Training for the king of boxing at home. Growing speakers

Boxing is one of the most spectacular sports. The bets in sweepstakes sometimes reach several million dollars, which is probably why it is considered the most corrupt sport. But for the show to be spectacular, boxing training takes a very important part in it. Not to mention the fact that the outcome of the fight, the popularity of the boxer, his position in standings and, of course, prize money.


Probably, it's not a secret for anyone that strength training of a boxer takes more than 90% of all being in sports hall... This is due to the fact that without sufficient physical training there can be no sharpness and speed of impact. It is also worth noting that during strength training, boxing endurance also increases, which is necessary so that during the entire time allotted for the fight, the athlete has the opportunity to carry it out tightly, combining it with quick and easy movements around the ring.

As for the muscles of the athlete, they become relevant with completely different actions. So, the legs, back, deltoid and extensors of the arms, chest and develop in the course of ordinary training, but in order to meet the modern requirements of strength training, the athlete needs to use special exercises.

Exercise classification

Naturally, a boxer's strength training implies a systematization that is accepted in boxing, and is based on competitive ones. These are called special, and they go in pairs, often with gloves.

As for other exercises that are considered common to all sports, these are designated as general developmental.

All the rest that do not fall under either the first or the second category are called specially preparatory. They include imitation exercises both in pairs and singles, strikes against shells and others.

There is also a separate group that prepares the athlete for more difficult exercises. By themselves, they are quite simple, but in their structure they are similar to those for which the athlete is prepared in the future.

As for the athlete, it is worth noting that even the same exercises, which differ from each other in the method of their implementation, can be used in order to develop different qualities that will be necessary for a boxer.


The fact is that even classic boxing training has always been based on high reps and working with light weights... This not only trains muscle endurance, but also does not affect muscle growth, because the athlete only needs power qualities and speed.

Thus, it is precisely muscle endurance that is gained, thanks to the rope, running, etc. Directly in the very gym you need to bias to work with heavier weights.

It is because of this that boxers are trained at the highest possible speeds and with a dense intensity. Thanks to this, the effectiveness also increases.

Special boxing training

The specificity of this sport is such that it means mainly preparation according to an individual plan, but at the same time, one should not forget about general training... As for the first, then there are mainly exercises in pairs, practicing strikes, shadow boxing, coordination of movement during defense and attack, work on boxing equipment, etc. Moreover, the special training of an athlete can be divided into two parts: the first is a kind of foundation , in order to maximize the development of precisely the motor functions, on which the main boxing part is based. Moreover, the better the first level of training is worked out, the more strongly the second will be mastered. Thus, physical fitness should not be underestimated as well as basic training. The best will be a perfect combination of both the first and the second, under the supervision of an experienced trainer.


Underestimation of boxing training and the development of only one side will inevitably lead to one-sided development and rather low and unstable sports performance. If you turn only to that, there will not be enough shock and technical base, which will not be enough to adequately perform in the ring. But, on the other hand, if you take time only special training without a suitable common foundation under their feet, then victory is unlikely to be achieved, especially in a fight with an opponent who took this mistake into account.

Boxer training at home

Many people ask the question of whether it is possible to engage in an amateur or semi-professional plan sports loads, while using not professional equipment in gyms, but improvised means. Naturally, this option is not only considered, but remains preferable for those people who cannot afford a full-fledged one.Further, some exercises that professional boxers perform without having any additional devices at hand will be given:

  • Push-ups from the floor (preferably with claps).
  • The so-called "shadow boxing" (if possible with weights on the legs and arms).
  • Cross country running.
  • Jumping in place with pushing the bar away from the chest (you can even use a mop).
  • Hold the same object on your shoulders behind your head and perform rotational movements.
  • Bicycle (if possible).
  • Weighted uppercut training.
  • Jumping on one leg over a bench or ledge and long.
  • Strikes in the pool (as an option river, lake, pond).
  • Practicing strikes on the knees and in a sitting position, then jumping out.
  • Exercises on the horizontal bar.
  • Raising the torso.
  • If possible, rope ascents.
  • Running up the stairs.
  • Jumping rope.

