Fizeau for officers. Mandatory standards of physical training in the army and special services of Russia (6 photos)

Of course, the current physical training requirements differ from the standards of the Soviet army. But they still remain at the proper level for the Russian soldier.

Physical training standards for conscripts

Large volume physical activity in the troops of the Russian Federation is needed so that conscripts are always ready for military activities. Preparatory measures for the delivery of indicators are carried out in several versions:

  • training sessions;
  • morning work-out;
  • sports and team work;
  • training process in training combat activities.

Practical lessons consist of several main types of tasks:

  • acceleration training;
  • exercises containing elements of gymnastics;
  • passing obstacles;
  • hand-to-hand combat;
  • sport games;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • complex exercises.

The readiness indicators for urgent employees are such that their implementation will not be difficult for young man who went in for sports before joining the army.

Let's study the standards in the army in 2017 for conscripts in the table below:

Table 1. Indicators of physical fitness of conscripts

Life time< 6 месяцев Service life> 6 months
Standard type / assessment Great Good satisfactorily Great Good satisfactorily
Pulling up on the horizontal bar (number of times) 12 10 7 13 11 9
12,35 12,50 13,15 12,30 12,45 13,10
Running 100 meters (seconds) 14,4 15 16 14,2 14,6 15,6
28 29 30 27,5 28 29
Lifting with a turn over on the horizontal bar (number of times) 6 5 4 7 6 5

Features of physical readiness for contract employees

Persons who decide to serve on a contract basis will also be interested in familiarizing themselves with the standards of physical training. These indicators for contractors can be divided by age category and gender. Recent times more and more girls want to serve in the ranks of the Russian army. Therefore, the standards of preparedness for the service were also prescribed for the ladies.

Contractors are divided into the following groups by gender and age:

Table 2. Age and gender groups of contract servicemen

The athletic readiness of citizens who have decided to serve in the army under a contract can be assessed by the fulfilled minimum of the requirements of all exercises. Those servicemen who, upon entering the army for contract service, could not overcome the minimum threshold for physical readiness standards, are given 5 months to improve their performance, and then again pass a set of standards.

If the re-surrender also ended in failure, then the candidate for the service is sent "to the court" of the attestation commission.

The passing of standards in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is considered a very important stage of service, since all information about the physical abilities of an employee will be spelled out in the characteristics and certification sheet. Military personnel who have reached good results when passing norms physical fitness, are encouraged and rewarded in every possible way with gifts and monetary allowances to the salary, and also awarded with insignia.

Physical training for both contract and conscripts is 5 hours a week. Great attention is given to morning exercises, since it makes a significant contribution to the formation of endurance, strength and speed.

It should be noted that for girls serving in the army, it is provided independent execution morning exercises.

Features of physical training for female military personnel

All indicators of training for women serving in the army are formed taking into account the physiological capabilities of the female body. So, for example, the norm of the weekly volume of physical activity for female military personnel slightly differs from the indicators for men:

Table 3. Weekly volume of physical activity for women in the RF Armed Forces

For women and girls serving in the army, special physical training classes are provided. All of them, as a rule, are of a general strengthening nature, not aimed at training any individual muscle groups... Among these exercises are the following:

  • squats;
  • jumping rope;
  • standing long jump;
  • acrobatic lessons.

Physical fitness standards for contract military personnel

So, as spelled out in the order of the Ministry of Defense, we present the requirements for the power data of citizens who decide to enter military service under a contract:

Table 4. Normal indicators of physical training for contract soldiers

Type of tasks Minimum indicators for different groups military personnel
Men Women
up to 30 years over 30 years old up to 25 years over 25 years old
Strength training
Push-ups from the floor (number of push-ups) 45 40 12 10
Torso bends forward 25 20
Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 10 8
Speed ​​assignments
Running 60 meters (seconds) 9,8 10 12,9 13,9
Running 100 meters (seconds) 15,1 15,8 19,5 20,5
Shuttle run 10 × 10 (seconds) 28,5 29,5 38 39
Endurance quests
Running for 3 km (minutes, seconds) 14,30 15,15
1 km run (minutes, seconds) 4,20 4,45 5,20 5,45
Cross-country skiing 5 km (minutes) 28 29

The work of the military under the contract implies more power and mental costs, compared to the training of urgent conscripts. Therefore, the standards must be passed at a high level.

Summing up, we can say that excellent sports training is quite real way advance in the army, having established himself as a skillful and strong fighter.

Even if you are not going to go to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, you can always test your strength by comparing the results with the army standards. After all, as they say, there is no limit to perfection!

In order to improve the quality of staffing for the federal security service, I order:

1. To approve:

1.1. Requirements for the level of physical fitness for citizens entering military service under a contract with the federal security service ().

1.2. Instructions for organizing checks on the level of physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract with the federal security service and educational organizations FSB of Russia ().

2. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Personnel Department of the Organizational and Personnel Work Service of the Federal Reserve Bank of Russia.

Director A. Bortnikov

The level of physical fitness of citizens is assessed by the results of physical exercises. The order of performing physical exercises is given in the present Instruction.

2. All physical exercise performed in sports uniform clothing (seasonal), usually within one day.

Repeated exercise to increase the score is not allowed.

