Increasing growth through yoga. Yoga to increase libido in women

I find it hard to believe that I am writing an article on the pros and cons of printed books. For over a decade we have been hearing about e-books ah and we are discussing whether they will ever be filmed and win the audience. A couple of years ago, the jury was still there, but with the advent of a new Kindle and Nook and other e-readers, I can firmly say that, in my opinion, e-books will remain a major part of the publishing industry for years, if not forever.

Last year began new trend when I saw authors only release e-books. Of course, most of these authors self-publish and publish their first book. They may not have the money to print paper books, or they just don't want to risk the cost of printing on paper when creating an e-book, it's cheaper. It's hard to believe that a few decades ago, a person spent tens of thousands of dollars to independently publish a book. By the beginning of this century, print on demand had reduced this cost to a few thousand, or even high in the hundreds. Now, creating an e-book can only cost you a couple hundred dollars, or you can even do it yourself and just take the time to make it. You can then sell it without having to do anything else - no printers, no printing costs, no shipping or postage.

But are e-books really books? I have heard various publishers talk about how we are in the information age now, and we are no longer selling books, but selling information. it good moment because e-books are not like books. Of course, e-readers such as Kindle and Nook , try to make it clear that we are holding some kind of book, but it is a different feeling to hold a plastic electronic device compared to pleasant and fascinating paper. I still like the feel of the book better and I think e-readers still have some bugs to fix, but I have to admit that low price, the convenience of storing several books on electronic media and the speed of delivery are all preferable to printed books.

So shouldn't you be publishing paper books anymore? I know at least one author who happily told me, "No more paper books for me." But all I can say is “Hold on. The paper book is not dead yet. " Maybe in ten years she will be dead, maybe sooner, but now she is not. I think authors should continue to print paper books in reasonable quantities. I would recommend smaller print runs - maybe only 1000 or 500 or even 100 books - exactly what you think you can sell in a year or two and not beyond, then re-evaluate if you want to keep printing on paper ... You have to be very realistic and smart about how many paper books you can sell so that you don't end up with a basement full of paper as your e-book sales continue to grow, but there is still a need for paper books.

Here are some reasons why paper books are still a good idea. First, they have to do with the marketing strategy of the author. If you're only planning to connect to online readers, you might not need this advice, but to create eBooks only, you need to alienate a good percentage of your audience.

Face-to-face interaction: Many readers love to connect with the author whose books they are reading. If this were not true, we would not have book signatures and poetry readings and all the possible events of the author. Yes, perhaps the reader can contact the author by sending him a message in Facebook , and, in some ways, the Internet has made it much easier to communicate with authors. But meeting someone online cannot be compared to meeting someone in person.

Readers love to meet authors because they consider the authors to be celebrities. Even people who are not readers often transcend copyright celebrity status and then buy the book. I can't say how many times I've had people say to me, "Wow, you're an author" or "I've never met an author before," and they speak with awe in their voices. These people don't just want to read. They want personal experience... They want to feel like something exciting happened to them by greeting a famous author, and they want to get a memory of this experience by capturing the autographed book.

Of course, the first edition of your book can never be a collector's item, and yes, we all feel like we have too many things, so it's nice to have e-books that don't take up space. But many of us love books for ourselves. We collect the first editions. We buy books that we have already read just because we want to have this book. We love covers and we want these books to sit on our coffee tables and bookshelves simply because they give us pleasure to look at them. There is something so aesthetically pleasing about appearance books, and book lovers know it's nice to see rooms filled with bookshelves and all those alluring book spines in multiple colors with dramatic titles that look at them, keeping secrets to be discovered during hours of reading pleasure.

Browsing through an online bookstore is not the same as going to a bookstore. Yes, it's faster and easier to shop online, but if you really want to visit, you go to the bookstore. Going to the bookstore is like going to the movies or going out for coffee. It's a pleasant past. You cannot figure it out from an e-book, and you certainly cannot collect that feeling in an online store. Perhaps we will feel it when someone invents a bookstore. virtual reality we visit wear special glasses, so we feel like we are really in a bookstore. Hey, I have to come up with this, but until then, the physical bookstore will retain its charm.

Can you see the excitement on Christmas morning when everyone is gathered around the tree with your iPad and then check your e-mails to find few reports that you've been gifted e-books? A boy who just takes a holiday straight out of giving. Will you really give an e-book as a gift to your loved one? Perhaps if you live on opposite sides of the country, but if you're going to see this person on Christmas morning, isn't that paper book wrapped in colorful paper the best sign of love and the Christmas spirit?

