Office classes for children 10 years old. Office exercises for children at home

Since ancient times, the idea of ​​introducing complex physical training for people came. It has long been known that this is the best way to develop the basic physical abilities of a person, while the harmony in the activity of organs and all systems of the body as a whole is not disturbed. For example, the development of strength must occur in conjunction with the development of speed, agility and endurance. It is only thanks to such coordination that vital skills are mastered.

What is general physical fitness for?

GPP is undoubtedly a beneficial effect on the psychological and physical health child. And systematic training can have a beneficial effect on the behavior and emotional state of a student.

Who needs GPP?

  • at frequent illnesses colds;
  • in case of posture disorders;
  • with excessive hyperactivity of the child.

Help children calm down and focus on a particular hobby. At the same time, both the child and the parents will feel more comfortable and confident with each other.

How and where is general physical training carried out?

There are special circles for general physical training, which work on the basis of schools or in special sports complexes. Training in such circles is carried out in order to:

  • improve health and temper athletes;
  • develop a comprehensive outlook;
  • acquire instructor skills and master the ability to independently play sports;
  • to form moral and volitional qualities citizen.

Any student who has successfully passed a medical examination is allowed to classes in such circles.

General physical fitness can affect the upbringing of the following qualities in a person:

  • you were fast;
  • agility;
  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • endurance.

It is possible to carry out general physical training for children even at home, as it includes very affordable exercises. Classes are encouraged sporting events on the fresh air, especially in the spring-autumn period.

Such physical exercise are able to keep muscles in good shape all the time, improve the work of the musculoskeletal system, work internal organs and systems, mental and emotional state of the child.

In addition, the complex of program activities is aimed at developing the personal qualities of the student, the manifestation of the ability to be independent in solving many problems and the easy digestibility of the school curriculum.

An important aspect when supervising a general physical training circle is to interest the child in the leader of the circle. After all, only an experienced specialist will be able to find an individual approach to the baby and develop his interest in the occupation, thereby having a beneficial effect on his physical and mental health.

OFP circle

There are many sports sections on general physical training for children, it will be very difficult to list everything. In such a variety of choices, it is not easy to single out one thing. In the case when you want to do several sports at once, you can turn your attention to the general physical training circle.

OFP circle program

The program for general physical training in a circle is very similar to the program and methods that children study in general education schools. It is designed for one year when visiting a circle for one hour a week.

Training plan

Since the OFP program is, first of all, various independent types motor activity, which differ in the nature of the performance and the volume of loads, it is imperative to take into account the individual characteristics of a particular child. The leader of the circle should approach this issue seriously enough and carefully study the data of his future pupils in order to avoid further negative consequences.

The OFP section implies the following steps for drawing up an individual lesson plan. The first meeting of a coach with a future pupil is exactly First stage in studying the child and drawing up a lesson plan. The head of the circle personally communicates with the child and his parents, learns about the preferred types sports load.

An important role is played by a medical examination of children and a conversation with a doctor about each specific child. In the course of this conversation, it is already possible to more clearly define the boundaries of the load for children. Already in the first lessons, observing the circle members, one can clearly highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the children, select certain individual lesson plans. Concluding can be the results control exercises to be carried out on admission and at the end of each month.
But even after that, it is worth paying attention to each child, evaluating their reaction to the proposed load, in order to avoid overstraining the children.

The main stages of work

  • The first communication with the child and parents.
  • The results of the medical examination of the child.
  • Pedagogical observations in the first lessons.
  • Results of control exercises.
  • Systematic assessment of student response to stress.

Responsibilities of the coach

But not only working programm on GPP is the responsibility of the educator. The coach must teach the children proper nutrition and the daily routine, if necessary, help to compose them, help form the child's skills and abilities in relation to sportswear and shoes, personal hygiene, make sure that children learn and follow safety precautions and monitor their health, informing them about changes in time.

Selection of tools and methods of practical training

When drawing up a lesson plan, the trainer should not only take into account the educational side of the process, but also instill in children an interest in different types sports load. Each activity should be fun, it should be entertaining for children, this task will be easy to cope with if the activity combines several sports (orienteering, Athletics, volleyball, table tennis). The general physical training circle involves the systematic conduct of sporting events- this will qualitatively increase children's interest in sports, help develop their leadership qualities.

Should be considered:

  • the individual characteristics of each child;
  • medical indications;
  • the age of each group of children;
  • various sports tasks;
  • interest in winning.

If you take into account all of the above factors, then the lesson in the circle will be interesting and entertaining for every child.

