Pole tests for speed power qualities. Tests to measure strength

In practice physical education quantitative power capabilities are assessed in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers, dynamographs, strain-gauge force-measuring devices; 2) with the help of special control exercises, strength tests. For most of these control tests, research has been carried out, standards have been drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed that characterize different power capabilities. Based on the results of these tests, you will need to determine the level of your physical fitness and compose yourself or choose a training program for pumping up muscles.

Modern measuring devices allow you to measure the strength of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks (flexion and extension of body segments), as well as in static and dynamic efforts (measurement of the strength of an athlete's action in motion).
In mass practice, to assess the level of development of strength qualities, special control exercises (tests) are most often used. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment. To determine the maximum strength, exercises that are simple in terms of technique are used.
Sorokin Y. and Tenno G. determined the estimates in strength exercises in the following way:

Exercise Weight Evaluation of the maximum result (kg) category Satisf. Good Excellent 1. Squats up to 56 kg 90 105 120 with a barbell up to 60 kg 100 115 130 on the shoulders up to 67.5 kg 110 125 142.5 up to 75 kg 122.5 137.5 155 up to 82.5 kg 135.5 150 167.5 up to 90 kg 147.5 162.5 180 over 90 kg 162.5 177.5 195 2.Standard up to 56 kg 120 137.5 155 thrust from up to 60 kg 132.5 150 170 barbell up to 67.5 kg 145 165 187.5 up to 75 kg 160 182.5 205 up to 82.5 kg 177.5 200 222.5 up to 90 kg 195 217.5 240 over 90 kg 215 227.5 260 3. Lifting up to 56 kg 35 40 45 barbells for up to 60 kg 40 45 50 biceps up to 67.5 kg 45 50 55 up to 75 kg 50 55 60 up to 82.5 kg 55 60 67.5 up to 90 kg 60 67.5 75 over 90 kg 67.5 75 82, 5 4. Barbell press up to 56 kg 60 72.5 82.5 lying up to 60 kg 70 82.5 92.5 up to 67.5 kg 80 92.5 102.5 up to 75 kg 90 102.5 115 up to 82.5 kg 100 115 127.5 up to 90 kg 112.5 127.5 140 over 90 kg 125 140 155

The weakest link determines the strength of the chain. Likewise, the strength of an unevenly developed athlete will depend on his weakest points. The strength ratio of different muscle groups, taken out of practice, will undoubtedly help you to know your weak spots and more rationally distribute your efforts in training. Sorokin Y. and Tenno G. defined these ratios of maximum results as follows:
... Bench press from the chest while standing (maximum result) = 100%
... Lifting the bar for biceps (maximum result) = 65%
... Raising hands with dumbbells to the side while standing (maximum
result) = 40% (20% for each hand)
... Raising hands with dumbbells to the side lying (maximum
result) = 45% (22.5% for each hand)
... Lifting the bar while lying with straight arms from behind the head (maximum
result) = 60%
... Squats with a barbell on the shoulders (maximum result) =
215% standing chest press (maximum result) - 50%
own weight
. Deadlift with a barbell (maximum result) = 235% bench press
barbells from the chest while standing (maximum result) - 50%
own weight
... Raising the trunk from a prone position with weights behind the head
(maximum weight) = 75% of the barbell press from the chest while standing
(maximum result) - 50% of its own weight
... Cross with dumbbells or weights, arms to the sides, palms up
(maximum result) = 56% (28% for each hand)

