Powerlifting records. Powerlifting: champions and their achievements

Powerlifting records are often recorded. There is a fair amount of confusion with them, since athletes perform in the framework of various associations that put forward different requirements when making approaches to the bar and the availability of equipment. In addition, the framework weight categories also do not always coincide, which does not matter only if it comes about absolute world achievements.

Men's barefoot powerlifting world records:

In weight up to 59 kg, all world achievements belong to the Russian Sergei Fedosienko. Its results in:

squats - 227.5 kg;

bench press - 171 kg;

deadlift -271 kg;

total - 669.5 kg.

In the next weight category, up to 66 kg, Russian Sergei Skochek squeezed 172.5 kg lying down, and Australian Luu Nhyep showed 270 kg in deadlift, which is inferior to the achievement of the much lighter Sergei Fedosienko.

In weight up to 83 kg, American John Haakk owns almost all world records in powerlifting, except for the bench press:

298 kg squats;

315 kg - deadlift;

813 kg - in the amount of powerlifting.

Only New Zealander Brett Gibbs managed to take away one of the achievements from him, squeezing 208 kg in prone.

Dennis Gary, who is ten kilograms heavier than the New Zealander, showed 232.5 kg in the bench press. Pole Krzysztof Wierzbicki holds records in the same weight category (up to 93 kg) in:

deadlift - 355 kg;

total - 810 kg.

squats - 390 kg;

deadlift - 440 kg;

total - 1055 kg.

Only in the bench press did he manage to squeeze the American Timothy Anderson with the result of 232.5 kg.

Algerian athlete Mohamed Bouafya in the weight up to 120 kg owns three achievements, in:

squats - 356 kg;

deadlift - 355.5 kg;

total - 915 kg.

These results are significantly lower than in the previous weight category.

In the absolute weight category, an amazing picture is observed, because all the records of powerlifting without equipment belong to different athletes:

in squats - Israeli Vladislav Alkhazov (500 kg);

in the bench press - Russian Kirill Sarychev (335 kg);

in deadlift - British Eddie Hall (500 kg).

There is a clear specialization of super heavyweights in individual exercises, since the record amount in powerlifting, scored by Russian Andrey Malanichev, is 1140 kg, which is almost two centners less than the sum of the three best results in individual events.

Women's Powerlifting Records

The popularity of women's powerlifting is, for obvious reasons, significantly lower. Special attention fixation of world achievements is not given here. Among the best results in the weight category up to 47 kg, the Japanese woman Fukushima Yukako conquered 122.5 kg in the bench press. Chen Weiling from Taiwan owns two of the highest world achievements:

in squats - 187.5 kg;

in thrust - 185 kg.

Russian Anna Ryzhkova (up to 57 kg) obeyed 210 kg in squats.

Her compatriot Larisa Solovieva managed to collect a bouquet of three outstanding records, typing in:

bench press - 165 kg;

deadlift - 245 kg;

total - 632.5 kg.

Deadlift records won:

American Priscilla Ribick - 240 kg in the category up to 72 kg;

Ukrainian Elena Kozlova - 250 kg (up to 84 kg).

Russian woman Galina Karpova has conquered a record in squats in the category over 84 kg - 300.5 kg.

Powerlifting: absolute world records

Powerlifting is not only the IPF flag. Athletes can take part in tournaments under the flag of other international associations, compete according to other rules. It is interesting to note the highest achievements demonstrated by athletes from different countries, regardless of which organization the competition was held by.

Icelander Benedict Magnusson had to go to the gym in his youth to heal his injured spine. It turned out very well, in 2011, a 172-kilogram Icelander, using a belt, set an outstanding achievement in the deadlift. His 460 kg graced the Ronnie Coleman classic tournament.

American Ryan Kenelli was not denied admission to the only sports section - powerlifting. He repaid his confidence by squeezing a fantastic 487.6 kg from the prone using equipment.

Israeli Vladislav Alkhazov, who left the USSR as a child, obeyed in squats in 567 kg equipment. But the Russian Andrei Malanichev, who used only bandages, obeyed 450 kg. All the same, the use of equipment has an increasingly noticeable effect on the level of achievements.

Everyone can be athletic and fit, but to develop functional strength so that all the cells of the body radiate incredible power, this is only possible for people with strong mind and body.

Powerlifting is exactly the kind of sport that promotes the development of muscles and strength. It is not as popular as other sports, but this does not mean that it does not have its own achievements.

We decided to prepare the most famous world records in powerlifting. In competitive disciplines, powerlifters demonstrate what they are capable of in three exercises: barbell squats, deadlift and bench press. So what kind of powerlifting records deserve to be known?

