Rules for self-fulfillment of high-speed strength exercises. Complexes of exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities

Complex 6 (Fig.).

The total time is 17 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1500.

1. Running with a high hip lift. Options: holding your hands behind your back; spreading your legs wide. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m.

2. Starts from the support by squatting with the legs back or to the side. Option: without hand support. Perform quickly - 3 x 20 m.

3. Running from different starting positions. Options: sitting; sitting cross-legged; sitting with your back to the running direction. Perform quickly - 2 x 20 m.

4. Running after touching a suspended ball with the foot. Options: get it in a jump; running to the right, left, back - 3 x 20 m.

5. Running with side steps. Option: lifting your knees high. The pace is medium and fast - 4 x 15 m.

6. Cross-step running in a straight line. Average pace - 4 x 20 m.

7. Running "snake". Options: by changing the curvature of the turn; catching up with a partner. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m.

8. Catch up with a partner starting 2-3 m ahead - 3 x 20 m.

Complex 7 (Fig.).

The total time is 13 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

1. I. p. - stand, feet shoulder-width apart, the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbows at right angles. Move your arms as if you were running. The tempo is medium and fast - 3 x 10 s.

2... "Mincing" run. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m. 3. Running in place with an active positioning of the leg on the forefoot. The tempo is slow, medium and fast - 3 x 10 s.

4. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs extended. Alternate raising and lowering of the legs bent at the knee joints. Imitation of running movements with legs lying down. The tempo is fast and medium - 3 x 10 s.

5. Running with a high hip lift, legs apart slightly wider than usual. Consider the number of repetitions for each leg. The pace is fast and medium - 2 x 25 m.

6. Alternate take-off with the left and right legs due to flexion of the hip and foot with active work of the arms (jumping run). The pace is fast. Rest interval 30 sec. - 2 x 20 m.

7. From the support, crouching forward somersault, quickly stand up and run 10 m.

The pace is fast. Rest interval between

exercises 20 sec. - 6 times.

Complex 8 (Fig.).

The total time is 13 minutes.

Working time - 7 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 600.

1. Pushing off by hand from the support. Average pace - 10 times.

2. Throwing a medicine ball (weight 0.5 - 2 kg) with both hands from bottom to front upward - 10 times.

3... Lying on your stomach, alternately bend your leg at the knee joint, overcoming moderate resistance from your partner. You can bend both legs at the same time - 15 times.

4. Lifting the thigh with weights (a bag of sand, a disc from a barbell weighing 5-10 kg). The pace is medium and fast - 10 times.

5. I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs together. Rapid lifting of the legs and trunk. Return to I. p. slowly - 10 times.

6. Jumping out starting position standing with a jogging foot on a support 20-30 cm high. Pay attention to the work of the swing leg. Average pace with acceleration at the end - 10 times.

7. Jumping over medicine balls, pushing off with two feet. Average pace - 5 x 10 jumps. rice.

Complex 9 (Fig.).

The total time is 17 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1200.

1. I. p. - right leg on a support 20-30 cm high, the left one - on the floor. Raise to the forefoot, when lowering, touch the floor with the heel. The pace is medium and fast - 15 times.

2. From two or three steps of the run, pushing off with one leg from a height of 60 cm, jump over it. The pace is fast - 10 times

... With a push with two legs with an energetic wave of the arms, jump up, bending your knees, bend. The pace is fast and medium. Rest interval 30 sec. - 4 x 5 jumps.

4. From a running start, pushing off with one leg, jump to a height of 60 cm, pulling up the pushing leg and maintaining balance. The dismount is arbitrary. The pace is medium and fast - 6 times.

5. With a two-leg jerk, jump in place with a 360 ° turn over the right and left shoulder. Average pace - 6 times.

6. Jumping over the gymnastic bench backwards from a place. The pace is fast - 8 times.

7. From a running start, pushing off with one leg, fig.

jump to a height of 60 cm.

Jump off with a turn of 180 °, the pace is fast and medium - 10 times.

8. Jump from a place to a hill 50-60 cm high. The pace is medium and fast. Rest interval 20 s - 3 x 10 jumps.

Complex 10 (Fig.).

The total time is 13 minutes.

Working time - 7 minutes.

1. Jumping over the bench along it, turning left and right, pushing off with two legs. Medium and fast pace - 3 times,

2... I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Jumping over the bench along it, pushing off with two legs. Connect the feet above the bench. The pace is medium and fast - 3 times.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Jumping over the bench along it backwards, pushing off with two legs, connect the feet above the bench. The pace is slow and medium - 2 times.

4. Jumping on one leg over the bench along it. The pace is slow and medium - 1 time.

5. Jumping over the bench along it, pushing off with two legs and turning, each time 180 °. Average pace - 2 times.

6. Leaps from foot to foot over gymnastic benches or medicine balls. The distance between the obstacles is 1-1.5 m. The pace is medium and fast - 6 x 5 jumps.

Complex 11 (Fig.).

The total time is 16 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1100.

1. Jumping upward, pushing off with one leg. Options: taking out an object with your hand, taking out an object with your foot. Average pace - 10 times.

... Leap on two legs forward from a place followed by a jump upward (reach the object with your hands). The pace is fast - 10 times.

3. Pushing off with two legs, jump onto a hill, jump off and again jump to the next hill (height 40-80 cm). The pace is medium and fast - 7 times.

4. Actively working with your hands and pushing off with your legs, jump onto a hill, followed by a dismount into a deep squat. The pace is medium and fast - 8 times.

5. A long forward roll with a transition to an easy run. The pace is medium and fast - 5 times.

6. Jumping from hill to hill (curbstone, goat, horse). The pace is medium and fast - 7 times. rice.

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    Endurance exercises are the cornerstone of any sports discipline, because without them it is impossible full training... Lack of physical endurance will prevent you from gaining muscle mass, performing strength exercises in gym, develop the functionality of the body, run on long distances for a reasonable time, engage in martial arts, etc. Therefore, this quality must be developed by every athlete, there will never be excess endurance.

    What does endurance mean?

    The very concept of endurance is quite multifaceted and it is necessary to develop it in several directions at the same time.