E-book or paper? Final decision. To summarize my arguments, we will need paper books for years to come - at least until those of us who have grown up love paper books and leave this world. You will, of course, want to consider the longevity of your book. You want this to be available to future generations who can be raised on e-readers and never know what it means to read a book. A paper book can "go out of print". So far, I have not seen evidence that an e-book can, although no doubt we will have to get new e-books.

So keep in mind that people still want to feel that the human connection to the author - the paper book provides this kind of connection in ways that an e-book cannot. A paper book is more than words on pages. It becomes a gift, a sign of love, a symbol of a meeting with the author, a family heirloom. Somehow I don't foresee that Grandma left her collection of e-books to her grandchildren, but what about this family Bible, that collection of the first edition of the series Anne of green gables that she enjoyed as a child, or that she was jaded and worn out because she loved the copy of Mother Lip that she used to read to you so much? These are the books you hold - treasures for life.

Men's shirts have been around for a long time, however, until the eighteenth century, men's shirts were only worn under outerwear. The fact that they have been seen as underwear things explains why it is seen as being tactless for a man to take off his uninvited jacket. In 1871 Brown, Davis and Co. introduced the world to the first man's shirt with buttons all the way down the front. Today, they have evolved to become the formal and casual men's and women's shirts that we know today.

Male and female: fabric weave and wash

The finest mens shirts are 100% cotton which ensures they are soft, breathable and durable. Here are some of the denim weaves, washings and styles that you will find in formal and casual shirts that are available today.

T-shirt: mod building block

When the season changes from summer to monsoon and monsoon to winter, fashion trends also change accordingly. But after every three or four months, most of us don't have the time or need to buy new clothes... Then the question comes: What kind of casual dresses or garments will change you according to your range of styles, colors and mood? - Obviously T-shirts.

T-shirts have always been believed as simple necessities - those basic requirements that form the basis of fashion - the building block of fashion. If you want to know how much t-shirt fashion trends have changed over last years, take your measurement tape.

T-shirt manufacturers use many terms to describe their products. The terms are not always consistent and it helps to have a guide.

The following is the official Green Man T-Shirts Guide to understanding t-shirt terms:

20th, 20/1, single 20s: A unit of size that determines the fineness of the cotton thread. A standard single ply cotton thread bobbin consists of 840 yards of cotton thread. If it takes 20 bobbins to weigh one pound, then the thread on those bobbins is referred to as 20's or 20/1 cotton. If 30 bobbins weigh one pound, then the thread on those bobbins is referred to as 30's cotton thread or 30/1. If it takes 40 bobbins to weigh one pound, then the thread on those bobbins is referred to as 40's or 40/1 cotton. A higher number means a finer thread, and thus a finer, more soft tissue created. T-shirts made from the 30s and 40s are softer, finer, and have better drape than T-shirts made from the 20s. The terms are used in many ways, but this is the number that counts; "20th", "20/1", and "20 singles"Are the same. The strands can be twisted together into thicker strands. If two 20/1 cotton threads were twisted together, it would be referred to as 20/2.

Pirate T-shirts were brought in back part market in 2009. They are meant to be worn by everyone regardless of gender. This T-shirt comes in different sizes for different ages. The T-shirt is comfortable everyday and it is also a loose fit. The t-shirt also arrives at different kinds and colors from which you could choose according to your taste and preference.

T-shirts are made by various design houses. There is Pittsburgh design that makes these tees. This design comes in a variety of colors and is usually created for both men and women. They manufacture these t-shirts in various patterns and styles. One of the shirts they create is known as Nike Pittsburgh, which is usually created in white. You can also find the majestic nostalgia of the Pittsburgh Pirates, which usually comes in gold or yellow in other words. Anyone would look great in a T-shirt. These types of T-shirts are usually worn on a sports day.

Sedentary, polluted environment, improper nutrition and frequent stress affects men's health. Poor circulation in the pelvis can lead to erection problems. Impotence in 85% of cases is a consequence of physical problems, and only 15% of men it is associated with a psychological disorder. Gymnastics of yogis can solve the problem with potency. It is aimed at increasing blood circulation in the groin, as well as eliminating stress - one of the main culprits of male impotence.

