One arm is shorter than the other. The right hand is larger than the left why

They are common, especially congenital malformations of the limbs. The most severe form of this anomaly is the complete absence of a limb - amelia. Ectromelia is the complete absence of one or more limbs. Hemimelia is an underdevelopment of the distal parts of one or more extremities. Phocomelia is the absence of proximal parts of one or more limbs. With this defect, the hands or feet are directly connected to the body. The most common anomalies are from the fingers and toes. Ectrodactyly is the absence or underdevelopment of the fingers. Sometimes this defect is combined with cleft hands (peruchirus). Polydactyly (more than five fingers) is relatively common. Sometimes polydactyly is one of the signs of the so-called. Laurens-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome, which is accompanied by adipositas, retinitis pigmentosa and oligophrenia.

Treatment of pure polydactyly is prompt and can be carried out even in the first year of life.

Syndactyly- fusion of one or more fingers together - also surgically removable deformity. Surgical treatment should not be undertaken until 5-6 years of age, as relapses are possible. Syndactyly of the hands, in which the hand resembles a spoon, acrocephaly, or scaphocephaly (boat-shaped skull), hypertelorism (wide-set eyes), a wide base of the nose, a high-standing palate, sometimes atrophy of the optic nerve, etc., are characteristic of Apert-Eugen syndrome.

Hexadactyly- a double thumb or toe is also a congenital defect that can be eliminated promptly.

Bradidactyly- short fingers, often seen in hypothyroidism.

Arachnodactyly - long fingers like the tentacles of a spider. If the anomaly is combined with "shoemaker's chest", kyphosis or scoliosis, congenital heart disease, dislocation of the lens with tremors, etc. at a later age, you should think about Marfan syndrome.

Kyphosis the entire spine or its individual parts is very rare.

Scoliosis are much more common. They are formed when the fetus is abnormally positioned or when individual vertebrae are not symmetrically located.

Funnel chest- a shoemaker's chest (pectus excavatum). It is a funnel-shaped retraction of the sternum and adjacent sections of the ribs. This anomaly is observed even during the neonatal period and progressively increases over time. The assumption that this anomaly develops as a result of the fusion of the diaphragm with the posterior surface of the sternum is not always confirmed, since even after the operative elimination of the fusion, the retraction does not decrease.

Bone defects of the skull... These defects vary in size and shape. When localizing bone defects in the parietal region, they can be mistaken for a fontanelle (false fontanelle). With increased intracranial pressure, the presence of bone defects can cause the formation of meningocele, etc.

Craniostenosis are the result of premature ossification of the cranial sutures. This birth defect is sometimes familial. When all the sutures are overgrown, microcephaly develops from the compressed brain, when the coronal suture is overgrown, oxycephaly, and when the sagittal suture is overgrown, dolichocephaly or scaphocephaly. Unilateral infection of the coronal suture is accompanied by plagiocephaly, in which the corresponding eye is displaced upward and laterally. Trigocephaly (triangular skull) develops as a result of premature intrauterine infection of the frontal suture. Pyrgocephalus (tower skull) develops as a result of early infection of the coronary suture.

Defects in the development of the skeleton include congenital dislocations, but they are very rare. With dislocation of the radius, supination is difficult.

With dislocation knee joint the patella is usually absent. For such a dislocation, as a rule, significant hyperextension is characteristic, in which the thigh and lower leg can touch.

Contractures various joints (hip, knee, ankle, etc.) with limited mobility are also found in newborns and can be ankylosis.

Treatment of all joint contractures is primarily orthopedic and early.

Luxatio coxae congenita... In practice, they are of the greatest importance. Girls suffer more often. Dislocation in most cases is unilateral, rarely bilateral. In newborns, subluxation predominates due to dysplasia of the acetabulum. There is also a well-known family predisposition. In case of unilateral subluxation or dislocation, the affected limb is shorter than normal, is in a position of slight flexion, rotated outward, abduction is incomplete, adduction is incorrect. Mobility in the affected joint is increased, with the exception of abduction. The skin fold under the buttock is located higher. There are additional skin folds in the front of the thigh. The asymmetry of the inguinal, gluteal and adductor folds is not an absolutely convincing sign. The asymmetry of folds on the inner surface of the thigh can also be observed in healthy children. If newborns have asymmetric pudendal lips and especially Ortolani symptom - slight crunching or noise during internal rotation, hip abduction and hip flexion, subluxation may be considered. With bent hip and knee joints, the patella is located lower on the subluxation side. At the slightest suspicion, they resort to radiography, which during the neonatal period has no special diagnostic value. At this age, all articular parts are made up of cartilage. The bone core of caput femoris develops only after 2-7 months of life. A consultation with an orthopedist is absolutely essential. Early diagnosis and early treatment improve the prognosis. The goal of treatment is to create maximum hip abduction with inward rotation with hip flexion. Thus, the joint is gradually relieved and the head of the femur easily enters the acetabulum, the arch of the joint takes on a normal configuration. Very good results are achieved when using special anti-slip pants.

Prevention. Immediately after birth, children should be swaddled freely, without tightening, so that the hip joint is not in extension, but flexed in the flexion position. A folded diaper should be placed between the legs and special extension pants (Windelspreishosen) should be worn on top.

Chondrodystrophy... We are talking about a general generalized symmetric skeletal lesion, in which enchondral ossification is impaired. This disease begins in the early embryonic period and predominantly affects the long bones. Periosteal osteogenesis proceeds normally. The essence of suffering is the violation of epiphyseal ossification due to cartilage dystrophy.

There are 3 forms of chondrodystrophy: I. Chondrodystrophia hypoplastic and, in which the cartilage is underdeveloped. 2. Сhondrodystrophiamalacis with softening of cartilage and focal bone softening. 3. Chondrodysrtrophia hyperplastic with irregular and irregular growth of cartilage and the formation of thick, wide, sponge-like thickenings in the area of ​​short diaphysis.

The etiology is not fully understood. The disease is most likely the result of severe compression by a very narrow amnion (Murk Jansen). There are other theories: 1. Endocrine theory of pituitary dysfunction. 2. The theory of intrauterine infections with selective damage to the cartilage.

Most of the sick children die in utero. In living beings, signs are clearly expressed immediately after birth. The child has short, shapelessly thickened upper and lower limbs (micromelia), normal body length, and a large head (macrocephaly). The nose is saddle-shaped, the neck is short, the expression on the face is dull, the tongue is thickened. Often there are other developmental defects (polydactyly, heart disease, umbilical hernia, etc.). The arms are so short that they often barely reach the trohunters. Elbow joints difficult to unbend. Shortening of the limbs is more pronounced in the proximal regions. The upper arm and thigh are shorter than the forearm and lower leg. Soft tissue and the skin develops normally, but is layered in excess and therefore form many folds. The arms are fleshy and massive. Toes from the second to the fifth are almost the same length (isodactyly). A characteristic feature is the shape of the hand in the form of a trident (a large distance between the third and fourth fingers).

The genitals are developed normally. Often, the mothers of such children have symptoms of hypothyroidism. On radiography, the bones are short, dense, with a strongly pronounced cortical layer. Children suffering from chondrodystrophy may subsequently develop quite normally mentally, but remain dwarfs (disproportionate).

There is no cure. If the sella turcica is very small, the anterior pituitary can be treated later.

Osteogenesis imperfecta... The disease is very rare. The most important clinical sign is increased bone fragility, which manifests itself even during intrauterine development. It is caused by osteoblast hypofunction. Osteoid tissue is very small, so thin, osteoporotic bones with a thin cortical layer, like an egg shell, are formed, which predisposes to multiple fractures, but not to rickety curvatures. Osteoblast activity is not disturbed, ossification proceeds normally. Often, a child is born with healed fractures and a callus formed. The disease is characterized by micromelia, which exists without fractures. This micromelia resembles chondrodystrophy. The limbs are of normal proportion and the bones of the skull are soft like rubber (rubber head). The skull is large, the face is small. The sclera are blue. The eardrum of the middle ear can also be blue. In children, there is a general weakness of the connective tissue, weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, instability of the joints, increased flexibility, muscle hypotension. Occasionally combined with pachymeningosis haemorragica interna. Mineral metabolism and the function of the endocrine glands, as a rule, are not impaired. It is assumed that there is only a known dysfunction of the thyroid gland. X-ray shows multiple transverse shadows in the form of stripes, the cortical layer of bones is very thin, the bones are thin, osteoporotic, the structure of the spongy layer is smoothed, traces of callus are visible.