General physical training. Their construction

Duration school year- nine months (September - May). Throughout this time, general physical fitness classes are held.
There are several types of RP groups. So, in groups with initial training classes throughout the school year do not have any distinctions and proceed as a single process. This feature is associated with the absence of any participation in competitions at any of the levels. The activity of such groups consists in holding a large number of internal relay races, passing the basic standards and various sports entertainment. The intensity of the classes remains high regardless of the change of seasons. Particular emphasis is placed on outdoor activities.

GPP planning

Planning is based on two main characteristics of loads:

  1. Low intensity and low volume activity.
  2. Class high intensity and high volume.

In each of the results are individual by GPP. The circle is designed for individual load options for children of different physical fitness.

Another type is this.In this variant, the construction of classes takes place taking into account the following types of exercises:

  1. To develop dexterity. These are complex exercises of a coordination nature.
  2. Strength exercises. They are used in parallel with exercises to develop flexibility, endurance training techniques are also included.

So, GPP is a subject, required element which the game should be. It can be both mobile and sporty. Games are used for emotional uplift in the group, for increasing the level of speed and strength indicators, and dexterity. Moreover, depending on the specific task, the set and sequence of exercises changes, which affects the final result.

Many dream that their physical development was comprehensive and harmonious. Practice shows that you need to think about this as early as possible - from childhood. And general physical fitness (GPP) can help in this - a set of measures that is aimed at improving basic physical qualities. This will be useful for general development, and for preparation for classes in a particular sport.

Experienced trainers who know a variety of physical fitness techniques will contribute to the development of agility, endurance, strength and other important qualities in the children of our city. Harmonious plays an important role, correct development major muscle groups - abdominal, lumbar region, biceps, triceps, etc. the main task- to fully reveal the potential of a person. And this can be achieved through persistent training, correct methods, great desire and good susceptibility to stress.

As you know, almost every historical stage imposed its own requirements on a certain physical standard of a person, both geographical and national conditions played a role. What was "classic", for example, in Ancient rome, differed from the "standards" of Egypt, there were some peculiarities in Sparta ... However, times are changing, but the opinion that physical development is one of the most important indicators of the general development of a person is invariably.

We do physical education at home. What should a preschooler's parents remember?

Physical activity - required condition for any person. Of course, not everyone can boast of the same endurance, or, in scientific terms, exercise tolerance, but this is not the most important thing. It is important that exercise is enjoyable and beneficial. And for this you need to follow a few rules. In particular, the duration of one lesson depends on how old the child is: for example, for children 3-4 years old optimal time it will be 15-20 minutes, and for children 5-7 years old, half an hour can be allocated. It is important that the quantity different exercises there were at least 6. And each must be repeated from 2 to 6 times. Of course, even the shortest class requires breaks. The exercises themselves are best served in a playful way, you can name them in an original way so that the child remembers an unusual word. Of course, during classes, various muscle groups and physical qualities of children should be developed, and at the same time, the individual characteristics of the child should be taken into account.

How are general physical training classes conducted in kindergarten?

Do not assume that any activity of kindergarteners depends only on them: whoever wants to - he runs, jumps, plays hide and seek or sways on a swing. This only applies to free time and walks. There are certain rules for conducting physical education classes and in kindergarten- both indoors and outdoors. On it, boys and girls are taught to build and rebuild (for example, from one line to several, change places, etc.), they practice running and walking, and also the basic types of movements are taught. In addition to walking and running, these are jumping, climbing, throwing, crawling, throwing. From lesson to lesson, their duration increases, as well as the dosage of exercises, which allows you to develop the endurance of children.

About the rules of hardening

Physical education and hardening almost always went "hand in hand". Their relationship was emphasized and emphasized not only by amateurs, but also by scientists, professional trainers and teachers. You can harden not only with water, but also with air and even the sun! What are the three main rules of this useful procedure? First, it's never too late to start, but it's better not to delay, although you can always catch up. Second, non-systematic hardening is practically useless. If such procedures are carried out "on big holidays" - for example, once a month, then no effect can be achieved. If hardening has begun, there is no need to look for an excuse to skip it! And the third rule: the time of the procedures should be increased step by step. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite: the child can get sick.

Explanatory note

According to modern scientific views on the problem physical education children and youth, there is a process of reorientation from the knowledge and skills acquired only to the spiritual and physical development of the individual, to its self-determination in society; from assimilation of ready-made samples to obtaining physical education, namely, the mastery of physical culture as a natural kind of human activity and as a result of physical education of children with motivation to choose physical culture and sports activity.

