Why is correct posture so important? How to keep your back always straight: tips Correct posture is not.

8 reasons to have a correct and healthy posture

Your parents were right: posture is very important! “Sit up straight, don't slouch!”. We've all heard these correct posture warning words more than once from our mom. And most of us were reluctant to comply with her remarks, having no idea about anatomy. She probably didn't know all the consequences of bad posture herself. Think about it. The first thing you notice when you see a new person is not his eyes, hair, or even clothes. The main thing is posture. And she talks about who he is. Someone with a straight back appears proud and self-confident. And who is hunched over, it seems that he is ashamed of himself.

Yet other people's views are not the best reason to improve your posture. The main thing is health. Poor posture can lead to health problems if not corrected in time.

Why is posture so important? Whether we are standing, sitting or lying down, posture affects our joints, ligaments and muscles. Correct posture distributes forces throughout the body. Thus, no part of the body is overstressed.

So here are 8 reasons to have a correct and healthy posture:

1. Than prettier back the more confident the person

Good posture will increase your self-confidence. Try this: take a deep breath and stand straight. You are feeling better? More confident?

Take a look at people, for example, in a cafe. Notice how many people hunch over food. Compare them to those who sit up straight, raising their fork or spoon to their mouth instead of leaning over their plate. Doesn't it look more elegant? Who do you think is more confident?

2. Breathing becomes easier and deeper

Try this: sit down and hunch over. Try to take a breath. Note that it is harder to breathe this way. This is an example of how our muscles and tendons become stiff and cause difficulty in breathing.

People are often asked to sit up straight, but they rarely respond to the remark. Because by the time they need to be reminded to back, their body has already adjusted to a more comfortable slouching position. When they try to sit up “upright”, they actually compress already contracted muscles and tendons, and this causes breathing restrictions. Even an attempt to straighten your back will lead to a violation of inhalation.

We intuitively don't like it. Soon we return to the previous position, when it was easier to breathe. That is why most people who are advised to sit upright can only straighten up for a few minutes. Their breath is still held back. It is not deep enough, light and balanced. It becomes easier for them to sit hunched over, and they become more accustomed to a crooked posture.

3. Improves breathing and digestion

Good posture increases lung capacity by helping the circulation of oxygen and food in the body. Health improves, organs function better.

4. You look leaner and younger.

Having good posture will make you appear 3-5 pounds (2-2.5 kg) leaner, younger and your clothes will fit better.

When you hold your posture, the diaphragm opens. As a result, your voice sounds better.

6. Helps muscles and joints

Good posture helps us keep the skeleton and joints in the correct position so that our muscles work properly, reducing the possibility of such consequences that could lead to arthritis and joint pain. It also relieves stress on the ligaments that hold the spinal joints together, reducing the chance of injury.

A good posture allows the muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and thus preventing fatigue. It also reduces the likelihood of sprains and even back and muscle pain.

7. Improves thinking

Posture also affects your mind. And mood can affect posture. When you are happy and feel good, posture is straight. But dull people with chronic pain often sit or stand hunched over.

The next time you feel down or anxious, try to straighten up and take a deep breath. Good posture makes breathing easier, helping you relax and concentrate. Many Eastern methods, such as yoga, improve posture.

8. Healthy spine

Correct posture is a simple but very important way to maintain healthy spine. healthy back especially important for people who stand a lot during the day or sit in the office.

By not maintaining proper posture, you can overstress your muscles and spine. Over time, stress from poor posture can change anatomical features spine. This leads to constriction of blood vessels and nerves.

To have the right posture, you must get into the habit of holding your shoulders correctly, pulling your stomach in, and lifting your head and chin parallel to your body. This will not be easy if you are not accustomed to it, because you will have to develop the muscles that keep your body in the correct position. It takes patience and practice. The fact that you decide to work on your posture does not mean an immediate result. Confidence needed! You will see and feel the difference!

What are you waiting for? Surely, you are now sitting at the monitor screen in an armchair. Start correcting your posture right now!

