Airborne troops of Russia: history, structure, weapons. Requirements and standards for various services of the Russian Federation Airborne receptions

Base complex receptions hand-to-hand combat(RB-1)

For servicemen of all branches of the Armed Forces and combat arms. Includes the techniques provided for by the RB-N complex and additionally the following techniques: blow with the butt from below, blow with the butt plate, stabbing and cutting stabs with a knife, protection with an assault rifle stand, hand strikes (straight, side, top, bottom), kicks (straight, to the side , side, back, top), protection with the support of the hands, protection with a beating forearm (edge ​​of the palm), protection with the support of the foot (heel, hip), disarming the opponent when stabbing directly, from above, from below, release from the neck grab in front and behind, rear strangulation , combinations of techniques and actions.

Special complex hand-to-hand fighting techniques (RB-2)

For personnel airborne troops, motorized rifle subunits and units, subunits and units of the marines, personnel of anti-sabotage formations, reconnaissance units and subunits, cadets of military schools, academies. It includes the techniques provided for by the RB-1 complex and additionally the following techniques: strikes with an infantry shovel, defenses with a repulse with an infantry shovel, protection from kicks by sideways, disarming the enemy when struck with an infantry shovel from above or directly, swinging or poking.

Special complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3)

In NFP-87 and in the draft of a new NFP for personnel of reconnaissance units and subunits, cadets of military schools, preparing officers for these units and subunits. Includes techniques provided by the RB-2 complex and additionally: painful techniques, throws, techniques of disarming, liberation from various enemy captures, special techniques and actions.

Unfortunately, such special actions as searching and tying up the enemy are not included in the training program for military personnel of electronic warfare units, although these actions can be taught in one training session... Taking into account the importance of tying and searching in hand-to-hand combat, the manual reveals in detail the technique of their implementation.

Chapter II


Preparatory Techniques and the method of teaching them

Preparatory techniques are certain actions that ensure high-quality training of servicemen for hand-to-hand combat. They include preparation for battle, movement, self-belaying techniques.

Preparations for battle

Ready for battle is the most convenient position for conducting hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. It can be taken unarmed and armed.

To prepare for battle without weapons(fig. 1) put the left leg one step forward and slightly bend both knees. Distribute the weight of the body evenly on two legs, tilt the body slightly forward, bend the arms half elbow joints, clench your fingers into a fist, tilt your head forward a little. Right-side ready for battle is accepted in the same way.

Rice. 1

To prepare for combat with weapons(Fig. 2) the position of the head, trunk and legs is taken as ready for a fight without weapons. In this case, send the machine gun barrel forward and grab it with your left hand for the forend, and with your right hand for the neck of the butt. Keep the tip of the bayonet at neck height, with the right hand in front of the belt buckle.

To prepare for combat with an infantry shovel take out half-bent right hand with a shovel to the level of the left shoulder. Hold the shovel at the end of the handle with the tray facing up.

To prepare for a fight with a knife, take a knife in the right hand with the tip down, for a blow from above - a brush at chest height, for a blow from below - with a tip up, for stabbing blow- point forward, hand at waist height, legs in a right-sided stance.

Rice. 2


Skillful execution of movements in hand-to-hand combat plays important role in the timely adoption of the required combat position, starting position for attack or defense. Movements are performed in step, leap and run.

Step forward from ready for battle is performed in front standing foot, the other leg is substituted, at a distance that allows you to keep stable position body.

Step back performed from behind with a standing leg from a toe to the entire foot.

The jump is in progress from the frontal (right, left) or lateral (forward, backward) stance due to a sharp repulsion from the ground with the far leg relative to the direction of the jump. Landing is carried out on the opposite leg, or on both legs. A backward jump is possible with almost simultaneous pushing with both legs and landing on both feet.

Horse racing is the most effective way rapprochement with the enemy or a quick withdrawal from him.

Self-belay techniques

Falling and grouping techniques that provide prevention from bruises on the ground after throws, collisions, painful holds in single combat with the enemy are called self-insurance techniques.

Grouping(Fig. 3) one of the main preparatory elements of self-belay. Sit on the ground (carpet) and grasp the shins of the legs with both hands, slightly spread the knees, the heels together, bend the body, lower the head, pressing the chin to the chest. Pulling the shins with your hands, bring the body closer to the thighs.

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Falling forward(fig. 6) From front pillar fall forward on slightly bent and spread elbows to the side, springy (due to inferior muscle work) arms.

Rice. 7

Falling back(Fig. 8) From the frontal stand, squatting and falling back, roll onto your back, softening your fall with a simultaneous preemptive strike on the ground with straight arms spread at an angle of 45 0.

Rice. eight

Falling to one side (Fig. 9) From the frontal stand, squatting and simultaneously twisting the body to the right (left), lower to the ground with the right (left) buttock and roll in the group onto the right (left) side, having previously made the anticipatory straightened right (left) hand, and then the right (left) thigh. The final position is lying on the right side; the right leg is bent at the knee and hip joint, the left leg stands in front of it on the entire foot, the lower leg is vertical; right hand on the ground, palm down, 15-25 cm from the knee; the left hand is raised up, the head is pressed to it.

Fig. 10

Injections and blows with a machine gun

The thrust is one of the main methods of defeating the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. It is applied to parts of the body unprotected by equipment (neck, chest, abdomen, back, side) quickly, dexterously, strongly and over the entire length of the bayonet.

Bayonet pricks (barrel thrust) without lunge(fig. 11) - direct the machine gun with both hands with a bayonet (barrel) at the target, pull out the bayonet and get ready for battle.

