Informative hour "Ivan Poddubny -" Man-Mountain "," Russian Hero. The name of the loader Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny will never be forgotten - There are individuals whose life experience is passed down from generation to generation, as if arguing - without such people, the future of the people

Maintain your sporting honor, do not go to bed by order
the organizer of the championship at a certain minute, could
only outstanding athletes, such as Ivan Poddubny,
Ivan Shemyakin, Nikolay Vakhturov ...

Wrestler Ivan Zaikin, the famous "Volga hero"

Cossack by origin and port loader by profession, Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny first entered the circus arena in 1896 - the year of renewal Olympic Games... He performed as an amateur from the public, who wanted to measure his strength with visiting athletes. None of them held out against him for more than five minutes. Thus began an unprecedented half-century sports career of the invincible Russian hero.
So, the other day, Poddubny and the German Abs were fighting. The struggle was fierce. Opponents in the struggle flew into the ramp, the rear curtain, broke the wings. The matter came to the point of real bitterness. Finally, after 37 minutes of fruitless struggle, Messrs. Poddubny and Abs found themselves behind the scenes. The judges rang the bell. The fighters didn't hear anything. Poddubny grabbed Abs, carried him onto the stage on one hand and with all his might - the power of Poddubny! - banged his head on the floor ...
The doctor came, Absa was poured with water ... The commotion in the public lasted about ten minutes. At last the curtain was thrown open and Mr. Abs, who had come to his senses, appeared on the stage "to calm the public".

The newspaper "Russian Word" about the competition of wrestlers in Moscow in the garden "Aquarium", August 1904

Poddubny - Laurent le Bocquerua

The world learned his name in 1904, when Poddubny first became the winner in St. Petersburg international tournament in classic wrestling. Since then, he has never parted with the world crown. By 1909, his awards, collected by him in various competitions, weighed two pounds! Journalists have invented an amazing title for him - “champion of champions”.

Ivan Maksimovich had truly steel muscles. Once the champion of England in boxing made a bet with Poddubny that he would knock him down with a blow of his fist. The Englishman hit the Russian athlete in a mighty press and ... broke his wrist.

Poddubny holds a "reverse belt"

After the revolution, Poddubny worked in the state circus. The NEP again carried it to cities and countries. In the United States, 56-year-old Ivan Maksimovich made a splash and was proclaimed the "Champion of America". He was persuaded by all means to stay: serious threats, blackmail, non-payment of money were used. But Poddubny still returned to his homeland.

Poddubny spent the last 22 years of his life in Yeisk on the shores of the Azov Sea. In August 1942, the Germans entered Yeisk. On the very first day of the occupation, Poddubny was detained by the Gestapo, as Ivan Maksimovich calmly walked the streets with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor on his chest. But glory saved Poddubny - his name was well known in Germany. In honor of his sporting achievements, the Germans gave him 5 kilograms of meat a month.

After the war, Poddubny performed until the age of 75, adhering to his principle: "let him put it down if he can."

Poddubny conducts a throw across the thigh

Only a broken leg put it down. Soviet officials did not lift a finger to look after the living symbol of Russian sports.

Ivan Poddubny died in 1949, in poverty and hunger. He left an unsent letter to the Council of Ministers with a request for a daily bowl of free soup ...
And half a million dollars unpaid to him by American entrepreneurs are still kept in his personal account in one of the US banks.

In 1903, at the French wrestling championship in Paris, a 32-year-old wrestler was given a medical record: height 185 cm, weight 114 kg, biceps 46 cm, chest 134 cm on exhalation, hip 70 cm, neck 50 cm.Later, Poddubny weighed about 130 kilograms.

