The most brutal martial arts. The most effective martial arts

Among a large list of the most diverse types of self-defense, many men prefer these five.

1. Jeet Kune-do


An oriental martial art created by Bruce Lee. Translated from Chinese, it means "the way of the advancing fist." To this day, this style is considered one of the most popular martial arts styles and is taught in many countries around the world. Bruce himself did not call Jeet Kune Do a "style" of martial arts, preferring to call it a "method", since, according to his philosophy, the Jeet Kune Do method can be used in any kind of martial arts. This method was originally intended for successful self-defense in street fight... Many styles are covered in Jeet Kune Do fighting techniques. oriental martial arts, such as Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Jiu-Jitsu, as well as English and Filipino boxing, with a generalization of the use of their techniques, but with their own philosophy.

2. Western (English) boxing


A well-known contact sport, martial arts, in which athletes strike each other with their fists while wearing special gloves. The earliest evidence of such competitions is captured in Sumerian, Egyptian and Minoan bas-reliefs. Boxing-like fist fighting tournaments were held in Ancient Greece... Truly the side has become combat sports in 688 BC e., when fistfights were first included in the program of ancient Olympic Games. Modern boxing originated in England at the beginning of the 18th century. It is considered a very effective method of active self-defense.

3. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Martial art and international combat sports, the basis of which is wrestling on the ground, as well as painful and suffocating holds. This art arose at the beginning of the twentieth century from Kodokan judo, which was an independent system formed by the numerous schools of Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. This art is based on the principle that a person with a poorly developed physique can successfully defend against a stronger opponent using the proper technique (painful holds and strangulation) and defeat him.

Martial arts - various systems of martial arts and self-defense of different, often East Asian origin; developed mainly as a means of hand-to-hand combat. Currently practiced in many countries of the world mainly in the form sports exercise aiming at physical and conscious improvement.


Martial arts are subdivided into directions, types, styles and schools. Exist as pretty old martial arts and new ones.

  1. Martial arts are divided into wrestling, drums and oriental martial arts(includes not only the study of techniques, but also the philosophy of combat and life).
  2. With or without weapons. Martial arts with the use of weapons include: all types of shooting, throwing knives, darts, etc., knife and stick fighting, fencing (rapier, saber), various oriental martial arts (for example, wushu, kung fu, kendo) using nunchaku, poles, sabers and swords. Unarmed martial arts include all others, in which only different parts of the arms, legs and head are used.
  3. Types of struggle by country(national). Each nation has its own types of martial arts.

Let's consider the most famous of them.

  • Japanese karate, ju-jutsu (ju-jitsu), judo, aikido, sumo, kendo, kudo, iaido, kobujutsu, nunchaku-jutsu, ninjutsu (a comprehensive system of training medieval Japanese spies, including hand-to-hand combat, disguise, learning ninja, methods etc.).
  • Chinese wushu and kung fu. In addition, in China there are also various styles that imitate the behavior of animals, birds, insects, as well as a style that imitates the behavior of a drunk person ("drunkard" style).
  • Korean hapkido, taekwondo (taekwondo).
  • Thailand muay thai or Thai boxing.
  • Russians sambo and Combat Sambo, hand-to-hand combat.
  • European boxing, French boxing (savat), freestyle and Greco-Roman (classical) wrestling.
  • Brazilian capoeira, jiu-jitsu.
  • Israeli Krav Maga.
  • Mixed views... MMA (mixfight), K-1, kickboxing, grappling are mixed types, techniques in which are taken from other martial arts and martial arts.
  • Olympic types of single combats... Some of the types of wrestling, martial arts and martial arts are included in the program of the Olympic Games. These include boxing, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, taekwondo, and various types of shooting.

The difference between martial arts and martial arts

All sports martial arts differ from real martial arts in that they are always aimed at fighting with one person (therefore they are called martial arts), who is always honest and a good athlete, and always acts within the framework of certain predetermined clearly agreed rules.

Also, in combat sports, there is most often a division by weight categories, weapons, sneaky techniques and the effect of surprise are not used there, as well as techniques that can very much injure a person.

But naturally, in a real battle on the street, such excellent combat conditions are rare. There can be attacked by three of them, they can put a knife to the throat or even strike from behind without warning in advance, so let's try to discuss more effective and applied types of martial arts.