Systematic gymnastics exercises have a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • Anxiety decreases;
  • Mood improves;
  • Increases blood circulation throughout the body;
  • Tightened muscles relax;
  • Correct breathing increases the volume of the lungs, the body is saturated with oxygen;
  • Sleep becomes less disturbing;
  • The heart and blood vessels are strengthened.

Signs of decreased potency

The question of potency is one of the most important in a man's life. Its decline is often perceived as painful. Common signs of weak potency include:

  • Decreased libido - not attracted to women;
  • It takes a lot of time for foreplay, because the penis does not harden for a long time;
  • During intercourse, the male organ remains not rigid enough;
  • Lack of erection in the morning.

These signs indicate that a man has problems, but are not a sentence.

Yoga for potency

V recent times men are increasingly turning to hatha yoga to enhance their potency. Specially designed exercise complexes are used to prevent and combat erectile dysfunction. Asanas can strengthen the heart, improve blood pressure, cheer up and restore a man to his previous strength.

Preparation for classes

  1. Asanas are preferably carried out on fresh air or in a well-ventilated room.
  2. You need to do it on an empty stomach or a couple of hours before going to bed.
  3. Before starting the asanas, you should warm up: bend your body, rotate your arms, squat. Duration of preparation is from 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. There is no need to strive for perfect posture performance. A rare man can boast of good flexibility. Over time, the exercises will get better.
  5. You can't stand the pain. The activity should be enjoyable.
  6. The maximum time spent in one position is 30 seconds. But a beginner can stay in one position for 5 - 10 seconds.
  7. Be sure to monitor your breathing. Slow breathing movements will fill the body with oxygen and awaken secret reserves in it. With a runny nose, the lesson should be postponed.
  8. Do not start a session with a bad mood or bad thoughts. Before starting, you should clear your thoughts of negativity and tune in to a working mood.
  9. Relaxing music can be used during yoga. Nature sounds or a classical melody will also be an extra detail to reduce nervousness.
  10. Classes should be held every other day.


Yoga exercises for potency are a serious test for the body, so some people are prohibited from doing them. There are a number of diseases in which performing asanas can worsen the condition:

  • spine disease;
  • aggravation of a chronic disease;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • obesity;
  • joint diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • history of traumatic brain injury;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • suffered acute cerebrovascular accident (first 6 months).

Taking psychotropic drugs is also a contraindication for exercise. In the presence of these pathologies, before starting classes, you should consult with your doctor. In the case when yoga classes are contraindicated, other types of exercises are prescribed or drug treatment impotence.

Yoga does not guarantee the full return of masculine strength. If 25% of intercourse ended in failure or could not begin at all, you should consult a doctor for examination.

Asanas to enhance potency

The presented set of exercises will help a man to improve his potency.

Top 8 Halasan exercises

The man lies on his back, arms along the body. The first task is to normalize breathing. After that, he slowly begins to raise his legs, then raises his lower back. Legs throws over the head (slowly) and lowers them. Toes rest on the floor. Balance helps to keep the hands. Breathing calmly, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Exercise increases blood circulation in the pelvis and lower back. Metabolism improves, congestion in the prostate area disappears.


The man lies on his stomach with his chin on the floor. Breathing is even and calm. With smooth movements, the hands grasp the ankles and bring the heels to the buttocks. Ideally, your thighs should not be in contact with the floor. A beginner yogi should not pull his legs too much - this can harm. The asana promotes the work of the pubic and coccygeal muscles.


The man lies on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows, rest on the palms. Legs together, closed. On inhalation, the torso rises and leans back. The body should bend to the navel, then slowly back.


The man lies on his stomach. At the same time, he begins to pull his arms forward and legs back. From the side, the figure resembles a boat.


The man lies on his stomach. The chin and nose are in contact with the floor. Hands in fists lie along the body. Slowly begins to lift his legs and buttocks up. At the peak, linger for a few seconds, then gradually descend. Repeat several times.

Yoga mudra

The man sits on his heels, hands behind his back. The left hand wraps around the right wrist. Breathing is even. As you exhale, you need to get as close to the floor as possible and stay in this position for 20 seconds. Then rise slowly. Repeat the pose several times.

Tadasana with Mula Bandha

This activity consists of two poses: tandasana and mule bandaha.

The tadasana pose is performed as follows: you need to stand up, feet shoulder-width apart. Pull the shoulders slightly forward, the crown stretches up. In this position, there are 5 - 7 respiratory cycles.

