Express pumping of problem areas. Summer express workout for a beautiful figure

Modern men, successful and motivated, work from morning till night, and then they also sit up at unscheduled meetings and brainstorming sessions. Such men need a special express workout that will allow them to keep fit in time pressure conditions. Moreover, it should be high-intensity, high-quality and energizing.

D home workouts for men- a very relevant topic these days, many instructors devote to this issue great attention. The right advice about the organization self-study is given by the AnySports coach, the world-famous expert, former professional boxer - Jim Barsena.

Jim Barcena, personal trainer Sylvester Stallone and Matthew McConaughey, has developed a set of exercises for men that takes very little time, but can be as effective as a full two-hour workout in the gym. Jim's proposed complex is circuit training for menso busy that there is simply no time for fitness training in the group.

Bulgarian split squat

After reading the name of the exercise, you are probably preparing for something like Bulgarian attacks. But the essence of this complex is somewhat different and not only your hips and buttocks work here, but also the core, back muscles, shoulders and chest.

Starting position - get into the plank, and then start at fast pace alternately pull the knee of the leg to the elbow of the hand of the same name. Make 8-10 shifts and turn into an inverted plank position, but keep your legs bent at the knees closer to the buttocks. Then do 8-10 leg extensions and go back to starting position... Do the complex for a minute. Trainer Jim Barsen recommends doing 3-5 sets.

Man maker

To accomplish thisexercises for men (video) youdumbbells will be required. In fact, this is a plie squat, combined with an upward dumbbell press and biceps curl. Are you a little confused? Yes, man maker is not chess for you, you have to think here! But you just need to make a complex at a leisurely pace a couple of times, tracking the technique, and then accelerate.

Starting position - the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the toes are turned outward. Begin squatting in a plié, letting your arms with dumbbells hang quietly along the body, which is slightly tilted forward. After a couple of reps, stay in a deep squat and do a dumbbell curl. After that, stand with your legs straightened and complete the circle with a dumbbell press up.

The difficulty of the exercise is offset by its effectiveness: try to do at least five reps in one minute set! They say that especially gifted characters take pounds and weights instead of dumbbells. Sounds terrifying, but you can try it too!

On this topic:


The subscription to the pool has long expired, and it takes about half an hour to get to it. Why waste precious time? We lay a rug or just lay down on our stomachs on the floor and “swim” a kilometer breaststroke! It's a joke - we just row with our hands, while bending in the back. During the "stroke", the arms are retracted to shoulder level and bent at the elbow, and then returned to the starting position. You do not need to paddle with your feet, rest your toes on the floor.

A flexible and pumped back is guaranteed! If you feel prepared, wear weights on your hands.

Cross reach + 3 sky jumps

In fact, this is some kind of preparation for the boxing ring. Instead of gloves, you have weights! The essence of the technique is that you need to do a squat, holding dumbbells bent at the elbows and pressed to the chest, and when lifting, it will turn the body in left side by making a simulated one-handed strike. Then we go back to the squat, from which we repeat the same thing, but on the right side. Boost yourself up by imagining an opponent or even several in front of you. Keep pace and work at full power for a minute. And then you can squeeze the T-shirt!

Triple squat

Deep squats have not been canceled. And this exercise is interesting in that it develops the muscles of the legs and helps to find excellent coordination. After squatting, you have to jump high when lifting, making movements with your arms, like a skier. A few minute sets and you will be imbued with this exercise!

The following exercises from Californian coach and resident AnySports expert Jim Barsena aregreat workout for the body of men... The program is specially designed for those who are ready to devote only 10-15 minutes a day to training. The main principle that Barsena adheres to is that work occurs mainly with his own weight. All the mainhome workouts for men.Try it yourself!

Over one year old

You want to get stronger, tighten your muscles, lose a few extra pounds s, but most importantly, to become happier? Join our Total Body Workout. With our fitness plan, all of these goals are easy to achieve.

To realize everything conceived in as soon as possible and have time to put the body in order for the new bikini season, it's time to turn on the fifth speed. Your workout program should include 2 cardio sessions and 3 strength sets (don't panic, these are weekly plans). Set aside two days for rest and recovery. You can choose any type of cardio workout we have proposed or build any other workout of the same intensity. In a programme strength training- multi-component exercises that involve several muscle groups in the work at once.