This self-defense system was created by the master Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) based on one of the directions of jiu-jitsu. Certain aikido techniques were borrowed from the so-called Chinese wushu. soft styles, where the vector of application of force to the enemy coincides with the direction of movement of the enemy himself. The fundamental difference between aikido and other martial arts is the lack of offensive techniques. The main sequence of the fighter's actions boils down to grabbing the opponent's hand or wrist, throwing him to the ground and already here, with the help of a painful hold, finally neutralize. Aikido movements usually follow a circular path.

There are no competitions or championships in aikido. Nevertheless, it is very popular as the art of self-defense and quickly incapacitating the enemy. Like karate and judo, aikido is widespread outside Japan, including in Russia.

American kickboxing

Another type of boxing is "American kickboxing" according to the legend, its name and even the development of the fighting style is prescribed to the famous actor and of course multiple champion in kickboxing Chuck Noris. Kickboxing can be translated almost literally as "Kicking and punching."

Because kickboxing has become a mixture of martial arts wushu, English boxing, muay thai, karate and taekwondo. Ideally, fights should take place at full strength and at all levels, that is, kicks and punches are allowed at full strength throughout the body. This allows kickboxers to become quite dangerous opponents both in the ring and outside it, but nevertheless, this is a sports system and it was not initially sharpened for street fighting.

English boxing and French boxing

Although that modern English boxing, which we know, since about 1882, was recognized in its former form as hazardous to health and began to be conducted according to the rules known today, which finally reduced its combat effectiveness. But after this time, a bunch of similar combat "boxing" systems from different countries of the world have become known.

Of the most famous types of boxing, the French boxing "Savat" was once generally one of the best street fighting systems in Europe.

Savat is European combat combat, also known as "French boxing", is characterized by effective technique punches, dynamic kick technique, mobility and subtle strategy. Savat has long history: this kind of martial art originated as a synthesis of the French school of street hand-to-hand combat and English boxing; in 1924 it was included in the Olympic Games in Paris as a demonstration sport.

Greco-Roman wrestling

Classic wrestling is a European type of single combat in which two participants come together in a fight. The main task of each athlete is to put his opponent on his shoulder blades with the help of a number of different elements and techniques. The main difference Greco-Roman wrestling from other similar martial arts - this is a ban on the implementation of any techniques with feet (running boards, holds, sweeps, etc.). Also, you cannot do leg grabs.


Judo in translation from Japanese means "soft way". This modern sports martial arts comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. The main judo are throws, painful holds, holds and strangles. Judo is based on the principle of the unity of mind and body and differs from other martial arts by the lesser use of physical strength when performing various technical actions.

Professor Jigoro Kano founded judo in 1882, in 1964 judo entered the program of the Summer Olympic Games. Judo is a codified sport in which the mind controls body movements, it has the most pronounced educational character in Olympic program... In addition to competitions, judo includes the study of technique, kata, self-defense, physical fitness and improving the spirit. Judo as a sports discipline is a modern and progressive form of physical activity. International Federation Judo (IJF) includes 200 subsidiaries national federations on five continents. More than 20 million people practice judo, a sport that perfectly combines education and physical activity... IJF organizes over 35 events annually.


Jiu-jitsu is a generic name used for a combat system that is almost impossible to describe clearly. This is hand-to-hand combat, in most cases, without the use of weapons, and only in some cases - with weapons. Jiu-jitsu techniques include kicking, punching, throwing, holding, blocking, choking and tying, as well as using certain types of weapons. Jiu-jitsu relies not on brute strength, but on dexterity and dexterity. Using minimal effort to achieve maximum effect... This principle allows anyone, regardless of their physical shape or physique, to control and use their energy with the greatest efficiency.


(Capoeira) is an Afro-Brazilian national martial art, a synthesis of dance, acrobatics and games, all accompanied by national Brazilian music. According to the generally accepted version, capoeira originated in South America in the 17-18 centuries.

But nevertheless, experts still argue about the homeland and the time of the emergence of such a unique art. No one knows exactly where it came from, who was the founder of the ancient skill and, like capoeira, has gained rapid popularity from century to century.

