Snake and horse horoscope compatibility. Snake woman and Horse man - family union

The compatibility of the Horse and the Snake is a big question. On the one hand, these two can create a friendly union or become lovers, but it is difficult for them to connect their hearts by marriage. It's all about their different views on life and everyday life. Let's take a closer look at the compatibility of these signs of the eastern horoscope and find out how their life together in marriage might look like.

Horse man and Snake woman: Compatibility in love and family life

A man in this family will love freedom and try to run away from household chores as far as possible, but his wife will keep him in “iron grip” and will not allow him to run far. And the man will like it and to some extent it will even amuse him or "pin up", as young people like to say now. These partners will not be bored for sure.

Problems can arise if there is no great love in the family, because it is on it that most strong alliances are held.

Without this feeling, partners will not be able to make concessions to each other and will often scandalize over trifles. As for money, here the man will be the earner, and the Snake woman will be able to spend it wisely, because she cannot be called a squander. She always tries to buy only the most essential items.

Horse woman and Snake man: Compatibility in marriage and love

This couple will have many problems in life. The Snake man wants to see a caring wife next to him, who will run around with pots and pans around the kitchen and cook something delicious for him. Ideally, he would like her to completely forget about her former free life and about all her friends. He dreams of complete submission on her part and complete submission to him. But the Horse girl cannot give this to her boyfriend and he will either have to humbly accept this, or look for another passion for himself.

The Horse woman loves to shine in public in revealing outfits and with eloquent words, especially a girl born in the year of the Metal Horse. For marriage, she should choose a partner born under one of the following signs of the zodiac:

  1. Aquarius;
  2. Scales;
  3. Twins.

Snake guys born under the following signs of the zodiac will be especially jealous of their girlfriend Horses:

  1. Aries;
  2. Scorpion;
  3. Sagittarius.

Cancers and Virgos will be calmer partners. In general, a woman who, according to the horoscope, is a Dog, is more suitable for a Snake man, who is able to provide home coziness and comfort to her husband and measure the amount of love in relation to each other with whom she does not need. The house of such a woman always smells of goodies, and she is not capable of betrayal either.

A horse, too, cannot be called a woman who can betray her man and betray him, but she values ​​her freedom very much and will not allow anyone to encroach on her.

The fact that this woman is always on the move - at work, at meetings with friends and so on, she simply does not have time to do household chores and the refrigerator in her house is almost always empty. Therefore, she needs to choose such a partner as her husband, who will not be embarrassed by this alignment of affairs.

This is the compatibility of the Horse with the Snake. We hope that this information will be very useful to you in building a relationship with one of these signs of the Chinese horoscope.

The compatibility of the Horse and the Snake is very doubtful, they are too different people. At first, their relationship is going well, they can fall in love with each other and experience an unforgettable romance.

But partners rarely enter into marriage; at the slightest cooling of feelings, contradictions appear between them. Only painstaking work on themselves will help them stay together, although this happens extremely rarely.

Characters of signs

What are the characters of the Snake and the Horse? It is worth giving an answer to this question before moving on to the specifics of their relationship. So, the Snake Chinese horoscope is endowed with the following features:

The snake loves to paint its life for years to come. She finds a goal and devotes all the time to achieving it. She is very organized, does not like disorder, either in the house or in business. People around her appreciate her ability to compromise and resolve conflict situations, wisdom and organization. He seeks compatibility in love not so much with his heart as with his mind and his intuition.

What does the eastern horoscope say about the Horse? Here are the character traits he attributes to her:

  • Energetic, wants to take everything from life
  • Sociable and cheerful
  • Likes to be in the spotlight
  • Do not mind arguing, defending your point of view
  • Knows how to show compassion and come to the rescue
  • Hardworking
  • Appreciates comfort and coziness, even while traveling

The world around for the Horse is full of temptations. She wants to be in time everywhere, to find out everything, to make friends with everyone. In the company, the horse is always in the spotlight, although sometimes it conflicts, insisting on its own, but quickly departs. He knows how to work, sometimes even too much. But she is completely incapable of planning something longer than a month.