What is good posture?

Posture is the position in which a person, standing, sitting or lying down, holds his body, overcoming the force of gravity. Good posture is achieved by learning to stand, walk, sit and lie in such a way that the supporting muscles and ligaments have a minimum load.

Correct posture:

1. Keeps bones and joints in the correct position, optimizing muscle performance.
2. Allows to reduce excessive wear of articular surfaces.
3. Reduces the load on the ligaments that support the joints of the spine.
4. Prevents the spine from being fixed in an abnormal position.
5. Prevents the development of fatigue, as the muscles work more efficiently, allowing the body to expend less energy.
6. It is the prevention of back pain and muscle pain.
7. Helps improve appearance.

What you need for correct posture:

1. Good muscle plasticity
2. Normal joint mobility
3. Strong posture muscles
4. Balance the muscles on both sides of the spine
5. Awareness of one's own posture and awareness of the correct posture, which allows you to consciously correct the position of the body.

Through continuous work, correct standing, sitting and lying posture (as described below) will gradually replace the old posture.

How to stand?

1. Keep your head straight, chin forward. Do not tilt your head forward, backward or sideways.
2. The earlobes should be in line with the middle of the shoulders.
3. The crown, as it were, tends to the ceiling.
4. Shoulders should be straight, knees and back straight.
5. Draw in the stomach, do not protrude the pelvis.
6. The arch of the foot must be stable.

Based on the article: 8 Reasons To Have A Good Posture
Translation: Goncharova Svetlana, Permyakov Alexander

Even if a person looks attractive: well-dressed, well-groomed, outwardly healthy; stoop and bad posture can spoil the whole image. Not only does the violation of posture look ugly, it also has a bad effect on health. Violations of the correct position of the back can cause: headaches, pain in cervical region, discomfort of the entire spine, troubles with the heart. There is also pressure on the digestive tract, which leads to its infringement. So let's see what is beautiful posture and how to help cope with stoop.

Why does posture deteriorate?

To find out if your posture is correct, we will conduct a test: you need to stand with your back to the wall. Press your heels, head, ass against it; bring the shoulder blades together. If you can stick your palm into the gap between the lower back and the wall - you have a good posture, if not, you need to work on it.

Also, in front of the mirror, you yourself can visually determine if one shoulder is higher than the other, then these are obvious violations of the posture.

On the correct position back usually affects:

  • Heredity. If you have problems with an unhealthy back in your family, then they can affect you too;
  • Work in the same position (this applies to those who sit at the computer or at the table all the time, etc.);
  • Constant wearing of heels (the back gets tired of being tense all the time);
  • redundant physical exercise, lead to back pain, respectively, to incorrect posture.

Ways to correct posture

It is possible to have a beautiful posture, it just needs to be done regularly. You can also try:

  • Wear a corrective corset. On the one hand, it's convenient. On the other hand, it is still not very effective. Some doctors claim that the corset, on the contrary, relaxes the back muscles, since the entire load goes to the corset, and the muscles do not work at this time. Others, I believe that this is a necessary attribute of back correction. You need to start wearing it from 2-3 hours a day, gradually increasing the time to 8-9 hours. In any case, it is better to consult with several specialists, they will help with the selection of a corset and recommendations on when and how to do it correctly.
  • Exercises with a book .. Stand with your back against the wall, press all the entering points of the body, put a book on your head. Start walking, try to keep yourself as straight as possible so that the book does not fall off your head. 30 minutes every day will be enough to straighten your back.
  • Yoga is good for a strong back. You do not need to immediately take on complex asanas. But everyone can find courses for beginners on the Internet.
  • Try exercises with dumbbells for a beautiful posture (0.5 kg will be enough for a start). Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells lowered. Do dumbbell raises with straight arms forward, 10-15 times. Same to the sides, try to keep stable position, do not deviate.
  • The plank exercise will also help you strengthen your back. You need to perform it while standing on your elbows and resting your toes. 3 sets of 60 seconds will be enough.
  • If you notice that you have an asymmetric position shoulder girdle, which means that some muscles of the back are in a clamped position. In this case, it may help: massotherapy(only by a specialist), self-massage with a long-handled brush, stretching exercises, warming up injured places.