Distinguish between power abilities proper and their connection with other physical abilities (speed-strength, strength dexterity, strength endurance)
Speed-strength abilities are characterized by unsatisfactory muscle tensions, manifested with the necessary, often maximum power in exercises performed at a significant speed, but, as a rule, does not reach the maximum value. They are manifested in motor actions, in which, along with significant muscle strength, speed of movement is also required (for example, repulsion in long and high jumps from a place and from a run, final effort when throwing sports equipment etc.). At the same time, the more significant the external burden overcome by the athlete (for example, when lifting the barbell to the chest), the greater the role played by the power component, and with less weight (for example, when throwing a javelin) the importance of the speed component increases.
Speed-power abilities include: 1) fast power; 2) explosive power. Rapid strength is characterized by unsatisfactory muscle tension, manifested in exercises that are performed at a significant speed that does not reach the limiting value. Explosive power reflects the ability of a person, in the course of performing a motor action, to achieve maximum indicators of strength as possible a short time(for example, at a low start in running on short distances, in athletics jumping and throwing, etc.).
Explosive force is characterized by two components: starting force and accelerating force. Starting strength is a characteristic of the ability of muscles to rapidly develop working efforts at the initial moment of their tension. Accelerating force - the ability of muscles to quickly build up the working effort in the conditions of their contraction that has begun.
Specific types of power abilities include strength endurance and power dexterity.
Strength endurance is the ability to resist fatigue caused by relatively prolonged muscle tension of significant magnitude. Depending on the mode of muscle work, static and dynamic strength endurance is distinguished. Dynamic strength endurance is typical for cyclical and acyclic activity, and static strength endurance is typical for activities associated with maintaining the working tension in a certain position. For example, when the hands rest on the sides on the rings or when the hand is held when shooting from a pistol, static endurance is manifested, and with repeated push-ups in the lying position, squats with a barbell, the weight of which is equal to 20-50% of the maximum power capabilities of a person, affects dynamic endurance.
Strength dexterity is manifested where there is a changeable nature of the mode of muscle work, changing and unforeseen situations of activity (rugby, wrestling, ball hockey, etc.). It can be defined as "the ability to accurately differentiate muscular efforts of various magnitudes under conditions of unforeseen situations and mixed modes of muscle work" (Zh.K. Kholodov)

To determine the level of development of speed-strength abilities and strength endurance, the following control exercises are used: jumping rope, pull-ups, push-ups on parallel bars, from the floor or from a bench, lifting the body from a prone position with bent knees hanging on bent and floor bent arms, lifting with a coup on a high bar, long jump from a place with two legs, triple jump from foot to foot (option - only on the right and only on the left leg), raising and lowering straight legs to the limiter, jump up from with a wave and without a wave of the hands (the height of the jump is determined), throwing medicine ball(1 - 3 kg) from different starting positions with two and one hands, etc. The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the time to hold a certain position of the body, the range of throws (throws), jumps, etc. For most of these control tests, studies were carried out, standards were drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) were developed, characterizing different power capabilities.

Exercise A series of executions (or time) for evaluation Satisfactory Good Excellent 1.Classic push-ups 20 times 30 times 40 times 2.Pull-ups on the bar 6 times 10 times 13 times with an overhand grip 3.In 2 minutes 10 times 20 times 30 times lying position to sitting position 4. Repeat 6 times in 16 sec 12 sec 10 sec From the standing position to the lying position, from the lying position - back to the sitting position and then to the standing position.

Exercise A series of executions (or time) for evaluation Satisfactory Good Excellent 1.Classical push-ups 25 times 38 times 50 times 2.Pulls on the bar 12 times 18 times 24 times with an overhand grip 3.In 2 minutes 40 times 60 times 80 times lying position to sitting position, alternately touching the knee of the opposite leg with the elbow (hands behind the head) 4. Within 1 minute 20 times 30 times 40 times From the standing position, go to the lying position, from the lying position - back to the sitting position and then to the rack standing.

Based on the results of these tests, you will need to determine the level of your physical fitness and compose yourself or choose a training program for pumping up muscles.

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Means of nurturing strength

The means of developing strength are physical exercise with increased burden (resistance), which purposefully stimulate an increase in the degree of muscle tension. Such means are called power. They are conventionally divided into basic and additional.

Fixed assets:

1. Exercises with the weight of external objects: dumbbells, medicine balls, partner's weight, etc.

2. Exercises weighed down by their own body weight:

Exercises in which muscle tension created by the weight of its own body

Exercises in which your own weight is weighed down by the weight of external objects (for example, special belts, cuffs);

Exercises in which your own weight is reduced by using additional support;

Impact exercises in which the body's own weight is increased due to the inertia of a freely falling body (for example, jumping from a platform).

