All-Russian physical culture and sports complex gto. All-Russian physical culture and sports complex is ready for work and defense "vfsk gto"

"Ready for Labor and Defense" is the name of the sports complex, which was created in the 30s of the last century and immediately fell in love with Soviet youth. The social movement experienced a real peak of popularity in the 50s, then on the chest of every fourth Soviet young man and girl the TRP sign flashed brightly. To achieve this success, it was necessary to pass the TRP standards, which were quite complex. The historical era has changed, and the social sports movement has remained in the past. And only many years later he was brought back to life again, it happened in 2013, and already with next year the system was tested in several regions at once.

TRP stages for schoolchildren:

Today almost anyone can become a member of the big sports movement. To do this, you need to pass the TRP standards, this can be done at different ages: from 6 years old to 70 and older. It is clear that each age group has its own tests, which are focused on the characteristics of the organism. They can be conditionally divided into three groups. The TRP standards in the table of standards show the tests that participants must pass.

Standards on the TRP website

In fact, the organizers have developed a whole complex in which there are steps, for schoolchildren there are five of them.

Levels of standards for schoolchildren

From the sixth stage, the TRP standards for adults begin, which in turn are classified by gender - for men and women.

Standards for men and women

Advantages of the TRP program

Participation in the social sports movement is completely voluntary, but every year the number of its participants is growing. There are many reasons for this. For example, for many representatives of the new generation it is important to preserve the continuity of the generation, to become another member of the family dynasty with the golden sign of the TRP. Other participants want to prove to themselves and others that they are strong, courageous, agile. Still others dream of entering a prestigious institute, and the golden sign of the TRP gives extra points... Whatever the reasons for participating in a large sports project, the main thing is that the participant carefully weighs his sports capabilities. This will allow him to improve those skills that require standards. By the way, the TRP standards in the table of standards are presented in an accessible form. So, the TRP norms by age will show in an accessible form what children and adults can do to achieve success.

A table for men, for example, looks like this:

7 step - for men 30-39 years old - First page

The 2017 GTO standards show the types of standards, as well as the results that are relevant for passing for a gold, silver or bronze badge.

TRP badges

Thanks to this arrangement of values, you can not only learn about the TRP standards by age, but also compare them with each other. Experts, coaches, doctors and specialists approached the development of each sports discipline with great care. At the same time, preliminary tests were carried out, the physiological characteristics of the participants were taken into account. of different ages... The result of this great work was the creation of a table of norms.

Changes in 2017

The TRP system offers 11 steps, five of which are for schoolchildren and six for adults. Each of them has its own TRP standards. For example, schoolchildren of the first stage pass both traditional sports disciplines, for example, pull-ups or short-distance running, and specially designed for this category of participants: shuttle run, leaning forward from a standing position. There are mandatory tests as well as optional. The table on the website indicates how many tests are required to get the highest TRP mark. And such standards for all ages, the table is presented in full. Comparing them, you can see that the standards are quite affordable. Experts give recommendations for preparing for the delivery of the TRP. It is mandatory to indicate how much time it takes to spend in physical education, outdoor games, if it comes about the youngest members of the public sports movement.

Perhaps the most difficult TRP norms are those offered for men of the sixth stage. This category includes representatives of the strong half, whose age is conventionally divided into those who are from 18 to 24, as well as from 25 to 29 years old. In this case, some tests can be replaced by others, for example, pulling up from a hang at the request of the participant for a kettlebell snatch. The optional tests include skiing or cross-country 5 km, swimming, shooting from air rifle and others.

How to prepare for passing the standards?

On the official website of the public sports movement, the TRP is presented full information on how to correctly pass the TRP standards and how to prepare for this process. There is a special How To Do section that tells you how to handle the tests correctly. The textual version indicates in what conditions the task should be performed, what are its features, what is the projectile that participates in the test, if, for example, it is about throwing tennis ball or other subject. What items can be used in the delivery of the TRP can be found in the table of standards.

If the text option seems not entirely clear or complete to the TRP participant, you can refer to the video on the site. It explains in detail and shows what the rules for taking the test are. In some sports, it is the video that makes it possible to understand how to fulfill the standards. For example, swimming or lifting the torso from a supine position. Of course, the TRP norms by age do not provide for all types of tests presented in the stories on the site. And if some tests are repeated at different levels, then an explanation is necessarily given to which age group this or that test should be attributed. For example, mixed movement is stipulated by the age - 65-70 years. Having carefully studied all the features of the test tasks, you can understand how to correctly perform them.

Changes in regulations

The latest TRP standards in the Soviet Union were developed in 1972, and they were taken as the basis for the 2017 TRP standards. But at the same time, they were seriously modified taking into account modern realities. For example, schoolchildren starting from the age of 10 could receive the TRP badge in Soviet times, but today the youngest members of the sports social movement are six-year-old boys and girls. As for the tests, they have also undergone changes. So, from modern program the names of sports disciplines such as cycling, rope climbing with the help of legs, and 30 m running have disappeared. The modern teenager has a much wider choice of disciplines.

Mandatory and alternative tests

Some types have moved from the category of mandatory to the category of additional ones, we are talking about a long jump from a run, where a Soviet schoolchild on a golden sign was supposed to achieve a result of 340 cm, and his contemporary today can limit himself to 290 cm.

