Physical education program in the camp. Sports shift program in the country camp

summer sports and recreation camp

in the discipline "Theory and methodology of volleyball"

Explanatory note

The program of the summer sports and recreation camp is developed according to the curriculum "Physical education at school", one of the disciplines of which is the theory and methodology of the chosen type of physical culture and sports activity, in particular, "Volleyball".

According to the curriculum, the entire educational process should be aimed at forming a foundation of technical and tactical foundations for students, which then allows them to move on to further specialization in the "Volleyball" activity profile.

Volleyball is a game, a team sport, an Olympic discipline, a form of leisure and self-expression, a method of communication, a hobby, a show, a party, etc.

Volleyball is a great team game that has both tactics and endurance and all body systems are involved. On volleyball training, as in other sports games, they teach to use a variety of methods and techniques with which the game is played. They are called technology. It consists of delivering the ball through the net, passing to a partner, attacking shots and blocking. In order to learn how to play, you need to master this technique, which is what volleyball coaches teach.

Volleyball is one of the most intelligent sports due to the versatility of the game. It has everything - precision, strength, and excellent reaction. In a volleyball player, the reaction is close to that of a boxer, fencer and hockey goalkeeper. Playing volleyball has a very beneficial effect on the heart and on the entire body as a whole.

With constant training in the volleyball section, each time moving from more simple exercises to more difficult, mastering new methods, you will not only learn to play volleyball, but you will get excellent health and good mood. Volleyball is a game for everyone!

Features of the program

The program was created on the basis of a volleyball training course. It focuses on play to attract the interest of schoolchildren. Sports games, especially volleyball, provide unique opportunities not only for the physical, but also for the moral education of children: the development of cognitive processes, the development of will and character, the education of a sense of collectivism.

Classes in sports section is the main and leading form of physical culture and recreation activities. The main requirements for their implementation are: applied orientation, systematic and complex education of motor qualities, the formation of the necessary skills in volleyball, the achievement of a hardening effect (conducting classes in the open air), the development of the habit of independently practicing physical exercise, an individual approach to students.

The specialization program provides for classes in the form of lectures, practical exercises and educational practice.

At the lectures, children are given basic information on the history of the development of volleyball, the basics of technique and tactics of the game, the basics sports training volleyball.

In practical lessons, children master the technique and tactics of the game, the method of refereeing games.

The program provides for the study of volleyball in the following sections:

1. General basics of volleyball.

2. Basics of volleyball technique and tactics.

3. Methods of teaching the technique of the game.

4. Methods of teaching the basics of tactics of the game.

5. The basics of physical training in volleyball.

6. Organization and methodology of volleyball lessons.

At each lesson, children learn the technique and tactics of the game. Get acquainted with the organization and conduct of competitions, the rules of the game.

Learn more complex game techniques, individual tactics, upbringing methods physical qualities volleyball player. In practice, exercises for general and special physical training are mastered.

1. Goals and objectives

The program of the course provides for the study of the theory and methodology of conducting volleyball classes, mastering techniques and tactical actions, acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills for self-study

1.2 Objectives

The program consistently solves the main tasks of physical culture and health education:

1) health promotion, promotion of harmonious physical development;

2) development of motor abilities (conditioning and coordination);

3) learning is vital motor skills and skills;

4) acquisition of the necessary knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports;

5) fostering the habit of independently engaging in physical exercises for rest, training, increasing efficiency and strengthening health;

6) education of moral and volitional qualities.

As a result of learning volleyball, children should know:

1. Theoretical and methodological foundations physical education systems.

2. Anatomical and physiological features of the development of the body of children and the influence of various exercises on the development of the body.

3. Technique and tactics of the game, teaching methods.

4. Competition rules.

5. Master the skills of refereeing.

2. Sections of the program

The material of the program consists of four sections: "Basics of knowledge", "General physical training (GPT)," Special training ".

The section "General physical training" corresponds to a similar section of the physical education program for students and includes exercises from various sports: athletics, gymnastics, football, basketball, as well as exercises with rope, etc.

3. Special training

Player stance. Moving with a step, jogging, side step, running left, right, running with a change of direction and an abrupt stop at a signal. Passing the ball from above with two hands in place and after moving forward, right, left, back. Individual juggling above and below oneself.

Receiving the ball from below with both hands on the spot and after moving. Upper straight feed in light conditions (distance - 3–6 m from the net).

Explanation of the rules of playing volleyball using the example of pioneerball (placement of players on the court, transfer of players, throwing the ball into the game with a throw-in with one hand).

The introduction of the ball for girls is allowed from a distance of 6-7 m from the net, for boys - at mandatory because of the facial line. When explaining the rules of the game of pioneerball, it is agreed required condition: Perform three touches of the ball with a throw to the side of the opponent in a jump with a three-step run with two hands.

Alternating ways to move players. Passing the ball from above and below with two hands after moving forward, backward, left, right. Upper straight feed. Receiving the ball from the serve. Relay races and outdoor games with elements of volleyball ("Who is more accurate?", "Who is the best?", "Be able to pass and serve"). Educational game in pioneerball, introducing the ball into the game with a bottom or top serve from a distance of 6–7 m from the net.

Alternating ways of moving; stop by step and jump. Transfers from above and below oneself, in columns through the net with a change for the ball. Receiving the ball from the serve. Striking blow in lightweight conditions. Top feed. Individual tactical actions. Group tactical actions (interaction of front line players from second gear in zone 3). Educational game, relay races and outdoor games.

Passing the ball from above and below with two hands above oneself, forward, after moving, from above with two hands behind the head. Reception of the ball from the serve in zones 1, 6, 5 with finishing the game in zone 3. Attacking kick from the second transfer in zones 2, 4, 3. Finishing the ball over the net. Single and double blocking. Individual, group and team actions. Interaction of players on the line of defense and attack. Educational game, relay races and outdoor games.

Passing the ball along the net after moving, passing the ball in a jump, forward hitting "on the move" in zones 2 and 4, attacking hitting the line. Single and double blocks. Safety net for the attacker and the blocker. Targeted serves with and without the ball. Receiving the ball from the serve and the attacking blow. The interaction of lines of attack and defense. Educational game in complicated conditions (reduced composition, the net is covered with a cloth). Relays and outdoor games with volleyball elements.