There are several main hypotheses for its origin:

  1. The African zebra dance, which was common among local tribes, became the prototype of the militant movements.
  2. Capoeira is a fusion of ancient cultures - Latin American and African dances.
  3. A dance of slave slaves, which gradually developed into a martial art. It is associated with the landing of Europeans on the continent and the birth of the slave trade.


Karate ("the path of the empty hand") is a Japanese martial art that offers different ways of fighting with your hands and several techniques with the use of weapons, including edged weapons. In this single combat, grabs and throws are not used. The main principle- speed and speed, and the main task is to maintain the main stance for a long time. Therefore, first of all, balance plays a role in karate.


During sports fights, fencers hold resilient bamboo swords, and special training armor covers their head, chest and arms. For purely executed strikes on certain parts of the opponent's body, the participants in the fight are awarded points.

Currently, kendo is not only a popular sport, but also an integral part of the physical education curriculum of Japanese schools.


The term "kobudo" in translation from Japanese means - "ancient military way". The original name is "kobujutsu" - "ancient martial arts (skills)". Under this term, the arts of ownership are represented today. different kinds eastern types of edged weapons.

Currently, there is a division of kobudo into two autonomous independent directions:

  1. Nihon-kobudo is a direction combining systems common on the main islands of Japan and using in their arsenal edged weapons of samurai origin and weapons from the ninjutsu arsenal.
  2. Kobudo (other names Ryukyu-kobudo and Okinawa-kobudo) is a direction that unites systems originating from the islands of the Ryukyu archipelago (modern Okinawa prefecture, Japan) using in the arsenal of tools (objects) of the peasant and fishing use of the inhabitants of these islands.


Sambo belongs to the unique types of martial arts that have spread all over the world. It has become the only type of sports where international communication is held in Russian. There are two types of sambo, the first of which is combat, used to protect and disable the enemy. The second kind of this struggle is sports sambo, promotes the development of personal characteristics, tempers character and body, allows you to develop self-control and discipline.


Sumo rules are very simple: to win, it is enough to either force the opponent to lose balance and touch the ring with any part of the body except the feet, or simply push him out of the ring. Usually the outcome of a fight is decided in a few seconds. The accompanying ceremonies can take much longer. The wrestlers are dressed only in a special loincloth.

In ancient times, sumo champions were venerated as saints; according to Japanese beliefs, the fighters, shaking the earth, not only make it more fertile, but also scare away evil spirits; Sumo wrestlers were sometimes hired to "drive disease" out of wealthy homes and even entire cities.

Therefore, such attention is paid to the weight of the wrestler (in sumo, there is weight categories). Since ancient times, a variety of diets and exercises have been preserved, which make it possible to most effectively gain Weight Limit... The age of professional wrestlers ranges between 18 and 35 years old. Most of the sumo champions become popular idols.

Thailand boxing

Muay Thai was developed as a military and army martial art, the fighters of which, with and without weapons, had to enter the personal guard of the king and actually confront entire armies of an outnumbered enemy on the battlefield.

But today, like the previous ones sports types martial arts, Muay Thai has undergone quite a lot of changes in the direction of sports, it has also changed a lot modern rules which became much more loyal and made this super-tough and even deadly martial art an order of magnitude less effective.

Although in more closed schools and even sects, even outside Thailand, which also teach Thai boxing, there are still people teaching more effective forms of it.

Taekwondo (taekwondo, taekwondo)

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. His characteristic feature is that the legs are used more actively in the fight than the arms. In taekwondo, both direct kicks and kicks with a turn can be applied with equal speed and force. The martial art of taekwondo is over 2000 years old. Since 1955, this single combat has been considered a sport.


Literally translated as martial art. This is the general name for traditional Chinese martial arts, more often called kung fu or Chinese boxing in the west. There are many different directions, wushu, which are conventionally divided into external (waijia) and internal (neijia). External or hard styles suggest good sports uniform fighter and high expenditure of physical energy during training. Indoor or soft styles require special focus and flexibility.

As a rule, Ch'an Buddhism serves as the philosophical basis of the outer styles, and Taoism for the inner ones. The so-called monastic styles traditionally refer to external ones and originate from Buddhist monasteries, one of which is the famous Shaolin Monastery (founded about 500 BC), where the Shaolin Quan style was formed, which influenced the development of many styles of Japanese karate.

Which martial art to choose?