Shop hit(fig. 14) - is applied by a sharp movement of the hands (automatically forward) away from oneself while simultaneously feeding the body forward and straightening the standing leg behind.

Fig. 14

Side butt blow(Fig. 15) - applied with an acute angle of the butt to the jaw, temple, back of the head or side of the opponent. Move the weapon with the right hand to the left, and with the left - towards yourself while simultaneously turning the body to the left, strike with the angle of the butt. At the moment of impact, the right leg can be put slightly in front of the left.

Rice. 16

Fig. 17

Fig. 18

Table 5.

Offensive techniques without weapons include: punches, kicks, chokes, painful holds, and throws.

Hand punches straight(fig. 19) applied with a fist or the base of the palm; from ready to fight with a push of the leg, transfer the weight of the body to the forward leg and, with a turn of the body, strike.

Hand punches from the side, from below, from above(fig. 20) are applied with the fist (base of the fingers and the muscle part), the edge of the palm and the elbow.

Fig. 19

Rice. twenty

The main percussion parts of the hands

Kicking are applied with a toe, lift, knee, foot, heel on the shin, in the knee joint, in the groin, in the liver area, in the head of a bent opponent. The lying opponent is hit in the head, base of the skull, lower back, tailbone, liver, solar plexus, heart, groin.

Kick straight(fig. 21) is the main kick. It is applied from a left-sided or right-sided stand (less often frontal) by leg extension or swinging. Raising the thigh of the right leg forward upward (the foot rises with the heel up to the buttock), with a sharp movement, straighten the leg in knee joint and strike the target with a toe (lift).

At the moment of impact, tighten the muscles of the abdomen and the front of the thigh as much as possible. The supporting leg is slightly bent; at the moment of impact, the foot does not come off the ground, but turns on the toe with the heel forward. The arms, bent at the elbows, are sharply brought back to enhance the blow. After the impact, the muscles immediately relax and the leg performs a reverse motion.

Rice. 21

Side kick(fig. 22) is applied from the middle and long distance with the foot, the outer edge of the foot and the heel in the lower leg, knee joint, abdomen and along the lower back. The most effective blow to the knee joint with the foot from the side.

From a fighting stance, pull the thigh up, the foot with the sole rises along the inner surface of the left leg to the knee. Turning the hip, knee in the direction of the target and unbending the leg at the knee joint, strike into the lower leg with the edge of the foot, or into the knee from the side - with a punching blow of the foot, or in the hypochondrium (stomach) - with the heel (pull the toe towards you). At the moment of impact, strain the muscles of the leg, slightly deflect the body to the side opposite to the impact, direct the hand of the same name (simultaneously with the movement of the leg) towards the target, lower the other hand closer to the groin in readiness to block a possible counterstrike. After hitting the muscles, relax and immediately get ready for battle.

Rice. 22

Overhead kicks or heels(Fig. 23) is applied on the upper arch of the foot, on the lower leg - when the opponent grabs the body from behind, on the lying opponent (after the throw) - with a short swing with sharp blows to the pain points.

Rice. 23

Knee kick from below applied when released from the frontal body grips. Without swinging, strike in the groin or in the face at a bent over enemy.

Back kick(fig. 24) is applied with the foot, as a rule, in the belly of the attacking opponent. From a combat left-sided stand, lean forward slightly, pull the right thigh to the chest and looking back over the right shoulder, with a sharp movement straighten the leg at the knee joint and hip joint, strike the opponent with a foot in the stomach.

Rice. 25

Fig. 26

Beating up with a machine gun(fig. 27) is carried out with a sharp forward upward movement of two hands without changing the grip of the machine with the left hand. At the moment of impact, the arms are tense, slightly bent, the machine gun is turned with the magazine up.

Beating with a machine gun down to the right(fig. 27) is performed from a weapon thrust into the lower body. With a movement of the left hand downwards - to the right, and with the right hand to the right - upwards, hit the end of the barrel on the weapon to the right downwards. At the moment of the impact, the left arm is slightly bent, the machine gun - with the magazine to the right, the bayonet is at the height of the right knee, the right elbow is raised.

Fig. 28
Rice. 29
Liberation from the capture of the machine by the enemy(Fig. 31) kick the opponent in the groin, turn sideways to the opponent and, after striking the knee (on the shin), pull out the weapon.

Rice. 33

Protection against punching from below(Fig. 34) The first method: performed with a support (block) of the forearm of the left hand, followed by counterattacks with the right hand to the head, the right knee in the groin or the edge of the foot in the lower leg (knee).

Rice. 34

Kick protection

Underfoot protection(Fig. 35) is performed with the support of the foot (thigh) under the blow, after which a counter blow is made with the hand to the head or torso of the opponent.

Protection against kicks with hand rest(fig. 36) - meet the opponent's leg with the forearms of straight crossed arms (when hitting right foot right hand from above), grab it with your right hand by the heel, bringing the foot into the elbow bend of the left hand, throw the opponent to the ground with a jerk upwards, kick the opponent, step on the other leg and twist the captured leg.

Fig. 37

Side kick protection(fig. 38) when hitting the opponent with the right leg with a left step to the left forward, turn to the right and grab the leg from below with the left hand. Raising it up, knock the opponent to the ground and kick it.

Fig. 39

Releasing the neck from the front of the opponent(Fig. 40) Kick the opponent's crotch (shin, foot), bringing his fists together and spreading the elbows to the sides, strike from the bottom up between the opponent's arms. The upward movement of the arms should coincide with the active extension of the leg muscles. With a reverse movement of the arms from top to bottom, hit the opponent in the face or on the collarbones, and then, grabbing the clothes and pulling them over, hit him with his head in the face.

