Sea fishing in the Barents Sea - fishing in Teriberka. Teriberka

In Teriberka, there are trout, pike, perch, whitefish, burbot, minnow, and occasionally a char is found. But this was not enough for the man, and he decided to help nature: he raised the peled. If earlier the main catch of the fisherman all season was trout, now until the middle of July (while the water is high) trout is an infrequent trophy. But when the water subsides, the peled leaves, apparently, to the reaches, and after a while the brown trout begins to appear. The peled has a silvery color with rare dark spots, reaching 3.5 kg. On Teriberka, specimens up to 1 kg are mainly caught, and immediately after the flood, large fish predominate in the catches.

We set off on our journey from the bridge in rubber two-seater Oriole boats. We are me and my constant partner and like-minded person Oleg Volkov. We had to travel about 30 km along the river with two or three passages of the most powerful rapids.

Rod mood. We take two at once: one with a dry, the other with a wet front sight.

We caught with glass floats, which we made ourselves, as well as flies. I tied a dry fly in front of the float at a distance of 1.5-1.8 m, a leash of 20 cm; wet - to the main line at the same distance behind the float. The spinning rods were 2.7 m long and with a test of 10-40 g. At the first casts, only a trifle of 200-300 g was pecked.

I chose a place where two boulders stood closer to my bank, about a couple of meters apart along the stream, and there was a calm between them, while the water rushed with a roar in the middle of the river.

Threw a dry front sight. As soon as the bait entered the calm water, a very large brown trout jumped out from under the stone. Curving in the air and showing her bronze side, she flopped into the water. I have never seen such a fish!

Continued casting. The brown trout went out to the front sight two more times, but did not catch it. I decided that I should stop, let her rest and calm down myself.

I set up another front sight and tried to hold it there. At the opposite end of the tackle I clearly felt the beating of a fish, but ... only 400-gram brown trout appeared on the shore. Fatigue has taken its toll, which means it's time to camp, cook fish soup and sleep.

Three days later we went on. Having set up a new camp, we dispersed to their favorite places. The wind died down and we switched to fly fishing. One evening
having crossed to the other side, they left the boat on a large flat stone, and part of the boat was in the water.

Having run along the river until dusk, I returned to the place of our disembarkation, my partner was not yet there. Threw a wet front sight across the stream. There were no bites. I had already raised the float above the water, when suddenly a shadow flashed from under the boat, and a 400-gram brown trout was firmly spotted on the hook. Five more fish were caught in the same way. It turned out that he had been fighting with a pecked fish for half an hour, calling me, but because of the noise of the threshold, I could not hear him. I took his landing net, but in the dark water I could not see anything. Finally the brown trout came to the shore, its silvery side flashed, and soon it was in the landing net. Her weight was 2.2 kg.

The next day, we had to get ready to go, rafting down the river, then we had to walk along the reservoir until the river Kiyavryok flows into it, then about an hour to the road, where a car was waiting for us. But I didn’t want to part with our beloved river ... We sat by the fire for a long time and made plans for future trips to Teriberka. This river calls to itself again and again.

In just 7 tr and 90 minutes, Aeroflot delivers your body to Murmansk, and there is a little more and PROVENCE, the village of Teriberka on the seashore.

Checked out the new terminal D at Sheremetyevo. Looks and works almost like a normal European. However, there is nothing stronger than Martini in bars!

And on TV before landing, they show all sorts of horrors about Russian planes

On approach, looking under the wing did not particularly inspire: in Moscow the grass is green, the leaves on the trees have opened. In Murmansk on May 5, 2011 it was like this:

Murmansk greeted us with wonderful weather: bright sun, no wind. Aborigines flying in astrakhan fur coats caused our bewilderment.

But this was just a subtle marketing move by the Murmansk weather. As much as it was good on May 5, as much as it was sucks on May 10 when we returned. Our guides, when they had already left on the asphalt, crossed themselves, stated: they would have left an hour later, it is not a fact that a combat loaf could break through the snow streams.

Now, in detail about the purpose of our spring trip. Teriberka village... All knowledgeable Wikipedia reports:

The first mention of the Teriberka camp dates back to 1523. Eyewitnesses of those times already confirm the appearance of permanent Russian settlers. At the end of the 19th century, there was already a fairly developed settlement here: there was a church, a lighthouse, a hydrometeorological station (the first on the Murmansk coast).