In any case, a beautiful posture depends only on you. With minimal effort with a regular hike, you can see a tangible result in 3-4 weeks.

Try to keep your head straight while walking, straighten your shoulders and pull in your stomach. As soon as you remember, immediately take the correct position of the back, so you will gradually develop the habit of not slouching.

Choose a chair for working at a computer in such a way that your back is comfortable. The chair, ideally, should be ergonomic.

We sit for several hours in a row at the computer at work or stand for a long time in awkward posture, what negatively affects the condition of our spine. Correct posture is important for the health of the whole body. It protects us from back pain and muscle pain which (which has become commonplace in today's society). This is stated in a study by the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences (Cuba) .

In this article, we will tell you how to learn how to save correct posture through various workouts.

What affects our posture?

If you look at things objectively, then for all. Poor posture has severe and often irreversible consequences.

The two most common diseases associated with poor posture are herniated discs (as confirmed by this study conducted at the MAZ Hospital in Zaragoza, Spain) and chronic fatigue. But in fact, there are much more diseases associated with the fact that we walk, sit and sleep incorrectly.

Women often have problems with hip joints, because they do not distribute weight evenly on both legs, but transfer to one. High heels and heavy bags on one shoulder only exacerbate this problem.

Poor posture is a very common problem among modern people due to the nature of their work, excess weight, sedentary lifestyle and use of electronic devices (mobile phone, tablets and laptops).

Note: we keep our heads down to send a message or check mail and social networks. Our spine curves, and the body leans forward. That is why most people have so much pain in the evening.

What should be the correct posture?

Some people pay attention to how they hold their back and shoulders only when they are doing exercises. Highly it is important to learn to pay attention to posture anytime and anywhere: when you stand in line at the supermarket, when you sit on the subway and when you watch TV at home.

Here's when it's especially important to pay attention to your posture:

When we sit

The correct posture in a sitting position is as follows: the feet should fit snugly on the floor. The back should be straight, and the shoulders should be straightened and lowered. If you are used to cross-legging, then you should know that this way you interfere with blood circulation and can then suffer from inflammation or fatigue in the legs.

When we stand

The knees should be slightly bent, the chest pushed forward so that the abdominal muscles expand and allow us to breathe properly. Distribute body weight evenly (support on both feet).

When we walk

According to this study by the University of Costa Rica, walking is a recommended activity, but we must do it while maintaining good posture.

Keep your neck and head straight, do not look at the floor, because this causes pain in the cervical spine. First put your foot on the heel, and then on the toe.

When we sleep

The best is on the side with bent legs. In this position, the spine relaxes. It is very important to sleep on a quality mattress and pillow. And of course, they need to be changed from time to time.

When we drive

Maintaining the correct posture in the car is very important not only for the health of the spine, but also for the safety of the driver and passengers. Proper posture greatly reduces the chance of injury. To do this, lean back against the back of the seat, and with your neck and back of your head against the headrest.

Adjust the seat so that you can comfortably press the pedals without having to lean forward.

How can you improve your posture?

There are a variety of ways that help keep your back straight at any time of the day. At first, it will be difficult for you to remember that "you need to sit correctly" because the muscles and spine are not used to the correct posture.

Either way, the benefits far outweigh the minor inconveniences. Here are some effective ways:

Imagine that a rope has been passed through you

It is usually taught in yoga or Pilates classes. Imagine that a rope is going through your head to the ceiling, which, as it were, pulls you up. Represented?

Attach tape to back

Ask someone to help you. Fasten the band starting at the right shoulder and move it to the left thigh.

After that, wrap the tape around your waist twice, pass it to your right hip and, finally, fasten it to your left shoulder. This will also help you maintain your posture.

When you fasten the tape, the shoulders need to be parted.