Mula bandaha - consists in deliberately contracting the muscles of the anus. In the tadasana position, a man must strain the anus and penis. During the exercise, the yogi feels the scrotum rise upward. This asana improves the functioning of the prostate gland and also stimulates the production of sperm.

Sarpasana with Mula Bandha

The starting position for sarpasana is lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows and lying at face level. Then, gradually, the man should tilt his head back and bend each vertebra. At this time, in parallel, you need to strain the muscles of the anus. Stay in this position for a while. Then slowly return to the original.

Deterioration of health, fatigue, bad mood - are a contraindication for yoga exercises for potency. Psycho-emotional stability is fundamental in the classroom.

Find a competent trainer to do the exercises. An improperly performed exercise can worsen general condition... In addition, not every man will be able to perform asanas on his own. Special exercises will increase the body's defenses, put nerves in order and increase potency.

Video in the topic

To improve potency, and male health in general, it is imperative to strengthen the pubococcygeal muscle. Exists various techniques to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, yoga for potency is very popular. Total 5 easy exercises performed 3-4 times a week will significantly improve men's health in just a few weeks.

Exercises for potency help:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • prevention stagnation in the pelvic organs;
  • strengthening of an erection;
  • improving sensations during intercourse.

Yoga for male potency is aimed at strengthening the pubococcygeal muscle and improving blood circulation in the pelvic region. Yoga exercises will be an excellent prevention of prostatitis and hemorrhoids, they are shown to all men over 40 years old. According to statistics, men who regularly practice yoga face prostate diseases two times less often than those who prefer other types physical activity.

Yoga is twice as effective as other sports at protecting against prostate disease

In addition to strengthening important muscles male body The benefits of yoga for potency will be appreciated by men who regularly face stress. During exercise Special attention is paid to the psycho-emotional state, thanks to which the training contributes to the healing of not only the body, but also the psyche. Thus, yoga will help improve potency, normalize sleep, minimize the harmful effects of stress and clear thoughts by tuning in the right way.

How to Exercise?

If you do the exercises correctly, yoga to increase potency in men will quickly bring the expected results.

  1. Exercise should be done 2 hours after a meal, while it is important to eat light food before exercise, avoiding protein foods before exercise.
  2. The atmosphere is important - training is carried out in a clean and well-ventilated area.
  3. When choosing clothes for classes, preference is given to loose fit and natural materials.
  4. Correct nasal breathing is the foundation of yoga. With a runny nose, bronchitis and colds, it is better not to exercise. If shortness of breath is present, it is important to take breaks between exercises.
  5. It is best to exercise in the morning. The frequency of training is every other day.

Poor health, fatigue, any ailments and bad mood - all this is a reason to postpone the workout for another day. In yoga, composure and psycho-emotional stability are important, therefore, the mood during training is of great importance.

Asanas for potency

Each exercise should be done smoothly. Yoga does not tolerate fuss and rush - this is important to remember, especially for beginners. Doing the exercises with an instructor will help you avoid common mistakes that all beginners make when getting acquainted with yoga.

There are 5 most effective exercises:

  • Halasan's plow;
  • cobra Bhunjangasana;
  • Dhanurasana bow;
  • Grasshopper;
  • Yoga mudra.

The first four asanas are aimed at strengthening the muscles, the last exercise is a training for the mind and body, normalizing the psycho-emotional state of a man.

Exercise plow (Halasana)

Starting position - lying on your back. Having taken a comfortable position, you need to relax and normalize breathing. After lying quietly for 10-30 seconds, you need to raise your legs, then the lower back comes off the floor. The exercise is performed slowly and smoothly, without jerking or fussy movements. You can not bend your legs at the knee, the implementation requires muscle tension. The emphasis when raising your legs should not be on the shoulders, but on the middle of the back. It may seem daunting the first time, but as the muscles strengthen, it gets easier.

The purpose of the exercise is to touch the floor with straight legs raised above your head, staying in this position for half a minute, and then slowly return to starting position... At this time, the hands rest on the floor, providing support for the back.

Due to the tension of the pelvis and lower back, there is an improvement in blood flow to the organs. In the process, the trophism of the prostate improves. Repeat the exercise 3 times.


