Methodical foundations of offp means of offp methodical principles of physical education methods of offp methodology of development of physical qualities. What is GPP? Complex of exercises of general physical training Complex of physical training of physical education

Constant physical activity is the key to good health and wonderful appearance... You don't need to do any kind of sport to keep your body in good condition. To do this, it will be enough to perform several exercises included in the office. Today we are with you and talk about these exercises.

OFP is general physical fitness... This is an integral part of any sport. For example, if you are a hockey player, in addition to your skills in skating and working with a stick and puck, you need to be physically strong in order to cope with high loads. That is, you add certain exercises to your workouts.

There is also special physical training. In the case of hockey, this is dribbling, passing, accelerating, hitting the puck with a stick. This is very important, but does not make sense without a general physical fitness... After all, it is she who develops the speed and strength indicators of an athlete, which are very important in any sport.

In general physical training, you you will be able to develop the following sports qualities:

  1. Force.
  2. Endurance.
  3. Speed.

For the development of each of these indicators, there are various complexes exercise. Each of them has a certain principle on which the development of a specific indicator is based.

Let's now talk in more detail about the development of these athletic performance.

Strength development

The following exercises are ideal for building strength:

  1. Pull-ups on the bar. The norm is 10 reps.
  2. Dips on the uneven bars. The norm is 8 times.
  3. Pushups. The norm is 25 repetitions.

All these standards do not depend on the age and weight of the man. That is, it does not matter if he is 16 or 25 years old, but if he is able to perform this number of times, then he can be called physically prepared.

To work on increasing strength you need to do these exercises maximum amount once. To increase strength indicators, two workouts per week will be enough. The main condition is constant growth. If you are already able to do a lot of repetitions in an exercise, such as 50 push-ups, then you can add extra weight.

The main advantage of such training is simplicity. You do not need additional equipment, which can be expensive. You can work out at any playground. And if you want to train at home, then buy a wall-mounted horizontal bar. Its price does not exceed 2 thousand rubles.

To develop endurance you need to perform the exercises that we talked about above, only according to a different principle. The workout should be more intense here. When you exercise to develop strength, you perform sets with a rest of 2-3 minutes. And when working for endurance, the break between sets should not exceed 1 minute.

Of course, at first it will be quite difficult for you to practice, and after two approaches you will already be like a squeezed lemon. Over time, however, you will be able to do more and more reps.

What is Endurance? This is a person's ability to last physical activity... That is, if you did 100 push-ups in 1 set, then you are hardy. And if 10, but with extra weight, then you are strong. Constantly increase the number of repetitions in the set. This will increase the duration of your approach and become more resilient.

Here we cannot fail to say about running on average and long distances... Boys should start at two kilometers and girls should start at one kilometer. The pace should be kept at a moderate pace, and slow during the first few weeks of training. Here the main task- not speed, but distance. After running more distance, you are under load for a longer time. This means that you become more resilient.

For the development of endurance for beginners two runs a week will suffice. Over time, it is necessary to increase the frequency of jogging to 4-5 per week.

To make your body more resilient, combine jogging with intense training on horizontal bars and uneven bars. For example, you can run twice a week in the morning and do pull-ups and push-ups in the evenings. This will be enough to be in shape.

Development of speed

To develop speed it is necessary to regularly run races on short distances- these are 100, 200 and 400 meters. You need to start from 100 meters. And then, when it is easier for you, increase the distance. The indicator of success in this matter is the time during which you ran the distance. Work to run faster.

In addition to running fast, you need to do the following exercises:

All these exercises must be performed in fast pace... Try to do as many times as possible in each of these exercises per minute.

If you combine short runs with these exercises, the result will not be long in coming! You need to do this principle 3 times a week.

A set of exercises for general physical fitness for the development of explosive strength

What is explosive power? This is strength times speed. You can be just strong man but clumsy, like some weightlifters. But if you are not only strong, but also fast, you will achieve significant success in sports.

For ordinary people who just want to keep their bodies in shape, there is no need to develop explosive strength. It is required in the following sports:

  1. Martial arts.
  2. Hockey.
  3. Skiing.

To develop explosive, you need to perform pull-ups and push-ups at the fastest pace. In this case, you must not violate the technique of performing the exercises, because this can lead to injuries. Highly good program explosive strength training:

  1. Pull-ups with medium grip - 3 sets of maximum times.
  2. Pull-ups narrow reverse grip- 3 sets for a maximum of times.
  3. Dips on the uneven bars - 3 sets to failure.
  4. Push-ups from the floor with cotton - 3 sets to failure.