So one can do full course exercises, which will give the same result as training a boxer in the gym. There would be a desire.

Professional training

Taking Jr. as an example), one of the best athletes modernity, which does not have a single defeat in its asset, you can make out in detail one day in the gym and understand how difficult and varied the training program of boxers is. The exercise plan is designed in such a way that the athlete can move to a qualitatively new level:

  • Sparring. Many boxers start out with heavy physical activity and then go into the ring. For Floyd, everything is different: first, a light warm-up, then sparring with 4 partners for 10 minutes each.
  • Speed ​​bag and paws. Further, there is a practice of strikes and work with a coach. On average, he delivers 800 hits in 7 minutes.
  • Cross. Running is a required attribute. You need to run 8 km at least 3 times a week.
  • Heavy bag work. Practicing a strong blow for 30-40 minutes.
  • Other physical exercises in which there is a game of basketball or training with closed eyes.

End of training

If everything is clear with conducting classes in the hall, then you should not forget that in no case should you stop abruptly. Boxing training never ends suddenly. Professionals work hard and even after the main program add a few more exercises to themselves, after which the weight and intensity gradually decrease. The amateur can end the exercise with stretching.

Do you like boxing? Do you want to be like the stars of the ring? Do you think this cannot be achieved at home - without a coach, sparring partners, a ring with ropes and a whole set of equipment, like in a boxing gym? But you can train a boxer yourself at home and get excellent results - get a brilliant sports uniform, look like a fighter and feel invincible. What do you need for this and how to train?

It is true that it will not be possible to achieve victories in the ring without going to the gym - with partners under the guidance of a coach. If you want to become a champion, please sign up for the section.

To learn self-defense, master the skills of street fighting, it is recommended to find a competent mentor and take lessons at home or from him for an agreed fee. And boxing in this case is not the best choice.

Independent home workouts with practicing boxing strikes technique, movements during a fight, developing the strength and speed of a strike, and so on, serve other purposes:

  • Significant improvement in health;
  • Acquisition of speed and dexterity of movements;
  • Gaining the power of impact;
  • Strengthening muscles and ligaments;
  • Finding a beautiful athletic figure not like a bodybuilder, but like a boxer - many people like the second option more;
  • External resemblance to a fighter, which improves the image and scares off hooligans;
  • Mind hardening and the acquisition of fighting character traits.

If training is needed only for these purposes, exercising at home has no disadvantages compared to the gym, and Benefits on the face:

  • The types of exercises and loads are determined individually, you are your own coach and do what suits you best;
  • You yourself choose the start and end time of classes;
  • No blows to the head and other places, which eliminates harm to the body and gets one benefit.

But does boxing require bulky and / or expensive equipment, can it be done in a small room?

Boxer's home inventory

To develop the force of the blow, without fail will need:

  • Boxing gloves - pounding a heavy punching bag with bare fists is fraught with danger;
  • Bandages-gloves, put on under boxing and eliminating the need to rewind the brushes with ordinary bandages, which is very inconvenient;
  • Heavy pear (bag);
  • Dumbbells weighing 1 kg - for more effective training of strikes without (before) a pear;
  • Heavier dumbbells are the best equipment for strength exercises at home due to their small size and low cost;
  • A bench for doing some strength training.

Provided that you practice for yourself, you can safely do without the rest of the equipment, leaving the helmet, mouth guard, paws, dynamic pears and other things to the professionals.

It is good if the house has a horizontal bar, even better - a set of wall bars + bench + horizontal bar + parallel bars, but you can train without it.

Clothes and footwear are suitable for ordinary sports - as for any sport at home.

Warm up

You need to start by walking slowly around the room with simultaneous head movements to warm up the neck muscles.

  1. Slightly speed up your gait and perform various movements with your hands, followed by turns of the body;
  2. Walk like a duck walk for 3 minutes, simultaneously flexing the hands and wrists;
  3. Walk in place, raising your knees high.