General compatibility of Snake and Horse

For the Horse and the Snake, the horoscope does not promise an easy life. Friendship, short-term love relationships are possible between them, but the couple rarely gets married. Their life priorities are too different. The snake is always and everywhere looking for stability. It is important for her to plan her life to the smallest detail, she often devotes all her time to achieving her goals. The horse, on the contrary, lives one day. Although she is very hardworking, her energy is chaotic, disorganized. The horse absolutely does not tolerate control over itself, no matter how small in size it appears. The snake, on the contrary, tries to tie the partner to itself as tightly as possible.

The compatibility of the Horse and the Snake can only arise when a wiser and cooler partner can build it.

It is the Snake, thanks to its diplomacy, wisdom, ability to compromise, who can improve relations in marriage. She needs to understand that the Horse loves freedom most of all, if she is not given, she will run away into an open field. In addition, you should not expect organization and purposefulness from your partner. The hardworking Horse is an excellent performer, but a lousy strategist. All planning in the family Snake will have to take over. But the Horse will bring dynamics to the union, it will never turn into a standing swamp. If partners learn to value each other, they can achieve a lot, both in relationships and in joint affairs.

It puts its stamp on compatibility in marriage and the Western horoscope. Good compatibility of the signs of the zodiac can neutralize all the problems of incompatibility over the years. Gemini and Aquarius, or Libra and Gemini, can build excellent relationships. Air signs give the serpentine character more lightness, and she begins to understand the Horse better. Representatives of the water element, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, converge well with each other. The Earth makes the Horse a little more homely and sedate, because Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo can build excellent relationships, despite their birth years. Fire Leo, Aries or Sagittarius will make the Horse a little more ambitious, and the Snake more active, which will also have a good effect on their union.

The relationship between a man Snake and a woman Horse

A woman horse and a man a snake can take a fancy to each other when they meet. The guy will be carried away by a bright, temperamental girl who is always in the spotlight. She, in turn, will be interested in a mysterious and calm man who is so different from all her acquaintances. But disappointment soon awaits both. The Snake man is looking for a domestic woman who will be a good housewife, create comfort in the apartment. You should not expect such behavior from the Horse. Society, numerous hobbies, work and career are very important to her. She loves her family, but she cannot completely surrender to her.

If you close a woman at home, she will feel like a dog on a leash.

The Horse woman, too, will soon be disappointed. She suddenly begins to realize that next to her is a little boring, and at the same time domineering man. His desire to control the girl's actions, to bind her tighter to himself, will be perceived as a restriction of freedom. The horse will want to break out of this suffocating embrace. If at the time of cooling of feelings the couple is already married, she needs to try hard not to divorce. A man should forget about his dreams of seeing his wife as the mistress of the house. She will devote as much time to the family as she wants. A woman needs to curb her temperament a little, learn to make plans at least a few months in advance. If a husband shares his aspirations with his wife, perhaps she will share them and become an excellent helper in achieving goals.

The relationship between a man Horse and a woman Snake

The Horse man and the Snake woman converge better than the previous pair. The girl will quickly appreciate all the good qualities of her boyfriend. She will be able to create for him a reliable rear, home comfort, while he will live a full life, shine in society and make a career. A man born under the sign of the Horse loves comfort, therefore he will appreciate all the efforts of his wife. Family conflicts can arise, but it will be easy for a woman to resolve them. She is able to make compromises, so she will be able to give in to her husband at the right time. For a normal relationship, it is important that both partners are of the same intellectual and social level. Only a spiritually developed man and woman can create a happy family.

Marriage problems also cannot be avoided.

The horse is too freedom-loving a sign to obey the measured and planned pace of life, which the Snake dictates to him.