Fig. 40

Teaching defense techniques without weapons

Training in defense against punches and kicks is carried out by a group two-way method. The unit is in a two-ranked formation, one line - acts for the attacking enemy, the other line - as the defender.

After familiarization, the technique is learned by divisions: “For battle - READY”, “On the count of“ times ”, designate the first numbers to kick with the right foot in the lower abdomen, the second numbers with a step with the left foot to the left forward, turn to the right and grab the leg from below with your left hand, do ONCE ”. The leader must point out individual details, correct mistakes and give the command: “On the count of“ two ”, raising your leg up to knock the opponent to the ground, do - TWO”, “On the count of“ three ”, designate a kick on the opponent, do - THREE”.

In the process of mastering the technique, the technique of its implementation is no longer explained, but the command is given: "For battle - READY, the first numbers are to defend against a kick by moving to the side, the second ones are kicked - BEY!"

As you master the technique of the technique, it is necessary to combine its execution with other already mastered attackers or protective actions and carry them out in the form of conditioned fights, while all the actions of the partner should only be indicated, which is an indispensable condition that excludes traumatic injuries in the practitioners.

Techniques for disarming the enemy and methods of teaching them

In hand-to-hand combat, a situation can arise when an unarmed person has to act against an armed enemy.

By the position of the weapon, the nature of the enemy's actions, it is possible to determine his intentions and timely disarm. As a rule, success will depend on the appropriate distance from the enemy, the timely departure from the line of attack (if necessary), the immediate subsequent striking with a hand or foot and the obligatory deprivation of his contact with the weapon. Disarming the enemy, it is necessary to use the inertia of the movement of his body in his own interests, competently exerting painful effects on the joints of the arms and legs.

Disarming techniques are divided into the following groups: techniques for disarming the enemy when pricked with a bayonet, techniques for disarming the enemy when struck with an infantry shovel, techniques for disarming the enemy when struck with a knife, or threatened with a pistol.

Fig. 41

Disarming the enemy when pricking with a bayonet with a move to the right(fig. 42) lunge with your right foot to the side, while turning your body to the left. To beat off (withdraw) the barrel of the opponent's assault rifle with the forearm of the left hand and grab it. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, grab the weapon with the other hand and, simultaneously with the jerk of the machine gun, strike the knee with a foot from the side. Shoot down the enemy to the ground, strike with the butt plate in the head, or point the barrel of the weapon at him.

Fig. 43

Disarming the enemy when hit with an infantry shovel backhand or poke(Fig. 44) with a step forward to the side and turning to the enemy, beat off the opponent's armed hand on the swing with the forearms and grab it, kick it, grab the handle of the shovel, disarm the enemy by twisting the shovel to the side thumb and hit the enemy on the head with a shovel.

All infantry shovel strikes have a larger or smaller swing. Therefore, to protect against such attacks, it is necessary to make a jump towards the enemy in order to stop the strike at the very beginning of its trajectory. Or try to avoid getting hit by dashing out of the line of attack.

Fig. 44

Disarming the enemy when stabbing from above(Fig. 45) with a step forward, defend with the support of the forearm of the hand upwards under the blow of the opponent's armed hand on the swing, with the other hand grab his forearm from below in the elbow area, kick in the groin, pressing the flat part of the blade outward with the forearm, disarm him. If necessary, putting pressure on the elbow, with a step with the left foot back, dump the opponent, turn him face down, bend his arms behind his back and tie.

Fig. 45

Disarming the enemy when stabbing from below or directly(Fig. 46) with a short step or leap forward to the left, leave the line of attack, block the opponent's armed hand with the forearm of the left hand and intercept him by the wrist. Immediately strike with a hand in pain point, take the armed hand away from you to the right and blow the base of the right palm on back surface knock out the knife with the opponent's hand. Then knock the enemy to the ground and carry out the binding.

Fig. 46


Tying is used to limit the resistance of a captured enemy, for his escort and transportation. Binding is carried out, as a rule, after painful holds and throws. To do this, you need to knock the enemy to the ground face down. Get on your knees and, tightly blocking the grasped hand with your right hip, sit astride the opponent. By inflicting pain with pressure on the forearm of the grabbed hand, forcing the opponent to bring the other hand behind his back. Blocking it with the left hip, tie your hands.

hands behind the back, hands one on top of the other;

Hands behind the head, hands crossed, the free end from the loop is tied to the waist belt.

Fig. 48

For tying with a rope(fig. 49) a double tightening loop is used.

Fig. 49

Binding options(fig. 50)

Arms behind the back, hands crossed, the rope goes through the neck or chest;

Hands behind the back, one above, the other below;

Arms crossed on the chest, hands behind the back.

Fig. 50

Tied with a trouser belt or rope for a stationary position. Knock an enemy face down to the ground. Bend and cross your legs, put your hands behind your back and tie your right hand to your left leg, left hand with the right leg.

To hold down the enemy's mobility, improvised means, for example, a stick, can be used. In this case, it is necessary to stick a stick into the sleeves of a tunic behind the prisoner's back and tie the wrists to it or tie the opponent's hands in front and stick the stick into the elbow and popliteal folds of the arms and legs tied in front.

Remember the main technique of hand-to-hand combat: first, throw a grenade at the enemy... "- from the instructions of the hand-to-hand instructor, chief of physical training of the parachute regiment (PDR).
Perhaps the main secret of the style of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces is that ... there were no secrets! There have never been any terrible special strikes at super-secret points, no "touching delayed death" and other super-exotic ... So what, the paratroopers and special forces are lying, claiming that "Beret" will cope with several opponents in a fight? - No! Don't lie! Cope and very EFFECTIVELY!

