Maria Kirilenko: biography, tennis, personal life, husband and children. Maria Kirilenko Early years, childhood and family of Maria Kirilenko

It is difficult to get the tennis community interested in anything other than playing tennis in the second half of January. At this time, all the attention of fans of this wonderful sport is traditionally focused exclusively on the Australian Open. However, this time, in the midst of the tournament, fans of the game had another, no less hot topic for discussion - a wedding. Maria Kirilenko.

"Which sensation is louder: yesterday Seppi's victory over Federer or today's wedding of Masha Kirilenko (I'm invited)?" - it was with this message from Evgeny Kafelnikov on Twitter that the hype called "Guess Kirilenko's husband" began. Kafelnikov himself preferred not to give an answer to this question.

This turned out to be a secret behind all seven seals, because even another famous Maria from the world of tennis - Sharapova, her age, who for some time was considered her friend and who won the first doubles title in Birmingham-2004 with Kirilenko - did not know who the chosen colleague was. She honestly admitted this in an interview after the victorious match of the 4th round over Peng Shuai of the Australian Open now going on, after which she threw a humorous and incomprehensible: "Everything that happens in Russia remains in Russia."

One thing was clear: Kirilenko's fiancé was not a player at the Washington Capitals. Hardly anyone from the very beginning had doubts about this, and if they did, Alexander himself dispelled them, first stating that he was not invited to the wedding - he had nothing to do there, and then taking a selfie with another Russian, Vladimir Tarasenko, at the NHL All-Star Game.

As it should be, the veil of secrecy was opened by the newlywed herself, who posted on Instagram a photo with her husband along with her mother and mother-in-law. There was a touching comment under the photo: “With my beloved husband and our beloved mothers! Friends, believe me, it is a great happiness to find your true love and your other half. Be kinder, love each other and do not waste your energy on condemnation and anger. I wish you all to find your happiness and become kinder! "

It turned out that Maria's husband is a 38-year-old government official Alexey Stepanov... He holds the position of head of the Committee for Public Services of the city of Moscow. It was with him that the happy Maria went on a honeymoon trip, which, of course, she announced on Instagram, with the caption: "And now, everyone!"

Well, all that remains to be done is to listen to Mary and not waste time on condemnation and anger, but to wish her and her family happiness and love. Return to court? I would like to believe in it, but whether it will happen, only Maria herself knows. Tennis fans would be happy about it, no matter if it happens in a year or later ...

Tennis player Date of birth January 25 (Aquarius) 1987 (33) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @ mariakirilenko87

Maria Kirilenko is deservedly considered one of the best Russian tennis players. The girl became the bronze medalist of the Olympics, received the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation. But as a child, Maria wanted to dance.

Biography of Maria Kirilenko

Her father instilled love for tennis in the girl. He was very fond of this sport and from the age of five he taught his daughter to play. But it was just a game for my own pleasure, without a pretense of professionalism. And little Masha could keep her father company on the court, but she dreamed of becoming a dancer. She went to the studio and studied diligently. But the teachers were unhappy with the student. Masha was a very active and restless child. She could not concentrate on her studies, she constantly ran around the class, and the dances in her performance turned into a chaotic Brownian movement. Masha's parents were told that it was unlikely that the girl would be able to become a dancer. And then her father thought: if the child really likes to run from one corner to another, then why not do it with a racket? And he took Masha to classes in the tennis section.

It turned out that Kirilenko is really very talented. A year later, the girl confidently defeated her rivals on the court. But it was also necessary to study. So that Masha had time to do her homework and play tennis, her father took her by car from school to the section. After all, the girl lived in the Yubileiny near Moscow, and the section was located in the Dynamo sports complex. In order not to waste time in vain, Masha had to eat in the car and sleep in it. It was a huge burden for the child. But the girl learned to cope with difficulties, tempered her character, and this is important in sports.

Soon the famous Elena Bryukhovets drew attention to Kirilenko. She became the girl's personal trainer, developed an individual training program for her. And the result was not long in coming. Already at the age of 15, she won the US and Canadian open championships. And then she started collecting awards one after another.

