Weight loss chart for weight loss. What rate of weight loss is normal? Weekly weight loss plan

Nutrition, training for proper weight loss. Excess weight - weight loss.

Before proceeding with the discussion of programs and schedules for weight loss, I would like to "insert" a little information about body weight in general.

Weight loss chart.

I will reveal a secret: you can do without a schedule. In the sense that weight can be reduced without it. And pretty fast.

Effective reduction, weight loss. Techniques, methods of weight loss.

FROM see the reasons:

  1. Excitement. For example, sitting in front of textbooks, you are trying to learn something and waiting for the “verdict” of teachers. What kind of food in such seconds? Refrigerator is on vacation. The products in it remain for others. And your food is reading information.
  2. Tragedy. God forbid, of course. You have lost someone close, you have been robbed. I’d better not continue, otherwise it becomes terribly from such an enumeration.
  3. Disease. There are many diseases, due to the transfer of which a person begins, imperceptibly to himself, to lose weight. But the people around notice the patient's weight loss.

It is better, therefore, not to lose any weight or anything else. How to be? Lose weight in some other way!

Well, well, well…. What nonsense? What are your thoughts on fasting? It is forbidden! How are the products without you?! How is the body without food? Can you imagine what will happen to you if you "do not eat"? That's right, you're afraid to imagine, but beauty is more expensive appearance than the health of the whole organism.

Hospitals, clinics, appointments with doctors are the result of "unhealthy" and fanatical starvation. With a figure, but without health. Where is the rationality here? I understand: when kilograms interfere, it’s not up to rationality. She (rationality), although she knows how to save women from kilograms, but this is more effort that needs to be applied than in the case of ordinary starvation.

Eating very little is just as bad as starving. Not enough is, for example, a slice of bread a day. It feels like you are fasting. Yes? Well, then I won't interfere with your "way of life." If this is your "whim", I will not be able to pass by.

L Find what your refrigerator, your figure and your body need:

  1. Fish.
  2. Hen.
  3. Yogurt (low fat).

I will no longer write anything about products. I'm damaging. These three products are for testing you. You can only eat them - well done. This is me to the fact that not all people are able to "sit out" on diets. I will say this: not everyone likes diets. Some organisms do not cause them any sympathy.

Effective reduction, weight loss. - Workouts for proper weight loss.

H then this will help:

  1. Physical training. Remember how in the USSR, on the radio, every morning it was heard: “Get to exercise!”. Turn on the music and get started.
  2. Pool (swimming). How do you feel about water? Swim and see how she treats you.
  3. Massage. First-class masseuses - first-class result, "removal" of your kilograms.
  4. Morning and evening runs. Run with someone, together, in pairs, so that it is not boring and you have the patience to run the planned distance.
  5. Movement. Dance, walk, run, jump, fly, crawl, climb stairs, forget all elevators and modes of transport.

H uh, if you respect fasting so much, I’ll write you something about it now. Just exactly the schedule you are waiting for - the weight loss schedule:

  1. For forty days of fasting, you can lose up to twenty kilograms.
  2. In twenty days of fasting, twelve kilograms will “give up” you.
  3. For fourteen days of fasting, you will get rid of ten kilograms.

It means "normal" fasting. Normal is what doctors say. And you are not a doctor. Therefore, advice: consult with those people who understand a lot of things about fasting. In their brains, all the prohibitions and permissions that relate specifically to this topic are “fixed”.

Don't want to go to the doctors? Read literature that talks about what worries you at the moment. Go to the library, connect to the Internet, ask your neighbor for books and magazines. But live communication will not replace anything. Therefore, cross the "line" of prejudices and desires and visit the clinic. Of course, you, chocolates and sweets, will not be “driven” there. And you yourself go there. The clinic is nearby. If not quite, then she's in the same city with you.

Nutrition for proper weight loss.