It is necessary to perform these exercises at the fastest possible pace. There should be no delays at the top and bottom points. A break between approaches - until breathing is restored. That is, it will last differently for all people.

This set of exercises must be performed twice a week... At the same time, do not forget about short-distance races. Combining them with the proposed complex, you can speed up the process of increasing your speed and power indicators.

Many athletes are engaged in similar complexes of the off-site training in preparation for the competition. After all, strength and speed are decisive factors in many sports.

Don't forget to warm up! While these exercises are performed with your own weight, they can still cause injury. To avoid this, you need to warm up for 10-15 minutes before training.

To assess your level in general physical fitness, search the Internet for tables bit standards by office. And if you want more, you can clearly set a goal and follow it!

Your workouts don't have to be boring and monotonous.... Train interesting! Try different variants exercise.

You can do general physical training both at home and in fitness centers. Exists group lessons by office for both children and adults. By signing up for group office classes, you can find yourself new acquaintances. And also among the participants of these groups competitions are held. This will help you motivate yourself and achieve better results.

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These exercises are intended to be selectively included in the main body of the physical training class in order to primarily develop strength and flexibility.

Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercises with a predominant effect on the muscles of the girdle of the upper limbs and neck

1. I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt. Issue: raising and lowering the head (forward and backward), tilting and turning left and right, circular rotation in one direction and the other. Within 1 minute at a slow to medium pace.

2. I. p. - in an emphasis lying behind on the bench. Issue .: flexion and extension of the arms. Repeat for men 8-10 times, for women - 6-8 times at a slow or medium pace.

3. On the bar. I. p. - hanging on the bar with a grip from above. Vol .: pulling up until the chin touches the crossbar. Men 4-6 times, women - 2-4 at an average pace.

4. I. p. - o. with. with dumbbells in hand (weight of dumbbells for men 2-2.5 kg, for women 0.5-1 kg). Issue: simultaneous and transverse raising of the arms through the sides or in front of you with bending them at the elbow joints.

5. I. p. - the same. Issue: alternately pulling the dumbbells up, to the armpits, with the torso tilted towards the extended arm. Repeat 6-8 times in each direction at a slow or medium pace.

6. I. p. - the same. Issue .: tilt of the body forward with simultaneous retraction of the arms back and up (or to the sides) and return to and. p. Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace.

7. I. p. - lying on your back, hands with dumbbells to the shoulders. Issue: simultaneous or alternating press dumbbells. Repeat 6-8 presses with each arm at a medium pace.

Exercises that primarily target the leg muscles

8.I. p. - wasp. with. Issue .: squats on toes with arms raised forward (or up). Options: squats from and. n. feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

9. I. p. - in a squat, hands on the belt or palms on the knees. Issue .: movement "in a goose step", "moving the legs forward"; "slider" (moving your legs over the sides); jumping forward. For 15-20 steps.

10. I. p. - standing with one foot on the bench, the other in the hang. Vol .. flexion and extension standing leg... Repeat 6-10 times on each leg.

11.I. p. - standing facing gymnastic bench... Issue: jumping over the bench with a push with two legs or from foot to foot. Options: jumping onto the bench and dismounting with one and two feet, jumping over the bench and jumping onto it sideways and other similar jumps. Perform 10-15 jumps.

12. With a rope. I. p. - standing with a rope in his hands. Issue .: jumping rope on two legs, with a leg, kg leg, moving forward, on one leg, etc. for 1 minute at an average or fast pace.

Exercises that primarily target the abdominal and back muscles

13. I. p. - in a side on the floor or bench. Issue: simultaneous or alternating swings of straight legs to the sides or crosswise, up and down. Options: imitation of cycling foot movements; flexion and extension of the legs in the knee joint, with pulling the heels to the buttocks. Within 20-30 seconds at an average and fast pace.

14. I. p. - sitting on the floor or bench. Issue .: circles with straight legs in a large amplitude with the legs together and separately - inward and outward. Repeat 8-10 rounds at a medium pace.

15. I. p. - lying emphasis. Issue: with a push of the legs, take an emphasis squatting - bend, then again an emphasis lying. Repeat 6-8 times.

