Training for a disabled person without an arm. Physical Education

Unfortunately, it is too rare to find breathing exercises in medical recommendations for the disabled. It is very sad, because the individual rehabilitation of disabled people is a complex and important process that affects the physical and mental state of the injured person. But amazing gymnastics has a place to be and has been successfully used for a very long time. Breathing exercises for disabled people is a unique and unprecedented system or even a set of special lessons. And these exercises miraculously help with various pathologies: problems with the musculoskeletal system and cerebral palsy, disruptions in respiratory system, diabetes problems. When a person's natural dynamics are limited by disability, respiratory interruptions (impaired breathing) occur.

Breathing is the basis and foundation of human life. If it is possible to hold out even a little without food and liquid, without air it is impossible at all. When breathing, the cells are completely saturated with oxygen, and carbon dioxide goes out, this is how life continues. Oxygen has a positive effect on the decomposition of organic matter - it is important for the release of unique energy, which is necessary for all living things.

Respiration is divided into superficial and deep, frequent and rare, upper, medium.

Breathing exercises have an important and unique goal of healing the entire body, down to the cellular level. The health of the disabled depends directly on the excellent breathing technique known since ancient times.

Now it is worth taking a walk and making a small excursion on breathing exercises for the disabled, especially after a spinal injury, and touching on all the problems in general. Awesome gymnastics for trauma victims is vital cervical spine, because at the same time a dangerous failure occurs in the respiratory system, the respiration process is simply changed. With injuries in spinal column everyone's work is disrupted internal organs, muscles and all tissues suffer, hypoventilation processes are evident. Dangerous congestion in the lungs leads to irreversible results, even death.

The immobile or sedentary state of a disabled person is an enemy that kills insidiously and slowly. It is clear that when lying, and constant, in the pulmonary system, blood moves along the upper zones, and then goes to the dorsal regions, such a violation of blood dynamics creates its stagnation in the dorsal parts of the lungs, the result is irreversible pathological failures. An immobile person spends scanty energy, the use of oxygen decreases, the lungs become smaller in volume, the natural ventilation process slows down, respectively, the power of the pulmonary system weakens. The diaphragmatic, abdominal, and intercostal muscles sag and atrophy. The phlegm does not go away when coughing, respectively, this leads to an unfortunate result.

Sometimes the patient does not even feel oxygen deprivation, but at the slightest exertion, a failure occurs in breathing, a signal cough begins. The fact is obvious - stagnation has begun, clear signs speak eloquently about this.

We draw conclusions - breathing exercises necessary. After all, if you do not do it, then it will lead to contraction in the joints, stagnation of urine will occur, and the end will be pyelonephritis.

After surgical intervention Without delay, doctors advise not to start the process, and to carry out an important procedure: take a simple 2 liter bottle and fill it up to half with water, with more liquid it will be more difficult, a thin tube adapts, better from the drip system, a deep breath is taken and exhalation is done through into the water. In this way, the respiratory muscles are trained and the lung volume increases, and the resistance on exhalation increases the pressure in the pulmonary system and, accordingly, the oxygen saturation of the arterial bed improves. This exercise done several times during the day.

Then, after strengthening the muscles, you should start inflating the balls. It is challenging, but the excellent quality of this exercise is well worth the effort and work.

Next stage or curative sports complex- this is physical exercise of a certain complexity and narrow direction, to each his own.

· Alternate raising of hands in front of you, on raising - we inhale, when lowering - we exhale.

· Simultaneous raising of hands to the sides, on raising - we inhale, and when lowering - we exhale. exhale.

We sit, putting our hands on the belt, take our elbows back - inhale, when returning to the starting position - exhale.

Stretching the muscles and improving the dynamics of the chest:

Lying on your stomach, stretching your arms forward, someone holding rough movements and jerks by the elbows, smoothly performs springy movements, lifting the body up.

There are many types of gymnastics: yoga, wushu, various techniques famous people. But there are specific methods of gymnastics, the use of which is necessary under the supervision and with the submission of specialists.