    • There is strength endurance - how our muscles overcome the pain threshold during exercise. strength exercises... It determines how many repetitions we can perform in exercises with weights.
    • For athletes, an indicator such as speed endurance is also important - how much the muscles are ready to maintain the speed of the exercise by adapting to constant contraction, for example, while running or swimming.
    • Also important is the question correct breathing... If during sports you cannot control the rate of breathing, and you develop shortness of breath, you will not be able to carry out a full-fledged workout. We need to look for ways to solve this problem.

    In our article, we will tell you what exercises you need to do to develop endurance, is it possible to develop this indicator at home and what results can be achieved in a month of hard training.

    Ways to develop endurance

    When talking about developing speed endurance, people most often associate this issue with cardio training. Indeed, without cardio, real endurance is impossible to achieve. The most important thing here is the intensity of the cardio load. We will leave the low intensity for those who want to lose weight or improve the relief. Sluggishly stomping on a treadmill or stepper, you are unlikely to become even a little more enduring.

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    Using the maximum load

    The more you apply the maximum or sub-maximum load while working for a long time, the more endurance you become. Let us explain: you have set a specific goal for yourself - to run 10 kilometers in 30 minutes. But your actual physical fitness is such that you can master such a distance in only 50 minutes. Therefore, we begin to train as follows: we perform a 30-minute run with almost maximum effort. We run 5, then 6, then 7 kilometers ... After some time you will not notice how you can easily run 10 km in 30 minutes.

    Adapting the muscles to sustained, powerful effort is the key to developing speed endurance.

    There are also various physical exercises for speed endurance. Their job is to do a little less work but put in more effort. Feel free to use for this any equipment that sets additional resistance: weights, rubber bands, free weights, etc.

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    Cyclic exercise system

    With strength endurance, things are a little different. Here we need to use a system of cyclic exercises that require endurance. That is, constantly modify and periodize the load. The principle of tonnage, successfully used by weightlifters, is the best suited for this.

    For example, let's say you want to do 15 reps of a bench press with a 100 kg bar. It turns out that in one approach, you need to lift 1,500 kg (1.5 tons) in total. From this we proceed. A ton in one approach can be recruited in many different ways: to shake 50 kg 30 times, 75 kg 20 times, 125 kg 12 times.

    If you train trying to achieve all of these sub-goals, then the original goal will be subdued to you quite easily. This varied work trains all groups. muscle fibers, due to which power indicators and strength endurance increase.

    The benefits of exercise

    In addition to developing strength and speed endurance, you are also doing some serious anaerobic work. This results in a set muscle mass and strength. The relief also improves, since working in a large repetition range creates a strong pumping effect, without which good filling and vascularity are impossible.

    In addition, endurance training can be guided without setting global athletic goals. No one is stopping you from trying to get faster and stronger if your goal is to lose some weight before the beach season. And it will work great.


    Since this style of training is impossible without maximum and submaximal loads, such techniques are contraindicated for persons suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Working to failure greatly increases blood pressure... For athletes with arterial hypertension and hypertension, this can be dangerous.

    Excessively intense cardio will also not be beneficial, it is better to replace sprint races with leisurely runs. This point must be taken into account if you do not want to harm your health.

    If you are developing strength endurance in exercises such as barbell squats or deadlift, be sure to follow correct technique exercise performance and breathing rate. The consequences can be mass: starting from too strong axial load on the spine, which will inevitably, sooner or later, lead to injury, and ending with increased intraocular pressure, which can also be critical for some athletes.

    Recall how you felt after doing a 75% barbell squat one-time maximum 15 times. Now imagine how this can affect the health of an unprepared athlete. For this reason, work on the development of strength endurance should be cyclical, after which a period of lighter training must necessarily follow for the complete restoration of all body systems. Without an experienced personal trainer competently build training process in such a way that very few people succeed in achieving their goals and not hurting themselves.

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    Best Endurance Exercises

    Strength endurance training

    In order to comprehensively develop the body's strength endurance, you need to build your entire training process around basic exercises, such as:

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    Of course, the work should be intense, and the time spent by the athlete under load should be long. When working with small weights, it can take up to 3 minutes. Rest between sets should be until breathing is fully restored.

    Speed ​​Endurance Exercises

    In addition to the well-known cardio exercises (running, swimming, cycling, jumping rope, etc.), we recommend that you include some of the exercises from this list in your arsenal:

    • , work with horizontally hanging ropes;
    • pushing and pulling on oneself;

    © Vasyl -

    These exercises combine elements of aerobic and anaerobic activity. By doing them, you will stimulate your body to adapt to the complex load, which is exactly what a CrossFit athlete needs. In addition, these exercises are performed in an explosive manner, they are great to turn on the central nervous system... And without stimulation of the central nervous system, it is much more difficult to show a really decent result in CrossFit.

    Breathing exercises

    Without correct technique breathing, it is impossible to competently perform any functional complex of endurance exercises. But the high pace of the load often knocks the athlete out of rhythm. He begins to reverse inhalation and exhalation, and in very severe cases, he simply ignores this moment and breathes at random. To prevent this, follow following exercises(to some, this approach to training may seem frivolous, but it really works):

    • inflate Balloons(a complicated version is a heating pad);
    • hold your breath underwater;
    • Do more outdoor cardio workouts.

    © Nomad_Soul -

    This will create mild stimulation for your lungs, making them harder. The first two endurance exercises can be done at home.

    There are many other factors that affect breathing. The two main ones are smoking and being overweight. With the first, everything is clear, bad habits and sports are incompatible things. WITH overweight it is necessary to fight, and - immediately and radically. The more the athlete's own weight, the greater the load on the heart, lungs, joints and ligaments. Many fat people note that playing sports after getting rid of excess weight pass much easier and more productively, and the rhythm of breathing during training is normalized, there is no trace of shortness of breath.

    How to improve performance correctly?

    The answer is simple: take your time on the way to your cherished goal. Progress consists of three main principles: constant progression of loads, regular training and competent recovery.

    For example, when working on strength endurance, we in no way force events. Working with an average weight, add 2-3 repetitions to each set on each subsequent workout. Working with a lot of weight, add one repetition at a time. After you complete the entire cycle, the results will increase in both strength and endurance.

    We work on the same principle with speed endurance. Our best friends in this question: timer and sports apps for a smartphone. The timer is needed to keep track of the training time and gradually increase it. The functionality of applications can also be useful to us. There you can find out the time under load, the distance that the athlete ran (swam, drove, etc.), the average speed. A fitness bracelet or heart rate monitor will not be superfluous. This will help you know that you are keeping your heart rate within normal limits and not overdoing it.