16. I. p. - hanging on the bar with a grip from above. Issue: raise straight legs, fixing the "angle" position and lower them into and. n. Options: alternate raising of the legs; raising the bent legs until the knees touch the chin. Repeat 4-8 times.

Exercise for flexibility and muscle stretching

17. I. p. - stand feet apart, hands behind the back with a grip in the "lock". Vol .: forward bend with a double jerk with the arms up. Repeat 8-10 times at a medium pace.

18. I. p. - stand feet apart, hands down. Issue: rising on toes and bending as much as possible in the lumbar, part of the back, reach the heels with the fingers, return to and. NS.; bend forward, reach the heels with your fingers, return to and. NS.; lean forward, reach the floor with your palms. Repeat each cycle of movements 4-6 times.

19. I. p. - kneeling, fingers on the heels. Issue .: tilt back, bend in the lumbar part of the back (without lifting the fingers from the heels), fix this position for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 4-6 times at a slow pace.

Exercises with a rubber band, a rubber bandage (expander)

To develop strength and flexibility, you can successfully use exercises with rubber rods. The rubber must be elastic so that its elongation can be achieved by applying a sufficiently large force to ensure the proper training effect.

20. I. p., - an arbitrary stand, rubber band horizontally from the side of the chest, with a slight tension in bent arms with a grip shoulder-width apart. Issue .: bending over and spreading his arms to the sides, stretch the rubber on the chest; relaxing, return to and. p. Repeat - 6-8 times.

21. The same, but with stretching the rubber over the head.

22. The same, but with stretching the rubber and "twisting" it behind the back - down (to the pelvic area).

23. I. p. - an arbitrary stance (you can in motion), rubber with a slight tension on the shoulder blades, a grip at the shoulders. Issue: at the expense of 1-2 - arms to the sides stretch the rubber on the back; 3-4 - return to and. NS.; 5-6 stretch the rubber by sending your arms forward; 7-8 - return to I. p. Repeat 6-8 times.

24. I. p. - the same. Issue: 1-2 - stretch the rubber behind your back, raising and straightening your arms, right up - to the right, left down - to the left; 3-4 - reverse order accept and. NS; 5-6 - the same as 1-2, only left hand up - left, right down - right; 7-8 - return to I. NS.

25. I. p. - leg stand apart, rubber horizontally with a slight tension behind the back, grip from below, hip-width apart. Issue: a sharp, extremely deep bend forward - down, while raising your arms up and stretching the rubber - exhale; straightening, return to and. p. Repeat 6-8 times.

26. I. p. - o. c, stepping with one foot on the middle of the rubber, extremely stretched and pressed with hands on both sides to the thighs. Issue: a leg with rubber, bending at the knee, raise, relaxing the tension of the rubber, then, straining the muscles of the leg, return it to and. p. Repeat 8-10 times with each leg.

27. I. p. - stand in the middle of slightly stretched rubber, held by hands at both ends at the shoulders. Issue .: bending slightly, raise your arms up, stretching the rubber; return to and in reverse order. NS.

28. I. p. - the same. Issue .: arms to the sides, stretching the rubber, lift in arcs up to the connection above the head; return to and in reverse order. p. Repeat 8-10 times.

29. I. p. - the same. Issue: on account 1 - raise both hands with rubber over the head and connect, at the same time slightly bend - inhale; 2-7 - slowly bend over to the limit of the possible, stretching the rubber on the spine; at 8 - return to and. p. Repeat 8-10 times.

K.M. Prikhodchenko




GBOU SOSH No. 1279 South-West Administrative District

Target: Innovation of the educational-training process by the method of circular training in a complex lesson.

Task: 1. Increase the motor density of the lesson through the circuit training method.

2. Improving assimilation program material through circuit training.

3. Increase of interest, activity, performance, mental and emotional state of students.

4. A differentiated approach in the process of physical training of students.


Circular training- This is an organizational and methodological form of physical exercise, which includes a number of private methods of strictly regulated exercise, aimed at a comprehensive education of the physical abilities of those involved. This form of work provides for the serial (continuous or at intervals) sequential execution of a specially selected (developed) set of physical exercises in accordance with a certain symbol of circular training.

Circular training

provides an even load on all muscle groups, as well as provides a load on the cardiovascular and respiratory system... Differentiated development motor qualities(speed, strength, endurance), but mainly such complex qualities as strength endurance, speed force, speed endurance.

