Various push ups. What muscles work when push-ups of different types? Push-ups with clap and jump

    Push-ups from the floor are perhaps one of the most effective and common functional exercises among athletes. It has gained well-deserved popularity in fitness, bodybuilding, martial arts and, of course, crossfit. What can I say - in absolutely every sports discipline there is more than one effective program push-ups from the floor, thanks to which you can quickly and effortlessly achieve serious progress in the development of your own body. Considering which muscles work when pushing up from the floor, it is fair to say that this exercise not only strengthens elbow ligaments, tendons, loads the chest and triceps, but also has a positive effect on the development of strength and speed of punching and elbowing.

    Monthly push up program

    Once you have mastered correct technique push-ups from the floor, you should begin to gradually try to increase your result. No athlete in the world is able to perform a hundred push-ups in one set in the first workout. The program below is designed for 30 days, between workouts - one day of rest. A similar training method will help novice athletes quickly achieve a decent result.

    You can also download this program from .

    TRP standards for push-ups

    Push-ups from the floor are a mandatory part of the state TRP program. For men and women, the number of push-ups, of course, is different. The difference in the number of repetitions also varies depending on age group athlete. Each badge has different standards. The bottom table contains the current GTO standards for push-ups from the floor.



    AgeNumber of repetitions for:
    bronze badgeSilver badgegolden badge
    6-8 4 5 11
    9-10 5 7 12
    11-12 7 8 14
    13-15 7 9 15
    16-17 9 10 16
    18-24 10 12 14
    25-29 10 12 14
    30-34 6 8 12
    35-39 6 8 12
    For women over 40, there is a single standard, there is no differentiation according to the levels of training.
    40-44 12
    45-49 10
    50-54 8
    55-59 6
    60-69 6 (with emphasis on the gymnastic bench)
    70+ 5 (with emphasis on chair seat)

    Crossfit complexes with push-ups

    Push-ups from the floor are the basis of many functional complexes aimed at developing speed-strength qualities muscles of the shoulder girdle. CrossFit was originally closely related to push-ups, as many basic ligaments and elements, such as burpees, are built on the basis of this exercise.

    The table below shows 4 functional programs workouts containing push-ups from the floor, with which you can work out large muscle groups of your body and improve skills such as stamina and explosive strength.

    If you like working in this mode, you can independently develop several more similar programs for yourself. For example, you can combine push-ups with, and other exercises. Such a complex load will help to work out all muscle groups at once for a short time which makes the training program extremely intense and effective.

These are exercises that are one of the simplest, but extremely effective. You can perform them at any time and, importantly, you don’t have to visit for this, since you can work with own weight. All types of push-ups from the floor affect different groups muscles.

In addition to the fact that they develop triceps, deltoid, shoulder and pectoral muscles, the muscles of the legs are also included in the work, and. grows moderately and strengthens, endurance gradually increases, and becomes more prominent. Further in the article we will analyze in detail the technique for performing the most popular and most effective types such.

From my knees

This is the basic and somewhat simplified view. It is used in their girls, as well as novice athletes. This is a very good alternative to the classic push-ups, but in a simpler form. Work includes triceps, anterior bundle of deltas, pectoralis major and serratus anterior.

To perform this type of exercise, you should:

  • Get on your knees and do emphasis lying down. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulders and under top chest.
  • Straighten and slowly lower down.
  • Leaning on your knees and straightening up, you need to raise the body in initial position.
  • Repeat the desired number of push-ups.
It is important, when performing such an exercise, to do movements under control and slowly. The work must be constantly felt. , and the pelvis throughout, while push-ups are performed, should be located on the same line. The shoulder blades cannot be reduced, they must be lowered and divorced.

Medium grip

Push-ups from the floor for pectoral muscles medium grip is very effective. Additionally, they also train triceps and deltas. Everything is static.

  • You need to take an emphasis lying down. You can’t lift or lower your head down, it must be kept strictly along the line of the spine.
  • The hands should be slightly wider than the shoulders.
  • Slowly lower the body down, then, with a powerful effort, squeeze the body up.
  • In the upper position, it is necessary to tighten the pectoral muscles at the expense of “one-two”, then again lower to the floor.
  • It is necessary to take an emphasis lying down, while placing the brushes slightly wider than your shoulders and at chest level.
  • On inspiration, the body weight must be moved to the first hand and, going down, move to the second.
  • As you exhale, you should lift the body up, returning to its original position.
  • Repeat the same steps but in the other direction.

head up

The level of difficulty of this type of push-ups is low. You will need a bench on which you can rest your hands. The distance between the brushes is a little wider. To prevent your feet from slipping, you can install a support for stability or lean against the wall. The back is straight, without deflections. even.