3. Checking the level of physical fitness is carried out:

By cross-country skiing- at an air temperature of at least minus 20 ° С, at a wind speed of 5-10 m / s and an air temperature of at least minus 15 ° С, at a wind speed of 10-15 m / s and an air temperature of at least minus 10 ° С;

Swimming in open water - at a water temperature not lower than 18 ° С, wind speed up to 5 m / s and current speed up to 0.2 m / s;

Citizens, unless otherwise agreed.


For other physical exercises performed outdoors - at an air temperature not lower than minus 15 ° C, not higher than 35 ° C and a wind speed of up to 5 m / s.

4. Checking the level of physical fitness of citizens is carried out by a commission of the federal security service body to check the level of physical fitness of citizens at their place of residence (place of study) in the form of credit.

The commission is appointed by the order of the head, head of the federal security service body, consisting of at least 3 people:

Chairman of the Commission - deputy head, head of the security body;

Members of the Commission:

a specialist in operational-combat training of a personnel unit of a security body or a person in job duties which includes the organization of operational and combat training;

employees of the personnel division, other divisions of the security body, as well as the educational organization of the FSB of Russia (as agreed).

5. The timing of checking the level of physical training of citizens is determined by the personnel division of the security body.

Checking the level of physical fitness of a citizen is carried out after the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia or the military medical commission of the territorial security body issued a conclusion on his fitness for military service.

II. Checking the level of physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract with the federal security service

6. The check of the level of physical fitness of citizens includes 1 physical exercise for each physical quality - for speed, strength and endurance.

A citizen has the right to independently choose 1 physical exercise for each physical quality - for speed, strength and endurance from Appendix No. 2 to these Instructions.

Citizens entering the military service in the special forces, the coast guard, the crews of ships and boats, additionally perform an exercise in swimming 100 m freestyle.

7. Based on the results of physical exercises, the citizen is awarded points in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Instructions.

8. If the level of physical fitness of a citizen according to the results of the check does not meet the Requirements, he is given the right to re-take the test in full after additional training, but no more than two times during the period of validity of the conclusion of the Central Military Medical Commission of the FSB of Russia or the military medical commission territorial security agency on fitness for military service.

Re-passing the test in full is also carried out if more than 6 months have passed since the date of the previous test.

9. The date, procedure and results of physical exercises are recorded in the checklist for checking the level of physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract to the federal security service and educational organizations of the FSB of Russia, in the recommended form in accordance with these Instructions.

The statement is kept in the nomenclature file of the personnel department of the security body.

In the case of enlisting a citizen for military service, an extract from the statement is attached to a personal file.

10. Data on the number of citizens who have passed the level of physical training during the year, and the results shown by them, are sent annually by December 1 by the personnel unit of the security body to the Personnel Department of the Organizational and Personnel Work Service of the FSB of Russia.

III. Checking the level of physical fitness of citizens entering the educational organizations of the FSB of Russia

11. The check of the level of physical fitness of citizens entering the educational organizations of the FSB of Russia includes 3 physical exercises:

For men - pull-ups on the bar, run 100 m, run 3 km; - for women - complex strength exercise, running 100 m, running 1 km.

12. Based on the results of physical exercises, the citizen is awarded points in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Instructions.

13. In the event of an additional entrance test on physical fitness its content includes 3 physical exercises:

For men - pull-ups on the bar, run 100 m, run 3 km;

For women - complex strength exercise, running 100 meters, running 1 km.

According to the results of physical exercises, the citizen is awarded points in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Instructions.

Taking into account the competition held in educational institutions of the FSB of Russia, the level of physical fitness of citizens is determined by transferring the amount of points scored to a 100-point scale according to the Table for converting the amount of points scored to a 100-point scale (to this Instruction).

14. Citizens entering educational organizations of the FSB of Russia and having sports titles and categories in sports, as well as those awarded with distinctions of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), are added to the result obtained after the transfer of the sum of the points extra points(highest scores) in one of the following categories:

International Master of Sports of Russia - 20 points;

Master of Sports of Russia - 15 points;

Master of Sports candidate - 10 points;

First sports category- 7 points;

Second sports category - 5 points;

Third sports category - 3 points;

Golden insignia of the TRP complex - 5 points;

Silver insignia of the TRP complex - 3 points.

Moreover, if the amount received exceeds 100 points, the level of physical fitness of citizens is set off equal to 100 points.

The basis for the accrual of additional points are documents confirming the assignment (confirmation) sports titles and categories, awarding with insignia of the TRP complex.


* (5) In the services of the FSB of Russia and the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee, deputy heads of departments may be appointed as chairman of the Commission.

* (7) Except for citizens entering educational organizations of the FSB of Russia for educational program secondary general education, integrated with an additional general developmental program aimed at preparing minor students for military service.

These requirements also apply to citizens entering other educational organizations in the direction of the FSB of Russia within the target enrollment.

Exercise order

Pull-up on the bar

Starting position - hanging with a grip from above on straight arms.

Bending your arms, pull yourself up (chin above the bar's bar), unbending your arms, lower yourself to the hang. After fixing a stationary position, repeat the next pull-up.

Minor flexion and extension of the legs, slight deviation of the body, the use of talc (magnesia) are allowed.

It is prohibited:

Doing the exercise without shoes or clothes;

Use of gloves, belts and other means to facilitate the exercise;

Performing jerking, swinging and whipping movements.

Bench press

Starting position - lying on your back on horizontal bench, with a grip from above for the bar of the bar, which is on specially equipped racks, raise the bar on straight arms.

Bend your arms until the bar touches the chest, straightening your arms to perform a barbell press from the chest. After fixing the barbell on straight arms, repeat the next barbell press.