Improvement of learned technical and tactical techniques in exercises of a game nature. Group and team tactical actions, the interaction of players on the court. Individual tactical actions: when serving, passing, attacking shots and receiving the ball from the service. The functions of the players on the court. Group and team actions in attack and defense.

1.2. Methodology for conducting classes

when teaching techniques

Sequence of teaching stances and movements

1. Execution of racks in place.

2. Move at a slow pace. Walking lunges, in a half-squat, on the outside and inside feet, on toes and heels. Running 15–20 m segments with acceleration. Alternating walking and running. Movement in different ways in different directions by visual and sound signals. Running from various ip: facing or backwards; side steps; with jumping. Various relay races, including running, jumping, somersaults, acceleration on segments of 8-15 m with a change in direction ("herringbone", shuttle run 9-3-6-3-9 m).

3. A combination of movements at a slow and medium pace, followed by the adoption of a stance.

4. Moving at a high pace, followed by the adoption of the rack.

5. Accepting the player's stance after moving on a sound or visual signal.

Sequence of teaching ball passing from above

1. Imitation of techniques from above with two hands while standing still without the ball.

2. The same, but with the ball.

3. Passing the ball in pairs with the partner throwing in the ball.

4. Double pass of the ball in pairs from a distance of 3-5 m between partners.

5. The same, but from a distance of 5–6 m.

6. Top pass of the ball with two hands after moving forward, then back. Pay attention to the stop before performing the move.

7. The same, but after moving left and right.

8. Passing the ball with a change in flight trajectory.

9. Passing the ball for accuracy.

10. Passing the ball in combination with sophisticated methods.

The sequence of learning to pass the ball from below

The same sequence is followed as when learning to receive the ball from above.

1. Imitation of passing the ball from below. The legs and torso work first, then the arms.

2. Receiving the ball from below after throwing it by a partner, distance - 4–5 m.

3. Receiving the ball from below after bouncing off the floor.

4. Receiving the ball from below after moving to the right, left, forward, backward. Make sure that it hits the forearms and not the hands.

5. Combination of high and low gears in pairs or against a wall.

Sequence of learning to serve

The sequence given is followed when studying all methods of serving.

1. Execution of filing in simplified conditions. Imitation of the studied method (performed in three counts: 1 - swing; 2 - tossing; 3 - hitting the ball).

2. Combination of imitation of service with a toss of the ball. Striking motion can be replaced by catching the ball. Target this exercise- to teach how to toss the ball correctly.

3. Serving the ball in pairs across the court.

4. Submission of the ball to the partner for accuracy (distance - 5–6 m from the net).

5. Serving the ball from the endline.

6. Submission of the ball to the left and right sides of the court.

7. Submission of the ball for accuracy in a given part of the court.

Sequence of training for attacking strikes

At the beginning of classes, it is advisable to use a dismembered teaching method: the first shock movement on the ball in place, then in a jump, and only then in a jump after a run.

1. Attacking blow from own throw in the support position against the wall in pairs.

2. When taking off, you should pay attention to the performance of the last, third, step, which should be the longest and end with a “stopping” movement of the feet (feet are parallel).

3. Imitation of an attacking blow with 3 steps of a run.

4. Attacking hit with a running start, but the ball is fixed by a partner standing on a dais (bedside table, chair, etc.).

5. Attacking blow from own throwing of the ball; with a throwing of the ball by a partner.

6. Attack hit after the oncoming pass, and then with the pass along the net.

7. Direct attacking pass from zone 3; the flight path is average (distance - up to 0.5 m from the grid).

8. Attacking blow from all attacking zones after passing transfers of different heights and directions.

9. The same, but with the translation of the body to the left, to the right; when landing, the feet turn in the direction of the ball's movement.

10. The same, but the translation is performed by turning the brush to the left or right.

Training sessions for practicing the technique of elements

It is advisable to include trainings for practicing technique in the form of separate classes in training program... This workout is only for those who play volleyball on a regular basis.

The elements are given in the classical order and to the extent that a student who regularly plays volleyball in the amateur school section can handle.

The exercises are selected in such a way that students have the opportunity to work out the technique in game situations. At the same time, players will learn to determine their role and their own playing possibilities on the court, depending on their position.

The inclusion of training for practicing the technique of elements is an opportunity to make classes more varied and interesting. In addition, our students will have a chance to become a little professional in what they love.

In the final part of each lesson for practicing technique - a game on the instructions of the coach (to work out one element).

As a supplement, several classes are given to work out the technique of elements in parallel with strength and speed exercises.

Feeding technique

Of the four types of volleyball serve: lower side, upper side, lower straight and upper straight - the advantage today remains with the straight overhead.

First, the pitcher sees the court, and therefore the opponent's line-up.

Secondly, having a good serving technique, the server can serve the ball to a specific player and contribute to the disruption of the opponent's plan.

Thirdly, direct overhead serve can also be power, which makes the reception even more difficult.

For most girls and especially boys, the position of the hand with the upper straight feed is close to natural movement: throws of any objects are made, as a rule, with an outstretched hand, the hand drops small objects when bent. It is especially important that when throwing with hands, the legs are clearly coordinated

The most effective and competent serve is a straight arm strike, so all explanations will be based on this movement. The main teaching principle is consistency. At each lesson in any exercise, a straight arm is controlled.

The tutorial begins by explaining and showing all the moments of the element, from the player's stance to hitting the ball. Player stance: left leg stands on the entire foot, the right one - on the toe, at the level of the heel of the left foot. The player holds the ball on a bent left hand at the level of the lower part of the face. Right hand stretched up. The movement begins with the right leg: with a free step, touching the floor with the heel. After moving to the entire foot, you immediately step with your left foot and always from the heel. Before she takes a step on the support, the ball should be thrown to a height of 30–40 cm from the fingers of the outstretched hand. The foot step and kick should be a single movement. More than one generation of girls has been taught this flow over the years, and it did not cause any excitement.

Training exercises

1. Stand on straight legs, arms extended upwards and hold a medicine ball (up to 1 kg) in “wide” palms. Without bending your legs, perform a quick movement with your heels off the floor and throw the ball up with your hands. And just catch the ball on straight arms.