That's just, if you shoot this fight on film and then show it at normal speed, then 9 out of 10 viewers simply will not understand anything about what is happening, and half will be disappointed and bewildered: why do they fall so easily? What's the matter?

I want to clarify right away - I'm not talking here about the hand-to-hand combat of "special forces", especially of officer units such as "Vympel", "Alpha" and "Cascade", especially those sharpened for the forceful detention of living languages ​​or criminals! - it has its own specifics and without knowing I will not even speak! I'm talking about hand-to-hand combat training of conventional airborne forces (Uncle Vasya's troops). Once in one book I came across the following reasoning, I quote in a free retelling: “ No matter how cynical it sounds, everything has its price and a soldier's life - even more so. This price is the price of training a new soldier instead of a soldier who is out of action. After all, no matter how skillful a fighter is, this will not save him from either a crossbow bolt, or, what is more offensive, from bloody diarrhea"... Rough, but fair ...

I don’t want to say anything bad about the eastern schools of martial arts, but ... real person using the methods of training karate, taekwondo, tai chi chuan and so on is impossible! In six months, at best, he will learn two or three basic stances, and the ability to breathe more or less correctly in a stance, and not in battle!

In real hand-to-hand combat, such a fighter poses a danger to only one person - to himself! Only after five to seven years of daily painstaking many hours of training will he begin to realize that he is only getting closer to mastering the basics! You understand that it makes no sense to cook a SOLDIER in this way! It's just that these five or seven years are not available to train not even a fighter - a semi-finished product!

As a human being who participated (and SURVIVED!) After three real hand-to-hand combat fights, let me note that the school of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces, the training system is still there! And it is EFFECTIVE! What are the basic principles of training a fighter? We must also take into account that in addition to physical training, there is also a daily service! Shooting training, training in a combat specialty, drill (for it), outfits and guards, and so on and so forth! But the system has proven its effectiveness, so what does it consist of, this system of training a hand-to-hand paratrooper? I'll try to answer ...

The entire system of hand-to-hand combat training of the Airborne Forces is based on three whales, each component is important, and the question does not make sense - which one! These are psychological preparation, physical preparation and recruitment. basic techniques hand-to-hand combat... Let's analyze them one by one.

So, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING ... It includes bringing to the level of the subconscious, to a conditioned reflex: a fight is NOT a competition! It's impossible to WIN OR LOSE! In battle, you can either WIN or die, the third, as they say, is not given ... No one will shake your hand before the battle or perform a ritual bow. They will immediately try to kill you, and in all ways that are available at the moment!

The preparation was carried out quite simply, but efficiently, no one conducted interviews with us and psychological tests - we were simply beaten! Not to defeat, but so that it didn’t seem a little! I emphasize - they did not beat, but beat! Feel the difference! You could get a splash or be caught in a choke hold at any moment: at the moment of a conversation with an officer, standing on the nightstand as a day-caretaker, just walking through the unit. Avoiding hitting or grabbing is encouraged! Answer - even more so! Although it is fair to say, rarely did anyone succeed!

They say that such a system was introduced into the practice of the Airborne Forces by their commander - the legendary V.F. Margelov - I do not know, but if this is so, then a low bow to him for that! SUCH a training system saved many lives in real wars, and for me too ... I still, although more than thirty years have passed, I just physically cannot go around the corner of the building close to it, I go around in three or four steps ...
Constant pressure, in which, by the way, there was nothing personal, because the grandfather received the same as the young one, developed the skill of constant vigilance, the ability not to relax even in sleep, some kind of sixth sense of danger ...

Physical training in the Airborne Forces does not require special comments... Endurance training - running in different conditions, walking in a goose step, alternating accelerations, ragged rhythm ... strength training - pull-ups, push-ups different kind, squats, jumping ... swinging the press again in different ways. All this - "through I can not" until complete darkness in the eyes ... The touch is still enough, although dmb-77 ...

What up KIT OF BASIC TECHNIQUES hand-to-hand, here it is necessary to decipher ... Not for airborne troops and special forces - they already know everything! For fans of films like Rimbaud ... This is exactly the training of BASIC techniques, not METHODS, and quite individual ... Someone is more comfortable with a throw, someone prefers a shock, someone is closer to suffocating grips or techniques for rupture of ligaments and joint fractures. The basics were given to everyone, then the development of stereotypes, bringing the movement to the level of the knee reflex - there is no time to think in battle, the body reacts on its own, the thought does not have time!

The strikes were practiced on all sorts of simulators such as makiwara and punching bag, throws - with each other, VERY CAREFULLY AND NOT IN FULL power, also applies to all sorts of painful and suffocating. And after mastering the basic movements, everyone trained himself! No combat sparring in real life, with one exception, about which below ... After all, an attempt to conduct, for example, in sparring conditions, an elbow blow to the Adam's apple for one of the fighters may well become the last ...

And also note, no BALLET in the spirit of Van Dam and Chuck Norris! Legs work up to the knee, not higher! The front of the lower leg and ankle, the inner surface of the lower leg. Knee - blow to the crotch and on inside hips. The elbow is mainly for finishing off an opponent who has already lost orientation. Everything is simple and not spectacular, ugly ... BUT - EFFECTIVE!