It is allowed to rest in the starting position, the bar is at the top on straight arms.

It is prohibited:

Using a reverse grip;

Any changes in the starting position: separation of the head, shoulders, buttocks from the bench and feet from the floor.

Installed two weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and more. Bar weight - 70 kg.

Torso forward bends

Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs fixed (using objects or with the help of a partner who holds the ankles of the legs with his hands).

Tilt the torso forward at an angle of more than 90 ° (until the elbows touch the knees), return to starting position before the shoulder blades touch the floor. After fixing a stationary position, repeat the next tilt.

Slight bending of the legs is allowed.

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

The starting position is an emphasis lying on straight arms, the body is straight.

Bend your arms until your chest touches the floor, unbending your arms, return to an emphasis lying. After fixing a fixed position, repeat the next flexion.

The exercise is performed without stopping for 1 minute.

It is forbidden to touch the floor with other parts of the body.

Complex strength exercise

The exercise is performed without stopping for 1 minute. and consists of two exercises: "forward bending of the body" - 30 s. and "flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position" - 30 s. The change of exercises is carried out at the signal of the examiner. The result is determined by the total amount of performed movements.

Running 60 meters

Running 100 meters

The exercise is performed from a high start on a stadium treadmill or flat area with any surface.

Shuttle run 10 x 10 m

It is carried out on a level ground with marked start and turn lines. The width of the start and turn line is included in the section of 10 m.

At the command "March" to run 10 m, behind the turning line touch the surface of the site with any part of the body, turn around, thus running nine more Hume segments. It is forbidden to use any natural or artificial objects, irregularities protruding above the surface of the track as a support when turning.

1 km running

3 km running

The exercise is performed on a flat surface from a general or separate start. The start and finish lines are usually equipped in one place.

Cross-country skiing 5 km

The exercise is performed on off-road terrain from a common or separate start on a pre-prepared track. The start and the finish line are usually equipped in one place.

Swimming 100m freestyle

The start is carried out from the starting bollard or from the water. Swimming is done in any way. The rotation is performed with the obligatory touch of the wall with any part of the body.

checking the level of physical fitness of citizens

Table No. 1

An exercise Men Women
up to 25 years 25-29 years old 30 years and older up to 25 years 25 years and older
Pull-up on the bar + + + - -
Bench press + + + - -
Torso forward bends - - - + +
- - - + +
Complex strength exercise - - - + +
Running 60 meters - - - + +
Running 100 meters + + + + +
Shuttle run 10 x 10m + + + + +
1 km running + + + + +
3 km running + + + - -
Cross-country skiing 5 km + + + + +
+ + + - -