2. Throws in pairs: with a game ball and a small medicine ball.

3. The same exercise - in threes with two balls (two in place, the third in motion).

4. One of the pair lies on his back, arms outstretched behind the head. The partner stands in front of him at a distance of 2-3 m and throws a medicine ball exactly in the wrist. Having caught the ball lying on the floor, the player, without raising the body high, returns it back with straight arms.

This is very effective exercise, which can later be used for all groups of practitioners, but it requires discipline from the players who throw the balls. Any negligence - and the ball can hit a partner in the face. What balls to throw? At the initial stage, a game ball is used to consolidate the skill. Gradually alternating: for junior group- game ball and small medicine ball; for middle and senior - stuffed weighing 1 kg and 2 kg. For the development of the strength of the arms and shoulders, the main thing is to increase not the number of throws (5 for the younger group and 10 for the older ones), but only the number of series: two, three, four. The repetition of the series should occur throughout the entire workout. After a month or two, with regular practice of this movement, you will be able to make sure that your players have noticeably strengthened their arms and shoulders: the throwing range will increase.

5. Two are standing with balls: one is at the net, the second is at the endline, the third player lies between them - facing the player at the net. The player at the net makes a sketch to the person who is lying down; he catches the ball, brings it back, while sitting, turns to the endline, quickly lies down, and he gets a shot from the second player.

Mesh feed

Whatever the quality of the serve, the player always has the desire to serve through the net. Do not deprive him of this desire, but make sure that the player is at such a distance from the net that would allow him to break the ball over the net and feel the emotional uplift from this. The first step of feeding through the net will cause many more chagrin than joy. Who will interrupt the net faster? Players of medium height. They are more mobile and coordinated. As for the taller players, their time is still ahead. They require a different approach to teaching. There can be one or several players in a group who, according to their physical data, are able to immediately serve. But this is like an exception, which should not affect the teaching of the entire group.

At the first stages of mastering, learning to serve should be interesting, emotional, and include competitive elements.

Training exercises

In threes.

1. Three players stand on each side of the court, the distance is determined by the coach. Each player has a ball. The service technique is determined by a five-point system: step, throwing the ball, hitting through the net with a straight arm. The coach evaluates the serve, explaining his decision. The three players collect the total amount of points, and the winner among all the three is determined by their number.

2. On the front line, three jump ropes, at the signal of the coach, everyone runs to the place of serving and serves in turn.

3. There are benches in the center of the court. Running from the endline to the service point.

4. At the service point, three men rotate the hoops, at the coach's command - stop and serve.

5. On the front line, three make "bridges", at the command of the coach they go down and run to the place of service.

6. In the center of the court, each player has a checkmate. At the command of the coach, everyone does rolls (if they know how to do it) and serves.

These and other exercises have one goal - to work out the serving technique in a variety of movements, without trying to increase the player's distance from the net. Only after a good fixation of the technique of all the serve motions can the player's distance be gradually increased.

Temporary submission

As the quality of the serve improves, the requirements for the players become more complex. The serve should be more than just a simple element of kicking the ball over the net. Players must be able to use at least two types of serves, and moreover successfully.

The feed includes two components. The first is the type of serve, movement and their variety (which depends on the player); the second is the psychological factor (the atmosphere in the hall).

In order to improve delivery throughout the workout, a method must be chosen that promotes the quality of the training and is the main element in general training other items. This element is the temporary submission. Its main difference lies in the fact that when it is carried out, the serving time, the task for the players, the control of the coach (or appointed "duty officers") over the serving time is clearly defined.

1. Before the start of the training, the entire group is calculated in numerical order. The coach determines the timing of the service. For example, after 5 minutes. The one who was the first in the calculation becomes the duty officer. The serve begins after the warm-up ends. As soon as the coach announces: "Service", the watchman on duty marks the time and at the end of his five minutes announces: "Service". Everyone stops their exercises and only serves. After the last serve by the first attendant, the next attendant takes control of his time and the rest of the players continue their drills. All players who do not participate in the exercises, but only keep track of the time, control their five minutes. How many feeds can you perform in this mode in two hours? 50-60, if there are at least 40 balls in class.

2. Delivery after 10 minutes. The first 5 innings - for the technique of movement, the second 5 innings - in pairs. With this length of time, the attendants participate in the exercise, but constantly monitor their time.

3. Submission after 5 minutes. no room for error: at what score the error was made, its reasons, the next 5 innings - to correct the error.

4. Before the start of the serve, all players receive a task from the coach - various exercises: push-ups, lifting the hip, jumping, jumping rope, etc. Each player, going out to his serve, explains his drill to everyone. It can be done immediately or in parts: 5 serves - 5 push-ups.

5. Every 5 minutes. the next person on duty goes to serve with his exercise. At the same time, the players offer interesting exercises, original tasks, and if something is wrong, the coach can suggest.

6. On one half of the court, three players stand behind the endline, in zones 5-6-1, three players stand at the reception. The same position on the other side of the court. Each side, after three innings, changes its position, and at this time the other side also serves the other side to jump. Which zone to serve is determined by the coach.

7. Delivery after 5 minutes. All players make various playing and jumping movements for 5 minutes.

Training exercises

1. In pairs. The player at the net makes a short throw of the ball onto the three-meter line, the second from the endline goes to the rebound and runs to the endline. Continuously 3-4 repetitions.

2. In pairs. Passing from the bottom of the wall: after the second touch - move to the side by two steps.

3. In threes. One stands with the ball at a distance, the second is in the center of the court, the third is at the net with the ball. Exercise to develop shifting speed, as well as to train the transfer for the player in the center. The player against the wall holds the ball in outstretched arms and throws the ball over his head and into the wall. The player in the center determines the bounce of the ball, makes a reception to that player and turns to the net for a pass from the player at the net. Change after 10 receptions.

4. In pairs. The player at the net has 5 balls, the second player is on the other side. The player in zone 4 makes a high jump to the player in zone 5, quickly moves 4 m away from the net and repeats the exercise.

Receiving filing

So that the reception of the serve is not weak point in the game of the team, it is necessary to include in the exercises exercises that allow the players to be fast, dexterous, and develop coordination. Exercises for group interaction are effective.

Training exercises

1. Players in zones 5-1 do somersaults and immediately receive a trick from their server. After taking the third one quickly feeds on anyone. The ball is played for a counterattack.