On the arena, Poddubny shocked the audience with his physical strength. For example, they put a telegraph pole on his shoulders, on both sides of which so many people hung until the pole broke. Without training specifically in athletic numbers, he could, bending his arms, lowered along the body, lift 120 kg to the biceps! His cane weighed one pood (16 kg).
When Ivan Maksimovich was asked if he met people stronger than himself, the hero replied:
- If we talk about wrestling strength, then perhaps not. And so, stronger people come across. My dad Maxim Ivanovich was stronger than me ...
According to him, Maxim Poddubny easily took on his shoulders two five-pound sacks, lifted a whole heap of hay with a pitchfork, indulged in, stopped the cart, grabbing it by the wheel, and knocked down the huge bugs by the horns.
Ivan Poddubny's younger brother, Mitrofan, was also strong, who somehow pulled an ox weighing 18 pounds out of the pit, and once amused the audience in Tula, holding on his shoulders a platform with an orchestra that played "Many years ...".

For its 50-year-old sports career Poddubny was defeated only once. This happened in 1924 at the Moscow State Circus. Ivan Ivanovich Chufistov, a native of the village of Cossack, Ryazan Region, met him on the carpet.

This titanic duel lasted for an hour and fifty minutes, as a result of which Ivan Poddubny was extinguished on both shoulder blades. Poddubny left the circus that evening in a depressed state, and the next morning he came to Chufistov's apartment and kissed him three times.

During the German occupation of Yeisk, Poddubny, in order to feed himself and his loved ones, worked as a marker in the billiard room. Poddubny, who sorted out the players, threw out the door like kittens, thus fulfilling the role of the bouncer. According to the recollections of the inhabitants of Yeisk, "the Fritz-brawlers were very proud of the fact that Ivan the Great himself puts them on the street."
Once a representative of the German command came to Poddubny with a proposal to leave for Germany to train German athletes. Ivan Maksimovich refused: “I am a Russian wrestler. And I'll stay with them. " Poddubny got away with this statement. Even the occupiers admired his strength and worldwide fame.

Ivan Poddubny was buried in Yeisk, in the city park that now bears his name. There is also a granite monument with the inscription: "Russian hero Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny", and nearby are the Museum of I.M. Poddubny and sport school his name.

Room in the Poddubny Museum

On November 1, 2016, an educational hour dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of the famous wrestler Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny was held for students living in the hostel.

Librarian Engelman M.N. told and showed a presentation about the life of Ivan Maksimovich: “Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny was born on October 8 (September 26, old style) in 1871 in a poor family of farmers, in the former Poltava province, in the village of Krasenivka, not far from Zolotonosha, which at that time was a district town (now it is the Chernobaevsky district of the Cherkasy region). From childhood, Vanya (the eldest son) was accustomed to hard peasant work and from the age of 12 he worked as a laborer, three brothers and three sisters grew up with him. He grew up in the same way as all peasant children. Together with his father and brothers, the future champion from his boyhood plowed the land, threshed rye, metal haystacks. The simplicity of the peasant way of life, hard physical labor laid an extraordinary perseverance in the boy's character, helped to accumulate powerful strength, for which the Russian nugget later became famous. When Ivan was 22 years old, he decided to leave his home and go to work in the Crimea. Someone advised him to go to the south of the country, where you can make good money as a loader in the Sevastopol port. So Poddubny did: he got a job at the Livas cargo company. He spent sixteen hours a day on the ramps, hauling loads. He worked easily, quickly, with jokes. Here, even the most seasoned of his colleagues opened their mouths in amazement when he lifted a huge box on his shoulders, which was beyond the power of three, rose to his full height and walked up the trembling gangway. After six months of work, the fame of the strength of the loader spread in all ports of the Crimea. After reading books on weightlifting and wrestling, Ivan compiled a daily training program for himself. I was engaged in gymnastics, jumping, doing exercises with weights, dumbbells, in the morning, after exercising, ran, doused myself cold water, put breathing. He gave up eating excesses, set meal times and strictly observed them. Refused smoking and alcoholic beverages. Since 1897, the future famous wrestler performed in the arenas of circuses as a weightlifter and a wrestler. At the beginning of 1898, Poddubny again moved to Sevastopol to finally become a fighter. Observant and inquisitive, he very quickly adopted and mastered all the subtleties of belt wrestling. He began to defeat rivals not only with brute force, but also with the help of technique, causing the approval of the audience with a beautiful and dexterous technique. In the troupe of wrestlers of the Truzzi circus, led by Georg Lurich, Poddubny won victories over all the participants. From a clumsy and rude strongman, he turned into an athlete, had a good command of wrestling techniques and perceived his profession as an art. The glory of Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny grew and strengthened every year. The son of a grain grower, a simple Black Sea loader, he eventually became the "king of the circus arena", fought at the largest arenas in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The largest halls in London and Paris, Rome and Berlin, Budapest and New York applauded, enthusiastically welcoming the "Champion of Champions". This title was awarded to him by popular rumor, as the grateful connoisseurs of his talent called him. Many famous names were given to him by his fans: "Ivan the Invincible", "The Storm of Champions", "Mountain Man", "Russian Hero", "Ivan Iron". Over the course of decades, Poddubny won brilliant victories over almost all the strongest professional wrestlers in the world.