Now about the exception: about once every two weeks a boxing helmet was put on you, and released against four or five people, old-timers or officers. Not immediately, in turn. I had to hold out for five minutes ... From the first time, as far as I remember, no one succeeded ... For the first time I went to rest at the tenth second, having missed a powerful straight line to the head ...

In a real battle, the result would have been my death, since I got up only ten minutes later ... On the third attempt, I received gratitude in the order for the unit, for I managed to "put in the ring" the deputy tech regiment. The captain, by the way, was not offended by me, and the first, having regained consciousness, shook hands. At the same time, he said: "I started the classes ... we need to work."
We did not kill rats with our bare hands ... but everything is one, the readiness to fight, at any second of the day or night, and not for life, but for death, was absorbed into the flesh and blood, into the bone marrow ... That's, in general, that's all "Terrible military secrets", which I was going to tell you.

/Andrey Popov, /

Army hand-to-hand combat airborne forces

In modern society, every person, young and old, needs to be able to at least to some extent protect themselves from outside influences. After all, it is not known who will have to face, for example, walking in the park. The guy is obliged to stand up for his lady and protect her at a difficult moment that may arise in any situation. Yes, of course the internal troops and the police are guarding our peace with you, but they will not always be able to come to the rescue promptly.

There are many different sections in which you will be taught the basics of hand-to-hand combat. You will be able to fight off the attacks of criminal elements with ease. But of course, nothing beats the training of airborne troops. Hand-to-hand combat of special forces of the Airborne Forces is a completely different level, which you will never be able to reach on your own. In order to comprehend this art, you will have to join the ranks of the airborne troops, because in battle, not only are important power qualities, but also moral endurance that you can easily get in the process of service.

Meanwhile, hand-to-hand combat was studied at the end of the 19th century, it was mandatory for low military ranks... In the future, his importance increased and each soldier was required to have a certain set of skills that would help him cope with the enemy when meeting face to face. Nowadays, this aspect of the training of soldiers is just as important.

Paratrooper hand-to-hand combat techniques

On the Internet, at present, you can easily find many videos that capture the lessons of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces. It will not be difficult to study a lot of techniques and try to do them yourself. Here in this video are some notable moments from the hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces.

The Airborne Forces hand-to-hand combat techniques are perfectly demonstrated in this video, but this is just one of many podomny filming. You can always find many more different complexes. If you set a goal, then learning simple techniques hand-to-hand combat will not be difficult for you.

You can watch hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces on many portals. You can find especially a lot of this video on specialized sites dedicated to the airborne troops. In addition to short videos, you can also find entire films teaching hand-to-hand combat.

Without a doubt, even if you did not serve in the Airborne Forces units and do not plan to go there to serve, then you can study the army hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces in specialized sports sections... Now a lot of proposals on this topic are easy to find in any newspaper with ads. Often, these lessons are taught by former paratroopers who have passed full course training in their units, and some have been in a combat situation. So you can safely go to this section and we are sure. That you will acquire skills that will undoubtedly help you in the harsh modern life.

Airborne forces hand-to-hand combat complexes: video materials

For a true paratrooper, to be able to fight the enemy in close combat is a priority task. When the outcome of the battle is decided by a split second, it is necessary to make complex and important decisions with lightning speed. All this is undoubtedly taught in the military units of the Airborne Forces. Not everyone is given a worthy endure of all victories and defeats. But, without a doubt, a strong-minded paratrooper will be able to do it. From any defeat, he will undoubtedly learn a lesson and work on mistakes in order to prevent these mistakes in the future.

The techniques of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces, such a soldier, will study constantly, because there is no chapel to perfection. This phrase should remind a real paratrooper for a long time that he should never forget about training. Self-study the videos will help him to constantly be in shape. Watching hand-to-hand combat and absorbing the knowledge gained in the video is the lot of real men who strive for improvement.

It is probably very difficult to find a hand-to-hand combat complex suitable for an ordinary person, because a wide variety of activities offers us to study the world wide web. In order to choose exercises and techniques for you, we advise you to contact competent specialists who will select a training schedule for you. Do not be afraid, you will succeed, the main thing is to start doing anything in any business, and then you will get involved and you will not notice how you have mastered a lot interesting tricks hand-to-hand combat.

We hope that after all of the above, you will turn to any section for hand-to-hand combat, or you yourself will study various technologies of army hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces. Believe me, these skills will definitely come in handy for you sooner or later. Of course, we hope that in peacetime, and not during hostilities. The main thing is to stay calm and not provoke violence yourself, but only use the acquired skills for self-defense.

Airborne troops Russian Federation- one of those branches of the army, where they know about traditions, morality and physical strength better than anyone else. Vasily Filippovich Margelov - the legendary founder of the airborne troops, "FATHER" - as the paratroopers themselves call him - at the dawn of the winged infantry laid basic principles and standards for those who aspired to serve in an army capable of walking across Europe in a week.

It was in the Soviet Union that by the mid-80s, 14 separate brigades, two separate regiments and about 20 separate battalions in blue berets were formed. A separate military district corresponded to one brigade, in which a special instructor monitored the physical form of the fighters in each company.

Standards for admission to service in the Airborne Forces Soviet Union were, if not sports, then near sports, for sure - pull-ups 20 times, running 100 meters, marathon running 10 kilometers, push-ups - at least 50 times. The morning hour of physical training of Soviet paratroopers was generally different from almost all types of troops - there were jumps and jumps with a turn of 360 degrees, pull-ups and, of course, push-ups.

In the Russian army under the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, the Soviet direction of the physical training of paratroopers began to grow qualitatively. The requirements for those entering service in the airborne forces of Russia, although somewhat milder than in the Soviet Union, are only the minimum set in order to get a pass and the opportunity to serve in the ranks of the best conscripts in the country.