  • When inhaling, you need to go down, the pelvis is held at the level of the spine, without rising or falling down.
  • On exhalation - return to the starting position.
Thus, it will be possible to give a load to the lower part of the pectoral muscles, which will help novice athletes well.

Analyzing different types of push-ups, it should be noted that performing such a head down is the most difficult and suitable for advanced ones. This exercise is performed upside down.

  • It is necessary to perform an emphasis lying on straight arms, while one leg should lie on the other.
  • On inspiration, lower the body down so that it is about 3-5 cm from the hands to the chest. At the same time, the elbows should be kept as close to the body as possible.
  • On exhalation, by straightening both arms, the body must be raised to its original position.

By performing push-ups with cotton, you can use large, and triceps. Additionally, muscles will be involved that support the body in an even position, the entire shoulder girdle, as well as leg muscles receiving a static load.

  • You need to take an emphasis lying down, resting your palms on the floor. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight.
  • While inhaling, you should lower the body down, bending your arms at the elbows.
  • Then, with an explosive and powerful effort, you need to push yourself off the floor, pushing the body as high as possible. should be enough to have time to make a clap in front of you and not fall at the same time.
  • After making a clap, you need to return to the starting position, resting your palms on the floor.

Important! You can complicate the training by making a clap behind the head, behind the back or on the chest. You can also tear off the floor in the process, not only hands, but also legs.

different names

The essence of opposite push-ups is that one arm will be located in a classic stance, that is, slightly wider than the shoulders, and the elbow is directed to the side, and the other in such a way as with triceps push-ups - the palm under the chest, and the elbow is directed back. With this type of push-ups, you can divide the load on the triceps and pectoral muscles. The position of the hands will need to be alternated.

  • Take the starting position.
  • The left hand should be taken to the side, and the right hand should be placed with the elbow back under the chest.
  • While inhaling, you need to bend your left elbow, moving it to the side. Right hand need to slide down the body.

Push ups- This is a basic exercise, performing which on an ongoing basis, you can easily keep your body in good shape. By practicing push-ups, you carefully work out the pectoral muscles, the muscles of the back and the arms. But today we will focus on non-standard variations of this exercise.

1. Classic push-ups

First of all, the muscles of the back and arms are involved. In order to learn non-standard types of push-ups, you should be able to do push-ups the classic way at least 30-40 times.

Technique:we take the emphasis lying down, we place our hands shoulder-width apart.

Keep your head straight to avoid unnecessary tension in the neck, do not raise your head much. We bend our arms, lower ourselves almost to the full touch of the floor with the chest and smoothly return to the starting position. For a better study of the muscle, it is worth paying special attention to the statics in this exercise. And therefore, I recommend to linger at the bottom point for a few seconds.

Important! When lowering - inhale, raising - exhale.

With this type of push-ups, we focus on the inside of the chest, front deltas and trapeziums. Push-ups of this kind are quite difficult, so I recommend doing them at the beginning of your workout.

In this exercise, the emphasis also goes, first of all, on the muscles of the chest, but this time, on their outer part.

Technique:take emphasis lying down. We spread our arms wider than shoulders and bend them until they touch the floor. Pause again and return to the starting position. In order to feel the work of the pectoral muscles, try to strain them with each repetition. Thus, you will train your brain to include in the work exactly those groups that you want to work through.

This type of push-up is great for working out your hands. A great effect is created due to the constant static tension in which you hold your hands and do not let them relax. Such an exercise, when performed correctly, can not only diversify your workout, but also increase the strength of your hands.

Different push-ups should be used if you want to simultaneously work out both the muscles of the back and chest, and the muscles of the arms, especially the triceps, as well as the serratus muscle. Most importantly, do not forget that after a while you should change hands so that the muscle balance is not disturbed.

By doing explosive (plyometric) push-ups you should accelerate when moving down and, without pausing at the bottom, rush up with a sharp movement. With the maximum straightening of the arms in the elbows, we try to push off the floor and return to the starting position. If your explosive power is sufficient, you can try to clap in front of you and continue the exercise.

Not quite a standard type of push-ups, but push-ups while standing on your hands work absolutely all the muscles of the body. Namely, the triceps, front and middle bundles are actively contracted deltoid muscles, clavicular portion of the pectoralis major muscle, trapezius muscle. The rest of the muscles are statically tense and their role is to maintain the balance of the body, however, the extensors of the spine experience the greatest load, gluteal muscles, abdominal Press, that is, the so-called "core muscles".

