Intervertebral disc protrusion - is it possible to play sports? Is it possible to train with protrusion of intervertebral discs? Running and protrusion of the spine.

Middle-aged and older people calmly perceive the limitations associated with the deformation of the vertebral cartilage.

But for the young, accustomed to leading an active lifestyle, necessary complex therapeutic exercises seems boring, you want to practice your favorite sport.

But is it possible to play sports with protrusions? If so, what kind of sports movements are good for a sore spine?

A bit of anatomy and physiology

What happens with such vertebral deformities? How does sports affect damaged cartilage and weakened ligaments in the back? How does protrusion and sport fit together?

Before answering these questions, it is necessary to consider what changes in the spinal discs occur with this disease, and how physical activity affects them during exercise:

  • Deformed intervertebral discs are not able to provide full amortization of the vertebrae. During jumping, or other similar sports activities the load on the cartilage, especially in the place of its bulging, increases many times over, which can lead to rupture of the annulus fibrosus and the occurrence. The most common hernial deformities of the intervertebral cartilage lumbar, on which there is a great physiological load.
  • Cartilaginous changes interfere with the full functioning of the muscles and ligaments of the back, and because of this, various subluxations and displacements of the vertebrae occur, if active active sports are chosen with protrusions of the spine. Such vertebral instability often leads to compression of the nerve process and pain.

So is it possible to play sports with vertebral diseases?

Cartilage deformity and physical movement

Before answering whether protrusion of intervertebral discs and sports are combined, it is necessary to consider what the usual physiotherapy for deformed cartilage tissue. The exercises are aimed at:

  • Strengthen the natural muscle corset of the back, providing additional protection spinal column with shock and increased loads.
  • Increase the elasticity of ligaments and muscles, thereby increasing the mobility of the vertebrae and reducing the risk of traumatic pinching of the nerve.

When deciding what kind of sports you can play with protrusion, it is necessary to analyze what effect this or that physical activity has on deformed cartilaginous tissue.

How to choose a type of exercise that is useful

Before deciding which sports movements are beneficial for protrusion, it is advisable to consider how different physical activities affect the condition of the vertebrae and deformed cartilage.


Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a physician (neurologist, therapist). Please see your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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  1. Julie Newbie


    I am 30 years old, height 166 cm, weight 58 km. I live in Moscow, I work for sedentary work at the computer (but to work and in general, if possible, I walk a lot, it has been experimentally proven that I can walk 40 km under a backpack of 6-10 kg). She did not give birth, she did not suffer from anything serious, from operations - only appendicitis in childhood. I smoked for 10 years, quit for two years, then fell out again and now I smoke from time to time for about a year. In terms of sports, I lead a more or less active lifestyle, for about 2.5 years I regularly (two, at least three times a week) sports swimming in a group with a coach, I run irregularly, ride a bike, alpine skiing, ice skating, sometimes I go hiking.

    About 1.5 months ago, my back in my lower back ached - it hurts to bend back (I have stopped swimming as a dolphin, it hurts), after an hour or two of half-lying, half-sitting position (lying on the sofa with a book), my back hurts for some time in any position. I can't track any obvious reasons like weight lifting, injuries, or especially heavy physical exertion, it's just that I suddenly got sick and that's it. I thought, pulled or blew, but since the back itself did not go away in a month (I tried to smear with the final gel, it did not help), I went to the clinic to see a doctor.

    The neurologist immediately prescribed milgamma (3 tablets a day for a month) and sirdarud 2 mg (1 tablet at bedtime for a week) and sent them to CT, here is the protocol:

    "The study was carried out with the axial orientation of the slices. The slice thickness is 1 mm, followed by MPR and V reconstruction.
    On computed tomograms, physiological lordosis is preserved. The lumbar spine axis is not deflected.
    The vertebral bodies are of the usual configuration.
    The spinal cord is located in the center of the spinal canal and is of normal thickness and density.
    The height of the intervertebral discs is reduced at the Th11-L1-L2-L3 level, subchondral sclerosis at the entire research level, marginal small osteophytes of the anterior surfaces L3-L5.
    Facet joints and uncovertebral joints are not changed.
    At the L4-L5 level, the intervertebral disc will stand paramedian to the right by 5 mm, narrowing the intervertebral foramen.
    At the L5-S1 level, the disc will stand up to 5 mm median.
    The ilio-sacral joints were unremarkable.
    Conclusion: CT signs of protrusions L4-L5-S1. Degenerative changes in the lumbar spine, without signs of spondyloarthrosis "