W do you know how much to eat good diets, from which the body and its owners do not suffer? There are so many of them that I can't remember them all. Some of them:

  1. fruit diet.
  2. vegetable diet.
  3. carbohydrate diet.
  4. water diet.
  5. Low calorie diet.
  6. Vegetarian diet.
  7. Japanese diet.
  8. Diet "Week".
  9. tomato diet.
  10. Kefir diet.

As you may have guessed, diets are simple: they can be sustained. And a year, and two, and all three. But, of course, you should not get involved in any of them! Diet should not become a habit or a part of life. One of my very, very good girlfriends, due to her tendency to be overweight, diets almost all the time. She has already weaned from the sweet, and from the useful. Can you imagine how hard it is for her body to experience all this?

It is a pity that tears do not help to lose weight. Women often cry. And the thought that they, with pleasure, would come up with a “tearful” diet, does not leave them alone. Stress, depression and nervousness destroy nerve cells. Together with them and kilograms. But is it necessary to want to lose weight in this way? No no and one more time no!

Eat little by little, not after six in the evening. Can you get it like this? It would be good…. Many do not survive. Or they don't want to endure. Willpower is weak. It sounds, of course, not literary, but how much, in this phrase, is true and common sense ....

Sleep at least six hours a day. After all, you have nothing against sleep, right? And he expects you, every evening, in the crib. Two things to remember are dreams and breakfast. He, just, according to the logic of things, "goes" immediately after sleep. Well, almost immediately. I just “omitted” things like waking up, washing my face and getting dressed. You don't miss them.

Do not sit for a long time in one place. Even at work, try to move somehow. Flowers can be watered, approached by a work colleague, go for some documents. Well, you never know what you will be asked to do there. Do not "hang out" on the Internet, but go and fulfill the request - the assignment. Kill two birds with one stone: gain respect and lose weight.

To be continued, switch:

Ecology of life. Health & Beauty: If we don't want to regain the pounds we just lost, it's very important that after completing this 3-week weight loss plan, we continue to follow the recommendations outlined in it - and not return to bad habits.

If we don't want to regain the pounds we just lost, it's very important that after completing this 3-week weight loss plan, continue to follow the recommendations outlined in it - and not return to bad habits.

Do you know that in 3 weeks you can get rid of a few extra pounds? Not from everyone, of course, but weight loss will be noticeable. What does it depend on? You need to slightly change your eating and other habits. What you need to do during these three weeks, we will tell in this article.

Daily weight loss plan

Perhaps you are skeptical and do not believe that you can lose weight in 3 weeks. Then you are wrong. This goal is quite achievable, you just need to act methodically, day after day, adding to your diet (and eliminating from it) some foods and drinks, as well as acquiring good habits and giving up bad habits. Start - and in three weeks you will see the result!

First day

Write what you want to achieve in your notebook or on a piece of paper and put it (him) in a conspicuous place. Start with simple exercises such as walking.

Second day

Refuse drinks with "harmful" calories - from coffee with sugar, Coca-Cola, alcoholic beverages. Replace them with water, green tea and natural juices.

Third day

Go back to exercising or walking. You can increase the distance by a few hundred meters or add some exercise.

Fourth day

From the usual three meals a day (per day), go to six meals a day. At the same time, of course, at one meal you can eat much less than before. At the same time, the menu should always include fruits, vegetables, fiber and protein foods.

Fifth day

Make a list of healthy foods to buy and go to the market with it (and don't buy anything that isn't on the list). If you could not resist and bought some unhealthy products, it is better to get rid of them somehow (donate, sell or even throw them away).

Sixth day

Do the weighing and write down the weight in your notebook. Choose a kind physical activity which you will do at least three times a week.

Seventh day

Plan your diet for the next week and, if necessary, go grocery shopping again to the market or natural food store.

eighth day

Continue to exercise according to your plan. You can consult with a fitness trainer or train on your own. So that classes do not get bored, it is good to change the exercises.

Ninth day

Include in your diet a fruit or vegetable that you have not eaten in a long time (or never). Try to eat raw or steamed fruits and vegetables.

tenth day

Eliminate foods containing trans fats from your diet and do not forget to exercise.