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    Crossfit complexes

    In fact, CrossFit is a discipline, the whole point of which is just about strength and speed endurance. By doing CrossFit, you improve them. By improving them separately, not within the framework, you increase your potential in CrossFit.

    The complexes given below are of both aerobic and anaerobic nature. By doing them, you become stronger and more enduring. See for yourself.

    Masters Final 11 Run 500 meters of rowing, 500 meters of cycling, 15 box jump burpees, and a 110 meter shoulder sand run. It needs to be done as quickly as possible.
    McKinnon Run a 2.5 km run, a 5 km rowing run, a 7.5 km stationary bike, and another 2.5 km run. It needs to be done as quickly as possible.
    Pedal to the metal Perform 12, expend 24 calories on a rowing machine, 16 calories on a stationary bike, then do 8. The task is to complete maximum amount rounds in 7 minutes.
    Regional Individual Event 6-16 Pedal 1km on a stationary bike, 30m arm walk, 10, 500m rowing machine, 50 box jumps, and 5 overhead squats. The task is to complete the maximum number of rounds in 20 minutes.

    Training program for a month

    In 1 month, you can manage to develop your anaerobic endurance well. With strength endurance, things are a little more complicated, it will take longer.

    To achieve a truly athletic and functionally prepared body, you need to develop in all respects. Therefore, in this program, we combine classic cardio workouts with more narrow-profile movements aimed at developing endurance.

    - 3x10
    Pull-ups - 3x12

    6 Exercise bike or bike - 12.5 km
    Plank - 3x75 seconds
    - 3x300 meters 7 Jumping rope - 3x120 seconds
    Running - 3 km 8 Rowing in the simulator - 5x500 meters
    Jumping rope - 3x60 seconds
    Pull-ups - 3x15 9 Running - 7 km
    - 5x20 for each leg 10 Hammer blows on the tire - 5x20 with each hand
    Plank - 2x90 seconds
    Jumping rope - 4x60 seconds 11 Rowing in the simulator - 3x750 meters
    Jump Squat - 4x2
    Pull-ups - 2x20 12 Running - 7.5 km
    Burpee - 3x20 13 Pull-ups - 5x20
    - 3x12
    Working with horizontal ropes - 3x45 seconds
    Hammer blows on the tire - 3x25 with each hand 14 Exercise bike or bike - 15 km
    Burpee - 8x15 15 Running - 10 km

Speed-strength training

The modern hockey player should not only play fast pace during one match, but also during the entire hockey tournament. He must be able to painlessly endure all large training loads, to restore their working capacity within a short period of time, in the intervals of rest between games.

Exercises for the development of speed strength qualities

The weight of the athlete serves as a burden in this case.

Varieties of running with maximum speed:

Running in place, running at a support, running with a high reed at a support, running to the side and backwards, running over medicine balls, running on hoops, running on bars, running by numbers, running through rubber cords, running on mats.

Types of exercises for the trunk and arms:

1. Flexion and extension of the arms, in the lying position, on a support of different heights, followed by pushing the body away and clapping hands together.

2. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position, followed by repulsion and advancement in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.

3. Movement from the support by crouching, bending the arms and pushing off with the advancement of the right and left sides alternately.

4. Movement from the support, sitting down on the mat, pulling up on a rope attached to the gymnastic wall.

5. Pulling up on a string attached to the gymnastic wall, lying on your back, on the mat, bending your legs.

6. Moving along a horizontally fixed rope.

7. Moving on an obliquely fixed rope.

Varieties of jumping exercises:

1. Jumping rope as fast as possible.

2. Jumping rope while moving forward.

3. Jumping rope with the highest possible speed and double rotation of the rope.

4. Jumping legs apart, legs together.

5. Leaps from foot to foot and simultaneous forward movement at the highest possible speed.

6. Jumping up and down stairs.

7. Jumping in place.

8. Jumping with raising the knees and moving forward.

9. Jumping sides and backs forward with advance.

10. Jumping with the ball. Head hitting the ball.

11. Jumping with hand pulling out a rubber bandage.

12. Jumping upward overcoming the bar of various heights.

13. Jumping with the foot of the suspended ball.

14. Jumping into stripes.

15. Jumping from the jump bridge into a circle.

From the book Preparation young weightlifter the author Dvorkin Leonid Samoilovich

1.4.2. Features of speed-strength training of weightlifters Although the leading quality of weightlifters is muscle strength, nevertheless, the ability to develop maximum strength and the ability to exercise it for a short period of time are not interconnected. Can

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10.2. The development of speed-strength qualities The speed-strength capabilities of a weightlifter are characterized by the ability to lift the bar at the highest possible speed. An athlete's speed capabilities depend on muscle strength, exercise accuracy, flexibility,

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12.2.1. Special speed-strength training in wrestling. Often in the special literature, exercises aimed at improving the special physical qualities of a wrestler include exercises performed in conditions of direct contact with

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13.2.1. Special speed-strength training in wrestling.

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7.6 Dynamic strength and pull-up performance. So, starting to study the problem of the development of dynamic endurance of the muscles performing the raising / lowering of the trunk, we consistently examined it from different angles of view. First question

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Strength Exercises If you are confused about how to do the exercises below, talk to a certified trainer or an experienced athlete who can answer your questions.

From the book Strength Exercises for Men and Women the author Medvedko Yuri M.

Strength exercises (C) C1. Brick in the hills. Run and / or bike on a hilly trail at varying intensities from zone 1 to zone 5a. Stay in the saddle while cycling through most of the climbs to build strength in hip extension.

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Strength stunts Among the strongmen of the past, athletic stunts have always enjoyed immense popularity, and record achievements certainly hit the sports press. Young athletes can not only try to test their capabilities in these exercises, but also include the author Malkov R.E.

4.2. Strength exercises There are different opinions on the right amount of strength exercises, but it is quite obvious and understandable that physical training is necessary for a person. Without strength training, there will be no muscle mass. Without muscle mass, there will be no normal quality

From the author's book

Strength Exercises for the Development of the Whole Body Exercise 1 1. Stand in the starting position. Hands are lowered along the body, legs are together. 2. Take a step to the right and sit down. 3. Return to starting position. 4. Take a step to the left and sit down. 5. Go back to the original

Complex 2

General developmental exercises

1. Walking and running with additional exercises(performed in a relaxed manner): - running with pulling up the heels, running with high knees, running on toes, running on heels, running with the feet "whipping" outward, running with wide knees;

Walking in a squat, jumping "frog", walking in a lying position, in a lying position behind;

Flexibility exercises with a partner.