In singles, Maria won 6 WTA medals and 3 WFA medals. She reached the 10th position in the world rankings. And although the athlete could not step over this line, the result is impressive. In doubles Maria collected 12 titles in WTA games and took 5th place in the overall ranking. Tennis player Maria Kirilenko was included in the list of the 100 best racket masters in the world. But the main sporting achievement of the girl was the bronze medal of the 2012 Olympic Games. Maria received it in doubles, sharing the victory with Nadezhda Petrova.

The girl's biography is an illustration of prioritization on the court and at the end of her career.

Childhood and youth

Masha Kirilenko grew up in the Moscow region, where she was born in January 1987. Mom Olga stood up for the active life of the child, since the girl was plump. At first, Masha was enrolled in a ballet, when the ballet school was closed - they took her to a dance.

And Maria liked it there, with a partner they won prizes, but the student could not boast of diligence. Dad Yuri, who himself played tennis well, took his daughter to the court, since the sports school was located next to the house. The coach noticed that the girl is promising and talented, this is where her hypermobility found application.

Seven-year-old Maria was sent to the specialized school "Dynamo". Mom left work to take her daughter to the capital, later, when the opportunity arose, her father helped. My father was always present nearby, accompanied on trips, became a member of the team.

When the talented girl turned 13, she was taken under her wing by the international master of sports, the famous Soviet tennis player and coach Elena Bryukhovets. Especially "under Maria" they came up with a set of training, thanks to which Kirilenko became the leader in her age group and the second in the youth team.

Under the leadership of Bryukhovets, the girl won the American Open Junior Championship and won the first WTA tournament in her sports life.


Maria Kirilenko has always had a clear example and support from people who know the "cuisine" of tennis well - and Andrey Olkhovsky. The first major successes of the young tennis player were victories in the Canadian Open and US Open. Masha was 15 years old, two wins in a row in competitions of this level allowed the athlete to rise to the second place in the ranking of juniors under 18

Maria's debut in adult competitions under the flag of the Women's Tennis Association was the 2002 tournament held on the island of Bali. Then - participation in the Japanese Open and the championship in Pattaya.

In early 2003, the Russian woman received the title at the American stage of the International Tennis Federation cycle. In the summer of the same year, Kirilenko participated for the first time in the adult Grand Slam competitions - the US Open, and lost only to the Frenchwoman Amelie Mauresmo, at that time - the 6th racket of the world. A year later, Maria rightfully took a line in the leading hundred of the world table of ranks.

In 2004, the athlete got into the "seed" of the Birmingham Classic, French Open, Wimbledon in England. In 2005, the open championships of the Australian continent and Qatar followed. Masha won the Indian Wells Masters and with Ana Isabel Garigues made her way to the final match of Internazionali BNL d'Italia. At the Chinese Open Championship, Kirilenko defeated her namesake Maria Sharapova and received her first WTA title. At the end of the 2005 season, Maria moved up to 25th line in the ranking.

In the track record of a slender beauty with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 61 kg, there are victories at the Sunfeast Open tournament in India, Al Habtoor Tennis Challenge in Dubai in 2007. Then - a double triumph (personal and together with Flavia Pennetta) in the Estoril Open Championship for women and a similar one in Barcelona.

The athlete was close to personal triumph on clay in Cincinnati in 2008, but luck smiled only in doubles. At the end of 2008, Kirilenko conquered the Seoul KDB Korea Open. Then, over the course of three years, Maria Kirilenko won the Kremlin Cup on the hard court together with, for the first time reached the quarterfinals of the Grand Slam in “singles” at the Australian Open 2010, she lost only to the leader in the Premier 5 series tournament.

At the 2011 Australian Open, Maria reached the women's final paired with and 1/2 mixed with her Serbian colleague Nenad Zimonich. On French courts, the tennis player made her way to the doubles quarterfinals, in the same tournament in the USA she lost to the final winner Samantha Stosur.

In the period 2012-2014, the tennis player won the main prize of the Miami Masters mixed, reached a similar final at Roland Garros, and played for the first time in the quarterfinals on the Wimbledon court. Maria brought a bronze medal from the London Olympics, won together with Nadezhda Petrova. All with the same Petrova she was lucky at the end of the WTA tour.