Table No. 2


Points Pull-up on the bar Bench press Running 100 meters Shuttle run 10x10m 1 km running 3 km running Cross-country skiing 5 km Swimming 100m freestyle
up to 70 kg 70 kg and more
unit of measurement
number of times with min. with
100 30 21 27 11,8 24,0 2.48 9.45 15.00 1.00
99 - - - - 24,1 - 9.49 15.10 1.01
98 29 - - 11,9 24,2 2.49 9.53 15.20 1.02
97 - - 26 - 24,3 - 9.57 15.30 1.03
96 28 20 - 12,0 24,4 2.50 10.01 15.40 1.04
95 - - 25 - 24,5 - 10.05 15.50 1.05
94 27 - - 12,1 24,6 2.51 10.09 16.00 1.06
93 - 19 24 - 24,7 2.52 10.13 16.10 1.07
92 26 - - 12,2 24,8 2.53 10.17 16.20 1.08
91 - 18 23 - 24,9 2.54 10.21 16.30 1.09
90 25 - - 12,3 25,0 2.55 10.25 16.40 1.10
89 - 17 22 - 25,1 2.56 10.29 16.50 1.11
88 24 - - 12.4 25,2 2.57 10.33 16.55 1.12
87 - 16 21 - 25,3 2.58 10.37 17.00 1.13
86 23 - - 12,5 25,4 2.59 10.41 17.05 1.14
85 - 15 20 - 25,5 3.00 10.45 17.10 1.15
84 22 - - 12,6 25,6 3.01 10.49 17.15 1.16
83 - 14 19 - 25,7 3.02 10.53 17.20 1.17
82 21 - - 12.7 25,8 3.03 10.57 17.25 1.18
81 - 13 18 - 25,9 3.04 11.01 17.30 1.19
80 20 - - 12,8 26,0 3.05 11.05 17.35 1.20
79 - 12 17 - - 3.06 11.10 17.40 1.21
78 19 - - 12.9 - 3.07 11.15 17.45 1.22
77 - 11 16 - 26,1 3.08 11.20 17.50 1.23
76 18 - - 13.0 - 3.09 11.25 17.55 1.24
75 - 10 15 - - 3.10 11.30 18.00 1.25
74 - - - 13.1 26,2 3.11 11.32 18.08 1.26
73 17 - - - - 3.12 11.34 18.16 1.27
72 - - - 13.2 - 3.13 11.36 18.24 1.28
71 - - - - 26,3 3.14 11.38 18.32 1.29
70 16 - 14 - - 3.15 11.40 18.40 1.30
69 - - - 13.3 - 3.16 11.42 18.48 1.31
68 - - - - 26,4 3.17 11.44 18.56 1.32
67 - 9 - - - 3.18 11.46 19.04 1.33
66 15 - - 13,4 - 3.19 11.48 19.12 1.34
65 - - 13 - 26,5 3.20 11.50 19.20 1.35
64 - - - - - 3.21 11.52 19.28 1.36
63 - - - 13,5 - 3.22 11.54 19.36 1.37
62 14 - - - 26,6 3.23 11.56 19.44 1.38
61 - - - - - 3.24 11.58 19.52 1.39
60 - 8 12 13,6 - 3.25 12.00 20.00 1.40
59 - - - - 26,7 3.26 12.06 20.06 1.41
58 13 - - - - 3.27 12.12 20.12 1.42
57 - - - 13,7 - 3.28 12.18 20.18 1.43
56 - - - - 26,8 3.29 12.24 20.24 1.44
55 - - - - - 3.30 12.30 20.30 1.45
54 12 7 - 13,8 - 3.31 12.36 20.36 1.46
53 - - 11 - 26,9 3.32 12.42 20.42 1.47
52 - - - - - 3.33 12.48 20.48 1.48
51 - - - 13,9 - 3.35 12.54 20.54 1.49
50 11 - - - 27,0 3.37 13.00 21.00 1.50
49 - - - - - 3.39 13.06 21.06 1.51
48 - 6 - 14,0 - 3.40 13.12 21.12 1.52
47 - - - - 27,1 3.41 13.18 21.18 1.53
46 10 - 10 14,1 - 3.42 13.24 21.24 1.54
45 - - - - - 3.43 13.30 21.30 1.55
44 - - - 14,2 27,2 3.44 13.36 21.36 1.56
43 - - - - - 3.45 13.42 21.42 1.57
42 9 5 - 14.3 - 3.46 13.48 21.48 1.58
41 - - - - 27,3 3.47 13.54 21.54 1.59
40 - - 9 14,4 - 3.48 14.00 22.00 2.00
39 - - - - - 3.49 14.05 22.20 2.01
38 8 - - 14,5 27,4 3.51 14.10 22.40 2.02
37 - - - - - 3.53 14.15 23.00 2.03
36 - 4 8 14,6 - 3.55 14.20 23.20 2.04
35 - - - - 27,5 3.57 14.25 23.40 2.06
34 7 - - 14,7 - 3.59 14.30 24.00 2.08
33 - - 7 - - 4.01 14.35 24.20 2.10
32 - - - 14,8 27,6 4.03 14.40 24.40 2.12
31 - - - 14,9 - 4.05 14.45 25.00 2.14
30 6 3 6 15,0 - 4.10 14.50 25.20 2.16
29 - - - 15,1 27,7 4.15 14.55 25.40 2.18
28 - - - 15,2 - 4.20 15.00 26.00 2.20
27 - - 5 15,3 - 4.25 15.05 26.20 2.22
26 - - - 15,4 27,8 4.30 15.10 26.40 2.24
25 5 - - 15,6 - 4.35 15.15 27.00 2.26
24 - 2 4 15,8 - 4.40 15.20 27.20 2.28


Points Torso bends forward Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position Complex strength exercise Running 60 meters Running 100 meters Shuttle run 10x Yum 1 km running Cross-country skiing 5 km
unit of measurement
number of times with min. with
100 55 34 46 8,8 14,8 29,0 3.40 25.00
99 - 33 - - 14,9 29,1 3.41 25.10
98 54 32 45 - - 29,2 3.42 25.20
97 - 31 - 8,9 15,0 29,3 3.43 25.30
96 53 30 44 - - 29,4 3.44 25.40
95 - - - - 15,1 29,5 - 25.50
94 52 29 43 - - 29,6 3.45 26.00
93 - - - 9,0 15,2 - - 26.10
92 51 28 42 - - 29,7 3.46 26.20
91 - - - - 15,3 29,8 - 26.30
90 50 27 41 - - 29,9 3.47 26.40
89 - - - - 15,4 - - 26.50
88 49 26 40 9,1 - 30,0 3.48 26.55
87 - - - - 15,5 30,1 - 27.00
86 48 25 39 - - 30,2 3.49 27.05
85 - - - - 15,6 - - 27.10
84 47 24 - - - 30,3 3.50 27.15
83 - - 38 9,2 15,7 30,4 - 27.20
82 46 23 - - - 30,5 3.51 27.25
81 - - 37 - 15,8 - - 27.30
80 45 22 - - - 30,6 3.52 27.35
79 - - 36 - 15,9 30,7 - 27.40
78 44 21 - 9,3 - 30,8 3.53 27.45
77 - - 35 - 16,0 - - 27.50
76 43 20 - - - 30,9 3.54 27.55
75 - - 34 - 16,1 31,0 - 28.00
74 42 - - - - 31,1 3.55 28.05
73 - 19 - - - - - 28.10
72 41 - 33 9,4 16,2 31,2 3.56 28.15
71 - - - - - 31,3 - 28.20
70 40 18 - - - 31,4 - 28.25
69 - - - - 16,3 - 3.57 28.30
68 39 - 32 - - 31,5 - 28.40
67 - 17 - - - - - 28.50
66 38 - - 9,5 16,4 31,6 3.58 29.00
65 - - - - - 31,7 - 29.10
64 37 16 31 - - - - 29.20
63 - - - - 16,5 31,8 3.59 29.30
62 36 - - - - - - 29.40
61 - 15 - - - 31,9 - 29.50
60 35 - 30 9,6 16,6 32,0 4.00 30.00
59 - - - - - 32,2 4.02 30.10
58 34 14 - - 16,7 32,4 4.04 30.20
57 - - - 9,7 - 32,6 4.07 30.30
56 33 - 29 - 16,8 32,9 4.10 30.40
55 - 13 - 9,8 16,9 33,1 4.13 30.50
54 32 - - - - 33,3 4.16 31.00
53 - - - 9,9 17,0 33,5 4.19 31.10
52 31 12 28 - 17,1 33,7 4,22 31.20
51 - - - 10,0 17,2 33,9 4.25 31.30
50 30 - - - - 34,1 4.27 31.40
49 - 11 - 10,1 17,3 34,2 4.29 31.50
48 29 - 27 - 17,4 34,3 4.31 32.00
47 - - - 10,2 17,5 34,4 4.33 32.10
46 28 10 - - 17,6 34,5 4.35 32.20
45 - - - 10,3 17,7 34,6 4.37 32.30
44 27 - - - 17,8 34,7 4.39 32.45
43 - - 26 10,4 17,9 34,8 4.41 33.00
42 26 9 - - - 34,9 4.43 33.15
41 - - - 10,5 18,0 35,0 4.45 33.30
40 25 - - - 18,1 35,1 4.47 33.45
39 - - 25 10,6 - 35,2 4.49 34.00
38 24 8 - - 18,2 35,3 4.51 34.15
37 - - - 10,7 18,3 35,4 4.53 34.30
36 23 - - - 18,4 35,5 4.55 34.45
35 - - 24 10,8 18,5 35,6 4.57 35.00
34 22 7 - 10,9 - 35,7 4.59 35.20
33 - - - - 18,6 35,8 5.01 35.40
32 21 - - 11,0 18,7 35,9 5.03 36.00
31 - - 23 IL 18,8 36,0 5.05 36.20
30 20 6 - - 18,9 36,1 5.07 36.40
29 - - - 11,2 19,0 36,2 5.09 37.00
28 19 - 22 n, h 19,2 36,3 5.10 37.20
27 - - - - 19,4 36,4 5.15 37.40
26 18 5 - 11,4 19,6 36,5 5.20 38.00

