Responsibility for doping in sport. The Truth About Doping

The Truth About Doping. What can and cannot be taken by the athlete.

Questions regarding the use of drugs in sports have long attracted the attention of both professional athletes and people involved in amateur sports. Is it permissible to use drugs to achieve high sports results? Is it harmful to health or is it possible to find safe drug combinations? - In our recommendations, we will try to answer these and many other questions.

The level of development of modern sports, those overloads experienced by athletes, are so high that attempts to completely abandon the use of drugs reflect the views of not even yesterday, but the day before yesterday. Over the past 15-20 years, the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads have increased 2-3 times and athletes in many sports have come close to the limit of the physiological capabilities of the body.

At the same time, the vitamin and nutritional deficiencies of many athletes' food products, the need for rehabilitation and preventive measures, the adaptation of the body to severe physical and psycho-emotional stress, moving to other climatic conditions and time zones, as well as many other reasons, dictate the need for the use of pharmacological drugs to ensure full sports activities.

On the other hand, the level of illness among athletes, the number of injuries and even deaths in sports (mainly as a result of the use of doping) is growing like an avalanche, despite all the prohibitions and tightening of disqualification sanctions. A dark shadow of doping hangs over modern sports.

For the first time, a death from doping was recorded back in 1886, when an English cyclist died from an excessive dose of cocaine with heroin. In the XX century, doping became widespread in the sports environment. The death of Danish cyclist Jensen continued the mourning list of victims of big sport. In the summer of 1986, the talented American basketball player Leo Bayes died as a result of the abuse of cocaine, and in 1987 the professional football player Don Rogers died. And this far from complete list of victims of doping is just the tip of the iceberg, these are the cases when doctors were able to establish that death came directly from taking a stimulant.

And how many athletes died at home, in bed, having already finished their performances, and the disease seemed in no way connected with sports activities. But in addition to such formidable dangers to physical health, there are also moral aspects of the use of prohibited pharmacological drugs - disqualification, shame, debunking of an idol, the most striking and impressive example is the disaster of Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. And how many less famous athletes were disqualified or completely excommunicated from sports, which has become the work of their lives ?!

Thus, realizing the need to use drugs in the practice of sports medicine, and at the same time remembering the dire consequences of their uncontrolled, unskilled intake, a natural question arises: Should or not be the use of pharmacological drugs in sports? To accept or not to accept?

There can be only one answer Yes! Take, but ... Only approved drugs (not doping), only according to a previously developed scheme of rational pharmacological support of training and competitive loads, only under medical supervision. The problem of doping and their abuse is so serious that every athlete and coach who would like to effectively use the pharmacological method of ensuring the training process must have a basic understanding of doping and doping control.

In these guidelines, we want to talk about the main types of doping, their effects and possible harmful consequences. A separate section is devoted to acquaintance with the doping control procedure, the rights and obligations of all participants in this procedure. We hope that the knowledge gained will allow the reader to make an intelligent and informed choice in favor of permitted pharmacological agents (not doping) and to abandon doping drugs forever. Doping. Why is he so dangerous? As already mentioned, the use of doping is by no means a discovery of the 20th century. Its history is much longer than one might expect. Doping has been around for as long as sport has existed. Apparently, this is inherent in human nature - to try to win against an opponent, to be a winner at any cost, often even at the expense of his own health.

The use of various kinds of stimulants to increase physical and mental performance was noted in antiquity. So, in the II century BC, Greek athletes took protein, sesame seeds, and used some types of psychotropic mushrooms before the competition. The gladiators of the famous Grand Circus in Rome (6th century BC) took stimulants in order not to feel fatigue and pain. In the Middle Ages, the Norman warriors "berserkers" were stupefied before battle with infusion of amanita and some other psychotropic mushrooms, which made them aggressive and made them insensitive to pain and fatigue.

XX century "enriched" the list of doping drugs such as anabolic steroids, amphetamine and its derivatives and many other achievements of pharmacological science: For the first time anabolic steroids were isolated and then synthesized by the Yugoslav chemist Leopold Ruzicka in 1935. During the war, such a concept as "legal doping" appeared - various kinds of stimulants used by pilots, scouts, paratroopers, paratroopers.

In sports practice, the drug "Dianabol" - the first of a series of specially developed anabolic steroids with reduced androgenic activity, was used by the American physician John Ziegler in 1958. Since then, a new era in the use of doping has begun - the era of anabolic steroids. Steroids began to spread like a pestilence.

The absence of the need to take the drug during the competitive period, and, therefore, a decrease in the likelihood of being convicted of doping; a significant increase in muscle mass and strength in a short time and complete ignorance of the possible consequences of taking steroid hormones, turned anabolic steroids into the uncrowned king of doping drugs of the 20th century. In a sociological survey of American athletes, in response to the question: “Would you take illegal drugs, with a guaranteed opportunity to become an Olympic champion, if after that you were threatened with death,” -50% of respondents answered positively. Unfortunately, in this regard, our country has reached the level of world standards, and in some areas even surpassed them.

This is confirmed by regular publications about the disqualification of athletes of various sports in the newspaper "Soviet Sport" and other publications. Numerous facts testify to the extremely widespread penetration of doping into sports, and illegal drugs are taken not only by adult athletes, but also by adolescents, which is especially dangerous. It is a pity, but weightlifting and athletic gymnastics are the leaders among the sports most infected and affected by doping, and one does not need to go far to explain this unfortunate fact.

The main goal and meaning of weightlifting and athletic gymnastics is to constantly pump up muscles, increase their strength and volume, demonstrate the beauty of the human body and physical capabilities of a person. And, unfortunately, doping is often the easiest and most accessible way to achieve the intended goal.

What is doping?

The name itself - "dope" comes from the English word "dope" - which means to give a drug. According to the definition of the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee, doping is considered to be the introduction into the body of athletes by any means (in the form of injections, tablets, inhalation, etc.) of pharmacological preparations that artificially increase performance and sports performance. In addition, doping also includes various types of manipulations with biological fluids for the same purposes. According to this definition, a drug can be considered a doping only if it itself or its decay products can be determined in biological fluids of the body (blood, urine) with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. Currently, doping drugs include drugs of the following 5 groups:

1. Stimulants (central nervous system stimulants, sympathomimetics, analgesics).
2. Drugs (narcotic analgesics).
3. Anabolic steroids and other hormonal anabolic agents.
4. Beta blockers.
5. Diuretics

Doping methods include:

1. Blood dope.

2. Pharmacological, chemical and mechanical manipulations with biological fluids (masking agents, adding aromatic compounds to urine samples, catheterization, sample swapping, suppression of urine excretion by the kidneys).

There are also 4 classes of compounds to be restricted, even when taken for medicinal purposes:

1. Alcohol (ethyl alcohol tinctures).
2. Marijuana.
3. Local anesthetics.
4. Corticosteroids.

Separate groups and types of doping.

From the point of view of the achieved effect, sports doping can be conditionally divided into 2 main groups:

1. drugs used directly during the competition for short-term stimulation of performance, mental and physical tone of the athlete;

2. drugs used for a long time during the training process to build muscle mass and ensure the athlete's adaptation to maximum physical activity.

The first group includes various agents that stimulate the central nervous system:

a) psychostimulants (or psychomotor stimulants): phenamine, centedrine,
(meridil), caffeine, sydnocrab, sydnophen; close to them sympathomimetics: ephedrine and its derivatives, izadrin, berotek, salbutamol; some nootropics: sodium oxybutyran, phenibut;

b) analeptics: corazole, cordiamine, bemegrid;

v) drugs that have a stimulating effect mainly on the back of the brain: strychnine. This group also includes some narcotic analgesics with a stimulating or sedative (sedative) effect: cocaine, morphine and its derivatives, including promedol; omnopon, codeine, dionine, fentanyl, estocine, pentazocine (fortral), tilidine, dipidolor and others. In addition, short-term biological stimulation can be achieved through blood transfusion (own or someone else's) immediately before the competition (blood transfusion, “blood doping”).

The second group of doping agents includes anabolic steroids (AS) and other hormonal anabolic agents. In addition, there are specific types of doping and other prohibited pharmacological agents:

a) drugs that reduce muscle tremor 9 trembling of the limbs), improving coordination of movements: beta-blockers, alcohol;

b) means that help to reduce (cut) weight, accelerate the elimination of decay products of anabolic steroids and other doping from the body - various diuretics (diuretics);

v) agents with the ability to mask traces of anabolic steroids during special studies on doping control - antibiotic probenecid and others (not produced in the Soviet Union).

Of all these drugs, the most common among bodybuilders and weightlifters are anabolic steroids.

What are Anabolic Steroids (AS)?

In biochemistry, anabolism is understood as a course of biochemical reactions that promotes the synthesis of any compounds - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc. From a chemical point of view, anabolic steroids are derivatives of a substance called cyclopentaneperhydro-phenatrene - which is the structural basis of male sex hormones. Thus, anabolic steroids are artificially synthesized derivatives of the male sex hormone - testosterone (including testosterone itself and its esters).

Testosterone acts on the human body in two directions: it promotes the synthesis of proteins in skeletal muscles and partially myocardial muscles, reduces the content of fat in the body and changes its distribution - this is a manifestation of the so-called anabolic activity of testosterone. Testosterone also contributes to the development of male sexual characteristics, as primary: the initial growth of the penis, the growth and development of seminal vesicles, the growth and development of the prostate gland; and secondary: the density and placement of hair on the body and face, coarsening of the voice and some others - this is the androgenic activity of testoterone.

Synthetic anabolic steroids are substances with increased anabolic activity and proportionally reduced androgenic activity. However, there is not and cannot be anabolic steroid preparations with zero androgenic activity. the same, and even more so, can be said about testoterone and its various derivatives (esters), as well as their mixtures. Thus, there are no harmless anabolic steroids, and trying to get them through friends and acquaintances is nothing more than a waste of time and effort.

The main effects of the use of anabolic steroids in sports in the initial period of their intake are as follows: a rapid increase in muscle mass (provided there is a sufficient content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements in food), and prevention of its fall during the period of heavy training loads. Due to the increase in muscle mass, an increase in the cross section of the muscle is observed and, therefore, physical strength increases proportionally, the rate of recovery after physical exertion increases, and the volume of tolerated training loads increases.

Various groups of natural (endogenous) hormones and synthetic steroid compounds have an anabolic effect.

The main groups of anabolic steroids are as follows:

1. The growth hormone of the anterior pituitary gland is growth hormone.

2. Pituitary gonadotropic hormone - chorionic gonadotropin.

3. Androgens (male sex hormones):
testosterone (testosterone propionate), testosterone enanthate (delatestril), testenate (a mixture of testosterone propionate and testosterone enanthate), testosterone (a mixture of various testosterone esters), methyltestosterone, fluoxymesterone (halotestin), testosterone (cypionate).

4. Synthetic anabolic steroids; methandrostenolone (dianabol, nerobol, stenolone), nerobolil (phenobolin, durabolin, nandrolone, fenpropionate, turinabol, etc.), retabolil (nandrolone decanoate, deca-durabolin), silabolin, methandrostenodiol, oxandrolone (anavar), stanstrol , oxymetholone (anadrol-50), etc.

Anabolics can be in tablet form (oral AS) and in the form of drugs for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

The harmful side effects of anabolic steroids are extremely diverse and dangerous. It consists of the toxic effect (i.e. poisoning) of vital organs, primarily the liver, gross metabolic disorders, damage to the endocrine and reproductive systems, diseases of the cardiovascular, genitourinary and other systems, pronounced mental disorders (we will dwell on this in more detail below) ...

The statements about the harmless use of the AU encountered earlier in the special literature were based on the results of individual studies carried out over a short period of time and turned out to be incorrect. Now it has been fully proven that with any use of the AU, even in small doses and for short periods of time, one should talk about the absolute harmfulness of the use of these drugs, more or less.

Anabolics always cause some harm to the health of the athlete. A number of studies indicate the possibility, appearance, of many negative consequences 15-20 years after the end of the drug intake.

The nature of the side effects of anabolic steroids largely depends on a number of factors, among which the most important are: individual reaction to the drug: gender and age differences; the presence of acute or chronic diseases; dose size; the duration of the drug intake. The negative side effects of taking anabolic steroids in children and adolescents develop especially quickly and turn out to be more pronounced. Their negative effect on the female body is very great.

AC doses used in weightlifting and athletic gymnastics are much higher than therapeutic doses, i.e. used in the treatment of certain diseases (10-20 and even 40 times). Many athletes, in order to maximize the effect and reduce the likelihood of detection during doping control, use the so-called “staking” mode of taking anabolic steroids, which consists in gradually changing the dose of the drug and alternating the types of specific dosage forms throughout the course, as well as combining the AU with drugs other groups (primarily with testosterone and diuretics).

It has been shown that the use of such regimens for taking anabolic steroids can lead to even more unfavorable consequences than when using individual drugs.

The consequences of long-term use of anabolic steroids on various organs and systems of the athlete's body.

Pathology of the liver and biliary tract. As a result of the conducted surveys, it was found that up to 80% of athletes who took AC suffer from liver dysfunctions. The use of tableted forms of anabolic steroids can lead to disruption of the antitoxic and excretory functions of the liver and the development of hepatitis.

Prolonged intake of AC leads to blockage of the biliary tract, jaundice, and even deaths have been noted. There is a significant amount of data indicating the occurrence of liver cancer with prolonged use of anabolic steroids. Effect on the genitourinary system. In people who have been taking anabolic steroids for a long time, it is possible to develop kidney tumors, stone deposition and disruption of the process of urine formation.

Influence on the endocrine system. Anabolic steroids contribute to the development of disorders in the endocrine system, especially negatively affecting carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Admission of testosterone in adult men reduces the secretion of their own hormone. With prolonged use of anabolic steroids, testicular atrophy, suppression of spermatogenesis, a decrease in sperm count, “fertility index”, changes in sexual feelings, etc. develop.

Moreover, it takes 6 or more months to restore the normal level of spermatogenesis, and with prolonged use of steroids, these changes can become persistent, and even irreversible. In men, taking AS can cause the development of signs of gynecomastia, i.e. significant development of the tissues of the mammary glands and nipples, which in severe cases may require surgical intervention.

In women, taking even small doses of anabolic steroids causes the rapid development of virilization phenomena: coarsening and lowering of the voice, hair growth on the chin and upper lip, hair loss on the head according to the male pattern, reduction of mammary glands, enlargement of the clitoris, development of general hirsutism (hairiness), atrophy uterus, irregularities and termination of the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea), acne, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, general musculinization.

Menstrual irregularities, acne are reversible after discontinuation of AC drugs. Facial hair growth, baldness, clitoral enlargement and voice changes are irreversible. The virilizing effect of the AU is especially pronounced in girls and girls; phenomena of pseudohermaphroditism can be observed. In women, taking AS can lead to infertility, in pregnant women, the growth of the embryo slows down and the death of the fetus occurs.

Such formidable consequences of taking AU on the endocrine system of women and girls is explained precisely by the androgenic phenomenon of the activity of gestosterone, a hormone that is normally present in the body of women in a minimal amount, and an artificial increase in the concentration of which in the blood leads to such extensive disorders.

Dysfunction of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract. It has been shown that taking anabolic steroids can contribute to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the activity of the stomach and intestines, and cause gastrointestinal hemorrhages.

Mental disorders. The use of the AU is necessarily accompanied by a decrease in sexual activity and increasing changes in the psyche - with unpredictable mood swings, increased excitability, irritability, the appearance of aggressiveness or the development of depression. Pronounced shifts in character and behavior often lead to serious consequences: a break with friends, family breakdown, the emergence of prerequisites for the commission of negative and even socially dangerous actions. According to some observations, the complete cessation of AC intake is often accompanied by depression, which is considered as a manifestation of mental dependence on anabolic steroids, analogous dependence on narcotic drugs.

Effects on the cardiovascular system. Anabolic steroids cause disturbances in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, reducing glucose resistance, which is accompanied by a drop in blood sugar levels. When using tableted forms of AC, insulin secretion increases, which contributes to the onset of diabetes. In addition, the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system is possible.

Side effects of the AC action. Taking anabolic steroids contributes to the rapid growth of muscle mass, significantly outstripping the growth and development of the corresponding tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. This leads to rupture of the ligaments during heavy physical exertion, the occurrence of inflammatory diseases and the joint capsule, the development of tendon degeneration. A decrease in the viscosity of muscle tissue, due to the retention of water and sodium, causes a decrease in muscle elasticity (subjectively assessed as "krepatura" or "clogging"), the inability to develop full-fledged muscle efforts.