Cobra (Bhunjangasana)

Starting position - lying on your stomach on the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms are at the level shoulder girdle... Legs should be tightly closed and extended straight without bending. Take a deep breath, raising at this time upper part body, slightly bending in lumbar... Feeling that it will not be possible to bend more, you should linger in the upper position for 20 seconds, and then relax the body, returning to its original position. It is important to try to do the bend without using the arms, using them only to support the body in the upper position. The number of repetitions - 2-3, depending on physical fitness.

Asana Cobra

Asana Dhanurasana (bow)

The following yoga position helps to improve potency: lying on your stomach, rest your chin on the floor and gently bend your legs so that the soles touch the buttocks. Then you should grab your legs with your hands and bend in the lower back. Having lifted the upper body and thighs, linger in this position for half a minute, and then relax the body and return to the starting position.

This asana effectively strengthens the pubococcygeal muscle and improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Just 2-3 repetitions several times a week will significantly improve potency and have a positive effect on men's health.


Grasshopper exercise

Another important pose is the grasshopper. To do this, lie on your stomach with your face buried on the floor (chin and nose rest). Stretch your arms along the body, resting your clenched fists on the floor at hip level. You should take a deep breath and hold your breath, while raising your straight legs as high as possible. Having reached the limit, you need to linger for a few seconds, and then gradually lower your legs.

Exercise is prohibited for men with spinal problems. When doing it, it is important not to strain the upper back and not to help yourself with your hands, at this time only the muscles of the buttocks and the press are working. The exercise is quite difficult, therefore, it is enough to perform it 2 times, lingering in the upper position for 5-7 seconds.


Psychic union or "Yoga mudra"

The workout should be completed with a special asana aimed at normalizing the psycho-emotional state and a better understanding of one's own body.

It is necessary to kneel, lowering the pelvis on the heels and straightening your back. Hands are laid back, behind the back left hand grabs the right forearm. From this position, you should slowly lean towards the floor as far as the stretch will allow. Having held in the lower position for 20 seconds, you need to straighten up, relax the body, and then repeat the tilt by changing hands.

The slope is performed while holding the breath, in the lower position it is important to breathe evenly. As you inhale, the body rises and relaxes. When performing, it is very important to control breathing - in the starting position it should be even and deep.

This asana contributes to the acquisition of internal harmony, while it has a positive effect on the spine and digestion, since breathing in the lower position provides a massage of the abdominal organs.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that yoga is considered sufficient safe view physical activity, there are a number of contraindications. These include:

For an unprepared person, the first few workouts can be accompanied by physical discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the load by doing the workout twice a week, gradually increasing the frequency of the exercises. For some diseases of the spine, yoga is the best activity to strengthen the muscles, but only after consulting a doctor and under the supervision of an instructor. V otherwise improper distribution of the load on the spine can lead to injury.

Yoga to improve potency is necessary for all men, regardless of age and health. Even if there are no problems with potency, asanas should be performed by everyone who wants to improve men's health. Performing simple exercises regularly will be an excellent prevention. age-related changes prostate gland.

For yoga to be safe and effective, we must take correct position body when performing asanas. For example, before doing a twist, we rebuild the body: straighten the shoulders, stretch the spine, remove the shoulders from the ears.

With regular practice, this habit of correct body alignment is carried over to daily life: we sit with a straight back, walk with our head held high, breathe with our straightened chest - all these moments visually create the impression that a person has become taller and slimmer.

Therefore, if you have a fad on growth or stoop, then yoga is a great solution to get rid of it. Here are the basic asanas that will allow you to "cope" with small stature. Watch out, Naomi Campbell!

1. Downward-facing dog (Adha Mukho Shvanasana). This asana breaks all records for its effectiveness, which is why no yoga style can do without it. But one of its main advantages is excellent traction of the back of the legs and the development of flexibility in the spine.

2. Tree pose (Vrikshasana). It is as if it was created in order to strive upward. Place your hands in Namaste and your right heel at the base of your left thigh. With an inhalation, direct your arms up, at the same time, stretching with your whole body. With your eyes closed, visualize an increase in height.

3. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana). Another miraculous asana, which, in addition to lengthening the body, provides health-improving effect for the whole organism as a whole. Stretch your toes up more actively, but make sure your legs remain strong and stable.

4. Buttocks stretch pose (Pashchimottanasana). Here, not only the buttocks are stretched, but the spine and the back of the legs are stretched. Stay in this asana from three to five minutes, and in general - as long as possible, only then you can feel all its benefits.

5. Upavishta Konasana. In this position, the legs are lengthened as if in front of our eyes! Its regular practice strengthens and stretches the spine, rapidly increases the flexibility of the legs, and is also incredibly beneficial for women.