The prognosis is bad. Children die in the first two years of life from intercurrent diseases, most often from bronchopneumonia. Sometimes babies are born dead.
There is no specific treatment. They recommend small doses of thyroidin twice a day, 0.005, vit. C and D.

Osteopsathyrosis... This disease is a late form of osteogenesis imperfecta. Fractures usually appear after the second year of life, when the child is already walking and often falls. Over time, the tendency to fracture gradually decreases. The disease is accompanied by blue staining of the sclera and otosclerosis - van der Hieve syndrome. Despite the fragility of bones, they do not lag behind in growth. All three signs do not always exist.

The forecast is much better.

Treatment is reduced to the appointment of vitamins C and D. Anabolic drugs (Dianabol, Nerobol, etc.) are prescribed at 0.1 mg per kg of body weight per day for a month. The course can be repeated in 1-2 months.

Morbus Langdon Down occurs primarily in children born to older mothers. Usually one disease occurs in 500-600 births. This is a chromosomal aberration. The cells contain one additional acrocentric chromosome in pair 21 (trisomy). Instead of the normal 46, there are 47 chromosomes, with 2x22: 1 autosomes and XX or XXV sex chromosomes.

Clinical signs are characterized primarily by a typical facial expression: oblique location of the palpebral fissure (outside upwards, inside downwards), an additional skin fold at the inner corner of the eyes. The bridge of the nose is flattened and wide, so the distance between the eyes is increased (hypertelorism). The auricles are flaccid and irregular, the lips are slightly thickened, the tongue is long and often uneven (lingua scrotalis). The mouth is half open and the tongue protrudes outward. The head is brachycephalic. The disease is also characterized by short and thick hands with a fifth finger curved inward (clinodactyly), a four-finger or monkey groove on the palms of the hand, which starts from the second and ends at the fifth finger, general hypotension, etc.

Often, the disease is combined with other congenital malformations, mainly with congenital heart defects.

The diagnosis can be made by an experienced physician immediately after birth.

Translocation types do not differ clinically from the standard type. With them, there are mutations in the 22nd and 15th pairs of chromosomes. The total number of chromosomes is 46. This type is found in children born to very young mothers, and is observed in other family members, which indicates hereditary transmission.
Women's magazine www.

For example, in right-handers, the muscles on the right limbs are usually larger than on the left, and in left-handers, on the contrary, the muscles of the left side of the body are better developed. The dimensions of the muscles differ for everyone, it is just that usually this difference is not significant, so they are invisible to the eye. But if you take a centimeter and take measurements, then you will notice that in fact, the sizes of the muscles on the right and left hemispheres of the body are slightly different.

Now let's move on to information on how to fix problems in muscle development.


In training, you need to perform exercises so that the load on the right and left side was always the same. The body builds muscles in response to loads, so if the loads are the same, then the muscles will develop evenly. You need to perform the same number of repetitions for the right and left sides, and always observe a clear technique for performing the exercises. If you do the exercises crookedly, for example, crookedly pressing the barbell, then the load on one side will be greater than on the other and the muscles will develop unevenly, so always follow a clear technique in all exercises. Control yourself by looking in the mirror, or have a friend watch you do the exercise.

Some people experience using dumbbells of different weights. For example, doing a double dumbbell press for the lagging side is slightly harder to grab with the dumbbell. Remember, you can't do that! This interferes with the technique of the exercise, develops inappropriate movement skills, and can lead to injury.

Moreover, if one side is weaker, then what is the point of taking more weight for it? Turns out that strong point will not work, and the weak side simply will not pull out, and will get tired sooner. Remember, you just need to train correctly, follow the exercise technique, load the muscles in the same way, and then they will eventually align in size, and in the future they will develop evenly.


You need to train regularly. Muscle development takes time, so be patient, exercise regularly, and soon you will notice that the muscles will align in size and begin to develop harmoniously. If you play sports only once a week, or often quit training, then where can you expect good results?


If there is a very large difference in muscle size, additional approaches for the lagging side can be used. For example, if you have one pectoral muscle that is significantly smaller than the other, then after you have done all the pectoral exercises, after you have worked them evenly, you can do one additional set for the lagging side. The same is true if you are less than one bicep. After you have done the entire biceps program, you can do one additional set for the smaller biceps.

It is not necessary to give too much additional load to the lagging side. You will simply overtrain your muscles, they will not have time to recover, and the next workout will work much worse. Train the muscles evenly, and equally load both sides, and for those muscles that are smaller, you can do one additional approach at the end of the total complex. Add loads for the weak side a little at a time. And give your muscles time to align.

To further load the muscles on only one side, use dumbbell or machine exercises. For example, to work on one pectoral muscle, you need to use a dumbbell bench press. You grab the dumbbells, lie down, and do the press with only one hand. You take two dumbbells in order to maintain balance and perform the press evenly. You can also do a one-handed press on special simulator for the pectoral muscles. You can also do one-arm push-ups. For biceps, there are also exercises that are performed with one hand with dumbbells. For example, bending the arm from dumbbells on a special bench that isolates the biceps. Or, bending one arm with an emphasis on the thigh.

For any muscle, you can choose a special exercise that loads only one side. However, I recommend using these methods only as a last resort if you have a very large difference in muscle size, or, for example, you are recovering from an injury, and you need to specifically work on some part of the body. Otherwise, just exercise regularly. Load the muscles equally, and follow the exercise technique, and then the muscles will develop evenly. This is what we need to strive for.


In some sports, where one part of the body works significantly more than the opposite, athletes may experience strong imbalances in muscle development on the right and left side. Following from this, it is better for all athletes to include in training complexes for the general physical fitness, and do exercises that work the muscles on both sides, that is, they always work with the whole body. Then your muscles will grow evenly and harmoniously, and this will allow you to achieve great results.

  • Regular exercise
  • Strict adherence to exercise technique
  • Working with the whole body
  • These actions will help you develop harmoniously.

    If one arm is thicker than the other

    Roman Pomazanov7

    2. Exercises on the chest and back also try to do with dumbbells. This will eliminate one of the possible causes of arm asymmetry - an asymmetric barbell press and rod technique.

    3. If, having trained in this way for 2-3 months, you do not notice a reduction in the difference between the arms, then you should introduce additional approaches to the biceps, triceps and forearm of the left hand. Usually one additional set is enough at the end of each exercise.

    4. Try to use your left hand more often for various activities that you are used to doing with your right hand. Writing, of course, is unlikely to work out right away, but some elementary actions are quite accessible: hold a spoon, open a door, throw a ball. This will help increase the nerve stimulation of the left arm, making it stronger and larger.

    5. And one more of the possible reasons for the lag of one hand, which I have encountered in practice, is the presence of diseases of the spine in the thoracic region. If there is osteochondrosis or curvature, it must be treated. These conditions can significantly distort normal bench press and bent-over rows technique. Hence the asymmetry.

    Why is there more biceps on one arm? How to fix?

    I have more biceps on my right arm than on my left. I always train with the same load.

    Why did you get bigger biceps on one arm?

    How do I fix the biceps on my arms to be the same?

    If the biceps are very different in size, then I think that in order to fix the problem, you need to do an additional isolating exercise for the biceps, which you want to "pump", in the complex of trainings.

    But in general, it is a normal phenomenon that the biceps differ in size from each other, as a rule, they are always not much and this is natural, it is impossible to give the same load to both biceps.

    And in any case, each muscle does the exercise and contracts individually.

    Also, the difference in biceps may depend on the fact that your training program is dominated by isolating exercises for this muscle group, which you do with the biceps of each arm separately.

    But there are actually many reasons, but this is all absolutely normal! And I don't even think it's worth worrying, I'm sure no one has a perfectly identical bicep on both arms!

    They explained to me that it is normal if there is a little more biceps on one arm than on the other. And this may be due to the fact that right-handers still load more on the right hand, because this has already been invested in the memory that the right hand is more active than the left. Also, the difference in the size of the biceps can be due to the profession or disease, such as scoliosis.

    What to do to correct the biceps, align so that the muscles are the same on both arms? This is difficult, if not impossible, because even the pros have little difference. You need to try to keep the load the same and train regularly. Then the muscles will gradually be more evenly developed. You can give additional loads for it, but do not overextend, otherwise the difference will be in the other direction.

