The emphasis is lying on bent arms. Flexion-extension of the arms in the lying position

On testing the population in the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

Testing of the population within the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) (hereinafter - testing, complex) is carried out in testing centers (testing sites).

Testing is carried out in the manner prescribed by the order of the Ministry of Sports Russian Federation dated 29.08.2014 No. 739 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex" Ready for Labor and Defense "(TRP)".

Testing to determine the level of development physical qualities and applied motor skills and the skills of the persons participating in the tests (tests) (hereinafter referred to as the participant) is carried out in the following sequence according to the types of tests (tests):


1.1. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor or on a gymnastic bench.

A forward bend from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the starting position (hereinafter - IP): standing on the floor or on a gymnastic bench, legs are straightened at the knees, the feet are parallel at a width of 10-15 cm. The participant performs in sports uniform allowing sports judges to determine the extension of the knee.

When performing the test (test) on the floor, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations on command. On the third tilt, he touches the floor with his fingers or palms of two hands and holds the touch for 2 s.

When performing a test (test) on a gymnastic bench, the participant, on command, performs two preliminary inclinations, palms move along the ruler. At the third incline, the participant bends as much as possible and holds the touch of the measuring ruler for 2 s. The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the "-" sign, below - by the "+" sign.

Errors (trial (test) does not count):

1) bending the knees;

2) holding the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) no retention of the result for 2 s.

2. Coordination abilities.

Throwing tennis ball to the target.

To throw a tennis ball at a target, a ball weighing 57 g is used.

Throwing a tennis ball at the target is carried out from a distance of 6 m into a gymnastic hoop with a diameter of 90 cm fixed on the wall. The lower edge of the hoop is at a height of 2 m from the floor.

The participant is given the right to complete five attempts. The number of hits in the area limited by the hoop is counted.

Error (attempt does not count):

Stepping behind the throwing line.

Hanging Pull-Up on a Low Bar.

A pull-up from a hang while lying on a low crossbar is performed from the IP: hanging lying face up with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, head, torso and legs form a straight line, heels can rest on a support up to 4 cm high.

The height of the crossbar neck for participants in the I-III stages of the complex is 90 cm.The height of the bar of the crossbar for participants in the IV-IX stages of the complex is 110 cm.

In order to occupy the PI, the participant approaches the bar, grabs the bar with a grip from above, squats under the bar and, keeping his head straight, puts his chin on the bar of the bar. After that, without unbending the arms and without lifting the chin from the bar, stepping forward, he straightens so that the head, torso and legs are in a straight line. Assistant sports judge provides support for the participant's feet. After that, the participant straightens his arms and takes the IP. From the PI, the participant pulls himself up until the chin is raised above the bar's bar, then lowers to the hang and, fixing for 0.5 s of the PI, continues the test (test).

The number of correct attempts, recorded by the score of the sports judge, is counted.

1) pull-ups with jerks or bending of the trunk;

4) alternate flexion of the arms.

Hanging pull-up on a high bar.

A pull-up from a hang on a high bar is performed from an IP: hanging with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, arms, torso and legs are straightened, legs do not touch the floor, feet together.

The participant pulls himself up so that the chin rises above the bar's bar, then drops to the hang and, fixing the PI for 0.5 s, continues the test (test). The number of correct attempts is counted.

Errors (attempt does not count):

1) pulling up in jerks or with swings of the legs (trunk);

2) the chin has not risen above the bar neck;

3) lack of fixation for 0.5 s PI;

4) alternate flexion of the arms.

Flexion and extension of the arms in support lying on the floor.

Flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying on the floor can be carried out with the use of a "contact platform", or without it.

Flexion and extension of the arms in the support lying on the floor is performed from the IP: the support is lying on the floor, arms shoulder-width apart, hands forward, elbows are not more than 45 degrees apart, shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support.

The participant, bending his arms, touches the floor or "contact platform" 5 cm high with his chest, then, unbending his arms, returns to the PI and, fixing it for 0.5 s, continues the test (test).

The number of correctly performed flexions and extensions of the arms, recorded by the score of the sports judge in the IP, is counted.

Errors (attempt does not count):

1) touching the floor with knees, hips, pelvis;

2) violation of the straight line "shoulders - body - legs";

3) lack of fixation for 0.5 s PI;

4) alternate extension of the arms;

5) no chest touching the floor (platform);

6) raising the elbows relative to the body by more than 45 degrees.