2. Three people on the right side of the court sit on the floor with their backs to the net. At a signal from one of the pitchers, they quickly get up, turn around and take their own (each from their own falling) serve. The fourth immediately serves, the three accepts, plays and attacks.

3. Two (three) jump behind the endline with skipping ropes. At the signal, they throw the skipping ropes, run out into the reception areas and take their feeds.

4. Two (three) sit on chairs with their backs to the net. At the signal of one server, they quickly get up, run behind their chair and perform the reception of their serve. The fourth serves to receive and organize the attack.

5. Two (three) jump on their skipping ropes, throw them at the signal, jump over the benches and receive their passes.

6. Two on right side, two - on the left. At the signal of one on the left side of the pair, they make a leapfrog jump. Those who jumped on the left side - immediately serve (near the landing of the ball), who jumped on the right side - accepts. Change of movements.

7. A third is added on the left side. The same movements, only on the right side, the one who jumped runs to the side and makes a trick from the third server.

8. Players Nos. 4 and 2 block, run 6–7 m deep, turn around and receive the serve of each server. In this element, the outgoing one is added after the receptions, the second serve to one of the receivers is brought to the outgoing one, and the attack is organized.

9. On the left side of the court are the servers in zones 5-1. On the right - No. 5 makes a pass to zone 2–3, where a player runs out of zone 1, makes a pass to the player in zone 4 and runs off to a reception in zone 1. No. 4 remains at the net. No. 1 accepts - fine-tuning to 4–3, No. 4 passes to zone 2, where the player of zone 1 runs out again. The number is as instructed by the coach.

10. On the right side, the players in zones 1-6-5 take counterattacks through the net from nos. 4-3-2, and at once three players from zones 1-6-5 alternately serve the ball to their players in the same zones on the opposite side ... After admission, an attack is organized.

Receiving the ball from below

1. Legs should be in a comfortable wide stance in a bent position. The level of this position depends on the physical capabilities of each player, but everyone should have a middle position. Legs are parallel.

2. The body is straight. It is very important that at the time of teaching the bottom move, the trainer pays attention to the student's curved back and quickly corrects it. Since the body is slightly directed forward, at this moment the back arches, as it were, and some kind of stoop may develop over time. It is necessary to bend the back and shoulders inward (towards the stomach). The position of the head should be such that the gaze is horizontal. The flight of the ball, its level, the change in direction is determined only by the look. Choosing a position to meet the ball is the basis of an accurate pass. It is necessary to take the position to receive the ball after the ball has flown half or a third of the way. When the ball is next to a player or, even worse, overhead, a mistake is inevitable.

3. Brushes in the "lock", straight arms extended and lowered down. Reception goes to the forearms. The positions of the body and arms are maximally interconnected, and it is impossible to separate their movements. It all depends on the position of the ball, its strength and where the pass should be made. One thing is important - your hands do not fall under your feet.

Training exercises

1. To develop a low stance, strikes should be made as low as possible to the feet of the receiving player. This achieves lowering quickly to one of the knees, and the body is left straight. Mistake: the reception is almost on straight legs, but due to the flexion of the back and the displacement of the forearms towards the legs.

2. To swing the forearms to the right or left, throw the ball straight into the chest. In this flight of the ball, the body is transferred to one leg, for example, to the right, and the forearms take the place of the body. This movement is often used for low body shots when there is no retreat possible.

3. Moving in a low stance without moving the arms to the sides. The quality of the passes is always better if the hands move on the ball in front of the body. To do this, you must first take 2-3 steps to the side, and then receive the ball (unless, of course, the ball flies sharply).

4. Exercise with several balls. The receiver immediately improves 2–3 different types of debugging: serving, hitting, rebounds of short throws.

5. Exercise for accuracy in finishing games, when there can be no strong attack from the side of the opponent and he simply throws the ball over. The main thing in this technique is attentiveness and right choice position.

Transfer of the breeder. The breeder is the player who determines all the actions of the other players in the team. How many breeders should there be in a team?

Two breeders are absolutely necessary for a team of younger and middle age. Why? In the junior and middle teams, the breeder sees only his closest player in his line and can make a pass only to him. At this level, the teams have not yet mastered the attack, and the whole game boils down to throwing the ball over the net.

All quality work of the breeder is to make an accurate transmission, not only technically, but also at such a distance where the attack will take place. Ocular preparation of breeders is daily lesson... He must perfectly see the volleyball court, especially the opponent, the movement and actions of his players, and also know the manner of the players' play and anticipate these actions, quickly making changes in his team. The consistency of the eye depends on systematic exercise and long training. If the breeder (or another player) missed classes for more than a week, then the eye will be restored only after two weeks, and then only to the original level.

Training exercises

1. High gears from any zones of the first line forward.

2. High gears forward and behind the head.

3. High gears forward, not brought to the grid (at a distance of 3-4 m).

4. High gears forward from the depths of the site.

As the skill level of the players and the breeder increases, the requirements for the variety and quality of passes are increasing. A simple game with only high gears, almost only forward, can no longer be of high quality. You can diversify and complicate the transfer, for example, like this:

- a short pass in the center of the net for player # 3 to take off;

- the same short transfer behind the head to player No. 2;

- the breeder from zones 2, 3 makes a quick understatement (lumbago) to zone number 4;

- the breeder ties up the combined play with the front line strikers and high assists for the players in zones 1 and 6.

In game episodes, you can often find a pass from below, addressed to the edges of the net, by players who do not have a good pass from above. These players have a simple problem: to pass for a simple game without making mistakes.

In order to make such a transfer, the thrower (and only he has the right to do this) works out a lot of movements in the jump. What is a jump pass for and when? Are there any differences from standing and jumping?

At the moment of the jump, the breeder raises the pitch of the pass faster than if he did it standing on his feet, and therefore the player handles the ball on takeoff almost at the maximum height in the "finished" form.

Improvement of gears and development of basic motor qualities

Training exercises


For the breeder, speed in movement and decision-making is one of the components of success. These movements are very diverse both along the length of the segment and in the direction.