After you have warmed up properly, do muscle stretching exercises. It is imperative to stretch the spine, as in training program includes exercises for the back.

Technique and speed exercises

Boxing begins immediately after the warm-up. Getting started, do without 1-kilogram dumbbells, pick them up after 2-3 months.

How to move around the ring

To perform the exercises, you will need three starting positions:

  • Frontal stand (hereinafter abbreviated - FS): feet shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists near the chest, knees slightly bent;
  • Own stance (SS) - the weaker leg is put forward, weakest hand is also in front and covers the jaw, the other hand is at chest level. Usually ahead left leg and the hand, for left-handers, vice versa;
  • Opposite stance (PS) - more in front strong leg and hand.

Front stand

You have seen your stand many times on TV, you will be able to copy it for sure, master the PS - too.

Exercises - perform 1 round (1 round = 3 minutes), after each rest 1 minute:

  1. Short jumps back and forth (hereinafter - shuttle jumps) in the SS with straight punches with the front hand.
  2. The same is in the PS.
  3. Direct punches in place from the FS with a gradual increase in strength and pace.
  4. Slopes in the SS.
  5. Side impacts in place from FS, according to the principle of exercise 3.
  6. Diving in the SS.
  7. Bottom punches (uppercuts) in place from the FS, according to the principle of exercises 3 and 5.
  8. A fight with a shadow.

At the end of this complex perform jumping ropebest exercise for leg strength. If physical training allows, make 3 rounds with breaks (hereinafter, by default, the break lasts 1 minute).

Peel the pear correctly

Relax 5-10 minutes walking slowly around the gym at home and continue boxing, wearing gloves and walking over to the bag.

Peel the bag heartily, following simple rules:

  • Starting position - SS;
  • Alternate blows - straight left with uppercuts, straight right with side;
  • Perform strikes not only individually, but also in series and combinations (straight + bottom + side + straight, etc.);
  • Hit the middle of the pear;
  • Increase the strength and speed of blows gradually;
  • If you pound in pretty fast pace without pauses, it is ensured not only to improve the impact, but also.

When practicing for yourself, it is useful to perform strikes first in the SS, then in the SS. But if it’s too inconvenient, it’s not worth it, because classes should bring joy.

How long to train on the pear, determine for yourself by listening to the precious organism. Slight fatigue is required, excessive fatigue should be avoided.

Important: if the bag began to sway strongly after the blows, the time has come to increase its weight.

Why and how to swing

Is exercise for pumping muscles necessary for a person who chooses boxing? Needed because:

  • Developed muscles only increase the speed of blows and all other movements;
  • In this sport, both strong arms and strong legs are needed, which means they need to be strengthened - along with the buttocks;
  • Abdominal muscles - no explanation is needed here;
  • A strong abs hurts a weak back, so be sure to do it as well.

Have we convinced you? So here is a set of strength exercises for a beginner athlete with fists:

  1. For arms, shoulder girdle and chest - push-ups.
  2. For - supine leg raises.
  3. For the lower back - either hyperextension or forward bends with heavy dumbbells (when bending, keep your back straight!).
  4. For legs - squats with dumbbells in hand.
  5. For - side bends with dumbbells in hand.
  6. For arms, shoulder girdle and upper back - pull-ups. In the absence of a horizontal bar, after exercise 2, do bending of the arms with dumbbells, and instead of exercise 6, pull the dumbbells to the belt in the slope.
  7. For the buttocks - lunges alternately back and forth with dumbbells in hand.
  8. For the upper abdomen, either lying on the back, or "fold".

You can safely add exercises for muscle groups to this complex, appearance which you want to improve.

Start with two approaches, after three months, move to three. For pumping up muscles, the best number of repetitions is 6-10. But if 10 are easy to do, and there is no way to increase the weight of the dumbbells, do more.

Move on to strength exercises, after having a good rest after exercising with a pear (10-15 minutes).

And remember to end your workout correctly - walking very slowly with light movements(shaking) hands to relax the strained muscles.

We wish you to become the real king of the ring - for yourself!