Additional funds:

1. Exercises using the external environment (running and jumping uphill, on loose sand, running against the wind, etc.)

2. Exercises using the resistance of other objects (rubber bands, elastic balls, etc.)

3. Exercises with partner opposition.

For an approximate set of exercises for developing strength, see Appendix (2, 10, 14, 18, 20, 24).

Tests to determine the level of development of strength

In the practice of physical education, quantitative strength capabilities are assessed in two ways:

1) using measuring devices - dynamometers, dynamographs;

2) with the help of special control exercises, strength tests.

Modern measuring devices make it possible to measure the strength of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks (flexion and extension of body segments), as well as in static and dynamic efforts (measuring the strength of an athlete's action in motion).

In mass practice, to assess the level of development of strength qualities, special control exercises (tests) are most often used. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment.

To determine the level of development of speed-strength abilities and strength endurance, the following control exercises are used: jumping rope, pull-ups), push-ups from the floor or from a bench, lifting the body from a prone position with bent knees, hanging on bent and bent arms, long jump with places with two legs, raising and lowering straight legs to the limiter, jumping up with a swing) and without a wave of the arms (the height of the jump is determined).

The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the time of holding a certain position of the body, the range of throws (throws), jumps, etc.

For the main control exercises to determine strength abilities, tests were carried out for students in grades 4-5 of secondary school No. 26 in Khartsyzsk (see Appendix B).

For most of these control tests, studies were carried out, standards were drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) were developed, characterizing different power capabilities (13, 24).

Tests to determine the level of development of strength in children 6-7 years old

Control exercises

Levels and points



Standing long jump (cm)

Hanging on bent arms (c)

13 or less

Standing long jump (cm)

94 or less

Jumping rope (times)

10 or less

Raising the torso in 30 seconds (times)

10 or less

Tests to determine the level of development of strength in children 8-9 years old

Control exercises

Levels and points



Standing long jump (cm)

126 or less

Hanging on bent arms (c)

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

Standing long jump (cm)

114 or less

Jumping rope (times)

12 or less

Raising the torso in 30 seconds (times)

15 or less

Tests to determine the level of development of strength in children 10 years old

Control exercises

Levels and points



Standing long jump (cm)

130 and less

Hanging on bent arms (c)

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position (times)

Pull-up on the bar (times)

Throwing a ball 150g (m)

17 or less

Standing long jump (cm)

118 and less

Jumping rope (times)

13 or less

Raising the torso in 30 seconds (times)

17 or less

In the practice of physical education, the quantitative-strength capabilities are assessed in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers , dynamographs, strain gauge force measuring devices; 2) with the help of special control exercises, strength tests.

Modern measuring devices allow you to measure the strength of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks (flexion and extension of body segments), as well as in static and dynamic efforts (measuring the strength of an athlete's action in motion).

In mass practice, to assess the level of development of strength qualities, special control exercises (tests) are most often used. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment. To determine the maximum strength, exercises that are simple in terms of technique are used, for example, bench press, squat with a bar, etc. The result in these exercises depends very little on the level technical excellence... The maximum force is determined by the greatest weight, which can be lifted by the student (test subject).

To determine the level of development of speed-strength abilities and strength endurance, the following are used control exercises: jumping rope, pull-ups ), push-ups on parallel bars, off the floor or off a bench , lifting the torso from a prone position with bent knees, hanging on bent and bent arms , lifting with a coup on a high crossbar, long jump from a place with two legs , triple jump from foot to foot (option - only on the right and only on the left leg), raising and lowering straight legs to the limiter , swing up jump ) and without waving hands (the height of the jump is determined), throwing a medicine ball (1 - 3 kg) from different starting positions with two and one hands, etc. The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the time of holding a certain position of the body, the range of throws (throws), jumps, etc.

For most of these control tests, studies have been carried out, standards have been drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed to characterize different strength capabilities.