Eleventh day

Drink enough water (2 liters in winter and 3 liters in summer and on the days you exercise).

Twelfth day

Pay attention to the amount of fiber you consume per day. This amount should be at least thirty-five grams. If you have less fiber in your diet, add a handful of almonds to it (they are not only a source of fiber, but also help control appetite).

Thirteenth day

Using the appropriate tables, calculate the number of calories that you consumed in previous days. Specify the minimum and maximum number of them that is allowed for your age, weight and physique. Specify also how many kilograms you want to lose.

fourteenth day

Plan your diet for next week. Estimate how many products you need to buy (taking into account those that are at home). Eat more fruits and berries (for example, blueberries and raspberries).

Fifteenth day

Change the exercises you've been doing up to this day or make them more difficult. You can increase the weight of the dumbbells, walk a greater distance when walking. You can also add a new series of exercises.

sixteenth day

Learn new, healthier ways of cooking. For example, steamed or grilled. Try to eat more raw and lean foods.

seventeenth day

Eat less for dinner than on previous days, and look for a new (compared to what you used to be) source of protein. For example, if you used to eat chicken and tuna, switch to veal and salmon.

eighteenth day

Train a little more than last time. Increase the load, workout time, distance (when walking, running or swimming), add new exercisesand I.

nineteenth day

Check how you got closer to the goal set before starting the implementation of the three-week weight loss plan. You can weigh yourself or try to wear clothes that Lately was too small for you.

Twentieth day

Start shopping for groceries for the next few days (probably now - when you have lost a few kilograms and felt a boost in energy and vitality - you will no longer want to return to your old eating habits).

twenty first day

Analyze the changes that have taken place in your life. Strengthen your determination to get rid of extra pounds. And keep up the good work. You have already acquired healthy habits!

What can you eat?

Those trying to lose weight with a diet often ask this question. In your menu during the implementation of the three-week weight loss plan, you can include the following ingredients:

For breakfast and lunch

  • 1 cup skim milk (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon honey or stevia sweetener (5 ml)
  • 2 slices integral bread
  • 1 slice low fat cheese
  • 3 biscuits without salt and sugar
  • oats
  • Raisin
  • Low fat cream cheese

For lunch and dinner

Let's start with a bowl of soup. The main course is a small piece of meat with boiled vegetables and a portion of salad. For dessert, we eat some fruit or berries.

  • Lean white meat (chicken, fish, lean pork)
  • Red lean meat
  • Vegetables, raw or steamed
  • leafy greens
  • Integral rice, quinoa, barley, millet or bulgur
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans)
  • Pasta (no additives)
  • Seasonings (ground pepper, cloves, turmeric)
  • Aromatic herbs (basil, rosemary, thyme)
  • Vegetable soup (preferably homemade)
  • Olive oil
  • Apple vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Natural juices without sugar
  • Raw fruits and berries for dessert (strawberries, apricots, oranges)
  • Gelatin
  • Fruit compote (apples, pears)
  • Fat-free yogurt. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Postpone debilitating diets and hard training to a distant box, because today we will tell you how to reset excess weight without space loads and killer workouts in the fitness room.

5 rules you need to learn for these 30 days

1. You need to consume 1.5-2 liters of water every day. Tea, coffee and other drinks do not count, so cheating will not work. We recommend starting every morning with a glass of water with lemon.

2. Fast food, bread, sweets? Forget about it, better eat fruits or salads, from which you will get much great benefit. If you want something sweet, then indulge in a piece of dark chocolate. In order not to torture yourself during trips to the grocery store, just remember to eat before you leave.

3. You must eat food on a schedule, at the same time. You should also snack between main meals. So your body will be calm, and you can speed up your metabolism and not feel hungry.

4. Movement. You must move. Take a walk, walk to work, or take the escalator up.

5. Remember, you should not think that you have already reached the desired weight. Imagine that proper nutrition and exercise have already become part of your lifestyle. Enjoy life, be positive. Psychological attitude very important. Remember that what matters is only what happens regularly.