A fight in the ring according to the rules of classic boxing requires good physical fitness. You don't have time to catch your breath. There is no way to lower your hands, shake yourself, wipe the blood or sweat from your face. You need to perfectly feel your body, know your weak spots and see the weaknesses of the enemy.

Boxing is the loneliest sport, the most mentally and physically difficult. Your body is being abused. It's not like running a distance, swimming in a pool, or throwing a ball into the basket. You must always be 100% ready.

Emanuel Steward, professional boxing trainer and boxing commentator

The main qualities that a fighter needs are anaerobic endurance. Strength is needed to apply fast and powerful blows... Anaerobic endurance is necessary to get away from enemy blows and deliver your own. A boxer's training is based on these two factors.

If you yourself are not engaged in martial arts, training on bags and shadow boxing are unlikely to be useful to you. At the same time, a number of exercises that boxers love and practice will surely fit into your workout and help you get in shape.

1. Running

Running is considered one of better ways prepare a fighter for long and grueling minutes in the ring. The burden on the heart that is given different types running, contributes to the improvement of the fighter's stamina and ability to regulate the rhythm of work during the fight.

2. Burpee on one hand at a time

Burpee is an exercise that engages the whole body, develops strength, speed, endurance and proves that your body weight is quite a sufficient load. One-handed burpees allow you to work more intensely shoulder girdle by moving your body weight to one arm. Timing will only give in to the heat.

3. Jumping from a lying position

Exercise is also aimed at increasing endurance. From a lying position, the legs jump up to the arms. The difference from ordinary jumps in the lying position is that you need to stand on your fists, and pull your legs up one by one, maximally working out the large gluteal and biceps hips.

Due to the stand on the fists, the impact surface of the knuckles is strengthened and the load on the shoulder girdle increases.

4. Push-ups for a while

One of the most universal types exercise with own weight neglected by many. But not boxers. Push-ups on one hand, tight, lever. Try new things. Try speed push-ups. If you can't do 100 push-ups in a row, you still have room to grow.

5. Fold with one leg alternately

Apart from the potential harm to the spine, this exercise is one of the most effective for working out your core muscles. It works the upper and lower abs, loading both the straight and oblique abdominal muscles.

6. Diagonal twists

The main load falls on the oblique muscles of the press, the additional load falls on the straight and lumbar muscles... This exercise, combined with a fold, can make your abs steel and immune to impact.

7. Jumping rope

Jumping rope develops aerobic and anaerobic activity, increases the speed of muscle contraction, thus increasing your speed and strength, and engages your upper and lower body muscles, as well as your core muscles.

In addition to ordinary jumping rope, boxers actively practice jumps on one leg and alternate jumping rope. Someone prefers to alternate 2-3 jumps on each leg. 10 minutes of rope for initial stage will be sufficient.

8. Pistol

Pistol or somersaults with an exit to the pistol - great way work out the muscles of the legs. The weight of your body, shifted by one leg, does the trick. And since footwork is extremely important for a boxer, these exercises are indispensable.

Are you a boxing lover? Is your dream to become like the stars of the ring? Do you think that training a boxer at home is not serious, and it is impossible to achieve any success here?

Yes, indeed, at home there is no ring, and ropes, and other equipment. There is no coach or sparring partners.

But independent training of boxers is possible in such conditions. With serious effort, the results can be very, very decent. You will get in good shape and become a real fighter. What exactly is required for this?

How effective is a boxer's home workout?

Of course, one cannot seriously dream about victories in the ring without training in the gym - with partners and a coach. Classes in sports section the future champion cannot be avoided.

If your goal is to master self-defense techniques for your own safety and feel confident in the street, it is best to study individually for a specified fee from an experienced trainer, and boxing is not the only and far from the best option.

Well, the goal pursued by independent training of boxers at home is somewhat different - working out the nuances sports equipment, honing fighting movements, developing speed and strength of blows. The point of all this is to improve the overall physical condition, the growth of dexterity and speed of each movement, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the body, the acquisition of a beautiful sports silhouette, as well as a sports (fighting) image and strong-willed character.