Some types of sports disciplines remained unchanged. Boys are invited to pull up on a gold badge 5 times, on a silver one - 3.


The requirements for cross-country skiing for a distance of 1 km have become more stringent. If earlier it was required to meet the gold at 7.30, then today - at 6.45.

Cross-country skiing

And this picture is typical for the TRP standards for all ages in the table. By the way, in the Soviet version only 5 steps were presented, the last of which was called "Cheerfulness and Health", it was intended for men from 40 to 60 years old and women from 35 to 55 years old. Exercise is gentle enough that most modern people this category can be handled without difficulty. For many disciplines there is no concept of time, the main thing is to pass it. The list includes running 60 m, cross - 300 and 800 m.For the long jump from the spot, it was enough for men to show a result of 190 cm, for women - 150 cm.Today, older people can easily cope with these tasks after appropriate training.

Where to take sports disciplines?

To join the ranks of the large public movement "Ready for Labor and Defense", you should contact the test center, which is in each region. You can go an easier way: first, register on the portal. To do this, you should go through a simple registration by clicking on the appropriate section, which is located in the upper right corner home page... It is important here to correctly write down your email address and initial data, as well as remember the password. After that, a letter will be sent to the specified address, by the link of which you should go to the portal.

Registration opens up new opportunities for the user. Including, find out the rules of the TRP, which are determined by the stage of the participant. And also here, in a special section of your personal account, there is information about the location of the test centers. This information appears both in the textual version, indicating the locality, address and name of the institution, and in the cartographic one. The latter is interesting in that it allows you to quickly navigate the terrain and easily find a gym without outside help... At the center, you must present a passport and a medical certificate, which indicates the health of the TRP participant.

Other information is also reflected in the personal account. For example, about what sports disciplines have already been passed and recorded in the participant's passport. The photo presented in the user's account will be used in the passport of the member of the organization. On the main page of the portal after logging into the system, the unique identification number of the participant, his last name, first name, patronymic and photo is necessarily reflected. If desired, the user can always change personal data, for example, location, which will allow him to quickly find out where the testing centers are located and continue passing the TRP standards.

Today, the TRP sports system is becoming more and more common among not only ordinary schoolchildren, but also adult citizens who want to prove to everyone their high level development physical culture... Once a person signs up for this program, they can regularly learn about testing at many centers. To obtain comprehensive information regarding the TRP 2019 standards, there are tables of standards for all ages. It is necessary to use the official website, where all the available information regarding this issue will be located.

TRP conducting

Previously, such a system as the TRP was used only in the Soviet Union and existed until the end of 1991. Up to this point, the organization had been operating for 60 years and included all citizens aged from ten to sixty.

As contemporaries confirmed, half of the people from all over the country had the corresponding badges that demonstrated their excellent physical fitness... Such a badge of distinction helped to get a certain position or place in an educational institution. At the moment, you can improve the chances of admission to the desired university if you fulfill the standards of the TRP 2019. The table of standards for all ages, which is open on the official website, is available to every user.

In 2014, the modern Russian government, under the initiative of the president, was able to restore the existence of a unique sports complex. At the moment, the TRP sports system is a full-fledged program and regulatory framework for physical education population of the country.

To achieve effective implementation of the TRP 2019 standards, you will need to know what standards are included in the table for all ages. Each user can easily understand it and determine what standards he needs to strive for in order to achieve the desired result.

You can prepare for passing the TRP standards with the help of specialized clubs, sections, as well as other groups of general physical training. It is important to keep in mind that all the exercises that candidates will have to face to obtain this unique status are public and simple.

This means that if a person does not want to attend special sections, then he can easily prepare himself for the implementation of the TRP 2019 standards. The table of standards for all ages, which is available on the official website of this organization, outlines the basic requirements for obtaining a unique status.

Steps for getting a TRP badge

Depending on the age of each person, he becomes a member of a certain group, which is also called a "stage". A total of eleven were created, and they include people from six to seventy years old. For each such group, three levels of difficulty are organized, namely the signs of the TRP 2019 standards. The table of standards for all ages comprehensively informs about all the required data. See what the rules of the TRP 2019

Table of standards for all ages

Table for schoolchildren

The first group includes children from six to eight years old. After her, the second stage, which includes children aged nine to ten. For schoolchildren of the fifth-sixth grade, a third group has been created, and the fourth and sixth correspond to adolescents who go to school.

The next group has a wide range of ages and unites citizens who have already reached the age of majority, but they are not yet twenty-one years old. The seventh is passed on to the next ten years. And then each subsequent group unites for ten years.

The basic standards of the TRP 2019 in the table of standards for all ages were created to check how much a person has developed his basic characteristics. They include the following important parameters:

  • strength;
  • agility;
  • endurance;
  • flexibility.

Exercises allow you to objectively assess how much a person is able to perform all kinds of exercises, and how his physical fitness is developed. Every subject Russian Federation has the right at the regional level to include in addition to the mandatory list of exercises two more types of standards, as well as physical tests.

For this reason, all requirements in each stage are divided into two types:

  • required;
  • selective.

Benefit for the population from the implementation of the TRP program

The main tasks set by the state from the implementation of the TRP 2019 standards, tables of standards for all ages and other programs for improving the quality of physical education are to improve the nation's health. It also popularizes sports, therefore, more citizens spend free time exercising instead of wasting time smoking and drinking. As a result, the TRP not only increases the number of athletic people, but also accelerates the growth of the total population.