Treatment of disabled people is a troublesome, lengthy and important process. But with the right approach and direction, the results will be stunning! The main thing is to have patience, willpower and a great desire to live and recover!

A wheelchair is not a sentence! Today there are sport sections and various communities and clubs of interest. Disabled people - wheelchair users can different kinds sports and even dance!

If the group is not available, arrange for exercise at home. The caregiver's job is to support the caregiver in their pursuit of active image life.

How to organize physical education for people with disabilities at home

There is various exercises for disabled people - wheelchair users, which can be done in a sitting and lying position. The set of physical exercises depends on the illness of your ward and his condition.

If you have the opportunity to purchase and install in the apartment special simulator, then this is the optimal solution. However, any objects can be used for physical education. This is a chair, armchair, table, headboard, etc. And it would be nice to get a ball, dumbbells, expander. In a word, home gym for a wheelchair user can be created at no extra cost.

Where to start physical education

If a person is in wheelchair from a back injury or lower limbs, then often the patient's hands remain healthy. A set of exercises for such disabled people should take this circumstance into account. But when choosing exercises, remember that you must try to load all the muscles of the body.

We offer a set of exercises for wheelchair users, which does not require special equipment and exercise equipment. It is designed for those who are just starting to practice.

  1. It is recommended to start classes with tilting the head to the right and left and stretching. The body has to strain. The blood begins to move more actively.
  2. Next, stretch your arms out in front of you and rotate clockwise with your hands. Then do the same with straight arms clenched into fists. Increase the range of motion so that the shoulders are included in the work.
  3. If it allows the physical state, try doing the same with your feet.
  4. Next exercise- arm movements in all possible directions available: forward, backward, sideways.
  5. Next, try torso bends. Lean as far as possible to the left and right.
  6. Then do circular motions shoulders clockwise and against it.
  7. After warming up, you can start circular movements with outstretched arms with maximum amplitude. Move forward first, then backward.
  8. Next, start leaning forward. Stretch forward and try to bend as low as possible and reach your toes.
  9. Attention! Secure the stroller before starting this exercise!
  10. The next exercise is body turns. It is necessary to turn with the whole body to the right, then to the left. Try to increase the amplitude of the turn with each movement.
  11. The last exercise is the hardest. This is a torso lift with an emphasis on the arms. Try to lean on the wheels of the stroller and lift yourself up in it. If at first it will be difficult for you to cope, then help yourself, resting on your feet.

The number of repetitions of each exercise and the duration of the complex depend on the age and condition of the person. You can start at a minimum. Do the exercises 1-2-3 times, in a word, as much as you can do. Gradually you will "get in shape" and increase the duration of the sessions.

It is advisable to perform the complex daily. Over time, classes can be diversified with other feasible exercises. Physical exercises for a wheelchair user, this is primarily good mood and well-being. Sports activities invigorate and bring a lot of pleasant emotions to life!