The choice of activities depends primarily on your preferences and physical characteristics. Talitsa will help determine your body type and the appropriate type of struggle for this correspondence. Keep in mind, however, that only general guidelines are provided. The study of martial arts is a long process, during which your body will get used to, adapt to new conditions and gain experience in the martial arts that you choose.


Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Chuan)

This graceful non-offensive Chinese martial arts emphasizes stability, balance, balance and is ideal for thin people. A set of controlled, fluid movements will train all of your muscles to work together and harmoniously. Do not confuse tai chi chuan and tai chi, which is offered in fitness clubs. Real schools are more challenging and allow their students to master many different types weapons, including a double-edged sword.

This Chinese style is also called kung fu. There are over 300 varieties of wushu. Of these, Wing Chun (yunchun, "eternal spring") is suitable for people with a lack of weight and size. This style allows a small, lighter person to defeat a larger opponent by affecting sensitive areas of the body that are not protected by muscles (eyes, throat, groin, knees and specific nerve points). No particular flexibility is required as most of the strikes are delivered low (kneecaps or shins).

Taekwondo (taekwondo, taekwondo)

It is desirable for this Korean martial arts to be lean, light and loose, as it is best known for its vast variety of high impact kicks. This fighting style relies more on feet than fists. Strikes to the head are common, so you should at least be able to raise your leg to the same height as your opponent's face. In class, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will receive a couple of painful blows, but in general, contacts are not very violent. In addition, taekwondo learners train not only in battles with each other, as it is a type of martial arts where breaking boards and bricks with hands and feet is part of the training regimen.



Aikido does not focus on exhausting punches and kicks. The main focus is on using the opponent's own energy against himself, in order to incapacitate him (using locks on the wrist or grab his hands) or knock him back. This style is easier for people with an athletic build, as most offensive movements are more effective when the muscles are well developed. Also, unlike most martial arts, which requires you to complete 10 ranks before earning a black belt, this Japanese martial arts only has 6 levels.


A Japanese martial art that allows you to wield a bamboo sword, dress like a samurai, and repeatedly stab your opponent in the neck and head. It sounds threatening, but in this combat, the body is protected by armor similar to knightly, which minimizes damage. Speed, strong shoulders and arms are essential attributes of sword fighters, so a lean, muscular physique is ideal.

Muay Thai (Thai boxing)

Thai martial art with full contact with the opponent. Instead of just using fists and legs, the opponent is hit with a series of punches to the elbows and knees. Most suitable for people of athletic build with developed muscles around the joints. Those wishing to master this type of martial arts should be prepared for early retirement, since serious practitioners have a rather short career (4-5 years maximum).



A Japanese martial art that aims to upset an opponent's balance and throw them onto the carpet. Stocky people have the advantage of defensive maneuvers, as the extra weight helps keep you more stable in the ring. The onset of breathlessness will not be a problem in the initial stages of training, which are devoted to improving the grips, maneuvers of contractions and how to fall correctly. To reach a more advanced level, you will need to develop endurance.


Based on a combination of cultures (roots both in Japan and Okinawa), karate is also a mixture of different martial techniques. Students learn how to fight with their hands, several techniques with weapons, including nunchucks. Although grabs and throws are not used in this combat, stocky people benefit from a more solid and stable position, which gives more power to their punches and blocks. Most varieties of karate are worth choosing, but if you are afraid of pain then be careful with styles that include kenpo, kempo, American freestyle, full contact in the name.


This boxing karate style is more suitable big people for several reasons. Firstly, he uses a series of punches, like in boxing, where stability in the ring due to a powerful physique is more important than strong fists. A strong physique will also be useful for mastering the techniques of dodging the opponent's punches. Punching will require flexibility, but punching is usually no higher than the waist.

Jiu-jitsu (jujutsu)

This Japanese technique combines many dangerous techniques of attack and defense. This type of single combat is merciless, since it was originally developed to train an unarmed person to neutralize an armed soldier. It will be easier to master jiu-jitsu for those who are used to loads, have endurance and flexibility.

The list below consists of ten of the best martial arts for self-defense. If you are interested in choosing a single combat for the most effective defense, then you definitely need to read this rating to the end.

Kickboxing is a combat sport that originated in the United States in the 1960s. It is based on punches and kicks along with martial arts techniques (sweeps, throws, etc.). It has quite a few branches, the most famous of which is Muay Thai - roughly translated as "the art of eight limbs."