    After that, the neurologist prescribed, in addition to the aforementioned drugs, Nise (1 tablet three times a day for a week) and Diclac 5%. Sent to a physiotherapist, who prescribed electrophoresis with novocaine (8 procedures). The neurologist also said that the protrusions are large and they are not treated, they say, you will live with it.

    And another neurologist (who also saw the pictures) said that there is no need to drink Nise (I will plant the liver and, in general, these are pills of dubious Indian origin), sirdarud is also not the best option in the sense side effects... This neurologist is not my doctor, but we go to the pool together to the same coach. Therefore, based on the fact that she knows how we train, she suggested that, most likely, the problem is not in protrusions (this, they say, is generally bullshit, and, judging by the pictures, protrusions are not pressing on any nerves), but the point is tense back muscles and, possibly, too strong deflections when swimming with a dolphin (yes, this style is generally worse for me than others ...). And since stretching after class (45 minutes, during which we swim about 1.7 km) is not included in our training complex, the muscles are not stretched, hence the pain. It seemed logical to me, since over the years of swimming, I still strengthened my back quite well (although initially I went to the pool not at all because of my back). This neurologist also said that in this case it is necessary to do yoga-Pilates, add massage and / or acupuncture to physiotherapy, it would be good to wear orthopedic insoles(I have flat feet, and who doesn't?), and if I want to hike, then under the backpack I have to wear a corset just in case.

    As a result, I drink milgamma and sirdarud (there is only 1 day left, so I decided to the end), I was on three PTO procedures, but I didn't drink nise. So far there are no improvements, the back only suddenly became more tired (because of sirdarud?).

    1) Dear experts, could you comment on the prescribed treatment and especially the differences in the opinions of the two neurologists?

    Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!

  2. La murr Administrator Forum team

    Member Since Mar 3, 2013 Posts: 14.979 Likes: 15.657

    You can contact any doctor on the forum on his personal profile page or in correspondence, giving a link to your topic and asking questions that interest you. Thus, you will draw the doctors' attention to your situation. This will speed up the response of the specialists.

  3. Julie Newbie

    La murr, thank you, I wrote to them!
  4. SvetlanaV Active user

    There are specialists in Moscow who work with a muscle corset. There are very few of them - but they are ...
  5. AIR Chiropractor, Ph.D.


    Click to Expand ...

    Hello! Judging by the number of questions, she is a very inquisitive girl!
    Judging by what was written, the second neurologist is closer to the truth ... Only therapeutic and restorative measures should be more specific ..
    There are centers and specialists of different caliber and different degrees of preparedness in Moscow .. True, there is absolutely no need to "strengthen the muscle corset" in this situation ..

    I know a little, but I guess a lot (A.S. Pushkin) ...

  6. Timur Huseynov Active user

    Member since Feb 12, 2008 Posts: 907 Likes: 509 Address: Moscow

    1) Dear experts, could you comment on the prescribed treatment and especially the differences in the opinions of the two neurologists?

    2) Do I need to do an MRI? I understand that CT does not show everything or not exactly. The first neurologist did not mention this at all, the second said - it is not necessary.

    3) Can I go hiking under a heavy backpack without a corset?

    4) Is there a use for posture correcting corsets during sedentary work (I slouch a lot, I can't keep my back straight for a long time)? Pros and cons?

    5) Can you swim with a dolphin? If not, then never at all or only while your back hurts? Considering that I am not swimming from scratch, but at the same time I am far from being a professional.

    6) So are these protrusions treated or not? Maybe they can be adjusted with a massage? Where and how to find a good chiropractor? I'm afraid of running into crooks.

    7) Is it possible to ski (also at an amateur level)? And then soon it is just the season to open.

    8) Are there any centers in Moscow (individual specialists?) That conduct exercise therapy classes? At home, there is no opportunity to do the exercises myself, not knowing how to do it right, I think it is dangerous for my health. but how to determine if they are swindlers or really understand something in this matter?