During her career on tennis courts, Maria was able to rise to 10th position in the singles world ranking and 5th in doubles, win 6 personal titles at WTA tournaments and 12 in pairs.

Personal life

In her personal life, Maria is doing well - she is a happy wife, brings up her son Mikhail. In September 2017, there was a replenishment - a girl was born. Husband Alexei Stepanov is a candidate of economic sciences, worked in the Moscow government, headed the committee for public services, and went into business in 2015.

Back in 2014, Maria took a break due to injuries, and after the wedding she announced that she did not plan to return to the court, as she wanted to devote time to her family. By the way, Kirilenko's wedding was a surprise for many, since Maria had been in a relationship with the NHL star for 3 years.

The gap, apparently, turned out to be painful, since the hockey player was not present at the wedding and in his Instagram sharply stated that there was nothing to do there.

Maria Kirilenko now

Maria opened a children's tennis school in the village of Zhukovka, based on the Pride Wellness Club. Children of celebrities, including Bogdan Samedov, also attend classes with Kirilenko.

Maria personally conducts qualifying sessions and trainings, shares photos and videos on her Instagram page.

Awards and achievements

  • 2004 - Winner of the Open Saint-Gaudens Midi Pyrénées tournament
  • 2005 - Winner of the Chinese Open
  • 2008 - semi-finalist of the Wimbledon tournament (mixed category)
  • 2011 - fifth place in the WTA rankings (doubles)
  • 2011 - Australian Open finalist, US Open semi-finalist
  • 2012 - Medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, II degree
  • 2012 - Honored Master of Sports of Russia
  • 2012 - Bronze medal at the London Olympics in doubles
  • 2011,2013 - finalist of the Fed Cup
  • 2013 - tenth place in the WTA rankings
Maria Kirilenko is a talented young tennis player whose career has been rapidly gaining momentum in recent years. She achieved several high-profile victories at the Olympics and Grand Slam tournaments, and therefore very soon the name of the talented Russian woman became known in all corners of the world. But what is hidden behind all these bright victories and sparkling play on the tennis court? How did our today's heroine manage to reach such impressive heights? Today we will try to follow the development of the tennis career of the famous athlete.

Early years, childhood and family of Maria Kirilenko

The future famous tennis player was born on January 25, 1987 in the city of Moscow. Her father was very fond of tennis, and therefore began to play sports with his daughter at the age of five. However, the sport was not taken very seriously at first.

Masha and her father played only for their own pleasure. The main hobby in the life of the young beauty was dancing. In this context, it is worth noting that as a child, our today's heroine was a rather restless child, and therefore in dance classes she constantly rushed from one corner to another. Dances performed by her resembled a kind of Brownian movement. For this reason, Maria did not achieve great success in this field.

Perhaps it was at this moment that a professional tennis player began to wake up in Masha Kirilenko's soul. Seeing that dancing is, to put it mildly, “not hers,” the father took his daughter from the dance group and took her to the tennis section that worked at the Dynamo sports center. And a year later, the first successes came to our today's heroine. She began to defeat her rivals one after another, and a year later even managed to become the best tennis player of the former USSR in her age group.

Interestingly enough, the impressive success in tennis did not prevent the girl from doing well at school. According to Masha herself, at that time her daily routine was scheduled literally by the minute. In the morning she went to school in the town of Yubileiny near Moscow, and after classes she went with her father to the Dynamo sports center. Sometimes I had to sleep and dine right in the car.

However, the abundance of difficulties only tempered the character of our today's heroine. She began to study with redoubled zeal, and therefore by the age of ten she began to noticeably stand out against the background of other children. At the age of 12, the famous teacher Elena Bryukhovets noticed her. It was she who soon became the personal trainer of Maria Kirilenko. A special training program was developed especially for her. In organizing the sports process, Maria was also assisted by such famous athletes from Russia and Belarus as Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Maxim Mirny and Andrei Olkhovsky.

Maria Kirilenko about the wedding with Ovechkin and friendship with Sharapova

The support of such outstanding masters allowed the young athlete to achieve impressive progress on the court very soon. In 2002, she won her first US Open (in the junior group), and after that she began to collect trophies one after another.