The benefits of homework

If this is basically what you need, then homework is the best choice, because the disadvantages of the gym are absent here, and there are many advantages. Which ones?

First of all, you do not have an average training plan for boxers, you train according to an individual program. That is, the one that suits your body best in terms of stress and purely psychologically for you as a person.

The start and end times of your workouts are at your discretion.

Absent dangerous blows on the head and other vital places that do not add to your health. That is, the inevitable harm to the body in boxing is reduced to nothing, classes are only beneficial.

But is it possible to train in a small room, and what about the equipment in this case?

What a boxer needs at home

Here is a list of what normal boxing training is impossible without (namely, working out the strength of your punch):

  • Let's start with boxing gloves - you can't hit a heavy punching bag without them.
  • It is desirable to have bandages-gloves that are worn under boxing gloves. They eliminate the lengthy and inconvenient procedure of rewinding each hand with ordinary bandages.
  • It is imperative to have a heavy pear (bag).
  • You can not do without kilogram dumbbells. They are needed in order to effectively work out blows in addition to the pear.
  • In addition, strength exercises will need to be carried out with larger dumbbells. This is the best equipment for such activities, combining an acceptable cost with a small size.
  • For certain exercises, you will need a bench.

And it's all?

If you are doing exclusively for yourself, you don't really need anything else.

Such "bells and whistles" such as a helmet, mouth guard, dynamic pear, paws, etc., can be safely attributed to the category of excesses.

It's great when the apartment has at least an elementary horizontal bar, not to mention a set with a bench, Swedish wall and uneven bars. But, in general, there is no urgent need for all this.

Dress and put on your most basic sportswear - just like for any workout.

Let's warm up

Training a beginner boxer is impossible without a high-quality warm-up. We begin to walk slowly on our home gym- your own room, while moving and rotating your head. The goal is to knead cervical muscles... Then the tempo accelerates a little, we move our hands in different directions, we turn the body. For about three minutes we walk in the so-called "duck gait" with simultaneous rotations of the wrists and hands to warm up. Then - we walk in place, we raise our knees as high as possible.

After warm-up, it is necessary to stretch the muscles, for which purpose do exercises for each of their groups, and do not forget about the spine. He, too, should receive his portion of movements with the aim of stretching, since the program in mandatory includes back workout.

Having warmed up, we go directly to boxing classes. Kilogram dumbbells are not yet recommended for beginners; they should be picked up after the first two or three months of training.

Boxing racks

Learn and memorize several starting positions (there are three in total), from which you will perform the exercises.

  • Frontal stance (abbreviated as FS) is a position in which the legs are placed shoulder-width apart with a little bent knees, hands with clenched fists are held near the chest.
  • With our stance (or SS) - when the weakest leg is put forward, the one of the hands, which is also less strong, moves forward (its task is to cover the jaw), while the other is held at chest level. Most often, for right-handers, this is the left arm and leg, for left-handers, respectively, the right;
  • With the opposite rack (designated as PS), push forward strong arm and a leg.

What are the exercises

The boxer's training program assigns each one a round to perform (who does not know - the duration of a round is three minutes). Rest intervals between rounds are one minute each.

Exercise 1. We make small, short jumps (they are also called shuttle jumps) in the forward-backward direction, taking the CC position (that is, taking our stance), the front hand leads straight strikes.

Exercise 2. We repeat the same movements in the opposite stance (PS).

Exercise 3. Accepting front stand(FS), we make direct strikes on the spot with an increase in their tempo and strength.

Exercise 4. Consists of SS deviations.

Exercise 5. Having accepted, as in the third exercise, a frontal stance, we produce side impacts on the spot.

Exercise 6. Consists of dives in the SS.

Exercise 7. It is done according to the same principle as exercises No. 3 and No. 5 (from FS in place), and consists in blows from below, called uppercuts.

Exercise 8. Shadowboxing.

