long life together.

At first glance, there are many similarities between the Horse and the Rabbit. This is a great combination for creating short-term romantic relationships. Everything is clear to each partner, since they do not look deep. The compatibility of the Horse and the Rabbit in marriage is difficult, since with more serious communication of signs, many problems and surprises arise.

The horse is very obstinate, like some representatives of cattle (bull).

She needs to keep moving and moving forward. The rabbit is a pet, he needs peace and affection. But he is not ready to part with his freedom. A lot of conflicts arise in a couple if Rabbit Leo.

Horse man and Rabbit woman

This couple can be considered harmonious. Everything is divided here. The horse takes care of providing for the family, and the Rabbit quietly waits for her at home and cooks goodies. Such a union suits the free Horse quite well; she can sometimes hide behind her busyness in order to relax with friends or even have an affair with another woman. These are the features of the temperament of a man born this year, and the Cat woman should be calm about this.

The union will develop if the partner can provide for his beloved.

The Rabbit woman can also work hard, but she is made for household chores. For her, the role of a housewife is ideal. The Cat wants to feel protected, she, like the Pig, loves stability.

Horse Woman and Rabbit Man

Everything about this couple is complicated. For a quiet cat, this woman is always a lot. She completely occupies everything free time, especially if born under the constellation Virgo or Gemini. That is why a man often wants to run away somewhere to spend time in silence. Such women usually rarely sit at home, they need noise and attention from a man. They are often attracted to men on the side, especially if they family life seems boring. This may well happen with the Cat, especially if he is Scorpio or Aquarius by zodiac sign.

In such a family, a woman will rule.

Most likely, she will cover most of the family expenses, since the meekness of the Rabbit does not allow him to quickly climb the career ladder. If Kota is satisfied with a secondary role, then everything will work out. If the partner does not want to be the second, then the woman will have to fight with her temperament. She probably won't want to do it.

Horse and Rabbit compatibility is better when lovers meet in adulthood. If the union is created in youth, it is practically doomed to failure. People with life experience have a different attitude to family life. That is why mature Cat and Horse will perfectly understand and complement each other.

Reasons for separation:

  • sharpness and obstinacy of the Horse;
  • sensuality of the Cat;
  • unwillingness of partners to compromise.

Horses should pay more attention to their health, as active image life and constant communication with people can cause stress. Very often, those born this year suffer from intestinal ailments. Horse and Rabbit should trust each other more and allow time for rest.

family union in compatibility of male Horse and female Cat (Rabbit) can be both completely happy, and, with the same probability, can bring disappointment to both spouses in family life. It will be quite stable if each of the spouses tries to give the other maximum freedom and inner independence. If the Cat Woman (Rabbit) focuses all her attention on creating comfort in the family, on household chores and caring for others, and the Horse man pursues his career, achieving his goals, then the spouses will be able to live happily ever after. And if they try to change each other's characters and try to adjust them for themselves, then in the end, they will face a painful separation or a problematic life together only "for the sake of the children." It is worth noting that the eastern horoscope is based only on innate character traits, and life and work on oneself can radically change people. So, family happiness is in your hands.

The Horse man and the Cat (Rabbit) woman have every chance to create a happy family union. They are very different. They have different characters and worldview, perception of the world and attitude to life, however, if their values ​​match, they will become a very happy couple.

Most often, a Horse man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman meet in a noisy company, since both are sociable and love to spend time with friends. An elegant, intelligent, smart female Cat (Rabbit), always looks great and easily attracts attention, and the male Horse is no exception, who will immediately appreciate her femininity and grace. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) will also like the Horse Man. He knows how to captivate with his charm and a whirlwind of positive energy. Both partners are honest, sincere and practical in business, therefore, even despite the many differences, they will easily find a common language. Their mutual sympathy quickly develops into deep feelings, and romantic relationships - into family ones.