Cardio 1

Explosive Burpee

Time: 12 minutes

Training program:

Warm up for 5 minutes; do 8 squats, rest 15 seconds, then do 10 jumps from a squat position (drop into a deep squat, an angle under the knees 90 degrees, and, pushing off the floor with your heels, jump up as high as possible, land softly in a squat) and again take 15- second pause. Finish the set with 8 burpees.

Cardio 2

In defense of the bark

Time: 13 minutes

Training program: 3 sets with 1 minute rest between them.

Warm up for 5 minutes; perform the exercise "Caterpillar" (from a vertical stand, bend forward without bending your knees, and, rearranging your arms, switch to the plank position. Moving your feet, again gather into a "fold" and rise) 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, then in 30 seconds do as many repetitions of the "Climber" exercise as possible (in the plank position, alternately bring your knees to the elbow). Recover your breath for 15 seconds and repeat the Caterpillar exercise.

Cardio 3

Wider step

Time: 10 minutes

Training program: complete as many rounds as possible in the allotted time.

Warm up for 5 minutes; do 12 repetitions of reverse lunges (take a wide step back, lowering the knee of the abducted leg as low as possible to the floor, maintaining a 90-degree angle under the knee), then do 12 Jack jumps (jump up as high as possible) and 10 repetitions of burpees.

Workout plan

Train 3 times a week, doing 4 sets of each exercise with a 30 second break in between.

You will need

A pair of dumbbells weighing 3-4 kg

"Tin soldier"

The muscles of the arms, legs, stabilizing muscles work.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body at your sides. Lean forward from the hip, place your palms on the floor and, without bending your knees, fingering your hands, go to the bar. Quickly get back to reverse order in an upright position and on the rise, bend your knees and, pushing off the ground, jump up, stretching to the string (as in the photo) and turning 90 degrees to the left. Continue for 30 seconds.

Balance squats

The muscles of the legs, buttocks and stabilizing muscles work.

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, take dumbbells in each hand and hold them on the sides of your hips. Drop into a deep squat, then, pushing off with your heels, rise, while simultaneously bringing your left leg bent at the knee in front of you to the level of the thigh (as in the photo). Return to starting position and repeat on the other leg. This will amount to 1 repeat. Do 2 sets of 6 reps.

Rises on the toes

The muscles of the thighs, buttocks and calf muscles work.

Stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders, take dumbbells in each hand and hold them at the sides of your hips. Lower into a squat and slightly tilt the body forward from the hip, rise on the toes (as in the photo). Get down on your heels and, without changing the position of the body, repeat the lift. Do 10 repetitions.

Lunges - "curtsy"

The muscles of the thighs and buttocks work.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, take the dumbbell by the wider part and hold it in front of you at chest level, elbows as close to the body as possible. Take a step back and to the left with your right foot (so that your feet are on the same line), lower yourself into a lunge, an angle under the knees of 90 degrees (as in the photo). Return to starting position and repeat on the other leg. Continue for 45 seconds alternating sides.

"Hero attacks"

The muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body at your sides. Holding left foot motionless, lunge to the right, while pushing the body forward, and pulling your hand out behind your back (as in the photo). Return to starting position. Continue for 45 seconds, then change sides and repeat.

Kick from the "table" position

The muscles of the arms, thighs, buttocks, calves and stabilizer muscles work

Take a table pose (palms are strictly on the line of the shoulders, fingers are directed to the side of the body). Keeping your hips in line with your shoulders, kick with your left foot up, directing your foot towards the ceiling (as in the photo). Return to the starting position and repeat the kick with the left foot. Continue for 45 seconds.

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Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


IN modern world There are many effective diets, in addition to express weight loss, that promote rapid weight loss. However, not all techniques are safe for the body. There are no guarantees that after losing extra pounds, the body will be in a healthy state and other complications will not arise against the background of losing weight. The process of burning body fat is a complex mechanism, which is not easy for an ordinary person to comply with.

What is express weight loss

The main principle of express weight loss is to quickly achieve desired results by observing low calorie diet... The fastest weight loss becomes possible due to a change in the usual diet for a short period of time. Losing weight should adhere to the dietary regimen for no more than a week, otherwise health deterioration may occur against the background of a sharp weight loss. Fasting rations for three or five days refer to simple diets for weight loss, thanks to which it is possible to lose from two to six kilograms.