To get to serve in the Airborne Forces, you must have a weight of 75 to 85 kg and a height of 175 to 190 centimeters. If growth is a quantity that cannot be influenced, then excess weight with a strong desire to serve in the Airborne Forces, it is advisable to drop it. Such stringent selection criteria are due to the specifics of the service, because most special-purpose units are selected precisely with the wording "Suitable for service in the airborne forces." General health is an equally important factor that directly affects whether a conscript will serve in the Airborne Forces or not.

Smoking, heart disease, addiction to alcohol - all this should be deprived of all this, in principle, so that the draft board does not have any questions during the examination. The hardest physical exercise people who smoke and with bad habits in general, according to the military, are categorically contraindicated.

Particular attention in the Airborne Forces is paid to vision - even a slight deterioration can become a reason for refusal to enroll in this branch of the military. In addition to almost absolute health, after the recruit is enrolled in the Airborne Forces, it is also necessary to have endurance, since about 20% of recruits after enrollment cannot cope with the normative loads and can be sent to serve in other branches of the military.



The Marines are one of the most prepared and physically tough guys in Russia. Interspecies competitions, military parades and other events where it is necessary to show the level of physical strength, traditionally do not do without representatives of the marines.

In addition to the general physical "strength", a potential "marine" must have: height from 175 cm, weight up to 80 kg, not to be registered in psychiatric, narcological and other dispensaries both at the place of registration and at the place of residence, and it is also desirable to have one from sports categories... Availability rule sporting achievements He also works in the Airborne Forces, however, according to the established tradition, it is in the Marine Corps that recruits-athletes are given increased attention and are entrusted with the most important tasks.

“The essence of such tactics is that a conscript athlete does not need to instill and instill a sense of responsibility and discipline. Athletes who have serious achievements, as a rule, are already disciplined people and they do not need additional motivation in this regard, "Viktor Kalanchin, deputy head of the draft board of one of the capital's military enlistment offices, said in an interview with Zvezda.

Also, it is in the Marine Corps that special attention is paid to conscripts who have certain technical knowledge: radio engineering, electronics, computing devices. Such qualities help to prepare directly during military service to receive a military specialty and subsequently will give serious help when entering service under a contract.

As for the physical requirements necessary for service in the Russian Marine Corps, everything is simple - excellent health in category A, the ability to pull up at least 10-12 times and the absence of chronic diseases. The rest, according to the military, will be consistently and diligently educated in the conscript.



People performing special tasks and requirements have special requirements. It should be remembered, however, that special forces, whatever it may be, are not combined arms training, but hard and daily work, which not everyone can cope with. However, it is with the proposal to serve in the special forces that the conscripts are "approached" precisely after, or even during, service in the airborne troops or the marines.

In any case, according to the military commissars, the percentage of conscripts from these branches of the armed forces in the special forces is the highest. The rules of standard training (both physical and psychological) in spetsnaz do not work. Here, every soldier is made into a universal soldier who can do everything and do it efficiently.

Running, pull-ups, exhausting marches at a distance three times higher than the usual army - all this is present in abundance in the preparation of a commando. However, special forces to special forces are different and the specificity of each special purpose unit is different.

Special Forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate General Staff and FSB special forces among special units stand apart: 20, or even all 30 pull-ups, 30 push-ups on the uneven bars, running a thousand meters in three minutes - this is far from full list what needs to be done in order to begin to be considered as a candidate for service in the best special forces units in Russia.

Andrei Vasiliev, an instructor of one of the Moscow rapid reaction units, in an interview with "Zvezda" said that physical activity is the smallest thing that people who want to serve in special forces will have to face:

“In exploration, in addition to endurance and physical form the mind is also important. Therefore, analytical thinking, the ability to quickly make certain decisions that will allow you to effectively complete the task is no less important than, for example physical strength... The main attention in such things is paid to people who have already received higher education in some technical specialty. I know for sure that such people have been and are showing increased attention.

One of the most serious tests for those wishing to test their physical and psychological abilities can be an exam for the right to wear a "maroon" beret. It is this insignia of the special forces of the internal troops that is the best proof of the "professional suitability" of the soldier. Not everyone passes the grueling test, which includes an almost marathon march, an obstacle course, hand-to-hand combat with an instructor.

According to statistics, only 20-30% of examinees pass the test. Contrary to popular belief, the exam for the right to wear a "maroon" beret does not end with physical activity.

The basics of shooting skills against a background of extreme fatigue, the basics of storming a building using special equipment, high-speed shooting - all this is on the must-have list of tests for those who want to devote their lives to special forces. The set of rules, both for army units and for special purpose units, says one thing - service for the good of the Fatherland is not a rest.

It is hard, arduous and truly masculine work that requires absolute physical health and serious intelligence. It is the combination of these qualities that allows yesterday's ordinary guys to get into the elite troops, and those who have served or serve - to improve their professional skills and move up the ladder of military service.


Primary selection to the FSB

The selection system for special forces is carried out in several stages. For service in the special forces of the Center for Special Purpose of the FSB of Russia, as a rule, officers and warrant officers, as well as cadets of military schools, are selected as candidates for officer positions. Ninety-seven percent of special forces posts are officer posts, and only three percent are warrant officers. Accordingly, an officer must have a higher education, a warrant officer - not lower than secondary.

Warrant officers are usually assigned to the positions of drivers and instructors.