    Why is the right hand and foot larger than the left?

    Numbness of the extremities is a fairly indicative symptom of many diseases. If it gets numb left leg and the left arm, right limbs, or each of them separately, this usually indicates a pinched nerve, inflammation or damage. Also, such signs indicate the development of more dangerous and serious diseases that affect various organs and systems of the body. If the legs and arms become numb, this often indicates a stroke, ischemic attack, the presence of a tumor, and other diseases.

    Many are interested in the question, if hands and feet go numb, what to do.

    First of all, you need to contact a specialist who can determine the causes of the sensation and make a diagnosis.

    After diagnostics, which will clarify the features of the disease, you should proceed to therapy, which will be prescribed by the doctor.

    Usually, by the nature of the numbness and the presence of accompanying sensations, it is possible to determine the ailment that caused them. However, you should not try to do this yourself. When choosing.

    The degree of asymmetry directly depends on the functional activity of a particular part of the human body - in more mobile and active parts, the asymmetry is brighter. The arms are more asymmetrical among themselves than the legs, and the mobile lower jaw characterized by greater asymmetry compared to.

    Is your right hand larger than your left?

    Muscles of different sizes - what to do?

    First, you need to understand that all people have a slightly different muscle size on the right and left parts of the body, and in certain measures this is normal. For example, in right-handers, the muscles on the right limbs are usually larger than on the left, and in left-handers, on the contrary, the muscles of the left side of the body are better developed. The dimensions of the muscles differ for everyone, it is just that usually this difference is not significant, so they are invisible to the eye. But if you take a centimeter and take measurements, then you will notice that in fact, the sizes of the muscles on the right and left hemispheres of the body are slightly different.

    I repeat that a slight difference in muscle development is normal and due to nature. Just like the difference between the strength of the right and left hand. However, for various reasons, it happens that the size of the muscles differ greatly. This is immediately noticeable to the eye, and, of course, does not look very good.

    Now let's move on to information on how to fix problems in.

    Numbness in the toes of the left foot is a very unpleasant sensation that should alert everyone who suffers from it. If it appears in a person after a long stay in uncomfortable posture or wearing narrow or uncomfortable shoes, when the legs are squeezed and the blood flow is disturbed, then, in fact, there is nothing to worry about, you need to remove the root cause and everything will work out. But if numbness of the fingers appears systematically, especially in the morning or at night, when the body is in a calm position, most likely it indicates a serious illness.


    The causes of numbness in the toes of the left and right feet can be associated with problems with the spine, abnormalities in the work of the heart, thyroid gland. Let's analyze them in more detail:

    In almost 90% of cases, a person experiences such an unpleasant condition due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Symptoms are especially pronounced in the presence of protrusions and hernias of intervertebral discs. Oncological.

    The asymmetry of the human body is quite normal, in most cases it is almost impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye. This is due to the fact that opposite parts of the body "control" different hemispheres of the brain: the right hemisphere is responsible for the left half of the body, and the left, respectively, for the right. In addition, depending on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed, the muscles of the right or left half of the body will be better developed.

    Since most of the world's population is right-handed, their right hand is larger and longer than the left. At the same time, in typical right-handers, the left leg is slightly larger than the right.

    The degree of asymmetry directly depends on the functional activity of a particular part of the human body - in more mobile and active parts, the asymmetry is brighter. The arms are more asymmetrical with each other than the legs, and the movable lower jaw is more asymmetrical than the upper one.

    Uneven muscle development leads to light, barely noticeable.

    Hello Roman. I have a small question. At the moment, the difference in the volume of the right and left arms is approximately 2.5 cm (the right one is larger), how can I align (make the most symmetrical volume) the biceps? Is it worth it to temporarily slow down the swing of the right hand, or reduce the load on it?

    Such a decision would be the most correct.

    1. Train your arms with dumbbells if you haven't already.

    Aim to do the same number of reps with both hands. And not only in exercises for the biceps, but also for the triceps. The dumbbells, of course, must be of the same weight.

    Often, the difference in arm girth is determined not by the biceps, but by the triceps. Try not so much to weaken the right hand (by stopping to train it), but to pull up the left hand to its level. In addition, the human body is designed in such a way that, with a uniform load, the limbs quickly become equal in strength and volume.

    2. Exercises for the chest and back also try to do with.

    Characteristics of the disease

    At its core, any edema is an excess accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space of tissues. The mechanism of edema formation is based on 3 main factors:

    increased capillary pressure; the release of fluid from the bloodstream as a result of a decrease in osmotic pressure; due to a decrease in the level of proteins (albumin) in the blood and an increase in capillary permeability during inflammatory or toxic damage.

    Most often, they become a provocateur of puffiness stagnation in the blood vessels.

    When the left leg swells, it fully fits into the general concept of the formation of local edema and develops according to one of the above mechanisms. In principle, the appearance of edema in the left limb is not a characteristic symptom. The anomaly can develop in one leg or both at the same time. The fact that the left leg was affected indicates a congenital or acquired weakness of the vascular tissues, manifested precisely in.

    Why can feet hurt?

    Doctors quite often hear from patients complaints of pain in the foot when walking. What can provoke these painful sensations? There are a great many reasons and diseases in which the feet hurt. By the nature of the pain sensations can be general or diffuse, and according to the degree of distribution, they are divided into local and covering the entire foot completely. Diffuse pain, as a rule, is associated with overload, which provokes discomfort while walking, sometimes diffuse pain can bother and at rest.

    Reason # 2: Heel spur

    # 3: other reasons

    pain in the foot can be with a variety of diseases

    If pain is felt in the foot only when walking or significant loads on the legs, with additional ones.

    In the embryonic period, our body is more or less symmetrical. However, soon one of the parties begins to prevail over the other. And this difference is demonstrated on many organs.

    So, in adults, the weight of the muscles on one side exceeds the mirrored opposite ones by about 5%. In addition, in right-handers, the right arm is stronger and longer than the left, and the nail bed thumb longer and wider on it than on the left. The left leg in 60% of earthlings is 1-1.5 cm longer than the right. And the left outer ear in about 66% of people is larger than the right, but the chin is most often oblique to the right. The nose of right-handers deviates to the right, and of left-handers - to the left, the curl of hair on the head of right-handers is twisted clockwise, and of left-handers - in the opposite direction.

    Even the right half of the praasha's face is more expressive than the left!

    But asymmetry is not limited to external organs. We have a right-sided liver, different in light weight(the right is greater than the left). Our heart.

    The right leg is larger than the left. Legs of different sizes. Different size legs.

    Everyone has probably noticed when buying shoes that one leg is larger than the other. Someone right leg more in size or half a size, and someone has a left one. Why is this happening?

    The fact is that the human body is asymmetric, that is, the right side of our body is different from the left side. It is not difficult to verify this. If you look more closely at your reflection in the mirror, you can see that the right side of our face is more developed than the left. The cheek on the right side protrudes slightly more. The outlines of our mouth, ear and eyes on the right side are clearer than on the left. The same can be said about our entire body. Our legs vary in strength and dexterity. Inside, the body is also asymmetrical. The liver is on the right and the heart is on the left. Therefore, the entire human skeleton is developed unevenly. And this affects the actions that we perform and ours.

    The syndrome of swelling of only the extremities, or the entire surface of the body, always has reasons why it occurs. The liquid easily penetrates into the space between the cells, and leaves the body with difficulty, which leads to the fact that edema occurs. There are many reasons why one leg is swollen, or swelling is present in both legs. This may be due to impaired venous blood flow, impaired renal function.


    There are two degrees of puffiness:

    pronounced; not pronounced.

    With a not pronounced swelling syndrome, edema is not visually visible, the tissue becomes loose, fluid accumulates. This condition is called pastiness. When swelling is evident, a dimple forms when pressure is applied to the skin. Why not ignore the symptoms that obviously tell us about the problem?

    There are differences in which the left leg swells, or both legs, or rather with what it is connected. If the cause is a circulatory disorder, symptoms.

    It happens that the muscles are unevenly developed and the size of the muscles on the right and left parts of the body is very different. For example, one pectoral muscle is larger than the other, or the biceps on the right arm are larger than on the left.