checking the level of physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract with the federal security service and educational organizations of the FSB of Russia

1. ________ ___________ 20__ (date)
2. ________ ___________ 20__ (date) _________________, ___________________________ (exercise) (place of exercise)
3. ________ ___________ 20__ (date) _________________, ___________________________ (exercise) (place of exercise)
4. ________ ___________ 20__ (date) _________________, ___________________________ (exercise) (place of exercise)
P / p No. Surname, initials Year of birth Points Required / Minimum Threshold Level in Each Exercise Exercises Points total Total (pass / fail)
quick by force endurance swimming
Name result score Name result score Name result score result score

transferring the amount of points earned into a 100-point scale

The requirements for the level of physical fitness for citizens entering military service under a contract with the federal security service have been established.

The issues of conducting inspections of the level of physical fitness of these persons, as well as citizens entering the educational organizations of the FSB of Russia, have been resolved.

Fitness level is assessed based on the performance of certain exercises. A list of them is given. The standards necessary for implementation have been established.

All exercises are performed in sportswear (according to the season) for one day.

Repeated performance of exercises to increase the number of points is not allowed.

The amount of points scored Points on a 100-point scale The amount of points scored Points on a 100-point scale The amount of points scored Points on a 100-point scale
300 100 212 65 142 30
297 99 210 64 140 29
294 98 208 63 138 28
291 97 206 62 136 27
288 96 204 61 134 26
285 95 202 60 132 25
282 94 200 59 130 24
279 93 198 58 128 23
276 92 196 57 126 22
273 91 194 56 124 21
270 90 192 55 122 20
267 89 190 54 120 19
264 88 188 53 118 18
261 87 186 52 116 17
258 86 184 51 114 16
255 85 182 50 112 15
252 84 180 49 ON 14
249 83 178 48 108 13
246 82 176 47 106 12
244 81 174 46 104 11
242 80 172 45 102 10
240 79 170 44 100 9
238 78 168 43 98 8
236 77 166 42 96 7
234 76 164 41

The physical condition of a military man determines his combat readiness. In this vein, there is a special program for assessing citizens who are replenishing the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. Legislatively relevant standards for military personnel are enshrined in the Manual on physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation () (approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 of 21.04.2009).

Every soldier is obliged to regularly have a certain physical activity. Conscripts and individuals must devote at least 5 hours of physical training per week, and students of military educational institutions and cadets - 4 training hours per week.

The results of the lessons are monitored and taken into account by the head of physical training and sports or the commander of the unit.

In practice, to check physical condition a serviceman is subject to the delivery of sports standards.

In the NFP-2009, the procedure for assessing physical form soldier. Appropriate checks are carried out for different categories of persons in the following periods:

  • Within 2 weeks from the date of admission to the duty station - for conscripts.
  • Quarterly during the entire term of service for employees on a contract basis, as well as before signing or renewing a contract.
  • When passing entrance exams; monthly during training in accordance with the program; with final and intermediate attestations; during inspection, control, final checks - for cadets and students of military educational institutions.

The appointment of a military man to a higher position is the basis for checking his physical fitness.