Ways to lose weight quickly

Not all ways fast weight loss considered safe, however, many women use them every year to get rid of fat folds on the body. The Rapid Weight Loss Diet is an emergency measure for rapidly losing calories. For three weeks of use protein menu Ducan, you can lose five or ten kilograms by eating specially selected foods. The list includes: boiled meat, vegetable oils, seafood and vegetables. The main disadvantage is the strong intoxication of the body against the background of a sharp loss of fat.


There are times in life when you need to lose a little weight in a couple of days. In this case, there is no need to resort to emergency diets, however, a clear goal should be set: to burn at least five hundred calories per day. The Express Diet is designed for people with a minimum amount of free time, for whom it is not possible to completely change their lifestyle. The main idea behind a weight loss diet is to switch from high-calorie foods to healthier foods. For example, dress the salad not with mayonnaise, but with sour cream with garlic, dill or other herbs.


Pharmaceuticals are also involved in weight loss, but for this they should be used as part of the diet. Express weight loss pills have useful properties, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of overweight... The most popular weight loss drugs target the centers in the brain responsible for satiety when eating food. Popular tablet forms of drugs for weight loss: Xenical, Reduxin, Goldline, Glucophage, Mazindol, Acomplia, etc.

Taking dietary supplements

In some cases, for health purposes, doctors prescribe vitamins and minerals that the human body lacks. However, nutrients alone cannot rid a person of excess calories. Fast weight loss supplements are a myth in the therapeutic industry and are best used as a supplement to your main diet. Vitamins and minerals are practically useless during weight loss, however, they help to saturate the body with all the necessary components for normal functioning.

All dietary supplements are conventionally divided into three categories:

  • regulators - contain substances that help reduce appetite.
  • burners are complex products containing plant and mineral components.
  • modifiers are food additives that replace or supplement the main meals.

The most popular are Turboslim, Tyanshi, Fitomucil, Karniton, Chitosan Evalar, Slimaluma. Before taking dietary supplements, you should carefully study the instructions, the list side effects and contraindications. It is preferable if such drugs are prescribed after consultation with a dietitian.

Fast weight loss rules

To speed up the process of losing weight, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for regulating metabolism.

  • Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.
  • Breakfast. The first meal starts the body's metabolic processes. For breakfast cereals, freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, scrambled eggs, toast with cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt are suitable.
  • Snacks. Eat small meals every two or three hours to prevent hunger. Thanks to this manipulation, the body will cease to accumulate fat "in reserve". Fresh vegetables and fruits should be used as snacks.
  • Include fermented milk products in the diet - milk, cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt saturate the body with protein, make up for the lack of calcium.

Fast and effective weight loss diets

A very popular remedy excess weight is a diet entirely based on kefir. Such fast diet for weight loss does not require any special efforts on the part of the person, it is light and effective. Losing weight should drink one and a half liters of kefir per day, and only plain water is allowed from drinks. A slimming diet helps to remove toxins from the body and cleanse it of other harmful substances that inhibit the digestive tract. There are several variations of such a menu, sometimes in addition to kefir, one who is losing weight can eat buckwheat porridge.

Express for 3 days

The juice diet is a common method of losing weight and allows you not only to replenish the body's reserves of vitamins, but also to reduce weight. 3 Days Express Weight Loss allows you to use any fruits or vegetables for making drinks, such as apples, pears, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. In addition to juices, those who are losing weight are allowed to drink other liquids, such as light herbal tea or non-carbonated mineral water. You will have to forget about coffee for these three days.

Mono diet for 3 days minus 5 kg

In the struggle for a slim figure, all means are good, and to obtain a quick result, a diet for three days minus 5 kg is best suited. The diet is based on a rigid refusal to eat for a specified period of time, so everything except water is excluded from the menu. Drink at least one liter of liquid per day. Adhering to the dietary regimen, in order to avoid stagnation in the intestines, it is recommended to do cleansing enemas. It is necessary to get out of fasting gradually, gradually adding dishes of varying complexity to the menu. It is best to start with light soups or broths.

5 kg in 5 days

The separate power supply scheme is one of the most effective ways weight loss. Diet 5 days minus 5 kg is a series of monotonous diets, strictly scheduled for each meal.

