Sergey Ustyugov personal life. Sergey Ustyugov latest news, rumors, gossip

He answered the questions of R-Sport agency correspondent Sergei Smyshlyaev, telling who he considers the best skier in the world, analyzing his transition to the group of Markus Kramer, and also admitting that he did not expect such success from himself.

Did you personally expect such a performance at the Tour de Ski? If you analyze, how did you manage to shoot like that?

Not really. Not expected. It turned out so good to perform because of the ridiculous situation faced by the whole of Russia, our skiers. Six of our athletes were suspended, we were preparing at the training camp at that moment, when this not at all happy news came. And I realized that if the guys are not allowed to the "Tour de Ski", we must try to win this Tour not for ourselves, but for the sake of the guys who did not take part in it.

Skier Sergei Ustyugov, winner of the "Tour de Ski" multi-day race >>>

- I can't help but ask. Did the move to Marcus Kramer's group seem to be fully justified?

In fact, each group has its own pros and cons. And if you look at the trend, how I trained with which coaches, many can say that I often change coaches, but I do this not because I am not satisfied with everything. I just want to move on, I'm looking for something new and I can say with complete confidence that Markus Kramer is the coach who trusts the athlete, he feels you, gives you the opportunity to work with your head yourself, and not all the time say that you are a lazy, non-professional ... From Isabelle (Knaute) with Reto (Burgermeister), it left me that I was not a professional, and I still consider myself that way. And I still haven't heard from Markus, from Yegor (Sorin), to be told that I am lazy and don't want to do anything. I train and have fun.

Nortug is the best

Sundby named you the best skier in the world in the middle of the Tour. Do you agree with him? Or was the Norwegian trying to cheat?

The Norwegian is cunning. The best skier in the world is Petter Nortug, he is active four-time champion of the world, but in fact the Sundby leader's jersey also comes first in the overall standings. And pulling this jersey over yourself, saying that I am the best skier in the world at the moment is not good. The best skier is Petter Nortug, followed by Sundby.

- Would Nortug be at the Tour de Ski, how much more difficult would it have been for you to achieve such a great result?

Everything would depend on Petter's form. I think that since he missed the Tour de Ski, then he is in search of himself. And he will come to Lahti hungry for medals, I'm sure.

The winner of the "Tour de Ski" Ustyugov said that the suspended skiers of the Russian Federation were stronger than him >>>

Last year, many more began to say that Ustyugov was the "second Nortug", and so on. How flattering was that? Or the main thing is to be "the first Ustyugov"?

I don't like comparisons, to be honest, because every person is an individual and a personality, he builds himself. You look at it in childhood, you want to be like someone, to be the same as him. But I will say from my own experience that, looking from the TV screen, no one knows what a person really is. Until you communicate with him in life.

About nerves

- Of all the starts at the Tour de Ski, which one was more difficult? Most likely, it was a mountain or the penultimate race?

The penultimate one, it was a crisis moment. I was very nervous before the race, because I knew that it was decisive. Thank you guys, they helped me a lot. Bessmertnykh, Larkov ... I will remember this more than once, without them there would not have been this victory. We won, this is a victory for the Russian national team, a victory for all of Russia.

Vyalbe: Ustyugov's victory at the Tour de Ski against the background of accusations proves the strength of Russian skiers >>>

- Ahead of the World Championship in Lahti. Have you already roughly defined some goals for yourself?

In fact, it seems that it is not so far to the World Championship in Lahti, but on the other hand - almost two more months. I will prepare, but about the plans ... There are small plans, but they will be in my head. When the coach has laid out all the cards on the table, then I will already talk about my thoughts (smiles).

He could declare himself much earlier. Few remember, but Sergei Ustyugov reached the sprint finals at Olympic Games ah in Sochi, and so dashingly overcame all the preliminary rounds that he was considered one of the main contenders for victory. However, in the main race of the day, the Russian fell victim to a blockage and took only fifth place.

Even then, all the experts were sure that an excellent sprinter was growing up in Russia. But Sergei himself categorically disliked this formulation. He didn't want to run exclusively short distances- loved absolutely all disciplines. And he assured him that he would be a generalist. Then few believed him.