One of the most effective types of push-ups, aimed at developing the triceps. The main thing is not to take your hands to the sides, but try to control their work as much as possible.

This is an advanced version of the regular push up. Weighted push-ups engage the same muscles, but load them harder. With the addition of weight, this movement mimics the traditional bench press better than simple push-ups. In addition to this, since the weight must be kept in balance, you will automatically use more muscle- stabilizers.

For more detailed muscle work this exercise should be done as follows: we go down for 4 - 5 seconds, rise for 1-2 seconds. Important! We take such a load that you cannot do more than 10-12 repetitions.

In this version of the push-up, one hand has to stabilize the body while you bring the other hand under the worker. Thus, you need to maintain balance and not let your shoulder twist. To perform it, take a standard lying emphasis; do one rep, lift your hand off the ground and move it behind the opposite (reference), touch the ground and return to its place. Complete one rep and do the same for the other side. Continue until you reach the desired number of repetitions. The number of repetitions for this movement can be reduced due to its complexity.

Push-ups from the floor are considered one of the basic exercises, designed to lay a strong muscular and strength foundation for the upper body, using only its own weight. They are part physical training military personnel and are performed by even the most seasoned athletes. Push-ups are quite easy to learn and do not require any expensive equipment. Another plus is the variability of this exercise, shifting the emphasis of the load from one muscle group to another. So what muscles swing when pushing up from the floor and what types exist? Let's try to figure it out further.

Several groups of muscles of the torso work simultaneously during push-ups:

  • breast
  • triceps
  • shoulders
  • Press
  • serratus anterior

Push-ups are performed in a prone position, which also helps to develop the correct posture.

The pectoralis major is without a doubt the most frequently trained group in bodybuilding and fitness. It is primarily responsible for the pushing action of the upper body. When you get down and up during push-ups, it is she who does most of the work. Unfortunately, in our time, these muscles get much less opportunity to contribute to our everyday life, which means they are in an atrophied state in most people. That is why they have great potential both in the growth of strength and size.

During push-ups from the floor, triceps also work. This muscle, depending on the width of the arms, takes more or less load. Takes up 2/3 of the volume total weight hands and is responsible for their extension.

Consist of three parts - front, middle and back. The greatest stimulation is received during the performance of seated presses, and in push-ups they take the third place in terms of the load received (front). Despite the fact that they are weaker compared to the chest, they help them lift the body.

Serratus anterior

They give an aesthetic and finished look to your torso. They serve to stabilize and move the scapula forward and outward. It is located under the armpits in the back of the pectoral muscles. Activated and strengthened by push-ups.

The abdominal muscles also swing during push-ups. Helps to stay upright in the supine position. It is important to remember that in order to see the press cubes, the level of adipose tissue must be low. So more attention is still worth paying to your diet.

The neck sways to a small extent. For correct execution horizontal push-ups, it is important to look not down, but in front of you.

As for other muscle groups, for example, the biceps and back - so that no one speaks or writes, but they are practically not involved (with the exception of only a slight pressure exerted by one's own body when lowering), and it is impossible to pump them up with push-ups. To do this, use traction or pull-ups on the crossbar.

Types of push-ups from the floor

There are many types of push-ups, but the most common ones are as follows:

  • narrow
  • wide
  • on one hand
  • tilted down
  • tilted up

Wide push ups

An easier version of the exercise, since the amplitude of movement up and down is noticeably reduced due to the wide setting of the hands. Allows you to spread your elbows more to the sides and use the triceps to a lesser extent. Max works outer part pectoral muscles, giving them volume and fullness.

Narrow push-ups

Here, the opposite is true - the elbows are more pressed to the body, shifting the focus to triceps muscle shoulder. The chest receives less stimulation than the previous version. If your goal is to pump triceps, then it is better to use another exercise - push-ups from the bench for triceps.

Push-ups on one arm

An incredibly energy-intensive and difficult exercise, in which not only the chest and triceps are working muscles, but also almost the entire abdominal press, which stabilizes your body during the approach. Develops strengths well.

Push-ups with an inclination down

Another way for experienced athletes, which maximally includes the upper bundle of the pectoral muscle, forcing them to raise an even greater percentage of their own body. The higher the legs are placed on the hill, the more difficult the exercise will be and the more stimulation it will provide. The abdominal and oblique muscles also work, as well as the muscle that straightens the spine, stabilizing the body during execution.

With this workout of 17 push-ups to failure, you can test your endurance and build your chest, triceps and shoulders.

Are your pecs, shoulders lagging behind, or maybe your triceps need a serious shake-up to make them grow?