He died on August 8, 1949 in Yeisk - on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, from a heart attack, at the seventy-seventh year of life. He was buried in the Yeisk city park, now bearing his name. In the homeland of Poddubny, a marble bust of the "Champion of Champions" was installed. On the black stone, the gravestones are carved in gold letters: "Here is the Russian hero lies." Nearby are the Museum of I. M. Poddubny and the sports school named after him. Since 1962, held annually international competitions in classical wrestling for the prize named after I.M. Poddubny ".

At the end, they thanked Marina Nikolaevna. All the guys were very pleased with the educational evening!

Text and photo: O.G. Zaglyada, hostel teacher

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Born on October 1, 1968 in the town of Osinniki, Kemerovo Region. Born on October 1, 1968 in the town of Osinniki, Kemerovo Region. In 1985 he graduated from high school №31 and entered KuzPI (Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute) in Kemerovo, specializing in "Development of coal deposits by underground method", Mining Faculty. 1987 - 1989 - military service. Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces), Uzhur, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Resigned with the rank of sergeant.

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While studying at the Novokuznetsk boarding school for the disabled, he became professionally engaged in wheelchair sports. While studying at the Novokuznetsk boarding school for the disabled, he became professionally engaged in wheelchair sports. He took part in all 6 Parasibiriads and was always among the winners and prize-winners. In 1999 he took part in the Russian championship for the first time. table tennis among the disabled, and immediately became a member of the Russian national team. Repeated Champion and prize-winner of Russian championships, international rating tournaments, participant of the World and European Championships. Being engaged in wheelchair sports, he began to cooperate with the "Invalid" newspaper, write informational reports from various competitions and essays from Russian and international tournaments. Sports columnist for the regional newspaper "Invalid". Takes an active part in the organization and popularization of wheelchair sports in the Kemerovo region.

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Held 9 championships of the Kemerovo region in table tennis among disabled people, all in Osinniki. Held 9 championships of the Kemerovo region in table tennis among disabled people, all in Osinniki. He took part in motor rallies dedicated to the work of the Invalid newspaper and the popularization of wheelchair sports: Novokuznetsk - Leninsk Kuznetsk - Kemerovo Novokuznetsk - Kemerovo - Anzhero Sudzhensk - Mariinsk - Tyazhin Novokuznetsk - Tashtagol - Mezhdurechensk Trainer - Slabotchukov Maxim Leonidov

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In 2001 he was awarded the title of Master of Sports of Russia. In 2002 he was selected as "Person of the Year" in Osinniki in the sports nomination. In 2006 he was admitted to the Union of Journalists of Russia. 2005 - 2007 graduated from the Osinnikovsky Mining College with a degree in State and Municipal Management. Since 2007 he has been working at the A.G. Smolyaninov CYSS in freestyle wrestling as an athlete instructor. In 2001 he was awarded the title of Master of Sports of Russia. In 2002 he was selected as "Person of the Year" in Osinniki in the sports nomination. In 2006 he was admitted to the Union of Journalists of Russia. 2005 - 2007 graduated from the Osinnikovsky Mining College with a degree in State and Municipal Management. Since 2007 he has been working at the A.G. Smolyaninov CYSS in freestyle wrestling as an athlete instructor. Participant of the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing. On November 6, 2009 he was awarded the title of International Master of Sports.