Exercise 1 Straighten your torso, raise your chin, straighten your shoulders, stretch your arms along the body, relax, fingers "fanning out". We pull the shoulders up, take them back, trying to connect the shoulder blades to each other. We lower the shoulders, retracted in this position, down (figuratively we imagine that we have clamped a postage stamp between the shoulder blades, which must be held and lowered down). Then we lower our shoulders forward, down. And we repeat: as we inhale, we raise our shoulders up and again “squeeze the postage stamp,” and as we exhale, we lower it down. Again. Exercise 2 While inhaling, raise straight arms forward upward, above the head (press the biceps of the arms as close as possible to the ear). As you exhale through the sides, lower your arms along the body. We repeat this exercise at a calm pace. Pay attention that on exhalation the torso does not lean back, keep straight. Exercise # 3 Starting position: back straight, chin up, arms extended upward, fingers "fanned out". As we inhale, we stretch our left hand up as high as possible, right hand, bent at the elbow, goes down. On the left side of the body, a kind of costal arch is formed, convex outward. As you exhale, we pull up the right hand, and the left one goes down. And so, changing hands, we repeat 2-3 times. At the end, we raise both hands up and, as we exhale, gently lower them through the sides. Repeat exercise 1 once. Relax. Exercise 4 Starting position: hands on knees, back straight, chin raised. We carefully tilt our head to the left, making sure that the body does not move. Then we smoothly return to the starting position. We tilt our head to the right. Again, very carefully (!) We tilt our head to the left and from this position we turn our chin to the left shoulder. With the chin down, we make a semicircular movement to the right shoulder. And in the opposite direction. Another 1-2 times, as anyone wishes, but without straining. Exercise 5 Relax both arms, lower them along the body. Straighten your left hand and place your palm on your right thigh. The arm should be extended in elbow joint... Watch your posture. Raise the right hand forward and up to shoulder level, palm up. In this position, we gradually move our hand out and back, turning the body and head behind it. It should pull a little, but not hurt (this is very important!). The body should not deviate to the left. When we have reached the point when it is no longer possible to turn further, we turn our head to the left, leaving the hand behind and the body unfolded. Then we raise the right hand gradually upward, turning the body to its original position, lower the straight right hand to the left thigh (fingers extended, palm outward), while left hand falls along the body. Raise your left hand forward and up to shoulder level, palm up. We repeat everything that we did before, now in left side... Repeat a couple of times.

Greetings to all of you who wish to teach me.
But first of all, I want to introduce you to my assistants: they are Susanna from Hamburg and Bernd from Kiel. The complex consists of 19 exercises, divided into three parts: the first part is mobilization, the second is mobilization with strength exercises and the third part is sensitization and strength exercises. I hope that everyone will find the most useful exercises for themselves.

So the first part is mobilization.

Exercise 1
Straighten your torso, raise your chin, straighten your shoulders, stretch your arms along the body, relax, your fingers “fan out”. We pull the shoulders up, take them back, trying to connect the shoulder blades to each other. We lower the shoulders, retracted in this position, down (figuratively we imagine that we have clamped a postage stamp between the shoulder blades, which must be held and lowered down). Then we lower our shoulders forward, down. And we repeat: as we inhale, we raise our shoulders up and again “squeeze the postage stamp,” and as we exhale, we lower it down. Again.

Exercise 2
While inhaling, we raise our straight arms forward upward, above the head (press the biceps of the arms as close as possible to the ear). As you exhale through the sides, lower your arms along the body. We repeat this exercise at a calm pace. Pay attention that on exhalation the torso does not lean back, keep straight.

Exercise # 3
Starting position: the back is straight, the chin is raised, the arms are extended upward, the fingers are "fanned out". While inhaling, we stretch our left hand up as high as possible, the right hand, bent at the elbow, goes down. On the left side of the body, a kind of costal arch is formed, convex outward. As you exhale, we pull up the right hand, and the left one goes down. And so, changing hands, we repeat 2-3 times. At the end, we raise both hands up and, as we exhale, gently lower them through the sides. Repeat exercise 1 once. Relax.

Exercise 4
Starting position: hands on knees, back straight, chin up. We carefully tilt our head to the left, making sure that the body does not move. Then we smoothly return to the starting position. We tilt our head to the right. Again, very carefully (!) We tilt our head to the left and from this position we turn our chin to the left shoulder. With the chin down, we make a semicircular movement to the right shoulder. And in the opposite direction. Another 1-2 times, as anyone wishes, but without straining.

Exercise 5
Relax both arms, lower along the body. Straighten your left hand and place your palm on your right thigh. The arm should be extended at the elbow joint. Watch your posture. Raise the right hand forward and up to shoulder level, palm up. In this position, we gradually move our hand out and back, turning the body and head behind it. Should pull a little, but not hurt (this is very important!). The body should not deviate to the left. When we have reached the point when it is no longer possible to turn further, we turn our head to the left, leaving the hand behind and the body unfolded. Then we raise the right hand gradually upward, turning the body to its original position, lower the straight right hand to the left thigh (fingers extended, palm outward), while the left hand goes down along the body.
Raise your left hand forward and up to shoulder level, palm up. We repeat everything that we did before, now to the left.
Repeat a couple of times.