In this union, the Horse man is the head of the family and the main earner, breadwinner. He will lead, and rightfully so, as he takes responsibility for everything. He speaks and acts directly and very energetically, does only what he sees fit and sweeps away everything in his path. He also makes all decisions on his own. The Catwoman (Rabbit) can negotiate with him, because he is attentive to people and is set up for dialogue, but he reserves the right to make the final decision only for himself. It can be difficult for a Catwoman (Rabbit) to remain herself next to such a large-scale spouse in every sense. In order for the union to be happy and harmonious, the Cat Woman (Rabbit) just needs to accept the features of his character and adapt to him. It is worth noting that the Horse man can be very selfish and overconfident. These traits of his character easily create conflict situations. However, if the female Cat (Rabbit) learns to use her wisdom and diplomacy, then she will easily extinguish such outbursts of emotions of her partner.

Most often, a man born in the year of the Horse devotes himself to earning money and realizing in external activities. He is self-confident and self-sufficient. He likes to organize outdoor recreation, trips to interesting places, meetings with friends. He also knows how to behave correctly with a female Cat (Rabbit), justify her expectations, but at the same time not indulge her whims.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is unusual and alien to the brightness and some wildness of the Horse man. Such impulsiveness can even act depressingly on her and become a real test. The Horse Man may seem to her generally uncontrollable. He always does only what he wants and is constantly busy looking for a place where he could still prove himself. For a calm and balanced female Cat (Rabbit), such energy is often comparable to a hurricane, it is so strong, unusual and unpredictable. It is difficult for her to cope with such a pressure of passions and emotions. However, if a Horse man is truly in love, then he will be able to give his beloved a new understanding of freedom, and at the same time stability and confidence in the future. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is truly happy when she feels loved and protected, and then she will begin to give her love to her loved ones, and first of all, to the Horse man.

A woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) strives for a calm and prosperous life. Therefore, she appreciates the Horse man, because he can give all this to her. The Horse Man is active, lives a full life, he is always in search of a new one and is rarely at home, because life around is so interesting. And the Catwoman (Rabbit) will be happy to create coziness and decorate their little paradise. She will be waiting for him with a beautifully laid table and freshly prepared food. For this woman will always have great importance the way she herself and her home look. She will do her best to make her house hospitable and magnificent both inside and out. She loves and knows how to receive guests, which will certainly be appreciated by the sociable Horse man, who is always surrounded by numerous friends.

Also, the Catwoman (Rabbit) is endowed with good intuition, which often helps in the career of her husband. And this is very important for a woman who has an inner desire for a high social status and material well-being. If the Catwoman (Rabbit) can accept her restless spouse as he is, then he will surround her with innumerable riches and make her feel completely safe.

Horse Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit) - Compatibility in Love

In the intimate sphere, a couple of a man-Horse and a woman-Cat (Rabbit) are in harmony. At first, the female Cat (Rabbit) will lack attention from her chosen one, and she will feel it especially sharply precisely at moments of intimacy. Therefore, the Catwoman (Rabbit) will turn on all her imagination and will surprise him, strive for the maximum satisfaction of all his fantasies. Naturally, the Horse man will like this and in these moments their mutual understanding will be at the highest level. And if passion captures the Horse man, then he is able to do a lot for his beloved. But, however, the bed cannot become a place for them to solve problems, no matter how hard they try to do it.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Horse Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit)

Very often, great love is not enough to create a strong family. Sometimes, couples develop in such a way that in order to find complete happiness, they need to get to know each other as much as possible, find a unique approach, and, of course, work on themselves.

The compatibility of a pair of male-Horse and female-Cat (Rabbit) cannot be called ideal, but it’s also wrong to say that they don’t fit together. This couple is usually very harmonious when they are not held together by any obligations regarding marriage and life. They may be good friends and wonderful lovers. And when a family is created, problems arise due to the difference in temperaments. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is romantic, and the Horse Man is not inclined to build illusions, and sees life in all its manifestations. In order for family life to be happy and harmonious, the Cat (Rabbit) woman needs to accept all the features of her man and adjust to him. The inability to appreciate your spouse often breeds even very compatible partners.

Often, such a marriage is especially successful in adulthood, when partners already have life experience and worldly wisdom that helps resolve difficult situations. In any case, this union should be meaningful, and not sudden and spontaneous.