    First you need to understand that all people have a slightly different muscle size on the right and left side of the body, and within certain limits, this is normal!

    For example, right-handers often have more muscles in the right limbs, while left-handers have more muscles on the left side of the body.

    The sizes of the muscles differ for everyone, it's just that usually these differences are small, so the difference is not noticeable, but if you take measurements on purpose, you will see that there is a difference.

    Again, a slight difference in muscle size is normal.

    Just as the strength of the right and left arm or the right and left leg is different, it is due to nature.

    However, it happens that the sizes of the muscles differ very much, this is immediately visible to the eye and, of course, does not look very good.


    People who periodically have swelling of the legs, it seems that this is due to problems with the kidneys or heart. But many would like to know why only the left leg swells. This article describes the causes of this phenomenon and how to deal with it.

    Swelling problem lower limbs known all over the world and applies to people of different ages. The most important reason is the accumulation of excess fluid in the legs.

    What types of edema are there?

    The right hand goes numb: why and what to do?

    Quite often from people you can hear such a complaint - the right hand goes numb. At the same time, some have only numbness of the hand or fingers, while others have the whole upper limb... Why is this happening? And how to deal with this ailment?

    Household reasons

    Numbness of the right hand can be associated with both pathological processes and everyday life. If you sleep on an uncomfortable bed, wear tight clothes and stay in the same position for a long time, then this can cause this ailment to appear.

    However, in these cases, the onset of this symptom is extremely rare (mainly after sleep) and passes very quickly if rubbing of the limb or special exercises is carried out.

    And in this case, numbness of the hands is a completely natural process.

    Goosebumps, numbness and tingling in the fingers are experienced by many people. These unpleasant sensations can appear for a variety of reasons. Some of them are very simple and easy to fix. Sometimes tingling sensations are manifestations of serious ailments that require competent treatment.

    Reasons for the appearance of "needles"

    Today, numbness and tingling in the fingers is increasingly common among young people. Previously, this symptomatology was observed only in elderly people. Numbness and tingling in the fingers can be of a different nature and can occur in anyone. Some suffer from such manifestations very rarely. But there are people who constantly experience this condition.

    In most cases, tingling in the fingers is associated with incomplete pinching of the nerve fibers. Blood flow decreases and becomes insufficient. As a result, the fingers of the right or left hand become numb. This happens when a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

    "Owl, and Owl, why do my back, head and legs itch?" “You ought to wash yourself, Hedgehog” ... Despite the popularity of the anecdote that sober realists always remember to lovers of superstition, interest in omens does not wane. Many people every day wonder what portends them itching in one or another part of the body. And the signs are always at the ready! And they will tell, and prompt, and make a forecast for the coming days and weeks.

    Itchy fingers

    We rework an incredible amount of things with our hands. Career, love relationship, a hobby - fingers are involved in everything. And according to the conviction of our ancestors, they also have a presentiment of what they have to do. Is this where the expression “hands itch” came from?

    On the left and right hand

    Most often, omens make different predictions for the right and left sides of the body. At the same time, the right one is traditionally considered lucky, although in half of the interpretations the left one turns out to be no less generous with good predictions.

    The difference between right and left hands in palmistry

    Anyone who starts practicing palmistry is faced with the following theoretical problem quite early on: in giving preference to the dominant hand, what can we learn from the lines on the non-dominant hand?

    Unfortunately, there are no unambiguous answers to the question of how the difference in lines on the right and left hands (and, by the way, it does not always happen), do not yet exist. In this regard, it may be very interesting for fans of palmistry to familiarize themselves with the views of some well-known authors on this problem, after which we will move on to the author's conclusions and insights.


    “The line of fate on the dominant hand speaks of a person's life path, from the events of childhood and the past to the present moment. The other hand reflects the fate predetermined at the time of birth. Often, the lines of fate on the right and left palms differ significantly from each other. A clearly delineated line of fate on the dominant hand with a weakly expressed line on the other hand indicates that this is a man who "made himself". And on the contrary, the clearly visible drawing of this line only on the non-dominant hand speaks of unrealized potential "(Catherine Harvig, The All-Seeing Palm, p.).

    “Your dominant hand reflects the destinies and character that you are the creators of.<…>Your dominant hand reflects your life at the moment.

    On the contrary, your non-dominant hand shows what your life can be, that is, your potential in this life. Examine your non-dominant hand and see what your character might be like if it weren't for your life experience. <…>If you are like most people, you will find that your hands are markedly different from each other. The reason for this is that the life you have lived has been more reflected in your dominant hand ”(Catherine Harvig,“ The All-Seeing Palm, ”pp. 16-17).

    “Your dominant hand reflects what is happening at the moment. And the non-dominant hand will tell you about your potential, hidden abilities and desires ”(Katherine Harvig,“ The All-Seeing Palm ”, p.209).

    “The active hand — the right hand for the right-hander, the left hand for the left-hander — develops faster because it is used more often. The "passive" hand - the left for the right-hander and the right for the left-handed - can lag behind the active hand very much, or, if you are an active person, only be slightly behind.

    The passive hand reflects the past, your essence, and how your personality changes.

    And the active hand is directed to the future and shows how your character develops and where you are going in life. It is better to focus on reading the palm of the active hand, but it is no less interesting to look at the palm of the passive hand later and compare them. This will help you find out how you were and how much you have changed "(Yon Daten," Palmistry. Lines of Fate ", p. 7).

    “The left hand reflects the capabilities and abilities that were originally laid down. Shows past events and their emotional coloring, a certain plan for life. On the left hand (for right-handers), the entrance of the line of Influence into the line of Fate does not mean physical intimacy, it is an expression of emotional, friendly relations.<…>If there is any on the left hand good sign, but on the right it is not, this may indicate a partial implementation and missed opportunities.

    The right hand shows the current development, events, prospects for the future. If there is a "normal" line on the right hand, then in matters of health, the decisive factor will be health care and the correct lifestyle of the owner. If the "normal" line is observed on the left hand, and on the right (active) it is in violation, it is assumed that the patient's own immunity will play the main role in recovery.

    <…>Comparing the right hand with the left, we see how a person develops. It is believed that if a right-handed person has worse lines on his right hand than on his left, then perhaps he is doing something wrong or is not in his place.

    If the line is better on the right hand, the person is constantly in development and improves himself "(Evgeny Ostrogorsky," Palmistry. Lines of Fate ", pp. 46-47).

    “If your child is right-handed, then his left hand will reveal what he was born with, that is, inherited tendencies, or subconscious motives.

    The child's right hand shows how he makes his own life path: what character traits and abilities will affect his life, how he will develop.

    As a rule, you are aware of exactly what you are doing with your right hand at the moment: wave, point at something, brush your teeth with a toothbrush, open the door. But you have much less control over actions with your left hand. This “passive” hand is taken for granted, although you will be sorely missed if you cannot use it ”(Ann Hassett,“ Reading a Child's Hand, ”p. 17).

    “When addressing people with a dominant right hand, gypsies usually say:“ The left is what you were born with, and the right is how you embody it. ” You can also say that the left one indicates the potential, and the right one indicates how this potential is realized. One of my clients recently remarked: "I thought that the inner" I "was reflected on the left palm, and the outside was reflected on the right one." She was right, she just expressed it her own way ”(Anne Hassett,“ Reading a Child's Hand, ”p. 17).

    “In palmistry, the dominant hand — right or left — is called the" active hand. " On ninety-nine occasions, the active hand will present a more developed pattern of lines and signs than the non-dominant hand. This fact reflects the evolution of consciousness from previous lines of thought and behavioral habits to positive changes in the future tense.

    In rare cases, a person does not use a hand with a more positive picture of lines and signs as the dominant one. In the Eastern tradition, such a phenomenon is interpreted as the inability or extreme unwillingness of a person to accept life. A person would rather take a step back than turn to his potential ”(Singh Birla,“ Palm & Fate ”, p. 37).

    “In the ancient texts of the Samudrik Shastra it is stated that the past includes the last three incarnations. Time is relative. It doesn't matter if it takes just one day or a month, a year, or maybe a whole life for a habit to form, an inactive hand will reflect the totality of traits that made you who you are today. This aggregate also contains hereditary traits that might not have been manifested in several generations, but will again be found in some of the descendants in the future ”(Singh Birla,“ Palm & Fate ”, p. 37).