Upon completion this complex worth doing what is called " power training boxers for the legs. "Jumping rope is perfect here. With a good level of training, you can jump for three rounds, making a break between them for a minute each time.

How to hit the pear correctly

Take a short break for five or ten minutes to rest before you start. You can take a leisurely stroll around your home gym at this time. Then we put on gloves and go to the pear.

The rules according to which a fight with a punching bag should be fought are as follows:

  • We take our stance (SS) as a starting position.
  • The punches should be alternated - a straight left alternates with an uppercut, a straight right - with a side kick.
  • Do not stop at individual blows, go to whole series and combinations.
  • Try to hit the center of the projectile.
  • You should increase the speed, as well as the strength of the shock effects, little by little, without sudden jerks.
  • Entering a fast rhythm and leading the beats with virtually no pauses, you will provide yourself, in addition to improving your technique, a good cardio workout.

Individual details

With independent training, it is better to start with strikes from the SS position, then move on to the SS. But if a different sequence is convenient for you, be guided by your individual preferences. Sports activities should deliver muscle joy.

How long to devote to training with a pear is up to you. The body will tell you when to stop exercising. The appearance of slight fatigue is imperative as a signal of a job well done. But a strong overvoltage should not be allowed.

If the pear sways too much under your blows, then it's time to replace it with a heavier one.

Boxer strength training

Does a boxer need to build muscle?

It is not just necessary - it is necessary. The point is that without good developed muscles the high speed of blows, and other movements, is impossible. Legs are also important in such sports, and strengthening them together with the muscles of the buttocks should be given no less attention than training the arms.

It seems unnecessary to talk about the importance of strong, pumped-up muscles of the press. At the same time, a weak back will nullify all achievements - that is, it is necessary to strengthen it too.

Strength exercises to help a novice athlete and boxer (approximate complex):

  1. The best way to pump up your shoulder girdle, arms, and pectoral muscles is to do push-ups regularly.
  2. Lower part abdominal strengthen with leg raises from a supine position.
  3. Lower back - bending forward, keeping it straight, and with hands - heavy dumbbells.
  4. Legs - squats with dumbbells on weight.
  5. The lateral abdominal muscles are trained by bending from side to side and holding dumbbells in each hand.
  6. In addition to push-ups, on arms, shoulder girdle and all upper part hulls are great for pull-ups. If you do not have a horizontal bar, you can replace it by bending your arms with dumbbells (perform after the second exercise), and instead of the sixth, pull the dumbbells in tilt to the belt.
  7. Strengthening the buttocks is done by lunges back and forth, holding dumbbells in your hands.
  8. We swing the "upper" press by lifting the body from a supine (on the back) position.

If you want to improve the appearance of any specific areas of the body, you should find and add to the proposed exercises for specific muscle groups.

How much to train?

Beginners should start with just a couple of approaches, no more, after three months you can add another one. The optimal number of repetitions is from six to ten. But if this load is not enough, and you do not have heavier dumbbells, you can do more.

The transition to the performance of strength exercises should be done only after having properly recovered from the fight with the punching bag. The rest should last at least a quarter of an hour.

It is important to complete the workout competently - walking at an extremely slow pace with small shaking of the hands, contributing to general relaxation, is suitable as its end.

"Classes on acting is a training of memory, fantasy and inner freedom. Having received these skills, a person will feel more confident and relaxed in society, " Sergey ZDORONKOV, actor, teacher of the film school-studio of Andrey Polupanov.

Within the framework of the TeDDi - Tribune for Children * project, he conducted an express training on acting for its participants, who will soon be recording their video performance and conveying their position on the issues of concern to young people to the general public.

One of the main complexes of young speakers is enslavement. In front of the camera or the public, they often lose their naturalness, from the excitement they forget what they wanted to say. Sergei Zdoronkov offered children several techniques to solve these problems.

Without complexes

There are very good exercise, which trains memory, imagination and liberates. The volunteer turns away from the other participants, who at this time take a pose and freeze. Then he must turn around and memorize the pose of each, and then turn away again. During this time, the participants make one change in their posture. As a result, the volunteer must guess what has changed and return the "sculpture" to starting position, and at the end still give a capacious name to the pose of the participants. Experience shows that if at first the poses are simple and "closed", then with each new move of the game they become more open, sophisticated, and funny.