After that season, the athlete left Oleg Perevozchikov to the group Isabelle Knaute and Reto Burgermeister. Next year in terms of results, it turned out to be modest, but then Ustyugov gone. First, he became the third in the Tour de Ski, proving his versatility, then he got into the top three in the “cut-up” in Nove Mesto, after that he won the first non-print victory in the World Cup, beating everyone in the mass start in Falun and, finally, towards the end of the season finished second in the Tour of Canada stage, losing only. At that moment, it became finally clear that another world sports star was rising in Russia.

Sergey was born on April 8, 1992 in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in Mezhdurechensky - a small village in which about 10 thousand people live. Since childhood, he began to practice skiing, trained with Ivana Bragin... I was thinking about biathlon and at the age of 15 I even was a substitute in the main team of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. But then Sergei began to make rapid progress in cross-country skiing and he decided to focus on them.

In 2011, speaking with older guys, Ustyugov won the sprint at the junior world championship, and a year later he even became the "king of Erzurzum", where he won all four distances of the world championship.

In 2013, Sergey won two gold medals at youth championship world, although he was two years younger than most of his rivals. After such success, he was included in the main team for the 2013 World Cup, where he won the bronze medal in the relay.

Now followed by success at the prestigious Tour de Ski. Moreover, with a number of records during the tournament.

Next target Ustyugov- World Championship in Finnish Lahti. Sergei does not have personal medals from competitions of this level yet. But if it retains its current form, it is only a matter of time. One "ski titanium" - Sundby he has already defeated, next in line -.



I have no emotions left. I fought and wanted to win not only for myself, but also for the sake of those guys who were removed. Guys, we did it! All of Russia was rooting for me, I would like to thank everyone. And say hello to your first school in the village of Mezhdurechensky, as well as to the first coach Ivan Bragin.

It's unpleasant to hear that since you are Russian and perform well, you probably use doping. I don't like that people think that way and ask such questions.

Grateful to my teammates. They helped me a lot during the mass stratum. If they didn’t help me, then one of them could win the race.

I'm always angry. Every race. I'm not the kind of guy you can hit with a stick on the track. I can stop and fight on the track if need be.

My victories are a shock both for me and for all ski lovers. I think the Norwegians are very upset that the Russian skier, who runs without doping, won the victory. Everyone knows this and sees it perfectly. I run clean, I am Russian, and let everyone know that.



Norwegian skier:

A tough race is behind. I was not completely ready for the last start, as I did not sleep all night. It was hard, Sergey was really strong at this mountain distance. In general, he was too good. (NRK)

Vice-champion "Tour de Ski-2015":

I am incredibly happy for Sergei. He not only won, but simply did not leave even a chance to any of the contenders. Just unconditional leadership in his performance! Somewhere after Seryoga's fourth victory, I realized that no one would catch up with him. And when the gap from Sundby grew to one and a half minutes, there was no doubt at all. I would like to note that I was very pleased to hear him say after almost every stage that he also speaks for us. We are now going through a very difficult period. His support and results were encouraging, and made him continue to train and prove that Russians win without doping.

Nikolay ZIMYATOV, Olympic champion:

The whole country is happy, this is the biggest holiday of the beginning of this year. All skiers are proud of Ustyugov. It is difficult to say whether he will become the new king of skiing, but I would like him to continue the tradition, he has chances and opportunities. The only thing I am afraid is that it will be difficult for Ustyugov to maintain such an excellent form at the World Championships as at the Tour de Ski. (TASS)

Federation President ski racing Russia:

Except for the words of joy for Sergei and pride for him and Russia, there are no words! I am very glad that we have such young, talented athletes, this is very important for us now. Against the background of all the accusations of the liar Rodchenkov, we prove that we are strong in body and spirit! The only pity is that not everyone believes the truth that we speak, I am sure that God sees everything and our today's results will be proof of our cleanliness. (R-Sport)

Olympic champion:

Great emotions. I had no doubts about Seryoga's victory, he has a great future, his victory at the Tour de Ski at such a time suggests that the Russian heroes have not died out yet. We were also in good shape, I think we are still ahead, we will run together again and will show more than once that we are strong athletes. The multi-day event itself is very difficult, but Ustyugov is in great shape. (TASS)

According to the Ugra skier Sergei Ustyugov, his main dream is to be the best in his sport. Apparently, he is consistently moving towards this. In any case, Sergei, for example, was able to break the record legendary skier Northuga, who for his sports career five times won the world championships among juniors and youth. No wonder, because Sergei has such qualities as dedication and colossal efficiency. And also he does not suffer at all so-called. "star fever". As it turns out, he always removes all his awards - from medals to cups and certificates - out of sight.