    “Once you identify the active hand, you can see the true picture of the progressive thinking pattern. The inactive hand reveals the entire integrity of the pre-birth experience ... that led to certain behaviors. The habits of the past are imprinted on the inactive hand. How much these habits will affect your present and future, you will see by comparing the strength of inherited traits with the progressive influences reflected in the active hand. The habits of the past will help you or hinder your development, depending on whether they are good or bad "(Singh Birla," Palm & Destiny ", pp. 37-38).

    “A series of days and events are imprinted on the right hand. The innermost aspirations of a person and the potential for gaining wealth and respect, honors are marked on the left hand.<…>The dominant hand is reality, what has already been done in our life, plus our consciousness, i.e. the part that we show to the world around us. It is also about certain achievements, plans, changing attitudes towards relationships, work and money. Therefore, this is the real side of life.<…>

    On the other hand, our inner life, subconsciousness, that side of life that we hide from others is represented. It can be called the “I want” hand, because it demonstrates secret desires, what kind of life we ​​would like to lead, who we strive to become.

    The lines of life, head and heart on the other, or secondary, hand show mental, emotional and sexual energy body. This is where the glitch in nervous system before he declares himself on the dominant hand, foreshadowing a possible mental illness "(Sasha Fenton, Malcolm Wright," Secrets of palmistry. Know your destiny ", pp. 16-17).

    “It is important to remember that the left hand is associated with the right hemisphere of the brain, which is believed to be responsible for imaginative thinking, and the right hand is associated with the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical and consistent thinking. On the left hand, the line of Mercury and many other lines and signs are more common that are associated with subtle aspects of a person's personality and do not have direct practical conscious application.<…>In people aged 20 to 30, the left hand will tell more about the state in adolescence, relationships with parents, previous traumas and complexes from childhood, and the right hand will give more information in terms of events.

    People have more mature age the left hand will show what they can hide inside, questions and problems that have deep inner, personal meaning for them ”(Sergey Savoskin,“ Hand-reading for beginners ”, pp. 11-12).

    “… We can see that the left (passive) hand shows not only the potential future, but also the distant past, and the right (active) hand shows the present and near future. The left hand is the so-called global space passport of a person, while the right one reflects the practical situation here and now. She tells us how events will develop if nothing interferes with them ”(Sergei Savoskin,“ Hand-Reading for Beginners ”, pp. 11-12).

    • the left hand (for a right-handed person) shows what character traits a person was born with, and the right one talks about how he changes these character traits;
    • the left hand speaks of predestination, and the right hand - how a person changed his destiny;
    • the left hand tells about the potential of a person without the influence of the external environment, and the right hand tells about the implementation, adjusted for these influences;
    • the passive hand speaks about the person's past, the active hand - about the present and future; thus, it is the leading hand that speaks of human development;
    • the non-dominant hand tells about a certain original plan for life, and the dominant hand tells about this plan with adjustments;
    • the left hand speaks of subconscious motives, and the right hand speaks of a person's conscious position;
    • the left hand speaks of the inner life, and the right hand speaks of the outer life;
    • the inactive hand tells about stable patterns of human behavior in three last lives, the active hand speaks of how a person is changing himself at the present time.

    Having comprehended all these somewhat similar, but somewhat contradictory points of view, we come to the conclusion that each author is only partly right. Indeed, how can the left hand (for a right-handed person) speak of a certain plan for life, but the right one cannot? And if they are simultaneously talking about a certain plan, then why is it so different on different hands? Practice shows that both hands speak simultaneously about inner and outer life. This is not to say that only the left hand speaks of the subconscious, and the right one only speaks of a conscious position. Indeed, on the right hand there are also lines of the Heart, Intuition, etc., which, by definition, include subconscious reactions. It is incorrect to say that only the left one reflects the past and only the right one reflects the present and the future. Both hands show the past, the present, and the future at the same time. But the inactive hand gives strong errors in dates and some events.

    According to the author, the Vedic palmist Singh Birla came closest to the real state of affairs. Modern Western authors, reflecting on the difference in the semantic meaning of the lines on the dominant and passive hands, say that the passive reflects the way a person came into this life. And the right one is how he changed himself. But in fact, we can see the difference in lines on both hands already in children and adolescents. At the age of 7-12, they simply could not have time to make deep inner transformations. After all, every practicing palmist knows how slowly and reluctantly the lines on the hands change. Yes, stress lines come and go. Yes, over the years, breaks on the line of Life and the line of Destiny can appear and grow, the line of the Heart can lengthen. But there are no dramatic changes in the general pattern of lines on the palm. Perhaps this is possible, but in isolated cases.

    Therefore, the idea that the passive hand talks about our favorite patterns of behavior and realization in a number of recent reincarnations (let's say, in the last three) seems to be much more rational (for a supporter of the idea of ​​the reality of past lives). The leading hand speaks of the map of life that we have to live now. The right hand "by default" includes those decisions that we are most likely to make, and also outlines some external milestone events that we can hardly change (anchor moments of fate). At the same time, certain variations in the living of fate are possible, but the general vector of movement must correspond to the plan on the right (leading hand). In any case, fate will encourage a person to live his fate either with a carrot or a whip.

    If right and left hand do not differ, then the person did not set himself global tasks for internal transformation before the birth. He, relatively speaking, “rests” spiritually in this life. If the right and left hand are very different, then a person is faced with the task of “breaking himself”, his habits, changing stable, but already evolutionarily outdated (for him) patterns of behavior and living of fate.

    At the same time, the passive hand, or rather, our past experience, affects us. Stable habits from the past are well manifested in the ambitions and habits of childhood. Therefore, it will not be a mistake to say that the left hand (for a right-handed person) speaks of what a person was conditionally up to 21 years old. After all, after this age, he, as a rule, enters a new rut and successfully develops in accordance with the plan on his right hand.

    But what about the next paradox? In discussions with me about the meanings in the differences between lines on different hands, Evgeny Ostrogorsky once shared his experience: together with a group of Sochi students, they somehow analyzed events in a person's life on both hands. It turned out that events can also be viewed by the passive hand. The only problem is that the inactive hand does not accurately show the dates of events, they seem to be "smeared". This phenomenon will be explained below.

    Having adopted the new paradigm of right and left hand reading, we come to the following side conclusions:

    1. Comparing the right and left hands, we cannot say unequivocally that, for example, a person “has not developed his great potential to the proper extent,” if the lines on the passive hand are brighter than on the active one. Perhaps a person has just the task of life - to stop becoming a star early, to go headlong into a career and prematurely burn his life energy, dying, say, at the age of 40. If the Head line on the right (active) hand is shorter than on the left, then the person's task (as an option) is to become more practical and solid than in past lives. If the line of the Sun on the left hand begins early, before the age of 25, and on the right - after 35, then the person's task is to go through a long period of searching for himself, gaining experience and wisdom, having lost maximalism and excessive pride, to come to fame and satisfaction from realization in the second half of life. Now, for the owner of such lines, it is not speed that is more important, but the quality and depth of experience and comprehension.
    2. Since the right and left hands are very similar along the main lines, it can be concluded that it is very difficult to change oneself: this usually takes a whole series of lives. The patterns of life of fate and stable traits of character (energy characteristics of a person) do not change so simply and easily.
    3. The very fact of the repetition of the main line configurations suggests that we, in many respects, repeat our experience from life to life. Countries, epochs, fashion, surroundings are changing, but the general trends of fate, interests, abilities and ways of implementation in life do not change so significantly. Therefore, we can talk about the phenomenon of synchronicity or similar resonance (attraction of similar events) from life to life. If, for example, in a past life you loved to part with partners, then in this life you are likely to go through a similar experience. If in a past life you suffered from an illness or died a violent death, then in this life your health will also be weakened or there will be a high risk of injury at a certain period of life. If, for example, in a past life you were a mystic, then in this life you will be very attracted to the study of occult literature. If you were a hippie, now you will need a lot of personal freedom, strive to go to various youth festivals, etc.

    Thus, palmistry is a discipline that can tell a little about what kind of person you were in succession in your last past lives. What did you make a career for, how you strove to love, how successful you were in relationships and love. Have you been a famous person. Or they didn't have any special ambitions.

    Birla S. Palm & Fate. How to use palmistry to build successful relationships. - M., 2003. p.