He absolutely does not tolerate restrictions, as soon as a metallic note appears in his wife's voice and she tries to keep her husband at home, he immediately runs away. The snake can be very upset and annoyed, she also does not understand the frivolity of her husband, who lives one day. To smooth out all conflicts, accept the flaws of a partner and learn from each other all the good things. The horse will help his soul mate to be liberated, it is easier to perceive failure and easier to look at the world. The snake will show her husband how to become a little more organized, to set goals correctly. If a man multiplies these abilities by his hard work, he will be able to achieve considerable success in his work, make a good career.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Horse is not encouraging, but such couples can be happy together.

Characteristics of signs

The Snake and the Horse are radically opposite signs. They are different in almost everything, from character traits to lifestyle. Sometimes it is not clear how such different people can pay attention to each other. However, they also have a chance for happiness.


According to Eastern beliefs, the Snake is a symbol of wisdom, so it is not surprising that people born under this sign are endowed with a flexible mind and prudence. They are patient and persistent, and their persistence in achieving their goals can only be envied. Representatives of the sign know how to find an approach to a person, which strings of the soul to push in order to achieve what they want. In love, Snakes are owners and jealous, and in friendship they can act selfishly.

Under the influence of various elements, the character traits of the representatives of the sign also change. The year of the Metal Snake according to the eastern horoscope endows people born during this period with the ability to get out of the water and always keep emotions under control. During the reign of the Water Snake, talented people are born, and in the Year of the Wood - intelligent and charming personalities. Fire Snakes are adventurous and vain, and their Earth cousins ​​are pleasant and interesting to communicate with.


The Year of the Horse according to the eastern horoscope gives birth to people with a soft and cheerful character. These are great workers and great adventurers, whose irrepressible energy does not allow them to sit still. Their outlook on life seems unacceptable to many, and their behavior is often perplexing. In love, the representatives of the sign are enthusiastic natures, and in friendship they like to be in the first roles.

Metal Horses are decisive, straightforward and will not be led by anyone. Water Horses are blessed with friendliness, a good sense of humor and excellent business acumen. Their Wood cousins ​​are sociable and possess versatile abilities. People born in the year of the Fire Horse are distinguished by a solid and assertive character, they are always in sight and listen to their opinion. Earth Horses are reserved, wise and prudent, they easily find a common language with others and are successful in business.

Snake Men - Horse Women

A pair of a man Snake and a woman Horse does not have good compatibility. Differences in character, temperaments and outlook on life prevent the representatives of signs from building a harmonious union. The Snake man is conservative and slow, he is not inclined to make hasty decisions and act at random. Horse woman in this regard is the complete opposite of him. She is energetic and impetuous, does not like to be "in the frame" and does not pay attention to the opinions of others.

Marriage compatibility

The compatibility of a man Snake and a Horse woman in marriage is practically zero. To begin with, such couples rarely make the decision to start a family at all. Usually, partners understand who is who already in the early stages of the development of a relationship and break up before the thought of marriage appears. If, nevertheless, love wins, and the family union develops, then hard times await the spouses.

Quarrels and disagreements in the family arise mainly due to differences in temperaments and outlook on life. The husband cannot keep up with the energetic wife. Her decisions seem to him wrong and thoughtless, and jealousy of the environment of an active wife makes itself felt. The Horse's wife considers the views of her faithful to be outdated, and his instructive tone and ubiquitous control are unacceptable. Only mutual love, a willingness to compromise and a great desire to be together can correct the situation.

Sexual compatibility

Compatibility horoscope for a Snake man and a Horse for a woman predicts excellent sexual relations for partners. In this regard, lovers are suitable for each other, although they will not understand this immediately. The man is not very temperamental in bed, but he is not hopeless either. If an emotional and active woman Horse manages to wake up a sleeping Snake, then he will surprise her very much in the good sense of the word. Overall, good sexual compatibility can be the trump card that can help a couple win the battle for a happy relationship.