From boxing to cross-country skiing

Sergey Ustyugov was born in the middle of spring 1992 on the territory of one of the villages of the Khanty-Mansiysk District, which is located 560 km from the center. Accordingly, in childhood he did not have much entertainment, but he worked regularly. sport school with many sections for local children. At first, Sergei decided to go in for boxing. According to his recollections, he studied the basics of boxing for only a month, although he showed very good results. From

lovers of Ustyugov, he absolutely did not like boxing, and his friend offered to enroll in the biathlon section. Sergey liked this sport, and he began to purposefully master the basics of biathlon. And there were absolutely no thoughts to change the sport at that time. Moreover, his older brother supported Sergei in every way in his endeavors. True, the mother of the future champion was against it, since sports had already begun to affect her studies.

Somehow eleven-year-old Sergei t

the renner recommended that I try myself in such a form as cross-country skiing. He believed that there he had a much better chance of being in the national team of the Khanty-Mansiysk District. In addition, the coach then said that you can always return to biathlon. According to Sergei, he had to seriously think about such a proposal. Young skier nevertheless, I went to the section that the mentor suggested.

Alas, when the first training camp began, Sergey realized that the relationship with the new coach was not working out in any way. However,

it was quite understandable - the young man was a hooligan and did not like to be commanded. But, fortunately, something changed in his attitude, he managed to pull himself together and when the second training camp started, he was already ready for potential victories.

In principle, this is what happened. Sergey managed to compete in many ski competitions among young athletes, more than once he attracted close attention to himself, and as a result it was decided to enroll him in the state of the junior ski team of Russia, where

he was able to successfully perform at the world junior championships.

It takes a lot of work to perform at a level

In the 2011/12 season, Sergey focused on junior competitions and the World Championships, which took place in Turkey, in the city of Erzurum. It was there that he was able to achieve incredible success. Ustyugov won victories in all four starts. And the great performance of the young athlete at the 2011 World Junior Championships in Estonia was the reason for his invitation to

the main Russian team. There, he was not only able to win the sprint, but also helped the Russian team rise to second place in the relay.

In the 2012-2013 season, the twenty-year-old athlete began his "transitional age". In a word, for the first time Ustyugov had to compete not among juniors. By by and large, this is a completely different qualitative level of rivalry. Be that as it may, but at the 2013 youth championship, which took place in Liberec, no one promised the athlete an easy and sweet life, but

the rivals dreamed of spoiling the statistics of the Russian upstart. Before the start, Sergei himself admitted that he would be sincerely glad to have achieved any medal. And so it was, but only at the beginning. In the first form of the program, namely, in classic sprint, in which Ustyugov, in fact, never knew his equal, he lost in the quarterfinals. But then he, with a difference of only two days, became the winner in the skating "cut" for 15 kilometers and the skiathlon for 30 kilometers. Incidentally, both p

for Sergei left behind a member of the main team of the Russian national team, the famous starter of the Russian relay team at the World Cup stages, Evgeny Belov. After this victory, Sergei, laconic and stingy with emotions, said that he performed very well last year in Erzurum. And, accordingly, in order to perform at least no worse in the current rivalry, he had to work hard all year.

Instead of an epilogue

Now Ugra sportsman Sergei Ustyugov is considered a skier

world class ohm. Since his debut performance in 2011, he has climbed the rating scale. In January 2014, he managed to win the freestyle sprint at the next stage of the World Cup. It took place in the Czech Republic. The Winter Olympic Games are about to start in Sochi. Perhaps this will be a great chance to declare yourself once again. Over the past three years, he has been heading towards this crucial start. He always dreamed of being the best. It seems that sooner or later these dreams will surely come true.