1. Running up to 5 minutes in pairs with passing.

2. Shuttle run (one series), transfer on assignment.

3. In zone 1 - reception of service or attacking blow, fast movement to the net and passes from throws.

Speed ​​endurance

1. Shuttle running with touching the line of attack, center line, running over the net to the line of attack (the volume is determined by the coach).

2. Five passes after the coach's throws from zones 2-3-4 (the number of series is determined by the coach).

3. Transfer after exits from zones 1, 5 (number - according to the instructions of the coach), block in zones 3, 4, again to zone 1, exit, transfers according to the task.


1. Somersaults, rolls, passing the ball.

2. Jumping over the rope with an additional step with subsequent transfers. One makes the transfer, the second - the attacking blow.

3. 360 ° turn, block, transfer.

4. Outputs. Stops, transfers from the middle of the site to zones 4 or 2.

5. Players in zones 4–3–2 simultaneously make a block, retreat about the seventh meter of the court, and receive throws.

Protective actions

Defensive actions begin with the "start of the game" signal and end with the end of the game. This can take from one hour to more than two. All this time, the players in tension control the opponent's actions, the direction of the ball's flight.

  • Carrying out educational and preventive work with children in order to prevent or eliminate negative psychological factors that worsen their mental health;
  • Conversations with children to establish and maintain their interpersonal relationships.

Forms and methods of work

Individual and collective forms of work in the camp are carried out using traditional methods (conversation, observation, assignment, drawing contests, posters, matinees, holidays, excursions); method of interactive teaching (social and psychological trainings, role-playing games, discussions); in which children do not easily "pass" something, but they live in certain specific situations. One of the most important means and methods of organizing educational space is the creation of children's self-government bodies - independence in the manifestation of initiative, decision-making and its self-realization.

Educational and methodological equipment of the program

  1. Afanasyev S.P. Komorin S.V. - What to do with children in a country camp, - M .: 2009
  2. Zhirenko O. E. The world of holidays, shows, quizzes, - M .: "5" for knowledge, 2008
  3. Lobacheva S.I., Velikorodnaya V.A. Country summer camp. - M .: VAKO, 2008.
  4. Rotkina T. S., Kurzova O. A., Nesterenko A. V. Lessons of kindness and mercy, - O .: "Childhood", 2007
  5. Sokolova N. V. Summer, vacation - the path to success: a collection of programs and games for children and adolescents in a children's health camp, - O .: "Childhood", 2009
  6. S.V. Titov Hello summer! - Volgograd, Teacher, 2007
  7. Shmakov S.A. Joke games, minute games. M., 2009

4. Implementation mechanism

Stages of the program:

1. Preparatory (May):


Preparation of teaching materials;

Preparation of the material and technical base.

2. Organizational:

Formation of detachments;

Acquaintance with the camp schedule and rules;

Decoration of the corners of the detachments.

3. Main (21 days):

Educational activities;

Wellness activities;

Cultural and leisure activities;

Methodical work with educators, counselors.

4. Final:

Closing the shift (last day of the shift);

Collection of reporting material;

Analysis of program implementation and development of recommendations;

Release of the video diary.

Educational activities as part of the shift, it provides educational activities related to the history of volunteerism in Russia, the study of spiritual and moral traditions and the history of the native land.

Educational activities also provide for acquaintance with the world of movement, sounds, colors, sensations. Based on the development of modeling skills, making crafts from various materials, in the process of productive creative activity, children get acquainted with a single picture of the world.

Wellness activities promotes culture physical health, interest in sports, motivates children to take care of their health and active rest. For the successful implementation of this block, it is necessary to equip a playground, an invitation from a physical education teacher. Physical exercise, fresh air, acquaintance with the beautiful corners of nature, health and various sports and entertainment activities contribute to the creation of a positive physiological and psychological background.

Cultural and leisure activities consists of camp and detachment activities (creative contests of drawings, poems, ditties; making posters; theatrical game programs, etc.), as well as visits to exhibitions and the school museum.

Gaining new knowledge in preparation for events of various orientations (quizzes, competitions, etc.) leads to an enrichment of the child's worldview, which, in turn, affects the change in the personal behavior of each member of the team.




Explanatory note.

At present, society has realized the need to implement the cultural goals of education, focused on the individual and his self-development in specific pedagogical systems, including in summer health camps. Summer vacations make up a significant part of the annual amount of free time for schoolchildren, but not all parents can provide their child with a full, properly organized rest.

The development of this program for organizing summer vacations, health improvement and employment of children was caused by:

An increase in the demand of parents and children for organized recreation;

The need to use the rich creative potential of adolescents and teachers in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the program.

This program in its focus is sports and health, at the same time, it unites various areas of health improvement, recreation and upbringing of children through the humanistic principle of respect for national characteristics, cultural values.

In terms of duration, the program is short-term, i.e. implemented during the camp shift.

The main camp is composed of students of educational institutions at the age of 6-14 years. When picking Special attention is given to children from low-income, large, single-parent families, from families of Chernobyl victims, from families with retired parents, as well as children in difficult life situations. The activity of pupils during the camp shift is carried out in groups of different ages, on average, 20 people.

The program was developed taking into account the following legislative and regulatory documents:

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

Federal Law "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated 24.07.98, No. 124 -f3;

Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-f3;

Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Protection of Consumer Rights and the Code of the RSFSR "On Administrative Violations" dated 09.01 96 g No. 2 -f3;

On the establishment of the procedure for carrying out changes in specialized camps, with a day stay, labor and rest camps. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2001 No. 2688.

GOAL: creation of optimal conditions that ensure a good rest for children, their health improvement and creative development.


1. Promote the strengthening of skills for a healthy lifestyle;

2. Unleash the creativity of children;

3. To organize a system of educational activities that ensure the formation of value attitudes among students towards ethnic and universal values;

4. Develop various forms of communication in the native self

Implementation mechanism.

1 .The preparatory stage includes:


Recruitment of detachments,

Development of documentation.

2. The organizational stage includes:


Revealing and setting goals for the development of the team and personality;

Cohesion of detachments;

Formation of laws and conditions for joint work;

Preparation for further activities under the program.

3 . The main stage includes the implementation of the main provisions of the program

Parents, children, teachers, public organizations - organizers of the program:

They learn, rest, work;

They make discoveries in themselves, in the world around them;

Help in carrying out district events;

Learn to cope with negative emotions, overcome difficult life situations; develop the ability to trust yourself and others;

Improves health;

During the implementation of the program, pupils make out detachment corners with the theme of the camp's orientation;

4. The final stage.

Psychology - socially pedagogical analysis of the results.