  • Complexes of physical exercises of circular training, as a rule, are not a simple sum of exercises at the "stations". In most cases, this is a set of interrelated exercises, which gives such a training effect that cannot be obtained using each of these exercises separately. .

Starting from grade 5, it is advisable to use circular training aimed at educating students of the complex physical qualities with an emphasis on those that are most important for the given classes.

  • in grades 4-5 - coordination and speed qualities;
  • 6-8 grades - speed-power qualities and general endurance;
  • 9-11 grades - a high level of all qualities, especially strength, speed and strength endurance.

Exercise selection scheme:

1 station - exercises for hands and shoulder girdle(push-ups from

various positions, work with weights, pull-ups

hanging and hanging lying with different grip, etc.);

Station 2 - Muscle Exercises abdominal(movement

straight and bent legs at a fixed


body movement with fixed legs with

burdening and without);

Station 3 - exercises for the muscles of the back (emphasis-squatting-emphasis-lying,

rotational movements with weights, exercises

in pairs, lifting the torso or legs from a position on

stomach, etc .;

Station 4 - leg exercises (walking, running, jumping, squatting,

"Many jumps" with and without weights, jumping out of

squats, etc .;

5 station - exercises overall impact("Raznozhka", skipping rope)

  • When choosing exercises, you must follow the basic principles:
  • go from simple to complex;
  • alternate the work of some muscle groups with the rest of others
  • after a difficult and hard exercise give lighter,

helping to restore strength, soothing breathing.


RICE . №1


FIG. 3 general endurance

FIG. 4 static and strength endurance

FIG. 5 Rapidity


  • 1 station - spinning the ball around the body, shifting the ball out of

right hand to left. (The exercise can be done in

combined with running in place, jumping in place, in a lunge).

  • 2 station - I.P. - bend forward, legs are wider than shoulders. Juggling

ball in the "eight" around the legs, shifting the ball out of hand

in the hand.

  • 3 station - I.P. - emphasis crouching with hands on the ball. Toss up

ball up - forward somersault - catch the ball - toss

up - somersault backward - catch the ball.

  • 4 station - Throw the ball up - turn 360 - sit down

catch the ball.

  • 5 station - I.P. - ОС .. Alternate movement of hands for 12 counts with

right hand on the belt, shoulders, up followed by

returning back. All movements are performed during

jumping on two legs in place.

In one lesson, you can combine two types of circuit training at the same time:

1 - consolidation (improvement) of motor skills (when passing the program in volleyball, basketball)

2 - the development of physical qualities (speed, strength, endurance).


The complex is designed for 15-17 minutes... 3 series of 25-30 seconds of work and 60 seconds of rest between series.

  • "Station" 1. Shuttle run with dribbling with 1 hand alternately (in one direction - with the right, back - with the left).

1 circle - running from free kick to free kick,

Lap 2 - from the penalty area to the middle, back to the penalty area, to the middle.

3 circle - the same as 1

  • « Station "2. Passes in pairs from the chest, in increments.
  • 1 circle - transfers with the right hand,
  • 2 circle - transfers with two hands,
  • 3 circle - left hand passes
  • "Station" 3 . Shuttle run with side-step movement.
  • 1 circle - moving backs to each other,
  • 2nd circle - moving the face of others to others with an imitation of the transfer of 2 r.r. from the chest,
  • 3 circle - moving with your back to others with an imitation of a protective stand
  • « Station "4. Imitation of a throw with two hands from the head. Work on

technique. The position of the arms and legs when throwing.

  • "Station" 5. Turns, turns in place after stopping. The student makes a jump on the spot and after that makes turns (to the right, to the left) on the supporting leg (in the main stance without a ball player) and turns 360 * s basketball in hand.

  • When planning, it is necessary to take into account the features of a complex lesson:
  • Didactically accessible exercises should be used in the lesson
  • The lesson should be predominantly of a training nature of the educational process
  • The lesson should have ample opportunities for the education of the most important physical, mental, moral and intellectual qualities
  • The lesson should be characterized by a training load, which causes functional shifts in the body of students and increases motor density.



G. Orsk



OFP is one of the main assets physical culture, aimed at developing flexibility, agility, endurance, strength. It is advisable to include GP exercises in each lesson. Before the competition, it is necessary to reduce the load in order to prevent overworking of the pupils.