The basis of the program additional education"General physical training" included the main sections of the program on physical culture of a comprehensive school. The program is recommended for additional activities with children 7-17 years old educational institutions of all types and kinds.

Training of those involved in the program "General physical training"

is carried out in three age stages:

Stage 1 - practicing 7-10 years old,

Stage 2 - those who are 11-14 years old,

Stage 3 - students 14-17 years old.

To implement this program, a teacher of additional education

selects educational material in accordance with the age and sex characteristics of the trainees, material and technical equipment and methodological support educational process. Content teaching material determinedin accordance with the educational, health-improving and educational goals of classes.

Classes are held three times a week for 2 academic hours.

1. Purpose of the program:

assistance to the all-round development of the personality of those who go in for training through their mastering the foundations of physical education with a general developmental orientation, with ensuring the rights and possibilities of students to meet their needs in motor activity.

Tasks ... The program is aimed at solving the main tasksphysical education:

Formation of a holistic view of the spiritual and physical

Human development in society;

Development of physical quality and abilities of those involved;

Formation of knowledge about physical culture, its cultural and historical,

Psychological, pedagogical and medico-biological foundations;

Improvement of skills in basic motor actions, formation

The skills of their integrated use in the game, competitive

Activities and in self-study physical exercise;

Acquisition of knowledge and skills in performing physical exercises related

With health promotion and prevention of fatigue, body correction

And the formation of the correct posture;

Expansion of the functional capabilities of body systems, increasing its

Adaptive properties through the directed development of basic physical

Qualities and abilities;

Formation of applied skills for the organization of leisure


Promoting the development of personal qualities: willpower, courage, perseverance,

Discipline, independence, a sense of responsibility, etc .;

Instilling organizational skills.



for those who are 7-17 years old


P. p.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Knowledge basics

OFP and TFP of them:



Control tests


1st stage of the program

for those who are 7-10 years old

Purpose of the 1st stage of the program:

Motivation of young children to engage in general physical

A preparation to promote health and improve performance.

Objectives of the 1st stage of the program:

  1. mastering by the trainees of physical exercises from the sections of the state program on physical culture. Study of technical elements athletics, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, table tennis, ski training etc.;
  2. improvement of posture, prevention of flat feet;
  3. development of coordination abilities, movement in time, space. Differentiation of temporary and power parameters movements (balance, rhythm, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, orientation in space). Development of conditioning abilities (endurance, flexibility, speed, speed-power qualities);
  4. formation of ideas about the main types of sports, the use of sports equipment and inventory;
  5. observance of safety rules during training and at competitions;
  6. education of personal qualities in the process of physical exercises: discipline, a benevolent attitude, towards comrades, honesty,

Responsiveness, courage during exercise,

Promoting the development of mental processes in the course of physical activity.



for those who are 7-10 years old


P. p.



Total hours

Knowledge basics:

The history of physical culture.

The effect of physical exercise, tempering procedures, personal hygiene and daily regimen on health promotion. Self-control.

Safety instructions in the classroom

Physical qualities and their relationship to common

development, prevention of injuries.

Competition rules

OFP and TFP of them:

general physical preparation

Special physical training

Control tests

Control exercises


Participation in competitions

Instructor and referee practice



for those who are 7-10 years old

At the first stage of the program, attention is paid to the formation of knowledge about personal hygiene, daily routine, the effect of physical exercise on health. Introduction to self-study physical exercises, outdoor games, their use in free time based on the formation of interests in certain types of physical activity and the identification of a predisposition to certain sports,

At this stage, teaching the technique of various sports begins.Attention is paid to the development of basic physical qualities: coordination, speed, speed-strength, endurance, flexibility.


Human health and physical development. Human structure. The position of the body in space (stands, gray, hanging, stops). Basic forms of movement (rotational, acyclic, cyclic). The work of the respiratory system, of cardio-vascular system... The role of sight, hearing in movement and movement. The effect of physical exercise, tempering procedures, personal hygiene and daily regimen on health promotion. Physical qualities and their relationship with physical development. The meaning of muscle tension and relaxation. Posture formation rules. Emotions and their regulation during exercise. Pulse measurement techniques (heart rate before, during and after exercise). Concepts about sports equipment, inventory. Rules of conduct for students. Safety precautions in the classroom and at competitions. (See instructions # 1 in the appendix). Competition rules.


Gymnastics. Formations and rebuildings: from one line to two and vice versa; from the column, one by one, to the column by two, by three.