As you know, there are two types of force: static (isometric) and dynamic (isotonic). Dynamometers are used to measure the level of development of the static strength of various muscle groups.

In secondary schools different countries To assess the level of strength development, the following tests are most commonly used. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment.

1) Pull-ups.

Used to assess the level of development of strength and endurance of the flexor muscles of the elbow, hand, fingers, shoulder extensors, depressors shoulder girdle... The indicator of strength is the number of pull-ups.

A simplified version of the chin-up is used when testing students with low skill levels.

Testing procedure. The crossbar is installed at the level of the subject's chest, he takes it with a grip from above (palms away from himself) and lowers under the crossbar until the angle between the outstretched arms and the body is 90 °. After that, while maintaining a straight torso position, the student performs pull-ups.

2) Push-ups on parallel bars.

This test measures the strength development of the elbow extensors, shoulder flexors and shoulder depressors. The test can be performed simultaneously by two students (at different ends of the bars), which gives the teacher the opportunity to test 60 students for 40 minutes.

Testing procedure. The subject stands facing the ends of the bars (it is necessary to select and set a comfortable height and distance between them), jumps and assumes a support position, after which he bends the elbows at an angle of 90 ° or less, and then straightens them again. The challenge is to do as many push-ups as possible. Their counting begins with the adoption of the position in the support. A correctly performed push-up is 1 point, an incorrect one - 0.5 points.

3) Push-ups from the floor. A simplified version of push-ups is used when testing students with low skill levels. There are several modifications to this exercise. Here are the two most common: push-ups from a bench 20 cm high; pushups

with bent knees (performed in the same way as push-ups from the floor, but with an emphasis on bent knees).

4) Raising the body from a prone position.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on his back, clasping his hands behind his head, then, without bending his knees, takes a sitting position, alternately touching the opposite knee with bent elbows and returning to starting position.

5) Raising the torso from a prone position with bent knees.

Like the previous one, this exercise is used to assess the level of development of strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on his back, clasping his hands behind his head and bending his knees so that the entire surface of his feet touches the floor (the partner holds his feet in this position). The rest of the exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one.

6) Hangs on bent and bent arms.

The exercise is used to assess the strength endurance of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

Testing procedure. The subject assumes a hanging position on a high bar. Then, independently or with the help of a teacher, he assumes the hanging position on bent arms (with a grip from above or below, chin over the bar) or the hanging position on bent arms (the angle between the forearm and humerus 90 °). The time of holding this position is determined from the beginning of its adoption until the end of the exercise or the change in the initial position (change in the angle of holding the bent or bent arms).

7) Test to assess the strength of the extensors of the knee and hip joints.

Testing procedure. The subject stands with his back close to the wall and begins to descend along it until the angles in the knee and hip joints are 90 °. The time to hold this pose is estimated.

  • 8) Lifting a barbell, kettlebell, and other weights maximum weight for the subject, as well as weight 50-95% of the maximum.
  • 9) Raise with a flip on a high bar.

Testing procedure. After pulling up, the subject makes a lift in a turn and goes to the support. Then it drops back into the hang. The number of repetitions is determined

10) Rope climbing.

Testing procedure. In the first variant, the subject, with the help of some hands (legs lowered), seeks to ascend to a height of 4 or 5 m as quickly as possible.In the second variant, he tries to do the same, but keeping a right angle between the legs and the body (for students with high level force). In the third, the subject performs the same control exercise with the help of his legs (for students with a low level of strength readiness).

For measuring speed-strength abilities use the following tests:

  • a) jump up from a place with a wave and without a wave of hands. The test is carried out using a device designed by V.M. Abalkova. The height of the jump is determined;
  • b) long jump from a place with two feet;
  • c) triple (quadruple) jump from foot to foot, option - only on the right and only on the left leg;
  • d) throwing a small ball (another projectile) from place to range with the leading and not the leading hand. The length of the projectile's flight is determined. The motor asymmetry of the subject is determined by the difference in the length of throwing separately with the right and left hand. The smaller it is, the more symmetrical the student is in this exercise;
  • e) throwing (pushing) a medicine ball (1-3 kg) from different starting positions with two and one hands.