Even earlier, the Great Petrovskaya Expedition worked here, as evidenced by the geographical names of these places: Cape Deploransky, Zavalishina Bay and others.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were quite developed cod and shark fisheries in Teriberka (mainly Norwegians, who had their own trading post and shop here), there was a fairly active trade in cod. At the end of the 20s of the XX century, the first collective farm was organized, which, in addition to fishing shnyak, had its own dairy farm and a reindeer herd.

There are two hydroelectric power stations (this is not a joke of Hydro Power Plants). Upper and Lower HPPs. In Teriberka, Gazprom was going to build a plant to liquefy gas from the Shtokman field. But the local population said a harsh NO to the plans of the imperialists of the national property. Gazprom will have to build a plant a little further from the proud Tiriberka.

The airport-hotel transfer was filled with unforgettable experiences and adventures.

Fishing fees

Fishing in the Barents Sea, this is not a paid pond in the suburbs, never. The grown men in the boat on the waves shout "M-A-M-A" and a whole bunch of other things. Flying an airplane in turbulence is a cheap children's party compared to fishing in the Barents Sea. The picture shows a fisherman's kit: loads of half a kilo (otherwise the wind blows the boat down and you can't reach the bottom), a reel with 300m of braid (one hundred meters to the bottom, while you sweat out the fish and change your hand a couple of times), a waterproof box with documents (every exit to the sea the presentation of personnel to the border guards because the border zone and the enemy is not asleep), the rod is only one and a half meters long, but with rollers instead of rings.

It seems that the dream of the government of the Murmansk region about the active development of tourism in the region is coming true. There are more and more skiers and snowboarders in the Khibiny; even celebrities come to the Snow Village and the gallery of ice sculptures. And you can't get to Teriberka. And it's not about the weather, because of which the village is sometimes cut off from the world. There are just so many cars, especially on weekends, that traffic jams are like in Moscow!

Leviathan on the hook

Who is driving these hundreds of cars and why? If it was summer, we would answer that tourists set off for the sake of the “Teriberka. New life ”or to relax among the savages among the beautiful nature. But now fishermen dream of getting to the village! Still, the PR of the village at the expense of "Leviathan" and the image of a beautiful corner has done its job.

We have never had so many people coming for fishing. This year, there is nowhere to park both on the road and in Teriberka itself. The cars are even at the school, the bus that carries the children cannot find a place for itself, ”Viktoria Solovyova, a resident of Teriberka, told KP.

What is it that attracts fishermen? In May-June, capelin comes to the coast of the village. There is so much of it that you can literally scoop it up in buckets. That is what both the residents of Terib and the newcomers do with pleasure. Folk fish are literally harvested in bags!

But now it is far from the capelin feast. But on the other hand, during sea fishing you can catch cod and haddock.

Know what to catch!

There is a small fish near the coast, weighing an average of one kilogram. But the further, closer to the island of Kildin, the larger it is. A 40-kilogram fish, as recently caught in Norway, has not yet been seen. But up to 5-10 kilos - it can lead.

Now there are really many who want to go to the Barents Sea and cast their fishing rods. Every day they call us to find out the cost of the tours. Also, many travel on their own, hoping that local residents will provide them with transport and gear, ”said one of the companies that deals with tours to Teriberka. - The catch is good, do not complain! There are fishermen who catch 20-30 kilograms of fish a day. You need to know the place.

In general, one small vessel can return with a centner of fish in one call. If you get on the jamb, then you can pull out half a ton. But the storm will pass, and the sea becomes empty. This weight seems to us considerable, although the sea hunters themselves believe that a centner is not enough: it takes more to rent a boat, housing, tackle and so on than the whole fish costs. Only renting a small boat for half a day can cost 40-50 thousand on average, a boat - 15 thousand rubles. Accommodation per day - about 1500-2500 rubles per person. As they say, count yourself.

However, not only cod and haddock are of interest to guests. If you search social networks, you can find photos of a feast with sea urchins and crabs. By the way, it is impossible to catch the latter, it is possible to get under a criminal case.

If we talk about legal catch, then near Teriberka you can also catch halibut, flounder, pollock, catfish, burbot, herring. Sea cucumber can also be caught. However, if there is no way to go to sea, you can throw a fishing rod into the lakes. In some, the fish is no longer there, but there are also those where char and brown trout remained.


Local residents are not happy with the influx

Residents of Teriberka would be glad that life in the village is in full swing. But their impressions of what is happening are twofold. On the one hand, it is a good way to make money by renting accommodation and conducting excursions and fishing. There are even ideas to make paid parking. But on the other hand, the locals are afraid that they themselves will miss the fish. And visitors are not very careful about the beauty of this corner of the Kola Peninsula: garbage is lying on the side of the road and in the village itself.