  1. On the first day, lean meats such as rabbit, beef, turkey or chicken breast are preferred.
  2. After the body receives the necessary portion of protein, losing weight goes on to the vegetable stage - cucumbers, broccoli, radishes, etc. are used. They can be steamed, eaten boiled, or fresh.
  3. On the third day, you need to replenish glucose reserves, so honey and healthy fruits for weight loss such as avocados, blue grapes or tangerines are used. Cereals are an undeniable source of natural vegetable fats that will help saturate the body with beneficial acids on the fourth day. As an additive, it is allowed to cook some rice for a side dish.
  4. The final stage implies exclusively the water-kefir menu, because on the fifth day the body is maximally unloaded.


A low-carbohydrate protein diet is capable of starting metabolic processes in the body, so an egg diet for a week is one of the fastest-acting ways to reduce body weight. The main catalyst for this mechanism is a substance called "biotin", which is rich in egg yolks. The component promotes the absorption of proteins and stimulates consumption subcutaneous fat, which helps to achieve incredible results in the process of losing weight.

In addition to eggs, it is recommended to intensively consume fruits rich in vitamin C. Citric acid contained in citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits or lemons) actively affects the energy processes in the body. The combination of these two products in the menu will allow you to lose up to ten kilograms, the effectiveness of the method depends on compliance with the established rules and the initial weight of the person.

For fast weight loss by 15 kg

Getting rid of fifteen kilograms in a few weeks is a very risky event, because such a diet poses a significant risk to health. However, express weight loss in a month includes the most effective methods for adjusting weight without any harm to the body. The main idea of ​​the diet is to avoid fatty foods, sugar, salt and complex carbohydrates. At one time, no more than three hundred grams of products are allowed. Every two days it is necessary to mandatory arrange fasting days on buckwheat or kefir.

One day

To cleanse the intestines and improve digestion, it is recommended to arrange one-day unloading at least once a week. This weight loss option is designed for people who move little or spend most of their time at the desk. An effective fast diet involves consuming dairy products alongside other ingredients, such as vegetables, fruits, or bread. It is allowed to lightly boil or bake food before eating, however, it is advisable to take fresh food during the diet for early weight loss.

Turboslim express weight loss

The drugs of the new sample are created for easy and quick weight loss. The diet includes active components that affect the work of the whole body and its individual systems responsible for weight loss. Turboslim express weight loss in 3 days is a complex of natural ingredients, a complex combination of which enhances therapeutic effect from diet. The tablets are divided into three separate capsules to be taken at a designated time of day: the first after breakfast, the second after lunch, and the third after dinner.

Weight Loss Exercises

The type of training is selected individually, depending on the goals. If the amount of excess weight is small, you can use such express exercises for weight loss, such as running, gymnastics or aerobics. Cardio workouts are best suited by speeding up the burning of excess calories. Regular homework can be as intense as in gym, if you choose the right course of exercises. Exercise should be done two hours after a meal or a couple of hours before bedtime.

If you've tried all kinds sports training and individual sets of exercises in the hope of losing weight, but for some reason have not yet reached the desired goal, perhaps your body needs more intense loads. Tabata is considered one of the most effective modern sports training complexes. And now you will learn more about this type of activity.

What is Tabata

The famous interval physical training increased intensity Tabata for many peopleis the shortest path to perfect body... The "trick" of this set of exercises is the short duration of the sessions - only 20 minutes to train all muscle groups! The second important feature of Tabata is the increased training intensity.

History of the origin of training

The Tabata system was originally developed for Japanese skaters. Main coach Irisawa Koichi to improve the performance of his athletes developed a short but very intense workout, which consisted of 8 episodes separated by 10 seconds of rest. One of the trainers of the Izumi Tabata team analyzed the effectiveness of the training, and the results showed that in just 6 weeks of the experiment, the subjects' aerobic power increased by 28%. Later it turned out that this training method can be used not only for skaters and others. professional athletes, but also to ordinary average people.


The way is that in four minutes of intense exercise at a fast pace, you lose weight more actively than in a whole hour of exhausting workout. With training in the Tabata style, you need to be especially careful for those people who train little and irregularly, since even for trained people Tabata is a rather hard workout with a lot of load. Experts recommend that you engage in such short-term intense exercise no more than two to three times a week, with intervals between workouts 48 to 72 hours.

Interesting Tabata Workout Facts:

  1. After training, your body continues to actively burn fat for some time during the day. This is a great bonus, don't you agree?
  2. While doing exercises at a fast pace, train as hard as possible (20 seconds), after which you can rest easy for 10 seconds.
  3. 5 cycles of Tabata (4 minutes each) 3 times a week will help to quickly tighten the body and remove a couple of centimeters from problem areas.
  4. Classes on the Tabata system help, both for training individual muscle groups and for the whole body - it depends on the complex that you choose.