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In 2008 he was awarded the medal "For Honor and Courage". In 2009 he was awarded the medal "For special contribution to the development of Kuzbass" 3rd degree. In 2010 he became the World Table Tennis Champion. In 2010 he was awarded the honorary badge "Sports Valor of Kuzbass". In 2011, he was awarded the 15th Anniversary Medal of the Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk Diocese. In 2011 he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. In 2011 he was awarded the "Valor of Kuzbass" order. In 2008 he was awarded the medal "For Honor and Courage". In 2009 he was awarded the medal "For special contribution to the development of Kuzbass" 3rd degree. In 2010 he became the World Table Tennis Champion. In 2010 he was awarded the honorary badge "Sports Valor of Kuzbass". In 2011, he was awarded the 15th Anniversary Medal of the Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk Diocese. In 2011 he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. In 2011 he was awarded the "Valor of Kuzbass" order.

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"Russian character" - the Byzantine origins of Russian statehood. A family. Result. Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin. Anarchism. The masses of the people. Formation and development of the Russian people. ON. Berdyaev. Power of an Eastern despotic character. Peasant land community. Formation of the Russian character. Complete indifference to nature.

"Quiz" Traditions of the Russian people "- Sadko. Butter dish. Sbiten. Ilya Muromets. Heroic dream. Lapti. Death. Alesha Popovich. Wedding train. Fern. Lunch in Russia. Rain. Life of the Russian people. Snow Maiden. Kiev city. Bench. Spinning wheel. Fish pie. Party invitation. About Russian customs and traditions, jokingly and seriously. Connoisseurs of the Slavic months.

"Rulers of Ivana" - Murom. Death date. Results of the reign of Ivan IV. Holy Church. Prince Vasily. Russian princes. Insulation. Ivan I Danilovich Kalita. Biography. Ivan II Red. Bell tower "Ivan the Great". Kazan was conquered. Moscow. Restructuring of the Kremlin. Princes. Oprichnina. Novgorod pogrom. Ivan III Vasilievich. Sons and wives of Ivan IV.

"Slavic Traditions" - Draniki. Honey. Vareniki. Who are the Slavs? Pancakes. Cabbage soup. Traditions (holidays). Countries included in the Slavic region. National Slavic costume. National Slavic drinks. Orthodoxy and Catholicism Less Islam and paganism Atheism is widespread. Slavic patterns. Religion. Eastern countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

"Lomonosov historian" - Lomonosov's works continue to attract Russian historians. A special place in history. Special attention... Attraction by creativity. "Ancient Russian history”(Hours 1-2, 1766). Lomonosov pays special attention to prehistoric tribes and peoples. MV Lomonosov is the first historiographer of the Russian people.

“Culture of the Russian people” - The cult of goodness and the cult of ancestors are the main content of beliefs. Sources. Russian history. The structure of the souls of our ancestors found expression in the language. Images Bowl of Wisdom. Collection of proverbs, sayings, aphorisms. Spiritual and moral culture of the Russian people. In folk wisdom, in proverbs, sayings, riddles.

Ivan Maksimovich PoddubnyIvan Maksimovich Poddubny
was born in October 1871 in the village
Krasenivka near Poltava. His father
Maxim Ivanovich was very different
tall and huge
by force. Once, when Ivan
turned 15, she is with her father
faced in a playful fight.
Maxim Ivanovich wanted immediately
throw the son over the hip, but,
to his surprise, the guy resisted
legs. In the end, the father still
put my son on his shoulder blades, but
it was given to him with great difficulty.