Horse Men - Snake Women

The Horse man and the Snake woman are two opposites, for which it is not easy to find a common language. The guy's explosive and freedom-loving character will stun a calm and thoughtful girl. His wide social circle will frighten, and many of his lover's fans will cause jealousy and distrust. Thanks to her ability to persuade and manipulate, the Snake woman can easily conquer the heart of the Horse man, but whether she will be able to keep such a freedom-loving personality is the question.

Marriage compatibility

The family life of a man of a Horse and a woman of a Snake will be, to put it mildly, problematic. The quiet and “homely” Snake associates a family with a calm and unhurried life, a caring and attentive husband who is constantly in sight, and obedient healthy kids. But her chosen one looks at marriage a little differently. The ebullient and active nature of the Horse pushes a man to risky ventures and rash steps.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Characteristics of the sign - Snake

Year of birth and zodiac sign compatibility. Compatibility of signs over the years

At the same time, Horse's husband is an excellent earner. Efficiency and luck in business will make the existence of his family comfortable, and a prudent and economical wife will turn the family nest into a full bowl. In this regard, the dissimilarity of the spouses plays into their hands. In general, such a marriage can exist only under the condition of great compromises, both on one side and on the other.

Sexual compatibility

Sexual compatibility in a pair of a horse man and a Snake woman gives rise to hopes that such a union still takes place. At first, the assertiveness and temperament of a partner can scare off a girl, but over time she will appreciate and understand her lover. The coldness of the Snake in bed will seem uninteresting to the guy, but. if he has enough patience and tact, then at the exit he will receive a rather temperamental and inventive mistress. Having achieved mutual understanding in the sexual sphere, partners will be able to turn a blind eye to some household disagreements.

How to maintain a relationship

The fact that the Horse and the Snake need to seriously work on their relationship is beyond doubt. In this regard, I would like to draw the attention of the representatives of the signs to some points:

  1. The Snake woman should not put pressure on the chosen one, forcing him to stay at home, or criticize his every decision. His independent nature does not tolerate any interference, even if it comes from a loved one. Give your partner the opportunity to self-actualize, and he is able to answer for the mistakes he has made.
  2. The Snake man does not need to try to put the chosen one in a golden cage, depriving her of communication and admiring glances. All this a woman needs, like air, without which she will wither away.
  3. Horse woman should moderate her ardor a little and stop.
  4. The Horse man needs to devote more time to his beloved and not provoke her jealousy.

It is difficult to call the union of this pair harmonious. Sharp conflicts often occur between the Snake man and the Horse woman. Partners have diametrically opposed views on all spheres of life, their points of view contradict each other. It is for this reason that it is extremely difficult for them to come to a common denominator when sorting out the relationship.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Horse raises a lot of questions and doubts. The Snake man is characterized by caution, stubbornness and fortitude. He always has everything planned out, he is a tactician and strategist. A woman, on the contrary, is too impulsive, active, active. She is driven by emotions, which are often beyond the control of reason and not amenable to logical explanations.

Among other things, a representative of the strong half of humanity is a supporter of conservative views on life. It is difficult for him to interpret the rash decisions and actions of his companion. He is often simply not able to understand her. It should be noted that the Snake man and the Horse woman have excellent chances of becoming close friends or passionate lovers. However, in order to create a successful marriage, each of them will have to try hard to correct the traits of their difficult characters.

Snake man and Horse woman: general compatibility

The Snake and the Horse do not often marry. The main reason for this is, of course, that they are too different, they have practically no points of intersection, common interests, aspirations. Usually, their relationship does not last long, but ends quickly.

The compatibility of the male Snake and the female Horse favors friendly relations between them, partnership, joint activities. However, their love relationship does not work out. They regard each other's pluses as disadvantages. They have too many claims against each other. But it is worth noting that there are no barriers to love. And the pair of the Snake and the Horse is no exception. A union can develop if the priorities are correctly set in the family of partners. In order to be there, everyone should reconsider their preferences and preferences. The Snake man will have to come to terms with the freedom-loving disposition of his companion. And the Horse woman will have to come to a clear understanding of the importance of family values, home.