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position is performed from the SP: lying on the floor, arms shoulder-width apart, hands forward, elbows divorced no more than 45 degrees, shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support.

Bending your arms, you need to touch the floor with your chest (or a platform 5 cm high), then, unbending your arms, return to the PI and, fixing it for 0.5 seconds, continue the exercise.

The number of correct flexions and extensions of the arms, recorded by the judge's score, is counted.

1) touching the floor with knees, hips, pelvis;

2) violation of the straight line "shoulders - body - legs";

3) no fixation for 0.5 sec. SP;

4) extension of arms at different times.

Raising the torso from a supine position

Raising the trunk from a lying position is performed from the IP: lying on the back, arms behind the head, elbows forward, legs bent at the knees at right angles, feet pressed by the partner to the floor.

The participant performs maximum amount lifts (for 1 min.), touching the hips (knees) with the elbows, followed by a return to the PI.

The number of correct trunk lifts is counted.

To perform the test, pairs are created, one of the partners performs the exercise, the other holds his legs by the feet and legs and at the same time keeps the score. Then the participants change places.

1) no elbows touching the hips (knees);

2) no touching the mat with the shoulder blades;

3) fingers are open "out of the lock";

4) displacement of the pelvis.

Bending forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor or gymnastic bench

A forward bend from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the IP: standing on the floor or on a gymnastic bench, legs are straightened at the knees, the feet are parallel at a width of 10-15 cm.

When performing the test (test) on the floor, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations on command. On the third incline, he touches the floor with his fingers or palms of two hands and records the result for 2 seconds.

When performing a test (test) on a gymnastic bench on command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the ruler. During the third incline, the participant flexes as much as possible and fixes the result for 2 seconds. The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the - sign, below - by the + sign.

1) bending the knees;

2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) lack of fixation of the result for 2 sec.

Throwing a tennis ball at a target

Throwing a tennis ball (57 g) at the target is carried out from a distance of 6 m into a gymnastic hoop (90 cm in diameter) fixed on the wall. The lower edge of the hoop is 2 m above the floor.

The participant is given the right to execute five throws. The number of hits in the area limited by the hoop is counted (hitting the edge of the hoop is counted in favor of the participant).

Throwing sports equipment at a distance

Throwing a sports equipment (weighing 150, 500, 700 g) at a distance is carried out at the stadium or any level ground in a corridor 15 m wide. The length of the corridor is set depending on the preparedness of the participants.

Throwing is performed from a standing position or a direct take-off run in the "from behind the back over the shoulder" method. Other methods of throwing are prohibited.

The participant is given the right to make three throws. Goes into offset best result... The measurement is taken from the throwing line to the place where the projectile lands.

Sports equipment is specially designed for use on sporting events and have a specific shape and optimal weight, providing the best flight range. Participants of the II - IV stages of the Complex throw a ball weighing 150 g, participants in the V - VII stages of the Complex throw a sports equipment weighing 700 and 500 g (men and women, respectively).

Swimming 10, 15, 25, 50 m

Swimming is carried out in pools of 25 or 50 m and specially equipped places on water bodies. It is allowed to start from a bedside table, side or from the water. Swimming method is arbitrary. The swimmer must touch the pool wall with any part of his body at the end of each segment of the distance and at the finish.


1) walk along the bottom;

2) use track dividers or improvised means to promote or maintain buoyancy;

3) when swimming 50 m, the turn is performed in any way with the obligatory touch of the side with hands or feet.

Cross-country skiing 1, 2, 3, 5 km

Cross-country skiing is carried out in a free style at distances laid mainly on terrain with slightly and medium-rugged terrain. Competitions are held in places closed from the wind in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN

Cross country 1, 2, 3, 5 km

The distance for cross-country is laid through the territory of the park, forest or in any open space.

It is performed from a hang with a grip from above, each time from a fixed position in the hang on straight arms (pause 1-2 seconds). On the command: "BEGIN" without jerking or swinging legs, bend your arms so that the chin is above the level of the crossbar. Straightening your arms, take a fixed position in the hanging on straight arms.

2. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position.

Starting position - lying position (straight trunk). At the command: "BEGIN" bend your arms until your chest touches the floor, unbending your arms, take starting position.

3. Bends forward from a supine position for 1 min.

Starting position - lying on your back, arms behind your head, legs fixed. At the command: "BEGIN" tilt the body forward until the elbows touch the knees, return to the starting position (until the shoulder blades touch the floor). Slight bending of the legs is allowed.