People form the opinion that it is imperative to take care of their body and health. Thanks to this, people will regularly go in for sports and develop their physical fitness. Also, the population gets the opportunity to form the need for systematic sports.

Additionally, a system of physical education is being massively introduced, as well as other complexes for the development of sports in all spheres of life. The main instrument for achieving this goal is the creation and commissioning of many new sports clubs.

Do not forget that participation in such events is as accessible as possible for any person. Absolutely every user has the opportunity to register on the official website and visually evaluate the TRP 2019 standards and standards tables for all ages. Additionally, everyone can receive a comprehensive list of all the necessary information, which will definitely help to figure out how to choose the right day and time for testing.

Required documents for passing standards

When a person has already decided to participate in such sporting event and came to the place indicated in advance, then he is required to present certain documents. These include:

  • medical certificate;
  • identification.

Without the presence of such securities, a person simply will not be allowed to pass the TRP standards in 2019. In order to familiarize yourself in advance with the requirements that are set for passing the standards, you must initially obtain such information in a special center or using the official website, where a table for all ages is presented.

Main sports disciplines for passing standards

The convenience of such a sports complex lies in the fact that it is universal for many athletes.

Supporters different types sports will be able to fully demonstrate their abilities and effectively fulfill the standards of the TRP 2019. Moreover, tables of standards for all ages are available to absolutely everyone due to the fact that information can be obtained using various sources, including the main website. The main disciplines include the following:

  • throwing;
  • incline;
  • swimming;
  • pulling up;
  • lifting the torso.

Each sporting standard has its own characteristics. For example, short-distance running is carried out exclusively on any level area where there is a hard surface that will be safe for the athlete. A high start is carried out if the distance is the smallest, namely thirty meters.

When the distance is increased to 60 or 100 meters, the athlete is asked to choose a high or low start. Each race is attended by two to four people, depending on the workload for the current day.

The organizers must carefully select the area for the ski races in order to comply with the TRP 2019 standards. skiing, it is allowed to use a free riding style in running at all distances. It is also imperative that there is no wind here for the safety of the participants.

If candidates for the TRP badge choose to throw the projectile, then such an exercise must necessarily be carried out in a special stadium. If this is not possible, then the territory used must have a flat area, which has a corridor fifteen meters wide. To conduct such tests, special objects are used that are characterized by a weight of five or seven hundred grams.

When leaning forward, this exercise can be performed using a gymnastic bench. Each applicant chooses the most convenient way to fulfill this standard. Legs must be straightened in the knee area. The feet are parallel to each other. The optimal width, as can be seen from the table, is from ten to fifteen centimeters.

Swimming is performed in a style convenient for the participant of the TRP program. For this, short distances are used. They can be ten, fifteen or twenty-five meters. Depending on the most optimal option chosen, which will be more convenient for each participant in this event, the TRP norms may differ. The tables of standards for all ages have characteristic differences, since different age groups are involved, which differ significantly in their physical parameters: strength, endurance and speed.

One of the most popular exercises is the torso lift while the person is in the supine position. The people call this standard "to pump the press". It should be carried out exclusively on a specialized mat on which gymnastic exercises are performed.

In order to count the pull-ups on the crossbar, you need to strictly follow the requirements of how to correctly do such a standard for each age. The grip of the hands is mandatory from above, and the hands are required to be located shoulder-width apart. The trunk and legs need to be straightened, and the legs should not touch the floor. Only if these requirements are met, the number of pull-ups will be counted.

For correct execution long jump in static position as indicated in the table, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, and the socks should be strictly aligned along the measurement line. The forward jump can only be performed when both legs move from their places at the same time.

The most popular strength exercise is the kettlebell snatch. For this, shells are used that have a weight of sixteen kilograms. The standard time for this discipline is four minutes. During this period of time, the total number of kettlebell lifts that were performed in accordance with sports standards... Both right and left hand lifts are valid.

One of the more specific regulations is shooting. In order to perform such an exercise, you will need to use either an air gun or an electronic one. Regardless of the weapon used, the results or requirements for this exercise will not depend.

Standards tables

It is important to keep in mind that most exercises for all categories are the same. The main difference between them is that there are different requirements to get a specific TRP badge.

In some situations, not only the conditions for performing certain sports disciplines differ, but also the exercises themselves. For example, more physical disciplines are provided for boys, like kettlebell or pull-ups on the bar. For girls when choosing optimal exercise the emphasis is on speed and flexibility.

When choosing the appropriate TRP 2019 standards, you should pay attention to the tables of standards for all ages, which differ significantly. And before contacting the commission of the organization of physical education, it is recommended to check what are the requirements for the category of a specific person, so that he is ready to receive the appropriate award

Among the proposed tests in the table there are both those that are necessary for implementation and alternative ones. That is, any athlete has the right to choose the most suitable complex, which is more suited to the peculiarities of his physical training.

Exercises for the first stage

These test requirements are suitable for the smallest. Children from six to eight years old, inclusive, will demonstrate their physical abilities thanks to the simplest conditions that comply with the TRP 2019 standards. The table of standards for children from 6-8 years old is visible in the following screenshot.