All this causes a predisposition to injuries to muscles and ligaments during training and competition. After stopping the intake of anabolic steroids, the phase of a decrease in the immunobiological activity of the body, an increased susceptibility to diseases, begins.

Side effects of AS in children and adolescents. The use of anabolic steroids by adolescents can cause irreversible changes: the cessation of the growth of long bones, early puberty, the phenomenon of virilization and gynecomastia.

Non-steroidal doping.

With regard to non-anabolic steroid doping, it is necessary to say a few words about such a class of doping drugs as diuretics. Recently, in connection with the holding of the USSR championships in athletic gymnastics and the expansion of the participation of our athletes in international competitions, it became necessary to establish weight categories and the corresponding weight limit at the time of the competition.

In weightlifting, this problem has been known for a long time and is very acute. For urgent weight loss in the competitive period, some incompetent coaches and athletes recommend taking diuretics, i.e. diuretics, although it is known that they have long been included in the list of doping drugs.

So, Bulgarian weightlifters, at the last Olympics in Seoul in 1988, were disqualified precisely for the use of diuretics. In addition, in the sports environment, there is an opinion that taking diuretics promotes increased elimination of the breakdown products of anabolic steroids and other drugs from the body, and thereby reduces their negative side effects and shortens the period of drug withdrawal before a performance. It should be said that the use of diuretics even in the clinic, according to therapeutic indications, requires careful laboratory and medical control, as it is fraught with possible complications.

Removing fluid from the body along with the salts necessary for normal metabolism (for example, potassium, which is required for the normal functioning of the heart muscles), diuretics, used without a compensating diet, lead to the development of heart failure. And its danger grows with the growth of physical activity - and at the moment of the highest competitive efforts, this can lead to an acute violation of cardiac activity.

In addition, taking diuretics causes an increase in blood sugar, which can cause an exacerbation of diabetes mellitus, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), allergic reactions, and the development of skin diseases. It is also possible to exacerbate diseases of the liver, kidneys, depression of the central nervous system, accompanied by drowsiness, lethargy, impaired sensitivity.

Doping control: organization, procedure

In connection with the development of international relations and the expansion of contacts between athletes from different countries, as well as the holding of all-Union and regional competitions, the problem arises of familiarizing the participants in the competition with the procedure and regulations for conducting doping control. Unfortunately, the “daredevils” have not yet died out, who, even knowing about the harm caused to the body by doping, still take it. They will be especially interested in the section on sanctions for taking illegal drugs.

Doping control is an essential part of a comprehensive program of measures aimed at preventing athletes from using prohibited (doping) drugs. The regulations for organizing and conducting the doping control procedure adopted in our country fully comply with the requirements of the IOC Medical Commission. The doping control procedure consists of the following stages: taking biological samples for analysis, physicochemical examination of the samples taken and drawing up an opinion, imposing sanctions on violators.

During the competition, the athlete is notified that, according to the rules, he must undergo doping control. The doping control is mandatory for the winners who took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, as well as, by the decision of the commission, one of several athletes who did not take prizes (they are selected by lot). After the performance, these athletes are sent to the doping control room. Here, the athlete himself chooses a container for collecting a urine sample for analysis. Then, in the presence of an observer, a urine sample is taken.

The observer ensures that there is no falsification of the sample. After passing the sample, a number is pasted on the vessel, which is also chosen by the athlete himself. After that, the obtained biological sample is divided into 2 equal parts - samples A and B, which are sealed and assigned a certain code. Thus, the name of the athlete is not mentioned at any of the working stages (to maintain complete anonymity). Copies of the codes are affixed to the doping control protocol.

The samples are then packed into shipping containers and transported to the doping control laboratory. Before signing the doping control protocol, the athlete must inform the commission of the names of all drugs that he took before the competition (since some drugs contain prohibited substances contain prohibited substances in minimal quantities, for example, solutan). After signing the doping control protocol, the athlete can only wait for the results of the analysis. According to the regulations for doping control, sample A is analyzed, and no later than 3 days after taking a biological sample.

If prohibited drugs are found in it, the B sample is opened and analyzed. When the B sample is opened, either the athlete himself or his authorized representative may be present. If Prohibited Substances are also found in Sample B, the Athlete will be sanctioned accordingly. If a prohibited drug is not found in sample B, then the conclusion on the analysis of bioassay A is recognized as unreliable and sanctions are not applied to the athlete.

An athlete's refusal to undergo doping control or an attempt to falsify its result is considered as his admission of the fact of doping with all the ensuing consequences. Falsification of the results of doping control consists in various kinds of manipulations aimed at distorting its results. Athletes can resort to attempts at falsification when they are deliberately confident in the positive result of the analysis of biological samples for doping.

At the same time, attempts to change urine are possible (catheterization and introduction into the bladder of a foreign, obviously free from prohibited drugs, urine, or fluid imitating urine; use of microcontainers; deliberate contamination of urine with aromatic compounds that make it difficult to identify doping). Prohibited manipulations also include special surgical operations (for example, stitching placental tissue under the skin).

Physicochemical methods of analysis of biological urine samples (chromatographic, mass spectrometric, radioimmune, enzyme immunoassay, etc.) used to determine doping are very sensitive and include computer identification of doping drugs and their derivatives. They allow to determine with high accuracy all drugs used by an athlete, including those used during the last weeks and even months. In addition, methods have been developed that determine the so-called “blood doping”, i.e. transfusion of an athlete's own or someone else's blood before the start.

If earlier only highly qualified athletes underwent doping control and only during important international and domestic competitions, now such control is carried out not only in the competitive period, but also during training sessions; moreover, all persons involved in sports are subject to doping testing, regardless of their sporting affiliation.

Sanctions for athletes convicted of doping.

The detection of doping threatens the athlete with severe punishments, up to and including complete excommunication from the sport. At the first detection of prohibited drugs (with the exception of sympathomimetic drugs, such as ephedrine and its derivatives), he is disqualified for 2 years, and for the second time - for life. In case of taking sympathomimetics for the first time - disqualification for 6 months, in the second for 2 years, in the third - for life. In this case, the coach and the doctor who observed the athlete are also subject to punishment.

The use of any means officially classified as narcotic as a doping entails appropriate administrative and criminal penalties. Currently, proposals have been made to the country's legislative bodies to introduce criminal penalties for taking anabolic steroids without medical indications, or persuading them to take them. Summing up all that has been said, you can make the only correct conclusion for yourself: never use doping, no matter how tempting and quick it may seem to achieve the desired result. Is there a reasonable alternative to doping? - you ask. There is!
This will be the subject of the next section of our recommendations.

Section II.

Authorized Medicines - To help bodybuilders and weightlifters.

You've probably noticed that after some success, when the loads could be easily increased, and the muscles noticeably increased in size, a difficult time came. “Muscle joy” is no longer a pleasure. It is possible to add to the load exclusively due to the will collected in a fist. You can hardly force yourself to do the amount of exercise that was still overcome, it would seem, with ease and even with pleasure. Accordingly, the growth of the transverse muscles is significantly slowed down.

The point here is that the natural capabilities of the human body to adapt (adapt) to physical activity are not unlimited. The body's need for muscle efforts is combined with a simultaneous desire for rest and relaxation. And you can build real muscles only through serious work on yourself, large volumes and intensity of the load - this is by no means physical education for your own pleasure, for muscle comfort.

The main thing that a bodybuilder needs to understand here is that increasing loads after a certain level can only be combined with high-quality recovery. Natural restoration of muscle performance (which occurs simply during rest, sleep) during serious weightlifting, athletic gymnastics, kettlebell lifting and other speed-strength sports is clearly not enough.

Let us now consider those special methods and means of accelerating the recovery of the body that can be recommended in strength disciplines, especially bodybuilders.

1. First, it is the correct, rational organization of the training process. This is a scientifically grounded alternation of pulling, developing and supporting loads, an optimal combination of volumes and intensity of loads. The training methodology in athletic gymnastics is a special subject that we will not consider. It should only be emphasized here that this factor is the main one that determines the success of all other methods of accelerating recovery.

2. A great help to strength-oriented athletes in stimulating the body's natural adaptive capabilities are targeted physiotherapeutic methods to accelerate recovery. These are massage, electrical muscle stimulation, acupuncture (acupuncture), balneological methods to accelerate recovery (various baths, showers, mud, etc.).

All these funds, if used correctly, can provide an invaluable service to lovers of athletic gymnastics, helping to relieve stress after classes, relax, and contribute to the full recovery of muscles. As a result, a fully restored body can withstand the necessary training loads the next day. All these methods in this manual are only mentioned by us, and should be the subject of special consideration.

Such specific methods of controlling their own body, improving the technique of self-control and accelerating recovery, such as various psychophysiological, psychological, psychotherapeutic techniques: autogenic training, situational training, hypnosis, etc., can acquire existing significance for athletes. Mastering all this arsenal can provide you with significant help and support. if you seriously want to achieve noticeable success in building your own muscles.

However, the main, most powerful means of helping the body with grueling workouts for bodybuilders are still two other methods of accelerating recovery from physical activity. Not a single lover of athletic gymnastics or weightlifter can do without including them in one way or another in their arsenal. This is, firstly, the use of permitted (non-doping) pharmacological preparations, and, secondly, the intake of specialized food products, the so-called products of increased biological value (PBC). We will dwell on the issues of using these drugs that do not have negative side effects.

The general classification of drugs recommended for athletic gymnastics and weightlifting is as follows:

2. Vitamins.
3. Anabolic drugs.
4. Hypatoprotectors and choleretic agents.
7. Adaptogens of plant and animal origin.

Amino acid preparations and protein products of increased biological value.

Proteins are the main building blocks of muscle tissue. Amino acids are the structural components of proteins (“Bricks” that make up proteins). Proteins from food are broken down in the stomach and intestines to separate amino acids, which are absorbed into the blood. In organs, proteins are synthesized from the amino acids brought in by the blood. In total, about 20 different amino acids are present in animal and human proteins. Most of them are irreplaceable, i.e. they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be ingested with food.

Protein-rich foods are: meat, fish, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes, as well as dishes from them. In the athletic (strength) training of athletes, especially in athletic gymnastics, in addition to food proteins, an additional intake of proteins into the body is required. One should also take into account the fact that the products usually used in our country are of rather low quality. In addition, due to economic reasons and historical traditions, our diet has a structure that is very far from optimal. A typical diet in the USSR contains 45% carbohydrates, 10% protein and 45% fat, while for athletes, a diet consisting of 62% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 18% fat is recommended.

Some of the amino acids are available in the pharmacy chain in the form of preparations (glutamic acid and calcium gluminate, methionine histidine, cysteine, vicenin (a combination of cysteine, glutamic acid and glycocol and vitamins), cerebrozilin (a mixture of 18 different amino acids obtained by hydrolysis of the brain substance). These the preparations are intended for special purposes (parenteral nutrition, treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, eyes, etc.), and do not have a significant effect on protein metabolism in the body.

There are also preparations containing mixtures of individual amino acids and combinations necessary for protein synthesis. They are prepared from protein hydrolysates (formed during the hydrolysis (decomposition) of natural protein into constituent amino acids, just as it happens in the gastrointestinal tract). Sometimes hydrolysates contain additives of some synthetically obtained amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.

These drugs (as well as protein products of increased biological value, which will be discussed below) contribute to the growth of muscle proteins and are especially effective against the background of physical activity (primarily of a forceful nature) in combination with vitamins. The daily intake of these funds should provide an additional intake of 15-20 g of protein (or amino acids) in the body.

Based on this and the percentage of amino acids in each specific preparation, the daily dosage is calculated. Unfortunately, in the USSR, of such drugs in the pharmacy network, there are only means for intravenous administration (hydrolysin solution, casein hydrolyzant, adminopeptide, aminocrovin, fibrinosol, amicrin, polyamine). These preparations contain significant amounts of amino acids (0.04-0.1%), and when administered intravenously, they can have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of muscle proteins.

However, intravenous administration of drugs is a rather serious traumatic procedure that can only be carried out in a medical hospital (you should also take into account the danger of contracting AIDS or viral hepatitis (jaundice). Sometimes, especially, big bodybuilding enthusiasts risk taking these drugs inside (they drink these solutions).

The effect can be achieved when the volume of drunk is not less than 0.5 liters, which is not easy (since these preparations have a rather disgusting taste), and besides, they contain a large amount of ballast water. A number of imported amino acid preparations for intravenous administration, for example, mariamine, have the same disadvantages. Much more convenient for bodybuilders are amino acid preparations intended for oral administration. Unfortunately, in this group so far there are only foreign-made drugs, which can only be obtained on occasion.

All these preparations intended for athletes and athletes (there are a huge number of them and new ones are constantly appearing), in addition to all the amino acids necessary for the body, contain various vitamins, minerals, flavors, fragrances, and dyes are very convenient to use. They are produced in various countries with various commercial names under the general term proteins (Protein), or proteins. most often in our country among bodybuilders and athletes in strength sports, the following amino acid preparations are used.

Stark protein, produced in Sweden. Protein hydrolyzate containing 18 natural amino acids, including all essential ones. It is produced in capsules containing 0.337 g of protein hydrolyzate (dry powder) and 0.2 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6). When doing athletic gymnastics, it is recommended to take 2 capsules 3 times a day with or between meals.

Multicraft - 80- powder in cans of 750 g. 100 g of the preparation contains 80 g of protein hydrolyzate, 3 g of carbohydrate, 2 g of fat, 350 mg of lecithin, 1 g of calcium, 250 g of magnesium, 25 mg of iron, 45 mg of vitamin B1, 6 mg vitamin B2, 15 mg of vitamins B12, 85 mcg of vitamin C. The energy capacity of 100 g of the drug multicraft is 353 kcal (1499 kJ).

100 g of amino acids account for: isoleucine 5.5 g, leucine 10 g, lysine 8.5, methionine 3 g, phenylaline 5.1 g, threonine 4.6 g, tryptophan 1.4 g, valine 5.2 g, arginine 3.9 g, cystine 0.8 g, serine 6.3 g, tyrosine 5.2 g, proline 10.7 g, histidine 2.8 g, alanine 3.3 g, aspartic acid 7.5 g, glutamic acid 22 g, glycine 1.9 g.

Against the background of loads of a power (athletic) nature, it is recommended to take daily 30 g (3 tablespoons) of powder in 300 ml of water or milk during or after meals. The drug is produced in various countries in several versions (according to the volume of the can and the flavors used - banana, strawberry, pear, etc.). Samples of the drug multicraft containing 60.75.85% protein are also produced (Multicraft-60, Multicraft-75, Multicraft-85). Other drugs Astrophyt (from 25 to 50% protein), Multifit (from 40 to 85% protein), etc., which are sometimes found among bodybuilders and weightlifters, have a similar composition.

Amino acid preparations are not doping and are recommended for use by athletes and amateurs of physical culture. Taking these drugs, as well as taking protein drugs, in the absence of any side effects (sometimes, however, allergic reactions very rarely occur) can continue for as long as necessary without interruption. But it is especially recommended for bodybuilders to take additional protein during 10-14-day periods of increasing the volume or intensity of loads (developmental loads).

In our country (in addition to amino acid preparations) there is also a number of so-called products of increased biological value (PBVC) of protein orientation. The intake of these products is also recommended when practicing athletic gymnastics, and in the absence of any allergic reactions, it can be performed almost constantly, thereby providing additional intake of 15-20 g of protein per day.

Since these PBCs are not pharmacological agents, special dosage accuracy is not required in this case. Bodybuilders can use products for baby food with a high protein content (such as Malysh, Similak, Linolak, Enpit), specialized foods Antey or SP-11. It should be noted that the latter product was developed for use by polar explorers and contains, in addition to 30% protein, about 30% fat and 30% carbohydrates. Therefore, the SP-11 reception is indicated during periods of work on the relief of the muscles, when the exercises are performed mainly in an aerobic mode (with low loads and a significant volume). These products can be purchased by athletes in the stores of the Diettorg system.

An excellent new protein product, only recently tested and put into production at the Kiev Scientific Research Institute of the Meat and Dairy Industry, is "Bodrost". The product is prepared from milk and blood raw materials and contains a high amount of easily digestible proteins (58.4%), as well as 29.4% carbohydrates, 2.1% fat, 8.19% mineral salts, including 106.2 mg iron ( of which 32-34% is absorbed in the body), calcium and phosphorus in an optimal ratio of 1.8: 1. The calorie content of 100 g of "Vigor" is 361.8 kcal.