In the "golden three" of exercises in powerlifting, the deadlift is considered the most difficult. Also, this exercise is one of the most dangerous, since if it is performed with the wrong technique, it is very easy to get injured.

The world record for powerlifting belongs to Briton Eddie Hall, who lifted a barbell weighing 500 kilograms. Before that, everyone was convinced that it was impossible to lift the bar with such a weight, but Hall proved the opposite.

True, after he lowered the barbell, his nose began to bleed, but, nevertheless, the goal was achieved, and the record was recorded.

Bench press is considered to be an unofficial indicator of strength in powerlifting. We will look at two bench press achievements. The first includes records for powerlifting in equipment.
It belongs to the American athlete Ryan Kennelly, who began to train with iron after he was kicked out of all possible sections, including school.

After the first lessons, the guy's talent in the bench was immediately noticeable. Ryan Kennelly broke the US junior record with 205kg. This was the start of his career as a powerlifter.

Barefoot powerlifting records are also varied. It is worth highlighting another American, Scott Mendelssohn, who in the bench press raises a barbell weighing 324.5 kilograms from his chest.

Mendelssohn even in 2007 was recognized as the world champion in bench press in equipment - he squeezed 457.6 kilograms.

Squats are part of the classic triathlon, allowing athletes to qualify, but this does not prevent them from setting powerlifting records.

Vladislav Alkhazov set a world record in equipment - squatting with 567 kg on his shoulders. Now the strongman continues to train in America.

World record in women's powerlifting

Women's powerlifting records are almost as good as men's records. We have already written that there are strong women. Ukrainian Olga Lyashchuk the most Strong woman Ukraine, you can read in more detail

Squats are one of the three main exercises of powerlifting, or. There are several versions for setting world records in this discipline. The main ones are the weight category, the athlete's belonging to a particular federation and the presence or absence of special equipment.

Squat Records by Weight

The maximum weight category in powerlifting is over 125 kg. It has practically no limits. In this category, the absolute record belongs to the Israeli triathlon Vlad Alkhazov. He conquered a weight of 567 kilograms in 2008 and used equipment.

  • Next comes the weight category up to 125 kg. It is led by Kirk Karwoski from the USA. Kirk was able to squat with a barbell of 455 kilograms. This happened in 1994.
  • The next category is up to 110 kg. In 1995, the same athlete (Karvoski) from the United States, having already a smaller body weight, overcame a barbell weighing 415 kilograms.
  • In the 100 kg category, Ed Cohen, also a powerlifter from the United States, became the record holder. He was able to lift a barbell weighing 423 kilograms.
  • Weighing less than 90 kg in 1980, the American athlete Fred Hatfield "defeated" the barbell weighing 375 kg.
  • In the category up to 85.2 kg, Mike Bridges from the USA is in the lead. His record in squats with a barbell of 379.5 kg was recorded back in 1982.
  • In 1989, the American Osby Alexander squatted down with a barbell on his shoulders, the mass of which was 328 kg. Osby's own weight was less than 75 kilograms.
  • In the category up to 67.5 kg, the record (barbell 300 kg) was set by another American - Jesse Jackson. This event took place in 1987.
  • The next category is up to 60 kg. In it, the leading position was taken by the Swede Karlsson Magnus, who overcame a barbell weighing 295.5 kg in 1995.
  • In the category up to 56 kilograms, Karlsson also showed best result but in 1994. Then he lifted a barbell weighing 277.5 kg.
  • The lightest weight category with powerlifting - up to 52 kg. Pole Andrzej Stanazhek became the champion in it, lifting a barbell 270.5 kg on his shoulders.

Absolute Squat Records

  • As already mentioned, the absolute record is still held by the representative of Israel (currently residing in the United States) Vlad Alkhazov with a barbell of 567 kg (1250 lbs).
  • The maximum weight with the use of bandages was lifted by Anrey Malanichev in 2010. His record is 450 kilograms.
  • Don Reinhodt is in the lead in the "no equipment" category. Back in 1975, Don conquered a barbell weighing 423.5 kg.

Records according to versions of various powerlifting federations

According to international federation WPC in the category over 140 kg was set by Andy Bolton, having overcome the barbell of 520 kg. In fairness, it should be noted that in 2007 the athlete was able to sit down with 550.5 kg on his back. But since at that moment he was out of the federations, the record cannot be entered into any category.

According to the IPF version, the same serious results cannot be found, since the requirements for the competition from its organizers are characterized by increased rigor. The record in the IPF belongs to Hamman Shane, who, with a dead weight of 169.4 kg, was able to lift a barbell of 457.5 kg in 1995. Also, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the result achieved by Dmitry Ivanov in the Czech Republic (2011) could well be considered a record according to the version of this federation. He lifted a barbell weighing 460 kg, but did not complete the bench press performance, so the achievement was not counted.