Monthly training plan

Perform workouts every other day, for your body this will be the best option. To get started, do a warm-up: light running in place, torso tilts to the right and left, squats (10-15 times) and arbitrary arm swings.

It's time for the main workout. At first, do exercises for 2-3 sets of 10-20 repetitions, the pause between sets should not exceed two minutes. Gradually you should increase the load.

First week

Press pumping unit

1. Classic sit-ups - 2 sets of 20 reps.

Starting position - lying on your back. Place your hands behind your head or on your chest. Spread your elbows out to the sides. Bend your legs slightly at the knees at an angle of 45-60 degrees and lift them off the floor. Now start raising your head. Pull your chin towards your chest. Reach the maximum possible point for you and return to initial position.

2. Side plank - 2 sets, 30 seconds on each side.

Lie on your side, lean on your elbow. Then lift your body so that you get a completely straight line with no sagging or protruding parts. In this case, you should not feel pain, only tension. You need to perform the exercise on each hand in turn.

3. Twisting - 2 sets, 10 reps.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees slightly. Slowly lift the body and start twisting first in one direction, then in the other. Try to touch the opposite knee with your elbow. At the bottom, do not lie completely on your back. Hold two centimeters from the floor. Hold on to your head.

4. Boat - 2 sets, 10 reps.

Lying on your stomach, lift your chest and outstretched legs as high as you can. Hands at this time lie along the body. Then stretch your arms forward and maintain the accepted position for five deep breaths. Put your hands behind your back, grab your ankles and try to rock back and forth a little.

Block for pumping the buttocks and thighs

1. Hip Raises - 2 sets, 10 reps.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your hands along the body with palms down. As you exhale, lift your hips up to the maximum possible point. At this point, you need to fix for a few seconds. Your back should remain straight. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

2. Leg swings back - 2 sets, 20 reps per leg.

Get on your knees and rest your forearms on the floor. The back is straight, slightly arched in the lower back, looking forward. Next, inhale and take one leg back, fixing it at the top point for a few seconds. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

3. Hip Adduction - 2 sets, 20 reps per leg.

Lie on your right side, lean your right hand on the floor, put your left on your waist or on the floor. The right leg is straight, the left is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Pull the toe of your right foot towards you and lift it to the maximum possible point. Then return your leg to its original position.

4. Squats - 3 sets, 15 reps.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. Slowly start squatting. Lower your buttocks as if there is a chair behind you that you can sit on, that is, to a level where the hips are parallel to the floor. Now slowly rise, controlling every movement.

Arm muscle tightening block

1. Push-ups on one leg - 2 sets, 10 reps.

Get on your knees. Take an emphasis lying down, placing your hands under top chest. The distance between the palms should be slightly more than the width of the shoulders. From the bottom point, begin to lift the body, leaning on your hands and knees, but at the same time keep your leg in weight and pull it up. The press and buttocks are tense. If it is difficult, you can do push-ups on your legs bent at the knees.

2. Rock climber - 2 sets, 10 reps.

Make a plank. The body should be a kind of straight line, the press and buttocks are tense. Bend your right leg at the knee and pull it towards your chest. Place your toes on the floor, then return your foot to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg.

Plank emphasis. Download the press for the summer

We tell you how to achieve perfect figure, leaving only one exercise in the workout.

Stretch block

1. Butterfly - 3 sets, 10 reps.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and press one foot to the other. Spread your knees out to the sides and place your palms on them. Gently pressing on them, press your knees to the floor, trying to achieve full contact throughout outer surface legs. Hold for 10-15 seconds and release the pressure.

2. Pharaoh - 3 sets, 30 seconds on each side.

Sit on the mat right leg stretch in front of you, and bend the left at the knee and throw it behind the right. Then turn your torso to the left and rest your elbow right hand in the knee of the left leg. Hold this position for a few seconds.

3. Cat - 2 sets, 10 reps.

Get on all fours, stoop with all your might. Maintain the accepted position for 15 seconds. Then arch your back and look up. Hold this position for 15 seconds.