Vitamins are substances that must be contained in food. Their lack or complete absence leads to serious diseases (since vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body from other substances).

Vitamins are not involved in building body tissues and are not used as a source of energy for muscle activity. But they are irreplaceable participants in the regulation of a wide variety of biochemical processes in the body. Including vitamins to a large extent regulate protein biosynthesis and maintenance of skeletal muscle activity.

With adequate nutrition, the body's needs for vitamins are usually satisfied (with the exception of early spring, when prophylactic intake of multivitamin dragees is recommended). With intense physical exertion, an accelerated decay and excretion of vitamins from the body occurs, and the need for them increases. It is known, for example, that performing medium and heavy work in high altitude conditions and at high (more than 40 C) temperatures requires an increase in the intake of vitamins into the body by 1.5-3 times.

Therefore, when doing athletic gymnastics and weightlifting (especially during periods of developmental stress), it is necessary to take vitamin preparations (of course, as an addition to a complete diet rich in vitamins). One of the basic principles of the use of vitamins in sports in general and in athleticism in particular is the combined use of vitamins, based on the interaction of the effects of individual vitamins and their mutual influence on the body. When taking complex vitamin preparations by bodybuilders, special attention should be paid to the presence of certain vitamins in the composition of the agents used, which are of the greatest importance for the assimilation of proteins in the construction of muscle tissue. These are primarily vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamin) and Bs (folic acid), as well as, to a lesser extent, vitamins A, E, K and B5.

When practicing athletic disciplines, the daily requirement of the body for these vitamins is 5-10 mg for vitamin B6, 100 μg for B12 and 0.5 mg for folic acid. As a general recommendation for the dosage of multivitamin preparations used by athletes, it can be advised to increase the prophylactic dose of the drug indicated on the package recommended for an adult by 1-1.5 times during periods of maintenance loads and by 1.5-2 times during periods of intense developmental loads.

After a 20-30 day period of taking multivitamins, you should take 15-20 day breaks. We emphasize that the recommended dose of vitamins must not be exceeded. Such "just in case" overestimation of the dose (hypervitamins) is harmful to the body and reduces the athlete's functionality.

Aerovit tablets in the shell, contain: vitamin A (retinol acetane) 0.00227 g, Vitamin B1, (thiamine chloride) 0.002 g, vitamin B2 (riboflavin mononucleotide) 0.0002 g, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 0.01 g, vitamin B5 (calcium pantogenate) 0.01 g, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 0.025 mg, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 0.1 g, vitamin E (tecopherol acenate 0.02 g, vitamin PP (B3) (nicotinaminade) 0.015 g, vitamin Sun (folic acid) 0.2 mg The content of individual vitamins in one aerovit tablet approximately corresponds to the daily requirement of a healthy adult.

With intense physical activity (such as athleticism), 1 to 3 tablets of the drug are prescribed per day for 20-30 days.

Decamevit tablets... The dosage form of the drug is two tablets of different colors. The yellow tablet contains vitamins: A 0.002 g, B1 0.02 g, B2 0.01 g, B6 0.02 g, Bc 0.002 g, P 0.02 g, E 0.01 g, the amino acid methionine 0.2 The orange tablet contains vitamins: B12 100 mcg, CO, 02g, PPO, 05 g. Dekamevit, therefore, contains vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, Sun in high doses, and the rest - in the average daily requirement.

When doing athletic gymnastics, it is recommended to use one yellow and one orange tablet 1 or 2 times a day, depending on the period of developmental and support loads in training. In terms of composition, the Undevit dragee does not differ from Aerovit tablets, although most vitamins are contained there in smaller doses. When practicing power sports and bodybuilding, it is recommended to take 2-6 tablets per day. A good complex polyvitamin preparation is the preparation Polyvitaplex produced in Hungary (taking 1 tablet 3 times a day).

A number of domestic and imported multivitamin preparations, in addition to a wide range of vitamins in optimal combinations, contain minerals and trace elements.

Glutamevit drug, specially recommended for use with significant physical exertion (1-3 tablets, depending on the load, 2 times a day), contains (in 1 tablet) vitamins: A 1135 μg, B12.58 mg, B2 2 mg, B6 3Mr, C 0.01 g, E 0.02 g, PP 0.02 g, Vd 0.05 mg, P 0.02 g, Bc 0.01 g, amino acid, glutamic acid 0.25 g, sulfate iron 0.01 g , copper sulfate 2 mg, potassium sulfate 2.5 mg, calcium phosphate 40 mg.

The most complete set of vitamins and all mineral salts and trace elements necessary for sports is contained in the new Swiss preparations Supradin and Elevit. West German Kobidek, Promonta, Biovital and their domestic counterpart Complivit (available in the pharmacy chain).

Anabolic drugs

This group of drugs includes pharmacological agents of various structures and origins, by acting on various mechanisms that enhance the biosynthesis of protein in the body (providing an anabolic effect) and, thereby, contributing to the acceleration of muscle growth.

The key position in this group of pharmacological drugs that are not doping and which can be recommended for athletic gymnastics and other strength disciplines is occupied by steroid preparations of herbal origin, representatives of the so-called phytoeclysons.

The most promising in terms of anabolizing effect is the drug ecdisten (the old name ratibol), obtained from the grass and roots of the large-catcher safflower plant (synonym for safflower-shaped leuzea), whole-leaved bighead, this. Compositae.

The drug ecdisten is produced by the pilot production of the Tashkent Research Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR in the form of tablets containing 0.005 g of the active substance. From the 3rd quarter of 1990, it is planned to supply the drug to the pharmacy chain.

Ekdisten has a pronounced, tonic and, which is essential, anabolic effect. In terms of molecular mechanisms of action, ecdisten is similar to anabolic steroids (it binds to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells, is transferred with cytoplasmic receptors to the cell nucleus, where it regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, which in turn control protein biosynthesis).

However, as numerous studies have shown, despite its steroid structure, ecdisten is devoid of the harmful side effects of exogenous testosterone and anabolic steroids. Long-term use of ecdisten even in high doses (8-10 tablets per day for 1-2 months) does not cause disturbances in the content of the body's main hormones (cortisol, somatotropin, testosterone, insulin, thyroid-stimulating hormone) in the blood, does not have any side effects on the liver.

Ecdisten is not doping and can be used without any restrictions in terms of anti-doping control. At the same time, the use of ecdisten (2-4 tables) simultaneously with the intake of additional protein contributes to a pronounced anabolic effect (in terms of strength, it corresponds to 40% of the effect of an equivalent dose of methandrostenolone).

For bodybuilders, it is recommended to take ecdisten (1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day after meals) during periods of intensive work with large weights (anaerobic energy supply zone), as well as during periods of a sharp increase in the volume of exercises performed (developmental loads). Duration of admission is from 10 to 20 days. Then, for a period of supporting loads, you should take a break in taking the drug for 10-15 days. As already mentioned, it is advisable to combine the reception of ecdisten with the consumption of protein preparations and vitamins B6, B12 BC.

Among the drugs of anabolic action by bodybuilders and weightlifters, the drug phosphaden (adenosine-5-monophosphate) can also be used. This drug is a structural precursor of nucleic acids and is directly involved in protein synthesis. In addition, phosphaden, as a precursor of adenosine, improves peripheral circulation, including muscle vascularity.

When engaging in strength exercises, phosphadenum provides an increase in anabolic processes, an increase in endurance and performance during training, an acceleration of recovery and an increase in the phase of hypercompensation after intense exertion, prevents and treats a state of overstrain. It is prescribed orally in tablets of 0.04-0.06 g per dose ( 0.12-0.24 g per day) for 15-30 days. It is possible to conduct repeated courses with an interval of 5-7 days. Intramuscular injections of phosphadenum are significantly more active and effective than taking in tablets.

Riboxin- domestic analogue of the Japanese drug Inosine (Inosin-F). It is a precursor for the synthesis of the so-called purine nucleitides and has an effect similar to phosphadene. Indications for admission are similar to those mentioned for phosphaden. Assign inside 0.2-0.3 g 2-3 times a day, often in combination with potassium orotate. The drug is produced in tablets of 0.2 or 0.3 g, as well as in ampoules for intravenous administration of 10 and 20 ml of a 2% solution.

For unclear reasons, the Japanese version of the drug enters the cells of the myocardium and muscles much more actively and has a more pronounced effect than Riboxin. At the same time, the intake of inosine is almost never accompanied by allergic reactions, as it sometimes happens when taking riboxin. Potassium orotate (potassium salt of orotic acid). The orotic acid formed in the body or supplied with food is the precursor of all pyrimidine nucleitides, from which nucleic acids are built.

Potassium Orotate has a weak anabolic effect and stimulates hematopoiesis. The indications for the use of potassium orotate are the same as for phosphadene and riboxin. The drug is produced in tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g. It is prescribed 1 hour before meals or 4 hours after meals in doses of 0.25-0.5 g 2-3 times a day for 15-30 days.

Safinor. Remarkable in its qualities is the combined drug Safinor, which has both a moderate anabolic and tonic effect on the body. Safinor tablets of 0.65 g each contain 0.2 g of riboxin, 0.25-orotatakaliya, 0.2 - saparal and 0.05 g of flyverin.

Saparal- a preparation of a glycosidic nature, obtained from the roots of the aralia of the Manzhurian family of araliaceae, and fleverin - obtained from the roots of the Siberian hypocarp - has the properties of an adaptogen (see below) and helps to relieve fatigue, increase the general tone of the body, the desire to exercise, general stimulation, vitality and functional capabilities of the body.

The drugs that do not have side effects, when combined in a complex preparation, mutually reinforce their effect. It is recommended to take saffinor when doing athletic gymnastics and other power types during periods of significant intensity of loads, when the athlete's body cannot cope with the requirements of the training process (the desire to train "hunting" disappears - to accelerate adaptation, overcome lethargy, apathy, general fatigue).

Cobamamide- natural coenzyme form of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which also has anabolic activity. It is used for overstrain of the heart muscle, which occurs during excessive stress, pain in the liver associated with physical exertion.

It is recommended to take during periods of intense and voluminous workouts in a dose of 1.5-2 tablets (0.001 g each) orally twice a day (after breakfast and lunch) for 25-30 days. A repeated course can be carried out in 1.5-2 months. It is advisable to combine the use of cobamamide with the intake of carnitine.

Carnitine (vitamin BT)- vitamin-like substance, participates in the processes of beta-oxidation of fatty acids, promotes the biosynthesis of amino acids and nucleotides. In sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance, it helps to accelerate recovery processes.

In speed-strength sports, it has a stimulating muscle growth effect when taken in a dose of 1.5 g per 70 kg of body weight (1.5 teaspoons of a 20% solution) 2 times a day 20 minutes before breakfast and lunch. The drug is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and hyperacid (with high acidity) gastritis. The drug is produced in the form of a 20% solution in 100 ml vials.

Mildronate- a drug that is a structural analogue of the precursor of carnitine during its biosynthesis in the body - beta-butyro-betaine. The anabolic properties of mildronate are more pronounced than that of carnitine. For this purpose, it is recommended to take Mildronate orally during periods of high power loads, 2 capsules (0.25 g of the drug in one capsule) 30-40 minutes before the load (training) 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days.

Classes in disciplines that require the manifestation of speed-strength qualities, especially in such power types as athletic gymnastics, weightlifting, kettlebell lifting, arm wrestling, etc. create special conditions for the functioning of the athlete's liver.

On the one hand, an intensive metabolism against the background of an increased intake of proteins from food or special amino acid or protein preparations, an increased breakdown of proteins and an exchange of amino acids in liver cells (hepatocytes), on the other hand, purely mechanical reasons complicate the secretion and outflow of bile (due to increased intraperitoneal pressure at high voltages).

Athletes often have hypotonic dysfunctions of the gallbladder, deformation of the bladder, and stagnation of bile). Particular attention should be paid to the functional state of the liver for bodybuilders who have abused drugs in the past, especially those from the group of prohibited doping drugs (see section 1).

To prevent such conditions and prevent liver dysfunctions, it is recommended to take so-called hepatoprotectors (i.e., drugs that protect liver cells from damage) and choleretic drugs (enhance the formation of bile by hepatocytes and promote the release of bile from the gallbladder into the intestine).

Taking these drugs is recommended during periods of developmental loads (with a sharp increase in the intensity or volume of exercises performed), in the recovery period, as well as in the event of hepatic pain syndrome (pain in the right hypochondrium), in case of insufficiency of liver function (intolerance to fatty, fried, spicy foods is manifested , unpleasant phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract after eating, etc.).

Bodybuilders and weightlifters should, of course, prefer mild-acting products from this group (preferably of plant origin or obtained from natural raw materials).

Alohol- coated tablets contain thickened bile in terms of dry matter 0.08 g, thick garlic extract in terms of dry matter 0.04 g, thick nettle extract in terms of dry matter 0.005 g, activated carbon 0.025 g

The drug enhances the secretory function of the liver, enhances the secretory and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine. Should be taken orally before meals, 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Duration of admission is 3-4 weeks. The drug is produced in vials of 50 tablets.

Flowers of the immortelle sandstone o - dried baskets of a wild perennial plant of the immortelle (cmina) sandy, collected before the blooming of flowers, this. Compositae. Active principles: flavones, bitterness, tannins, sterols, essential oils, etc.

It is used as a choleretic agent in a decoction (from 10 g per 250 ml of water) in a warm form, half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals. Available in the pharmacy network in packs of 50 g. You can also use choleretic collections N1 and N2 containing immortelle flowers (brew one tablespoon of the collection with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and take half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals).

Corn stigmas with poles- collected during the ripening period of corn cobs, this. cereals. Contain sitosterol, stigmasterol, fatty oils, saponins, bitterness, glycosides, vitamins C, K, gums, etc.

It is used as a choleretic agent in a decoction (10 g of stigmas are poured with 1.5 glasses of cold water, boiled for 30 minutes, cooled, filtered). Take 1-3 tablespoons every 3-4 hours.

Legalon (synonym for silibinin)- pills, contain flavonoids of plant origin. Hepatoprotector, take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The analogue of legalon produced in Bulgaria is the drug Karsil. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Liv-52- a complex preparation made from juices and decoctions of a number of plants used in Indian traditional medicine. It has a hepatoprotective effect. Assign 2-3 tablets 3-4 times a day. The drug is produced in India in packs of 50 tablets.

Essenzale- complex hepatoprotective drug, contains essential phospholipids and unsaturated fatty acids (175 mg) with vitamins: B6 (3 mg), B12 (3 mg), B3 (3 mg), PP (15 mg), B2, (3 mg), W , (3 mg), E (3.3 mg). Available in capsules. Take 2 capsules orally 3 times a day.

Capillary circulation stimulants. Hemostimulants.

Among the various pharmacological agents that can be included in the arsenal of a bodybuilder, weightlifter, weight lifter, there is one group of drugs that, in our opinion, has not yet acquired the well-deserved popularity. These drugs of various structures are united by one property that is very important for strength sports, especially for athletic gymnastics - they are able to stimulate capillary blood flow, including in muscle tissue.

Muscle growth in volume must be accompanied by an adequate blood supply. The development of the muscular capillary bed, an increase in blood flow through the capillaries is stimulated to a large extent during physical exertion of an aerobic nature and a large volume (endurance work).

In bodybuilding, this occurs at the stage of high-volume training with low weights, during training to develop muscle relief. When working on aerobic, power, when there is an increase in muscle mass and an increase in the diameter of the muscles, the capillary support of their work significantly lags behind the needs of supplying muscle tissue with glucose and oxygen, as well as excretion of decay products. The lack of a capillary network thus delays recovery at the stage of strength work and then prevents full-fledged aerobic work at the stage of relief development.

Therefore, starting from the 2nd half of the stage of power (for the development of muscle volume) work and in the first half of the volumetric (for relief) work, bodybuilders can take drugs that expand the capillary network in the muscles. These are the drugs Trental (pentoxifylline), (take 2 tablets (0.2 g) orally 3 times a day after meals, without chewing, 2-3 weeks per course) or Doxium (dobesilate calcium) (orally during meals or after food 1 tab. (0.25 g) 3-4 times a day, for a course of 3-4 weeks).