2. Gymnastic exercises three of us (performed on segments of 15-20 m):

The first takes the second by the knees, the third by the arms, lifted and carried;

The first and second move forward in gray on their knees, the third jumps over them;

The first stands in the main stance, the second tilts the body forward and takes the hands of the first, the third sits on the back of the second - walking forward;

Three are standing side by side, the one standing in the middle is attached to the partners with his hands, two are carrying the third;

- one sits with his arms to the sides, two from a place jump over his arms;

Two stand facing each other, alternately pushing the third;

Complex 3

General developmental exercises

Gymnastic exercises:

1. Circles with hands back and forth.

2. Standing legs apart - rotation of the trunk to the left and to the right.

3. Continuing with exercise 2, deep torso bends with springy leg movements.

4. In a deep squat, grab your shins with your hands. Straighten up quickly, return to and. NS.

5. Deep lunge forward, springy sway, jump legs.

6. Deep lunge forward, arms extended forward - bouncy squats.

7. Jumping from one place to the side with a leg extension in the air.

8. Jumps with pulling the knees to the chest, with an intermediate jump (then - without an intermediate jump).

9. Jumping from a place with a leg extension in the air (with each jump, a change of legs).

10. Jumping in place with the lower legs back (arms above the head).

11. Legs shoulder-width apart, arms laid far back - springy slopes torso forward.

12. Legs shoulder-width apart - rotation of the trunk with deep bends ( right hand- to the left leg, left hand- to the right).

13. In the lying position - change of legs with a jump.

14. From the support lying - jump into the squat - return to and. p. - jump to the tilt of the legs apart - jump in and. etc. etc.

Complex execution options:

1. Each exercise - 2 series x 5 repetitions; the complex is repeated 2 times.

2. Each exercise - 2-3 series x 5 repetitions; the complex is repeated 2 times.

3. Each exercise - 2 series x 5 repetitions; the complex is repeated 3 times.

Complex 4

General developmental exercises

1. "Cossack". Squat partners hold on

2. In the prone position, grab your partner's hips with your legs. Perform springy movements.

3. One partner lifts the other.

4. Partners hold each other's hands.

Sitting legs apart, torso rotation

right and left.

3. Raising the legs in the hanging on the gymnastic wall

(raise your legs, raise your straight legs,

raise straight legs until touching the wall).

4. Walking in a squat (3 x 10 m, 3 x 15 m, 3 x 20 m).

Come back in a normal step

5. From the supine position -

Simultaneous lifting of arms and legs.

6. Rapid ascent to an elevation

with a strong bounce up.

7. A gray with straightened legs.

Transfer of legs over medicine ball (with support on hands,

move the hands, between the feet, a medicine ball weighing 1 kg).

8. Jumping rope on two legs

(2 x 20 seconds with intermediate jump, 2 x 25 seconds

with intermediate jump, 2 x 30 seconds without

intermediate jump).

Complex 6

Strengthening the muscles of the back and arms

1. Lying face down- alternate lifting of arms and legs.

2. In the lying position - push-ups on two benches.

3. Tilt of the trunk forward

(medicine ball in outstretched hands, weighing 1, 2, 4 kg).

4. Leap point-blank on the uneven bars - dismount

(the height of the bars at chest level).

5. Lying on a gymnastic horse face down,

fix the legs on the gymnastic wall -

tilts and lifts of the body (with a ball weighing 1 - 2 kg).

6. Push-ups in the lying position, without fully straightening the arms,

straightening your arms, legs on the bench.

7. Raising the legs and torso in hanging bending

(on the gymnastic wall).

8. Pulling up on the bar or parallel bars,

from a prone position at an angle, with a swoop on a projectile,

grip from below, from a swoop on a projectile, grip from above.

Complex 7

Exercises for the development of jumping ability

1. Jumping rope on both legs

(with intermediate jumps), rotate the rope forward.

2. Alternately - 4 jumps to the left - 4 jumps to the right

(pulling up your knees slightly).

3. I. p. - legs together, arms extended forward,

the rope is folded in four. Eight rotation

In front and behind the body.

4. The rope is folded in half with outstretched hands,

the body is tilted forward - jumping in a tuck

Through the rope back and forth.

5. Legs apart, ball in outstretched arms,

the body is tilted forward - describe the "eight" with the ball.

6. Legs together, arms with the ball extended forward

Throwing the ball up - back, catching the ball with hands behind the back.

7. Legs apart, ball in arms outstretched above the head

Circular motions torso.

8. Lying on your stomach, ball in outstretched hands

Lifts of the torso.

Complex 8

Exercises to develop jumping ability and agility

1. Jumping on one leg through the rope

With an intermediate jump (rotate the rope forward).

2. Rope folded in half

Circular rotation of the rope on the floor,

jumping rope in a squat.

3. Legs apart, arms raised up

Rope folded in four

Springy forward bends.

4. Tuck jumping over a shortened rolling pin.

5. Support sitting behind the legs apart

Raising the legs over the ball from right to left and left to right.

6. Feet together and medicine ball down.

Two jumps in place, a third jump

With pulling up the legs to the ball.

7. Legs apart, medicine ball extended over

head hands - springy tilts to the right and left.

8. Throw the ball up high,

quickly sit down and stand up, catch the ball.

Complex 9

1. The emphasis is sitting in the back facing each other,

Simulated cycling.

2. Partners stand facing each other holding hands.

Partner A puts his right leg on his hands, partner B puts his left leg.

Turn under a "free" pair of hands. Don't let go of your hands!

3. Sitting back to back, legs straightened, arms clasped over head. Partner A - performs a forward bend; B - backward. Arms straight, perform carefully!

4. Sitting at an angle facing each other, partner A rotates his legs around the legs of partner B.

5. Partner A is gray with legs apart, arms extended forward,

Partner B jumps over his arms from the spot.

6. Partners stand with their backs to each other,

hold hands above the head. Simultaneous lunge

forward (bend).

7. In the lying position, the partners crawl towards each other,

trying to grab hands and knock them down. Keep score.

Complex 10

Exercises to develop agility and flexibility

1. Standing nearby, take your partner's hand,

put one leg on your hands - jumping forward

(15 - 20 m), then - change of arms and legs.