    Daten J. Palmistry. Lines of fate. - M., 2004. p.

    Ostrogorskiy E. Palmistry. Lines of Fate. - M., 2015, p.

    Savoskin S. Hand reading for beginners. - M., 2014 .-- 96 p.

    Fenton S., Wright M. Secrets of palmistry. Find out your destiny. - M., 2006. p.

    Harvig K. All-Seeing Palm. Find out everything that is hidden about yourself and others by the lines and signs of the palm. modern palmistry. Short course... - SPb., 2010.p.

    Hassett E. Reading a children's palm. Unleash your child's talents and abilities. - M., 2007 .-- 96 p.

    - this is a decrease in the length of both limbs or a contraction of one leg relative to the other, in which the proportions of the human body are disturbed. A slight shortening of 1-2 cm is widespread and has no clinical significance. This phenomenon is observed in 90% of people, imperceptibly for the patient himself and is detected only during research.

    The shortening of the limbs by more than 3-5 cm gives a person serious inconvenience when walking, as it causes a noticeable distortion of the pelvis. This defect, especially one-sided, leads to various diseases of the spine and joints.

    Types and reasons

    The reasons for the slight shortening of the limbs (1-2 cm), which occurs in most people, experts believe

    • incorrect muscle stereotypes that affect the formation of the human body during its growth;
    • posture disorders;
    • dominance of one of the cerebral hemispheres.

    A shortening of one or two limbs by more than 2 cm is considered pathological.... There are the following types:

    1. Bilateral limb shortening:
      • Symmetrical. It is manifested by a mismatch in the proportions of the limbs and trunk. It occurs with achondroplasia (underdevelopment of long bones, leading to dwarfism) and other hereditary diseases.
      • Asymmetrical. Anomalies in the development of the upper and lower extremities lead to such a shortening.
    2. Unilateral shortening causes various diseases. There are the following types:
      • true (anatomical),
      • relative (dislocation),
      • apparent (projection),
      • total (functional or clinical).

    Anatomical (true) shortening

    With such a defect, the total length of the lower leg and thigh of one limb is less than that of the other. It occurs with organic bone lesions due to congenital deformity or certain diseases. There are the following reasons:

    • osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis;
    • fracture of the leg or hip;
    • unilateral flat feet, most often with pronation (inversion of the foot inward or outward);
    • postoperative, neurogenic, or post-traumatic (improperly healed fractures) retraction in knee flexion;
    • congenital dysplasia (underdevelopment) of the hip joint;
    • congenital dysmorphism of the tibia and femur, accompanied by impaired bone growth.

    Relative (dislocation) shortening

    With such a defect, the relationship between the segments of the limb is disturbed. This is due to the displacement of the articular ends of the bone due to congenital dislocations or intra-articular fractures.

    Relative shortening is characterized by the fact that one limb seems shorter than the other, but when measured, it turns out that the thighs and lower legs of both legs are the same length. An example of relative shortening is hip dislocation, in which there is no difference between the anatomical lengths of the two limbs, but the defect is defined on the side of the dislocation.

    Apparent (projection) shortening

    It occurs due to forced flexion due to a fixed pathological setting in spinal column or in the joints. The reasons for this bending:

    • Post-traumatic contact (stiffness), which appears most often due to the development of ankylosis. This disease is characterized by joint immobility arising from the formation of cartilaginous, bone or fibrous fusion of the articular ends of the articulating bones as a result of joint destruction in trauma and wounds.
    • Diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis, swelling of the articular ends of the bone, etc.).

    With projection shortening, as with relative shortening, the leg lengths appear to be different, but the measurements show that they are the same. An example of such a defect is the lumbar spine with a skewed pelvis.

    Total (functional or clinical) shortening

    It is characterized by the fact that the patient has several types of limb shortening. For example, flexion stiffness of the knee joint (apparent shortening) can be combined with a decrease in the length of the hip after an improperly healed fracture of the femur (true shortening).

    Functional shortening can be eliminated. Most often it occurs due to imbalance at the level lumbar muscles and the pelvis. The etiology of this defect:

    • Iliosacral causes: unilateral flexion (flexion) of the sacrum on the opposite (contralateral) side of shortening, as well as posterior torsion (twisting) of the sacrum on the side of shortening and anterior torsion on the contralateral side.
    • Lumbar Causes: Spasm square muscle on the shortening side or lumbar bulge on the opposite side.
    • Sacroiliac causes: Posterior-superior displacement of the pubic bone on the contralateral side, posterior rotation (rotation) ilium on the shortening side and the front on the opposite side.
    • Muscular causes: retraction (contraction) of the quadriceps femoris or ischio-tibial muscles.


    May be moderate or severe. The following signs of limb shortening are distinguished:

    1. Unsteadiness while walking with frequent falls. The symptom manifests itself in patients with a slight shortening of the limbs.
    2. Lameness. It appears and is clearly noticeable when the limb is shortened by more than 5 cm.With a less pronounced difference, this symptom may not be, because the body compensates for it due to the curvature of the spine and tilt of the pelvis.
    3. The difference in the level of the location of the greater trochanters, popliteal fossa, anterior and posterior superior iliac bones and the superior poles of the patella.
    4. Pain localized according to the damaged area:
      • in the groin, thigh, sacroiliac joints;
      • in the lower back with irradiation to the leg;
      • in the neck and shoulder area;
      • in the knee or ankle.


    1. Inspection

    When examining a patient, a difference in the lengths of the limbs is almost always revealed, which is not always noticeable due to the compensatory curvature of the spine. Therefore, a measurement is made of the relative length of the legs (from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus) and absolute (from the greater trochanter to the medial malleolus).

    Visually shortening of the limb can be determined by the following signs: different level the position of the patella and popliteal fossa, trochanters of the femoral bones, anterior and posterior superior iliac spines, iliac crests. The detected changes are assessed taking into account the position of the levels of the shoulder blades, shoulders and ribs, revealing scoliosis.

    The diagnosis of "anatomical shortening" is made on the basis of the clinic, the height of the iliac crests, radiography and data obtained from measurements of the legs. Functional shortening is determined using various tests:

    • test of four parallel lines;
    • test of the length of the legs lying on the back (shortening caused by iliosacral causes);
    • sitting and standing flexion tests (positive - for pathology in the sacrum, a positive test while standing and negative sitting - for iliac causes);
    • test of the length of the legs lying on the stomach (sacroiliac causes).

    2. Measuring the length of the legs

    The size of the shortening of the limb is determined by placing boards of different thickness under the foot until the pelvis is in a normal position: the midline of the body should be perpendicular to the horizontal line that connects the anterior upper spines of the pelvis. After that, the total shortening is determined by measuring the height of the boards placed under the foot with a centimeter tape.

    3. Conducting tests

      • Test of four parallel lines. 4 lines are drawn through the points:
        • crests of the ilium;
        • posterior superior iliac bones;
        • large trochanters of the thigh bones;
        • sciatic tubercles.

    If the lines are oblique and parallel to each other, then anatomical shortening is diagnosed. Drawing at least one non-parallel line indicates functional shortening.

        • Lying on the back and stomach test

    The doctor covers the patient's ankles with his hands and probes the medial ankles with his thumbs, assessing their rotation and relative position. After that, the patient sits down. With limited mobility in the sacroiliac joint of one of the legs, the injured limb in the prone position will be shorter than the healthy one or have the same length as it, and in the sitting position it will be longer.

    For a patient in a sitting position, the doctor measures the distance between the ankle placement levels. A difference of up to 2 cm is not a pathology. The same measurements are made in the position of the patient lying on his stomach with straightened legs. If one of the ankles is closer to the body, then there is a sacroiliac pathology on this side, and at the same level of the ankles, there is no shortening.

        • Standing flexion test

    The patient stands with straightened legs. The doctor is behind him and places thumbs hands under the posterior-upper spine of the ilium on both sides.

    If, when the patient bends forward, one of the sides goes up and forward, then the sacroiliac joint and sacrum are blocked,

      and there is a pathology.
        • Seated flexion test

    Patient position: sitting, feet on the floor, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees and spread so that the patient's shoulders enter between them when bending forward. The doctor stands behind and positions his arms in the same way as in the previous test.

    If the patient can bend forward and the posterior-upper spines do not change their ratio, then the dysfunction is in the lower extremities. If it is impossible to tilt, the place of pain should be determined.