Karate is a Japanese martial art in which precise, powerful punches and kicks are used to crush an opponent at vital points of the body. This sport was invented in 1929 by Funakoshi Gichin under the influence of the ideas of Zen Buddhism. In Karate, a special emphasis is placed on evasion.

In eighth place in the ranking of the best martial arts for self-defense is Aikido - a Japanese martial art, the peculiarity of which is the use of throws and grabs. It was founded by Morihei Ueshiba between the 30s and 60s of the 20th century. Aikido focuses on using the opponent's power against himself. It is considered one of the most difficult Japanese martial arts to master.

Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art that uses a variety of martial techniques. It is for this reason that it is considered an applied direction of wushu. It is characterized by effective escapes from the line of attack, complemented by instant, straight-line strikes at very close range. Often the fight ends with knee and elbow strikes. An experienced fighter with the Wing Chun style is capable of inflicting up to eight blows per second on the enemy.

Jiu Jitsu is the most versatile style on this list. This is a real hybrid, which includes elements of wrestling, hard strikes, choke techniques, locks, etc. Jiu-jitsu is one of the oldest types of Japanese wrestling. The main principle of jiu-jitsu is not to go into direct confrontation, but to yield to the onslaught of the opponent, directing his actions in the right direction until he is trapped, and then turn the strength and actions of the enemy against him.

Jeet Kune Do was created by Bruce Lee and translated from Chinese means "the way of the leading fist." Today, this style of martial arts is considered one of the most popular in the world. It is taught in many countries. However, Bruce Lee himself did not call Jeet Kune Do "style", but preferred to call it "method". According to his philosophy, the Jeet Kune Do method can be used in any kind of martial arts. Here the emphasis is on hitting speed and combination.

The fourth place in the list of the best martial arts for self-defense is boxing. I think that almost everyone knows that a boxer has the fastest, strongest and most accurate punch compared to a trained fighter with any other martial art.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that is an international combat sport, the basis of which is wrestling in the ground, as well as painful and suffocating techniques. This art is based on the principle that a person of an underdeveloped physique can successfully defend himself and defeat a more powerful opponent using the appropriate technique ( painful holds and strangulation).

Keysi Fighting Method (KFM) is a self-defense system based on the development of human natural instincts and a number of techniques taken from the arsenal of boxing and street fighting. KFM is based on a small arsenal of techniques adapted to a specific situation. The system was created in 1957 by the Spaniard Justo Dieguez and the Englishman Andy Norman, both of whom are Jeet Kune Do instructors.

The best martial art for self-defense is Krav Maga, an Israeli martial art developed by Imi Lichtenfeld for self-defense purposes. In Krav Maga there are no exact rules and there is no distinction between training for men and women. The system is not considered a sport, it does not have a specific dress code and competition, although some organizations, as they learn, award different levels and emblems. All techniques focus on maximum effectiveness in real-world conditions, as well as natural reflexes, simple movements and aggressive defensive techniques. The main principles of Krav Maga are: do not get injured, quickly neutralize the attacker, quickly switch from defensive to offensive techniques, use body reflexes, and vulnerabilities enemy, use any available item.

The ability to defend plays important role in the history of every nation. Under the influence of natural, historical and cultural factors, many tactics of hand-to-hand combat were created and developed, each of which absorbed elements of the ethnic group of its country. Ways to hit the enemy and inflict pain became more effective, and over the centuries the usual fight with stones and sticks has become a real martial art.

We bring to your attention 10 of the most dangerous martial arts in the world, each of which went beyond the country of origin and became popular in many parts of the world.

10. Jiu-jitsu

This is a very effective and tough method of fighting, which appeared during street fights, and is now included in the list of sports disciplines.

9. Kazukenbo

This is an explosive mixture of boxing and karate. It arose in the first half of the twentieth century in Hawaii, as a street wrestling. The aborigines thus defended themselves from the sailors and bandit groups who had arrived.

8. Capoeira

This method of fighting, included in the 10 most dangerous martial arts in the world, originated in Brazil during the time of slaves and their owners. Fugitive slaves defended themselves in this way from soldiers and slave traders. The fighting technique was so skillful that capoeira was legally banned. But the Brazilian blacks did not want to part with her, and this struggle continues to this day in the form of a dance with combat elements.