2. Standing sideways to each other, hold the partner's hands

overhead - lunges to the sides.

3. Partner A sits on partner B's lap,

puts his feet on his shoulders - springy slopes

trunk back.

4. Partners stand with their backs to each other, hands clasped by elbows

- simultaneous squats and straightenings.

5. "Leapfrog" with a running start 1 - 2 steps (15-20 m).

6. Partners face each other,

putting your hands on your shoulders. Simultaneous abduction of the right

(left) leg.

7. Gray legs apart with backs to each other,

Scoring is in progress (up to 6-8).

Complex 11

Exercises to develop strength and agility

1. "Leapfrog" with a change of partners.

2. Two are standing with their legs apart,

the third crawls under their feet.

3. The first one stands in the position of the legs apart,

the second - bent over, the third crawls

between the legs of the first and jumps over the second.

4. The first one stands in a position with one foot in front,

the second - in a bent position, holds his hands.

The third sits on the back of the second, holds with his hands

behind the back of the first - walking forward.

5. Two partners carry the third

(holding his hands and feet).

6. Two partners clasp their hands, the third sits on them,

holding the shoulders - walking forward.

7. Two partners raise the third under the arms,

who bends his knees, and carry him.

8. Two partners take the third by the hands and shoulders,

raised high and carried forward.

All exercises are performed on segments of 15 - 20 m.

Complex 12

Strength Exercises

1. Jogging with relaxation exercises and gymnastic exercises.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

The choice of one of the proposed options for gymnastic complexes, each of which is repeated 2 - 3 times x 6 - 8 repetitions of each exercise. After each exercise, take a short rest (up to 10 seconds).

First option:

Stand feet apart - in the hands of a medicine ball,

stretch your arms forward, turns the body to the sides;

Stance of burdens apart, hands with a medicine ball are raised up, torso bends to the sides;

Stand feet apart, medicine ball arms raised,

Deep springy forward bends;

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise,

broad circular rotation torso;

Legs apart, medicine ball hands down.

Turning the torso to the left, put the ball behind the heels,

turn the body to the right - pick up the ball;

Option two: (medicine ball)

Sitting legs apart, body bends to the left,

forward to the right;

Sitting legs apart, turn your torso

Right, put the ball behind, take on the other side;

Sitting legs apart, raise your hands with the ball up,

circular movements of the body;

The emphasis is sitting behind - to raise your legs above the ball;

- lying on your back, legs apart - springy rise

and bending the body forward, until the hands touch the ball.

Option 3: (medicine ball)

Standing on one knee, turn your torso,

put the ball behind, pick up on the other side;

- kneeling stand, hands with the ball raised up,

tilting the body to the sides until the ball touches the floor;

From the main stand - jumping on two legs

through the ball (forward, backward, sideways);

Stand feet apart, ball in hand,

circular movements of the body.

3. Sprint relay races - 4 - 5 times x 15 - 20 m. Rest between races

60 - 90 seconds.

Complex 13

1. Running with obstacles (around trees, poles, over barriers, ditches, etc.). The pace of running is not very fast, obstacles must be overcome regularly. Eliminate the risk of injury.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

A choice of one to two variants of gymnastic complexes. Each set contains 4-5 exercises x 4-5 reps. After each exercise, a short rest (up to 10 seconds).

First option:

Springy body bends to the sides

(hands on the back of the head);

Standing legs apart, tilting the trunk back - right arm

Touching the left heel, left hand with the right;

Stand legs apart, torso bends forward

until the elbows touch the floor;

- in the position of a deep lunge forward, swinging

with elbows touching the floor;

and the simultaneous raising of hands up;

Jumping on two legs, pulling the heels to the buttocks

with simultaneous rotation of the pelvis outward

(look over your shoulder at your heels).

Second option:

From the main stance, swing your legs to the sides

(shoulder height);

Gray legs apart, springy forward bends of the torso,

Touching the knees with the head;

Lying on your back, throw your legs over your head

semicircles with feet to the left and to the right;

Sitting legs apart, torso bends

to the right, forward, to the left;

Squat legs together, knees apart, arms; on the belt,

Springy swinging in the squat.

Third option:

Walking with a cross step forward (knees straight)

with an inclination of the body forward until the hands touch the floor;

Bent over walking (knees straight)

Hands touch the feet from behind standing leg;

Walking with swinging legs, right to left hand,

left to right hand;

Walking in a deep lunge with support of hands;

- "barrier seat", alternately for the left and

right leg;

Lying on your back, lifting the torso with simultaneous

pulling the knees up to the chest.

3. "ABC of running":

Jumps with a roll from heel to toe;

Running while lifting the thigh high;

Running with an overwhelming leg;

Jumping from foot to foot.

Complex 14

Leading exercises for mastering the technique of running and jumping

1. Jogging on toes, with light accelerations of 20-30 m.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

Choice of 1 - 2 offered complexes. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times, followed by a short rest (10 seconds each).

First option:

Circular movements with two hands back and forth;

Legs together, hands in a "lock" behind the head, circular movements of the body;

The right hand is extended up, the other is lowered, circular movements of the hands to the right and left;

Legs together, hands on the belt, circular movements of the pelvis in a wide amplitude;

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise, swing the leg forward and backward;

From the main stance, imitating the movement of the jogging leg in hurdling(alternately for both legs).

Second option:

From a stand on the shoulder blades, spread your legs back and forth;

Lying on your back in the position of a barrier step, imitation of the movement of a jogging leg (alternately for both legs);

Lying on your side, strongly bend the "free" leg and abruptly pull it down (alternately for both legs);

Support lying behind, alternate rotations of the legs to the left and to the right;

Lying on your stomach with your arms to the sides, lift your right leg up and pull it to your left arm, then your left leg to your right arm.

Third option:

Legs together, arms raised up, jump to the side while tilting the body;

Jump in place upward, bending the body to the side;

A wide lunge forward with a turn of the body to the side;

Walking with a cross step (knees straightened) with the body bent forward, touching the floor with the hands.

3. "ABC of running":

Mincing run;

Jumps on two legs to the left - to the right;

Jumps on one leg;

- "jumps" high on the foot;

Running while lifting the thigh high;

Running "with a wheel";

Jumping in stride;

Cross step running.