Or perhaps you'd like to improve their shape and size while revving up your metabolism to the max while reducing your fat percentage to the single digits? Do you want to know what types of push-ups are for different muscle groups?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then the program and methodology below may be just what you need.

The described training is difficult and will require you to limit the effort. physical strength, but in the end, every drop of sweat will be worth it.

Before the methodology high intensity training() came to the rescue of legions of desperate jocks who spent countless hours exercising at a slow pace and low intensity, and brought them the desired relief from fat while maintaining muscle mass, for many, the attempt to maintain this balance ended in metabolic collapse and disastrous results.

Now, by combining short ultra-intense sets with short periods of rest and/or active recovery over a span of 15-20 minutes, aspiring athletes can achieve phenomenal results in both maintaining muscle mass and rapid weight loss. And while cardio often plays a major role when it comes to losing fat, for many, it does not give the desired effect when it comes to quality muscle volume.

If you perform a rapid series of strength exercises for different muscle groups to failure one after another, interspersed with rest just enough to recover for the next set, the muscles are forced to work with greater efficiency, more blood is supplied to the target muscle groups, and the metabolism receives the strongest boost. for overclocking. With a reasonable application of this approach, you will certainly achieve a leaner and more muscular body.

The following workout uses the principles of HIIT primarily to target the chest/shoulders/triceps.

Try it. Get used to it. Use wisely, and your chest will have no choice but to get stronger.

Video - types of push-ups and their functions

We have already considered the topic in detail, now it is time to use the correct technique for pumping muscles.

Training program

Types of push-ups Approaches repetitions
1. With cotton 1 To failure
1 To failure
3. With weight transfer to one hand 1 To failure
4. On an incline reverse grip 1 To failure
5. Weighted 1 To failure
1 To failure
7. Push-ups "Spiderman" (Spiderman) 1 To failure
8. On a negative slope 1 To failure
9. Cross lift 1 To failure
1 To failure
11. With a pause 1 To failure
12. With a wave of the hand up 1 To failure
13. On fists 1 To failure
14. With a deflection in the lower back 1 To failure
15. On an incline wide grip 1 To failure
16. On one leg 1 To failure
17. Close grip 1 To failure
  • Fulfill different kinds push-ups as one giant set with 45 seconds to 1.5 minutes rest between each exercise (depending on your skill and recovery speed).
  • Each exercise should be performed for as many repetitions as you can (AMRAP). Twenty repetitions per set will mean that you have excellent endurance.
  • This workout is designed for those who have at least a year of good training preparation.
  • If you are not so experienced yet (or just starting), it is better to modify the workout for safety reasons. If you are a beginner, you should reduce the number of repetitions, remove some movements and / or increase the rest time between sets.
  • Always start with a warm up.

1. Explosive push-ups with cotton

These types of movements help develop explosive force in the arms, chest and shoulders, it concentrates on fast muscle fibers, the study of which will give you an impressive increase in volume.

In order to perform this movement, you need to add some elements to the regular push-up.

A plyometric (explosive) pushup means you need to accelerate in the eccentric phase (the negative phase of the movement, that is, when moving down). Don't pause at the bottom. Instead, move from the eccentric phase to the concentric phase as quickly as possible, that is, try to push the body up as quickly as possible in order to acquire at the end of the movement top speed and have time to make cotton with your hands. Instead of stopping at the end, speed up, get your hands off the ground, and clap. Land in the starting position and, while maintaining control, continue the exercise.

2. Push-ups with legs on a fitball

3. Push-ups with weight transfer to one hand

In this version of the push-up, one hand has to stabilize the body while you bring the other hand under the worker. Thus, you need to maintain balance and not let your shoulder twist.

To perform it, take a standard lying emphasis; do one rep, lift your hand off the ground and move it behind the opposite (reference), touch the ground and return to its place. Complete one rep and do the same for the other side. Continue until you reach the desired number of repetitions. The number of repetitions for this movement can be reduced due to its complexity.

4. Push-ups on an inclined surface with a reverse grip

This exercise is performed in a lying position, but inner part hands should look forward, this variation works out more muscles in comparison with the usual one. Together with the chest, the shoulders, arms, legs, muscles of the body and upper back are included in the work.

To perform it, grasp the crossbar, the body should be tilted at an angle of about 45 degrees to the surface, the socks rest against the floor. Grasp the reverse grip, slowly lower the body to the crossbar and push up.

5. Push-ups with weights

This is an advanced version of the regular push-up that has been around for a long time. Weighted push-ups engage the same muscles, but load them harder. With the addition of weight, this movement mimics the traditional bench press better than simple push-ups. In addition, since the weight must be kept in balance, more stabilizer muscles are used to perform this movement.