The Snake man has its own mystery

The Snake Man is a secretive and mysterious nature. It is with this that he attracts the representatives of the opposite sex. He is characterized by boundless self-confidence. But his weak point is the sudden change in mood.

The Snake man is calm and quiet, however, he is well oriented in the environment in order to understand that something is about to change radically. It is at this moment that he transforms into a fast and proud man. He loves to comprehend everything, wanting to find all the best: a great home, fascinating books, outdoor activities, delicious food, gourmet drinks and stylish clothes. For him, money does not matter at all. He will not save by depriving himself of something worthwhile. He will not be exchanged for fakes when the original can be purchased. The Snake Man wants everything around him to be perfect. Based on the same considerations, he chooses his other half. He is brought up and behaves with restraint, does not show his emotions. He intuitively feels a lie, which he does not accept in any case. For this reason, there should be a sincere and honest companion next to him. He has a hard time believing people. It is difficult for him to open up. Plus, he is subject to fits of jealousy and cannot stand being led around his finger.

A woman born in the year of the Horse is very energetic, sometimes even too much. She sweeps away everything in her path. She is characterized by excessive activity, an inexhaustible love of life, energy and an adventurous spirit. If something really interests her, she gives herself up to this occupation completely and completely. Sometimes she does not know the measure. Free-thinking in all respects plays an important role for her. Its absolute independence is obvious.

Horse Woman is a loving nature

Horse Woman is a purposeful person. She loves to work, however, productive work must be accompanied by good rest. Many women who were born in the year of the Horse are selfish. Such people are often obsessed exclusively with themselves. The Horse Woman knows that she is attracted to the opposite sex. And it flatters her. The Horse Woman never sits idle. She likes to communicate. She is attractive and sexy. It is very easy to succumb to her charm. Horse Woman loves entertainment. She certainly wants to discuss someone and, of course, flirt. If a Horse woman gets bored with one boyfriend, she will change him to a new one without a twinge of conscience.

The love relationship between a Snake man and a Horse woman is often non-standard and impetuous. The partner will not hide what is happening inside her. At first, the beloved will be wary of this behavior of the partner, but he will be flattered by her excessive attention. Getting to know each other better, it will become clear to both partners that it will be difficult for them to meet expectations.

A man doesn't like change. His life follows a strict schedule. He planned his life, in particular, his personal. A woman, on the other hand, never thinks about tomorrow. The partner, in view of this attitude towards life, considers it short-sighted. The point is that his chosen one does not want to compromise her priceless freedom for anything. Any framework is not for her. Own freedom is above all for a woman born in the year of the Horse. She wants to develop herself all the time, to get new knowledge. Planning makes her sad and apathetic. She is driven by a craving for beauty and a desire to constantly improve. She will easily embark on a trip around the world. For the Snake man, the ideal is the companion who will meet him from work with dinner on the stove. He cannot understand how in life there can be something more important than the family hearth. Of course, the beloved will idolize her companion and their children, but she will forever retain her activity. It is important for her to impress at events and build a successful career.

Snake man and Horse woman: compatibility in marriage

In a marriage between a Snake man and a Horse woman, it is very important for both partners to make concessions

The compatibility of a Snake man and a Horse woman in marriage depends on whether the spouses can reach an agreement. The partner is plagued by doubts. He then decides to come to terms with the character of his beloved, then he thinks to give up everything. He cannot accept the extravagant behavior of his woman. She blames him for deliberate seriousness and rationality. A man born in the year of the Snake, in view of his boundless jealousy, makes attempts to limit the freedom of his woman, which is perceived by her as an outright challenge.