Participant information

(social composition of pupils)

Total children-

From large families _________

From socially vulnerable families __________

From refugee families __________

From among children - orphans _________

From among children deprived of parental care _________

From families of Chernobyl victims __________

From families of single parents __________

From families of participants in interethnic conflicts ________

Children with disabilities (disabled) _______

Children from families in a socially dangerous situation - registered at school __________

Terms and conditions of stay.

The program is implemented during one camp shift. The camp is financed from parental funds, the social insurance fund, and budget funding.

Expected results.

1) Introduction of effective forms of organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children.

2) Improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space of the camp.

3) Strengthening the health of pupils.

4) Development of the creative activity of each child, the formation of the image of a student who is able to preserve ethnic and national values, language, norms and traditions to those around him.

5) Strengthening connections between different age groups of children.

Camp preparation plan.

Name of the event


Problem analysis of the state, work of the camp.


Editing camp regulations.

Camp chief

Working with parents, children.

Camp head, educators

Drawing up a social passport.

Camp chief

Creation of a staffing table

Camp chief

Acquaintance of camp workers with uniform pedagogical requirements

Deputy head of the camp

Preparation of safety documents for camp workers and children

Camp chief

Camp program development

Camp head, educators

Passing medical commission, preparation of sanitary books

Camp workers

Inspection of premises, territory:

Assembly hall, detachment rooms, toilets, changing room, sports ground

Camp chief, deputy director for AHP

Drawing up orders for the opening of the camp, the appointment of responsible persons

Director of the educational institution

Development of a work plan for the camp, detachments

Camp head, educators

Compiling squad lists


Purchase of stationery, board games.

Camp chief

OU canteen agreement on children's nutrition

Camp chief

Formation prize fund, certificates, souvenirs

Camp head, educators

Collection of inventory, music library, sports equipment, equipment


Scheduling of work

Camp chief

Foyer decoration, detachment seats


Security corner decoration

Camp chief

Decorating a corner for parents


Completing the first aid kit

Camp chief

Registration of vouchers


Media invitation - newspaper to cover the work of the camp

Camp chief

Perspective work plan of a summer camp with a day stay for children.

Camp characteristics (camp passport)

Composition of the teaching staff.

During the camp shift __ 7 people work according to the staff schedule of the camp:

1.2. Territory, premises.

During the work of the summer health camp, the school territory (OU), the sports ground are used, as well as:

Assembly hall -1;

Detachment rooms -4;

Psychologist's office -1;

Nurse's office -1;

Toilet rooms -1

Video room - 1

Gym - 1

1.3. Equipment

For the successful implementation of the program, the following inventory is used.

Sports equipment:

Rubber and volleyball balls ___ pcs;

Badmintons ___ pcs;

Table tennis ___ pieces;

Hoops ___ pcs;

Darts ____ pcs;

Board games ____ pcs;


TV set 1pc;

VCR 1pc;

Music center -1pc;

Household items: tables, chairs


The council or camp asset is a self-governing body.

The squad council chooses a commander. The squad leaders constitute the camp council. The units also select those responsible for various areas of activity.

Adults are included as equal members of the asset:

to the camp council, the head of the camp;

to the Council of the detachment educators, commanders of the detachments.


Asset, as a form of self-government of children for the protection of rights and interests, acts in order to:

Providing assistance in conducting health-improving, cultural and mass events and creative affairs;

Creation of conditions in the camp for the development of the physical, creative and intellectual potential of children;

Assistance in creating a favorable psychological climate.


Each member of the asset has the right to:

To participate in the discussion of all the affairs of the camp and to freely express your opinion;

To protect their interests and rights.

Each member of the asset is obliged to:

Responsibly carry out the assigned work;

Observe the laws of communication and culture of behavior.

Goals and objectives of health-improving and educational work.

GOAL:- the creation of optimal conditions that ensure a good rest for children, their health and creative development.


Organize a system of recreational activities related to the prevention of common diseases in children;

Promote the strengthening of healthy lifestyle skills;

Unleash the creativity of children;

Develop various forms of communication in the native language in groups of different ages.

Individual work with children.

The educational process takes place throughout the shift and includes:

Conversations on the rules of behavior, culture of communication, compliance with norms, customs.

Conversations on the prevention of negative situations.



1 day. _______ Day of acquaintance.

8.30 -9.00 - children reception. General collection - briefing on the organization of the camp shift.

9.00 - 10.00 - breakfast.

10.00 - 10.30 - game program "Let's get to know each other".

10.30 - 11.30 - preparation and holding of the contest "My business card".

11.30 - 12.30 - time for creative work: choosing the name of the detachment, motto, emblem, decoration of the corners.

12.30-13.00 - lunch.

13.00 -14.30 -sleep

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

Day 2. _______ Day of the camp. (Preparation for the opening)

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

9.00 - 9.30 - breakfast.

9.30-10.00 - hobby classes.

10.00-10.30 Meeting in the Bumba Country.

10.30 -12.00 - time for creative work: the choice of a self-government body in the camp detachments, the design of the corners.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00 -14.30 -sleep

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00 15.30 - afternoon tea.

Day 3.________ Opening of the camp

8.30 -8.35 - children reception.

8.35-9.00 charging, ruler.


9.30-12.00 - a festive concert dedicated to the opening of the camp.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

Day 4. ________ Health Day.

8.30 -8.35 - children reception.

9.00-9.30 - breakfast.

9.30 - 10.00 - class of a teacher-psychologist.

10.00-12.00 sporting events "Merry Starts".

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 sleep.

15.00 -15.30 afternoon snack.

Day 5 ._______ Fun starts.

8.30 - 8.35 - reception of children.

8.35 - 9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -12.00 - sport game"Merry starts"

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00 - 14.30 - sleep

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

Day 6 .____ Runner's day.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 - 11.00 -muse. Sports program "I am the most, I am the most .."

12.00-13.00- lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00 15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 outdoor games. Children leaving home.

Day 7 ________ Indian Day

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30-11.00 - drawing competition.