    Click to Expand ...

    1. The retelling of the doctor's opinion "not during working hours", but "to talk on vacation" is hardly reliable. Although the impression is that the second doctor is more right.
    2. Don't need it.
    3. Your question is rather about a reasonable amount of physical activity. It matches your abilities and does not give the impression that you have any health problems that interfere with active image life. An active lifestyle has risks. But this risk is well worth an active lifestyle. In theory, a corset can protect you from something, but at the cost of discomfort. Or maybe take care of a good physical form and then the corset is not needed and there is no discomfort?
    4. Useless after 6-10 years.
    5. If you are convinced that from this aggravation, why do you need it? Oh, this is our desire to step on a rake again. Listen to your body, it's smart. Keep swimming styles that you enjoy and feel good after.
    6. Protrusion is a natural and inevitable process age-related changes... Thus, you are raising the question of the treatment of age-related changes. To strengthen understanding - about the treatment of OLD AGE. The eternal question. Eternal desire. And everything is elementary simple. Maintain your physical and mental health with constant exercise. Be in shape, be in good shape. Want to live. Enjoy life. And live up to a hundred years with dignity and interest. And regret those who became feeble old people at the age of 40.
    7. Actually answered. Ride and have fun. Ideal if you are physically ready for it.
    8. You write:
    "For about 2.5 years, I regularly (two, at least three times a week) go in for sports swimming in a group with a coach, I run irregularly, ride a bike, ski, skate, and sometimes go hiking."
    Why would a healthy person add activity for deep retirees? Low load - go to fitness equipment.

  7. Vladimir Vorotyntsev Doctor - chiropractor, rehabilitation therapist

    Two Moscow doctors who answered you, Julie, and also Doctor F.P. Stupin. just those doctors who can help get rid of existing problems.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to jog with protrusion, it is necessary to refer to the recommendations of specialists.

After studying most of the forums where doctors make recommendations, at first it seems that many of them contradict each other.

Most of them relate to the daily routine and, but some - to and.

They will be able to help deal with the dilemma of whether running is useful for protrusion of intervertebral discs. Here are some of them:

  • stay more and take walks in the fresh air;
  • when walking, the head and back should be kept straight;
  • when sedentary work, for example, at a computer, it is necessary that the back rests on the back of a chair;
  • you can do, jogging, as well as sliding cross-country skiing;
  • sports that must be categorically abandoned - equestrian, weightlifting, basketball.

A more detailed list of sports not recommended for protrusion, including the following:

  1. Sports that require a high load on the spine - jumping both high and long, javelin and hammer throwing, wrestling, weightlifting.
  2. Hockey, football and others game types that are traumatic. They have fast movement in jerks, collisions and falls.
  3. Alpine skiing, since it is very traumatic, during movement there is a strong compression on the spine.
  4. Such seemingly calm views such as golf, tennis, badminton - due to sudden movements, deviations and inclinations.
  5. Running exercises.


Are running and protrusion compatible? To this question, the previous recommendation states that it is forbidden to actively run for this disease.

This is due to the fact that at the end of the flight phase (which distinguishes running from), when the foot lands, there is a strong concussion of almost the entire body.

The intervertebral discs function as a shock absorber. When practicing this sport, there is frequent compression and then unclenching of the discs (compression-decompression). If the exercises are systematic, then with a sick spine, the resource of the shock absorber will quickly decrease.

According to a number of experts, running directly will not lead to herniated discs. However, it is this type of physical education that can enhance the development of pathology or activate other processes leading to back pain.

With frequent jogging during treatment, the vertebrae will recover much more slowly.

Most experts respond positively to jogging with protrusion, setting several conditions:

  • the presence of special shoes with soft soles;
  • you can only run on unpaved paths;
  • before starting systematic jogging, you need to do special ones.

Protrusion running should never take place on hard treadmills or stadiums. For jogging, choose softer soil.

Back muscle preparation

Disc protrusion is the initial stage forming a hernia, which is sometimes treated with surgery.

But it does not even eliminate the causes of the disease. The protruding piece of the disk is cut off, but the deformation remains.