In this marriage, it is the woman who is ready to make concessions. The chosen one in no way wants to change anything in himself. In this regard, the possibility of this family union depends precisely on the male Snake. Each of the partners has its own character, which, in fact, is the cause of all the troubles. They find it difficult to accept each other's features. But nothing is impossible. If a man gathers his strength and can break himself, then he will be rewarded in full.

A woman born in the year of the Horse will help him realize all his aspirations and plans. Her ebullient energy will give her partner the necessary acceleration and dynamics. It is next to such a woman that he will feel that he is needed. The partner will be able to consider in the beloved a person on whom you can always rely.

A man must clearly realize that his wife will never accept the rules of his game and that it is worth putting up with it. She will not devote herself exclusively to household chores. She needs self-realization like air. The main thing is that a man born in the year of the Snake can overcome himself and go to meet his beloved.

Snake man and Horse woman: compatibility in love

The sexual life of partners will give both new and vivid impressions. The Snake and the Horse are well compatible in this regard. But you have to wait until the beloved can open up. At first, a man is characterized by a lack of emotion and passivity. He doesn't want to give up his habits. In the event that the partner succeeds in reaching out to her man, then the relationship of both will be made happy. It must be borne in mind that with such harmony, they will not think about parting with each other, not paying attention to other troubles.

The not very successful compatibility of the Snake and the Horse does not yet put an end to this alliance. The main thing is that partners want to change. A woman born in the year of the Horse should learn reliability from her lover, calm down a little and give more strength to the family. It's time for a man born in the year of the Snake to start trusting his beloved and be less jealous of her with or without. And he generally needs to forget about regularity. A man should accept the idea that there are no more rules, that he will never be able to drive his partner into any framework. The main thing is to accept each other and start changing.

An important fact is that it is easier for lovers to find a compromise if they are representatives of the same social stratum.

Despite all the contradictions, such an alliance may well be successful. A woman will give the relationship ease, excitement and dynamics. And a man will be able to realize all his plans if he understands his wife. Her circle of acquaintances will be useful to him. He will constantly feel his relevance. The Horse Woman will find a reliable spouse in her lover.

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

You may have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.

The compatibility of the Horse and the Snake is very doubtful, they are too different people. At first, their relationship is going well, they can fall in love with each other and experience an unforgettable romance.

Feelings flare up and disappear very quickly

But partners rarely enter into marriage; at the slightest cooling of feelings, contradictions appear between them. Only painstaking work on themselves will help them stay together, although this happens extremely rarely.

Partners are very different in nature

What are the characters of the Snake and the Horse? It is worth giving an answer to this question before moving on to the specifics of their relationship. So, the Snake Chinese horoscope is endowed with the following features:

The snake loves to paint its life for years to come. She finds a goal and devotes all the time to achieving it. She is very organized, does not like disorder, either in the house or in business. People around her appreciate her ability to compromise and resolve conflict situations, wisdom and organization. He seeks compatibility in love not so much with his heart as with his mind and his intuition.

What does the eastern horoscope say about the Horse? Here are the character traits he attributes to her:

  • Energetic, wants to take everything from life
  • Sociable and cheerful
  • Likes to be in the spotlight
  • Do not mind arguing, defending your point of view
  • Knows how to show compassion and come to the rescue
  • Hardworking
  • Appreciates comfort and coziness, even while traveling

The world around for the Horse is full of temptations. She wants to be in time everywhere, to find out everything, to make friends with everyone. In the company, the horse is always in the spotlight, although sometimes it conflicts, insisting on its own, but quickly departs. He knows how to work, sometimes even too much. But she is completely incapable of planning something longer than a month.

Not all couples reach marriage

For the Horse and the Snake, the horoscope does not promise an easy life. Friendship, short-term love relationships are possible between them, but the couple rarely gets married. Their life priorities are too different. The snake is always and everywhere looking for stability. It is important for her to plan her life to the smallest detail, she often devotes all her time to achieving her goals. The horse, on the contrary, lives one day. Although she is very hardworking, her energy is chaotic, disorganized. The horse absolutely does not tolerate control over itself, no matter how small in size it appears. The snake, on the contrary, tries to tie the partner to itself as tightly as possible.