1 step - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old -First page Stage 1 - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old - Second page

The first required test is shuttle running. This exercise is carried out in the mode: three distances of ten meters. Both girls and boys participate in the discipline. In order to be the first to get gold, you need to run the distance in 9.2 seconds. For the sake of silver, only 10.7 will be enough. And for bronze, you need to run two milliseconds slower.

Boys have stricter TRP norms: for the sake of gold, you will need to run thirty meters and 9.2 seconds. To obtain silver, you must meet the standard of 10.1. Bronze will be given to those who run no longer than 10.4.

An alternative exercise is to run thirty meters. Since such a standard takes less time, the requirements are stricter. Boys will be able to claim gold with a score of 5.9. Silver will be obtained only upon reaching 6.7. For bronze, 6.9 seconds will be enough.

For girls, the TRP 2019 standards for receiving an award are significantly lower. Gold can be obtained by running in 6.2 seconds. Silver, as can be seen from the table, will be awarded to the girl who can cope with the standard in less than seven seconds. For bronze, 7.2 is enough.

The next important exercise is mixed movement. When it is performed, regardless of the gender of the person, the time spent on passing the distance is not taken into account. The length of this section of the territory is one kilometer.

To perform a forward bend, everyone needs to touch the floor with their fingers. Then gold will be counted.

In this group, for both sexes, there are eight types of tests. To get gold, you need to go through 7 disciplines and fulfill the TRP 2019 standards perfectly. The table of standards will allow you to determine in advance what requirements you are preparing for.

Exercises for the second stage

This group includes schoolchildren between the ages of nine and ten. The first compulsory standard for girls and boys is sixty meters. It takes boys ten and a half seconds to earn gold and eleven seconds for girls. Below is a table of standards for children from 9-10 years old.

Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - First page Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - Second page

Six minutes is enough for a girl for a gold badge, and four and a half for a boy.

A special feature of the second stage is the new optional tests. They include: throwing a ball in length, cross for 2 kilometers. This group of challenges also requires seven challenges to be completed to earn gold.

Exercises for Stage Three

This group includes children who have already grown to twelve years old. There is an important feature that the main tests of this stage have, namely: a run of 1.5 kilometers appears. Alternatively, a two kilometer competition is proposed. A table of standards for children from 11-12 is available on our website.

Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - First page Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - Second page

Also, the main TRP standards include a forward bend from a standing position. When carrying out this standard, it is imperative to keep your legs straight. Each member of this group is required to touch the floor with their fingers.

Optional tests include throwing a ball that weighs one hundred and fifty grams. In order for a boy to get gold, he needs to throw 34 meters, and a girl - 22.

If the area is snowy, then skiing is offered at a distance of three or four kilometers. If the area is snowless, then you can participate in cross-country cross-country for 3 km.

To get gold in swimming for fifty meters, a boy needs to do it in 50 seconds, and a girl - in 65 seconds. Applicants for silver just need to swim to the finish line.

For the third group, it is enough to complete eight tests to fulfill the TRP 2019 norm.

Exercises for Stage Four

This group is required to include children from the age of thirteen to fifteen years, inclusive. Mandatory tests include running at a distance of sixty meters and two kilometers. The table of standards for children from 13-14 years old is visible on the following screen:

4 level - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - First page 4 level - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - Second page

Feature of the additional exercises in the fact that there is an elevation of the body. This discipline is performed in the supine position. The number of times is counted as one minute. And the little man needs to rise forty-seven times for gold, and the girl forty.

The tourist hike is ten kilometers long. This discipline is designed to test the skills of survival in nature.

Another new discipline is self-defense without weapons. Twenty-six points for everyone is enough to get gold and fulfill the TRP 2019 norm. The table of standards says that for the 4th group, twelve types of exercises are given.

Fifth group

For high school students aged 16-17 years, a separate fifth group or table of standards has been created for children from 16-17 years old.

5 step - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - First page 5 step - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - Second page

Its main feature is that a hundred meters run appears. This is a difficult exercise that is included in the list Olympic disciplines, only the strongest athletes can do it.

A two kilometer run is held for both girls and boys. But when they choose a distance of 3000 meters, then this exercise is used only for young men.

As strength disciplines, two for boys are offered to choose from: lifting kettlebells and lifting the bar. And also 2 exercises for girls: pull-ups from a hang in a horizontal position, as well as push-ups from the floor.

There was a significant difference between both sexes regarding the throwing of the sports equipment. The first is given an object weighing 700 grams, and the second - half a kilogram.

For this age, people go on a hike already at a distance of ten kilometers. This applies to everyone, regardless of gender and age shown in this table.

Also, the fifth group includes a total of twelve tests. But to get best sign differences, it is enough to successfully fulfill 8 standards.

Exercises for Stage Six

The 6th group includes girls and boys from eighteen to twenty-nine years old. Most of the tests that people must complete and belong to this stage do not differ from group number 5.

The table of standards for boys 18-29 years old is available below:

6 step - for men 18-29 years old - First page 6 step - for men 18-29 years old - Second page

As you can see from the table, the boys run three kilometers, the crossbar and the kettlebell are also given to the men's half, and the ladies are offered a choice of push-ups and pull-ups lying on a low crossbar.

The same requirements are created for both parties regarding the conduct of a tourist trip.