Take a standard lying position and have your partner place a barbell pancake on your back. Trying to maintain balance, perform a regular push-up.

6. Push-ups with a shift to the side

This movement, which requires more coordination and flexibility than simple push-ups, uses the external and inside pectoral muscles, and also loads the muscles of the body.

To perform, take the standard lying position, but put your hands a little closer to each other, and your legs are wider. Do a push up. Then spread your arms wider and bring your legs together. Do a second push up. Alternate until you complete the desired number of times.

7. Push-ups "Spiderman" ("Spiderman")

In addition to working the key push-up muscles, this movement also improves the flexibility and mobility of the pelvis, as well as promotes good posture and mobility of the whole body.

To do this, do a normal push-up from a standard prone position, but spread your elbows a little on the way down. When the body is lowered to the ground, pull the right knee to the right elbow, straighten and rise to the starting position lying down. Repeat for the other side. Change sides for the desired number of repetitions.

8. Push-ups on the surface with a negative slope (with feet against the wall)

Decline surface push-ups focus on the upper pecs to work this stubborn area. This movement can be difficult at first, but as you master it, you will appreciate how well it loads. upper part body (since the legs are not involved in the work).

To perform, rest your feet against the wall, the body should be at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground. Lower your body until your forehead touches the floor. Push up.

9. Push-ups with cross lifting (arm / leg)

This movement is even more demanding on the stabilizing muscles of the core, as the arm and opposite leg lift off the ground at the same time. It must be performed slowly, with perfect plank technique.

To perform, do a regular push-up, but on the upward movement, pull forward left hand while simultaneously pulling back and up right leg. Lower your arms and leg to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Switch sides and complete the required number of repetitions.

10. Push-ups with a touch of the shoulder

This movement engages the muscles of your entire upper body while also forcing your core muscles to stabilize you at the top of each rep.

To perform, assume a standard push-up position, push up once, then hold your torso in a lying position with your arms fully extended. Stretch your hand across the body and touch the opposite shoulder; do the next repetition. Change sides the desired number of times.

11. Push-ups with a pause

By pausing at the bottom of a standard push-up, you thwart the spring reflex (the tendency for the muscles to return to a neutral state) that would otherwise help you on your way up.

To perform, do a standard push-up, but instead of immediately pushing your body up from the bottom point, hold down for two full seconds. Then explosively return to the starting position.

12. Push-ups with a wave of the arm up

This movement develops the rotational strength of the core muscles while working the pecs, shoulders and arms one side at a time.

To perform, start with the body lowered to the ground, as in a simple push-up. Explosively lift your body onto your outstretched arms, but instead of stopping, let one arm lift off the floor. Raise that arm toward the ceiling, turning your torso fully toward it. Keeping your entire body straight, roll onto the side of your foot as you rep. Repeat the same for the other side and perform the desired number of times, and preferably to failure.

13. Push-ups on fists

This movement is great way to avoid a crease of the brush, which to one degree or another occurs with all other variations of push-ups (instead of the base of the brushes, the load falls on the fists).

To perform, take the standard position for push-ups, but rest on the floor not with open palms, but with fists. Push up in this position.

14. Push-ups with a deflection in the lower back

The backbend push-up (or Chaturanga Dandasana) requires more effort for combined body movements than other variations. In particular, with each repetition, you need to use the pelvis and the entire shoulder girdle. It also improves the mobility of the thoracic spine.

To perform, take a standard lying position, lower your body completely down so that the pelvis touches the floor, push up and transfer your body weight to your heels. Push your pelvis up as high as possible, extending your arms so that your chest is fully extended, hold this position for a second, then repeat.

15. Incline push-ups with a wide grip

This movement is a great way to engage all the large pectoral muscles with a focus on the lower part. In addition, due to the wide grip, more load is placed on the chest and less on the shoulders and triceps.

To perform, rest against the bar on the Smith machine so that the body is at a 45 degree angle, as wide as you can, remembering to control the movement of the body in all phases. Slowly lower yourself and explosively return to the starting position.

16. Push-ups on one leg

This is a great way to work your stabilizer muscles while engaging your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

To perform, take a standard lying position, rest one foot on the floor and lift the other up. For the first repetition, hold one leg on the weight, for the next change to the other, repeat.

Remember to keep your glutes and core tight so that your body doesn't wobble from side to side on each rep.

17. Push-ups with a narrow grip

This movement is effective method work out the triceps to increase their strength and volume. Compared to wide-grip push-ups, it suggests that the body be as compact as possible. Keep your elbows close to your body and your shoulders tense.