At the same time, during these periods of time, it is very useful to take hestimulating (stimulating bleeding) agents: vitamin B12 cobamamide, iron glycerophosphate (powder, taken orally 1 g 3-4 times a day), hemostimulin (1 tablet 3 times a day with meals, phytoferrolactol (1 tab. 3 times a day), ferrolactol (1 tab. 3 times a day) or phytin (1-2 tabl. (0.25-0.5 g) 3 times a day).

Immunocorrective agents.

The drugs of this group do not directly affect the processes of muscle formation during athletic gymnastics. However, knowing about them and using them wisely (especially with a high level of achievement in this discipline) can be very useful for a bodybuilder and an athlete involved in any other strength sport.

The fact is that if moderate physical activity stimulates the body's defenses and increases the general level of a person's adaptive capabilities, then huge, on the verge of the natural limits of human capabilities, exhausting loads inhibit the adaptive capabilities of the body.

First of all, immunity suffers. The ability to resist infections (including commonplace ones: flu, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, etc.) is sharply reduced in highly qualified athletes, which is confirmed by numerous studies.

Currently, the mechanisms of such suppression of the immune system during significant physical exertion are known, Weightlifting and bodybuilding, where, like in any other sport, real success is possible only with complete dedication and patience, training loads are also capable of suppressing the body's defenses.

And it is clear that an unexpected cold is completely undesirable, and sometimes, when preparing for performances, it is simply catastrophic in its consequences for solving purely sports problems. So that the decline in the body's immune forces does not violate responsible training programs, does not let us down at a crucial moment, keep in mind the existence of completely harmless pharmacological means of correcting immunity.

For prophylactic purposes, when practicing athletic gymnastics and other strength sports, domestic drugs can be used: thymalin (thymarin), levamisole, sodium nucleinate, prodigiosan, apilak (use according to the schemes recommended by the instructions attached to the drugs). The body's immune forces can be stimulated by the consumption of comb honey and bee bee in the framework of adaptogens of animal and plant origin (see below).

The preparations Polyabs and Zernelton, produced in Sweden containing pollen extracts, are very effective (take prophylactically or in the first period of the disease, 2-4 tablets per day). These drugs have no side effects and no contraindications. They can be taken for any length of time. Unfortunately, these drugs can only be purchased on an occasional basis.

Adaptogens of plant and animal origin.

Among the non-doping (permitted) pharmacological drugs that can be recommended for intense physical exertion are the so-called adaptogens. These are medicines obtained from natural raw materials (parts of medicinal plants or animal organs) with a centuries-old history of use (some of them have been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years).

The mechanisms of action of adaptogens are different and are largely not fully understood until now). The effects common to all adaptogenic drugs on the body are an increase in functional capabilities, an increase in adaptability (adaptation) under various complicated conditions. Adaptogens practically do not affect the normal functions of the body, which is in comfort, but significantly increase physical and mental performance, exercise tolerance, resistance to various adverse factors (heat, cold, thirst, hunger, infection, psychological stress, physical activity, etc. .).

It is assumed that the main way of realizing the action of adaptogens on the body is their tonic effect on the central nervous system and, through it, on all other systems, organs and tissues of the body. Since different adaptogens affect the body through different pathways, it is recommended to combine and alternate different adaptogenic drugs, mutually reinforcing their positive effect. When using the recommended doses and timing of these drugs, there are no side effects or harmful effects on the body.

On the contrary, when they are taken by those who are engaged in athletic gymnastics and other strength sports, there is an improvement in mood, self-confidence, and an increase in the desire to train. Adaptogens allow you to increase the volume and intensity of training loads, increase the body's tone and performance. All this, although it does not directly accelerate the growth of muscle tissue, but contributes to the full implementation of intense training programs for athletes and has a general stimulating effect on the body.

However, it should be emphasized that one should not overdose the drugs used, since this may result in overexcitation, insomnia, headache, and a rise in blood pressure. Only strict adherence to the recommended regimens for taking adaptogens can be a condition for success and safety (however, this applies to any pharmacological agent). Below are the most common adaptogens available in the pharmacy chain.

Lemongrass tincture(tincture of fruits of wild-growing Chinese magnolia vine, common in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk regions, 1: 5 in 95% alcohol), is available in bottles of 50 ml. Take 20-30 drops orally 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach or 4 hours after a meal. Duration of the course is 3-4 weeks.

Ginseng tincture(tincture of ginseng root, sem.araliev, 1:10 in 70% alcohol), available in bottles of 50 liters. Take 15-25 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Leuzea extract liquid(alcoholic 70% alcohol extract (1: 1) from rhizomes with roots of safflower leuzea (safflower root, maral root), family Compositae), available in bottles of 40 ml. Take 20-30 drops orally 3 times a day.

Rhodiola extract liquid(an alcoholic extract of 40% alcohol (1: 1) from rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola rosea (Golden Root), the family of bastards), available in bottles of 30 ml. Take orally 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals.

Tincture of zamanihi(tincture (1: 5) on 70% alcohol from the roots and rhizomes of Echinopanax high, Araliaceae family), is available in bottles of 50 ml. It is prescribed inside before meals, 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.

Aralia tincture(tincture (1: 5) on 70% alcohol from the roots of Manchurian aralia. Tablets of 0.05 g. Assign orally after meals 1 tab. 2-3 times a day (morning and afternoon). Duration of administration is 15-30 days.

Eleutherococcus extract liquid(alcohol (40% alcohol) extract 1: 1 from the roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus (freeberry prickly), araliaceae. Available in bottles of 50 ml. Take 20-30 drops 30 minutes before meals for 25-30 days ...

Sterculia tincture(tincture 1: 5 in 70% alcohol from the plant sterculia platanolist, family sterculia). Available in vials of 25 cm. Take internally ID-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Pantokrin- liquid alcoholic extract (50% alcohol) from non-ossified antlers (antlers) of maral, red deer or sika deer. It is produced in bottles of 50 ml or in tablets of 0.075 or 0.15 g. 1 tablet corresponds in terms of the content of active ingredients to 0.5 ml or, respectively, 1 ml of alcohol extract with an activity of 30-35%. Take orally 25-40 drops (or 1-2 tablets) 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

Thus, in this manual, the main permitted pharmacological means of correcting the functional state are considered, which can be recommended for persons actively involved in athletic sports, primarily bodybuilding. In the training of strength-oriented athletes, the key point is the combination of drugs with an anabolic effect, and the additives necessary for the implementation of their effect (vitamins and protein products).

The essence of the action of such a complex lies in the fact that the intake of proteins in the body in the form of food or special mixtures is accompanied by the acceleration of synthetic processes in the muscles with the help of special key drugs (such as ecdisten) and vitamins.

Naturally, continuous intake of the recommended complex simply depletes the body's synthetic resources. Therefore, this approach is advisable and effective with a 2-3-week course intake against the background of developmental loads (an increase in the number of approaches with a fixed weight).

An example of such a complex is a combined technique:

1) ecdisten (2 tablets 3 times a day),
2) compliments (2 tablets 2 times a day),
3) "Cheerfulness" (4 tables. 2 times a day). Reception for 2-3 weeks.

At the same time, under supporting loads, accelerated recovery comes to the fore. An example of a restorative complex is the following combination of drugs:

1) a drug from the groups of hepatoprotectors (2 tablets 2 times a day),
2) inosine (riboxin) (2 tablets 3 times a day),
3) safinor (1 table. 3 times a day).
The duration of the course is 10-12 days.

We have not considered here some of the groups of non-doping pharmacological drugs that are used by athletes to improve performance and accelerate recovery after intense physical activity.

These drugs from the groups of actoprotectors, metabolites of energy metabolism, energizing drugs and some others are not yet used by bodybuilders, weightlifters, weightlifters, although, perhaps, their use can be justified.

Generally speaking, the pharmacology of permitted (non-damaging to health) drugs in athletic disciplines is far from being as deeply developed as we would like it to be. Pharmacology in elite sports: experience and practice.

Section III.

The main tasks of sports pharmacology.

The last I0-15 years are characterized by the introduction into sports practice of a huge number of pharmacological preparations used with the general purpose of increasing the general and special physical performance of athletes and accelerating recovery.

Sports pharmacology as a branch of sports medicine is currently a fully formed and rapidly developing area of ​​the so-called “pharmacology of a healthy person”, the tasks of which is to correct the functional state of the body of a healthy person in complicated (extreme conditions of functioning.

We are talking about the use of drugs that fly around the body's tolerance of factors such as heat and cold, work in the highlands and deep in the ocean, specialized activities of an astronaut, pilot, or air traffic controller, starvation, physical activity, etc.

Sports pharmacology studies the peculiarities of the action of drugs when they are taken by healthy trained people under conditions of physical activity. The fact is that the effects and features of the use of a huge number of drugs used in sports medicine are very different from those known in clinical pharmacology, developed for a sick person (especially not under conditions of intense muscle activity). The principles and achievements of “conventional” pharmacology cannot therefore be mechanically transferred to athletes, even when they use “conventional” drugs from the pharmacy.

Orientation to the widespread use of drugs to facilitate the tolerance of physical loads and thereby increase the efficiency and sports result - currently characterizes all levels of sports and even physical culture activity.

Starting with children's and youth sports and ending with highly qualified professionals in sports, there is a huge interest in pharmacology, which is often taken as a panacea. Sometimes there is a search for "miraculous" drugs, supposedly allowing, in the shortest possible time, to bring an athlete to the level of record achievements.

Attempts have been noted to push into the background or even completely replace the purposeful and persistent training process with tablets or a syringe with medicine. Sometimes athletes go to the reception of not only ineffective, but also knowingly harmful and hazardous to health drugs (often directly opposite action). This approach to sports pharmacology from a moral and ethical standpoint must certainly be strongly condemned.

At the same time, the rational use of a number of drugs (not related to the group of doping and not harming the health of an athlete), justified from a medico-biological point of view, expands the functional capabilities of the body of a healthy person, opens up new frontiers of sports achievements in various sports and allows you to improve the methodology of the training process. Such, justified from ethical and medical positions, pharmacological support of sports activity can, along with pedagogical, psychological, social approaches, become one of the important elements of the general system of influences on the adaptation of the body to maximum physical loads.

The importance of the reasonable use of pharmacological drugs by athletes, especially in elite sports, in the last two decades, essentially brought the physiological capabilities of the body to the extreme level. Under these conditions, further progress in a number of sports disciplines requires additional funds to expand the limits of the body's adaptation to the load. It is only necessary to emphasize the complete subordination of the pharmacological support of athletes to the solution of pedagogical problems, that is, the provision of a full-fledged training program and competitive activity.

The authors are aware that there is interest in the organization of pharmacological support in sports of the highest achievements (i.e., highly qualified athletes - from the level of the master of sports and above); to a large extent, and on the part of athletes of less high qualifications, representatives of mass sports, in general, a wide range of sports and physical culture fans. General principles and achievements of sports pharmacology, developed, of course, primarily for highly qualified athletes, are applicable, nevertheless, for all cases of adaptation of a healthy person to intense and high-volume physical activity.

In this section, at a fairly popular level, the authors present the main provisions of modern pharmacology in elite sports.

Sports pharmacology is based on the basic general clinical medical principles of the use of drugs:

1. The need to avoid the use of drugs that are incompatible with each other, as well as drugs that weaken each other's action.

2. Overdose or the simultaneous use of a large number of drugs can lead to allergic reactions that are difficult to treat with medication.

3. In the competitive and pre-competition period (and without sufficient medical indications and throughout the entire annual training cycle), it is impossible to use pharmacological drugs that are unacceptable according to the criteria of anti-doping control (prohibited by the IOC Medical Commission).

4. Athletes have a high likelihood of persistent addiction (physiological or psychological) to certain pharmacological drugs, which is accompanied by a decrease or loss of drug activity.

The general tasks of modern sports pharmacology are:

1. Improving the sports performance of athletes, i.e. expanding the possibilities of adaptation (adaptation) of the athlete's body to physical activity. The solution of this general problem by pharmacological means is possible directly, through the use of appropriate drugs, as well as through the solution of particular problems of sports pharmacology (2-5).

2. Acceleration of the recovery of the athlete's body functions, disturbed due to fatigue.

3. Acceleration and increase in the level of adaptation of the body of athletes to unusual conditions of training and competitive activity (mid-altitude, humid and hot climate, a sharp change in the time zone during flights and, as a result, the emergence of a state of acute desynchronosis, etc.).

4. Correction of immunity, suppressed during intense physical exertion.

5. Treatment of various kinds of diseases, injuries, dysfunctions of the body, i.e. medical purposes. The drugs used to solve Problem 5 are “ordinary” pharmaceuticals from the pharmacy, used for therapeutic indications. To solve problems 1-4, drugs of various groups and mechanisms of action are also used, united by the general requirement to satisfy the anti-doping principle (harmlessness, absence of side effects, approval for use by athletes of the IOC Medina Commission).

These are, first of all, drugs from the groups described in detail in the second section:

1. Amino acid preparations and protein products of increased biological value.
2. Vitamins.
3. Anabolic drugs.
4. Hepatoprotectors and choleretic agents.
5. Capillary blood circulation stimulants and hemo-stimulants.
6. Immunocorrective agents.
7. Adaptogens of plant and animal origin, as well as preparations of some other groups (for example, energizing agents (substrates of energy metabolism), antioxidants, electrolytes and minerals, saturated carbohydrate mixtures, combined preparations, etc.).

In the future, and this should be specially emphasized, in this manual we will consider only permitted (non-doping) methods of using drugs in sports pharmacology.

The use of drugs to accelerate the recovery of athletes and the treatment and prevention of overvoltage conditions in various body systems.

It is known that any physical activity ultimately leads to fatigue (a complex of protective reactions of the organism of various natures, limiting the excessive functional and biochemical changes arising during the performance of work). It is the task of pharmacological prevention and treatment of the state of acute fatigue of athletes that is one of the most important for the practice of sports, both of the highest achievements and of mass sports.

Until now, there is no universally accepted, unified theory of fatigue. Its mechanisms include, apparently, biochemical, neuromuscular, psychological and emotional processes. In the foreground, in the mechanisms of developing fatigue during physical exertion, of course, there are, on the one hand, the accumulation of energy metabolism products (primarily lactic acid or lactate) and fragments of structural elements of cells (primarily contractile and enzymatic proteins) that break down during muscle activity. , and on the other hand, there is a shortage of energy substrates, i.e. lack of energy sources for muscle work (creatine phosphate, ATP, glucose, glycogen - depending on the intensity of the load, various energy sources come to the fore, as you know).

The use of drugs for the treatment of fatigue implies the acceleration of the recovery of the performance of the athlete's body as a whole and of its various organs, systems, tissues and cells in particular - through the action of a pharmacological drug on individual links of the mechanism of this integral process.

When using drugs to accelerate the recovery of athletes, the principle of dosed recovery comes to the fore. The fact is that fatigue is also charitable for an athlete. It is fatigue and the biochemical and physiological changes caused by it that contribute to an increase in the adaptation of the athlete's body to physical activity, increase the level of sports performance, and have an actual training effect.

The reckless use of restorative means contributes to a decrease in the effectiveness of training and does not allow an athlete to reach the peak of sports form. The constant use of potent reducing agents can not only reduce the effect of training, but also lead to the loss of acquired skills.

In addition, the constant use of drugs such as inosine, Riboxin, Essentiale, phosphaden can lead to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of their intake and, ultimately, the onset of complete resistance to the drug. At the same time, extreme fatigue (overwork, overstrain) contributes to the disruption of the adaptive (adaptive) capabilities of the body to the load and a sharp decrease in sports performance.

The theory of dosed recovery of an athlete implies that recovery measures in athletes should be "dosed" both in intensity (not too much and not too little, but in moderation) and (which is very important) in time, should not be carried out continuously, but only only at certain periods of time in the training process. This is the general principle, and the details will be discussed below.

It is possible to objectively assess the degree of fatigue of an athlete's body only by a number of biochemical blood parameters, such as the content of lactic acid (lactate) formed during glycolytic (anaerobic) breakdown of glucose in muscles, the concentration of pyruvic acid (pyruvate), the enzyme creatine phosphokinase, urea and some others.

The means of recovery and restorative measures used in sports medicine can be conditionally divided into three groups: pedagogical, psychological and medico-biological. However, it should be recalled that this division is largely arbitrary, and only the complex application of the listed methods makes it possible to achieve the effect as soon as possible.

Pedagogical means of recovery include: individualization of the training process and the construction of training cycles, adequate intensity and direction of the load, a rational regimen of training and rest. In addition, it is very important to constantly monitor and correct training sessions depending on the functional state of the athlete.