Part 2. Mobilization with strength exercises

Exercise 6
Starting position: straighten chest, shoulders straight, chin up.
Raise both hands to shoulder level, palms outward. Then cross the left hand with the right so that the left palm rests on the right. Pay attention to the elbows: they may be slightly bent.
Raise the crossed arms up until the biceps touch the ears. Then slowly turn the ribcage to the left (carefully). In no case should this exercise be painful. Imagine that from this position you grow up, but not by raising your shoulders, but by stretching the spine, vertebra by vertebra. After you can no longer rotate the chest to the left, slowly turn back to the starting position. We lower our hands down to shoulder level, spread them to the sides, lower them along the body. Exhalation. Do exercise 1 once.
We repeat this exercise, only now put the right hand over the left, and rib cage turns to the right. Do exercise 1 once.

Exercise 7
Starting position: bend your arms at the elbow joint and put across the thighs (the elbow lies on the thigh of the same name, the lower part of the forearm and wrist - on the other thigh), the chin is lowered to the chest.
From this position we move to the “cat's back” position: slowly bend down lower and lower, while the hands rest on the shins, then completely drop and hang down, crossed. The ribcage rests on the hips. The neck and shoulders are relaxed. The head is down. Don't fall asleep!
We go back: with the right and left hand we lean on the hips and slowly rise up.

Exercise 8
Starting position: arms along the body, chest straight. Raise your straight left hand forward and up to shoulder level, palm up. In this position, we turn our hand to the right shoulder. At the same time, we bend the right hand at the elbow joint (palm up) and slowly move it back, behind the back. The left arm and torso turn to the right. The head stays in place and looks forward.
We change the position of the hands, turn to the left. Make sure that the palm is open and facing up.
An exercise can be complicated if it is not difficult enough for some. The starting position is the same, only the back does not touch the back of the stroller. The shoulders are straightened, the chin is forward. Now this exercise will be more difficult.

Exercise 9
The left hand is raised up, the right hand is lowered, both should together, as it were, create a straight line. When the left hand goes 5 cm back, the right hand should go 5 cm forward. Thus, we make circular rotation... Whoever can. Without straining. The exercise can be made more difficult by turning the torso towards the arm going up. In this case, the head looks forward. Perform movements smoothly, without jerking, carefully.

Exercise 10
Both arms are extended upward above the head. Interlace your fingers and turn your hands, palms up. The arms are slightly bent at the elbow joint. Biceps parallel to the ear, head "above the shoulders". Thumb palms down.
Now we slowly straighten our arms at the elbow joint. We stretch our hands up, as much as possible. Pay attention to your posture and remember to breathe.
Again we bend our arms at the elbow joint, turn our hands downward, "untwist" our fingers, lower our arms along the body, and relax.

Part 3. Strength exercises and sensitization

Exercise 11
Starting position: arms along the body, chest straight. Raise your shoulders while inhaling and lower them sharply, exhaling quickly. We repeat several times. The exercise relaxes the muscles of the shoulder girdle well.

Exercise 12
Let's continue with the cat's back exercise. Place your arms, bent at the elbow, on your hips. Leaning on the forearms, we try to arch the back into an arc, like a cat, press the chin to the chest. Who can, just do not overdo it! And now we unbend our back. Make sure that the distance between your chin and chest is not wider than your fist, do not tilt your head back! The ribcage is straightened forward, as if growing in length. And again in the "cat's back" position. Straighten up again. Repeat a couple of times. Straighten up slowly, remembering to breathe correctly.

Exercise # 13
Stretch your arms along the body, palms forward, fingers “fanning out”.
We bend the arms at the elbow joint to 90, then we spread the forearms to the sides, leaving the elbows and shoulders pressed to the body. Sure, you will feel that you are pulling, but this is not bad at all. From this position, we raise the arms bent at the elbow joint upward until the elbows are at the level shoulder joint... Take away bent arms back, bringing the shoulder blades together, trying not to deflect the body back. Now we straighten our arms up, turn our palms out. We make the back bend of the hands (inward), trying to touch the tips of the fingers (without looking up). Try to keep the contact between your fingers as long as possible, your back should not lean back. When you can no longer hold this position, lower your arms, do exercise 1.
And again at first.