4. Jerk (bench press) of a kettlebell weighing 24 kg.

The exercise is performed alternately with the right and left hand. Holding the kettlebell by the bow with a grip from above, lift it to the shoulder, while the elbow joint of the hand performing the exercise should touch the body (legs straight) on the command: "START" push it up and, fixing the position of the straightened arm (legs straight), after the command (counting) the examiner to lower the kettlebell on the shoulder, taking the starting position. After completing the exercise with one hand, lower the kettlebell down and, without touching the floor, transfer it to the other hand, and then continue the exercise with the other hand. It is forbidden to be in the starting position (without movement) for more than 5 seconds. When determining the number of lifts, the counted jerks performed with both hands are summed up.

5. Shuttle run 10x10 m.

Held in sports hall two (three) people. It is carried out from a low or high start by the commands: "AT START", "ATTENTION", "MARCH". Standing at the start line, at the command: "MARCH" run 10 m, touch the turn line with your foot; turning in a circle, run 10 m in the opposite direction, etc. - only 10 times. It is forbidden to use any natural or artificial objects, irregularities protruding above the floor surface as a support when turning.

6. Shuttle run 4x20 m.

It is held in the gym for two (three) people. It is carried out from a low or high start by the commands: "AT START", "ATTENTION", "MARCH". Standing at the start line, at the command: "MARCH" run 20 m, touch the turn line with your foot; turning in a circle, run 20 m in the opposite direction, etc. - only 4 times. It is forbidden to use any natural or artificial objects, irregularities protruding above the floor surface as a support when turning.

7. Running (cross) 1 km.

It is carried out on any terrain, including at a stadium, in a park, on a section of the road without heavy traffic, etc., from a general start. Performed from a high start by the commands: "AT START", "ATTENTION", "MARCH". Standing at the start line, on the command: "MARCH" run 1 km.

8. Running (cross) 5 km.

It is carried out on any terrain, including at a stadium, in a park, on a section of the road without heavy traffic, etc., from a general start. Performed from a high start by the commands: "ATTENTION", "MARCH". Standing at the start line, at the command: "MARCH" run 5 km.

9. Skiing 5 km.

It is carried out in a forest, a park, on an area with a specially prepared ski track from a general start. Performed from a high start by the commands: "AT START", "ATTENTION", "MARCH". Having risen to the start line, at the command: "MARCH" to ski 5 km.

10. Swimming 100 m.

Held in a 25- or 50-meter pool for 4-8 people. Performed from a high start by the commands: "AT START", "ATTENTION", "MARCH". Standing on the starting table, at the command: "MARCH" swim 100 m in any way.

11. Power complex exercise for women (SKU).

Performed within 1 minute: the first 30 seconds - from a supine position (legs are not fixed), arms along the body, at the command: "MARSH", make the maximum number of forward bends until the toes touch with your hands (slight bending of the legs in the knee joints is allowed, when returning to the starting position, it is necessary to touch the floor with the shoulder blades), then, without a pause for rest, for the next 30 seconds - from the prone position, perform the maximum number of flexions and extensions of the arms (the body is straight, the arms are bent until the chest touches the floor).

When it comes to basic physical fitness (BFF), lying down flexion and extension of the arms is the first exercise that comes to mind for many. And this is not surprising, since it is known to absolutely everyone, even to those people who are far from the topic of sports. In our article today, we will tell you in detail about doing flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position, the nuances and features of this movement, and also share a few tips to help you improve the technique of this exercise.

Execution technique

We will not pull rubber, but immediately get down to business. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position are performed as follows:

  1. Take an emphasis lying on the floor, put straight arms shoulder-width apart, bring your hands forward, spread your elbows no more than 45 degrees. Keep your shoulders, torso and legs in a straight line. With your toes, rest on the floor without support.
  2. As you inhale, lower your body down, touching the floor with your chest.
  3. While exhaling, return to the starting position.
  4. Fix your position at the top point for 0.5 seconds, and then repeat the movement the required number of times.

Do not forget that the exercise is valid only if there are no deflections in the lower back, and the whole body is in a straight line.

Major mistakes

Due to lack of experience and poor physical fitness many newbies often make following errors:

  • Bowed lower back.
  • Simultaneous extension of the arms.
  • There is no pause of 0.5 seconds at the top point.
  • Lack of a straight line "shoulders - torso - legs".

What's wrong with mistakes? Firstly, push-ups performed with such critical errors simply do not count towards passing the standards. Secondly, they significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise if you set a goal for yourself to build muscle.