    The pain can be localized to the lower extremities, pelvis, or spine. A combination of painful zones is also possible, in which the doctor looks at the movement of the posterior-superior spines of the iliac bones when bending forward. When their ratio changes, damage is diagnosed from the side going up and forward, and if the ratio does not change (negative test) or is less pronounced than in the standing test, then the damage is located at the level of the pubic articulation, iliac bones or lower limbs to the talus. At positive test sitting, the lesion is at the level of the sacrum.

    4. Additional research

    The list depends on the alleged cause of the limb shortening and its location. The following diagnostic methods are used:

    • Radiography. Perform for tumor processes, old fractures, infections. Depending on the location, a picture of the thigh or lower leg is taken. In case of arthrosis, an x-ray of the hip or knee joint is directed.
    • Arthroscopy. The method is relevant for arthrosis of the knee joint.
    • MRI. Do if you suspect soft tissue damage.
    • Consultations of specialists (infectious disease specialist, oncologist, venereologist, phthisiatrician, rheumatologist) according to indications.


    With a slight shortening of the limb, it is possible to compensate it with the help of individual orthopedic insoles or shoes. On the side of the shorter leg, an insole with a heel of a certain height is used. The use of such orthopedic devices is not recommended for functional shortening of the leg, since the heel pad will fix the incorrect position of the pelvic bones and cause harm.

    In case of anatomical shortening, insoles with a heel pad are made after osteopathic correction of the pelvic ring. They keep the pelvis physiologically correct position and prevent pathological reversal. In this case, the heel pad must be made with millimeter accuracy.

    If there is a large difference between the lengths of the limbs, the lengthening of the leg is shown using the Ilizarov apparatus, which stretches the thigh by 5-6 cm, and the lower leg by 8-10 cm.With a timely operation, the prognosis is favorable, and in the absence of treatment, disability is possible: the person is not in able to move, as it experiences severe pain.

    Installing and wearing the Ilizarov apparatus

    Compression-distraction osteosynthesis is based on the law: the stress that occurs during stretching of bones and soft tissues stimulates the processes of growth and regeneration bone tissue... Stretching a limb is a long process lasting 6-12 months. During this time, the bone lengthens and the regeneration zone ossifies.

    During the operation, the bone is dissected, which must be enlarged. Bone edges are connected with a gap of 1 mm and fixed with rods or needles fixed in half rings or rings of the Ilizarov apparatus. Then the bones are lengthened to the required size by 1 mm per day by adjusting the apparatus. The stretch zone is gradually overgrown with bone tissue.

    The bone lengthening process can be painful and require pain relievers. Over time, adaptation occurs and the discomfort decreases.

    Wearing the device is easy enough, as it retains sufficient mobility, but during treatment, the patient can only move for limited distances using crutches. Installing the Ilizarov apparatus on the thigh significantly limits self-care and movement, therefore it is more difficult to carry. In addition, the very process of operating the femur is dangerous due to the development of various complications (infection, bleeding), which is associated with a more complex arrangement of nerves and joints and a large volume of soft tissues in the thigh compared to the lower leg.

    During treatment, patients should exercise to maintain joint mobility and prevent muscle atrophy (dosed walking). After removing the apparatus, rehabilitation therapy is indicated: massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, etc.


    Inconvenience when walking and standing caused by shortening of the limb disrupts the normal anatomical relationships between body parts and leads to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The trunk and legs are twisted and displaced, the coaxiality of the joints is disturbed. To ensure the vertical position of the body, compensatory deformations are formed. The load on the longer limb increases, the pelvis is tilted.

    First of all, the spine suffers, compensating for the defect in the legs. When the pelvis is tilted, it becomes at an angle to the horizontal line, but with a straight spine, the body begins to "roll over" to the side. To prevent this from happening, the body bends it, trying to shift the center of the body as close to its centerline as possible.

    26.09.2008, 23:05

    Hello, I have such a problem, my dotsi has one hand that is 3 cm shorter than the other, after osteomyelitis, she now 2.8 doctors say that you can start pulling from the age of 14, maybe someone has come across this himself. :(


    27.09.2008, 00:51

    And why can you stretch from the age of 14 ?? As far as I know, children have very fragile bones in childhood, from which you can, roughly speaking, sculpt whatever you want ... I think you can do some kind of massage ??


    27.09.2008, 12:23

    my brother has one leg shorter than the other by 3 cm. We traveled around a bunch of centers, consulted. Everywhere they said, after 16 years, to do the operation to lengthen the bone. When he grew up to 16, he spat on the whole thing and lives, already an adult guy. It doesn't really bother him. If he himself does not tell anyone and it does not occur to him that he has some kind of defect.

    It seems to me that if the hand is functionally full-fledged and there are no obvious external ugliness that can provoke inadequate reactions of others, then drastic measures should not be taken, because stretching the bone is a very long and painful procedure, psychologically it is also difficult for children to endure.
    As for me, while doing massages, special physical procedures, do not fix the child on this so as not to form a complex, but how he grows up there it will be seen

    28.09.2008, 12:01

    Well, yes, especially since the baby is small, it is not known how much the discrepancy between the hands will develop - whether the difference will increase / decrease.

    Moreover, the difference between the hands (especially not so significant - 3 cm) will not be so striking: in an adult I would not notice at all, the main thing is that the functionality of the hand is normal. Here, people have different legs - this can directly depend on walking (I don't know if lameness occurs).

    So good luck to you, try not to get stuck, just observe regularly, and your child - a healthy and happy childhood! :)

    28.09.2008, 20:38

    28.09.2008, 21:19

    showed, a long time ago, according to the method of Dr. Elizarov, similar is being treated. he, Elizarov, special device invented.

    28.09.2008, 22:14

    G.A. Ilizarov invented many devices. Doctors, who are now working according to his method, invent new ones, improve old ones. The process does not stand still. Probably, it would be more correct to call "devices Ilizarov-Veklich, Ilizarov-Emelyanov" and so on. Children, although they cry, endure the twisting of the apparatus for lengthening less painfully than adults. All this is not as scary as it seems :).

    30.09.2008, 21:30

    30.09.2008, 23:27

    while in this way I will collect information.
    The right decision! Krazzi, another option is to describe the situation of your baby and send it to clinics. Who will answer what, she collected information for half a year, was interested in the methods, the design of the app. I do not want to offend the Odessa doctors, but I did not work out with them - most of them pretended to be smart and filled their own worth. Borodaikevich, director of the Ortos Center, arrives from Ivano-Frankivsk and operates at Virtus. Do not be discouraged in advance, everything is fixable, collect information and make a decision. I was interested in the topic of apparatuses, lengthenings, etc., especially since there were different cases in Ladisten in 2 weeks. If, God forbid, I had to break something, collect something, I would trust Veklich or Borodaykevich with peace of mind. - there was a case when the device did not turn off, as a result, nerve overstrain, loss of limb sensitivity. - this is so, look. In "Ladisten" it is better to knock on ICQ or call Pavel (phones on the site "Ladisten" and on bowlegs). Soap is long and not always informative (checked). - there is a section "virtual consultation", you can ask a question.
    PS. When lengthening, the apparatus is twisted no more than 1 mm per day, this is a physiological norm. The twisting program can be different - 2p. per day for 0.5 mm, 4 rubles. 0.25mm per day. The girl who lengthened herself every morning held out a wrench to the nurse, she did not cry at all when twisting, but she was afraid of dressings)))

    My first patients with hip dysplasia (hip dysplasia) were my five children. Now they already have children of their own. The eldest daughter was diagnosed 23 years ago with stirrups. Even then, I did not agree that this is the only way of treatment. This made me look for alternative methods of treatment and develop my own method for infants. Now I can say with confidence that there is such a way. The results of many years of work, statistics, medical histories confirm this. This technique would be more correctly called prevention, which is necessary for absolutely all babies. Preventive treatment immediately after birth allows you to get rid of many concomitant diseases with scoliosis and osteochondrosis in adulthood. And although many parents believe that scoliosis cannot be avoided, I can say with confidence that my children and patients who started treatment from infancy are growing healthy, hardy and beautiful. But everyone has the right to decide for himself which method of treatment to choose.