The difference in standards for the categories of military personnel

To assess the physical condition, employees of the Russian Armed Forces are divided into three groups depending on their affiliation with military professional work:

  • Military units of special forces, marines, airborne forces, reconnaissance, airborne assault services.
  • The personnel of military units, cadets, students of military educational institutions.
  • Suppliers, technical, repair, medical and other service personnel of the unit, members of military bands, brigades of submarines and surface ships.

This division is due to different requirements for the physical form of the combat personnel and persons involved in providing troops.

In addition to the division into categories, the standards for physical training for contract servicemen are determined based on age and gender. A detailed division and the number of points, taking into account their minimum required to assess the physical fitness of the military, can be found in Appendix No. 16 to the NFP-2009.

Verifier Exercises

The level of physical fitness is determined when a soldier performs the following groups of exercises:

  • for agility (jumping over a goat);
  • endurance (long distance running);
  • strength (squats, exercises on the bar, lifting weights weighing 24 kg);
  • for speed (sprint running);
  • applied military skills (swimming, overcoming obstacles, hand-to-hand combat, skiing, marches).

A complete list of exercises that are used to assess the degree of physical condition of a military man contains Appendix No. 17 to NFP-2009. When passing the standards, not all tasks from the list are to be completed. The examinee is assigned certain exercises in accordance with his military and professional activities.

To pass the norms, one exercise is taken from each group. At the same time, passing the standards, for example, on dexterity, can exclude their passing on exercises from another group.

For conscripts who have arrived at the military unit, the program for assessing the level of physical fitness includes: running at a distance of 100 m and 1 km, pulling up. Candidates for enrollment in a military educational institution must swim 100 m, run 100 m and 3 km, and pass the pull-up.

Evaluation of results

To determine the level of physical fitness, a table is used to convert the amount of points scored in physical fitness to a 100 - point scale. Tables for all exercises can be found in NPF-2009 (the file can be downloaded above).

In addition to the scoring system, the physical exercise of military personnel is assessed as follows:

  • "Excellent"- the exercise has been worked out clearly, confidently, without errors, shortcomings during landing are insignificant. The score is 75 points.
  • "Good"- there are minor bugs. 60 points are awarded.
  • "Satisfactorily"- the task was performed uncertainly, the errors are significant; the performer will receive 35 points.
  • "Unsatisfactory"- the exercise is distorted or not performed. 0 points.

Retaking an element of the program for a higher grade is not allowed. The military can carry out only one approach, with the exception of persons with injuries or illnesses.

The marks for the performed exercises are reflected in the scorecard (Appendix No. 9 to the NFP-2009). The document is entered for each serviceman. Data on the department or university are entered in the list of check results (Appendix No. 8 to NFP-2009).

The requirements for the physical fitness of a soldier are considered fulfilled if he scored a score equal to the "satisfactory" mark for his age and category. At the same time, in each exercise, the minimum threshold level must be reached.

Consequences of failure to meet standards

Every soldier is obliged to pass all standards. For contractors who have achieved particularly high results, measures of encouragement and rewarding with cups, valuable prizes, cash, insignia, etc. are applied.

The conscripts who have not passed the standards will continue to serve in the military unit, will regularly train, and increase the level of physical fitness.

Contractors who did not fulfill the necessary requirements for physical fitness during the control check are given a period of 5 months to prepare and retake the standards. Repeated non-compliance with the established conditions leads to the appointment of an attestation commission. She will consider the issue of the further stay of the citizen in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Russia.

You cannot enter a military educational institution without proper physical fitness. Passing the standards here is an admission exam. A similar scheme is applied when entering the service under a contract.

Requirements table for contractors

Exercises Minimum requirements for categories of military personnel
men women
30 years
30 years
25 years
25 years
Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position 45 40 12 10
Torso bends forward 25 20
Pull-up on the bar 10 8
Running 60 meters 9,8 10,0 12,9 13,9
Running 100 meters 15,1 15,8 19,5 20,5
Shuttle run 10 × 10 m 28,5 29,5 38,0 39,0
3 km running 14.30 15.15
1 km running 4.20 4.45 5.20 5.45
Cross-country skiing 5 km 28.00 29.00

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-> On the same topic

Military service is not only a constitutional duty of every man in the country, but also an incredible test for young people. A sharp change in the microclimate, life and environment, all types of loads, special training require strength and endurance. For this reason Special attention the army pays attention to the fulfillment of the standards for physical education, developed specifically for military personnel. This is a set of activities that includes several types of workloads aimed at improving work different muscles, physical strength and men's health.

Introduction to the topic

The most vivid information from world history regarding strength training military have been known since the times Ancient Greece... The military leaders conducted regular training of soldiers in several types, including swimming, martial arts, athletics, strength exercises. Need physical development men were a prerequisite military service, since each of them was preparing for combat missions.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, military service is served in several directions. These include:

  • employed military personnel, that is, working under a contract (the position held may be related to administrative functions, the education of soldiers, as well as participation in military operations);
  • conscripts (a category of military personnel undergoing military service, that is, the training of men is carried out on the basis of the Constitution, and is organized with the aim of forming elementary skills, knowledge and skills);
  • special units (a group of soldiers taking an active part in combat missions, both on the territory of Russia and abroad);
  • cadets and cadets (students of higher educational institutions preparing for work on a contract basis).

Depending on the tasks assigned, as well as the nature of serving military service, each soldier must perform exercises to test the degree of strength training.

Formation of the scale of standards is carried out on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200, adopted in 2009. In addition, the exercises (mechanism) used in practice are described in detail, as well as the rules for their implementation. In some sections there is a graphical representation of the exercises.