4. Rolls on the back - 15 times minimum.

Lying on your back and bending your legs, try to get your chin to your knees, and your knees to your chin. At the same time, swing, clasping your legs with your hands.

Second and third weeks

Press pumping unit

Block for pumping the buttocks and thighs

Stretch block

Block for pumping the buttocks and thighs

Stretch block

Butterfly4 sets, 20 reps
Pharaoh4 sets, 60 seconds each side
Cat4 sets, 15 reps
back riding35 times minimum

Ration for a month

Try not to be distracted while eating. Turn off the TV, put down your book and phone. This way you will consciously feel full faster. In order not to overeat, try to occupy yourself with something. Try to be active, go out with friends, do what you love.

There are also certain rules that must be followed.

1. Get rid of salt. It retains water in the body, which is worse for you.

2. Try not to use store bought sauces. They are high in calories, full of artificial additives, so you should make your own sauces.

3. Drink green tea, fruit and vegetable juices. Do not abuse coffee, purchased juices and tea with sugar. Also, do not drink alcohol, it is high in calories and promotes appetite.

Here are some sample diets that you can use to create your personalized meal plan.

BreakfastFirst snackDinnerSecond snackDinner
Oatmeal and some dried fruit, low-fat milk and fruit.Soup with chicken and vegetables. Chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions and lettuce with olive oil.One glass of curdled milk (2.5% fat) and two cereals.Roasted bell peppers stuffed with brown rice and minced beef. Cherry tomatoes with soft cheese and some greens.
Vegetable salad with olive oil. Hot sandwich made from whole grain bread.Fat-free cottage cheese, fresh or frozen berries.Broccoli baked with cod. Fresh leaf lettuce.Oatmeal cookies, green tea.Fish fillet with vegetables. Natural yogurt.
Oatmeal porridge with a spoonful of raisins.One glass of kefir (1% fat) and two cereals.Boiled, stewed or baked skinless chicken breast with boiled rice. Light vegetable salad.Natural yogurt (1.5% fat), dietary bread.Grilled or stewed lean fish. Green salad dressed with lemon juice.
Boiled buckwheat with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.One apple, fat-free cottage cheese.Steamed veal with potatoes. Salad of tomatoes and cheese.Fat-free cottage cheese with honey.Salmon with rice garnish. Sliced ​​tomato.
Fried eggs, large tomato, cheese and black bread sandwich.Fruit or crackers with cheese.Vegetarian soup with a slice of second-rate bread. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.Low calorie yogurt, a few oatmeal cookies.Two protein omelet with low-fat milk, tomato and green onion.
Fat-free cottage cheese mixed with parsley, radish and herbs.Low-fat cheese and diet bread.Grilled lean fish and boiled potatoes. Green salad dressed with lemon juice.Boiled egg, tomato.Casserole with cheese, lean veal and vegetables. Sandwich of second-class bread and pink salmon.
Buckwheat with boiled chicken, lettuce.One boiled egg and a glass of vegetable juice.Stewed liver with buckwheat garnish. Vegetable mix.Kefir with black bread.Braised or baked veal. Fresh cabbage salad.

By following all the rules and exercises, controlling your eating habits, you can achieve desired result per month.

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Personal data

Decide on the desired weight

Before we start losing weight, let's define what current position affairs. To do this, we calculate the body mass index, and also find out what weight is normal and ideal for you. You will start from these values ​​when choosing the desired goal - the weight to which you will strive.

Body mass index

A value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s mass and his height and, thereby, indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or excessive. It is important in determining the indications for the need for treatment.

Taking into account height, weight and body type, the following indicators are calculated:

Body mass index:

BMI/weight chart

Body weight (mass) is one of the most important indicators physical condition person.

normal weight

This is literally the weight seen on average in most people who are considered healthy. In other words, this is a weight range that does not pose a threat to your health.

Ideal weight

This is such a weight within the normal range at which your figure will look slim and beautiful. Of course, with well-developed muscles, the figure looks perfect even with much larger weights.