This simple complex in a few weeks will turn you from Little flour into a beautiful swan with a graceful gait and regal posture.


Potency problems arise not only in old age, but also in young healthy men. The main reasons are often stress and a sedentary lifestyle, which lead to poor blood circulation, a decrease in muscle tone and the development of impotence. How to protect your health from negative consequences? Yoga is of great importance for increasing potency in men. Ancient oriental art helps to strengthen muscles and maintain the health of the stronger sex. This is not just a set of exercises, but also spiritual, emotional practices that allow you to achieve effective results... Special positions perfectly heal the body, restore potency and improve the quality of sexual life. It is important to understand what yoga is useful for and how to properly perform the necessary exercises.

The benefits of yoga to increase potency in men

The main advantage oriental practices is that they are able to improve blood circulation in the pelvis. Often, it is as a result of regular work at the computer or insufficient level of activity that stagnant processes develop in the body. Violation of blood flow provokes male weakness and more serious pathologies, in particular prostatitis.

Yoga for potency useful also in that it stimulates energy flows responsible for sexual performance. Special exercises have a beneficial effect on the muscles, which is especially important for increasing their activity.

Yoga practice has a powerful effect on hip joints help to stretch the lumbosacral spine. In such places, nerve endings are often clamped, on which male strength depends. Practitioners eliminate such blockages and significantly improve sexual performance. Exercises with spinal flexion normalize the functioning of the adrenal glands, increase the production of sex hormones.

Emotional mood plays a large role in the training process. Men, doing useful exercises, relax, become more balanced and calm. Improving the functioning of the nervous system is another advantage that gymnastics has to increase potency. Psycho-emotional problems are a natural consequence of problems in sex life. Regular yoga practice gives an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, increases self-esteem. If the representatives of the stronger sex experience inner peace, they will be protected from stress and depression.

Exercise rules

In addition to correct technique performing asanas to obtain desired result several recommendations must be carefully followed:

  • Yoga exercises for potency are not suitable for beginners, since they require knowledge of certain skills and preliminary preparation.
  • Warm up before performing asanas to reduce the risk of joint and muscle injury. This is especially important for those muscle groups that are involved in the course of training: neck, back. Perform several bends, rotations of the elbow and knee joints.
  • It's important not to overdo it with exercise. No matter how much you would like to quickly achieve a positive effect and do everything as correctly as possible, each person has his own level of physical fitness and flexibility. You should not strive to immediately do the impossible. Over time, with the help of systematic exercises, flexibility will appear, and the performance of asanas will become much easier.
  • It is not recommended to eat 1.5 hours before training.
  • Morning is considered the ideal time to do the exercises, but any other will do as well, as long as the classes take place at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Yoga for impotence involves slowly entering each new position, without the use of much effort.
  • When doing the exercises, it is important to keep breathing under control, while the consciousness should concentrate on internal sensations.
  • The duration of each asana will depend only on your condition and well-being, because yoga for the potency of men should only bring pleasure.
  • At the time of exercise, unused muscles should be relaxed. Even if perfect execution is not achieved at first, it is not worth interrupting your workout. Systematic exercises will gradually give results in the field of sexuality, and the body will become more resilient and flexible.

Asanas for potency

Gymnastics to improve potency- it's really effective method... Reviews of experts and men confirm its beneficial healing effect on the body. Consider the main asanas that will help restore male strength and improve the quality of sex life.

Plow Pose - "Halasana"

To complete it, you need to take the starting position - lie down on your back. The legs, and then the lower back, slowly rise, while the toes should rest against the surface of the floor. The back is supported by the hands. Be sure to keep your legs in a straight position, try to lean on your upper back, and not on your shoulders. This position is held for at least 10–20 seconds. The asana is repeated 2 or 3 times. After this exercise, men feel energized and cheerful. Fatigue and exhaustion pass.

The plow position normalizes blood flow in the small pelvis, activates the adrenal glands, thereby improving the formation of sex hormones. As a result, male potency improves, muscle tone increases.

Yoga to increase potency, in particular the described asana, is not recommended for elderly men if they do not have appropriate physical training. In addition, the plow pose is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, sciatica of the lumbosacral spine, displacement of the intervertebral discs. After the described exercise, you must take the pose of the bow. Each asana, which involves flexion of the body, should be replaced by a posture with extension. This is important for improving blood pressure and reducing the risk of muscle strain.