The compatibility of the Horse and the Snake can only arise when a wiser and cooler partner can build it.

It is the Snake, thanks to its diplomacy, wisdom, ability to compromise, who can improve relations in marriage. She needs to understand that the Horse loves freedom most of all, if she is not given, she will run away into an open field. In addition, you should not expect organization and purposefulness from your partner. The hardworking Horse is an excellent performer, but a lousy strategist. All planning in the family Snake will have to take over. But the Horse will bring dynamics to the union, it will never turn into a standing swamp. If partners learn to value each other, they can achieve a lot, both in relationships and in joint affairs.

It puts its stamp on compatibility in marriage and the Western horoscope. Good compatibility of the signs of the zodiac can neutralize all the problems of incompatibility over the years. Gemini and Aquarius, or Libra and Gemini, can build excellent relationships. Air signs give the serpentine character more lightness, and she begins to understand the Horse better. Representatives of the water element, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, converge well with each other. The Earth makes the Horse a little more homely and sedate, because Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo can build excellent relationships, despite their birth years. Fire Leo, Aries or Sagittarius will make the Horse a little more ambitious, and the Snake more active, which will also have a good effect on their union.

You can be happy in marriage with great efforts.

A woman horse and a man a snake can take a fancy to each other when they meet. The guy will be carried away by a bright, temperamental girl who is always in the spotlight. She, in turn, will be interested in a mysterious and calm man who is so different from all her acquaintances. But disappointment soon awaits both. The Snake man is looking for a domestic woman who will be a good housewife, create comfort in the apartment. You should not expect such behavior from the Horse. Society, numerous hobbies, work and career are very important to her. She loves her family, but she cannot completely surrender to her.

If you close a woman at home, she will feel like a dog on a leash.

The Horse woman, too, will soon be disappointed. She suddenly begins to realize that next to her is a little boring, and at the same time domineering man. His desire to control the girl's actions, to bind her tighter to himself, will be perceived as a restriction of freedom. The horse will want to break out of this suffocating embrace. If at the time of cooling of feelings the couple is already married, she needs to try hard not to divorce. A man should forget about his dreams of seeing his wife as the mistress of the house. She will devote as much time to the family as she wants. A woman needs to curb her temperament a little, learn to make plans at least a few months in advance. If a husband shares his aspirations with his wife, perhaps she will share them and become an excellent helper in achieving goals.

Partners find compromises

The Horse man and the Snake woman converge better than the previous pair. The girl will quickly appreciate all the good qualities of her boyfriend. She will be able to create for him a reliable rear, home comfort, while he will live a full life, shine in society and make a career. A man born under the sign of the Horse loves comfort, therefore he will appreciate all the efforts of his wife. Family conflicts can arise, but it will be easy for a woman to resolve them. She is able to make compromises, so she will be able to give in to her husband at the right time. For a normal relationship, it is important that both partners are of the same intellectual and social level. Only a spiritually developed man and woman can create a happy family.

Marriage problems also cannot be avoided.

The horse is too freedom-loving a sign to obey the measured and planned pace of life, which the Snake dictates to him.

He absolutely does not tolerate restrictions, as soon as a metallic note appears in his wife's voice and she tries to keep her husband at home, he immediately runs away. The snake can be very upset and annoyed, she also does not understand the frivolity of her husband, who lives one day. To smooth out all conflicts, accept the flaws of a partner and learn from each other all the good things. The horse will help his soul mate to be liberated, it is easier to perceive failure and easier to look at the world. The snake will show her husband how to become a little more organized, to set goals correctly. If a man multiplies these abilities by his hard work, he will be able to achieve considerable success in his work, make a good career.

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