Carry a book on your head

it ancient technique, earlier girls were taught to walk correctly in this way. Keep your neck and head straight and do not look down. Also, keep your shoulders straight and relaxed.

Pay attention to the position of the calves

Correct posture depends on more than just position. The weight of the body is taken by the legs, and more specifically, the calves.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs and bend towards them until your hands touch the tips of your toes. This is a great stretch for your back, shoulders, and neck muscles and helps strengthen your abs and calves.

Take breaks

If you spend all day sitting, take the time to stretch a little. Walk at least around the table, move your arms, raise your shoulders and move your hips. When you are sitting, lift your legs up, straighten your back and relax your shoulders.

To check if you manage to keep the correct one, just look at yourself in the mirror. Stand up straight and analyze your feelings. At first it will not be easy, but the muscles have their own “memory”. Over time, they will remember their correct position.

What does correct posture give? First - slim, fit and beautiful appearance. Secondly, the most important thing is health! Correct posture will help you get rid of problems with the spine, neck, normalize digestion, increase tone, and, as a result of all this, improves mood.

Learning to keep a taut appearance is not at all difficult, you will need a minimum of effort when doing it. simple exercises for the formation of correct posture and compliance with certain rules.

First check your posture
Strip down to your underwear and stand in front of a large mirror. Stand as you normally do. Now carefully look at your reflection: your shoulders and hips should be symmetrical, without distortion. Now turn sideways and look at the reflection again (a trellis mirror works best for this): with proper posture, you can draw a straight line from your earlobe over your shoulder, thigh, knee, to the middle of your ankle.

For the next method, lean back against the wall. With proper posture, you will touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, and heels.

Some posture correction exercises
Exercise "Book"
You will need a book in a hard rough cover. Stand in front of the mirror and take the correct posture, put the book on your head and try to stand like that for several minutes, making sure that the book does not fall. When you can do this exercise with ease, complicate it - try walking, maintaining your posture and balance so that the book remains on your head.

Exercise "Penguin"
Spread your arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows and touch your shoulders with your fingers. In this position, press your hands to the body and spread apart at the expense of one or two. Follow. So that the hands do not fall forward, but remain divorced to the sides. This exercise can be performed at any free moment at home or as gymnastics at work. Try to do the exercise for at least a minute.

Exercise "Cat"
Get on all fours. Arch your back like a cat while tucking your chin into your chest. Then arch your back and at the same time lift your head up. Perform movements smoothly, without jerking, try to feel how the back muscles stretch.

Exercise "Cobra"
Lie on the floor (preferably on an exercise mat) face down. Raise slowly on your hands upper part body, legs remain pressed to the floor. Bend in the back, raise your head (imagine that a rope comes out of the top of the head, which is slowly pulled up). Smoothly return to starting position. Perform at least three times.

Hanging on the crossbar
If there is a horizontal bar at home, be sure to hang on it at least once a day for 1-2 minutes. Perfectly unloads the back, helps to straighten the posture.

In addition to doing exercises, you can and should train your posture throughout the day, doing everyday things. It is important to ensure that you sit, stand and walk correctly. Over time, the need for constant self-control will disappear, as your body will quickly get used to the correct posture and you will simply feel uncomfortable in the wrong position.

How to stand

  • Feet should be about shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees
  • Try to shift your body weight onto the balls of your feet.
  • Hands should hang freely in a natural position
  • Shoulders back, keep your back straight
  • Pull in your belly
  • Do not twist your neck with unnecessary forward or side bends.
  • When standing for a long time, it is necessary to move the main body weight from foot to foot and periodically bend slightly, preferably with arms stretched up

How to sit correctly

  • Don't cross your legs
  • Feet should be firmly on the floor, never hanging - if necessary, use some kind of footrest
  • The knees should be at the same level with the hips or slightly lower.
  • There should be a small gap between the inside bend of the knees and the seat.
  • The back should be straight and firmly pressed against the back of the seat.
  • Shoulders relaxed
  • It will be useful to have a small roller between the back of the seat and the lower back.
  • Avoid prolonged continuous sitting, every 15 minutes slightly change the position of the legs and back, and it is best to walk a little (maintaining the correct posture)

Although it can be difficult to improve your posture, good posture helps you look and feel good. physical form. If you noticeably slouch, take steps to improve your posture at any time, from walking to sleeping at night. This will require some effort and time. Remember to maintain good posture and engage in exercises that will help you strengthen those muscles.