For the optimal implementation of the "Entre" program, various exercises are grouped into complexes according to the signs of functional impact: the general physical training complex №1 - "General developmental exercises for the development of mobility in the joints"; GPP complex №2 - "General developmental exercises for the development of mobility in the joints; GPP complex No. 3 - "Exercises for the development of strength endurance for muscles lower limbs; GPP complex №4 - "Exercises for the development of strength endurance for the back muscles"; GPP complex No. 5 - "Exercises for the development of strength endurance for muscles upper limbs and pectoral muscles; GPP complex No. 6 - "Exercises for the development of strength endurance for the abdominal muscles."

Such a combination of exercises into complexes allows the teacher to plan and regulate the load on the pupils' body and ensure the continuity of the development of their basic physical qualities. The complexes are designed taking into account age characteristics and are dosed individually, depending on the functional capabilities of the pupil's organism.

ComplexOFP No.1

"General developmental exercises for the development of mobility in

joints "

For the upper limbs: raising and lowering hands - forward, up, to the sides; circular motion arms in different planes, flexion and extension of the arms from different starting positions. From a standing position, hands up with a rubber bandage, twist, lowering your hands back behind your back and returning to starting position; also, but with a rope, arms upwards wider than shoulders.

For the torso : turns, bends to the side, forward from various starting positions.

For the lower limbs: flexion and extension of the knee legs and ankle joints... Raising a straight leg forward, to the side (to the height of the waist, chest), back (above the knee), standing at the gymnastic wall and leaning on it with a hand, a free hand on the belt: a) swinging naked forward, backward, to the side, standing at the gymnastic walls and leaning on it with your hand (when swinging the foot, turn the foot outward, keep the body and head straight); b) stand with your face (sideways) to the wall and put your straight leg on the rail at waist height. Squat on a supporting leg, keep a straight leg on the rail; c) standing against the wall, raise a straight leg forward, to the side and back with the help of a trainer (avoid painful sensations); d) Standing against the wall, lift a straight leg forward, backward, to the side with weights (sandbags weighing 1 - 2 kg).

OFP complex No. 2

"General developmental exercises for the development of joint mobility"

For the lower limbs: from the support lying legs apart (wider), the toes are turned outward, the torso turns to the right and left, putting the arms in one direction or the other. Turning to the left, strive to touch the floor with your right thigh, turning to the right, with your left thigh; standing facing the gymnastic wall, spread your legs apart (wider). Holding on to the wall with your hands, strive to descend as low as possible; too, but stand on 2 - 3 rails.

Lunges, splits.

For the torso : Different types of "folds" in the sitting position.

While doing different kind"Folds" must be stretched as far forward as possible.

Option 1: the second leg is bent at the knee, the heel is inward in the groin area. Slowly lean forward, until the body completely touches the front surface of the outstretched leg. Fix this position for 5 seconds. Then change the position of the legs and repeat the exercise.

Option 2: the second leg is bent at the knee, the lower leg is parallel to the extended leg, the sole of the foot is directed upward. The execution technique is the same as in option 1. This exercise suggests the presence of good mobility in the knee joint, therefore, if pain occurs, then this is a signal that the exercise should be performed in a lightweight version.

OFP complex No. 3

For the muscles of the lower extremities


Equipment used: with own weight, with dumbbells, with a bodybar, with a medicine ball. Movement: I. p.: Stand, legs apart (another option - wide stand legs apart), the natural turn of the feet outward, the gaze is directed forward. On inhalation, squat to an angle of 90 ° in the knee joint, on exhalation - return to I. p. Methodical instructions: the back is straightened (to keep the natural curves of the spine), do not block the knee joint, the knee in projection on the foot.


Exercise: polyarticular. Working joints: hip, knee, ankle. Effects on major muscle groups: quadriceps hips, gluteal muscles, muscles back group hips.

Equipment used: body weight, dumbbells, body bar, medicine ball. Movement: I. p.: Stand feet apart, feet are parallel, the gaze is directed forward. While inhaling, take a step back onto the toes and bend the legs at the knee joints to an angle of 90 °, while exhaling, return to I.P.

Variations: lunges forward and to the sides in dynamics (with a change of legs and in static, when the legs do not change). The methodological instructions are the same: the back is straightened, the knee does not extend beyond the foot, the angle of flexion in the knee joints is not less than 90 0.

"Slopes" (deadlift).