The psychological methods of recovery of an athlete include: psychological and pedagogical methods, taking into account the individuality of each athlete, his emotional level and degree of contact, providing psychological relief and good rest, as well as special regulation of the mental state - regulation of sleep, hypnosis sessions, auto-training, muscle relaxation techniques ...

Medical and biological methods of recovery include: completeness and balance of food, diet, intake of additional amounts of vitamins, essential amino acids and trace elements; factors of physical influence - various types of manual therapy, the use of a bath, various baths and physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as the intake of natural and pharmacological preparations that contribute to the normalization of the athlete's well-being and physical fitness.

It should be noted that the main groups of pharmacological drugs used in sports medicine and pharmacology can be conditionally divided into tactical and strategic means that allow solving certain problems. The first group includes vitamins and multivitamin complexes, energy-rich drugs, some intermediate metabolic products, specialized protein preparations of various directions of action, antioxidants, immunomodulators, means of preventing liver dysfunction (hepatoprotectors), as well as drugs prescribed for medical reasons (i.e. . medicinal preparations).

The second group includes non-steroidal anabolic agents (not to be confused with anabolic steroids - doping), actoprotectors, some psychomodulators and some others.

The drug (pharmacological) effect on the recovery rate of athletes is, as already mentioned, in the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic overstrain. Physical overstrain of the body is a pathological reaction in the body that occurs in response to an excessive level of functioning of an organ or organ system. Overvoltage is a general painful reaction of the whole organism, but it is always characterized by a predominant confirmation of one or another system of the body.

Depending on the severity of the disturbance in the activity of systems and organs, four clinical forms of overvoltage are distinguished:

1) overstrain of the central nervous system;
2) overstrain of the cardiovascular system;
3) overstrain of the liver (hepatic pain syndrome);
4) overstrain of the neuromuscular system (muscle pain syndrome).

Treatment of overvoltage is aimed at regulating and stimulating metabolic processes, and there is a noticeable increase in the doses of drugs taken and the duration of the course.

Central nervous system (CNS) overexertion syndrome.

It occurs, as a rule, in difficult coordination sports during the period of technical skills development, in the special preparatory period, as well as in the pre-competition and competitive periods of the educational and training process. In this case, both oppression and overexcitation of the central nervous system can be observed.

In case of depression of the central nervous system, with a feeling of weakness, unwillingness to exercise, apathy, lowering blood pressure, tonic and stimulating agents are prescribed: adaptogenic preparations of animal and plant origin (pantocrine, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, eleutherococcus, aralia, sterculia, zamaniha, etc.), tonic imported herbal preparations (vigorex, brando, etc.).

With increased excitability, sleep disturbances, irritability, light hypnotics and sedatives (sedatives) are used: preparations of valerian, motherwort, passionflower, sodium oxybutyrate. When taking sodium oxybutyrate, you can prescribe aminolone, gammalon, or piracetam (sodium oxybutyrate - 30-35 g 5% syrup at night, aminolone, gammalon or piracetam 1-2 tablets 3 times a day), course duration 10-12 days ... In combination with these drugs, glutamic acid and calcium glycerophosphate can be prescribed.

Overexertion of the cardiovascular system

Objective indicators of cardiovascular overvoltage are changes in the athlete's electrocardiogram. In the presence of signs of overstrain of the cardiovascular system, the amount of physical activity should be immediately limited, as well as appropriate balneological, physiotherapeutic and pharmacological measures should be taken. Pharmacotherapy of myocardial overstrain syndrome in the presence of severe cardiac dysfunction includes taking riboxin (inosine), potassium orotate, safinor, as well as preparations of amino acids and vitamins (pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid). It is also advisable to combine the use of phosphorus, ATP, chloride chloride and carnitine preparations (15-30 days).

In the later stages of overstrain of the cardiovascular system, especially with pronounced signs of myocardial dystrophy, therapy with veroshpiron, aldactone is indicated. Before the course treatment, it is necessary to establish the individual sensitivity to the drug and its effective dose.

Liver overexertion syndrome (hepatic-painful)

Hepatic pain syndrome usually develops during endurance training, especially in sports requiring a forced position (speed skating, rowing). It develops, as a rule, after a single excessive physical exertion and manifests itself acutely, without precursors.

Particular attention should be paid to the athlete's nutritional control in the event of liver overstrain (the diet should contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates against the background of a reduced amount of animal fats, vegetable and dairy products).

To enhance bile secretion, it is advisable to prescribe mineral waters, preparations of some medicinal plants (infusion of immortelle, corn stigmas, rose hips), choleretic drugs (Allahol.legalon, Carsil) and hepatoprotectors (Essential). In case of spastic phenomena, the appointment of spasmodic agents is indicated. The combination of these funds with potassium orotate, riboxin (inosine) is also effective.

Overexertion syndrome of the neuromuscular system (muscle pain)

Intense muscular activity in anaerobic mode in athletes of low qualifications or during forced training can lead to the development of pain syndrome in the muscles. At the same time, training loads should be reduced, especially in anaerobic mode (strength). It is advisable to prescribe balneotherapy, massage with warming ointments, and a local pressure chamber.

Of the drugs for the treatment of muscle pain syndrome, the appointment of spasmodic, vasodilating and improving microcirculation processes is indicated: xanthinol nicotinate, nikoshpan, grental. Duration of admission is 2-5 days. With increased blood viscosity with impaired adhesion of platelets and erythrocytes, it is advisable to take grental with vasodilating drugs such as no-shpa and phosphadenum. A good effect is given by the appointment of sodium oxybutyrate, as a means of prophylaxis before planned loads in the aerobic zone. and also with the developed syndrome of "clogged" muscles.

In the case of persistent pain syndrome, to reduce muscle tone, it may be advisable to use scutamil-C (1-2 days) or midocalm (1-2 doses). Since, as a rule, these overvoltage syndromes do not occur in their pure form, but are combined in athletes, the restorative complex of drugs usually includes means aimed at preventing and treating various syndromes. At the same time, depending on the characteristics of the load in specific sports, the most pronounced manifestations of the reaction of fatigue and, accordingly, certain specific means for the treatment and prevention of various overvoltage syndromes come to the fore.

Pharmacological agents at various stages of training athletes

It is known that the adaptation of the body in the process of sports activity (training and competitive) is divided into a number of stages. Sports and pedagogical disciplines have developed an idea of ​​the frequency (cyclicity) of the development of adaptation to loads to achieve maximum sports results.

In this case, the annual cycle of training athletes is divided into a number of shorter stages, i.e. mesocycles, each of which sets specific tasks in relation to the development or consolidation of the level of adaptation (as a rule, a mesocycle corresponds to one training session). In accordance with this, each mesocycle includes a number of repetitive intervals with more specific tasks, the so-called microcycles (usually 7-10 days long).

The last day of the microcycle is a day of rest and recovery, the development of adaptive changes in each microcycle can be fixed or accelerated by the appropriate dosed pharmacological action. In this case, the essence of the principle is that the pharmacological effect on the athlete's body should not be carried out constantly, but coincide in time with the moment when the load has already caused certain adaptive changes in the body (for example, by a corresponding change in metabolism in the form of the accumulation of certain metabolic products) ...

This moment, apparently, corresponds to the first half of the microcycle. Further impact of the load and the accumulation of toxic metabolites now contributes not to the development of adaptation, but only to the depletion of resources (energy and plastic) of the body.

From this point on, a complex restorative effect, including pharmacological, should begin. In this case, the action of drugs should be directed, firstly, at maintaining energy and plastic resources, and, secondly, at partial elimination or detoxification of metabolic products.

Thus, starting from the second half of the microcycle, pharmacological correction of adaptation to load should reach a maximum by the day of rest. This principle can be extended to the mesocycle as a whole. The volume and intensity of pharmacological effects should increase by the end of the training session.

In general, in the annual cycle of training athletes, depending on the tasks to be solved, stages are distinguished: preparatory, basic, pre-competition, competitive, recovery.

The main task of the pharmacological support of athletes at the recovery stage is the elimination of "toxins" from the body formed during heavy physical exertion, as well as drug therapy of overvoltage of various systems and organs. During the period of intense physical activity (developmental training), the task of enhancing protein synthesis in the body, saturating the diet with high-grade proteins and carbohydrates is brought to the fore. In the pre-competition and competitive periods, the most important tasks are to create energy depots in the body, the prevention of infectious colds, and the maintenance of the immunological status.

Thus, the main tasks of pharmacological support in a particular period of an athlete's training are dictated by the orientation and volume of training and competitive loads, the degree of tension of certain body systems. It is absolutely unacceptable to constantly use any pharmacological preparations without taking into account the periodicity of the athlete's training, since this can lead to a negative effect and the development of a stable addiction of the athlete to this or that drug.

As the use of pharmacological drugs that stimulate the growth of muscle mass in the absence of intense physical activity, leads to an increase in body weight, but does not contribute to an increase in strength and endurance, and vice versa, an insufficient content in the diet of proteins, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins during the developmental period. loads inhibits the growth of muscle mass and strength.

The creation of "energy depots" is carried out mainly due to carbohydrate and lipid saturation of the body with products of increased biological value (PBVC), such as honey, bee bread, nuts, dried apricots, feijoa, protein and amino acid. It is also advisable to use energy-saturated pharmaceuticals (ATP, phosphaden, neoton, creatine phosphate, etc.).

The maintenance of the immunological status of the body of athletes is carried out with the help of universal drugs, conventionally called adaptogens (both of plant and animal origin). These include dry and liquid extracts, tinctures and other dosage forms of ginseng, Rhodiola rosea (golden root), Schisandra chinensis, Leuzea safflower, Black cohosh, Manchurian aralia, Eleutherococcus, Zamanihi, Pantocrine and some other drugs.

The combined use of various adaptogens, their combinations significantly enhance the tonic and adaptogenic effect. In sports pharmacology, adaptogens are usually used to accelerate the adaptation and recovery of the body in preparation for the main start and during intense developmental loads, when there is a real danger of the occurrence of infectious colds against the background of a weakening of the immune system.

In this issue, the authors have set themselves the goal of highlighting in more detail the specific issues of the scientifically grounded use of permitted (non-doping) pharmacological drugs to regulate recovery processes, prevent overvoltage, reduce the adaptation time (both to physical activity and changing environmental conditions), increase mental stability and performance of athletes.
Below are the schemes of pharmacological support of athletes at various stages of training.

Recovery period

As we have already noted, the main tasks of the pharmacological support of athletes at the recovery stage of the annual cycle of the educational and training process are:
1) removal of metabolic "toxins" from the body;
2) overvoltage treatment of various systems and organs;
3) preparation for the perception of intense physical and psycho-emotional stress.

To solve these problems, pharmacological preparations are used.
Vitamins A and E - either separately or combined in the "Aevit" preparation - stimulate some redox processes and the synthesis of a number of hormones. Vitamin C - is used to accelerate adaptation to physical activity and to prevent vitamin deficiency. For girls, you can recommend the drug "Ferroplex" (Hungary), which contains iron ions along with ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is most advisable to take "Ferroplex" in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

Vitamin complexes such as kvedevit, oligovit, aerovit, dekamevit, glutamevit, komplivit, Polivitaplex (Hungary), Supradin, Elevit (Switzerland) and others help to normalize the course of biochemical reactions in the body, prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. At the same time, such drugs as Complivit, Glutamevit (USSR), Polivitaplex (Hungary), Promonta, Biovital (Germany), Supradin, Elevit (Switzerland) are specialized sports drugs containing, along with the complex vitamins have a balanced microelement composition, therefore, their use in the preparatory period is most preferable.

Acceleration of adaptation to severe physical exertion and normalization of the functional state of systems and organs is facilitated by the intake of adaptogens, such as Safinor * (* Safinor is a domestic combined adaptogenic preparation containing: 0.2 g riboxin, 0.02 g saparal, 0.05 g phloaerin , 0.25 g of potassium orotate.), Ginseng, eleutherococcus, zamaniha, pantocritidr. As a rule, they are taken in the form of tinctures 2-3 times a day - in the morning and before lunch on an empty stomach. Safinor and pantocrinum (tablet form) take 1 table. 3 times a day for 10 days. Taking adaptogens should be started 3-4 days before the start of training, the duration of the course of taking drugs is usually 10-12 days.

Sedatives (sedatives) and hypnotics are used during this period, mainly for the relief (suppression) and treatment of the central nervous system overvoltage syndrome, after significant psycho-emotional overload. You can use the roots of valerian (both in tablet form and in the form of a tincture), motherwort infusion, oxybuticar and some other sedatives.

In order to normalize metabolism during the recovery period, to regulate the functional state of systems and organs, to accelerate the rehabilitation of athletes, the following drugs are usually prescribed: riboxin (inosine), cocarboxylase, essential, hepatoprotectors (allochol, legalon, carsil.LIV-52 and etc.).

A diet rich in carbohydrates and fats is recommended during this period, to a lesser extent this applies to proteins. The presence in the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, as well as products of increased biological value is absolutely essential. Particular attention should be paid to the weight of the athlete, which should not exceed during this period the usual (so-called "combat" weight) by more than 2-3 kg.

In the second half of the recovery period, it is recommended to take immunomodulators, preferably nonspecific, such as mummy, honey bee, pollen preparations, Pollitabs, Zernelton (Sweden). Medicines from the group of immunomodulators (levamisole, T-activin, etc.) can be prescribed only for medical reasons.

Preparatory period (basic stage of preparation)

During this period, the intake of vitamins continues, although it is advisable to take an 8-10-day break in the course of taking multivitamin complexes. It is good if the athlete has the opportunity to start taking a new drug. Of the individual vitamins, it is advisable to prescribe cobamamide and a complex of B vitamins, which helps to enhance the synthesis and prevent the breakdown of muscle proteins.

In the preparatory period, it is recommended to prescribe some drugs with antioxidant properties - encephabol; ubion; alpha-tocopherol acetate, gammalone, lipoic acid, sodium succinate. Taking these drugs promotes the synthesis of ATP in the brain, stimulates the processes of cellular respiration, has an antihypoxic effect (which is especially useful when training in mid-altitude conditions), increases the emotional stability and physical performance of athletes.

During developmental physical activities, it is very useful to take drugs that regulate plastic metabolism, i.e. stimulating protein synthesis in muscle cells, helping to increase muscle mass. This group of so-called anabolic drugs includes: ecdisten, mildronate, carnitine chloride and some others. For more details on the action and recommended dosages for anabolic drugs, see Section 2 (“Approved Medicines - Helping Bodybuilders and Weightlifters”).

The preparatory stage of the training cycle is characterized by significant volumes and intensity of training loads. That is why taking immunomodulators during this period is a necessary condition for preventing a breakdown of the immune system. The most accessible and widespread in the USSR are such nonspecific immunomodulators as mummy, honey with bee bread (honeycomb, preferably in old dark combs), pollen. The most important condition for their use is that they must be taken on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning).

At the preparatory stage of training athletes, it is recommended to prescribe hematoprotectors; in the presence of medical indications, it is advisable to use riboxin (inosine), solcoseryl (actovegin) (i.e. drugs used for the prevention and treatment of syndromes, respectively, liver overstrain and myocardial overstrain).

The focus of the diet during this period is protein-carbon. The food should contain a sufficient amount of complete protein (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes), vitamins and microelements. Of the protein-carbohydrate mixtures, it is recommended “Multicraft” (70,80,85 or 90% of the protein content), 50-70 g per day, “Starkprotein” (a source of essential amino acids), 6-8 capsules per day, protein “Vigor ”10-12 tablets per day, etc. (Detailed protein and amino acid preparations are described in Section 2). The amount of protein taken in addition to that supplied with food should not exceed 40-50 g (in terms of pure protein).

Pre-competition preparation period.

This period is characterized by a significant reduction in the number of used pharmacological preparations. It is recommended to reduce the intake of multivitamins to 1-2 tablets or pills per day (if possible, it is better to change the drug used). Of individual vitamins and co-fermets, it is advisable to prescribe cobamamide (to prevent muscle loss) and cocarboxylase (to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids), as well as vitamin C.

At the beginning of the pre-competition period, drugs such as ecdisten, mildronate, carnitine chloride, sodium succinate, etc. can be recommended, although the dosage should not exceed 1/2 dose of the preparatory period. These drugs must be canceled 5-7 days before the competition.