This is due to strong squeezing, which manifests itself when the back muscles - the muscular corset - are weakened.

The muscle corset can be shaped and backed up. Strong muscles the backs will again begin to perform their functions - to carry a vertical load. The cartilage in the disc will be able to recover in its shape.

To do this, you need to do therapeutic exercises, many exercises of which are performed in the supine position.

It would seem how exercises performed while lying on your back will help restore muscles? However, many are helped.

Only after restoring the muscle corset, you can start jogging. In this case, having eliminated the cause, you do not have to worry about the recurrence of pain due to a new hobby.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a physician (neurologist, therapist). Please see your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Is it possible to play sports with a hernia of the spine or after removal of a hernia / protrusion? In fact, some sports can be practiced, but their list is rather limited. Most sports are contraindicated for back hernias, and this is true for both the cervical and lumbar and thoracic regions.

The fact is that a herniated disc leads to a general destabilization of the spinal column and often pinches (compression occurs) spinal nerves and blood vessels. Practicing conditionally "aggressive" sports (for example, boxing) will only worsen the course of the disease and lead to the development of formidable complications.

1 What physical limitations does hernia and protrusion impose on a person?

Intervertebral hernias of even the smallest sizes in one way or another affect a person's ability to work. At the very least, they disrupt the stability of the work of one of the fundamental elements of the musculoskeletal system - the spine.

For example, damage to the lower back leads to the gradual development of partial immobilization of the back. That is, over time, the patient's mobility in the lumbar spine decreases. If earlier he could easily do lateral bends, then after a couple of years such a movement can cause severe pain in him.

What can we say about sports, which is completely contraindicated for most patients with hernia (not all, but most types). And for some patients with a severe hernia (which requires surgical intervention) any sports may be prohibited at all.

What caused the ban? Development of specific limitations due to disease. Moreover, the restrictions are divided into two types:

  1. Physiological limitations. The patient simply cannot play sports due to severe pain syndrome, severe inflammatory processes, and swelling. Most patients understand only such restrictions (they cannot be violated), but they ignore medical recommendations.
  2. Physician-imposed restrictions. In this case, the doctor assesses the potential risk of certain actions. For example, if, against the background of a hernia of the neck, the patient develops compression (compression) of the vertebral artery, then he is prohibited from sharp bending of the neck. Because it is potentially dangerous with acute obstruction of the vertebral artery.

Not everything is so bad: sometimes you can benefit from playing sports if you have an intervertebral hernia. And it's not only about remedial gymnastics (exercise therapy): sometimes patients are prescribed independent sports (for example, water aerobics).

But independent initiative is prohibited. The patient should not choose sports for himself, as this may result in disability.

2 What sports with a hernia are allowed: a list of directions

We examined the question of whether it is possible to play sports with a spinal hernia. But what kind of sports can you do? It turns out that there are not so few of them, so people who love an active lifestyle will have something to do with themselves until they are completely cured.

The following sports are allowed (in most cases and only in the presence of a moderate to moderate hernia):

  • general remedial gymnastics in the gym or at home - however, it is forbidden to perform any gymnastic elements that imply an excessive axial or rotational load on the spinal column;
  • classes on the horizontal bar - you can pull yourself up with any grip, just hang on the horizontal bar, other elements are prohibited (you can read about it separately);
  • basic yoga asanas - various uncomplicated poses for stretching the spine or stretching the musculo-ligamentous apparatus;
  • swimming in the pool (only under the supervision of a coach);
  • bench press and deadlift gym- nothing else can be done (squats with extra weight are especially dangerous);
  • sports running or walking - only at a slow pace, without acceleration (since the spinal column will constantly be injured, because running is essentially a constant fall from foot to foot);
  • rollerblading (if there is no partial immobilization of the back) and cycling;
  • very carefully you can do badminton or tennis (both large and table tennis).

The sports listed in the list cannot be allowed to every patient, without exception, even with a moderately leaking spinal hernia. Everything is individual, but in general, such a list is suitable for most patients.