A very important detail: the position of your hands determines which muscle group will get more load. With a wide setting of the arms, the main load is received pectoral muscles, and with a narrow one, triceps work more.

Lead exercises

If it is still difficult for you to do flexion and extension of your arms in the lying position, then first you should practice on the following lead-up exercises:

  1. Put your hands on the wall, then, bending your elbows, reach it with your chest. Straighten your arms and return to the starting position. Several sets a day of 10 reps each will strengthen your muscles and help you get started. next exercise.
  2. Knee push-ups. During this exercise, the same muscles work as when flexing and extending the arms in the lying position (chest and triceps), but since you almost completely exclude the legs from work, the total load is significantly reduced. Having taken the support while lying down, transfer your weight to your knees, and place your hands shoulder-width apart. The body must be kept in a straight position, and the abdominal muscles must be statically tense.
  3. Push-ups from the support. The technique is practically no different from that described in the last paragraph, the only difference is that in this position the knees are straightened, and the support is carried out with the toes of the feet.
  4. Reverse push-ups from the bench. Stand with your back to the bench, and then rest your hands on it. As you inhale, lower your body down until a 90-degree angle is formed at the elbows. As you exhale, squeeze it to the starting position.

Video tutorial

Perhaps the photo of flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position alone will not be enough for a complete understanding of the technique for performing this movement. In this case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video below, which shows in detail how this exercise.

By carefully watching the video, you will be able to get answers to your questions and complete the exercise correctly.

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

While developing the muscles of the arms, as well as when strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, you need to perform both static and dynamic exercises... Static ones help to maintain muscle tone, allow you to use small muscle groups and will help to properly hold the body in the supine position, which is important when doing control exercise... Dynamic allow you to achieve more effect, but have a narrow focus.

Try to do at least one static and one dynamic exercise every day.

Static exercises

    The emphasis is lying. Keep this position for 1-3 minutes.

    "Plank". The emphasis is lying on the forearms. The torso and legs should be in one line, the forearms are parallel, the arms are bent at the elbows at right angles.

    The same, slightly pulling the right (left) hand back.

    Maintaining the position of the support lying, bending your arms.

    The same, putting your feet on the bench.

    The same, putting your hands on the bench. Try to keep the torso-legs line straight.

Dynamic exercises

    Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position.
    After this exercise for recovery, you can take a sitting position on the heels, raise your arms up, put your palm on your palm and tilt your torso forward.

    The same, but the arms are much wider than the shoulders.

    The same, but hands are pressed to the body.

    The same, but right hand located on the hand in front of the left. The same, changing the position of the hands.
    Girls can do this exercise while lying on their hips.

    The same, but put the palm of one hand on the wrist of the other.

    I. p. - lying on the right side, legs crossed, right hand under the head, left in front of you. Perform flexion and extension with the left hand. The same on the left side, changing the position of the hands.

    I. p. - emphasis lying on the right forearm on the right side, legs crossed, left hand Per head. Perform flexion and extension with the right hand. The same on the left side, changing the position of the hands.
    Then, to restore, tilt the body forward in the sitting position.

    I. p. - an emphasis lying, put your right hand on a rubber ball.
    - bend your arms;
    - straighten up, roll the ball under the left hand;
    - bend your arms;
    - I. p.

    Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position, when the left (right) hand is above (below) the other.

    The same, changing the position of the hands.

Exercises on the coordination ladder

To strengthen the muscles of the forearm, you can use the floor ladder and perform a series of exercises in the supine position.

    I. p. - an emphasis lying with the right side to the stairs, facing the first cell. Move with the right side, each time alternately placing the right and left hand in the next cell of the ladder.

    The same with the left side.

    I. p. - an emphasis lying with the right side to the stairs, facing the first cell. Move with the right side, each time alternately placing the right and left hand crosswise in the next cell of the ladder.

    The same with the left side.

    I. p. - emphasis lying with the left side to the stairs, with your back to the first cell. Move with the right side, each time alternately placing the left and right foot in the next cell of the ladder.

    The same with the right side.

    I. p. - emphasis lying with the left side to the stairs, with your back to the first cell. Move with the right side, each time alternately placing the left and right foot crosswise into the next cell of the ladder.

    The same with the right side.

    Exercise in pairs. The first number takes the position of an emphasis lying facing the stairs, the second holds him by the ankles. Partners move forward in such a way that the first number alternately puts the brushes in the next cells of the ladder. Then the partners switch roles.

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