- Yes, - said with respect
Maxim Ivanovich, - you wouldn't have the land
plow, and fight in the circus arena, but this
lordly, and not our peasant amusement.
Ivan lived in Krasenivka for 20 years, and then from
I left my native village.
Working at a factory in Feodosia, he met
people who explained to him that that
huge physical strength which
Poddubny is endowed with nature, you need to be able to
dispose of.
A group of workers, passionate about physical
exercises, suggested to Ivan
to join them. And now they are all
did exercises together, squeezed dumbbells and
weights, we ran.

In 1897, in Feodosia appeared
wandering circus, Poddubny came to
his presentation. Especially
interested in his wrestlers, who in
at the end of the performance they called
any spectator willing to fight
with myself.
Ivan Poddubny risked to go to
arena. And immediately won the victory in
then popular belt wrestling.
He appeared in the circus several times and
won all the fights.
Poddubny was offered to stay
work in a circus as an athlete. He
For several years Ivan Maksimovich
changed several circuses, not
having suffered not a single defeat.
He soon mastered French
struggle, in which he also achieved
great success.

In 1903, Poddubny took part for the first time
in an international tournament, and despite the fact that
lost to Frenchman Raoul le Boucher, took first
a place.
Loss to Raul was called by many later
a disgrace to French sports. Russian
wrestler 10 minutes after the start of the fight
suddenly felt that when it covered the body
opponent, then his hands immediately slide off.
He understood what was the matter. Such a dishonest method
applied before. Rubbed into the body of the wrestler
olive oil, which when a person
sweats, makes it slippery. Poddubny
protested. Instead of agreeing with
him, the judges made a decision every 5 minutes
wipe le Boucher with a towel. The most offensive
for the Russian wrestler was that Raul
awarded victory points “for a successful escape from
captures of the enemy ".
Raoul le Boucher realized at this tournament that so far
Poddubny is alive, to him, the best French
athlete, never higher than second place
rise. Raoul hired assassins who
tried with Ivan Maksimovich
straighten out. Hiding from them, he is forced to
was some time to stay in Africa.

In 1905 Ivan Maksimovich
Poddubny won the title in Paris
world champion and a big prize - 10,000
francs. The victory was given to Poddubny
it's not easy, because we came to the championship
about 150 of the strongest wrestlers in the world.
In total, Poddubny became the champion
the world 5 times.
Gold medals earned for
his life Ivan Maksimovich on
various tournaments, weighed almost 33
kilogram. Considering that the fight is in those
times enjoyed great
popularity, Poddubny became one of
the most famous people of Russia.
Any champion who has appeared in
this sport, lost his title when
meeting with Ivan Maksimovich.
Therefore, in the newspapers he was constantly called
"Champion of champions".
The famous journalist Frol Karpov wrote:
“The successes of Poddubny are incredible and
fabulous, and he himself looks like
invincible epic hero Ilya
Muromets ".

By the age of forty, Poddubny decided that it was time
already give up sports. He got married,
returned to his native village and to
money earned by the fight
acquired land, a house and two mills.
But the former peasant landowner did not
happened. He soon went broke and
had to return to work again in
circus, still continuing to accept
participation in tournaments, and all of them won.
Ivan Maksimovich has been many times for
border. Once in America, he became
champion of this country. In Germany on
competitions with the participation of Poddubny
tickets were required tens of times more,
than the audience could accommodate the most
large halls. But it was 1927. In it
almost impossible to believe, but a person
conquering all young heroes,
was already 56 years old.
Become a landlord more
Ivan Maksimovich was not going to. They With
my wife bought a big house in the city of Yeisk,
in which they have settled already forever.
Died great fighter in 1949.

Poddubny fought in the circus
up to 70 years old. Neither of
fighters of the planet and not close
approached a similar
the result.
More than 60 have passed
years since Ivana
Maksimovich was gone, but
he is still
most famous in
our country as a fighter.
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