4. Running with an acceleration of 80-100 m, achieving a speed close to maximum in the last 20-30 m.

Complex 15

1. Warm-up run.

2. Gymnastic exercises with apparatus (medicine ball, cannonball). Choice 1 - 2 of the options offered gymnastic complexes... Each exercise is repeated 6 - 8 times, after a short rest - partners change places.

First option:

Standing with your backs to each other, raise your arms with the ball up - springy tilts of the body to the sides;

Standing with their backs to each other at a distance of one step, turning the body to the right (left), pass the ball;

Standing sideways to each other at a distance of one step, turning the body to the right (left), pass the ball;

Standing sideways to each other, grab the partner's shoulders, at the same time jump over the ball (forward, backward, sideways);

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise. Simultaneous lunge to the side through the ball.

Second option:

Sitting legs apart, raise your arms up, tilt the torso with a turn, put the ball on the floor (the partner holds the feet);

Lying on your back, holding the ball in your arms outstretched behind your head, straightening and bending forward (the partner holds the feet);

Sitting legs apart, arms above the head, wide circular movements of the body (the partner holds the feet);

Lying on your back (head to head), hold hands, raise your legs, breeding - bringing your legs over the ball;

Lying on your side, swing your leg back and forth over the ball (the partner holds it by the shoulders).

Third option:

Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, raise your torso (the partner holds the feet);

Lying on its side, raise the torso (the partner holds the feet);

Standing tilted forward, pick up the ball from the floor and throw it over the side;

Standing legs apart, arms with the ball extended upward, throwing the ball down behind oneself;

Throwing the ball forward before squatting (keep a distance).

3. Spurts 20-30 m long:

From a high start, from a squat, from a lying position, from a supine position, lying on a stomach, etc.

Follow correct execution starting position.

Start on command, rest between races - 60-90 seconds.

Drawings for variants of gymnastic complexes

Complex 16

Exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities

1. Jogging on toes;

Running backwards;

Cross step running;

Running with turns and light accelerations.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

Choice of 1-2 of the proposed options for gymnastic complexes. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times, followed by a short rest (up to 10 seconds).

First option: (exercise with a partner)

Standing facing each other, spread your legs, as when walking, push your partner away;

Standing in the position of the legs apart at a distance of one step with your backs to each other, hold your hands above your head, alternating forward bends of the body;

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise. Circular movements of the hands forward (backward);

Standing in the position of the legs apart at a distance of one step facing each other, grab your hands above your head, springy tilts of the body forward;

Partner A in a lying position, performs "push-ups", partner B holds his legs by the shins.

Second option:

Standing with their backs to each other (legs together, arms raised up, to the sides), hold hands, lunges to the side with a simultaneous tilt of the body;

I. p. - tilt forward facing each other, legs apart, hold hands, turns the body to the left and right;

Standing with their backs to each other (legs together, arms raised up), hold hands, alternately pull the partner up over the shoulders;

Partner A lies on his back, partner B leans forward, resting his hands on partner A's hands, simultaneously bending and straightening his arms;

Support sitting behind the knees bent (facing each other), at the same time raise and lower the legs.

Third option:

Standing tilted forward facing each other, join hands, simultaneously extending and bending the arms;

Standing facing each other (legs together, arms extended forward), join hands, simultaneous, deep squats and stands;

I. p., As in the previous exercise, alternating squats;

Partner A in a squat, arms forward, partner B stands facing him and holds his hands, partner A bends his arms under the weight of partner B and unbends them with resistance;

Partner A in a deep squat, arms forward, partner B takes him by the arms and pulls him up.

3. Game with elements of sprint running and coordination of movements.

Drawings for variants of gymnastic complexes


Complexes of general developmental exercises

Complex: 1 (fig.).

The total time is 7 minutes.

Working time - 3 minutes.

Approximate number of movements - 220 .

1. I. p. - the main stand. In walking, for each step - movement of the arms forward, to the side, forward, downward, backward - 6 times.

2. The same, but the movement of the hands forward, in front of the chest and forward, downward, backward - 6 times.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, right arm above, left below. Two jerks followed by a change of hands. Begin movements smoothly with a gradual increase in amplitude - 8 times.

4. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, Two jerks in front of the chest bent arms and two straight jerks. During jerks, the elbows and shoulders are at the same level, when jerking with straight arms, the palms are turned up -10 times.

5. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Springy torso bends to the legs, in a series of two repetitions to each leg -5 times

6. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front to the sides. Alternate swings with a straight leg to a horizontal position with hands reaching the sock - 6-8 times.

7. I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the head. Rotate the torso in hip joint, alternating the turn to the right and to the left. Free breathing - 5 times.

8. I. p. - the main stand. Alternate the transition from the main rack to the lying position through the squatting emphasis - 6 times.

9. I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the head. Shifting the center of mass from one leg to another, alternately changing the position of the support. Keep your head and back straight, elbows pulled back to failure - 8 times.

10. I. p. - a stand on toes, legs together, hands on a belt. With tempo jumps in place (on the fourth turn by 180 °), keep your shoulders straight, shoulder blades laid back. Breathing is arbitrary, do not hold up - 6-8 times.

Complex 2 (fig.)

Total time 16 min.

Working time 8 min.

The approximate number of movements is 850.

1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, rotate the head alternately to the right and left side- 4 times.

2. Holding hands at the top - rotation around the body to the left and right sides - 8 times each.

3. Carrying a partner on the shoulders on segments of 20 m - 1-2 times.

4. Alternate lifting and shaking of a partner lying on his back - 7 times.

5. Yielding strength resistance during flexion and extension of the arms - 20 times.

6. Alternately straighten the legs from the grouping to the corner, hold on the partner's shoulders with a grip by the elbows - 10 times.

7. Pushing the resisting partner forward on 15 m segments - 2 times.

8. Running in a circle in opposite directions ahead of the partner, circle diameter 10-15 m - 3 times.

9. By grabbing the partner by the wrists, pulling him to his side by force - within 50 s.

10. Grabbing the ankle lift of one leg with support on the other, pulling the partner to his side with the help of his legs - 5 times.

11. From a high start position, running "snake" with acceleration on segments

15 m - 5 times.

Complex 3 (Fig.).

The total time is 19 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1300.

1. From the support, standing, bent with support on the barrier, swinging, stretching shoulder joints- 10 times.

2. From the main stance, running in place with a high hip lift at the fastest pace - 20 times.

3. From the support while sitting (hands behind, legs in a group), straightening the legs into a corner, followed by returning to the SP. - 10 times.