According to the norms of this document, when checking, a point system is used, which is compiled taking into account such indicators as age, position, gender, rank.

Important! It is imperative that when organizing testing, there is a medical worker who monitors the indicators blood pressure and pulse rate in order to stop the exercise in a timely manner.

General requirements for physical training and passing standards

According to the norms of Order No. 200, physical fitness is a process whose purpose is to improve physical qualities soldier. The scoring table is formed on the basis of individual characteristics, demographic indicators and the requirements of a particular position.

So, the following main directions of military training can be distinguished:

  • dexterity (a set of measures aimed at the ability to quickly respond to changing environmental conditions, as well as decision-making when there is a lack of time and in emergency situations);
  • speed (development of skills of fast movement on all types of terrain, including when overcoming obstacles);
  • strength exercises(classes of general strengthening action, as well as promoting the growth of muscle mass);
  • tricks hand-to-hand combat(includes methods of self-defense, methods of detention, disarming, dodging a pistol and stabbing, as well as methods of freeing from grabs);
  • endurance (getting satisfactory results in uncomfortable conditions);
  • swimming (applies only during conscription into the Air Force and naval forces).

The main thing general requirement to candidates and active military personnel - this is a comprehensive development and the ability to complete the list of exercises at least at the minimum level.

Assessment methods

Order No. 200 contains a list of methods used in assessing the physical fitness of conscripts and contract servicemen.

Table No. 1 "Directions used and their features"

Training sessionsThese types of training are applicable to all positions and types of troops. Moreover, it is stipulated that regular theoretical and practical exercises should be conducted with the personnel of the military formation. During the theory lessons, basic skills and abilities are formed, and then, in practice, the acquired material is checked. The same group includes educational and training sessions on different types physical activity. It is also mandatory to conduct briefings and form guidelines correct execution exercise
Daily morning exerciseComplex exercises aimed at general strengthening organism. During the exercise, the whole state of the military is assessed, and possible disorders and ailments are identified.
Combat trainingAll activities related to the training of personnel to carry out combat operations. Includes a set of exercises for endurance, reaction speed and strength. The assessment of the acquired skills is carried out during the implementation of educational and training missions
Mass sportsConducting complex exercises and competitions between different military formations or study groups... The assessment is set off according to the principle "who will show himself better"
Self-preparationThe order fixed a training plan in free time from service, the purpose of which is to maintain the general tone of the body

In addition, to the above list, you can additionally add medical methods... This is theoretical knowledge, on the basis of which the formation of boundary load indicators (age, height, weight) is carried out. Doctors of military institutions conduct regular examinations of employees in order to detect frustration or overwork, and may also be present during practical training and exams.

Physical score table

As mentioned above, the standards are passed on the basis of a point system, where the maximum score is 100 points. The final mark is calculated in the sum of all indicators and marks for them. So, it is possible to obtain the following marks:

  • “Bad” (0-35);
  • "Good" (36-60);
  • "Excellent" (61-100).

The most important condition, which must be taken into account - this is the age of the serviceman. So, there are 8 age groups of physical fitness, which are taken as a basis for the formation of loads.

Table No. 2 "Distribution of military personnel by ranks by age"

Age groupPeriods
1 before reaching the age of 25
2 26-30
3 31-35
4 36-40
5 41-45
6 46-50
7 51-55
8 after 55 years

Given the specifics of the activity, complete release from physical activity, as well as the delivery of standards, is not allowed. The exception is the essential contraindications of the doctor.

Standards for military personnel under contract

FIZO for military personnel is not only one of the ways to assess the acquired skills, but also some of the stages of selecting candidates for employment. Since contract service implies the payment of wages and the performance of a certain list of official duties, the candidate is accepted on the basis of a competition.

Thus, the selection of candidates based on strength training is carried out on special principles:

  • it is obligatory to pass at least 3 standards;
  • all results must be positive (the failure of even one of the indicators excludes the possibility of hiring);
  • which exercises to take, the applicant for signing the contract can choose independently.

After employment, a citizen must continue to play sports, followed by passing the relevant exams.

Table No. 3 "Rules for accounting for results"

Variety of exerciseMinimum allowable indicators
After 30 yearsUp to 30 years old
Running, min / s, distance in km0.6 km10 9,8
0,1 15,8 15
1 4,45 4,2
3 15,15 14
Skiing, 5 km29 28
Push up30 35
Pull-up8 10

Important! The quality of delivery of the selected exercises affects not only the fact of employment. Depending on the results obtained, contract servicemen are also assigned to different positions and types of troops.

So, there are 3 possible groups of positions, namely:

  1. Special units, intelligence service, air force, paratroopers.
  2. Participants in the hostilities.
  3. Employees of the sector of material support, as well as medical services.

Each applicant is interested in passing the exercises at the highest level.

Standards for conscripts

When conscripting soldiers into the army, the fact that most of them come physically unprepared for excessive loads is taken into account. Consequently, the table for assessing the physical fitness of such servicemen is somewhat easier than for contract soldiers. The standards are calculated taking into account the time that will be allotted for the training of conscripts.