Testing procedure. Throwing medicine ball from a sitting position, legs apart, the ball is held with both hands above the head. From this position, the subject leans back slightly and throws the ball forward as far as possible. Out of three attempts counts best result... The throwing length is determined from the imaginary line of intersection of the pelvis and body to the nearest point of contact of the projectile.

Medicine ball throwing with both hands from the chest in a standing position. The subject stands 50 cm from the wall in the initial position. On command, he strives to push the ball with both hands from the chest as far as possible. The best result is taken into account out of three attempts.

Same as the previous control test, but the subject holds the medicine ball with one hand on the shoulder, the other supports it. The medicine ball is pushed with one hand for the flight range.

Two-handed medicine ball throwing from below. The subject holds the ball with two straight arms at the bottom. On command, he throws with two hands from below (hands move forward and up), it is possible to simultaneously raise on his toes.

Medicine ball throwing from behind the head with both hands, standing with your back to the direction of throwing. The subject, holding the ball down with two hands, seeks to push the ball over the head as far as possible.

f) Range strike (pass, transfer) soccer ball... The distance from the line of impact on the ball to the point at which the ball first touches the floor is determined.

In addition to separate tests to assess the level of development of strength qualities, batteries of tests are often used in secondary schools in different countries. The result of running a battery of tests gives more full information about the level of development of strength qualities, since according to the results of performing individual tests, one can judge the level of strength development of only certain muscle groups. An example of such test batteries is Roger's test, which includes measuring the strength of the muscles of the hand, back, arms and determining the vital capacity of the lungs (VC). Based on the results of performing special exercises, the indicator of muscle strength of the upper shoulder girdle (UPPG) is calculated according to the following formula:

SVPP = number of pull-ups + number of push-ups * 10 (weight / 10 + height - 60).

Then the force index (IP) is calculated using the formula:

IP = SVPP + Hand Strength right hand+ left hand strength + strength

back muscles + leg muscle strength + VC.

The result obtained is compared with the relevant standards.

Another example of a battery of tests measuring the level of strength development is the so-called minimum strength test. Kraus-Weber... It consists of 6 exercises:

  • - to determine the strength of the abdominal muscles and the extensors of the hip joint, the sitting exercise is used from the supine position with the hands behind the head. In the event that the student is unable to rise, he receives 0 points; if the exercise is partially performed with the help of a teacher - 5 points; with correct self-fulfillment - 10 points.
  • - to determine the strength of the abdominal muscles, a sitting exercise is used from a supine position with bent knees. Scoring is done in the same way as in the first exercise.
  • - to determine the strength of the flexor muscles of the hip joint and abdominal muscles, the exercise of raising the legs in the supine position is used. The test taker should raise straight legs 10 inches above the floor and hold them in this position for as long as possible. One point is awarded for every second. The maximum number of points awarded is 10.
  • - to determine the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, an exercise is used to raise the trunk from a prone position. The test person lies on his stomach on a special pillow, hands behind his head. The partner fixes his legs, after which he lifts the body and holds it in this position for 10 s. Scoring is done in the same way as in the previous exercise.
  • - the initial position of the exercise is lifting the legs in the prone position - the same as in the previous one. Partner fixes upper part the subject's torso, after which he lifts his straight legs above the floor and holds them in this position for 10 s. Scoring is performed in the same way as in exercise 3.
  • - the exercise of tilting the trunk from a standing position is performed in order to determine the level of development of flexibility. The test taker should, bending over and not bending his knees, touch the floor with his fingertips. In this case, the exercise is considered complete. If he does not reach the floor, then the result is the number of centimeters from the floor to the fingertips with a minus sign.

When assessing speed-strength abilities, it is necessary to take into account that the execution time control exercise should not exceed 15-20 seconds and the exercise should be performed at the highest possible speed or power.