Trampled our weather station, climb to all the devices, the readings are distorted, they ask for excursions. We seem to have nothing else to do, so we were just waiting for all these tourists, - complained about the visitors in the group "My Teriberka" Svetlana Ivanova.

The same picture is observed in the summer. But the two sides of the same coin still boil down to one thing - Teriberka has become popular.

I again got into the now famous Teriberka. For a long time there have been plans to wander here in the winter season, however, so far not very successful. And this time I went there for a different reason, so there was no time to go around the neighborhood. And in connection with the well-known events, photographs of the village itself and reports about it can now be found a lot. We went there to try the so-called sea fishing - spinning cod in the almost open sea.

We left Kirovsk in normal sunny weather, and after the congress to the Teriberian lapel we found ourselves in such ...

True, in the tundra (almost near the local power plants) the weather has improved slightly, which cheered up: in bad weather, you can't go to sea. How badly I was wrong! :)))
On the way we saw a whole crowd of kiters "swimming" in a good northerly wind. They lived in the same hotel as we did - right in the local "port" (by the way, surprisingly, a very pleasant, comfortable and reasonably affordable place - I noted for myself for the future).

We arrived already after dark, settled down, went to the sauna there. We attended a slightly pretentious, and similar to the session of "Alcoholics Anonymous" evening meeting of kiters. In my opinion, the very style was copied very much and it looks unnatural. Again, as it seemed to us. Anyway. We went to our room and hung out late into the night.

And in the morning, having breakfast in a nice hotel dining room, and having gathered, we stomped to load on the boat.

Now we are swimming into clean water. This is a view from the sea to the village. There was no wind in the lip, only snow was falling, and solid clouds were running from above. In the distance, in the direction of Kildin (where we were going) there was generally a bright blue sky without clouds. Our team wandered around the deck, sat in the cabin, took pictures of the surroundings and had fun in every possible way - it took about two hours to walk.

And then - it began, we did not even have time to pass the Teriberian lighthouse ...

A wind appeared from somewhere, waves began to lash across the deck. Sometimes the shore was hidden from our eyes when we fell down between the waves. The longitudinal and lateral swing began to really reach, although we prepared ourselves by taking in advance the "wheels" from motion sickness. On the one hand, it was all interesting and unusual. With the other - there was no time for smiles. I removed the camera a little later - I saved the equipment from salt water, and I had to hold on with both hands. You can't go down to the cabin - there was a real simulator for checking the vestibule apparatus.

We pass the Teriber lighthouse. It can be seen that the winds cut short the now fashionable style of facade renovation.

The tackle in the corner of the deck was covered with ice, we also have a crust of ice ...

The excitement at sea has become a little less, the clouds are leaving, the sun has appeared. You can start!

Part of our team grabbed the spinning rods and settled down at the side. The other part continued to feed the fish with their breakfasts from the other side :)) So they changed from time to time. I was lucky in this regard - after completing a couple of tricks, I did not give anything to the "enemy": during the campaign I stood in the fresh wind, looked straight ahead at a fixed point and tried to swing in unison with the boat. But, all the same, "not sugar", as they say.
However, here is the first one.

Wow! Immediately three for one spinning pulled out at a time!

The mood is completely different :))

Of course, not a record-sized fish, but we are already fine.

Almost everyone is busy with business.
I went, poured myself some coffee, sat on a bench in the sun and enjoyed the weather, sea smells, a weekend in good company ...

Sometimes, however, he grabbed the camera to record the catch.

We changed the point several times when it stopped pecking. Now they came closer to the lighthouse, then left it.

Another boat with fishermen "dangled" nearby.

Sometimes, when a large wave passed, it seemed that the ship was sinking ...

The guys, meanwhile, continue to catch cod.

Change point again. A respite will not hurt either: it is not so easy to carry the tackle back and forth from the depths.

Kildin Island. So we didn't get to it this time (I hope for future trips).

"Work continues.

More trophies ...

We are standing quite near the shore. Waves continue to attack the coast, although they are not the same as they were in the morning. I decided to make some shots of the coast from the sea. Unfortunately, this time without the "longest" lens - I gave it to the owner. In principle, I have 500 mm and 1000 mm (which are the Soviet mirrors Maksutov), ​​but they cannot practically remove a static scene with them, so why take them under such conditions: ((

The coastal battery cannons are visible. The report on the trip there was a couple of years earlier.

In the meantime, our trek is almost over. The captain of the ship showed us how to deal with fish quickly and professionally.

We go to the shore tired, hungry and contented.

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