Young men have a choice between eleven types of tests, and girls are given twelve. But, for the golden insignia, both groups must do eight exercises each.

Table for girls aged 18-29 years:

6 step - for women 18-29 years old - First page 6 step - for women 18-29 years old - Second page

Exercises for Stage Seven

Twenty-year-old girls and boys are considered the strongest physical education people in the country. Therefore, after the seventh group begins, which includes people over thirty, the requirements for fulfilling the TRP standards gradually decrease. In 2019, the table for men aged 30 and over is as follows:

Men, 30-39 years old, 1 page 7 step - for men 30-39 years old - Second page

One of the first major differences is the lack of short-distance running exercises, that is, adults no longer run 60 or 100 meters. Exercise standards drop dramatically strength training and flexibility. For example, for women over 34 years old, there is no throwing of objects at a distance.

7 step - for women 30-39 years old - First page 7 step - for women 30-39 years old - Second page

In addition, the easing of standards is evidenced by the fact that the range of the tourist trip has returned to the level of ten kilometers. With each successive group after thirty years, the norms become easier for each user.

Eighth group

For people over forty years old, the level of stress during exercise is further reduced. Requirements are reduced in all disciplines. For example, a hiking trip returns to the level of seventh graders and becomes five kilometers long.

For men, the standards are:

Stage 8 - for men 40-49 years old - First page Stage 8 - for men 40-49 years old - Second page

To receive the eighth grade insignia, it is enough only to successfully complete six tests. And for a silver or bronze badge, only 5 exercises will be enough. You can view the requirements in the table with the norms for women.

Step 8 - for women 40-49 years old - First page Step 8 - for women 40-49 years old - Second page

Ninth group

For group number 9, which refers to people over fifty, the requirements are drastically reduced. Men get the opportunity to perform push-ups from the floor instead of the classic kettlebell and crossbar.

Step 9 - for men and women 50-59 years old - First page Step 9 - for men and women 50-59 years old - Second page

The difficulty of the hike and the number of trials in comparison with the eighth stage remains unchanged. The bar for flexibility and endurance exercise has also dropped significantly. For women, the standards will be as follows:

The last steps

For people over sixty years old, classic running exercises have been canceled. Of strength exercises, only push-ups from the floor.

10th step Standards for men and women 60-69 First page 10th step Standards for men and women 60-69 - Second page

At this level of groups hiking trips no longer get settled. For a sixty-five-year-old man to receive a gold push-up from the floor, it is enough to perform the exercise only eleven times, which is the TRP 2019 norm. The table of standards for the age of 60 years and above differs depending on the level: the higher the person's age, the easier the requirements are given.

Step 11 - for women and men 70 years and older - First page Step 11 - for women and men 70 years and older - Second page

Regardless of what age a person has, he will be able to successfully participate in the TRP system. To do this, you first need to visit the official website and see what requirements to fulfill for desired result... For all ages, there are different standards, therefore, each person must initially assess what he is dealing with, and properly prepare for the exercises.

If you take the matter with due seriousness, then a person will certainly achieve success. Everyone will be able to receive the coveted insignia and thereby prove that he has excellent physical fitness.

All-Russian physical culture sports complex"Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) is a normative basis for physical education of the country's population, aimed at the development of mass sports.

The proposal to introduce all-Union tests "Ready for Labor and Defense" was received in 1930, and a year later the first TRP complex was formed, which included 21 standards.

The complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" was revived in 2014. A new list of tests was approved, standards were developed, as well as the design of insignia. There are three of them: gold, bronze, silver.

2. Who can meet the standards?

The standards can be met by residents of the capital aged 6 years and older who systematically go in for sports, including on their own, and have medical clearance. The TRP complex includes 11 age groups.

The standards and number of tests vary depending on the gender and age of the residents. For example, you can test your travel skills and pass shooting from 11 to 59 years old, and take self-defense tests without weapons only from 13 to 29 years old. At the same time, some disciplines are required for everyone: forward bend and running (mixed movement). You can find out what standards can be passed at your age and what results are awarded the TRP mark on the project website.

3. Where can the standards be met?

Today in the capital there are 21 testing centers of the TRP complex. They work on the basis of the institutions of Moskomsport, the Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow, and other organizations.

Test sites are available in all urban districts. You can choose the right one at Moskomsport.

The standards can be met at temporary sites as part of city festivals and holidays.

4. How do I register for participation?

To fulfill the standards of the TRP, you need to register on the site. Each member is assigned a personal unique identification number. Test applications can be submitted electronically or directly at the testing center. To be admitted to the tests, you must provide an identity document and a medical clearance from a doctor.

After successfully completing the required number of tests of the corresponding stage (determined depending on the age category), the summary protocol is sent to the automated information system of the TRP, where it is processed and unloaded accordingly.

5. Why is this needed?

The introduction of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" complex contributes to the improvement of the physical fitness of residents and the development of mass sports in general.

Applicants who have the golden sign of the TRP can receive additional points to the USE upon admission to the university. And students with such marks can apply for an increased academic scholarship. The final decision is made by the administration of the educational institution.

The All-Russian health and fitness complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" was created in the 31st year of the last century. Having successfully existed until 1991, when it fell into oblivion. Already in our time, in 2013, the complex was recreated. Today he is experiencing a rebirth. TRP WFSK is a set of sports standards designed for everyone who wants to wear a badge of distinction on their chest. It can be gold, silver, or bronze.

