Russian brick standards armlifting. Armlifting trainings and competitions

In the world of sports and strength training new systems and techniques, new simulators and new approaches to work on building a beautiful and perfect body are constantly appearing.

Hardware enthusiasts try to track these innovations, test them in practice and, depending on the results, include (or not include) in their arsenal.

Today we will talk about a relatively recently emerging sport, about its features, as well as about how it can be interesting and useful to fans of power disciplines.

And so, get acquainted: ARMLIFTING (English arm - hand, lifting - to raise) is a sport in which athletes measure strength, lifting and holding heavy apparatus with one hand.

Acquaintance and history of origin

Some believe that armlifting has its origins in one-handed barbell lifting, citing the example of the German athlete Herman Gonner, who performed in the 1920s and squeezed a 330.0 kg barbell with one hand.

At the same time, if we look at today's absolute world record in armlifting (150.5 kg), we will be convinced that this comparison is inappropriate. The fact is that although, in fact, armlifting is deadlift with one hand, the strength of the muscles of the hips, buttocks and back in this case, in contrast to the "classic" deadlift, is not decisive.

Per a short time the apparatus for narrowly targeted training laid the foundation for a new sport. National and world armlifting associations have been created. Mandatory rules approved. Dozens of tournaments are held. New records are being fixed.

When training grip strength, a lot of muscle groups... The main ones are the brachioradialis muscle (brachyradialis), flexors and extensors of the wrist, and flexors and extensors of the fingers. All of these muscles are highly resistant to stress and therefore require a special approach.

Why is armlifting so attractive for his fans?

The devil, as you know, is in the details ... In our case, one might say, in the details. The name of this part is Rolling thunder! The simulator with this name was created by IronMind in 1993. Now it is a registered trademark and absolutely all armlifting competitions are held only with the use of this equipment.

Rolling Thunder - the handle for which the load is lifted has a fairly large diameter - 60 mm. (for comparison: the diameter of the neck of the Olympic bar is -28 mm).

In addition, the handle rotates freely around its axis. Together, these two factors have created a projectile that, in isolation, engages the muscles of the hand and forearm and serves as an ideal trainer for developing grip strength.

Thanks to this "uncomfortable" grip, it is the grip strength that is important in armlifting, and not the overall physical strength.

Who besides weightlifters and bodybuilders cares about grip strength?

To many. From mountaineers and rock climbers to fans of contact martial arts. The fact is that in many sports and other types of physical activity, grip strength is limiting.

For example, workout enthusiasts know that no matter how strong your biceps and triceps are, you will not be able to pull up longer than your hands can hold the horizontal bar. That is why all adepts physical culture it will be useful to get to know more about armlifting.

Applicable standards

Here is an example of the current standards for athletes of this type of competition:

Men The weight MSMK MC CCM
Up to 70 78.0 73.3 68.0
Up to 80 83.0 78.0 73.0
Up to 90 88.0 83.0 78.0
Up to 100 93.0 88.0 83.0
Up to 110 98.0 93.0 88.0
Up to 125 103.0 98.0 93.0
Over 125 108.0 103.0 98.0
Women The weight MSMK MC CCM
Up to 60 58.0 53.0 48.0
Over 60 63.0 58.0 53.0


The World Armlifting Assotiation was established in 2010. And all competitions are held according to the official rules of this association (WAA).

The basic rules are quite simple:

  • The handle can only be held with a “closed” grip. It is forbidden to hold the handle with an "open grip".
  • The non-rotating parts of the handle should not come into contact with the palm.
  • When performing the lift, the body should be fully extended. After a command from the referee, the weight must be lowered. It is forbidden to drop the load!
  • When lowering, contact between the athlete's hand and the handle of the apparatus must be maintained.
  • One minute is given to perform the lift. The number of attempts is not limited.
  • It is permissible to suspend the movement of the projectile, but at the same time it should not go down.
  • The feet should be motionless. Steps forward, backward and lateral movements are prohibited!
  • The use of magnesia is permitted. It is forbidden to bandage your hands!

Almost all world records belong to Russian and Ukrainian athletes, therefore, if you decide to do armlifting, there should be no shortage of methods and training programs. You can easily find a huge number of Russian-language videos on the topic on Youtube.

Overtraining can also cause chronic pain in the wrist area. To avoid this, warm up carefully! It is also advisable to do self-massage of the hands and forearms before training before the appearance of hyperemia. This will save you from the appearance of unpleasant microtraumas.

Do not forget that the grip strength depends not only on the work of the muscles, but also on the condition of the ligaments and tendons, and the development and maintenance of them in proper condition takes a lot of time in itself. Hurry slowly!

For example, Alexey Tyukalov, the absolute record holder and president of the WAA, by his own admission, now uses his own training method in armlifting. Works out once a week. Works with RollingThunder only. And only in statics and with maximum weight. Raises and holds the projectile for as long as possible. Doesn't use any other exercises. The training time is 30-40 minutes.