In the second half of the pre-competition period (8-10 days before the start), it is recommended to take adaptogens and energetically saturated drugs (ATP, phosphobion, creatine phosphate, phosphaden, neoton, etc.). If adaptogens contribute to the acceleration of adaptation processes to changing environmental conditions (since competitions, as a rule, take place on the outskirts of the country, republic, city, etc.) and the acceleration of recovery processes, then energy-rich products and preparations make it possible to create an “energy depot ”, Promote ATP synthesis and improve muscle contractility.

A prerequisite is the appointment of immunomodulatory drugs in the pre-competition period. The focus of the diet during this period of preparation is mainly carbohydrate, and the most appropriate is the consumption of fructose. American doctors recommend the following way of carbohydrate saturation for athletes specializing in sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance: 10-12 days before the start, they begin to reduce their intake of carbohydrates from food and by the 5th day bring their intake to a minimum. Then gradually increase the intake of carbohydrates ( better than fructose) to the maximum on the day of start.

As for the peculiarities of the girls' pharmaceutical supply, they are recommended to take ferroplex, konferon or other iron-containing drugs throughout the entire ovarian-menstrual cycle. Quite often it happens that the day of the main start falls on the days of menstruation. To somewhat delay the period of its onset (by 2-3 days) can take ascorutin 1 table. Zraza a day 10-14 days before the competition.

Competition period

During this period, the number of used pharmacological preparations is further reduced. Of all the above groups, only adaptogens, energy products and intermediates (ATP, phosphaden, phosphobion; inosine, neoton, creatine phosphate, energy) and minimum doses of vitamins (vitamins C, E, B1 must be present) are preserved in the pharmacological support of the competitive period. The complex use of the named pharmacological preparations allows accelerating the recovery processes between starts, provides a high contractile ability of muscle fibers, and promotes the stimulation of cellular respiration processes.

Purely competitive pharmacological agents include actoprotectors - drugs that have only recently entered the arsenal of sports pharmacology, but have already received recognition. Of the domestic drugs, these include sodium succinate, and a new drug will soon appear - limontar (a derivative of citric and succinic acids), bromentane. Actoprotectors prevent the occurrence of metabolic (metabolic) disorders in the body at the time of physical exertion, stimulate cellular respiration, and promote enhanced synthesis of energy-saturated compounds (ATP, creatine phosphate).

Thus, speaking about the pharmacological support of the training process and competitive activity of an athlete in the annual training cycle, it should be noted that the largest share of pharmaceutical supply falls on the recovery and, especially, the preparatory periods, gradually decreasing during the transition to the subcompetitive and, further, competitive periods of the cycle.

Pharmacological correction of temporal and climatic-geographical adaptation of athletes

When athletes move over considerable distances (accompanied, as a rule, by a sharp change in climatic and geographical conditions, altitude, significant change in time zones), a special pharmacological correction of their functional state is often required.

It is known that a sharp change in standard time is accompanied by a syndrome of “acute desynchronosis”, which is based on violations of the so-called circadian rhythms of synchronization of the main processes of life. Acute desynchronosis is manifested by pronounced disturbances in the sleep-wakefulness rhythm, changes in mental status and vegetative-vascular shifts.

At the same time, in 0.9 cases, athletes who did not undergo special correction, there is an acute breakdown in adaptive capabilities up to 7-10 days after moving to a new time zone. And ultimately, this leads to a significant decrease in the functional readiness of athletes and the impossibility of full preparation for the upcoming starts. When moving from west to east, desynchronosis, in general, proceeds in a more acute form and for a longer time.

It should be emphasized that the pharmacological correction of these disorders should be an integral part of the complex of currently known biomedical and pedagogical methods for resolving the problem of temporary adaptation. At the same time, pharmacological measures should be rationally combined with early departure to the competition venue and the possibility of gradual adaptation to changes in time (however, taking into account the possible negative impact on the psychological state of athletes during a long wait for the start at the competition venue), with the psychological preparation of athletes for the move ( do not significantly focus the attention of athletes on the upcoming time shift) and the corresponding correction of the training process.

Disynchronization correction measures should begin immediately during the flight. In this case, the choice of the most convenient departure time becomes essential. In the case of moving from east to west, the best flight is in the morning. The main task in these conditions is to prevent the athletes from falling asleep during the flight. For this purpose, it is recommended to prescribe tonic drugs 1-1.5 hours after departure.

The best results are usually achieved after fractional intake of the psychostimulant drug sydnocarb, 10-15 mg every 4 hours of flight. Further sleep prevention should be sought until late afternoon local time. 40-60 minutes before bedtime, it is advisable to prescribe 5% sodium oxybutyrate syrup (30-35 ml) with the addition of 30-40 drops of liquid posiflora extract.

This ensures fast and high-quality falling asleep without subsequent relaxation during the morning hours. The course of taking sodium oxybutyrate syrup (at night) is continued for the next 3-4 days. In about one quarter of cases, affective disorders in the form of decreased mood, increased irritability and inadequate reactions in athletes, which occur during long flights, can acquire a more or less stable character 3-5 days after arrival, which requires the appointment of daytime tranquilizers such as Phenibut or Mebikar for several days.

When flying from west to east, the optimal departure is in the evening hours. In this case, the main task is to normalize sleep at night during the flight (weak hypnotics such as radedorm in a dose of up to 10 mg). Particular attention should be paid to the absence of overeating on the plane. In the first two or three days after arrival, in the afternoon, light tonics are prescribed such as tincture of ginseng, liquid extract of Eleutherococcus, etc., and in the evening hours, 1 hour before bedtime, sodium oxybutyrate syrup 5% with the addition of liquid extract of paciflora.

In addition to the direct manifestations of acute desynchrosis (mainly in the form of a sleep-wake rhythm disorder), the latter, apparently, causes deeper disturbances of regulatory processes in the body. So, when analyzing the dynamics of maladjustment of athletes when changing the time zone, in more than 50% of cases, there is a destabilization of blood pressure, changes in muscle tone, individual disturbances in heart function (changes in rhythm and conduction) and other disorders.

Therefore, the normalization of the sleep-wakefulness rhythm and the relief of affective reactions does not mean optimization of the functional state of athletes who have undergone a flight with a significant change in time zone. For this purpose, it is recommended to use sodium succinate (10 days, 0.3 g each 1.5 hours before training) the background of the combined intake of ginseng tincture (25 drops) and liquid extracts of Eleutherococcus (20 drops) and Rhodiola rosea (20 drops) 2-3 times a day before meals. It is also possible to use other adaptogens of plant and animal origin.

At present, the complex of phenomena of maladjustment of the organism is well known, which is observed in the first days after the movement of athletes to the conditions of the middle mountains (heights up to 700 meters above sea level). Since mid-altitude training is now an indispensable stage in the annual training cycle in a number of sports, as well as in connection with the frequent holding of important competitions in these conditions, pharmacological methods of accelerating the adaptation processes of the body in the mid-altitude mountains sometimes acquire exceptional importance.

When moving to the conditions of the middle mountains, starting from the 2-3rd and up to the 10th and even more days from the moment of arrival, there is a significant decrease in the indicators of the functional state of the circulatory and respiratory systems, as well as the central nervous system, which causes a feeling of increased difficulty in performing physical activities. Objectively, this is expressed in disturbances in nighttime sleep, unmotivated overexcitation or, conversely, depression, electrocardiographic symptoms of myocardial overstrain, myocardial obstruction, difficulty breathing, decreased appetite, increased fatigue. All this symptom complex of “acute” disruption of adaptation of the organism of athletes in the midlands often jeopardizes the fulfillment of the tasks of training camps, as well as the possibility of mobilizing all the resources of athletes during the period of important competitions.

Pharmacological tactics for the correction of these disorders consists in an integrated approach to the treatment and prevention of two main syndromes: overstrain of the central nervous system and overstrain of the cardiovascular system. Since moving to the middle mountains, as a rule, is also accompanied by an abrupt change in the time zone, it may be advisable to use the pharmacological tactics described above for correcting acute desynchrosis.

For the complex adaptation of the body of athletes to the conditions of midlands, a combined herbal adaptogenic preparation Safinor is usually prescribed (1 was, 3 times a day half an hour before meals, the duration of the course is 10-12 days). The composition of safinor (riboxin, saparral, fleverin, potassium orotate) (provides both a normalizing effect on the functions of the central nervous system (psychotonic effect of saparral) and optimization of the functions of the cardiovascular system (due to riboxin and fleverin).

Taking the drug should be started 3-4 days before moving to the midlands, which ensures an increase in the cumulative effect of saffinor within 3-5 days after arrival, as a rule, practically completely eliminates the symptoms of an acute breakdown in adaptation. Subsequently, the optimal level of the functional state of athletes in medium-heat conditions should be maintained by using a complex of plant adaptogens, including 2 ml of liquid extract of Eleutherococcus, 30 drops of pantocrine, 15 drops of liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea (2 times a day half an hour before meals before breakfast and lunch) ... It is possible to use other adaptogenic preparations of plant, animal and synthetic origin (ginseng, aralia, dibavol, etc.).

Pharmacological support and nutrition of athletes.

The role of nutrition in the training of highly qualified athletes can hardly be overestimated. The level of modern sports records also requires appropriate training of athletes. An increase in training loads and an intensification of competitive activity, a frequent change in climatic conditions and time zones, training in mid-altitude mountains, as well as an increase in the technical equipment of athletes - all this is included in the concept of elite sports and requires tremendous physical and moral strength from athletes. One of the most important components of ensuring a high level of the functional state of athletes is a rational balanced diet.

The diets recommended for athletes of various sports are designed taking into account the stage of the athlete's preparation, the season (in winter, the energy requirement is approximately 10% higher) and climatic conditions, as well as the age, sex, weight, sports experience and other individual indicators of the athlete. ...

In this case, the athlete's diet must:

1) correspond to its energy consumption at a given time;
2) be balanced, i.e. contain all the necessary nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, biologically active substances) in the required proportions;
3) contain products of both animal and plant origin;
4) easily absorbed by the body.

Cooking is very important for sports diets. Particular attention should be paid to the maximum preservation of the natural properties of products, their variety and the design of dishes. The usual diet involves three meals a day, however, for highly qualified athletes, 4 or 5 meals a day is preferable.

The calorie content of the diet should correspond to the energy consumption of the athlete, which in turn is determined by age, gender, sports experience and qualifications, and, in particular, by the type of sport. The quantitative ratio of the main food components is strictly individual for representatives of various sports, depending on the focus of their training and competitive activities. Table 1 shows the indicators of the daily requirement for energy and basic nutrients for various sports per 1 kg of body weight.

Table 1

Kind of sport Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g Caloric content, Kcal
Gymnastics, figure skating 2.5 1.9 9.75 66
Athletics sprint, jump 2.5 2 9.8 67
Marathon 2.9 2.2 13 84
Swimming, water polo 2.5 2.4 10 72
Weightlifting, bodybuilding, throwing 2.9 2 11.8 77
Wrestling, boxing 2.8 2.2 11 75
Game sports 2.6 2.2 10.6 72
Cycling 2.7 2.1 14.3 87
Skiing short distances 2.5 2.2 11 74
Long distance skiing 2.6 2.4 12.6 82
Skating 2.7 2.3 10.9 74

For athletes specializing in sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance, a diet is recommended in which proteins provide 14-15% of energy consumption, in speed-strength sports - 17-18%, in some cases up to 20% (bodybuilding, barbell).

Protein intake in an amount of more than 3 g / kg is not recommended even for athletes of such sports as weightlifting, throwing, athletic gymnastics, because the body, as a rule, is not able to cope with the breakdown and absorption of such a mass of protein.

But an insufficient intake of protein (less than 2 g per kg of body weight) also does not contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, because at the same time, there may be an increase in the excretion from the body of such important vitamins as vitamin C, hyamine, riboflavin, pridoxin, niacin, as well as potassium salts.

Along with their plastic function, proteins can be used by the body as energy carriers. so, 10-14% of the protein entering the body can be oxidized and provide the necessary energy. At the same time, special requirements are imposed on the quality of consumed protein, its amino acid composition, and the presence of essential amino acids in it. The recommended daily intake of essential amino acids (in mg per kg of body weight) is presented in Table 2.

table 2

An equally important characteristic of the protein consumed by athletes is the level of balance of the amino acid composition. It is believed that the most optimal is the content of 55-65% proteins of animal origin in the diet. As for such an important food component as fats, it is most preferable for athletes to consume fats with a low melting point, contained in milk, lactic acid products, and vegetable oils. Before intense training and competition, the amount of fat in the diet should be reduced, because they are poorly absorbed at high physical and emotional stress.

During the period of loads of maximum and submaximal power, the body's energy supply is carried out mainly due to the coal of the waters, fructose is recommended for the implementation of carbohydrate saturation of the body. Its advantage over glucose is that fructose intake is not accompanied by significant fluctuations in blood sugar (glucose) content and therefore does not require an increase in the release of insulin from the pancreas. At the same time, the content of glycogen in skeletal muscles decreases to a much lesser extent than when glucose is consumed.

One of the most important components of a balanced diet is obtaining an appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals with food (or additionally with pharmacological preparations). Table 3 shows the daily requirement of athletes in various sports in “vitamins (in mg). It should be noted that the indicators given in the table are 1.5-2 times higher than the data of American authors, which is obviously associated with the nature of the diet and the quality of food in the United States.

Table 3

Kind of sport WITH IN 1 IN 2 AT 3 AT 6 Sun AT 12 PP A E
Gymnastics figure skating 120 3,50 4 16 7 500 0,003 35 3 30
Athletics Sprint Jumping 200 3, 6 4,2 18 8 500 0,008 36 3,5 26
Medium and long distance running 250 4 4,8 17 9 600 0,01 42 3,8 40
Marfon 350 5 5 19 10 600 0,01 45 3,8 45
Swimming 250 3,9 4,5 18 8 500 0,01 45 3,8 45
Body-building 210 4 5,5 20 10 600 0,009 45 3,8 35
Fight boxing 250 4 5,2 20 10 600 0,009 45 3,8 30
Game types 240 4,2 4,8 18 9 550 0,008 40 3,7 35
Cycle track 200 4 4,6 17 7 500 0,01 40 3,6 35
Cycling Highway 350 4,8 5,2 19 10 600 0,01 45 3,8 45
Skiing - short distances 210 4 4,6 18 9 500 0,008 40 3,6 40
Long distance skiing 350 4,9 4,4 18 9 550 0,009 40 3,5 40
Skating 200 4 4,4 18 9 550 0,009 40 3,5 40

The need for additional intake of vitamins (in addition to their content in food) does not mean that their increased intake leads to an improvement in athletic performance. On the contrary, an overdose of vitamin preparations can lead to very serious consequences for the body. Some of the possible side effects of taking excess doses of vitamins are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4.

Vitamin Toxic dose Side effect
A more than 200 mcg. teenagers. more than 60 kg children. 6-20 mg daily dose for adults hydrocephalus development, cirrhosis, tetratogenic effects ...
R more than 1250 mcg. hypercalcemia, apathy, phlebitis, headache ...
E more than 150 mg. weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, hypercholesterolemia ...
AT 6 more than 200 mg. weakness, fatigue, sensory neuropathy ...
PP more than 100 mg. bronchospasm, hyperglycemia, hepatitis ...
WITH more than 2 g. nausea, diarrhea, destruction of vitamin B12

Thus, we can confidently consider that a full-fledged balanced diet is one of the most important components of medical and biological support of the training process and competitive activity. Very important for rational pharmacological support is the question of the interaction of drugs with food components, as well as the choice of the optimal time for taking drugs. The composition and temperature of food, the presence of healthy microflora in the intestine are very important factors in the dissolution and absorption of drugs.

Drugs are often mixed with fruit or vegetable juices in an attempt to mask their unpleasant taste or to make them easier to take by mouth. However, juices contain a number of organic acids, in the presence of which some compounds, in particular antibiotics, are destroyed.

The general recommendation may be to prescribe drugs (unless otherwise specified) on an empty stomach, which eliminates the interaction of drugs with food components and significantly limits the negative effects of digestive juices, excludes the delaying effect of food on the absorption of drugs. This ensures the maximum availability of pharmacological preparations for the body.

It is advisable to prescribe choleretic agents 5-10 minutes before meals, so that they stimulate bile secretion by the time food enters the duodenum. After meals, as a rule, preparations are prescribed that are insoluble in water and soluble in fats (for example, fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, K), as well as preparations containing potassium, bromine, sodium salts, and reduced iron. When drugs enter the body before meals, sometimes irritation of the gastric mucosa is possible, which can be eliminated by washing the drug with water, starchy mucus or milk.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the methodological recommendations offered to your attention can only give general ideas about the construction of a system of rational pharmacological support of the training process and competitive activity of highly qualified athletes. All specific advice and medical appointments can only be carried out by a doctor and carried out under medical supervision.