Your normal weight: kg

Your ideal weight: kg

Based on the knowledge gained, you can indicate your goal - the desired weight.

Calculate the time to reach the goal

Current weight: kg

Desired weight: kg

Need to lose: kg

Time to achieve the goal: months.

Based on the desired weight, an individual weight loss schedule is formed.

Why so slow?

  • it's reliable
  • it's safe
  • this is not difficult
  • it's forever
  • this is useful

The maximum allowable safe weight loss rate is 1 kilogram per week.

If you lose weight faster, then you are hurting yourself on several fronts at once.

Firstly, the body begins to burn muscles for energy, because. they are a more accessible source than adipose tissue. And muscles are not only a beautiful figure, they are extremely important for maintaining a high metabolism and getting rid of excess fat. You will learn more about this below.

Secondly, when losing weight too quickly, the body experiences stress and goes into an economical mode. Therefore, when you finish the course of losing weight, the lost kilograms return, and even with a “makeweight” just in case, “hungry times” suddenly come again.

Thirdly, when you start too fast, you risk not reaching the finish line at all. All the same stress is the cause of poor health, depression and, as a result, a breakdown. And it's not about weak willpower, but about a very wise mechanism of hormonal self-regulation!

Weight loss is the removal of the body from its usual stable state, and our task is to make this process as painless and smooth as possible. By keeping your speed low, you will definitely lose weight, the lost kilograms will not come back, and at the same time you will improve your health.

It is also necessary to take into account that at first the weight goes faster, and as you approach the cherished goal, the rate of weight loss will decrease. This is due to the fact that at first the body, along with fat, gets rid of excess water.

Give yourself time to build up - in the first month there is a lot to learn, understand the program, start keeping a food diary, acquire the right habits. So don't be discouraged if you don't manage to get a quick start. If you firmly follow the chosen path, then even one dropped kilogram will be an excellent achievement, because you will get rid of it forever!

Why do advertisements suggest losing 3 kg per day or 10 kg per week?

There are several reasons for such statements:

  • you are being blatantly deceived
  • you will be offered to take laxatives or diuretics veiled as tea, coffee or other dietary supplements. These drugs promote bowel movements and remove fluid from the body, but do not affect fat layer. As you understand, weight loss in this way is only temporary.
  • appetite suppressant pills. On the one hand, they contribute to weight loss for a while, but on the other hand, they have serious side effects and can cause physical and psychological distress, depression, ill health and weight gain. Such experiments are very dangerous!

In order not to be disappointed, forget about fabulous promises and tune in to real work.

Be vigilant, do not let yourself be deceived! “Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me!... I myself am glad to be deceived!”

Of course, I want to lose weight quickly and drop a kilogram every day. Do not make any effort at the same time, eat whatever you want, and do less body movements so as not to accidentally sweat. This is what the authors of false methods of instant weight loss are counting on.

If you still have doubts, remember how long the current weight was gained. After all, this also did not happen at lightning speed and required some effort from you.

The success of any event is determined by how consistently and purposefully a person goes to the final result. This is especially evident in the process of losing weight. If you do not deviate from the diet and go to all workouts, attracting additional ways to lose weight, in the most short time can be achieved slim figure and treasured numbers on the scales. If today you eat to satiety, and tomorrow you skip a run, and so on throughout the journey, then you will never be able to fulfill your dream.

In order for the plan to come true, you must initially draw up a detailed weight loss plan for the required period and strictly follow it. The more accurately it is performed, the more you will be pleased with the results.

What it is

To draw up a weight loss plan, you need to know what it is, so as not to pile it up with anything superfluous. This step-by-step instruction for each day, where those activities are scheduled by the hour, which should ultimately lead to the desired result. It should have two mandatory parts: a meal plan ( detailed menu indicating meals, portion sizes and dishes) and a training plan (frequency and duration of classes, exercises, number of sets and repetitions, additionally involved sports and any other physical activity). Without food diary and schedule physical activity such a plan cannot exist.