How to improve your posture when you stand or walk

    Stand up straight to receive correct posture. Keep your chin parallel to the floor, straighten your shoulders and pull your stomach in. Loosely lower your arms to the sides of your body.

  1. Use the wall to develop correct posture. Stand up and lean your back against a door or wall. Just touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulders and buttocks. At the same time, your heels should be 5-10 centimeters from the wall. Put your hands behind your back and determine the distance to the wall.

    • Your palms should be difficult to pass between the wall and the lower back. If there is a greater distance between the back and the wall and the palms are free, pull the stomach towards the back to slightly straighten the spine.
    • If you can't get your palms in, arch your back a little to let them through.
    • Try to hold this position as you move away from the wall. If necessary, once again stand against the wall and check your posture.
  2. Have someone put an X-shaped tape on your back. To help maintain correct posture, attach two strips of duct tape to your back from your shoulders to your pelvis in an "X" shape. Also, stick another strip horizontally between the shoulders. Wear duct tape throughout the day to help keep your back straight.

    • Before attaching the adhesive tape, take the correct posture and straighten your shoulders.
    • Use tape made specifically for skin, such as medical adhesive tape.
    • Instead of adhesive tape, you can use a posture corrector.
  3. Keep the main body weight on the balls of your feet. If you lean on your heels, then involuntarily stoop. To stay straight, shift your body weight slightly forward.

    • Then lean back a little and put your weight on your heels. Pay attention to how you slouch while doing this.
  4. Walk as if you are holding a book on your head. Imagine that a book is resting on your head: this will help you lift your head and straighten your back. If you find it difficult to imagine, take a real book and hold it on your head for a few minutes.

    • Continue to maintain correct posture as you move. When walking, just keep the posture that you adopted when you stood still. Keep your head straight, straighten your shoulders, straighten your chest and look straight ahead.
    • Don't tilt your head forward.
  5. Choose comfortable orthopedic shoes. To stay upright, wear shoes with extra support. Also, make sure your shoes have arch supports. Correct posture starts with your feet.

    • Do not wear shoes with high heels because it can ruin your posture.
    • If you have to stand for a long time, put something on the floor to make you more comfortable.
  6. Strengthen the relevant muscles with strength exercises. Correct posture is helped by the muscles of the upper back and shoulders. Try the following strength exercises(with or without dumbbells):

    • Stand up straight. Stretch both arms above you, palms up. Bend your arms and bring your palms to your shoulders. Try to reach your shoulder blades with your fingertips.
    • Perform the exercise 10 times for both hands, then 10 more times for each hand separately.
  7. To do the shoulder stretch, pretend you are a penguin. While you are waiting for the right web page to load or toast toast, spread your elbows to the sides and place your palms on your shoulders - these will be the “penguin wings”. Raise your elbows up for a count of one or two, then lower them again for a count of one or two. In this case, you should keep your head straight, and your palms should remain on your shoulders.

    • Do as many exercises as you can while you wait. You'd be surprised how many stretches you can do in just 30 seconds.
  8. Do stretching exercises for your aching neck and back. Tilt your head in all 4 directions (forward, backward, right and left) and lightly massage your neck. Do not do it circular motions, as it can increase muscle strain.

    • To perform another exercise, rest your hands and knees on the floor. Like a cat, arch your back up, then arch in the other direction and lower your belly toward the floor.
    • Repeat the exercises several times a day. With their help, you can stretch your muscles in the morning and move away from sleep. In addition, these exercises will help you cheer up and recharge your batteries throughout the day.