Exercise: single-joint. Working joint: hip. Impact on the main muscle groups: muscles of the posterior thigh group, gluteal muscles, muscles of the extensor of the spine. Equipment: body weight, dumbbells, bodybar, medicine ball. Movement: I. p.: Stand feet apart, grip shoulder-width apart (if with a bodybar), look forward. On inhalation, bend in the hip joint to an angle of 90 about the hip-body, on exhalation, return to I. p. Methodical instructions: back straight (to keep the natural curves of the spine), arms with or without weights along the thigh, do not block knee joints.

OFP complex No. 4

"Exercises for the development of strength endurance"

For back muscles:

Bent over row.

Effects on major muscle groups: broadest muscle back, adductor scapula muscles, biceps brachii. Equipment: no additional weights, dumbbells, bodybar, stuffed balls.

Movement: I. p.: Standing in an inclination, an angle of 90 about the thigh-body, the grip of the bodybar is shoulder-width apart, the gaze is directed forward. On exhalation, perform a pull to the stomach, on inhalation, return to I. p. Methodical instructions: the back is straight (to maintain the natural curves of the spine), the exercise begins with bringing the shoulder blades, elbows along the body, the bodybar (dumbbells, etc.) stroke along the thigh.

"Extension of the back, lying on the stomach"(hyperextension). The exercise : single-joint. Working joint: hip. Impact on the main muscle groups: the extensors of the spine, gluteal muscles, muscles of the posterior group of the thigh. Movement: I. p.: Lying on the stomach. On inhalation, perform back extension, on exhalation, return to I. p. Methodical instructions: the abdominal muscles are tense, do not throw your head back, the pelvis is pressed to the floor (mat).

OFP complex No. 5

"Exercises for the development of strength endurance"

For the muscles of the upper limbs and pectoral muscles:

"Standing pull to the chest."

Exercise: polyarticular. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Effects on major muscle groups: deltoid muscles, top part trapezius muscles. Movement: I. p.: Standing, legs apart. On the exhale - perform the traction of the bodybar (dumbbells) along the body to the level of the middle of the chest, on the inhale - return to I.p. Methodical instructions: the body is fixed, the back is straightened (to keep the natural curves of the spine). While moving, direct your elbows forward and up. The elbow joint is not higher than the shoulder joint.

"Bench press".

Exercise: polyarticular. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Impact on the main muscle groups: the pectoralis major, the anterior part of the deltoid muscles, triceps shoulder. Equipment: dumbbells, bodybar. Movement: I. p.: Lying down, the grip of the bodybar is wider than the shoulders, the projection of the bodybar to shoulder joints... On inhalation - lower the bodybar (dumbbells) to the middle of the chest, on exhalation - press in I. p. Methodical instructions: the shoulder blades are brought together, in the position of the shoulders parallel to the floor, the forearms are perpendicular to the floor and the angle in the elbow joint is 90 °, the angle of the shoulder - body is 75-80 °; do not block elbow joints.

"Flexion and extension of the arms in support"

Exercise: polyarticular. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Impact on the main muscle groups: the pectoralis major, the anterior part of the deltoid muscles, the triceps brachii muscle. Movement: I. p.: Lying position, wide arms. Lightweight I.p: emphasis from the knees or hands on the bench. While inhaling, bending your arms at the elbow joints, lower yourself to the floor, while exhaling, return to I. p. Methodical instructions: the shoulder blades are brought together, in the position of the shoulders parallel to the floor, the forearms are perpendicular to the floor, the shoulder angle - the body is 75-80 o; do not block the elbow joints.

"Press standing".

Exercise: polyarticular. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Impact on the main muscle groups: deltoid muscles, triceps muscle of the shoulder. Movement: I. p.: Standing, grip wider, bodybar (dumbbells) on the upper chest, elbows directed to the floor. On exhalation - press the bodybar (dumbbells, medicine ball), on inhalation - return to I.p. Methodical instructions: the back is straight (keep the natural curves of the spine), at the top point of the bodybar (dumbbells) in the projection onto the shoulder joints, do not block the elbow joints.

OFP complex No. 6

"Exercises for the development of strength endurance"

"Diagonal twist".

Exercise: polyarticular. Working joints: intervertebral joints. Impact on the main muscle group: rectus abdominis muscle and oblique abdominal muscles. Movement: I. p.: Lying on your back, arms behind your head, legs bent, feet on the floor. On exhalation, bend and simultaneously turn the body, tearing the shoulder blades off the floor, while inhaling, return to I. p.