Anyone can participate in the social movement: from 6 to 70 years old and older. In accordance with this, all members of the TRP WFSK are divided into age groups, a total of 11 steps. There are 5 steps for schoolchildren: 6-8 years old, 9-10 years old, 11-12 years old, 13-15 years old, 16-17 years old. There are six more steps for the adult population. Above sports standards for each group of athletes have their own standards, which were worked on by experts, coaches, doctors. All this suggests that it is possible to achieve an excellent result without difficulty, if you put some effort into this. All this and much more can be found on the official website of the TRP VFSK.

How to comply with TRP standards?

To pass the standards for the highest degree, you should carry out systematic training. Experts advise every day:

  • do morning exercises;
  • give a load to all muscles of the body;
  • participate in sports competitions.

In addition, the special section "How to do it" provides information on the specifics of passing the standards. For clarity and a better understanding of the nuances of the tests, you can watch videos. Thanks to them, the participants will understand which muscles will be involved in passing the test, which means that they will be able to pay special attention to them in training.


On the website of the TRP VFSK, you can find out what standards should be passed in separate stages. By referring to the special section "Standards", users receive information about the tests, the results that must be achieved in order to pass the norms of the gold, silver or bronze badge. To do this, you need to click on the "View standards" section, where a page will open, both with mandatory standards and alternative ones.

View standards

All standards are handed over in specially designated institutions, which are called testing centers. These are gyms, complexes where conditions are created for effective classes on preparation and passing of tests. To find the location of the nearest testing center, you must register on the portal. There is a special section in the personal account, which contains the addresses of sports institutions; for convenience, participants are offered a map on which the objects are located.

How to register on the site?

Will open up new possibilities for the user. The procedure is simple enough. Considering that the information on the site of the TRP VFSK does not differ in a high degree of confidentiality, registration is carried out without the presentation of documents. To do this, in the upper right corner of the main page, click on the appropriate section. Then fill in the proposed fields: email address and personal data. A letter will be sent to the mail, in which it is important to follow the link, it will lead back to the portal, where the data of the registered user will be in the central part of the main page of the TRP VFSK:

  • surname;
  • patronymic;
  • an identification number;
  • TRP stage, to which the project participant belongs by age.

registration on the website

After the entered data, the user will see on the screen something like this:

TRP personal account page

Here are three sections that are important for a member of the social sports movement:

  • my results;
  • standards;
  • testing centers.

Three sections in your personal account

The first one displays the results of those standards that have already been passed by the participant. By the way, the regulations on the TRP are not provided for retaking the results, so you should carefully consider the preparation and passage of sports disciplines. You can find out what the results should be in order to get the golden TRP badge from the next section: standards. It specifies the time and conditions for testing, both for boys (men) and girls (women). The list includes both basic standards and alternative and additional ones.

Having indicated his location, the user in his personal account will receive information about the nearest testing centers. It is here that you can pass the standards. To do this, you should sign up, find out the time of possible testing. It is imperative to have a passport and a medical certificate with you, which will indicate that the participant has no restrictions on passing the standards. The addresses of the centers are located here, for the convenience of users, a map is presented on which it is easy to navigate in the search sports hall or complex. The TRP VFSK website is an excellent opportunity to keep abreast of all the events of the project, for this there is a special news section.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSAEI HE "Sevastopol State University"

Institute of Finance, Economics and Management

Department of Management of Organizations

in the discipline "Physical education"

on the topic: "All-Russian physical culture and sports complex" Ready for work and defense ""

Completed by: student A.E Belousov

Accepted by: G.I. Anokhin








"Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) is a physical culture complex that forms the basis of the state system of physical education and is aimed at improving health, comprehensive physical development people, preparing them for work and defending the Motherland. It is the basis of the physical education program in all educational institutions and sports sections of the country.

The level of a person's culture is manifested in his ability to use such a public good as free time. How it is used depends on a person's health, the completeness of his life, his success in work, study and general development. Physical culture occupies an important place here, because physical culture is health.

The relevance of this topic determines the revival of the RLD complex, as well as the education of physical fitness among students and pupils.

This essay will describe the history of occurrence, goals and objectives and basic requirements for this complex.


In 1927, through the merger and reorganization of several military-sports associations in the USSR, the largest of the specialized public organizations was created - the Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction (OSOAVIAKHIM).

By the beginning of 1928, this organization had about 2 million people. Shooting ranges and shooting ranges are being built all over the country under the auspices of OSOAVIAKHIM, flying clubs and military sports clubs are being created.

In 1931, the All-Union physical culture complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" (TRP) was introduced, which became the programmatic and normative basis of the physical education system for the entire country. The purpose of the complex being introduced is β€œto further increase the level of physical education of the Soviet people, primarily the young generation ...”. The main content of the TRP complex was focused on the high-quality physical training of hundreds of millions of Soviet people.

The sports and defense complex becomes popular very quickly. TRP norms are passed in schools, collective farm brigades, workers of factories, factories, railways, etc. Large-scale competitions are held for the title of Champions of the TRP complex in its individual types, which are not inferior in popularity to the Spartakiads and the central football matches season.