In addition to directly working with Rolling Thunder, other exercises are used to strengthen grip strength:

  • Push-ups on the fingers and on the wrists (on outside palms)
  • Pull-ups on the toes
  • Various flexion and extension of the arms at the wrists with a barbell or other weights.
  • Rotation of the handle with a suspended weight.
  • Working with various brush expanders.

Sample workout program

The lesson from Yuri Seif (international master of sports in armlifting) is as follows:

  • Work on the block. Rolling Thunder grip is used. Lifting the load is done by flexing the wrist. The weight is selected so that 6-7 repetitions can be performed.
  • Pulling up on a horizontal bar, on the crossbar of which rubber pads are put on to expand the diameter of the grip.
  • A weight is attached to the belt, which allows you to perform no more than 6-7 repetitions.
  • Row of the bar to the belt. There are rubber extensions on the neck. The weight should be able to perform 5-6 reps.
  • Holding the barbell. There are rubber extensions on the neck. The weight should allow you to hold the bar for 5-6 seconds.
  • Lifting and holding 50 kg pancakes from the bar with your fingers. Each hand has a pancake. Executed "to the limit"

Notable records

The first official competitions in armlifting in Russia were held in Podolsk near Moscow in 2010 (in the year of formation international federation WAA).

The absolute record of 150.5 kg belongs to Alexei Tyukalov (nickname - "Russian tank", dead weight 123 kg). Women have a record weight of 68 kg. submitted to Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine, own weight 91.2 kg).

One of the fans and propagandists of armlifting in Russia is the famous actor and athlete Sergei Badyuk. He is a guest, and sometimes a participant, in almost all tournaments held under the auspices of the WAA.

Armlifting is a very young, but rapidly developing and gaining popularity sport. One of its many advantages is low technical requirements. Very often people who have never been involved in strength exercises but naturally strong hand grip grasping the Rolling Thunder handle for the first time show impressive results.

Try armlifting! Maybe it's yours! And, given the applied focus of this sport, it can undoubtedly be useful to everyone.

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Armlifting is a new sport that came to us from America. One of its best representatives was Marcus Felix, an American strongman who lifted one hundred and twenty-three kilograms, which was a record in this sport. Now a record weighing one hundred and forty-five kilograms has been recorded and it belongs to Alexei Tyukalov. To develop grip strength, you do not need to train it every day; the correct training cycle will be considered once a week. If we consider a sport such as armlifting, in order to succeed in it, you must use a rolling thunder projectile.

This is the direction in sports that develops grip strength and depends on the strength of the hand. In this sport, it is simply impossible to predict the result in a competition by the type of athlete. The simulator itself was made in 1993, from that time this sport appeared. The athlete has exactly 1 minute to lift the weight, but the number of approaches is not limited.

Armlifting technique and rules

For everyone major competitions from the APL federation, only the new Rolling Thunder simulator is used. How can this be determined? Not with what quality he is spinning, but how he arrived at the competition. It must be packed in its original packaging, and there is also a brochure that describes it. specifications... This rolling must be unpacked on video. You need to take the rolling, fix its handles parallel to the floor and release. If it scrolls without any problems, then this indicates that the rolling really meets the requirements of the Iron man company.

The starting position is the same for all athletes, that is, we put our legs parallel to the center of gravity. When we grab a rolling hand, the thumb should hit from above, that is, the index, middle, ring and little fingers should be on the opposite side thumb... The monkey grip is prohibited here, and only the classic one is allowed. After all this, we perform the ascent. The approach is clean and counts when the projectile is lowered to the ground. Do not forget that the most explosive movement should come from the legs, respectively, your back and shoulders should hit almost motionless. The breakdown should occur with your feet. A lot of athletes pull with their backs and this is really wrong.

Errors in armlifting

Now let's look at the main mistakes of athletes who pretend they know how to lift the Rolling thunder ... It is very important to understand that the axial load that we receive when lifting with one hand when doing the exercise is unlikely to have a positive effect on your strength results, therefore it is recommended to do the lift very carefully, but many athletes neglect technique and get injured.

But there are also guys who, when lifting, press the roll to the leg and perform the lift with the strength of the legs. This does not count. Rolling should not touch the foot, both in the initial and in the middle stage. The maximum, when in the final stage you are already straightening, it can touch, but here there is no support anymore and you, the approach will really be counted ... In no case, you can not throw it, he must be accompanied until he touches the ground. That is, first raised, then lowered.

In addition to this kind, when they rest on the foot, there are several other options for scamming, when they eat while lifting to touch the stationary parts of the rolling. Rolling has only one rotating part, it is in the middle, everything else does not rotate. Many athletes put their hand on a stationary part and raise it. Naturally, this will not be credited.

A very important factor is that you need to straighten up. The approach will not count if you do not straighten your legs and back. The key factor is that without clean technique, the approach will not be approved by the judges and the exercise will be performed incorrectly. And also the addition in addition, it can be noted that the other hand, which does not touch the rolling, should not touch the body. A lot of athletes when they take a roll, they rest their elbows on the thigh and from here there is a rise, this is also wrong and can not be counted.