Methodical instructions: the lower back is pressed to the floor (mat), the pelvis is fixed, to exclude inertia and movement in cervical spine spine.


Fulfillment: I. p.: Emphasis lying on the forearms, holding I. p. Methodical instructions: do not bend in the lower back, the stomach is tucked up. Lightweight version - from the knees.

"Full sed".

Exercise: polyarticular. Working joints: intervertebral joints, hip joint... Impact on the main muscle group: rectus abdominis muscle, hip flexor muscles. Movement: I. p.: Lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, on exhalation - perform a full sitting, while inhaling, return to I. p. Methodical instructions: exclude inertia and movement in the cervical spine. Guidelines and dosage for exercise: Depending on the level physical fitness and for health conditions, the number of repetitions varies from 15 to 30 times in one set. Upon reaching high level performing exercises (the exercise is performed freely 25-30 times in one series), it is necessary to change the starting position and / or use weights

The goal of general physical training is harmonious development of all organs and systems of the athlete, increasing the efficiency, or, as they say, the functional capabilities of the body as a whole. This is achieved by using a wide variety of physical exercises and sports in training, such as gymnastics, swimming, skiing, acrobatics, sport games and others. General versatile physical training is extremely important.

Its necessity is dictated not only by the requirements of harmonious development, but also by purely sports interests. Indeed, in most cases, up to 15 - 16 years old, or even up to a later age, it is impossible to determine exactly in what kind of athletics this or that novice athlete will be successful.

The first stage of general physical training will be the fulfillment of the standards of the RLD complex, corresponding to a given age.

Physical training is divided into general and special. This division is very conditional, since it is practically impossible to determine exactly where general and special physical training ends, and where special physical training begins, although there are clearly expressed means and methods of general and special training. It is important that both are directed towards the same goal - sports improvement.

In practice sports training, general physical fitness is conditionally divided into general developmental exercises (ORU) and general physical training exercises (specific exercises with medicine balls, stones, nuclei, with weights - barbell, partner's weight, exercises on apparatus - crossbar, gymnastic wall, bench, horse).

This is done in order to determine the direction of training in weekly or monthly training cycles and certain periods of the annual cycle.

General developmental exercises are used in each lesson and at all stages and periods of preparation and do not undergo a large change in dosages.

And general physical training exercises in training plans have significant changes in dosages depending on the training period.

General physical training exercises occupy a significant place in preparatory period, and in the competitive are applied differentially. In lead-in and competitive microcycles, general physical training exercises are reduced to a minimum, and in unloading microcycles, when the intensity of training sessions for special physical training decreases, the role of GP exercises.

The role of general physical training exercises also increases in volumetric (load) microcycles when there is no competition.


General developmental exercises are aimed at developing coordination abilities, flexibility and mobility in the joints, strengthening individual muscles or their groups, the insufficient development of which interferes with mastering the perfect running technique. In the preparatory part training session ORUs are used to warm up muscles and prepare the body for the upcoming work.

And in the main part, with repeated or interval training methods, when the load is performed in series, they serve as a means of active rest. In the final part, they contribute to better recovery after the work done and are locally used to strengthen and develop individual muscles.

The implementation of a variety of RPM improves coordination abilities, forms certain skills and helps to quickly master complex forms sports equipment... At the same time, it is necessary to select exercises and methods of their implementation in such a way that, without a significant increase in muscle mass, develop the ability and skills to control your muscles (quickly contract them with the necessary strength and relax after performing the exercise).

The ORU arsenal is known to everyone: without them, not a single physical education lesson is held at school. However, as our observations have shown, many young athletes do not pay enough attention to them, they perform them sluggishly and in small numbers.

The dosage of the same exercises aimed at developing flexibility and mobility in the joints should gradually increase, especially in the preparatory period. To obtain the desired effect, each exercise should be performed at least 10-15 times.

In those cases when runners carry out uniform, variable tempo races or fartlek, where a light run of 4-6 km serves as a warm-up, RPUs are performed necessarily after the end of the workout.

The muscles of the musculoskeletal system carry the greatest load among runners, and this often leads to injuries, especially among young athletes. This can be avoided if, during the entire period of preparation, the correct ratio of special and general developmental exercises is observed.