The IPA Federation holds the absolute world record of all times and weight categories, which we have already talked about. In 2008, Alkhazov installed it, lifting 567 kg.

Deadlift record

Benedict Magnuson (or simply Benya, as Russian powerlifters call him) was born on July 4, 1983. At the age of 16, I went to the gym to recover from a spinal injury. Yes, he recovered so much that in 2011 he set a world record in the Ronnie Coleman classic tournament. 1015 pounds or 460 kg, from the equipment only a belt - this is the result of a guy with a once problematic spine. The growth of the Icelander is 183 cm, the weight at the time of the record is 172 kg. Many people still believe that Magnuson could have taken a heavier weight.

Bench Press Record

Officially, the indicator of strength is not considered in classic powerlifting, although there are championships for this exercise, and the usual question for a bodybuilder or powerlifter is: "How much do you press from the chest?" If you are still pressing a little weight, feel free to answer that less than Ryan Kenelli. This American has set a world record in the bench press, lifting 487.6 kg in equipment. Interestingly, the guy came to the bar after he was kicked out of all sports sections and then from school. Ryan started with 96 kg. So to the question about weight, just answer: "Soon I will catch up with Kenelli!".

Ryan Kenelli's record video:

Barbell Squat Record

A separate discipline, and is usually included in the classic triathlon powerlifting to qualify. But nothing prevents the "pitching" from setting records in this exercise. Moreover, one record here belongs to our compatriot, and the second record to a resident of Moscow.

Vladislav Alkhazov

Vladislav Alkhazov, as a child, moved from the USSR to Israel, where he began performing in the IPA. It was in this federation that Alkhazov squatted with 567 kg on his shoulders, setting a world record in equipment.

Andrey Malanichev

Muscovite Andrei Malanichev in squats with a barbell on his back in bandages set a record of 450 kg. In total, this already legendary powerlifter has 5 Russian records, Titan Cups 2008/2009 and the title of the absolute champion of Russia in 2005.

Sergey Feodosienko

Since 2012, the record in the bench press and deadlift, as well as the total weight of the triathlon, belongs to the Russian Sergei Fedosienko (160, 270 and 651 kg, respectively), but the American Michael Koons (225 kg) bypassed Sergei in squatting. Both athletes competed in the category up to 59 kg.

Andrey Ivanets

29-year-old Belarusian Andrei Ivanets set a deadlift record in 2013, lifting 340 kg at a tournament in Stockholm. In his category (up to 105 kg), Estonian Alex-Evard Rous (born in 1992) with 325 kg became the best in squats, and Timothy Anderson lifted the most in the bench press - 232.5 kg.

Among the heaviest weights (from 120 kg or more), the Americans have been in the lead since 2012. Blaine Sumner squatted with 400 kg on his shoulders, in deadlift Brad Gillingham lifted 375 kg, and record amount the scales were installed by the same 28-year-old Sumner on April 1, 2012.

Women's records

There is less information on women's records, but the results of the 2011 Powerlifting Championships can be considered official.
Among the lightest (up to 47 kg), the world record in deadlifts and squats was set by Chen Wei-Ling from Taiwan - 185 and 187.5 kg, respectively. In the same weight, the Japanese Fukushima Yukako holds a record of 122.5 kg in the bench press.

In the 52 kg category, the world record in squatting with a barbell was set by Vilma Ochoa Vargas from Ecuador. At the same time, in terms of the sum of weights, she became only the third in the championship, and the Russian Natalia Salnikova won it. True, without records.

Natalia Salnikova from Ulyanovsk (Russia)

  • world record in the bench press - 165 kg;
  • deadlift world record - 245 kg;
  • world record in total triathlon - 632.5 kg.

Larisa Solovieva receives a sports "Oscar"

American Priscilla Ribick (weight up to 72 kg) set the world deadlift record - 240 kg. Olena Kozlova from Ukraine in the deadlift lifted 10 kg more (250 kg), but already among the participants weighing up to 84 kg. In the same category, Chang Ya-Wen set a world record in squatting - 267.5 kg. At the same time, Kozlova took "gold", and the representative of Taiwan took only 4th place in the overall standings.

Another Russian powerlifter Galina Karpova squatted on 300.5 kg. World championship record in weight over 84 kg.

  • 1st place - Larisa Solovieva (Ukraine);
  • 2nd place - Wei-Ling Chen (Taiwan);
  • 3rd place - Natalia Salnikova (Russia).
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