4. From an emphasis lying on a bench push-up, bending and unbending arms, 2 series - 10 times.

5. Walking on the inside and outside feet on the segment Hume - 5 times.

6. From two steps, a jump in a step, followed by repetition of the exercise - 10 times.

7. Leap from two steps of the run with taking out the basketball backboard - 10 times.

8. Standing with the right (left) foot on the bench, tempo jumps over the bench with a change of the jogging leg in an unsupported position - 15 times.

9. Leaps in step from foot to foot, across the lines, on straight line segments 20 m - 3 times.

10. From the position of a low squat, movement in a "goose step" forward in a straight line or in a circle - 20 m.

11. From a high start position " shuttle run"with acceleration on segments of 20 m with repetition - 6 times.

Complex 4 (Fig.).

The total time is 20 minutes.

Working time - 7 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 650.

1. Walking on toes, maintaining balance, on the wide or narrow part of the inverted gymnastic bench - 6 times.

2. Standing, legs apart, hands behind the head, bending forward - 10 times.

3. From the support while sitting, arms behind, legs apart, medicine ball between the legs, raise the legs to the vertical position, connect them together - 12 times.

4. From the support, sitting down, stand up, maintaining balance, on one leg, alternating legs - 7 times.

5. Sitting on your knees, hands arbitrarily, sit down alternately from the right (left) side, helping your hands to maintain balance - 8 times.

6. Sitting on a bench, grasping its near edge with your hands and fixing your legs to the rails of the gymnastic wall, springy forward and backward bends - 15 times.

7. Lying on your stomach on the floor, arms along the body, abduction of the legs and body back with fixation of the bent position - 12 times.

8. Jumps up in place, keeping hands on the belt, with alternate landing on the right (left) leg - 12 times.

9. From the support, squatting the protector with forward movement in a low squat with support on hands - 20 m.

10. Jumping over the rope in place, rotating it forward - 60 s.

11. Jumping from the bench - legs apart and on the bench - legs together with moving forward - 5 times. rice.

Complex 5 (Fig.).

The total time is 19 minutes.

Working time - 11 minutes.

1. Carrying the ball alternately with the right and left hands, raising and lowering it - 15 times.

2.the top transfer of mint over oneself to a height of 2 m, standing still, - 20 times.

3. From the support, sitting down, stand up with alternate abduction of the right (left) leg back and hands up, to the sides - 10 times.

4. Moving in wide strides with the ball in different directions, imitating the transfer of the ball - 60 s.

5. Standing bent over, legs apart, hand-to-hand transfer of a basketball "eight" around the legs - 10 times.

6. Standing with the right (left) foot on the bench, tempo jumps over the bench with the change of the jogging leg in an unsupported position - 20 times.

7. Lying on your stomach, throwing and catching the ball with a rebound from the wall, 2 series - 10 times.

8. From a half-squat, arms from behind, standing long jump - 15 times.

9. Dribbling a basketball in a closed circle, alternating between running and walking - 2 min.

Complexes of exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities

Complex 6 (Fig.).

The total time is 17 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1500.

1. Running with a high hip lift. Options: holding your hands behind your back; spreading your legs wide. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m.

2. Starts from the support by squatting with the legs back or to the side. Option: without hand support. Perform quickly - 3 x 20 m.

3. Running from different starting positions. Options: sitting; sitting cross-legged; sitting with your back to the running direction. Perform quickly - 2 x 20 m.

4. Running after touching a suspended ball with the foot. Options: get it in a jump; running to the right, left, back - 3 x 20 m.

5. Running with side steps. Option: lifting your knees high. The pace is medium and fast - 4 x 15 m.

6. Cross-step running in a straight line. Average pace - 4 x 20 m.

7. Running "snake". Options: by changing the curvature of the turn; catching up with a partner. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m.

8. Catch up with a partner starting 2-3 m ahead - 3 x 20 m.

Complex 7 (Fig.).

The total time is 13 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

1. I. p. - stand, feet shoulder-width apart, the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbows at right angles. Move your arms as if you were running. The tempo is medium and fast - 3 x 10 s.

2. "Mincing" run. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m. 3. Running in place with an active positioning of the leg on the forefoot. The tempo is slow, medium and fast - 3 x 10 s.

4. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs extended. Alternate raising and lowering of the legs bent at the knee joints. Imitation of running movements with legs lying down. The tempo is fast and medium - 3 x 10 s.

5. Running with a high hip lift, legs apart slightly wider than usual. Consider the number of repetitions for each leg. The pace is fast and medium - 2 x 25 m.

6. Alternate take-off with the left and right legs due to flexion of the hip and foot with active work of the arms (jumping run). The pace is fast. Rest interval 30 sec. - 2 x 20 m.

7. From the support, crouching forward somersault, quickly stand up and run 10 m.

The pace is fast. Rest interval between

exercises 20 sec. - 6 times.

Complex 8 (Fig.).

The total time is 13 minutes.

Working time - 7 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 600.

1. Pushing off by hand from the support. Average pace - 10 times.

2. Throwing a medicine ball (weight 0.5 - 2 kg) with both hands from bottom to front upward - 10 times.

3. Lying on your stomach, alternately bend your leg at the knee joint, overcoming moderate resistance from your partner. You can bend both legs at the same time - 15 times.

4. Lifting the thigh with weights (a bag of sand, a disc from a barbell weighing 5-10 kg). The pace is medium and fast - 10 times.

5. I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs together. Rapid lifting of the legs and trunk. Return to I. p. slowly - 10 times.

6. Jumping out of the starting position, standing with a jogging foot on a support 20-30 cm high. Pay attention to the work of the swing leg. Average pace with acceleration at the end - 10 times.

7. Jumping over medicine balls, pushing off with two feet. Average pace - 5 x 10 jumps. rice.

Complex 9 (Fig.).

The total time is 17 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1200.

1. I. p. - the right leg is on a support 20-30 cm high, the left leg is on the floor. Raise to the forefoot, when lowering, touch the floor with the heel. The pace is medium and fast - 15 times.

2. From two or three steps of the run, pushing off with one leg from a height of 60 cm, jump over it. The pace is fast - 10 times

3. With a push with two legs with an energetic wave of the arms, jump up, bending your knees, bend. The pace is fast and medium. Rest interval 30 sec. - 4 x 5 jumps.