Do you want to lose weight, but you have no more than 5 minutes a day for fitness? We offer to alternate exercises for leg muscles with exercises for arm muscles within one workout.

For such workouts, you need the most energy-intensive exercises that load large muscle groups. In the gym, these exercises include the bench press, squat, and deadlift. At home, we can replace them. Instead of a bench press, we do regular push-ups. We perform squats without a barbell. Deadlift replace with forward bends while standing on one leg.

In complex express fitness weight loss focused exercise should be one maximally energy-intensive exercise. We load in full, either top or bottom. Both static and static dynamics can be used. For example, you can do squats with a wide stance of the legs and on the seemingly final (abandoned) repetition we “finish off” the legs using statics, namely, a pause down to total refusal, or statodynamics (the same pause, but with the addition of a spring).

An important point: it is necessary to follow the technique of performing the exercises, because the quality is above all! Similarly, you can work with push-ups and even with bends, but remember that in the slope the buttocks should act as agonists (the target muscle group), and then everything else, take care of your lower back during the bends by turning on the abdominal muscles! An excellent option will use additional equipment, such as TRX, RIP, kettlebells and even chains, which were recently presented and brought to one of the clubs of the X-fit chain!

Ivan Andreevich Shadrin, master trainer of group programs X-Fit Club Gratifying

Exercise examples

5 Minute Lower Body Workout

Starting position: standing, feet hip-width apart. We do squats so that the feet are parallel to each other. We warm up, doing 16-20 squats to parallel with the floor, then at the 16th or 20th we stop at the bottom and make a spring, counting slowly to ourselves to 20. And so 3 sets. If this is not enough for you, during the spring, you can alternately put your legs back, while maintaining the position of the thigh of the forward leg parallel to the floor. And for whom this is not enough, you can add core muscles, complicating the last option by turning the body towards the forward leg, however, it is important to remember that the pelvis must be kept motionless during the turns.

5 Minute Upper Body Workout

Starting position: standing, feet hip-width apart. We do the slopes. It is important to remember that when performing the exercise, the knees should be slightly bent, and we do the movement itself in hip joint while maintaining an elongated spine. To warm up, 8-12 bends are enough, then in a standing position we raise our hands up, lower our shoulders as much as possible, try to bring the shoulder blades as close as possible to the pelvis. In this position, you will want to bend in the lower back, this is absolutely impossible to do, the deflection should be minimal (natural), for this we correct the position of the lower back with the help of the abdominal muscles and buttocks.

Next, we make bends, arms are raised (due to the tense muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, the load on lumbar should be minimal). Ideally, all muscles along the spine work, excluding the top of the trapezium, which we turned off due to the drooping shoulders. We do 8 such inclinations, on the last we remain in a slope, then we will bend our arms at the elbows through the sides, trying to bring the shoulder blades as close as possible to the center. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the work of the area of ​​the center of the shoulder blades and the bottom, we focus our attention on them, do not forget about the tone in the area of ​​the abdomen and buttocks (we take care of the lower back).

We did 8 reps and, while staying bent over and keeping our arms straight at the ears, added balance, lifted one leg. On the side there should be a figure similar to the letter T, where the arms and leg formed the head of the letter (stretched out in one line), and the supporting leg - the base. We hold this position for 15-20 seconds and change the leg. This complex will well include the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh, however, agonists in this complex there will still be an upper body.

FULL BODY 5-minute workout

Starting position: legs are wider than shoulders, toes are directed diagonally at 30 degrees, we will perform sumo squats. Bending of the body during squats will be minimal, pay attention to the position of the feet and knees at the bottom of the squat, the knees should be aligned with the toes (30 degrees). So, during this type of squat, we try to open the hips to the sides as much as possible, keeping the toes in place (but not more than 30 degrees), it is obvious that this type of squat is aimed at working out the inner thigh.

And so we did 12-16 repetitions and stayed below, then we make a tilt with a straight back and lower our palms to the floor, then either jump or step into the plank position - and then there is room for your imagination! You can work with the muscles of the core, do different options planks, you can do all kinds of push-ups (with an emphasis on pectoral muscles, or triceps), you can lie on your stomach and raise your arms up, working on the back muscles, there are many options, it all depends on your goals. Whatever you choose, do 12-16 reps, and then we combine your exercise with squats.

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