To assess speed-strength abilities, use following exercises: athletics jumping, throwing, multi-jumping, high-speed movement of a cyclical nature (running from the start, running, shuttles, etc.). For example, one of the control tests: multi-jump from 20 to 100 meters. The number of jumps and the time of their execution are recorded, the indicators of which are summed up. The less the sum of these indicators, the higher the level of speed-strength capabilities in this exercise.

Speed-strength abilities can be assessed by the value of the maximum traction force in swimming or rowing with the use of a rubber band and a strain gauge, the duration of the control exercise is from 3 to 8 seconds.

When assessing speed-strength abilities in sports games and single combats, the time required to perform standard techniques and actions performed in a short time (no more than 10 seconds) is recorded, with high intensity... For example, acceleration in sports games, starting actions, punching actions in boxing, dummy throws in martial arts.

The criteria for assessing speed-power abilities are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the range of throws (throws), jumps, etc. For most of these control tests, studies have been carried out, standards have been drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed to characterize different strength capabilities.

Means for the development of speed-strength abilities

One of the most important qualities is speed - the ability to perform movements in the minimum for of this condition time interval. In sports practice, general and special speed are distinguished. General quickness is the ability to instantly respond to various stimuli with sufficient speed. Special speed is the ability to perform competitive actions, elements and parts of movements at a very high speed.

An athlete's speed abilities are manifested in three main forms: in the latent time of the motor reaction, in the speed of a single movement, in the frequency of movements. The combination of these three forms determines all cases of manifestation of speed.

According to experts, speed abilities are mostly innate and are least of all subject to changes during training. It has been established that an increase in speed can be achieved not only by using special methods and means aimed at developing the proper speed abilities, but also indirectly, by developing power qualities, speed-strength abilities, improving the technique of movements, etc.

The methodology of upbringing speed abilities is, first of all, the fulfillment of a well-mastered task at maximum speeds, which allows an athlete to concentrate all efforts on speed, and not on the way of doing exercises. Speed ​​exercises should be stopped at the first sign of fatigue.

Conventionally, all exercises used to develop speed-strength qualities in can be divided into three groups:

1. Exercises with overcoming their own body weight: fast running in a straight line, fast movement sideways, back, movement with a change in direction, various kinds of jumping on two legs, from foot to foot, on one leg, in depth, in height, at a distance, as well as exercises associated with bending, turning the trunk, performed with maximum speed, etc.

2. Exercises performed with additional weights (belt, vest, cuff, weighted apparatus). These exercises include various kinds of running, all kinds of jumping exercises, throwing and special exercises close in form to competitive movements.

3. Exercises related to overcoming the resistance of the external environment (water, snow, wind, soft ground, running uphill, etc.).

Exercise system speed-strength training is aimed at solving the main problem - the development of speed of movement and strength of a certain muscle group. The solution to this problem is carried out in three directions: high-speed, high-speed-power and power.

The high-speed direction provides for the use of exercises of the first group, with overcoming their own weight, exercises performed in light conditions. Methods aimed at developing the speed of a motor reaction (simple and complex) can be attributed to the same direction: a method of responding to a suddenly appearing visual or auditory signal; dismembered method of performing various techniques in parts and in lightweight conditions.

The speed-power direction aims to develop the speed of movement simultaneously with the development of the strength of a certain muscle group and involves the use of exercises of the second and third groups, where weights and resistance of external environmental conditions are used.

Performing the exercises, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

Technique, drawing, rhythm when performing exercises should not be disturbed;

Achieve a targeted effect on certain muscle groups that "serve" the hand, shoulder, ankle, knee and hip joints, back muscles, abdominal muscles, etc .;

To focus on the preliminary stretching of the muscles, to use their elastic properties, showing efforts when changing the Direction of movement;

The weight of the weights should not disturb the structure of movement (belt, vest - 0.25-0.5% of the athlete's weight). The most important factor in increasing the load is an increase in weights by 2-3% in each microcycle;

Each episode speed-strength exercises with weights should end with the performance of the same exercise without weights (2-3 times) or acceleration and jumping.

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