Bow pose - Dhanurasana

You should lie on your stomach, while your chin should rest on the floor. The legs are slowly bent at the knees until the feet are pressed against the buttocks. After that, you need to bend over and grab the ankles with your hands. The chest and hips are lifted off the floor. The position is held for at least 10–20 seconds. It is repeated about 2-3 times.

Such gymnastics for potency stimulates work endocrine system, improves the functioning of the sweat glands. The onion pose is beneficial for people with hyperthyroidism. Exercise prevents the development of pathologies associated with sexual disorders.

Cobra Pose - Bhunjangasana

Yoga to increase potency in men is used quite often. One of best exercise considered the pose of the cobra. To perform it, you must lie on a flat surface with your stomach down. The arms are placed along the body and bend at the elbows so that the palms are comfortable to rest against the surface of the floor. Legs are brought together and lie flat. On inhalation, the body rises up and tilts back a little.

Initially, the deflection is performed without the help of hands, which are connected in the presence of insufficient voltage. As a result, a deflection occurs approximately up to the navel area. With further rise, the load falls on the hips. At the highest point of deflection, you should linger for 10–20 seconds, and then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. This yoga exercise for potency requires 2-3 repetitions. Asana has a positive effect on stretching the muscles of the abdomen, hips, back, which contributes to the health of organs chest, abdominal cavity. Exercise helps to strengthen and repair damage spinal column, eliminates disorders of the thyroid gland.

Cobra pose is contraindicated in patients diagnosed with thyroid interfunction.

Mental Union Pose

This yoga exercise for potency is performed from the starting position: sitting on the heels. A man should completely relax, close his eyes and breathe calmly. Hands are wound behind the back, then with one hand it is necessary to grasp the wrist with the other and slowly bend forward until the forehead touches the surface of the floor. You should stay in this position for 10–20 seconds, it is important to relax the muscles as much as possible. After this, there is a gradual return to the starting position.

After assuming the starting position, breathing should be restored until it becomes deep and unhurried. During the tilt, the air is exhaled. Gymnastics to improve potency involves repeating this exercise 2-3 times.

The pose of mental union well massages the organs that are located in the abdominal cavity, helps to get rid of many gastrointestinal diseases ( gastrointestinal tract): digestive problems, constipation. Asana stimulates the functioning of the spleen, liver, pancreas. Another advantage of the exercise is the restoration of the curved spine.

Rubbing the tailbone

Gymnastics for impotence will be more effective if you use one more useful exercise, which is called "rubbing the coccyx". To perform it, you need to lie on your back and take the most comfortable position. Hands should be placed behind the head, legs should be bent at the knees. After that, 10-15 quick breaths are performed with the involvement of the abdominal muscles. Then you need to move the pelvis from side to side at least 27 times. Such movements contribute to rubbing the coccyx, strengthening an erection.

Rotation by the pelvis

It is necessary to sit on a chair facing the back. Next, you should produce circular motion pelvis, holding the back of the chair with your hands. During the rotation, you need to take 1 inhalation and 1 exhale, while the abdominal muscles should be involved. The exercise is repeated at least 15 times.

Who is not allowed to do yoga

Despite the fact that yoga is very useful for increasing potency, there are a number of contraindications that do not allow performing the described exercises:

  1. Acute forms of diseases of internal organs;
  2. Mental pathology;
  3. Hypertension;
  4. Increased indicators of intracranial pressure;
  5. Serious heart disease;
  6. Inguinal hernia;
  7. Oncological diseases;
  8. Severe traumatic brain injury;
  9. The first 6 months after a stroke;
  10. Infectious diseases of the spinal cord or brain;
  11. Severe pathologies of the endocrine system.

Of course yoga has great importance to increase potency, but it is impossible to ignore the existing contraindications, since this can cause serious harm to health. If, after doing the exercises, your health worsens, you should consult with a qualified specialist about the features of such training.

A special set of yoga exercises is an effective means of healing the body and restoring potency. Experts say that the treatment of male impotence with the help of such exercises can achieve improvement after a few months.

If you do not have the flexibility and experience to properly perform asanas, do not give up training. Regular exercise really helps many men regain faith in themselves and in their strengths. Exercise not only helps to improve the quality of your sex life, but also builds flexibility and endurance.

The video will tell about what kind of gymnastics for increasing the potency of men really gives an impressive result.

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