    What is Dysplasia?
    Dysplasia is an underdevelopment of an organ or tissue.
    Hip dysplasia (HJ) is a common pathology of the musculoskeletal system in newborns and infants, characterized by underdevelopment, displacement, non-centering, asymmetry of the hip joint elements: the acetabulum, the femoral head with surrounding muscles, ligaments, capsule.

    There are three types of hip dysplasia:
    1) pre-dislocation
    2) subluxation
    3) dislocation of the hip.
    Pre-dislocation and subluxation occurs in every 2-3rd child, it can be unilateral and bilateral, it proceeds almost painlessly in childhood, while the child can walk, run and even jump freely, while parents do not notice practically any deviations, with the exception of clubfoot, looseness feet, scoliotic posture ...
    In case of pre-dislocation, the head of the femur can be freely moved within the joint, while the ligaments surrounding the joint are weakened, and instability is formed.
    Subluxation - the head of the femur can pop out and return to its place in the joint, and, as a rule, a dull click is heard.
    Dislocation is an extremely rare occurrence, for every 1000 children born, one has such a pathology. In a dislocation, the head of the femur lies outside the joint.

    Causes of hip dysplasia (hip dysplasia):
    1) Breech presentation of the fetus, when the legs are bent in hip joints and extended at the knees, the feet are at the shoulders (often the outcome of childbirth is a cesarean section).
    2) Intrauterine cord entanglement.
    3) Birth and postpartum injuries
    4) Gynecological diseases in the mother, which can impede the intrauterine movement of the child.
    5) Genetic predisposition, if this pathology was observed in relatives.
    6) Hormonal disorders in women during pregnancy.
    7) Premature babies.
    8) The impact of external environmental factors.

    Where does dysplasia come from?
    In this case, terminology is indispensable. Let us describe one of the mechanisms of the origin of dysplasia in children. With functional blocking in cervical spine of the spine (which occurs during and after childbirth), the upper lobe of the trapezius muscle is strained, at the same time there is tension in the lower lobe, in the thoracic spine there is subsequently blockage in the lumbosacral and ilio-sacral joints. As a result, the iliac crest rises higher on one side, and the pelvis becomes skewed (twisted pelvis). What stirrups in this case can we talk about if on one side the leg looks shorter than the other. Accordingly, the head of the femur in relation to the other is located asymmetrically. Any dynamic loads in this case are painful. And no massage and no orthopedic devices will correct this situation. Every hour, every day is wasted, not to mention weeks and months. And if we also recall the displacement in the cervical spine (read about torticollis) - which leads to impaired cerebral circulation and remember the hypothalamus, which regulates the production of hormones by other glands, including the production of hormones responsible for normal growth and full development, then it becomes fearfully.
    As you can see, the treatment should be comprehensive, thanks to the use of methods of manual diagnostics and therapy, many problems can be successfully corrected without waiting for the aggravation of the process.

    That should alert parents.
    Up to 1 month. Increased tone muscles of the back, visually one leg is shorter than the other, an additional fold on the buttock, asymmetry of the gluteal folds and buttocks, incomplete dilution of the legs, with bent knees... The position of the child's torso is C-shaped, the head is held on one side, often the child holds a clenched fist on one hand.
    3-4 months. When the legs are bent in the knee and hip joints, a click is often heard, a flat-walled foot (the heel is not in line with the lower leg). One leg is visually shorter than the other.
    6 months and older. The habit of getting up and walking on toes, with one or two toes turned inward or outward when walking, clubfoot. Excessive curvature of the spine in lumbar- horizontal pelvis, gait, "like a duck." Visual slight curvature of the spine, stoop. One leg is shorter than the other due to the beveled pelvis.

    Traditional treatment of hip dysplasia
    Even among orthopedic surgeons, traumatologists, surgeons, there is no consensus and understanding about dysplasia. Dysplasia manifests itself differently in all children and is not always detected immediately after birth. Joints may be “normal” at birth and in the first few months of development, but later be diagnosed as abnormal-pathological by 6-12 months.
    At the initial examination immediately after birth, even a very experienced orthopedist cannot give an accurate diagnosis, although a predisposition to hip dysplasia can be predicted from the first day. If you pay attention to torticollis, in which the child constantly holds his head to one side.

    Each child is individual and develops according to the genetic characteristics of the parents. Parents are not afraid of the fact that a child at 7-8 months has no teeth and, for example, the large fontanel has not “closed” in time. Parents are confident that the teeth will grow and the fontanelle will harden, although these two conditions can be compared with "dysplasia of the mouth" and "dysplasia of the skull."
    But the signs of hip dysplasia must be constantly monitored, because in fact, dysplasia in children is a weak, incomplete development of the joint, in most cases it is a natural feature of the body of a small child, and much less often a sign of a disease - a true dislocation.
    Over the past 30-40 years, nothing has changed in the treatment of hip dysplasia, with the exception of various orthopedic devices and their testing on children. Pavlik's stirrups, Frejk's splint, CITO, Rosen, Volkov's, Shneiderov's, Gnevkovsky's apparatus ... - these orthopedic devices are needed only for true hip dislocation. And they are prescribed to almost every child from one month to one year of constant wearing, with the exception of bathing. Often, at the same time, the child's psyche is disturbed - at first he is whiny, restless, and then depressed, oppressed, withdrawn, indifferent to everything. Children were brought to me in apparatuses at the age of 2.5 years, they differ sharply in physical and mental development. Although there were those who adapted and jumped and ran in the apparatus in a race with their peers.

    Modern treatment of dysplasia in children by methods of manual medicine

    In order to go to an appointment with a doctor, you must take with you photocopies of an extract from the hospital, conclusions and conclusions of an orthopedist, an X-ray or ultrasound scan and a photocopy of their description.
    If we approach the problem of dysplasia in infants in a new way, then we must admit that traditional treatment often only torments babies. In order to establish the root cause, whether it is dislocation, subluxation or pre-dislocation. On the most early stage do not torment the baby with orthopedic devices. Every day, a child must learn about the world, experience dynamic loads on the hip joints, which improve blood circulation, restore all functions, and normal physiological development of the hip joints and tissues surrounding it occurs.
    They approach this problem one-sidedly only from the side of orthopedics, considering only disorders in the hip joints, forgetting about the integrity of the whole organism, as a single functional system is impossible.
    Most narrow specialists are very critical about the innovations of treatment - the use of manual medicine, I believe that if the technique works, then it must be applied. I was pleasantly surprised at the 2002 International Manual Therapy Conference that I am not alone in opposing outdated dysplasia therapies. There are already orthopedists who are studying manual therapy techniques, but in Ukraine this is still a question for the future.
    Manual therapy in the hands of a “non-specialist” can cause irreparable harm to the patient's health.
    There is a choice - massage and "orthopedic appliances". For example, various stirrups, insoles from flat feet, devices - corsets for scoliosis, a "chance" collar, corset belts for sciatica, crutches, a wheelchair.
    Or manual medicine, but at the same time we must remember that every day lost in childhood is irreplaceable. At each stage of a child's development, both organs and tissues are constantly being formed. Don't let the body adapt to problems - look for ways to solve them. "A pill under the tongue is the simplest thing." Movement is life. And if something is wrong in biomechanics, then it should be eliminated, and not anesthetized and delayed. The body will prompt you at the first stage with acute pain, which the baby cannot tell about, but you can determine this by the tonic tension of the muscles. Look for the reason why this pain is coming from, and do not suppress this pain.
    In severe cases - true dislocation of the hip - I am in favor of comprehensive treatment, using manual therapy and orthopedics together, and in extreme cases, surgery.
    Everyone chooses the path to solving the problem, that is, treatment, himself. And what was laid down in childhood will grow up. In this particular case it comes about children, parents choose, since no one takes into account the opinion of the baby. He can scream for a while, arrange sleepless nights, making it clear that he does not agree with this, but he cannot change anything - the parents decide.
    If you are told that a child with dysplasia will not walk or will limp, then this is not the case. The likelihood of lameness is only with an extreme form of dysplasia - with a true dislocation of the hip. The rest of the children walk normally and outwardly practically do not differ from their peers up to a certain age. But these children are guaranteed an equally terrible disease - scoliosis, osteochondrosis with all concomitant diseases. Unfortunately, scoliosis awaits those children who were tortured, dressing in stirrups, various devices in childhood, doing massages, ultraphoresis, swimming and did not really correct treatment, i.e. did not initially eliminate the cause of what it all happened.

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