In addition to nutrition and sports, it should include any other weight loss methods that will achieve much greater results and shorten the time. For example, in the plan you can prescribe that three times a week you will do half an hour to eliminate cellulite on the hips. Or every day in the evenings you have a lymphatic drainage massage in the salon to get rid of edema and improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, which plays an important role in weight loss. Taking medications, visiting procedures, cleansing the body, testing author's methods, wearing corrective underwear - everything that you are going to use in the fight against overweight, should be fixed.


Depending on your goals, weight loss plans are different, and it is better to decide in advance which one you will have to draw up:

  • strict (during daily training high intensity) or sparing (proper nutrition against the background of regular sports activities carried out in accordance with physical fitness and health status);
  • short-term (drawn up for no more than a week) or long-term;
  • male or female;
  • condensed (consisting only of a nutrition and training plan) or extended (if you write down everything additional funds which you are going to use);
  • typical (downloaded from the Internet) or individual (adapted to the characteristics of your lifestyle and body);
  • amateur (self-composed) and professional (created by a nutritionist and trainer).

It is also worth immediately deciding where the classes will take place: at home or in the hall. In the first case, the schedule may be more mobile, the second usually requires strict adherence to the schedule.

The ideal weight loss plan should be: gentle, long-term, extended, individual and professional. It is difficult to compile this on your own, so it is better to first undergo a medical examination and sign up with its results for a consultation with a nutritionist, and then with a fitness trainer. However, we will immediately make a reservation that it will cost from $ 100 for each program (nutrition and training).

If you do not consider such expenses, you can try to create a program yourself. It's difficult, but very real.

Where to begin

Before drawing tables and filling them out with a calendar in your hands, listen to the recommendations of experts. Go through a comprehensive examination of the body, identify problems, be treated. Start losing weight in full health.

Calculate how many kilograms you need to lose for ideal weight, and determine the timing of weight loss. Keep in mind that without harm to health, you can lose only 1 kg per week. Therefore, the most best option- make a plan for at least a month.

Pick a diet. Better yet, learn the principles proper nutrition, calculate the daily calorie intake () needed to reduce weight in your case, and make a menu in accordance with this data.

Decide where you will practice: at home or in the gym. Choose a convenient training plan. Think about whether you will supplement them with something: morning exercises, jogging, walking, swimming, cycling. When working through this issue, do not forget about the purchase of sportswear, shoes and necessary equipment, which increase the effectiveness of training several times.

And the last point is the inclusion of additional ways to lose weight in it. Look for the golden mean: no need to torture yourself with enemas, bioadditives, body wraps and massages at the same time. Pick one, two at the most.


Make up rough plan proper nutrition, which should be based on the following postulates:

  • at least 5-6 meals per day;
  • each meal strictly at certain hours;
  • in the menu include only useful and low calorie foods: fast food, everything fatty and fried, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are prohibited;
  • organize a plentiful drinking regime to speed up metabolism: at least one and a half liters pure water in a day;
  • dinner 3 hours before bed.

If the deadlines are running out, and you need to lose more than 10 kg, you can hardly get by with proper nutrition alone. You will have to choose one of the many diets. When searching, focus on your own food preferences and deadlines that you need to meet. If weight loss is for...

  • ... a week, diets are suitable:, oatmeal, protein,;
  • ... for 10 days: striped (from E.V. Malysheva), buckwheat,;
  • ... 2 weeks: salt-free, shortened version of the famous Kremlin, low-calorie,;
  • ... 3 weeks:, Maggi (egg and curd);
  • ... for a month: lean, chemical,;
  • ... for a longer period: , 90 days of separate meals, royal, beach.

Think about pre-cleansing the body. It makes sense if you have not arranged such procedures and fasting days for a long time (or never at all). This is usually given from 3 to 7 days before losing weight to disperse the metabolism and speed up the whole process. At the same time, remember that enemas, tubage, taking laxatives and diuretics are dangerous to health, especially in the presence of certain diseases. Therefore, before doing this, you should definitely consult a doctor.