Two-time world champion Russian skier Sergei Ustyugov will miss the remaining stages of the World Cup and will purposefully prepare for the Russian championship, Elena Vyalbe, president of the Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation (FLGR), told RIA Novosti. "Sergei was ill, is not in the best shape, and there is no point in going to Lahti as an extra. Therefore, he decided to skip the remaining stages of the World Cup and purposefully prepare for the Russian Championship," Vyalbe said by phone. Championship Russia will pass in Syktyvkar from March 23 to April 1. Within the framework of the World Cup, starts in Finnish Lahti, Norwegian Drammen and Oslo, as well as in Swedish Falun remained.

Alexander Bessmertnykh - winner of the Russian Cup final in the 50 km marathon

Today, March 2, the final of the Russian Cup in cross-country skiing (which is also part of the program of all-Russian competitions for athletes not invited to the Olympic Games) continued in the Arkhangelsk region. In the 50 km marathon, Alexander Bessmertnykh won the classical style. The second was Evgeny Belov (+ 28.4 from Bessmertnykh), the third - Dmitry Yaparov (+ 42.0).

Ski race. Final of the Russian Cup. Kononovskaya, Arkhangelsk region, March 2
Men. 50 km (C)

1.Alexander Bessmertnykh - 2: 14.25.1
2. Evgeny Belov - lag 28.4
3. Dmitry Yaparov - +42.0.

FLGR is waiting for the motivation part from CAS to decide on further steps

The Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation (FLGR) and the lawyers of Russian athletes are awaiting the motivation for the decision of the Sports arbitration court(CAS), in order to determine the next steps in the proceedings, the president of the FLGR Elena Vyalbe told RIA Novosti. “As I said before, we are not going to stop there. But now everything rests on the motivating part of the CAS decision, without which it is still difficult to talk about further steps and claims. This applies to both justified athletes and those three skiers with whom only lifted a lifelong disqualification, "Vyalbe said by phone. Earlier, the IOC recognized 43 Russian athlete participating in the Games in Sochi, guilty of violating anti-doping rules, annulled their results from the 2014 Olympics and suspended them from participation in the Games for life. Subsequently, CAS granted the appeals of 28 athletes to this decision, among whom were skiers Alexander Legkov, Evgeny Belov, Maxim Vylegzhanin, Alexey Petukhov, Nikita Kryukov, Alexander Bessmertnykh, Evgenia Shapovalova and Natalya Matveeva. The appeals of another 11 Russians (including Yulia Ivanova, Yulia Chekaleva and Anastasia Dotsenko) were partially satisfied.

Main news skiing in Russia and in the world today, March 2: Skier Bessmertnykh won the 50 km race at the tournament for those suspended from the Olympic Games

Skier Alexander Bessmertnykh won the 50 km mass start in the classic style at the All-Russian competitions for athletes not allowed to the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang taking place in the Arkhangelsk Region. The result of the Immortals is 2 hours 14 minutes 25.1 seconds. The second place was taken by Evgeny Belov (2: 14.53.5), the third - Dmitry Yaparov (2: 15.07.1). Competitions in the Arkhangelsk region will end on March 3.

I respect and adore Sergei Ustyugov, I want to say a lot of good words to him in support, thank him so much for everything! I love all our skiers and wish only big victories, so that everyone is "torn" without fail!

I wish Sergey Ustyugov and Markus Kramer great luck and further success!

March 3, 2018 (10:12), Loktik:
“An open training session with the stars of skiing in the Oktyabrskaya Children's and Youth Sports School ... and where does the“ cat ”have to do with it: sports. ru "

Oh, this study is CORRECT, NORMAL - just relish. This is LABOR continuity. Guys, MA-LAD-TSYYY!

- it looks like the chick will remain a cowboy.

"There are many miracles behind the fogs ...": for more than a month the CAS has not been able to issue a motivational part. Will there be a surprise?

Marina, I will agree one hundred percent. And he is not one of those who loses motivation.

Fedya, oh, and early you see Ustyugov off and write off from the accounts, oh, early ..!
He will still show himself!

Dmitry, “It looks like I’ve lost my motivation ..” (Anyuta). I agree with that. This is just a guess. On the Tour de Ski, he looked paler than he wanted. It counts only on medals, and the functional almost falls short. And oh what guys are breathing in the back - OI showed. But, at the same time: "perseverance and work ..."