Firstly, a candidate for special forces must be recommended either by an active employee of the special service center, or from those who previously served in "Alpha" or "Vympel". There is also a selection from cadets of universities of the Ministry of Defense or from border institutes. Preference is given to those who are already studying at the special forces faculty, which is at the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School. There is also a selection of children from the Moscow VOKU. The employees of the Center come to these educational institutions and carry out the initial selection. First, the personal files of the cadets are studied, and then potential candidates are interviewed.

For candidates, there is one serious limitation on physical data - the height must be at least 175 centimeters. This is due to the fact that during operations, employees often use heavy bulletproof shields of impressive dimensions. For undersized employees, these protective equipment simply drag along the ground. An exception can be made for a candidate whose professional merits outweigh the lack of growth.

Another limitation is age. The candidate must be no older than 28 years old. True, for those who come to the TSS from other power structures and have combat experience, an exception can be made.

The requirements for the employees of Department "A" and Department "B" differ slightly. In Office "A" they are slightly higher.

Physical testing is divided into two phases, which take place on the same day. In the first course, candidates pass the standards for physical training, followed by sparring in hand-to-hand combat.

The candidate arrives at the "object", changes into sports uniform according to the season. He must run a distance of three kilometers in 10 minutes and 30 seconds. After the finish, he is given 5 minutes to rest, and then there is a check of his sprint qualities in overcoming the 100-meter distance for a while. The final score is about 12 seconds. Then, with a light jog, you need to go up to the gym, where the candidate is waiting for the crossbar. A candidate for Office "A" is obliged to pull up 25 times, for Office "B" - 20. Here and further, after each exercise, 3 minutes of rest is given between exercises.

Next, you need to complete 90 flexions and extensions of the trunk in two minutes. This is followed by a push-up from the floor. Test for Office "A" - 90 times, for Office "B" - 75. Sometimes push-ups from the floor can be replaced by push-ups on the uneven bars. In this case, the required amount is 30 times. The execution time is not strictly limited, but the candidate is not allowed to rest during the execution. They also monitor quite closely how the exercise is performed. If the candidate, in the opinion of the receiving employee, does not clearly perform this or that exercise, it will not be credited to him.

After that, the candidate is invited to perform a comprehensive strength exercise... For "A" and "B" - 7 and 5 times, respectively. The complex exercise includes 15 push-ups from the floor, 15 flexions and extensions of the trunk (check abdominal), then 15 times the transition from the "crouch" position to the "lying position" and back, then 15 jumps from the "crouch" position up. Each exercise is given 10 seconds. The described cycle is a single performance of a complex exercise. There is no rest pause between each exercise. Sometimes in Office "A" it is suggested to perform an endurance test - to jump up 100 times.

Hand-to-hand combat

HAS COMPLETED physical testing, the candidate rests for 3 minutes, after which, putting on protection on the legs, on the groin, helmet on the head, on the hands of gloves, goes to the wrestler


Admission to riot police

General requirements: a man between the ages of 18 and 35, education must be at least secondary, who has completed compulsory service in the military forces of the Russian Federation, characteristics from the army or from the place of work must be ideal, no criminal record, perfect health, excellent physical fitness.

However, even if the candidate meets all of the above requirements, it will not be so easy to join the OMON service.

Stages of admission to service in the OMON:

1. Visiting the personnel department of the police department at the place of registration. There they will be informed about all the rules of admission to the service. It is necessary to submit to the personnel department a completed questionnaire (the form will be issued), photographs of the established sample, characteristics from the place of work or from the place of military service, education documents, an identity document. Based on the results of checking the documents provided to the OK, they will issue a referral for passing the military medical commission (VVK), referral to the Center for Psychological Diagnostics (CPD), referral to a physical training exam.

2. Before going through the IHC and CPD, it is necessary to undergo a number of medical examinations, to pass numerous tests for all kinds of infections, and also to provide certificates from the narcological, psychiatric, and tuberculosis dispensaries. Moreover, all analyzes and certificates are paid. The approximate total cost is 5-7 thousand rubles.

3. Joining the OMON service is an extremely difficult task. For the successful completion of the IHC, the candidate must be:

Height - not less than 170 cm;

The minimum visual acuity for distance is 0.6 diopters for each eye; myopia is permissible - 0.75 diopters per eye, hyperopia - 2.0 diopters per eye. The presence of non-structural scoliosis up to 8 degrees according to the Instruction does not interfere with service in the Department of Internal Affairs. Candidates with a category of suitability B military card (fit for service with minor restrictions) during the passage of the IHC are recognized as unfit for service in the OMON.

Shock technique;

Wrestling in clothes;

Mixed style.

The main task of the candidate is to show not so much tactical and technical readiness as activity and initiative.

A candidate who has passed all of the above tests is credited to the service in the OMON.

"Remember, the main technique of hand-to-hand combat: First, throw a grenade at the enemy ..."

Perhaps the main secret of the style of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces is that ... there were no "secrets"! There have never been any terrible special strikes at super-secret points, no "Delayed Death Touch" and other super-exotic ... So, are the paratroopers and commandos lying, claiming that "Beret" will cope with several opponents in a fight? -No! Don't lie! Cope and very EFFECTIVELY! But if you shoot this fight on tape and show it later at normal speed, then 9/10 of the viewers simply will not understand what is happening, and half will be disappointed and bewildered: why do they fall so easily? What's the matter?