An approximate weekly weight loss meal plan might look like this:

Before going to bed it is useful to drink a glass of 1% or 1.5% kefir.

Don't forget to add a column with hours for each meal. You can write down the days more specifically: Monday, Tuesday ... or even specify the dates.

This menu meets all the principles of healthy and proper nutrition. Weight loss will occur by eliminating harmful foods from the diet and reducing daily calories. The plan does not include serving sizes because they must be determined individually, depending on the initial weight and the expected result.

If the weight loss plan is drawn up for a longer period, you can extend this nutrition program, making minor adjustments to it.


As a rule, it is much easier for women to make a nutrition plan, and for men, a training plan. However, both have to combine these two tasks.

If you need to reset big weight and there is a desire, in addition to losing weight, to become the owner beautiful figure, it is better to immediately take a subscription to the gym and coordinate your plan with his visit. The fact is that within the framework of one lesson, you need to combine power and anaerobic loads (). And if at home you can only use dumbbells, then professional simulators in the fitness center will be much more effective.

We propose to consider two training plans for girls specifically for the purpose of losing weight, and not for building up. muscle mass- for the home and for the gym. Men, hopefully, themselves know what exercises to fill their classes with.

For the gym

This is not the ultimate training program. It needs to be tested and adjusted to fit your physical data: reduce or increase the number of approaches or repetitions, make some exercises easier. You need to do 3 times a week every other day.

At home

Home workouts are easier to do, but they also require physical training and collections.

To these programs, if you have the desire, strength and time, you can add something from this list:

  1. Morning exercises for 10 minutes.
  2. Jogging (morning or evening, depending on employment).
  3. (perfect for Tuesday and Thursday).
  4. Walking (Finnish, sports, at an intensive pace).
  5. Any other sport (equestrian, ski, team games, wrestling, tennis).

In addition, girls can sign up for group lessons fitness, dancing, Pilates, yoga. Ultimately, everything will work for weight loss. The main thing is to write down by day, when what workouts you will go to and how much time you will spend on it.

If you managed to create a menu and a training program, consider that you already have a complete weight loss plan in front of you. They can be combined into one table on a large Whatman paper, decorated with motivating before and after photos and hung on the wall. You can not combine them, but place one in the kitchen so that the diet for today is always in front of your eyes, and the second in the room so that during home workouts you can see which exercises to do how many times.


If dieting and exercising seems not enough for you, you can always supplement your plan with auxiliary techniques that will speed up the process. This is usually required for those who overweight over 10 kg. When including some methods in the program, follow the same algorithm: what day, what exactly to do, how many times. Schedule at least a week, and then just repeat if necessary.


Since Monday, Wednesday and Friday are usually reserved for training, we will not touch them, let's take other days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday):

  • the first half of the day - wearing a corrective corset / shorts / breeches;
  • 18.00 - bath with sea salt, soda or essential oils;
  • 18.30 - seaweed, mustard, mud or chocolate wrap;
  • after wrapping - application .

On Saturday, instead of a bath, you can arrange a bath day, which will help remove excess fluid from the body and also contribute to weight loss. Such a schedule without harm to health can be followed for 2-3 weeks. If your timing is longer, it should be replaced with another one. As an example:

  • the use of fat-burning dietary supplements (frequency depends on the instructions or doctor's prescription);
  • 18.00 - lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite massage;
  • after massage - application of a cream or gel for body shaping.

If there is a financial opportunity, you can sign up for any of the procedures that are offered today for a quick and effective weight loss. It can be liposuction, ozone therapy, mesotherapy, cryotherapy, infrared sauna or cedar barrel. The number, frequency and duration of sessions will be determined by the doctor.

If you have a weight loss plan and a figure of the final result in front of your eyes every day, this will become a powerful motivation to reach the end. In addition, following such a clear schedule brings up willpower and discipline, and contributes to the development of proper eating and sports habits. So be sure to take the time to compile it.