For preparation it is recommended to use different kinds grips. To do this, the x-griff neck extenders will help you, they are five centimeters and seven centimeters in diameter. The difference in grip allows you to enable maximum amount muscle fibers brushes. Classic armlifting training on a rolling thunder apparatus should consist of warm-up, holding the bar and holding the rolling for a certain amount of time with a certain weight ... In this training, the weight of the projectile is very important. that you lift and you really have to hit hard, only then will your ligaments receive sufficient load.

The arm that is weaker should be the first in the approach in which you start lifting for one simple reason - it should receive more load and you should feel its strength and give a little more load in the next workout to progress, because the workouts without progress is not training. There are basic triathlon armlifting shells:

  • Apollo Axel Neck:
  • Rolling Thunder:
  • Silver Bullet:

Armlifting simulators

There are many armlifting simulators:

Armlifting is a power sport. The task of the athletes is to lift and fix maximum weight with one hand. Competitions are held with the aim of identifying the leader in grip strength.

The difficulty of armlifting exercise is that it is necessary to lift the weight by a round and uncomfortable handle, which also rotates. The handle diameter is 60 mm.

V power sports the deadlift has a special place. This exercise was previously performed with one hand as well. In armlifting, the principle is almost the same. However, it is more difficult to lift significant weight here. This is because this sport is a combination of the above. basic exercise and grip strength to hold an awkward handle.

The main load when lifting the projectile falls on the forearm and hand. Initially, the Rolling Thunder simulator was designed specifically to work out these muscle groups. However, later it began to be used for holding armlifting competitions.

A new stage in history

Not so long ago - in 2010 - the World Armlifting Association was founded. Since the beginning of its activity, more than a dozen different tournaments have been held different levels... It is also worth noting that the first grip strength competitions were officially held in the same 2010. Leading positions Russian athletes, as well as their authority allowed Alexander Anatolyevich Filimonov to become the president of the World Armlifting Association.


Each sport has its own standards. In armlifting, all athletes are divided into weight categories. Based on what weight a particular athlete lifted, his result and the ability to get a rank or rank are determined.

It is worth noting that until 2013, girls competed in the same standards and weight categories as men. However, today it is much easier for women to fulfill the master of sports standard.

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In 2013, such a relatively young sport as armlifting will celebrate 20 years since its foundation. But despite such a not small, of course, anniversary, in our days, armlifting is still little known, even among fans of power sports. Armlifting has gained the greatest popularity among the countries of the former USSR. It was in these countries that the competition rules were invented, as well as armlifting standards, which we will now talk about, or rather, consider them. And also see detailed description of this power sport by the link:

Last year, one by one armlifting standards both girls and men competed in three weight categories. This year, the standards for masters of sports and standards for masters of sports of international class have become a little easier.


Athlete weight Master of Sport Candidate Master of Sports 1 2 3
70 83,0 75,5 65,5 63,0 60,5 58,0
90 93,0 85,5 75,5 70,5 68,0 63,0
110 103,0 93,0 83,0 78,0 73,0 68,0
110+ 108,0 100,5 90,5 83,0 78,0 73,0


Athlete weight International Master of Sports Master of Sport Candidate Master of Sports 1 2 3
60 58,0 53,0 43,0 40,5 38,0 35,5
60+ 63,0 58,0 48,0 45,5 43,0 38,0

Established and current world records in armlifting:


  • Weighing more than 110 kg absolute record holder became Russian athlete Alexey Tyukalov, he lifted 148 kg, with his own weight 123 kg.
  • In the 110 kg weight category, the world record was set by the Russian athlete Sergey Kulyasov lifting 120.5 kg. Its own weight is 98.4 kg.
  • Weight category 90 kg, Vitaly Laletin raised 103 kg (Russia)
  • And also, in the weight category of 70 kg, Alexey Laptev, whose own weight is 68.4 kg, raised the weight of 100.5 kg (Russia)


  • In the weight over 60 kg, the world record was set by Lyudmila Gaiduchenko, she lifted 68 kg. Her own weight is 91.2 kg. (Ukrainka - Dneprodzerzhinsk)
  • In the weight of 60 kg, Yulia Dvorskaya set a world record. With her own weight of 55.9 kilograms, she lifted 53 kg (Ukrainka - Sumy)


  • Maxim Kornievsky, he performed in weight category up to 60 kilograms and set a world record - 73.5 kg. (Ukraine - Crimean region)
  • Oleg Omelyanenko lifted 86 kg, his own weight is 84.5 kg (Ukraine)
  • Alexey Laptev with own weight which is 68.4 kg, he lifted 100.5 kg.


  • Over 90 kg. Oleg Melentiev, whose own weight is 142 kg, pulled as much as 135.5 kg
  • In the category up to 90 kilograms, the record holder, Ukrainian, master of sports of international class Khvicha Hasaya. He showed an excellent result - 113 kg (Ukraine - Simferopol)

At the end of this article, I want to show you a video that shows the establishment of the current world record from Alexei Tyukalov (148 kilograms).

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