4. From a running start, pushing off with one leg, jump to a height of 60 cm, pulling up the pushing leg and maintaining balance. The dismount is arbitrary. The pace is medium and fast - 6 times.

5. With a two-leg jerk, jump in place with a 360 ° turn over the right and left shoulder. Average pace - 6 times.

6. Jumping over the gymnastic bench backwards from a place. The pace is fast - 8 times.

7. From a running start, pushing off with one leg, fig.

jump to a height of 60 cm.

Jump off with a turn of 180 °, the pace is fast and medium - 10 times.

8. Jump from a place to a hill 50-60 cm high. The pace is medium and fast. Rest interval 20 s - 3 x 10 jumps.

Complex 10 (Fig.).

The total time is 13 minutes.

Working time - 7 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1100.

1. Jumping over the bench along it, turning left and right, pushing off with two legs. Medium and fast pace - 3 times,

2. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Jumping over the bench along it, pushing off with two legs. Connect the feet above the bench. The pace is medium and fast - 3 times.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Jumping over the bench along it backwards, pushing off with two legs, connect the feet above the bench. The pace is slow and medium - 2 times.

4. Jumping on one leg over the bench along it. The pace is slow and medium - 1 time.

5. Jumping over the bench along it, pushing off with two legs and turning, each time 180 °. Average pace - 2 times.

6. Leaps from foot to foot over gymnastic benches or medicine balls. The distance between the obstacles is 1-1.5 m. The pace is medium and fast - 6 x 5 jumps.

Complex 11 (Fig.).

The total time is 16 minutes.

Opening hours - 9 minutes.

The approximate number of movements is 1100.

1. Jumping upward, pushing off with one leg. Options: taking out an object with your hand, taking out an object with your foot. Average pace - 10 times.

2. Leap on two legs forward from a place followed by a jump upward (reach the object with your hands). The pace is fast - 10 times.

3. Pushing off with two legs, jump onto a hill, jump off and again jump to the next hill (height 40-80 cm). The pace is medium and fast - 7 times.

4. Actively working with your hands and pushing off with your legs, jump onto a hill, followed by a dismount into a deep squat. The pace is medium and fast - 8 times.

5. A long forward roll with a transition to an easy run. The pace is medium and fast - 5 times.

6. Jumping from hill to hill (curbstone, goat, horse). The pace is medium and fast - 7 times. rice.

Similar information.

In fitness and bodybuilding, and in general in sports in general, high-speed strength abilities(ССС) are usually characterized by short duration and maximum power of efforts in the main phase.

In practice, this ability is also called "explosive effort". Explosive Effort ability depends on:

  • on the general abilities and breadth of functional capabilities of the nervous muscular system to the manifestation of serious stress in the shortest possible period of time;
  • from the absolute strength of the muscles, manifested at their maximum tension without time limit;
  • from the specific ability of the muscular system to rapid increase efforts at the beginning of the movement.

The most common form of CVS is jumping and throwing exercises.

Various exercises and sports present different requirements to individual manifestations of the components of the CVS. In some exercises, the effect is more dependent on power components of the movement, in other exercises - from express... For example, when throwing a core, the thrower implements 15-20% of the power and 80-85% of the speed components of the absolute values, and when lifting the bar- 75-80% power components and 20-25% high-speed components. These data indicate direct proportional relationship between speed and load- with an increase in the weight of the overcoming burden, - speed muscle contraction decreases.

The development of high-speed strength qualities conventionally implies three preferential zones training effect. Zone 1 is characterized by a high speed of movement (90-100%) with low external resistance (20-45%) of the maximum shown. Working in this area promotes the growth of speed components. The speed of movement (60-85%) and the magnitude of the burden (50-80%), characteristic of the II zone, will contribute to the complex improvement of the CVS. In zone III, a significant burden (85-100%), accompanied by a low speed of movement of body links (10-30%), leads to an increase in the strength component.

It has been proven that the use of a combination of specialized strength exercises with a working weight of 30-50% of the maximum one contributes to an increase in the speed qualities of an athlete (up to 18%).

Using weights weighing 75-95% of the maximum gives the maximum increase in strength(up to 19%). And work with weights weighing 50-70% of the maximum leads to a harmonious proportional development of power, speed and SS indicators... The use of this program guarantees a stable preservation of the achieved indicators of SS readiness.

Complex application of speed and strength readiness mechanisms during one lesson and a system of related lessons in physical education increases the efficiency of SS readiness. The use of sequential performance of exercises in combination with weights of 30 and 90% of the peak is the most effective for the formation of "explosive efforts" and is accompanied by the adaptation of the body to the loads of the SS character.

Practice shows that athletes 17-18 years old are able to perform 250-350 repetitions of SS exercises of local influence without preliminary preparation (about 1/3 of the body's muscles are involved in the work). Therefore, the use of directed exercises of a local nature allows to develop motor, speed-power abilities in conditions of a relatively low load on the body of the trainees. The method of directed muscle loads allows one to take into account the uneven development of individual muscle groups in trainees. Using the method of directed muscle loads, it is possible to achieve quite satisfactory results in the development of speed strength abilities individual muscle groups, even with two sessions per week, since the load on selected muscle groups increases significantly, reaching 200-250-300 repetitions per lesson.

Exercises are used to educate the speed of individual movements. explosive, without burdening, or with such a load that does not reduce the speed of movements; in addition, exercises that are done with an incomplete swing, but at maximum speed and with a sharp subsequent stop, as well as starts and spurts (accelerations) are effective.

To educate the frequency of movements are used:

  • all kinds of cyclic exercises in variations that increase the speed of movements;
  • running (moving) downhill, on traction devices;
  • accelerated movements of the arms and legs, performed at an accelerated pace by maintaining the amplitude, and then gradually increasing it.

When training a running (sprint) speed, running and jumping exercises are most effective, as well as accelerations performed at maximum speed at the appropriate distances:

  1. segments up to 10-15 m (development of the speed of execution and technique of the first 6-7 steps of the starting acceleration);
  2. segments of 20-50 meters (at these distances the maximum running speed develops);
  3. segments of 80-90 m (at these distances the ability to maintain maximum speed develops);
  4. segments of 100-150 m (at these distances speed and strength endurance develops in a complex manner).

Improvement of speed abilities, most optimal if the weights used in the exercises no more than one third of the maximum load for the practitioner.

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