7. Sambo

This type of struggle arose in the 20s of the twentieth century in the ranks of the Red Army, as self-defense without the use of improvised means. Sambo is a universal wrestling in which you can use not only arms and legs, but also elbows, knees, throws, jumps and choke holds.

6. Bojuka

Bojuka is also one of the ten most dangerous fighting techniques in the world, as its use is aimed at a swift victory over a real enemy, and there are no specific rules and prohibitions in this martial art. It arose at the end of the last century and is actively used in the training of bodyguards.

5. Jeet Kune Do

Its creator is the legendary Bruce Lee. This is a mix of many combat techniques, aimed at maximum damage to the enemy in a minimum of time. In this way, Bruce Lee transformed pompous Chinese fighting techniques into effective street fighting.

4. Combat technique of the GRU special forces

It is used by special forces soldiers. There are no analogues of Russian martial art in any country in the world, therefore it is considered one of the most dangerous.

3. Muay Thai

This technique is certainly worthy of entering the top of the most brutal martial arts in the world. Everything is used in it: feet, knees, elbows, head.

2. Aikido

Perhaps each of us has heard about this martial art. But not everyone can skillfully master it, because aikido implies the ability to control human and earthly energy, redirect it in the right direction and fight without aggression and anger. To become a true professional in aikido, you need to learn the most ancient Eastern teachings and become spiritually enlightened, what at first glance is done very easily is achieved by incredible physical and spiritual efforts. In the arsenal of a professional, Aikido becomes the most dangerous weapon.

1. Bocator

This name translates as "fight with the lion." Originally from Southeast Asia, this fight owes its origin to observant men who copy the habits of animals during battle. Bocator, among other "animals" of the martial arts, is considered the most dangerous, since, like Muay Thai, there are practically no prohibited techniques in it.

Let's start with the fact that the best school is the one that suits you personally, your physical form and seeing yourself in martial arts. You can succeed in any of them, if there is a desire - but for mastering the sumo peaks, an asthenik, for example, will have to spend more time. In the end, martial arts are the same training, only with striking or throwing technique.

Different areas of martial arts develop different qualities and even muscle groups. Some of them teach how to use the opponent's energy, others are aimed at practicing powerful punches, others - with legs, the fourth will swing endurance or develop jumping ability.

In some ways, martial arts are reminiscent of yoga: in them you can find your own spiritual path, but you can take only technique and learn to stand up for yourself. Below is a description of the most popular types martial arts, which will help you decide on the choice of school.


This martial art is suitable for those who wish to learn self-defense techniques. Jiu-jitsu emphasizes the skills of a fighter on the ability to defend himself, free himself from captures, use tactics not to attack, but to use the enemy's strength to his advantage.

Kicks and punches are present, but the technique does not roll into hand-to-hand combat. The main thing here is the efficient use of energy (your own and someone else's), which allows you to defeat the larger and strong adversary... Jiu-jitsu is not an aggressive type, this martial art develops dexterity and dexterity.


This Korean martial art is so popular that in 1988 it was included in the Olympic Games. The translation of the name into Russian: "the path of the hand and foot", which unequivocally hints at the upcoming development of the art of striking with all limbs. Taekwondo combines both attack fighting and self-defense techniques, in addition, it is an exercise, an official sport, meditative techniques and a whole Eastern philosophy.

In the modern state of taekwondo, the emphasis is on defense and control. The emphasis is on kicks from the stance, since the kicks can reach further and do more damage than the hands. In the technique of martial arts - various sweeps, painful holds with a hold, open palm strikes and grips.


One of the youngest martial arts in Japan. Just like many martial arts of the Land of the Rising Sun, aikido includes physical and spiritual practices. It is also effective as a development of strength, dexterity, the ability to stand up for oneself - regardless of physical data. Aikido is an art of protection for everyone, because there are no restrictions on age and physical development.

Aikido techniques in the bulk consist in using the opponent's attack, controlling his energy, strength and movement, which ends with throws or grabs. This is reflected in the name itself: "aiki" means "connection with power", "do" - the way.