And still in mandatory you need to visit your doctor before starting any type of physical activity, even the most harmless one. You need to start classes with a coach, so that at first he controls the correctness of your performance of various elements. Moreover, not the first instructor you come across will suit you: those who are familiar with the peculiarities of training for problems with the spine should be chosen.

2.1 What sport is good for hernia?

Above, we have described in general all kinds of sports available for patients with intervertebral hernia, but which of them are most useful for this disease? And here we are also waiting for good news, because there are enough sports allowed, and besides, useful for hernias.

Useful sports for spinal hernia:

  1. Specific remedial gymnastics. Such gymnastic complexes developed specifically for the treatment (even if symptomatic) of a vertebral hernia. Not just a preferred, but a necessary option for physical activity.
  2. Swimming in the pool. In water, the load on the musculoskeletal system as a whole becomes less. Therefore, classes become less traumatic, and due to resistance muscle activity water - also effective for the development of endurance.
  3. Race walking (but running is not that good). It is a mistake to believe that walking develops only the buttocks and legs. In fact, the back muscles are involved in the process of walking, which is what we need. Running is getting worse: it is not prohibited, but not recommended either.
  4. Exercises on the horizontal bar (pull-ups and hanging). A good technique for training the back muscle corset. When exercising on a horizontal bar, the effect on the intervertebral hernia is minimal. But there is also a minus: improper training seriously increases the risk of spinal column injury.
  5. Bench and deadlift in sports hall... It would seem - how so, does this traction injure the back? Bench press and deadlift allowed without heavy weight, that is, with an empty bar (or with a slight burden if the patient is well developed physically). In addition, it is necessary for the patient to be constantly monitored by a trainer: you cannot practice on your own.

The described sports are most useful for intervertebral hernias. They do not cure it (unless they can reduce the intensity of symptoms), but help in treatment if basic (complex) therapy is carried out against the background.

3 What sports are prohibited for hernia and protrusions?

Simply put, in case of intervertebral hernia / protrusion, any sports that are not included in the list of permitted sports are prohibited. Some prohibited sports still need to be emphasized, because patients continue to practice them even if the doctor prohibits them.

Prohibited sports (most dangerous):

  • any types of martial arts (especially MMA and wrestling) - create a huge load on the entire musculoskeletal system, have a high chance of spinal injuries, and are generally dangerous even for healthy people, not to mention patients with hernia or protrusion;
  • ice skating or hockey - these sports require coordinated work of the muscular, sensory and skeletal systems, that is, maximum balance, which means a high load on the spine, which must be excluded in the presence of a hernia;
  • fitness - in itself, it is low-traumatic, but includes too much gymnastic elements, in which turns and tilts of the body are needed, which in the presence of an intervertebral hernia or protrusion is fraught with exacerbation and progression of the disease;
  • playing football or basketball - an extremely high load on the spinal column, although less than during boxing or wrestling; besides, it is easy to get a back injury here (especially in basketball, due to jumping);
  • throwing nuclei, rock climbing, rope climbing - all these sports are united by an excessive load on the back, and not only the spinal column, but also the musculo-ligamentous apparatus are subject to trauma.

Of course, some of the patients may have access to some of the sports from this list. But only the attending physician can make decisions about the appropriateness and safety of such activities.

3.1 How to train with a hernia of the spine? (video)

An intervertebral hernia is a displacement of the nucleus pulposus between the vertebral discs, which provokes the formation of pathological growths. Osteochondrosis of any localization, vitamin deficiency, lack of adequate nutrition, jumps in body weight, improper distribution of physical activity are considered a common cause of occurrence. Treatment of pathology involves medical and surgical correction. In addition to the main methods of treatment, there are alternative ways: physiotherapy exercises, organization of normal nutrition, carrying out physiotherapeutic measures. Adequate therapy allows you to achieve lasting therapeutic results, thanks to the complex effects of all the necessary tactics. Intervertebral hernia - frequent illness young people leading too active or, on the contrary, inactive lifestyle. After the manifestation of pathology, patients have reasonable questions, is it possible to lead the old way of life without worsening their well-being?