The high ideological and political orientation of the RLD complex, the general availability of physical exercises included in its standards, their obvious benefits for health promotion and the development of skills and abilities required in Everyday life, make the TRP complex popular among the population and especially among young people. Wearing the TRP badge is becoming prestigious.

In 1931, 24 thousand athletes became TRP badges, in 1932 - 465 thousand and in 1933 - 835 thousand athletes. By the spring of 1935, the number of TRP badges reaches 1.2 million.

In 1938 and 1939 alone, the standards of the TRP of the 1st and 2nd stages and the BSTO ("Be ready for work and defense") are handed over by more than 2.5 million people. The number of sports facilities in the camp increases from 39 thousand in 1936 to 83 thousand by the end of 1939. By the same time, 62 thousand physical culture groups were operating in the country, uniting 5 million people.

In 1972, by a special decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a new TRP complex was introduced, in which steps appear for schoolchildren 10-13 years old and citizens 40-60 years old. This allows you to expand the age range of the RLD complex and cover the population from 10 to 60 years. Each of the five stages of the new TRP complex has its own name: 1st stage - "Brave and dexterous", 2nd stage - " Sports shift", 3rd stage -" Strength and courage ", 4th stage -" Physical perfection ", 5th stage -" Vigor and health ". By the beginning of 1976, our country numbered over 220 million TRP badges of all levels.

The last All-Union Physical Culture Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" (TRP) was introduced in January 1985. It was addressed to people from 16 to 60 years old.

At present, the Russian health and fitness complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" will be launched from September 1, 2014. The norms of which will be calculated for 11 age levels - from 6-8 years old to 70 years old and older.


Increasing the efficiency of using the possibilities of physical culture and sports in strengthening health, harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, fostering patriotism and ensuring continuity in the implementation of physical education of the population.

The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex is based on the following principles:

1) voluntariness and availability;

2) health-improving and personality-oriented orientation;

3) mandatory medical supervision;

4) taking into account regional characteristics and national traditions.

The purpose of the Complex is to increase the efficiency of using the possibilities of physical culture and sports in the socio-economic development of the country, strengthening health, improving the well-being and quality of life of Russian citizens, harmonious and all-round development of the individual, shaping people's need for physical self-improvement, fostering patriotism and citizenship, motivation to lead healthy, athletic lifestyle.

The tasks of the complex:

1) an increase in the proportion of citizens who are systematically involved in physical culture and sports;

2) increasing the level of physical fitness, quality and life expectancy of citizens;

3) the formation of citizens' conscious needs in systematic physical education and sports, self-improvement, maintaining healthy way life;

4) increasing the general level of knowledge of citizens about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including with the use of modern information and Internet technologies;

5) creation of a unified system of continuous physical education of citizens and assessment of their physical fitness based on the federal database on the physical condition of the main population groups;

6) modernization of the system of physical education and the development of mass school and student sports in educational organizations, including by expanding the network of sports clubs;

7) intensification of activities on the organization of physical culture and sports work in labor collectives, at the place of study and residence, in places of public recreation and family leisure of citizens, improving the quality and expanding the list of physical culture and sports services offered to the population;

8) creation of a modern material and technical base of the sphere of physical culture and sports, an increase in the number of sports facilities, provision of necessary sports equipment and equipment of places for physical education;

9) the development of modern sports and physical culture and health systems, taking into account the interests of children, adolescents and youth;

10) creation at the federal level of a system for monitoring the physical fitness of citizens.


The structure of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex consists of 11 stages and includes the following age groups: first stage - from 6 to 8 years old; the second stage - from 9 to 10 years; third stage - from 11 to 12 years old; the fourth stage - from 13 to 15 years old; the fifth stage - from 16 to 17 years old; the sixth stage - from 18 to 29 years old; seventh stage - from 30 to 39 years old; the eighth stage - from 40 to 49 years old; ninth stage - from 50 to 59 years old; the tenth stage - from 60 to 69 years old; the eleventh stage - from 70 years old and older.

The normative-training part of the TRP complex in the form of "State requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when fulfilling the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex" Ready for work and defense "(TRP)", approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated 07/08/2014 N 575, includes standards for types of tests, as well as requirements for knowledge and skills in the field of physical education and requirements for a weekly regimen of physical activity.

The types of tests of the complex are subdivided into and optional tests. Mandatory tests (tests) in accordance with the stages of the complex are subdivided into tests to determine the level of development:

1) speed capabilities (shuttle running, running);

2) endurance (running, mixed movement, Nordic walking);

3) strength (pulling up from a hang and from a hang while lying down, push-ups from the floor, gymnastic bench or back of a chair, jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg),

4) flexibility (bending forward, standing on the floor and on the gymnastic bench).

Optional tests are subdivided into tests (tests) to determine the level of development:

1) the development of speed-power capabilities (long jump from a place and from a run, throwing a ball and a sports equipment in length);

2) development of coordination abilities (throwing the ball at the target);

3) mastering applied skills (skiing, cross-country, swimming, shooting, hiking).

For different age groups (stages), the tests are different - for example, throwing the ball at the target is provided only for the youngest athletes (6-8 years old), the kettlebell snatch is provided for athletes from 16 to 59 years old, and for the oldest age stage (70 years old and older) execution strength exercise(push-ups) provides for support on the back of the chair. Differentiation of requirements for 11 age groups with a subdivision of standards by gender allows you to take into account the features as fully as possible different groups population and thereby ensure the involvement of the largest possible number of citizens of our country in the development of physical capabilities and health promotion.