It liberates well, teaches interaction and such an exercise: participants think of some kind of action. As soon as the presenter approaches them, they begin to show it. For example, someone pretends to be washing the window, someone is "texting" to friends, someone is "doing yoga." The facilitator must guess what the person is doing and join him. All this - without words!

Exercise "Mirror" helps to reduce shyness. It is performed in pairs. One participant should mirror the movements of his partner. Or you can play sculptor: "sculpt" a partner into a sculpture so that others can understand the idea. In a pair, you can perform one more exercise: carefully examine the partner, remember as many details as possible and, turning away, describe each other's appearance. Performing these exercises, children are in close contact, which removes complexes in communication.

These are playful forms of liberation, so they will be interesting in everyday life - at leisure with friends or with family, - the expert is sure.

Searching for meaning

In speech, behavior and in life in general, meaningfulness is important. When we speak, the main thing is not words, but meanings. And they can be conveyed in different ways, - continues Sergey Zdoronkov. - For this we offer children next exercise: play a scene according to your own plot, where all words are replaced with one, completely neutral, for example, "ball", "snow", "fluff" and so on. At first, it throws everyone into a stupor. But then it turns out that the word "ball" can convey surprise, irritation, fear and all other states. Emotions, facial expressions, body are simply connected - another language starts to work.

The meaning must be sought in everything. Therefore, the actors have a fundamentally different method of working with text than at school, where children learn poetry by memorizing rhymes. To convey the meaning of the work, the actors parse it, emphasizing the main words. We offer children the following exercise: describe a situation, a problem that worries them, using only verbs. Other participants, having heard them, should understand what the person wanted to say. At first it seems impossible, but in practice it becomes obvious that the problem can be described in literally two words. An easier option is to use only nouns.

When you get to the bottom, it becomes clear what and how to say in order to convey your message. At the same time, the fear of forgetting something during the performance disappears: the main thing is always kept in memory. Therefore, I recommend doing such exercises to all children, - advises Sergei Zdoronkov.

Eye contact

About the most frequent mistakes speakers and ways to avoid them told "AiF" oratory trainer, consultant of the "TeDDi - tribune for children" project Nikita SMIRNOV.

The most common mistakes children make when performing in public are insufficient use of gestures, swinging on stage, and lack of eye contact. These mistakes can be avoided by constantly practicing at various public events, conferences, and also at home.

Many children are trapped in public, and as a result, their performances are monotonous. Is it possible to "train" emotions? How?

- Tightness most often occurs because the child appears in an unfamiliar place, in front of strangers. You can get rid of this by going to acting classes or practicing relaxation exercises in your class, for example. Meeting new people and meeting new people is very helpful. During a new acquaintance, sensations arise that are similar to those that we experience when speaking in front of an unfamiliar audience. Therefore, the more contacts, the faster the adaptation takes place.

- How can you wean the speakers "ekat" between phrases, use repetitions?

- What exercises can you do at home to practice your speaking skills?

  • Exercise # 1: stand in front of a mirror and start talking about your yesterday. While telling, watch your gestures: it is good when they are smooth, open, at chest level. This will help you analyze which gestures work best for you.
  • Exercise number 2: describe any subject within a few days. For example, "a frying pan is a round enamelled object for frying and stewing vegetables, with a handle ..." and so on. The task is to describe a thing using as many words as possible, without "ecanya" and repetitions. It will be easier to describe this subject each time. Then move on to the next object. This exercise helps to develop creativity, vocabulary, will make speech rich, beautiful and structured.
  • Exercise number 3:"A story without a letter." Try to tell any fairy tale without using words with any one letter, for example, "Little Red Riding Hood" without the letter "t". If you have used a word with a "forbidden" letter, start over. This exercise is well suited for a small group of people and helps to develop mental flexibility and vocabulary.
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