Permissible physical activity

Sports, medical gymnastics and training are important for any diseases of the musculoskeletal, articular and skeletal systems. After prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely prescribe a visit to the exercise therapy room. A professional medical trainer will help you draw up the necessary training methodology that will help strengthen the muscle corset, saturate cells with oxygen, and increase the conductivity of the nerve endings of the vertebral structures. Exercise helps not only create beautiful posture, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole. Acceptable types of training include:
  • yoga and pilates;
  • physiotherapy exercises (stretching, primitive complexes);
  • gymnastics, dance shaping;
  • Nordic walking;
  • skiing (without intensive descents from the slopes, jumps);
  • easy running.

Each exercise should be performed softly, smoothly, without sudden movements. Patients should not experience pain during any exercise, as well as their intensification at the end of the exercise. With osteochondrosis, swimming or water aerobics may be effective, but subject to the permission of the doctor and the initial stage of the formation of pathology.

Fundamental rules

Therapeutic training should be of therapeutic benefit to patients. Otherwise, the hernial protrusion will increase simultaneously with the displacement of the intervertebral discs. For the best effect, a number of special rules should be followed:
  • lack of discomfort and pain;
  • the first lessons should be conducted with an instructor;
  • amplitude exercises, jumps, jumps, twisting should be excluded;
  • it is important to follow the training regimen, to carry out them according to a strict scheme;
  • the intensity should be feasible, moderate;
  • you can not exercise immediately after taking analgesics, antispasmodics:
  • classes should be conducted in a good mood.

If the patient has a period of exacerbation of the disease, various viral or fungal diseases in the active phase, feeling unwell and other unpleasant symptoms, you should stop exercising. It is recommended to start the first lessons gradually, with minimum load... This also applies to patients who had an active lifestyle before the illness. Running with a hernia of the lumbar spine should be moderate, enjoyable, pleasant warmth from muscle tension should spread through the body.

Running, even if all the recommendations are followed, is not suitable for all patients with a diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis. Cross-country skiing and Nordic walking should be carried out under the guidance of an instructor, especially in cases where the patient has not previously been skiing.

Prohibited sports and exercise

The disease requires caution with physical activity the patient. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, you should be careful when doing the following sports:
  • weightlifting, high jumping;
  • all types of wrestling, single combats;
  • mountain sports (cycling, mountaineering, downhill skiing);
  • boxing, bodybuilding, power sports;
  • trampoline jumping, horse riding;
  • skates, rope exercises.

Many experts prohibit running. When running, a person makes jumping movements, makes a strong load on the foot and spine. But in many cases, running is allowed under the condition of moderate intensity, when it looks more like race walking... Running in the usual sense is prohibited with a hernia of the spine. Running on a treadmill in the gym is equivalent to running on the street.

When running, shaking movements occur, with a protruding intervertebral hernia, this can only increase painful sensations, contribute to the generalization of the pathological process. An alternative to running can be walking skiing, race walking.

Hernia skiing

Skiing in the woods is a type of therapeutic exercise with more more benefit for the body than jogging. The brain is saturated with oxygen, the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened, the spine is unloaded due to the support on the sticks. The patient experiences a surge of emotions, vitality, and acquires an excellent mood. In the absence of contraindications, skiing - effective method complex treatment of intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis, due to the following effects:
  • strengthening of muscle structures, restoration of the back corset;
  • getting rid of excess weight(along with the diet);
  • reducing the load on the vertical axis of the spine (due to sticks);
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • training for many muscle groups;
  • improvement of cardiac activity.

Before the first lesson, you can contact a trainer who will help formulate and show the degree permissible load with the usual riding. A good alternative winter skiing can be scandinavian walk With ski poles... Walking with ski poles is acceptable at any time of the year, does not require a special ski track.

Sports activities, if properly combined and selected, are beneficial for almost any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It should be understood that in addition to training, compliance correct diet, a course of drug therapy or even surgical correction. Compliance with medical prescriptions and commitment of the patient help to cope with the most unpleasant diseases, significantly improve the quality of life and contribute to the future health of generations.

2017-06-26T14: 53: 59 + 00: 00

Is it possible to ski with a hernia of the lumbar spine? This question often worries patients accustomed to an active lifestyle. Taking into account the stage of development of the disease and the characteristics of the course, the doctor will make the necessary recommendations regarding treatment, sports, lifestyle.

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