The complex also provides requirements for assessing the level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports. For the lower stages of the complex, these are the requirements provided for by state educational standards, but for citizens of 18 years and older complex provides for testing knowledge and skills on the following issues:

1) the impact of physical education on health, increasing mental and physical performance;

2) hygiene of physical education;

3) basic control methods physical condition when practicing various health-improving systems and sports;

4) the basics of self-study methodology;

5) the basics of the history of the development of physical culture and sports;

6) mastering practical abilities and skills of physical culture and health-improving and applied orientation, mastering skills and abilities in various types of physical culture and sports activities.

A very important guideline in organizing a daily lifestyle for everyone who wants to fulfill the TRP norms is recommendations for a weekly motor regimen, which provide for a minimum amount of various types motor activity required for self-preparation to perform types of tests (tests) and standards, development physical qualities, preservation and strengthening of health. Recommendations for weekly exercise routines include morning exercises, organized activities in sports clubs and sections, and self-study physical education, physical activity in the process of educational or work activity. For example, adults morning exercises it is necessary to engage in at least 140 minutes a week, attend classes in sports sections and circles for at least 120 minutes a week, independently engage in physical education for at least 120 minutes a week, have physical activity during educational or work activities for at least 90-100 minutes. At the same time, during vacation and vacation time, the daily motor regime should be at least 4 hours. If you follow these recommendations, your physical capabilities and health will be so good that you can easily pass the RLD complex.

The complex provides for the awarding of insignia to citizens who have fulfilled the standards, and for the I-VII stages (from 6 to 39 years old) there are standards for the bronze, silver and gold badges, for more senior groups - the TRP badge of the corresponding stage.

It is envisaged that the presence of the TRP insignia will be taken into account when applying for training in educational programs higher education - according to the rules approved educational organizations and in the appointment of a state academic scholarship - excellent students of the TRP who have a gold sign, the scholarship may be awarded in an increased amount.

In addition, employers are given the right to encourage employees who have fulfilled the standards of the TRP complex and have distinctions. Employers of the extra-budgetary sphere also give positive assessments of such an initiative, expressing their readiness to also encourage employees who have the TRP insignia.


Physical education is aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the human body, this is one of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society.

Since 1996, several programs of physical education have been put into effect on the territory of the Russian Federation: a program based on one sport, a comprehensive program, a program of anti-stress plastic gymnastics, author's programs. The peculiarity of the programs is that they not only answer the question "what to teach" , but also explain "how to teach", i.e. contain a section of guidelines.

Thanks to the development and implementation of such programs, it was possible to preserve the state system of physical culture and sports management.


1. The introduction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" in the educational systems of the Russian Federation // [Electronic resource]. Url:

2. History of the TRP // [Electronic resource]. URL: http: //xn38glc8bt.xnp1ai/index.php/istoriya

3. The history of the emergence and scientific and methodological substantiation of the complex "Ready for labor and defense" // [Electronic resource]. URL:

4. From the history of the TRP. Physical culture and sports complex GTO // [Electronic resource]. URL:

5. All-Russian TRP complex - for a healthy lifestyle // [Electronic resource]. URL:

6. TRP // [Electronic resource]. URL:



Age (years)

Types of tests (tests)


Mandatory tests (tests)

1. Running 100 meters (sec.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

2. Run 3 km (min., Sec.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

or weight snatch (number of times)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

5. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench (cm)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Tests (tests) optional

6. Throwing a sports equipment weighing 700 g (m)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

7. Cross-country skiing 5 km (min., Sec.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

or 5 km cross-country cross

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

Excluding time

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

Excluding time

8. Swimming 50 m (min., Sec.)

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

9. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m (glasses

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

10. Tourist hike with a test of tourist skills

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign


Age (years)

Types of tests (tests)


Mandatory tests (tests)

1. Running 100 meters (sec.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

2. Run 2 km (min., Sec.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

3. Long jump with a run (cm)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

or long jump from a place with a push with two legs (cm)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

4. Pulling up from a hang on a high bar (number of times)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

or flexion and extension of the arms in support lying on the floor (number of times)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

5. Raising the body from a supine position (number of times in 1 min.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

6. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench (cm)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Tests (tests) optional

7. Throwing a sports equipment weighing 500 g (m)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

8. Cross-country skiing for 3 km (min., Sec.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

or 5 km (min., sec.)

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

or 3 km cross-country cross *

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

Excluding time

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

Excluding time

9. Swimming 50 m (min., Sec.)

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Excluding time

Silver badge

Excluding time

Golden sign

10. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m (glasses

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m (glasses

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

11. Camping trip with testing of tourist skills in accordance with age requirements

Number of tests (tests) in the age group

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Number of types of tests (tests) that must be performed to obtain the Complex's distinction **

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

Bronze sign

Silver badge

Golden sign

* For snowless areas of the country.

** When fulfilling the standards for obtaining the Complex insignia, tests (tests) for strength, speed, flexibility and endurance are mandatory.

physical culture defense

Figure A1 - A sample of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense"

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