Star Trek of tennis player Maria Kirilenko

In 2003, Maria Kirilenko passed all the necessary rounds of selection and moved from the junior category to the general (adult) group. In the same year, at the Hyderebad tournament, our today's heroine reached the quarterfinals of the WTA tournament for the first time. This local success was only the first in a long line of victories for the athlete.

In 2004, Maria Kirilenko entered the top 100 tennis players in the world. A year later, she managed to win her first tournament - China Open, beating Anna-Lena Gronefeld in the final.

After that, there were victories in the finals of such tournaments as Sunfeast Open, Estoril Open Championship, Barcelona KIA 2008, Hansol Korea Open, Pattaya Open Championship. Thus, to date, Maria Kirilenko can boast of six victories at the WTA tournaments. In addition, our today's heroine lost six times to her rivals in the final, thus remaining on the second line of various tournaments.

Speaking about the victories of the Russian athlete, it is worth noting the impressive successes that Maria Kirilenko achieved in doubles. She has won doubles tournaments twelve times in her career. Among the most significant victories are victories at the Japanese Open (2005), the Kremlin Cup (2009), two "gold" tournaments in Cincinnati (2008 and 2010), as well as a victory in the doubles final tournament WTA (2012). Over the years, Maria Kirilenko's court partners were such famous tennis players as Victoria Azarenko, Maria Sharapova, Martina Khingis, Nadezhda Petrova and some others.

Maria Kirilenko - photoshoot in a swimsuit

These victories, as well as many other outstanding performances at various tennis tournaments, brought Maria Kirilenko the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia, as well as the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (second degree).

Maria Kirilenko now

Currently, the tennis player is still leading an active sports career and dreams of new victories. At the time of this writing, Maria Kirilenko was ranked eighteenth in the WTA world rankings (singles). The total amount of bonuses for the Russian tennis player was six and a half million dollars.

Outside the tennis court, Maria Kirilenko has also often worked as a model in recent years. Her photographs are adorned with many glossy publications of the planet. In 2010, the beautiful tennis player even got into the top ten most beautiful women in Russia according to the American magazine "Complex". Once the athlete even received an offer to appear nude for the Playboy magazine, but the Russian woman rejected it.

Personal life of Maria Kirilenko

Several times Maria jokingly stated in the press that she was the cousin of the famous basketball player Andrei Kirilenko. However, it is not. According to two athletes, on their part, it was all nothing more than a rally.

As for love interests, here it is worth highlighting two celebrity novels. In the past, for a long time, Maria Kirilenko met with tennis player Igor Andreev, but their romance ended in nothing.

Some time later, after parting with her former lover, the girl amazed everyone with the news of her romance with Russian hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. Their relationship developed rapidly. And already at the end of 2012, the couple announced their engagement.

Kirilenko Maria Yurievna is a famous Russian tennis player who has reached great heights in her sports career. With her hard work and great desire for victory, the girl was able to achieve nationwide recognition.

First steps in sports

Maria was born on January 25, 1987 in the capital of Russia. From an early age she was attracted to sports, and her parents in every possible way supported her daughter's desire.

The biography of Maria Kirilenko is full of vivid memorable events, victories and defeats. Since childhood, the girl did not really like tennis, sometimes for fun she and her father played it in the yard. Initially, Masha was engaged in ballroom dancing. She was restless and in the classroom constantly ran from corner to corner. Therefore, I could not properly master the art of choreography. Then her father brought her to the tennis school, which was located at the Dynamo stadium. Then Masha was only 7 years old. After a year of training, the young athlete won her first competition.

Tennis lessons were not easy for a little girl. It was necessary to combine study and sports. Sometimes Maria had to change clothes, eat or just relax right in the car. Until the age of twelve, she was trained by her own father. But soon the Honored Master of Sports Elena Bryukhovets drew attention to Maria and took her under her wing.

A whole team was created to prepare the athlete. Competition schedules were planned for years to come. In the process of training, Maria was assisted by famous Russian and Belarusian athletes, such as Andrei Olkhovsky,

Adult tournaments

The biography of Maria Kirilenko is replete with several high-profile victories. At the age of fifteen, the girl became number one in her group. Already in the fall of 2002, the athlete began to perform in WTA adult tournaments. Maria was the second racket of the world among juniors in tennis. She won the first at the US Open, where she surpassed Anna-Lena Grönefeld in technique. And at Wimbledon in singles she was able to reach the final.