Immediately I want to clarify, I'm not talking here about the hand-to-hand combat of "Spetsura", especially officer units such as "Vympel", Alpha "and" Cascade ", especially those sharpened for the forceful detention of living languages ​​or criminals! And about the combat hand-to-hand training of ordinary airborne forces (Uncle Vasya's troops). Once in one book I came across the following reasoning, I quote in a free retelling: “No matter how cynical it sounds, everything has a price and a soldier's life, even more so. This price - price training of a new soldier instead of the one out of action. After all, no matter how skillful a fighter was, it will not save him from either a crossbow bolt, or, what is more offensive, from bloody diarrhea "... Rough, but fair ...

I don’t want to say anything bad about the eastern schools of martial arts, but ... For six months or a year, it is impossible to prepare a real person using the training methods of Karate, Taekwondo, Tai Chi Chuan and so on! In six months, at best, he will learn two or three basic stances, and the ability to breathe more or less correctly in a stance, and not in battle! In real hand-to-hand combat, such a fighter poses a danger to only one person - to himself! Only after five to seven years of daily painstaking many hours of training will he begin to realize that he is only getting closer to mastering the basics! You understand that cooking SOLDIER in this way is pointless! There are simply no five or seven years to train not even a semi-finished fighter!

On the human rights of the participant (and the SURVIVAL!) After three real hand-to-hand combat fights, let me tell you! that the school of airborne forces, the training system is still there! And it is EFFECTIVE! What are the basic principles of training a fighter? We must also take into account that in addition to Fizuha, there is also a daily service! Shooting training, training in a combat specialty, Combat training (for it), outfits and guards, and so on and so forth! But the system has proven its effectiveness, so what does it consist of, this system of training a hand-to-hand paratrooper? I'll try to answer ...

The entire system of combat hand-to-hand training of the Airborne Forces is based on three whales, each component is important; and there is no point in the question - which one! it Psychological preparation, Physical training and a set of basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. Let's analyze them one by one. So, psychological preparation. It includes bringing to the level of the subconscious, to a conditioned reflex: a fight is NOT a competition! It is not possible to WIN OR LOSE! In battle, you can either WIN or die! the third, as they say, is not given ... No one will shake your hand before a fight or perform a ritual bow. They will immediately try to kill you, and in all ways that are available at the moment! The preparation was carried out quite simply, but effectively, no one conducted conversations with us and psychological tests - they just beat us! Not to defeat, but so that it didn’t seem a little! Let me emphasize! They did not beat, but beat! Feel the difference! You could get a splash or be caught in a choke hold at any moment: at the moment of a conversation with an officer, standing on the nightstand as a day-caretaker, just walking through the unit. Avoiding hitting or grabbing was shocked! The answer is even more so! Although, in all fairness, it is worth saying, rarely did anyone succeed! They say that such a system was introduced into the practice of the Airborne Forces by their commander, the legendary V.F. Margelov, I don’t know, but if this is so, then a low bow to him for that! SUCH a training system saved many lives in real wars, and so did me ... I still, although more than thirty years have passed, I just physically cannot go around the corner of the building close to it, I go around in three or four steps ... Constant pressure , in which, by the way, there was nothing personal, because the grandfather received the same as the young one, developed the skill of constant vigilance, the ability to not relax even in a dream, some sixth sense of danger ...

Physical training in the Airborne Forces does not require special comments. Workout endurance - running in different conditions, movement in a goose step, alternation of accelerations, a ragged rhythm ... strength training - pull-ups, push-ups of various types, squats, jumping ... swinging the press again in different ways. All this - "through I can not" until complete darkness in my eyes ... The touch is still enough, although dmb-77 ... As for the basic techniques of hand-to-hand, here it is necessary to decipher ... Not for airborne troops and special forces - they are all know and so! For fans of Rimbaud movies ... this is exactly the workout BASIC technicians, and not "RECEPTIONS", and rather individual ... Someone is more comfortable with a throw, someone prefers a shock, someone prefers suffocating grips or techniques for rupture of ligaments and fractures of joints - closer. The basics were given to everyone, then the development of stereotypes, bringing the movement to the level of the knee reflex - there is no time to think in battle, the body reacts on its own, the thought does not have time! The strikes were practiced on all sorts of simulators such as makiwara and punching bag, throws with each other, VERY CAREFULLY AND NOT IN FULL power, also applies to all sorts of painful and suffocating. And after mastering the basic movements, everyone trained himself! No combat sparring in real life, with one exception, about which below ... After all, an attempt to carry out, for example, in sparring conditions, an elbow blow to the Adam's apple for one of the fighters may well be the last ... And I also note, no BALLET in the spirit of Wang - Lady and Chuck Norris! Legs work up to the knee, not higher! The front of the lower leg and ankle, the inner surface of the lower leg. Knee blow in the crotch and on the inside of the thigh. The elbow is mainly for finishing off an opponent who has already lost orientation. Everything is simple and ineffective, ugly ... BUT - EFFECTIVE!

Now about the exception: Approximately once every two weeks they put on a boxing helmet and let you out, spoiling four or five people, old-timers or officers. Not immediately, in turn. I had to hold out for five minutes ... From the first time, as far as I remember, no one succeeded ... For the first time I went to rest in the tenth second, having missed a powerful straight line in the head ... In a real battle, the result would have been my death, since I stood up I only ten minutes later ... On the third attempt I received a letter of gratitude in the order for the unit, for I was able to "put in the ring" the deputy tech regiment. The captain, by the way, was not offended by me, and the first, having regained consciousness, shook hands. At the same time, he said: "I started classes ... we need to work" ... We did not kill rats with our bare hands ... but everything is the same, the readiness to fight, at any second of the day or night, and not for life, but for death, was absorbed into the flesh and blood, into the bone marrow ... That's, in general, all the "Terrible military secrets" that I was going to tell you ...

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