A very entertaining sport with full contact. In this Chinese martial arts, there is a lot of strength, acrobatics, jumping, balancing, beautiful poses and strikes (like in the movies). Another name is kung fu, since the very term "wushu" refers to all traditional Chinese martial arts.

There are hundreds of subtypes of wushu, somewhere more acrobatics and "stage skills", somewhere - powerful punches and techniques, sweeps and "turntables". The main thing you need to know before choosing this martial art is that wushu develops strength well, and the fighting styles taught in Russian schools kung fu, reminiscent of muay thai.


Translated from Japanese - "soft (flexible) way". Judo is based on throws, painful holds, strangulation. Movements should be economical to physical strength, there is less waste of energy, but more improvement of the spirit, more self-defense, more sports training... All over the world, judo is practiced by more than 20 million people, because it has a good educational character and teaches the harmony of body and soul.

Unlike boxing, karate, and other striking styles, judo explores hand-to-hand combat techniques only for throwing and grabbing. This single combat formed the basis of other modern martial arts: the creators of aikido, sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu were engaged in it.

In spite of sports orientation and following the rules of the competition, no one would want to meet a judoka in an extreme situation. They are always prepared people who will fight back any villain in a dark alley.


Sambo is a SAM-protection system Without Weapons, which was developed in the USSR. The basis of martial arts was judo, Armenian koch, Tatar kuresh and many other martial arts.

Practical SAMBO is based on a complex effective techniques defense and attack, which have already been practiced by centuries of martial arts donors. It is noteworthy that SAMBO is constantly developing, including new techniques and techniques in the arsenal. The philosophy of single combat resembles the principles of the TRP: physical development, readiness for self-defense, detention of the enemy, education of moral stamina.


Or karate-do, translated from Japanese - "empty sleeve". From 2020, martial arts will become Olympic view sports, although initially it was a hand-to-hand style for self-defense.

Karate is now incredibly popular, thanks in part to spectacular demonstrations. At demonstration performances, the masters show the strength and power of practiced blows, breaking thick boards with a blow of the palm or breaking blocks of ice.

Unlike many Japanese martial arts, karatekas do not use grabs, painful and suffocating techniques. But they know how to be accurate and powerful blows hit the opponent at vital points of the body. Crushing and biting uraken, spectacular and impetuous ura-mawashi-geri ... Perhaps, there is no more Japanese style.


Boxing is a classic that it makes no sense to talk about in detail. It is worth mentioning only that this sport prepares fighters who REALLY know how to work with their hands, and it is difficult to compete with them in a street fight. By the way, everyone remembers the duel of the star UFC Conora McGregor with professional boxer Mayweather? That's the same.

If you want to sign up for the boxing section, you should know about some of the nuances. Firstly, it is difficult for a boxer to cope with an armed opponent, and secondly - with kicks. The third point - in an extreme situation you will not have gloves, a referee, ropes and a girl with a sign. On the other hand, dodging punches and knocking boxers in the blood, so that attack and defense are balanced here.

Thai boxing

Muay Thai is a martial art in Thailand, it is very popular all over the world and competes with karate, judo and sambo. Perhaps this is the closest to a real combat art of fighting. The rules are rigid here, but the blows are the same. Here - full contact, striking technique with hands and feet, and targets are the most vulnerable places on the body.

Grabs and throws are also important, especially choke hold. If you master this martial art, you will be able to confidently walk through the most dangerous areas of the city (but better still not), because the training will be harsh. Thais are preparing real fighters without rules who can resist any opponent.

It may be difficult for you to combine training and public performance at work, because sometimes you will have bruises on your face and traces of grabs on your neck.


Another type of martial arts that prepares you for real fights. Kickboxing was formed by karate masters who did not want to obey sports rules martial arts. The new style incorporates kicking techniques from several eastern directions and boxing fist techniques.

Kickboxing is popular in culture, because it is spectacular, dynamic and somewhat "bloody" - full contact leaves cuts and bruises, so athletes usually use a mouth guard, a helmet (to protect the head from kicks) and also an inguinal concha (cuirass in girls).

Kickboxers are similar to CrossFitters in that they build strength, endurance, coordination, speed and flexibility.

Professional boxers, Muaytais, judokas, sambists are always dangerous opponents. Choose a martial art to your liking, but do not forget: best fight- the one that did not take place. In this sense, running can also be called a single combat for real pacifists.

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