Table number 4 "Calculation of points"

CategoryMarkPull-up, qtyObstacle course, c.Running (length in km)Skiing, 5 km
0.1 (sec.)1 minute.)3 min.)10 min.)(min.)
The service life does not exceed six months5 12 2,2 14,4 3,3 12,45 56 29
4 10 2,25 15 3,4 13,1 58 30
3 7 2,35 16 4,1 13,45 62 31
Duration of preparation is more than 6 monthsEx.13 2,15 14,2 3,25 12,3 56 28
Chorus.11 2,2 14,6 3,35 12,45 58 29
Satisfied9 2,3 15,6 4,05 13,2 60 30

In addition, other types of regulations may be added depending on the region. For example, swimming classes and tests are relevant in some areas.

There is no need to be afraid of these numbers, since the daily routine of employees is structured in such a way that time is sure to be allocated for physical activity. This can be morning exercises, jogging before bedtime, as well as planned physical fitness. In any case, the standards are drawn up on the basis of the recommendations of doctors, many years of experience and practice.

Every new recruit or contract soldier joining the ranks of the Russian army, regardless of age, gender, or conditions of service, must have certain physical skills. Its main goal is to improve the quality of the personnel's ability to perform any combat missions assigned to them. But the standards for physical training for military personnel should differ depending on the gender of the person serving.

Occupation frequency

Preparatory and practical physical training activities are carried out regularly throughout the entire period of service and training of cadets of specialized educational institutions.

At the same time, contract employees, as well as persons undergoing military service, must engage in at least five hours a week, students in universities and cadets - at least four hours.

The athletic readiness of persons in service is subject to periodic checks by units, or by the chiefs for physical training, with the obligatory consideration of the results. Practical tests are an important stage in any service. During the check, the level of combat readiness of everyone who is in military service is assessed.

The procedure for checking contractors and servicemen is enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 200. On the basis of this legal regulation, employees of the armed forces are checked in 2019 in the following order:

In addition to the listed reasons, checking the level sports training compulsory for persons appointed to higher officer positions.

Differences in passing standards

The level of combat readiness is different for individuals of different age and gender groups, depending on the conditions of service and the type of troops of the formation. In this regard, the division of standards is as follows:

  • applicants for specialized military educational institutions: boys and girls from among civilians.
  • conscripts: employees less than six months and employees more than half a year.
  • students of the first, second, third and more senior years, respectively.
  • contract soldiers: by age category;
  • women: by age category.

Depending on belonging to one or another of the above group, a minimum score is set for passing each test.

The test of the sports training of each individual category is carried out in several directions, which make it possible to assess the level of various directions of combat readiness.

Standards for conscripts

Checking the physical training of conscripts is carried out in the same main areas as the assessment of the preparedness of contract servicemen. Army regulations includes the following exercises:

Exercise type
Powerpower lifting with a flip on the horizontal bar and pulling up.
Speed ​​dataovercoming short distances, shuttle run.
Endurance levelovercoming long distance, or a ski race (five kilometers),
Agilityvault over a projectile with legs bent and spaced apart, techniques and tactics of hand-to-hand combat.
Army skillstechniques of hand-to-hand combat, a march with full gear, a distance of five kilometers, a power complex associated with overcoming an obstacle course.

Physical standards for young men

Physical standards for girls

Standards for contractors

Physical standards for military men

Assessment of the sports readiness of a person undergoing contract service, depending on age group, includes the implementation of the following types of mandatory exercises:

Sports training category Exercise type
Powerhorizontal bar: pull-ups, lifting with a turnover, raising the legs in the hang, bench press in the prone position, parallel bars: flexion and extension movements of the arms in support, snatch and jerk of the kettlebell.
Speed ​​dataovercoming short distances, swimming and shuttle running.
Enduranceovercoming long distances (from four hundred meters to five kilometers), gong skiing (five kilometers) and swimming five hundred meters, a set of strength exercises
Agilityjumping over a projectile, and for certain age categories - hand-to-hand combat techniques without the use of weapons and with them.
Army skillsstrength exercises associated with movement along the obstacle course, march with full gear, throwing a projectile and long jump.

The specificity of carrying out contract service requires large mental and power expenditures from the military. Therefore, the delivery of qualification attestations takes place at a higher level.

Persons who have passed the highest level of physical fitness, namely, who have scored 75 points or more, have the right to count on a bonus supplement to the basic salary.

Standards for women

When drawing up programs to check the physical form of this category of military personnel, the characteristics of the female body were taken into account. Therefore, they differ from the standard army indicators, and the standards intended for male contract soldiers.

Physical standards for female military personnel

A set of testing exercises for women includes:

Age restrictions

Evaluation of results

During the test, each exercise performed is assessed separately. The Ministry of Defense has introduced a 100-point system. As a rule, there are 4-5 exercises in total in the examination test. Overall result passing the certification commission is assessed as in the university with an assessment from "unsatisfactory" to "excellent", based on the indicators for each exercise.

At the same time, any standard is passed the first time, and if a low grade is received, there is no possibility of retaking it to a higher grade.

And if the unsatisfactory mark does not in any way affect the further passage of the conscript's service, then for the contract soldier the failure of the exam, that is, the set of less than 35 points, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense, is reflected in the cash bonus. They are given six months to train and retake sports standards. In the event of another failure, a similar situation may have sad consequences, up to the termination of the service contract.

As for the applicants who have not yet concluded a contract, the inability to pass the standards for physical training for military personnel deprives them of the opportunity to serve on a contract basis. The same applies to applicants entering military institutions.

According to the results of annual checks of the degree of combat effectiveness, regardless of gender, age and rank, military personnel are re-certified. On the basis of which, it is possible to rotate individual personnel to other places for service.

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