General developmental exercises without objects, with objects (large and small balls, jump ropes, gymnastic sticks).

Exercises on a gymnastic wall, gymnastic bench.

Acrobatic exercises.Grouping. Rolls. Somersault forward. Somersault back. Stand on the shoulder blades. "Bridge". Turn from the "bridge". Handstand. Flip to the side.

Athletics ... Walking is normal and with a change in the positions of the arms, trunk, legs. Running is straight, uniform, with acceleration, with a change in direction and pace of movement, with overcoming obstacles. Running in a column of two, three people. Running exercises. High and low start... Starting acceleration. Running on short distances 10,15, ..., 30, 60 m.Slow run up to 10 minutes. Cross300-500-1000 m. Relay race.

Throwing. Throwing tennis ball to the target and to the distance from the spot, from 3 steps of the take-off run to the distance.

Jumping exercises. Long jump with a running start method "bending legs". High jump from a straight run, using the "step over" method. Jumping on two legs, on one leg, from foot to foot, from a place, from a height. Jumping rope.

Overcoming stripes of 5-6 obstaclesby jumping and running.

Outdoor games . Attention games: "Forbidden movement", "What has changed", "Guess whose voice", "Owl".

Running games: "Crucian carp and pike" "," Cones, acorns

Available gymnastic exercises for preschool and younger children school age at home

Additional activities with children of the general physical fitness(OFP) at home will never be superfluous, especially if your child only goes to the gym a few times a week. But, of course, he can train at home only under the supervision of his parents, who must understand how to correctly perform this or that exercise. If you are not a professional in the field of sports, then do not worry that you do not have enough knowledge to competently control the performance of your child. homework instructed by the coach.

The fact is that home exercises for the development of general physical fitness are usually simple, safe and do not require special conditions sports hall, a maximum of a soft rug on the floor. But at the same time, they are very useful and effective for strengthening the muscle corset of the child.

But, before you start training with children at home, be sure to carefully listen to the coach's recommendations on the technique and frequency of performance of physical training tasks.

Also, our article will help you in this matter, which presents a list of exercises for the home and professional advice from the trainers of the European Gymnastics Center.

We have divided the exercises into two types: for swapping on various muscles and to develop flexibility. To quickly achieve a noticeable result, this complex is recommended to be performed every day. It will take no more than 30 minutes.

First of all, it should be noted that training should be started with a warm-up, at home it will be easy stretch, which will smoothly go into swap.

Exercises should be performed in the order shown.

1. Stretching

1.1 Tilts in different directions.

Standing in the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, perform several bends to the sides, and then back and forth (5 times in each direction).

1.2 Leaning forward, touching the floor with your hands.

Initial position: legs together, arms along the body, make 10 forward bends, trying to touch the floor with your palms, while keeping your knees straight.

1.3. A fold on the floor.

Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs together and extended forward, bend forward and reach with your hands to your toes, while keeping your knees straight (10 times).

1.4. "Butterfly".

Starting position: sitting on the floor, perform the butterfly exercise, bending your legs, knees to the sides, feet touching each other. Bend forward and stretch your nose to your toes (10 times).

1.5 Fold the legs apart on the floor.

Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs wide apart, bend forward with outstretched arms, while keeping your knees straight (10 times).

2. Exercises for the legs

2.1 Squats.

Starting position: legs together, arms raised forward, do 15 squats up and down (2 sets of 15 times, rest 30 seconds between sets).

2.2 Balance on two legs.

Starting position: standing with your feet together, arms raised up, stand on your toes and try to stand as long as possible without leaving your place. To complete this task, all the muscles of the body should be as tense as possible, with your hands reaching up to the ceiling, and with your eyes looking at one point in front of you, so as not to lose balance.

2.3 Balance on one leg for 10 seconds.

Starting position: keep your hands on your belt, your back straight, you cannot leave the place, look with your eyes at one point in front of you.

2.4 Jumping on one leg, hands on the belt.

Jumping should be performed on toes 15 times on each leg, 2 sets.

3. Exercises for the press

3.1 Raising and lowering onto the back

Starting position: sitting on the floor, fix your legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Slowly perform the lowering onto your back, keeping your head on your chest all the time, and then rise to the starting position without using your hands (15-20 times, 2 sets with a short rest interval). If it is difficult for the child to rise, holding his hands behind his head, then the task can be facilitated by stretching them out in front of him.

3.2 Lying leg raises.

Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raising straight legs up to an upright position and slowly lowering down. Legs must be stretched and tense (15 times in 2 sets with a short rest interval).

3.3 "Boat on the back".