The main exercises of general physical training with shells and shells that do not require special conditions are:

1. Exercises with medicine balls or with stones of different weights.

2. Exercises with a barbell with small weights - from 20 to 40 kg.

3. Exercises on apparatus: a crossbar, a gymnastic wall and a horse (or on a bench).

4. Circular training.

Attaching great importance to the strength training of young runners, it is necessary to structure training sessions in such a way that the exercises are varied and emotional in execution. The most effective exercises are with paddles, balls, and exercises with stones or cannonballs.

They have a complex effect on the development of all physical qualities. The weight of the medicine balls and balls is selected according to the athletes' fitness. The sequence of exercises is as follows:

1. Circular rotation.

2. Tilts forward, backward, sideways.

3. Throws forward, backward and sideways.

4. Jerks with one hand.

5. Pushing with both hands from the chest.

6. Throws from behind the head.

7. Jerks from the chest with bounces.

8. Throws back between the legs.

Each exercise is performed at least 10-12 times at a fast pace. The distance between partners is selected so that the ball can be caught and quickly given in a push or throw. In exercises with nuclei and stones, partners are located at a certain line and alternately perform exercises, gradually increasing; throw or push range. After completing each throw, you need to learn how to relax your muscles as much as possible.


Usually exercises with a barbell are performed with small weights - from 20 to 40 kg, but rather quickly. Exercise sequence:

1. Turns with a barbell on the shoulders.

2. Slopes.

3. Squats

4. Jerks.

5. Jerks with bounces.

6. Jumping with a barbell on the shoulders.

Each exercise is performed 8-10 times in succession for 2-3 approaches with a short rest (1-1.5 minutes) or in series (when all exercises are performed with rest) up to 4-5 minutes. With maximum weights, barbell exercises are usually done as tests and are used periodically to determine the level of strength development in specific exercises at various stages of preparation.


The most common implements used in runner training are the bar, wall, and horse (or bench), which are used to develop the muscles of the shoulder, abdomen, back, front and back of the thigh.

Exercises on the bar (tree branch) and gymnastic wall:

1. Pulling up on the arms.

2. Pulling the knees up to the chest, followed by straightening the legs.

3. Pulling up the legs to the bar.

4. While hanging on the crossbar, raise straight legs to the "corner" position and hold for 6-10 seconds.

Exercises on a horse, bench or table:

Lying on your stomach (legs are fixed in support or by a partner), inclinations followed by straightening and bending in the lower back.

2. Lying on your back, bending forward, followed by straightening and bending back.

Exercises can be performed with weights.


In order to diversify activities and increase the interest of those involved in general physical training exercises, the so-called circular training is used. The main task of circuit training is to develop strength endurance. To conduct classes in sports hall, the arena or on the site, the necessary shells are being prepared. The simplest set of apparatus: barbell, medicine balls, gymnastic wall, crossbar. After a light cross and warm-up, the runners begin their exercises in the following sequence:

1. Barbell. The exercises are performed in series as indicated above (barbell exercises).

2. Gymnastic wall or bar.

3. Medicine ball exercises.

4. Easy run 1.5 min.

The rest time between exercises on different apparatus is up to 30 seconds. Each exercise is performed 6 to 10 times. The total time spent on a circuit training is about 30 minutes.

We gave only a brief description of general developmental exercises and exercises with shells and shells. Their influence on the growth of sports results is undoubtedly, although they do not give such a rapid increase in the result as a means of special training, but create a fundamental basic training, thanks to which it is possible to achieve high results in the chosen type of running.

General physical training is of great importance not only in long-term training, but also in the annual cycle. Many young runners, and even athletes of the highest categories, realizing the importance of general physical fitness, carry out it at the proper level in the preparatory period, and in the competitive period they are often reduced to zero. And, apparently, it is no coincidence that in the spring period and at the early stage of the competitive period they show relatively high results, and then the results decrease. In our opinion, this is explained by a decrease in working capacity, which, in turn, is a consequence of insufficient attention to maintaining the level of general physical fitness and special means of running training aimed at developing aerobic capabilities.

In recent years, in the training of young runners, there has been a tendency towards early specialization, towards an increase in the volume of special training and a decrease in the volume of general physical training. This leads to the achievement of high results in a relatively short time. There are plenty of examples where young runners achieve high results in adolescence, and later on, the growth of results slows down. Conversely, those athletes who have gone through fundamental basic training achieve high and stable results, although this sometimes takes a longer time.

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