    The problem of doping has been and remains the most acute at the present time. The adopted Federal Law of May 7, 2010 N 82-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation "establishes responsibility for violation of anti-doping rules, introduces and discloses the concept of" violation of anti-doping rules. "However, despite to these innovations, in the new version of the Law on Sports, only the responsibility of the athlete himself is still determined, although according to part 8 of Article 26 of the Law on Sports (as amended) measures to prevent and combat doping in sports include the establishment of responsibility athletes, coaches, other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports for violation of anti-doping rules.
    According to Part 4 of Art. 26 of the Law on Sports (as amended), violation of anti-doping rules by athletes, as well as coaches, other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in relation to athletes, use of a prohibited substance and (or) a prohibited method in relation to animals participating in a sports competition is not allowed ...
    It is necessary to establish the independent responsibility of a wide range of subjects for the use by athletes of substances and (or) methods prohibited for use in sports, for the possession of prohibited substances and (or) prohibited methods without permission for their therapeutic use; for the distribution of a prohibited substance and / or a prohibited method; for the use or attempted use of a Prohibited Substance against an Athlete, or the use or attempted use of a Prohibited Method, etc. for any anti-doping rule violations.
    These actions are a prerequisite for the use of prohibited substances and / or prohibited methods. The imposition of severe penalties for such actions in order to prevent them is the most important condition for the fight against doping in sport.
    This responsibility could be reflected in administrative legislation. The most acceptable type of responsibility seems to be the introduction of administrative fines for violation of anti-doping rules. Limitations on the amount of a fine for a citizen and an official, provided for in Art. 3.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the possibility of applying a more severe punishment to an official in comparison with a citizen necessitates the definition of a clear circle of special subjects - officials in relation to sports activities. Medical personnel, coaches, executives of sports organizations and teams - this is not a complete list of persons who are obliged to direct all efforts to prevent doping in sports, and as a result, their responsibility for offenses should be more stringent than other persons. Thus, it should be enshrined in the footnote to Art. 2.4 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation the following wording:
    "Specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, medical or paramedical personnel working with an athlete or treating athletes taking part or preparing to participate in a sports competition, who have committed administrative offenses, bear administrative responsibility as officials."
    This wording should be supplemented with a reference to the corresponding article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for doping in sports.
    From the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 26 of the Sport Law, it follows that anti-doping rule violations are also possible on the part of legal entities. The introduction of administrative liability of legal entities for doping in sports will require amendments to the Law on Sports in order to more accurately describe the essence of a possible offense. Currently, sports legislation proceeds from the need to bring to justice only those directly related to sports.
    The question of the application of administrative punishment in the form of disqualification to the guilty persons remains controversial. By its nature, disqualification consists in depriving an individual of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. The possibility to disqualify an athlete is provided for by the Law on Sports. The introduction of liability of a legal entity for doping in sports and, at the same time, of its officials will not require additional changes to the current rules on disqualification. But, referring to officials of sports specialists, medical personnel, etc., appropriate changes should be made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is necessary to determine what exactly will be the disqualification of these persons (part 1 of article 3.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and to which persons it can be applied (part 3 of article 3.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
    Experts propose to prohibit disqualified persons from engaging in activities in the field of physical culture and sports on the basis of an appropriate agreement. At the same time, this punishment with such a wording will not apply to medical personnel, since medical activity is an activity in the field of healthcare. In addition, the concept "to engage in activities in the field of physical culture and sports" is too broad. It would be more correct, within the framework of disqualification, to limit ourselves to certain positions, providing for their list in the normative acts of the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.
    Accordingly, Part 3 of Art. 3.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation should be supplemented with the wording that disqualification can be applied "to specialists in the field of physical culture and sports."
    We should not forget about the responsibility of parents, with whose assistance doping in sports often becomes possible. Introducing the responsibility of parents and other legal representatives, it is necessary to reflect the responsibility of other persons who are entrusted with the responsibility for the education and upbringing of minors.
    The proposal to toughen the punishment for acts against minors is reasonable, but it should be taken into account that the subject of responsibility in an administrative offense is a person of sixteen years of age. Accordingly, it is possible to limit the range of minors to persons who have reached the age of sixteen. In this case, acts committed against athletes under the age of sixteen should be punished more severely.
    Finally, the most important question remains about the range of subjects for the offense under consideration. Limiting the range of subjects of responsibility will give rise to a lot of ways to "avoid" responsibility. Administrative legislation does not contain the institution of complicity. Suppose a situation where an athlete is persuaded to doping by an intermediary other than a coach, parent, doctor, etc. Such a person cannot be prosecuted if the circle of subjects is limited to persons related to sports.
    It would be most correct to provide for the responsibility of everyone who commits such an act. Provide trainers, medical personnel and other specialists as special subjects. Establish separate responsibilities for the specified persons.
    Considering that a definition of doping in sport will appear in the Sport Law, it would be advisable to introduce administrative liability for special subjects for "violation of anti-doping rules by athletes, as well as coaches, other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in relation to athletes, use in relation to animals, participating in a sporting event, a Prohibited Substance and / or a Prohibited Method. "
    At present, it is difficult to determine in which of the existing chapters of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation it would be correct to include an article on responsibility for doping in sports. Administrative legislation has long needed a separate chapter on sports offenses. In the absence of such a chapter, the most acceptable chapter is chapter 6 "Administrative offenses infringing on health, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and public morality."
    Taking into account the May amendments to the Law on Sports, the following formulations are possible in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:
    1) in the footnote to Art. 2.4 indicate:
    "Specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, medical or paramedical personnel working with an athlete or treating athletes taking part or preparing to participate in a sports competition, who have committed administrative offenses provided for in Article __ of this Code, bear administrative responsibility as officials";
    2) Part 3 of Art. 3.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, after the words "carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity", add the words "to specialists in the field of physical culture and sports";
    3) "Article 6.17. Anti-Doping Rule Violations
    1. Inducing an athlete to use substances and (or) methods prohibited for use in sports both in the competition period and in the out-of-competition period,
    - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to three thousand rubles; for officials - from ten to fifteen thousand rubles or disqualification for up to one year.
    2. Violation of anti-doping rules by athletes, as well as coaches, other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, and (or) an athlete's support personnel in relation to athletes, the use of a prohibited substance and (or) a prohibited method in relation to animals participating in a sports competition, -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles; for officials - from fifteen to twenty thousand rubles or disqualification for up to two years.
    3. The same acts committed by parents, legal representatives, a coach, other persons who are entrusted with the responsibility of teaching and educating minors, another athlete, as well as another specialist in the field of physical culture and sports and (or) an athlete's support personnel in relation to an athlete under the age of sixteen, -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand rubles; for officials - from twenty to twenty five thousand rubles or disqualification for up to three years. "
    Note: under the substances and (or) methods prohibited for use in sports, in this article it should be understood the substances and (or) methods prohibited for use in sports in accordance with the lists of such substances and (or) methods approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.
    In this article, other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports should be understood as specialists in the field of physical culture and sports included in the list approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.
    Athlete Support Personnel refers to any instructor, sports team member, medical or paramedical personnel who works with an Athlete or treats Athletes participating in or preparing to compete in a sporting event.

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The detection of doping threatens the athlete with severe punishments, up to and including complete excommunication from the sport. At the first detection of prohibited drugs (with the exception of sympathomimetic drugs, such as ephedrine and its derivatives), he is disqualified for 2 years, and for the second time - for life. In case of taking sympathomimetics for the first time - disqualification for 6 months, in the second for 2 years, in the third - for life. In this case, the coach and the doctor who observed the athlete are also subject to punishment. The use of any drugs officially classified as narcotic as doping entails appropriate administrative and criminal penalties. Currently, proposals have been made to the country's legislative bodies to introduce criminal punishment for taking anabolic steroids without medical indications, or persuading them to take them.


1. Amosov N.M. Thinking about health / N.M. Amosov. - Sverdlovsk, 1987

2. Duyurovsky V.I. Sports medicine / V.I. Duyurovsky // Textbook for university students. M .: Humanit. ed. Centre. VLADOS, 1998

3. Handbook of the teacher of physical education / Ed. L. B. Kofman - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1998

4. Chernousov O.G. Physical culture / O.G. Chernousov. // Textbook - Tomsk: Tomsk Interuniversity Center for Distance Education, 1999

Athlete Support Personnel Responsibilities

The athlete's personnel must:

Study in detail the World Anti-Doping Code, the Prohibited List, the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions, the International Standard for Testing;

Provide the athlete with information on all aspects of doping control;

Know anti-doping rules and the consequences associated with their violation;

Know which substances and methods are prohibited in the competition and out-of-competition periods;

Have information on the use of dietary supplements in sports and the dangers associated with their use.

Up to 80% of sports nutrition products on the Russian market are fakes, which may contain substances prohibited in sports. It is important to remember that dietary supplements can only be purchased from trusted suppliers who have the necessary product documentation.

If the athlete's anti-doping rule violation is proven to be involved, staff will be sanctioned more severely than the athlete.

Sanctions against athlete personnel:

1. Prescribing or attempting to prescribe prohibited substances and methods to an athlete, distributing or attempting to distribute a prohibited substance or a prohibited method, aiding, concealing or any other type of complicity in an athlete's anti-doping rule violation shall result in the application of personnel sanctions in the form of disqualification from four years to life.

2. If the anti-doping rule violation was committed by a minor athlete and the staff is proven guilty, the violation will be considered particularly serious and the staff will be subject to lifelong disqualification.

Substance name

Large size

(gr. over)

19-norandrostenedione (est-4-en-3,17-dione)


1-testosterone (17beta-hydroxy-5alpha - androst-1-en-3-one)

Gestrinone (4-hydroxytestosterone (4,17beta-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one)





Danazol (17alpha) -pregn-2,4-diene-20-ino-2,3-d-isoxazol-17-ol)

Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (4-chloro-17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one)

Desoxymethyltestosterone (17alpha - methyl-5alpha-androst-2-en-17beta-ol)




Mesocarb (sydnocarb) (3- (alpha-methylphenethyl) -N-phenylcarbamoylsidnone imine)


Mesterolone (1alpha-methylandrostanodone)

Methandienone methandrostenolone) (17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one)


Methasterone (2alpha, 17alpha-dimethyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one-17beta-ol)


Methyl-1-testosterone (17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyl-5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one)

Methyldienolone (17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methystr-4,9-dien-3-one)

Methylnortestosterone (17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyestr-4-en-3-one)


Methyltrienolone (17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyestr-4,9,11-trien-3-one)











Prostanozole (pyrazole-5alpha-ethioallocholan-17beta-tetrahydropyranol)


Sibutramine, as well as its structural analogs, with similar psychoactive effects



Tetrahydrogestrinone (18alpha-homo - pregn-4,9,11-triene-17beta-ol-3-one)




Furazabol (17beta-hydroxy-17alpha - methyl-5alpha-androstanofurazan)

Quinbolone (quinobolone)

Ethyl estrenol (19-nor-17alpha-pregn-4-en-17-ol) and other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effects

Salts and isomers of substances listed in this list in all cases where the existence of such salts and isomers is possible. Complex and simple esters of the substances listed in this list

Large size suitable for the corresponding potent substances

All dosage forms, mixtures and solutions, no matter what brand (trade) names they are designated, which include the substances listed in this list in combination with pharmacological inactive components

For a dosage form, mixture or solution, the coarse size is defined as the coarse size of a potent substance contained in the dosage form, mixture or solution for which the smallest coarse size is set, based on the total amount without conversion to the active substance

Anti-doping rules and sanctions for their violations

Doping is defined as one or more anti-doping rule violations under the World Anti-Doping Agency Code.

Anti-doping rule violations include:

1. The presence of prohibited substances in the athlete's sample.

2. Use or attempted use of prohibited substances and methods by an athlete.

3. Evasion of sample collection.

4. Failure to Provide Athlete Whereabouts Information. Providing inaccurate / false location information.

5. Substitution / attempt to substitute a sample.

6. Possession of substances and methods prohibited in sports.

7. Distribution or attempted distribution of substances and methods prohibited in sports.

8. Prescribing or Attempted Prescription of a Prohibited Substance and Method to an Athlete.

Sanctions for Anti-Doping Rule Violations

The period of ineligibility depends on the type of violation, the class of prohibited substance found in the sample, and whether the violation was committed for the first time.

The National Anti-Doping Organization RUSADA conducts sampling from athletes and investigates cases of anti-doping rule violations.

If the anti-doping rule violation occurred during the competition period, the results shown by the athlete in the competition are canceled, and the athlete is deprived of medals and prizes.

Ineligibility for a first anti-doping rule violation is set for two years in the following cases:

Presence of a Prohibited Substance in an Athlete's Sample, Evasion of Sample Collection,

Swapping / attempting to swap a sample,

Possession of substances and methods prohibited in sports, use or attempted use by an athlete of prohibited substances and methods.

Disqualification for a period from four years to life is established for the following violations:

Distribution or attempted distribution of substances and methods prohibited in sports,

Prescribing or Attempted Prescription of a Prohibited Substance and Method to an Athlete.

An offense committed by a minor athlete with the complicity of staff is considered a particularly serious offense. If the involvement of the athlete's personnel in such an anti-doping rule violation is proven, the personnel will be disqualified for life.

If, during the out-of-competition period, an athlete missed three tests in a row or did not provide information about his whereabouts within 18 months, a period of ineligibility is set up to two years.

Eased sanctions

The Athlete has the right to provide justification for the removal or reduction of sanctions. If an athlete can explain how a prohibited substance entered his body and prove that it was not intended to improve athletic performance, the period of ineligibility may be reduced, canceled, or replaced with another type of sanction (such as a reprimand).

Minor guilt

If the athlete can prove that he is not at fault for an anti-doping rule violation, the period of ineligibility may also be reduced.

An athlete's voluntary admission of an anti-doping rule violation may lead to a reduction in the period of ineligibility. A reduction in the sanction period is not envisaged if the voluntary confession took place after the athlete realized that he was at risk of exposure.

Aggravating Circumstances That May Extend Period of Ineligibility

Examples of aggravating circumstances that may lead to the imposition of periods of ineligibility longer than the standard sanctions include:

It was established that the violation of anti-doping rules by the athlete was carried out deliberately, systematically or in collusion;

The athlete possessed a large number of prohibited substances or methods or used them repeatedly;

Repeated violations

Second Anti-Doping Rule Violation:

In the event of a repeated anti-doping rule violation, the period of ineligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the severity of both violations.

Third Anti-Doping Rule Violation:

If a third anti-doping rule violation is found, there will be a lifelong ineligibility.

No participation during the period of ineligibility

A disqualified athlete is not entitled to compete in any capacity during the period of disqualification. Such an athlete can only take part in special anti-doping educational or rehabilitation programs.

In addition, an athlete who is in disqualification must be tested for the presence of prohibited substances in the body.

Financial sanctions

In addition to disqualification, an athlete may be subject to financial penalties for anti-doping rule violations. Their size is determined by the respective anti-doping organization.

Anti-Doping Rule Violations in Team Sports

Testing in team sports

If more than one player has an anti-doping rule violation on a team, the competition organizers must conduct targeted testing of the team during the competition.

Consequences in team sports

If more than two team members in team sports committed an anti-doping rule violation during the competition, the team must be sanctioned by the organizers of the competition (for example, forfeiture of points earned, disqualification for the duration of the competition or sporting event, etc.) in addition to the sanctions imposed on individual athletes who have committed a violation.

The detection of doping threatens the athlete with severe punishments, up to and including complete excommunication from the sport. At the first detection of prohibited drugs (with the exception of sympathomimetic drugs, such as ephedrine and its derivatives), he is disqualified for 2 years, and for the second time - for life. In case of taking sympathomimetics for the first time - disqualification for 6 months, in the second for 2 years, in the third - for life. In this case, the coach and the doctor who observed the athlete are also subject to punishment. The use of any means officially classified as narcotic as a doping entails appropriate administrative and criminal penalties. Currently, proposals have been made to the country's legislative bodies to introduce criminal penalties for taking anabolic steroids without medical indications, or persuading them to take them.