11.00 -12.00 - competition program "Traditions and customs".

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00 -15.30 afternoon snack.

15.30 - games in the air. Children leaving home.

Day 8 ________ Book Day.

8.30 -8.35 children reception.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.

9.00 -9.30 - breakfast.

9.30 - 9.35 - aromatherapy.

9.35 -11.00 - visit to the rural library.

11.00 -12.00-competition "Guess the riddles."

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 9 ._______ Birthday day.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 - 11.30 - congratulatory program "Please accept our congratulations".

11.30 -12.00 - work of creative workshops.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00 14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 10 ._______ Day of self-government.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.

9.00 -9.35 - aromatherapy.

9.35 - 10.30 - exhibition of products of decorative and applied art "Our fantasies".

10.30-11.30 - festive event "Wonderland - the land of talents."

11.30 -12.00 -prophylactic event “I want to be healthy”.

12.00 13.00 - 0 lunch.

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 11 .________ Day of Ecology.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -11.00 competition between the teams for the best making of ikebans, staging about nature, poems.

11.00 -12.00 - work of creative workshops.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 12 .________ Friendship Day.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30-9.35 - aromatherapy.

9.35-11.00 - game event “We are together, we are near. We are good".

11.00 -11.30 -prophylactic event " Proper nutrition».

11.30 -12.00 - hobby classes.

12.00 - 13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15 00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00 -15.30 - afternoon snack

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 13 .________ Day of Neptune

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, line.

9.00 - 9.30 - breakfast

9.30 -9.35 - a minute of health. "How to take care of your teeth"

9.35-12.00 outdoor games.

12.00 13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 14 .________ Day of fabulous ventures.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -9.35 - a minute of health. Body hygiene.

9.35 -10 30 -competition program, staging a fairy tale (competition for the best teacher).

10.30 -12.00 - staging a fairy tale (competition for the best squad).

12.00 - 13.00 - lunch

13.00 -14.30 -sleep

14.30 -115.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00 -15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 15 ._________ Day of the shifters.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -10.30 - hobby classes.

10.30 -12.00 - game "Day of humor".

12.00 13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15 .00 -15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 16 ._______ Day of watching cartoons.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -9.35 - a minute of health.

9.35 -11.50 - watching cartoons.

11.50 -12.00 - discussion of cartoons.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00 14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 17 .______ Day of the Kalmyk language

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -10.30 - conversation about the theater.

10.30 -12.00 - essay competition (competition between teams and educators).

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 18 ._______ Courtesy day.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -9.35 - a minute of health.

9.35 -10.30 - Conversation "How to behave in a public place."

10.30-11.30 - Conversation “Respect your elders”.

11.30 -12.00 games for the knowledge of good manners.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00-14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 19 .______ Day of games.

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.

9.00 - 9.30 - breakfast.

9.30 -9.35 - a minute of health. Conversation about the dangers of drugs.

9.35.-11.00 - games for the choice of children.

11.00 12.00 - outdoor games.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00 14.30 -sleep

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 20 ._____ Mister and Miss camp.

8.30 - 8.35 - reception of children.

8.35 - 9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -9.35 - a minute of health. "Hardening".

9.35 -12.00 -Competition between the units.

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00 - 14.30 -sleep.

14.30 -15.00 - summing up the results of the day.

15.00-15.30 - afternoon tea.

15.30 - children leaving home.

Day 21 ________ Goodbye camp!

8.30 -8.35 -reception of children.

8.35-9.00 - charging, ruler.


9.30 -9.35 - a minute of health.

9.35 -12.00 - holiday "Goodbye camp!"

12.00-13.00 - lunch

13.00 -15.00 - games in the air.

15.00 15.30 - line, rewarding the best squad and teacher.

MBOU "Avnyugskaya secondary school" 1 Full name of the program Olympic hopes"On the basis of MBOU" Avnyugskaya secondary school "2Purpose of the program Teaching children the norms of a healthy lifestyle through play, sports, environmental, labor activities. Raising children to respect their health. Organization of various, socially significant leisure activities for children, active communication with nature. Development of communicative, cognitive and personal qualities of children. 3Type of camp Summer health camp with a day stay. 4 Direction of activity, specificity of the content of the program. Sports and recreational, labor, environmental and educational, artistic and aesthetic, patriotic, moral. 5 Summary of the program Sports and health: sport competitions, outdoor games, a trip to the pool, excursions, conversations with employees of various services. Labor: ecological landing, self-service. Ecological and educational: quizzes, conversations, games, contests, excursions. Artistic and aesthetic: contests, exhibitions, concerts. Drive to the theater in Kotlas. Patriotic :, learning northern folk games studying the nature of the native land. Moral: conversations, quizzes, games. 6The author of the program is Gnevasheva O.N., Toropova N.V. Kobylina T.N. G.V. Berestova 7 Program Manager Kobylina T.N., Berestova G.V. 8A constituent entity of the Russian Federation that submitted the program Arkhangelsk Oblast. 9Name of the organizing organization MBOU "Avnyugskaya secondary school" 10Address of the organization p. Avnyugsky, st. Construction Venue p. Avnyugsky, st. Construction geography of participants Children of the Arkhangelsk region. 13Number of program participants 14Dates from June 1 to June 21, 2013 15Number of shifts One 16 Personnel Program manager, camp manager, educators, medical worker, deputy for educational work, senior counselor, cooks, cleaning technicians.

Material and technical support. Material and technical support: game rooms; choreography hall; sports grounds; gym; gym; library; canteen; Hardware: computer; MFP; projector; record player; notebook; microphones (2); television. Sport equipment: * Football ball (3 pieces); * Volleyball ball (10 pieces) * Basketball ball (10 pieces) * Ropes (20 pieces) * Hoops (15 pieces) * Badminton set (2); * Table tennis set (3

Staffing p / p Position in the team Full name Education, position in the educational institution 1. Head of the educational institution Kobylina Tatyana Nikolaevna Specialized secondary Teacher primary grades 2. Teachers Toropova Nina Vladimirovna Bechina Anna Vasilievna Afanasov Vadim Vladimirovich Gnevasheva Olga Nikolaevna Sosnina Olga Vasilievna Galasheva Svetlana Yurievna Higher. Primary school teacher. Secondary vocational education, GPA educator. Secondary special. Physical education teacher. Higher. Physical education teacher. Higher. Mathematic teacher. 3. Teacher - organizer Berestova Galina Vasilievna Secondary vocational education. Senior counselor. 4. Medical worker Knyazeva Tatyana Nikolaevna Secondary vocational education. Nurse.