Exercise # 14
Starting position: hands on knees, chest straightened, shoulders straight, head looking straight. We slowly turn our head to the left and with an amplitude of 5 cm we make slow nodding movements of our head. If it crunches, it's okay, the main thing is that you do not hurt yourself. Then, continuing to nod, slowly turn our head to the right. In the extreme right position of the head, increase the speed of the nod. Continuing to nod, slowly turn our head to the left. We stop nodding, slowly turn our head to the starting position. Relax.

Exercise 15
Exercise with an imaginary dumbbell.
Imagine that about right leg a dumbbell weighing 2-3 kg lies on the floor. Leaning your right hand on your knee, "take" the "dumbbell" with your left hand. Place the forearm of your right hand across your thighs, and on it - an outstretched left hand with a "dumbbell". This will be our starting position.
Slowly move the left arm, bent at the elbow joint, back until the shoulder and elbow are one straight line. We continue this movement to the maximum possible point. The chest is straight. We lower the hand to the starting position. We repeat once more.
We change the position of the hands. We perform the exercise with the right hand 1-4 times.
Rest your hands on your knees, rise up, straighten your back, relax.

Exercise 16
We put the left hand behind the head with the palm to the back of the head. Right hand - back, palm behind the back of the stroller. Both elbows point slightly back. Make sure that your left hand does not move your head forward. Now we change the position of the hands, but not abruptly: we slowly straighten our arms at shoulder level, turn our palms outward, the right hand goes up, behind the head, and the left - back, behind the back of the stroller. The palms should not touch either the head or the back of the stroller. Difficult but doable. Who cannot, is also not scary. Repeat the exercise one more time.

Exercise # 17
Starting position: the chest is straightened, the head is kept straight.
We bend our arms at the elbow joint to 90, palms up, raise our elbows to the sides to shoulder level. We expand the forearms up. From this position, while inhaling, we take our hands back, trying to connect the shoulder blades. We slowly return our hands forward. Exhalation. Again. On inhalation, connect the shoulder blades, on exhalation - arms forward. Repeat a couple of times. Relax.

Exercise # 18
Exercise with an imaginary stove.
Imagine that there is a vertically located plate in front of you, and you must press on it. Bend your elbows.

For every muscle group you see fit. Divide all the exercises you have chosen into 2 parts and do the following: the first day - for some muscle groups, the second day for others, the third day you rest. At first, you should not overload yourself with exercises, you need to do it gradually, increase the weight gradually. To begin with, do all the exercises you have chosen for one approach, then gradually increase the number of approaches to three. Also, these dikul exercises are on the video. At the same time, first you need to pick up such a weight with which you can easily perform the exercise. All exercises are done on.

The figure shows how with the help of a counterweight you can reduce the weight of a particular part of the body so that you can perform an exercise that you cannot do without a counterweight. It is imperative to select the weight of the counterweight very accurately, every gram matters here. It is important that the movement is complete, that is, straightening and contraction occurs to the end. As the muscles recover, the weight in the counterweight gradually decrease until you can perform this exercise without a counterweight, then perform this movement, but now not with a counterweight, but, on the contrary, with weights, that is, another, more difficult exercise. During the exercise, you need to breathe easily and rhythmically, without holding your breath. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

You can download exercises here.

What is the approach?

For example, the diagram says: 4x6, this means that you do some exercise one exercise 6 times, rest 2-3 minutes, perform this exercise again, rest 2-3 minutes, etc., only four times (this means you did 4 sets of 6 reps). The contract should be stretched, with a lot of attention to it. These exercises should be done with the help of a partner who will help balance the weights and perform the exercises.

Dikul's exercises in combination with give an unexpectedly good effect.

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