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended upward. At the same time, tear your head, arms and legs off the floor by 30 degrees, hold for 10 seconds, 2 sets. When performing the exercise, keep the legs and arms taut together, the lower back should be pressed to the floor.

4. Back exercises

4.1 Raising the back up.

Starting position: lying on the floor on your stomach, fix your legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Raise your back from the floor to the maximum possible level, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position and immediately repeat the task. When doing the exercise, the eyes should look down. Repeat 15 times in 2 sets with a short rest interval.

4.2 "The boat on the stomach".

Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms extended up, legs together. At the same time, tear your arms and legs off the floor by about 30 degrees. Be sure to raise your hands just above your head, look at your palms with your eyes, keep your legs together. Run the boat for 10 seconds in 2 sets with a short rest interval.

5. Exercises for the hands

5.1 Plank.

Starting position: support, lying on the floor, i.e. rest with straight arms and legs on the floor, so that the body is parallel to the floor, the shoulders are exactly above the palms, the back is slightly rounded, the legs are together. Fix this position for 20-30 seconds and make sure that the position of the body does not change. Repeat the task several approaches.

5.2 Push-ups from the floor.

Starting position: support, lying on the floor, i.e. rest with straight arms and legs on the floor, so that the body is parallel to the floor, the shoulders are exactly above the palms, the back is slightly rounded, the legs are together. Perform push-ups, bending your arms and trying to touch the floor with your nose, then straighten your arms and return to lying position. Make sure that the position of the body does not change during push-ups. At first, it will be difficult for the child to do push-ups, so you should hold him a little by the stomach, helping to bend correctly, and then straighten his arms and maintain correct position body. Start with 3-5 push-ups for 2-3 sets, gradually increasing the number as your child can.

After pumping up the muscles, when the child's body is already well warmed up and even a little tired, you can proceed to the final part of the workout - doing splits and stretching the back. These exercises can help you relax your muscles and gradually develop flexibility.

6. The final part of the workout - stretching tasks

6.1 Folds the legs together and apart with the help of the parents.

We repeat the same exercise that the child did during the warm-up, but with the help of the parents, who will press on the back. Be sure to keep your legs straight and not overdo it with pressure. (10 times in 2 sets).

6.2 Splits to the right and then to the left leg.

It is better to perform this exercise in a strip. In front, the leg should be straight and stand exactly on the heel, and hind leg kneel, the heel always looks at the ceiling. Hands are at the sides. Make sure that the child does not turn around or fall to one side. Help him maintain the correct position while applying some pressure on the front leg on the knee and on the back leg on the thigh. Perform a split for 30 seconds on each leg for 2-3 sets.

6.3 Straight twine.

This exercise should also be done on a strip or with your back against a wall. Starting position: standing with legs apart, with straight arms to rest on the floor next to the legs. Gradually spread straight legs to the side to the maximum tolerable level, and then fix the position for 30 seconds. In this position, it is imperative to ensure that the legs are straight, stand exactly along the lane, and the child does not crawl forward. Parents should help the child maintain the correct position, while applying some pressure on the hips. Perform a split for 30 seconds on each leg for 2-3 sets.

6.4 "Ring".

This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, the front of the thigh. Starting position: lying on your stomach, rest on straight arms that are close to your stomach, and stretch your head up. Then bend your legs and stretch your toes to the back of your head, trying to touch it. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest and repeat again.

6.5 "Basket".

This exercise is a bit like the previous one. Starting position: lying on your stomach, stretch your hands back to your legs and catch them from the outside by the ankle. Then bend in your back, raise your shoulders and head up, and try to straighten your legs a little to the ceiling. At the same time, they must be held firmly by the hands at all times by the legs. Fix this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself to the floor and, after rest, repeat the exercise again.

This article was written by the team of trainers of the European Gymnastics Center

Contacts of the European Gymnastics Center

Our addresses:

Moscow, Luzhnetskaya embankment, house 24, building 2

Moscow, Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, 125 A, building 4

Moscow, st. Kubinka 7

Kiev highway 24 km, der. Rogozinino

GPP - general physical fitness. Represents physical development, not only muscles, but also endurance, agility, flexibility. GPP provides excellent mobility of all joints. Physical fitness for any person, regardless of age. You can get acquainted with general physical fitness by visiting OFP section, where everyone can sign up.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the general physical training section, general physical training with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free gym, general fitness clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. Finding a suitable place for free lessons general physical fitness in Moscow can be carried out directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations... You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for later enrollment. For each of the sports sections are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.
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