The season was difficult, psychologically. Maybe it's transitory

It is a pity that Sergei will not be at KM. ((
All season down the drain. The IOC put a pig on it. ((

Anyuta, so that Sergei could at least demonstrate his strength on them

It's a pity Seryoga (((((

It looks like I've lost my motivation ...
What for it was necessary to arrange these mocking Games for the suspended ...

Fedya, what about the reason?

Dmitry is very similar to dosvidos.

I wonder what this is connected with?

Here is the competition for skiers. We need to prepare for the CR. And in biathlon, Shipulin has no one to compete with. Is that Loginov can put pressure on and that's it.
Seryozha health and good luck, as well as high-quality preparation for the next season.

Overview of open All-Russian competitions cross-country skiing in Ustyanskaya "Malinovka",
open training with the stars of skiing in the Oktyabrskaya DYUSSH ... and where does the "cat":

A young man dressed in a suit of the national team gives an interview to the Russian channel Match TV in the lobby of the Scandic Vierumäki hotel.

Sergey Ustyugov has a long day behind him at the World Championships. ski types sports in Finnish Lahti. It stretched out until the evening awards ceremony. Ustyugov patiently answers the questions of television journalists, holding in his hands the silver medal won in the ski relay. The interview lasts half an hour, after which the hero of the track quickly gets up, but immediately notices a Finnish journalist waiting for him.

The skier's face darkens. Some athletes enjoy the spotlight, but Russia's brightest skiing star is not among them.

The fans of Ustyugov, who have come to the World Ski Championships, will be remembered for the joyfully smiling young man. However, behind the scenes, Ustyugov is a person who avoids the light of the footlights. He would go to his home in Yekaterinburg with great pleasure immediately after the victorious race.

“I don't like signing autographs or speaking to the press. Sometimes after the competition I wait at the press conference for 15-20 minutes while my opponents talk to the fans and sign autographs. All this is not for me, ”Ustyugov told Russian media representatives before the start of the competition.

but this season forced Ustyugov out of his comfort zone. Winning the prestigious Tour de Ski at the beginning of the year and five medals at the World Ski Championships in Lahti have made him one of the most popular skiers in the world. At the same time, Ustyugov became the main hope in cross-country skiing in Russia, which is suspected of using doping.

Expectations and pressures, which resulted in success, turned the pupil of Western Siberia into a professional who understands that media attention is an inevitable component. big sport... So he sits down again in the hotel's soft chair and tells his story to the Urheilusanomat newspaper.

© REUTERS, Kai Pfaffenbach Russian skier Sergei Ustyugov won silver in the 50 km marathon at the World Cup in Lahti

Sergey Alexandrovich Ustyugov was born in 1992 in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The youngest child in a family with three children, he grew up in the village of Mezhdurechenskoye, whose population was 10 thousand people. Ustyugov describes his family as completely ordinary and emphasizes that he does not want to talk about his father.

“My memories of my father are only negative. He has not lived with us for a long time. I love my mother very much. Now she is retired and continues to help me as much as possible, ”says Ustyugov.

Relationship with his father ended early. V early childhood his father was replaced by an older brother who, like other family members, found it difficult to cope with a restless younger brother.

“We then lived on the outskirts of the city. I was a bully, fought a lot and did not do well at school, ”Ustyugov says.

The family realized that the extra energy of the problem child must be directed somewhere. At the age of eight, Ustyugov began boxing, but soon the classes came to a standstill due to the strict discipline requirements of the coach.

“Two months later the boxing coach punished me. On this, the desire to continue was gone. "

In 2001, Ustyugov's mother enrolled him, on the advice of a friend, at a local ski school. It was then that a man appeared in the boy's life, whom Ustyugov now calls the greatest secret of his success. Coach Ivan Bragin saw great potential in the minx and took him under his wing. Bragin advised his ward to engage in cross-country skiing, although he, following the example of his friends, wanted to do biathlon.

“Ivan told me that I have a choice: to be a substitute in the junior biathlon team or to play in the main team of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug ski team. In the end, I believed him. "

Bragin's rage at the very beginning of Ustyugov's career turned out to be a turning point, after which the capricious problem child decided to settle down.