Explanatory note This program is based on the desire to develop and strengthen the health of children, the development of their personal qualities. The problem of children's health belongs to the category of such problems, which is constantly under the close scrutiny of the state. Society knows everything about health - and how to preserve it, and how to improve it, and what to eat and drink to undermine it. And it does more and more to maintain health, but the result is often not the one we expect.

In our school, according to the results of a medical examination, the most common diseases among students are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, scoliosis, and decreased vision. The most common diseases at school during the school year: acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the reasons for the decline in the health of students is their overwork at school. This is generated by many factors that characterize the modern school: excessive teaching loads, new subjects, an increase in educational information, a sharp decrease in physical activity. Physical culture and sports strengthen health, bring up courage, will, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to get out of difficult situations with honor. This program is comprehensive, that is, it includes diverse activities.

Purpose of the program: Teaching children the norms of a healthy lifestyle through play, sports, environmental, labor activities. Organization of various, socially significant leisure activities for children, active communication with nature. Development of communicative, cognitive and personal qualities of children.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified: Educational: the acquisition of specific knowledge in the field of hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, self-determination of students in any kind of sport; Educational: the development of leadership qualities, the prevention of asocial behavior and bad habits, the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports activities through the history of the development of sports and Olympic movement, the development of psychological and communicative culture, the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, the upbringing of a culture of behavior; study of nature, history and culture of the Fatherland and native land; Developing: the development of physical qualities, team thinking, reflective culture, self-control.

The solution of the assigned tasks is planned to be realized through: - theoretical and practical lessons; - sporting events; - classes on the basics of life safety; - contests, quizzes; - Providing a platform for testing sports in the form of a camp sports day.

Cultural and leisure component. festive opening and closing ceremonies of the camp. drawing competition action excursions competition program on the history of the Olympic movement. quizzes auction of talents of visiting the cinema and other leisure institutions (MBUK "Avnyugsky Leisure Center", drama theater in Kotlas)

Wellness component. The fundamental ideas in working with children in the summer camp are the preservation and strengthening of health, therefore the following activities are included in the program: morning exercises; minutes of health; taking sun and air baths; organization of three meals a day for children; visiting the pool (2 times during the shift); camp spartakiad in sports (football, basketball, table tennis, checkers, pioneerball); small Olympic games; outdoor games; military sports game "Zarnichka"; "Fun starts".

Daily routine 8-30 - 9-00 Reception of children - 9-15 Roll call - 9-30 Charging - Breakfast - Work according to the squad's plan - Lunch - Outdoor games - Free time... Reflection Going home.

Camp work plan DAY ACTIVITIES Day one 1 Opening of the camp. 2. Excursion around the camp "Intelligence school" 3. Drawing on the asphalt "The world through the eyes of children" 4. Hike to the concert "Children's Day" in the recreation center. 5. Medical examination. Day two 1. Minute of health. 2. Day of play and toys. 3. Registration of the detachment corner. Day Three 1. A minute of health. Briefings. 2. Manufacturing of the "Mood Screen" 3. Fabulous relay races. 4. Nature and fantasy. "Work on the school site" Day Four A trip to the theater in Kotlas. 1. Minute of health. Conversation with a healthcare professional. 2. Learning northern folk games. 3. Operation "Comfort". Day five 1. Minute of health "Journey to the country of Vitaminia" 2. "Zoological races" (sports relay race dedicated to the protection of animals) 3. Drawing competition "Tales of the summer forest" 4. Action "Eco bag" (competition for the most original eco bag) Day six A trip to the swimming pool of Koryazhma. 1. Minute of health "Sunburn. First aid for burns "2. Outdoor games" water-land competitions "3. Drawing competition for the regional holiday" Play the accordion "

Day Seven 1. A minute of health "Posture is the basis of a beautiful gait" 2. Conversation "How to behave in the forest and near the water" 3. Mushroom tales. (Work in groups) 4. Outdoor games "Call of the Jungle" Day Eight 1. Minute of health "Proper nutrition" 2. Sports marathon "For a kolobok" 3. Contest of the curious "Did you know that ..." 4. State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Day 9 1 . Minute of health "My height and my weight" 2. Sports relay "Play with us, play like us, play better than us" under the motto: "We are for healthy image life "3. Intellectual marathon" Why are there among us! " Day ten 1. A minute of health. Conversation with a healthcare professional. "Green first aid kit" 2. Sports "anthill" 3. Berezkin holiday. Day eleven 1. Minute of health. (insect bites) 2. Spartakiad among schoolchildren of the camps. 3. Competitions in table tennis... Day twelve 1. Minute of health "Friends of Moidodyr and our health" 2. Festival of balloons. 3. A trip to the cinema in 3D. Camp work plan

Day thirteen 1. Minute of health. Conversation with a healthcare professional. "Caution, reservoir" 2. Excursion to the PC. 3. Sports competition "Holiday of the Sun" Day fourteen. Trip to the pool of Koryazhma. 1. Minute of health "Hygiene in the house" 2. Competition "On the roads of a fairy tale" 3. Comic football. Day fifteen 1. Minute of health. "Carefully! Poisonous! " 2. Quiz on the rules of the road "Red, yellow and green" 3. Preparation for the opening of the Minor Olympic Games (selection of athletes) Day Sixteen 1. Minute of health. "Wounds, bruises, sprains" 2. Olympic Games. 3. Work on flower beds. Day seventeen 1. Minute of health "A healthy mind in a healthy body" 2. Excursion to the forest (collecting material for handicrafts) 3. Making handicrafts from natural material 4. Medical examination. Day eighteen 1. Ecological landing. "We weren't here" 2. Drafts tournament. 3. Closing ceremony camp.

Expected results 1. General health improvement and health improvement of children. 2. Introduction of effective forms of organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children. 3. Improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space of the camp. 4. Development of the creative activity of each child. 5. Strengthening ties between different age groups of children. 6. Replenishment of children's lives with interesting social and cultural events.

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