In 2005, tennis player Maria Kirilenko made her youthful dream come true: she won the WTA for the first time. Then the athlete began to rapidly win awards. She became the winner on the court in the Hansol Korea Open and Sunfeast Open tournaments, Barcelona KIA 2008, at the Estoril and Pattaya Open Championships. In addition, the tennis player several times remained in second place in the competition, losing to more experienced rivals in the final.

Paired tournaments

Also, the biography of Maria Kirilenko impresses with her tremendous success in doubles. On the court, she fought with famous tennis players: Nadezhda Petrova, and Maria Sharapova, who, by the way, is Masha's good friend.

Kirilenko won the Japanese Open in 2005 and the Kremlin Cup in 2009. At the competition in Cincinnati, she twice received a gold medal, in 2008 and 2010. At the WTA-2012 Final Championship, Kirilenko - also in a pair - won. At the London Olympics of the same year, she won bronze, and became the fourth in singles. Thanks to such merits, Maria took 12th place in the world ranking. This was her best result in her entire tennis career.

Model activity

The biography of Maria Kirilenko is not limited only to victories in sports. She has always been an attractive girl, one might say, she had a model appearance. Maria happily poses at photo shoots for fashion magazines. Her pictures are featured in many glossy magazines around the world.

In 2008, the athlete was named the sexiest tennis player by the British magazine The Sun. And two years later she was among the ten most beautiful women in Russia (according to the American edition of "Complex").

An excellent tennis player, an excellent model, an honored master of sports - and this is all she, Maria Kirilenko. The girl's height is 173 centimeters and weighs 58 kilograms. Of course, she always keeps herself in shape. Intensive workouts help you hone your perfect figure. On the court, Maria attracts attention not only by her skill of the game, but also by her external data. Once a tennis player was offered to play nude for Playboy magazine, but the Russian beauty flatly refused him.

Roman Maria Kirilenko with Alexander Ovechkin

It is quite understandable that fans are trying to find out as many details as possible about their favorite. It doesn't matter if it concerns your career or personal life. On the love front, Maria is currently doing well. The girl is in love and loved, this year she is planning a wedding.

Maria Kirilenko and Alexander Ovechkin have been dating for two years and are very happy together. The couple is engaged and wants to get married soon. Sasha and Masha planned to sign in 2013, but the wedding had to be postponed. The groom was injured, and so far he is moving around in an orthopedic boot. Yes, and the mood slightly soured, due to the fact that the Russian national team was defeated at the World Cup.

Friends of the couple explained in the press that a wedding is a joyous celebration, it is better to spend it at a favorable time and always in a good mood. Well, let's wait!

Briefly about the chosen one of Maria Kirilenko

The Russian tennis player met with the famous hockey player in 2012. For Kirilenko, this period became very successful both in his career and in his personal life.

Alexander is two years older than Maria. For a long time he played for Dynamo Moscow in the Super League. Ovechkin then became the left-handed striker of the NHL club Washington, with whom he signed a 13-year contract in 2008.

And for the first time, the guy went on the ice at the age of 17, played for the Russian national hockey team, being the youngest player. Ovechkin participated in the three-star match three times. Received four individual awards: Art Ross Trophy, Maurice Richard Trophy, Hart Trophy and Lester Pearson Avard.

During the 2008-2009 season, the Russian hockey player scored more than 50 goals and overcame the 100-point mark.

On January 5, 2010, Alexander Ovechkin became the captain of Washington. Agree, a worthy pair for a beautiful tennis player!

Maria Kirilenko at present

The Russian tennis player is also active in sports and modeling. She dreams of new achievements and victories.

Having reached the age of 26, Masha was able to achieve the desired result. She defeated American Bethany Mattek Sands in the fourth round of Rollan Garros, although she was inferior to her opponent at first. Already an experienced tennis player was able to pull herself together and win on the court. According to Maria herself, the best games and significant victories await her ahead. After all, many athletes show excellent results precisely after 30 years.

Today people all over the world know who Maria Kirilenko is. The girl's personal life is cloudless, she is happy and ready for new battles and victories.

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