“I was in the regional training camp with coach Valery Pavlovich Sivkov. It was accepted in our country that for three violations of discipline they were expelled from the team. We had all sorts of conflicts, we did not go to bed on time or behaved badly. In the end, I was told that my time with the team had come to an end. "

But after the last training competitions, at which Ustyugov performed brilliantly, the coaches nevertheless mitigated the punishment. When the boy returned home from the camp, Bragin learned about this incident and was furious.

“He said that I could achieve a lot, but with such actions I cross everything out for myself. Then I decided that I would really train and develop. "

Devotion to his sport over the years has brought victories in national competitions, performances in the junior squad of the national team, trips abroad and titles in international championships.


Predator with roe eyes

Dagbladet 03/02/2017

Ski King Sergei Ustyugov

Yle 03/01/2017

Meet Sergey Ustyugov

Aftenposten 08.01.2017

"If he wants to fight, then I'm ready."

Expressen 01/07/2017

With age and experience, the character of Ustyugov became softer, but the rebellious spirit familiar from childhood has not gone anywhere.

The senior coach of the Russian ski team in 2011-2016, the Swiss Reto Burgermeister, called Ustyugov the most talented athlete in the history of international skiing. The praise was followed by harsh criticism, because, according to Burgermeister, Ustyugov does not train enough and professionally.

Then the athlete accused Burgermeister and his colleague Isabel Knaute of excessive nagging and inability to find a common language with the athletes.

The conflict escalated to such an extent that the president of the Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation, Elena Vyalbe, transferred Ustyugov, Evgeny Belov and Stanislav Volzhentsev to the group of coach Markus Cramer.

Subsequently, the contracts with Burgermeister and Knaute were terminated.

“Our collaboration with Kramer is 100% successful. He listens to athletes, this is very important to me. I want to understand what each specific workout gives, ”says Ustyugov.

With the German coach Ustyugov feels calmer, but the star skier does not deny himself to criticize coaching staff or teammates. Prior to the start of the team sprint at the World Championships in Lahti, Ustyugov told the press that his partner Nikita Kryukov should not have taken part in the ski competitions in Lahti. The next day, they celebrated the victory together.

© RIA Novosti, Alexey Danichev

“Sergei has his own characteristics, like any successful person. He arranges showdowns both where it is needed and where it is not needed, ”says Elena Vyalbe.

Ustyugov may publicly criticize his teammates and coaches, but does his best to defend his own on the most important issues that concern the world of skiing.

Russia arrived at the World Championships in Lahti without the winner of the Sochi Olympics Alexander Legkov, world champions Maxim Vylegzhanin and Alexei Petukhov. They are temporarily suspended from the competition.

Names Russian skiers sounded in the report of Professor Richard McLaren (Richard McLaren). The report spoke about the manipulation of doping samples of athletes during the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

Scandals recent years raised great doubts about the Russian skiing system. Ustyugov knows about this.

“The world is divided in half: into those who believe us and those who do not believe us. I would like to thank those who support us, ”Ustyugov told the press on the opening day of the championship in Lahti.

Ustyugov clearly states his position. He emphasizes that his friends and teammates are not involved in the Sochi doping scandals.

Passionate rhetoric, team thinking and international success made Ustyugov a national hero, defender of Russia's ski glory. In a country where sport is of great importance to the political leadership and society as a whole, great hopes were pinned on Ustyugov.

“I tried to protect Sergei before the start of the championship, saying that there are other athletes in the team. Many people think that Sergei should win this or that competition. But he owes nothing to anyone, ”emphasizes Elena Vyalbe.

Ustyugov recognizes the burden of the hopes placed on him, but says he is proud of his life.

“I enjoy skiing, I do what I love. Everything seems to be working out right now. What could be better? "

But in this life-dream, Ustyugov needs his most important support. The skiing star says that for everything big competition he takes his former coach Bragin. The athlete can consult with Bragin on personal matters. Sergei Ustyugov meets with the national skier Elena Soboleva.

“I am grateful to Ivan for a lot. I can tell him everything I feel. He helps not only me, but also my whole family. It was he who brought me on this path of life. "

InoSMI materials contain estimates exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of Inosmi.

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