  1. Give a definition of the concept of "doping".

  2. What groups of substances are currently classified as doping?

  3. What is the principle of action of stimulants?

  4. What effect do drugs have on the human body?

  5. List the consequences of long-term use of anabolic steroids on various organs and systems of the athlete's body.

  6. What are beta blockers used for?

  7. What is the essence of using diuretics?

  8. What doping methods are there?

  9. What groups of physical activity are distinguished in accordance with the classifications of sports?

  10. How is doping control organized?

  11. What sanctions are imposed on athletes convicted of doping?


Athletes, like non-sports people, need treatment. Sometimes substances that may be required in the course of treatment are included in the list of prohibited drugs. However, you can use the drugs you need if you have obtained TUE from your International Federation or the TUE beforehand. If the test is positive, the TUE will be considered. If a positive test result is proven to be due to therapeutic use, the athlete will not be sanctioned.

The therapeutic use authorization process is a 4-step process:

1. In accordance with the rules, athletes of the national level should contact the TEC, athletes of the international level - in the international federation with a request for therapeutic use. Usually the national sports federation makes an appeal to the international federation.

2. Your healthcare provider must fill out a special form.

4. Try to complete this application procedure as quickly as possible, the optimal deadline is 21 days before the start of the competition.

Athletes who are not part of the Registered Testing Pool but are competing in International Competitions must ensure that if a TUE is issued by the TEC, it must be validated by the International Federation prior to the competition.

Upon acceptance of your request, you will receive a notification that you have been granted a TUE and a certificate specifying the dosage and duration of the prohibited substance.

Remember that a TUE is always granted for a strictly defined period. You must follow your doctor's prescriptions, respecting the dosages and using the prescribed methods. Remember also that therapeutic authorization is for health reasons only and should not lead to an improvement in the athlete's performance.

In the event that your request for a therapeutic use authorization has been denied, you have the right to request WADA to review the decision (at your expense). If WADA confirms the decision of your Anti-Doping Organization or International Federation, you can appeal the decision to the National Appeal Body for national level athletes, or to International Sports Arbitration for international class athletes. WADA has the right to review and revise all therapeutic approvals issued by a federation or anti-doping organization.

For some medicines for the treatment of asthma (such as formoterol, salbutamol, salmeterol, inhaled terbutaline), as well as for topical glucocorticosteroids, there is an abbreviated form of TUE - ATUE. You must complete a special approval form either from the national anti-doping agency (for national athletes) or the international federation (for international athletes). The form is completed by your healthcare professional and sent to the anti-doping organization or international federation. The ATUE is issued immediately upon receipt of the request by the Anti-Doping Organization or International Federation, i.e. you do not need to wait for the permission notification. Your ATUE may be reviewed by the relevant Anti-Doping Organization and canceled at any time. If any additional information is required, you will be notified.

Questions for self-control:

  1. Under what conditions can the use of illegal drugs be allowed?

  2. What are the steps for granting a therapeutic use for a Prohibited Substance?

  3. What is the procedure for appealing a refusal to issue a therapeutic use permit for a prohibited substance?


The use of doping can lead to side effects, since these are rather toxic pharmacological substances. Acute doping poisoning can occur with a single intake of excessive doses and require immediate emergency measures before the arrival of an ambulance. The patient's life depends on it. Given the limited volume of the handbook, we will present the main symptoms and the necessary treatment measures for acute doping poisoning (Table 17).

Table 17

The main clinical symptoms and necessary measures for doping poisoning


Clinical picture

Treatment activities

Narcotic analgesics: morphine, heroin, codeine, opium, promedol

Depression of consciousness, impaired breathing, pinpoint pupils, hypothermia, hypotension, muscle weakness of the limbs, convulsions, pulmonary edema

Breathing support, up to artificial ventilation of the lungs O (IVL), intravenous jet naloxone, 2 ml of 10% caffeine, 2 ml of cordiamine, 1–2 ml of 0.1% atropine

Barbiturates: pheno-barbital, barbamil, barbital, amobarbital, sebutabarbital, etc.

Prevention of hypoxia and shock, various degrees of depression of consciousness to complete absence, absence of reflexes, cyanosis.

Detoxification measures aimed at accelerating the excretion of barbiturates, removing from coma, supporting the function of respiration and the cardiovascular system

Alcohol is completely absorbed into the bloodstream in 2 hours or more if there was a meal

For 1 hour, 30 g of 90 ° alcohol or 300 g of beer is metabolized. The main danger is respiratory depression. The lethal dose is 500 g of 90 ° alcohol. Favorable prognosis if it is possible to overcome severe hypoxia. Various degrees of central nervous system depression.

Analeptics: caffeine, amphetamine, theophylline, etc. do not contribute to sobering up and the ability to drive, gastric lavage is necessary, if necessary - mechanical ventilation and other measures


Psychosis, hyperthermia, hypertension, dilated pupils, vomiting, diarrhea, arrhythmia, epileptic seizures, coma, respiratory arrest

Induce vomiting, flush the stomach. Inside or in / m 50 mg of chlorpromazine, anarrhythmic drugs, phentolin and other drugs

Strychnine, securenine

Shortness of breath, muscle stiffness and twitching, attacks of tonic seizures, death from asphyxiation

Gastric lavage, activated charcoal, saline laxatives, 10–20 ml of diazepam, ether-oxygen anesthesia, mechanical ventilation, cardiovascular drugs


Nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, hypertension, mydriasis, ventricular fibrillation, collapse, loss of consciousness, death

Gastric lavage, activated charcoal, forced diuresis, with convulsions - 2.5% chlorpromazine solution


Poisoning with codeine, diuretics, beta-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants and other drugs is possible, but they are rare. Cases of athletes-shooters entering the firing line in an insane state after taking alcohol are described.

The success of a sports physician's therapeutic intervention mainly depends on correct diagnosis and preclinical treatment. Concealment of doping use is unacceptable, as it can cause the death of an athlete.
Questions for self-control:

  1. What is the clinical picture of drug overdose?

  2. What first aid measures should be taken in case of an overdose of barbiturates?

  3. What are the symptoms of alcohol overdose?

  4. What manipulations need to be done in case of an overdose of amphetamines before an ambulance arrives?


Gene therapy is the introduction of new genetic programs into the cell genome. This is done either to compensate for a defect when the cell's own gene does not work, or so that a new product can be produced in the cell, for which there is no genetic program in the cell. However, it has not been possible to create effective and safe methods so far. If this is done by simply introducing genetic constructs into the blood or tissues, only an insignificant part of the material penetrates into the cells. There is a way that allows you to very effectively introduce genetic material into cells - with the help of viruses, which in the course of evolution have acquired the ability to effectively insert their genes into the human genome. But viruses cause an immune response, and most importantly, they can “insert” a gene into any part of the human genome and potentially carry the threat of disrupting the regulation of cellular genes and converting normal cells into malignant ones. Thus, today the classical approaches of gene therapy are not ready for use, even for solving the simplest problems.

Recently, however, there have been real hopes for the early introduction of gene therapy into practice - by combining its methods with stem cell technology. Stem cells can divide and multiply an unlimited number of times, i.e. they are practically immortal. Secondly, they are progenitor cells that initially have no specialization, but are capable of producing specialized offspring in the process of division - cells of certain types. Thus, cells of any organs can be grown from initially non-specialized stem cells, and outside the body, in bioreactors, in large quantities. Promising results have been obtained in attempts to use stem cells for the treatment of myocardial infarction. Stem cells injected into the patient's blood accumulate in the damaged area and begin to multiply in the damaged tissue, differentiating into cells necessary for healing. The potential for the application of stem cell therapy in sports medicine is wide - after all, athletes are often injured, and they do not have time for long-term treatment. The potential for recovery using stem cells of cartilaginous and nerve tissues, accelerating the treatment of injuries and fractures are obvious.

Now experiments on the use of stem cells are being carried out all over the world, including in Russia. There are no serious systematic studies of their use in practical medicine yet, but a huge advertising campaign has already been launched and dozens of organizations offer services for stem cell treatment of any diseases - from baldness and impotence to cancer and old age. Obviously, they have no permissions, and, naturally, they cannot give any guarantees.

Coming back to gene therapy: stem cell technology eliminates the problem of gene delivery. You can take stem cells from a patient, carry out the necessary manipulations with them and introduce the necessary genes into them outside the body - albeit with low efficiency, but safely. And then - to select and multiply the resulting cells with the desired properties in the required amount, and then inject them into the patient. Before that, you can pre-program them to turn into cells of the required tissue.
It has been experimentally established that the additional introduction of ripoxygen allows the athlete to maintain the level of hemoglobin in the blood at around 190 units for 3 weeks!

In experiments on mice using these techniques, the body weight of the animal increased by 20% in 3 weeks, that is, a “Schwarzenegger mouse” was grown. It has been proven that viruses can carry the desired gene, and the effectiveness of the result may depend on the choice of the gene and the type of virus.

Such techniques are initially developed for good purposes, for example, for the treatment of nervous diseases, Alzheimer's disease, but gene therapy protocols have already entered the big sport. Using them, it is possible to compensate for a number of conditions and properties of a person - fatigue, a feeling of pain, resistance to hypoxia, etc. Such training of athletes can give results that are an order of magnitude higher than the use of psychotropic drugs. The question remains, where does medicine end and doping begin? It is clear that in the treatment of muscle and ligament injuries, the use of these techniques will be many times more effective than any known healing drugs. Under a plausible pretext, these protocols can be used as doping, because up to 150 human genes are associated with obtaining sports performance. According to them, it is already possible to determine today whether an athlete can be a stayer or a sprinter, calculate his level of fatigue, and calculate a training method. By genes, you can find out whether an athlete will be a genius of endurance and what is his individual threshold.

Today, athletes have shown interest in developments being carried out in a number of Western laboratories. The introduction of new genes is not "caught", like pharmacological drugs, according to blood parameters, the gene enters the tissues, there are simply no markers of the procedures performed. These developments make the prospects for doping control very vague, and the possibility of using gene therapy is quite likely. In this situation, sports can turn into a laboratory competition to improve gene therapy techniques. And if we do not pay attention to these issues, do not arrange such work, then in the field of incurable diseases and in sports we will be outsiders.

Questions for self-control:

  1. Give a definition to the concept of "gene therapy".

  2. What are stem cells?

  3. Why are gene therapy techniques developed?

  4. Are there currently methods for detecting genetic doping?

Order No. 337 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 08/20/2001 "On measures for the further development and improvement of sports medicine and physiotherapy exercises" obliges, in the medical provision of elite sports, together with all interested organizations, to take measures to improve doping, control and increase its effectiveness ... All prescribed medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, and therapeutic methods used must be included in the medical control card of a physical cultured and an athlete with a justification of their appointment.

The approved form of the medical control card of an athlete and an athlete is form 061U, 062U (order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 04.10.1980, No. 1030 "On approval of forms of primary documentation of health care institutions"). Pharmacological therapy and pharmacological correction programs are prescribed only by a physician who has the right to therapeutic activity and a corresponding certificate. Only pharmacological drugs that have the permission of the Pharmaceutical Committee of Russia and are listed in the Register of Medicines can be prescribed.

The foregoing provisions are well applicable to the prescription group of drugs that are dispensed in the pharmacy network with the correct preparation of prescription forms, the correct filling of which is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 110 dated 02.12.2007 "On the procedure for prescribing and prescribing medicines, medical devices and specialized products medical nutrition ". Along with the athlete, all members of complex scientific groups, doctors, coaches, masseurs, functionaries, sponsors participating in preparation for the competition must have reliable information about the drugs and other drugs used, along with the athlete.

Article 61 of the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation obliges to keep medical confidentiality. Therefore, a doctor who prescribes certain medications to an athlete is obliged to negotiate with him the circle of persons who may have this information. Before using medications, therapeutic techniques, physiotherapeutic procedures, the athlete must familiarize himself with the informed consent (Article 32 of the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and sign it, which is entered into the medical control card of the athlete. According to Article 31 of the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an athlete must be informed about the therapeutic effect of the drug used, methods, procedures and their side effects.

Let's try to differentiate the measures of possible responsibility in the event of a positive doping test in an athlete between him, his attending (sports) doctor and a healthcare facility. Although the Order No. 337 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 08/20/2001 "On measures for the further development and improvement of sports medicine and physiotherapy exercises" indicates that "Persons convicted of promoting the use of prohibited pharmacological agents may be prosecuted for illegal medicine (Art. 235 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) ", in fact, in order to bring a person to justice under this article, it is necessary to simultaneously prove the intent of the person in relation to both doping and his regular activities without a license for this type of medical activity, which is almost impossible ... It is more likely that there is a civil liability for the improper treatment of a patient - an athlete. Suppose that the athlete was unaware that drugs containing doping substances were used in his treatment. In this case, the question arises about the possible careless fault of the healthcare facility and the attending physician. Guilt, according to the accepted rules, consists in improper treatment, i.e. inconsistency of the treatment prescribed for an athlete with modern ideas about their necessary level and volume for a given type of pathology, the individual characteristics of the patient and the capabilities of the medical facility. Therefore, the evidence of the innocence of the healthcare facility, based on the principle of the presumption of guilt of the defendant, will consist in providing the healthcare facility with the following data: compliance of the athlete's treatment with the standards adopted in medicine and the use of drugs specified in the standards; conclusions of doctors, specialists on justified corrections of the above treatment (deviation from the standards) due to the athlete's individual characteristics, concomitant pathology, etc.; compliance of the treatment carried out with at least the volume of specialist consultations and medical procedures provided for by the license of this healthcare facility; a physician with knowledge of sports medicine, in particular about drugs containing doping.

In our case, the problem is that the athlete was treated with a drug containing doping, i.e. the question ultimately in court will be formulated as follows: "Could the attending physician, with the necessary care and foresight, have foreseen that he was prescribing a drug containing doping to a patient?" Thus, if a patient is being treated in a “regular” health facility, where there are no sports medicine doctors, then it is likely that the court will recognize the absence of fault of the health facility. If the attending physician is a sports physician who has undergone special training that provides for the acquisition of knowledge on drugs containing doping, then the health facility will be found guilty and will be obliged to compensate the athlete's material (loss of bonus) and moral harm.

After the payment of compensation to the patient, the healthcare facility may file a recourse action against the attending sports doctor, if it is his fault in prescribing doping is established, and recover the money paid to the athlete from him. If the athlete gave informed consent, free consent to treatment, realizing that the drug contains doping, then the health facility is not guilty here, provided the health facility is proven that the information was just proper, containing information about doping, which can be confirmed by testimony or an entry in medical record.

Questions for self-control:

  1. Who is eligible to prescribe pharmacological therapy to an athlete?

  2. What pharmacological drugs can be prescribed to an athlete?

  3. Who should have information about the medications used by the athlete?

  4. In what case will a health care facility be found guilty in prescribing a drug containing doping to an athlete?


Identification and proof of the presence of a factor limiting the performance of an athlete, depending on his sports qualifications, kind of sport, gender differences, is an indication for pharmacological correction of recovery of performance. Individual selection of medicines, food additives and nutritional specifics, depending on the stage of the athlete's training cycle, is the primary task of sports pharmacology. This is the alternative to the use of doping to improve athletic performance. It fully complies with the moral and ethical obligations assumed by the athlete, to conduct not pharmacological, but sports wrestling. As can be seen from the above material, there are great reserve opportunities to provide practical assistance to an athlete in overcoming overloads without prohibited techniques. There are ten groups of pharmacological preparations, a large number of biologically active food supplements and products of specialized sports nutrition, which, with a skillful approach, will solve almost all the pedagogical tasks. We deliberately did not provide prescription drug prescriptions, since the volume of the reference book would have to be doubled.

The above data on the effect of pharmacological drugs on physical performance and recovery can be used not only in elite sports, but also in physical exercise, sports for the disabled, maintaining the performance of military personnel at a high level (without the use of toxic synthetic stimulants), in aerospace medicine, heavy industries. where strength, endurance, attention and mental stability are required. Adaptogens of plant and animal origin, bee products, vitamins, electrolytes, microelements, preparations of energy, plastic action, nootropics, antioxidants and antihypoxants that increase the performance of a healthy person and accelerate the recovery process, it is advisable to use in the rehabilitation of patients after serious diseases, impotence in men and women, treatment of endocrine diseases, cardiovascular pathology, neurological pathology, in gerontology, pediatrics. A number of pharmacological preparations and biologically active food additives are currently used in clinical medicine. The proposed list, indications for the use of non-toxic ("soft") drugs is a promising way of sports pharmacology.


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